BAD NEWS: Eric Feigl-Ding declares Congressional UFO testimony "credible," proving we must be alone in the universe
Also open thread
From the world’s most obnoxious virus pest:
In other news, animal samples seized by the lion hunters of Kleinmachnow have been tested. The lion faeces and the lion hair turn out to be from a plant-eating wild boar.
While the Austrian chapter of Letzte Generation conduct further highway obstructions, the German climate-gluers announce that they’ve gotten the very memo which Extinction Rebellion received months ago, and will stop blocking streets now. They will annoy corporations, members of parliament and yacht owners instead. I am sceptical; remember, they are still on their pre-announced summer holiday.
Finally, CDC director Mandy Cohen suggests her agency is on the verge of recommending annual Covid jabs for all Americans, which would make the United States a significant outlier in vaccine policy.
I dunno, man, I can see where he's coming from. Advanced Chinese spy technology doing whatever the fuck it wants in barely-restricted US airspace (and was probably invited anyway) is so hard to believe it stretches all credulity.
You'll be telling us COVID was a hoax, next.
He has also proven that there is much less intelligent life in the universe than originally speculated.