Tomas Pueyo, lockdown thinkfluencer, issues edict on the Ukraine
Believe me when I tell you that the climatists, the Ukrainists, the Covidians, the mass migrationists, and the antiracists are all expressions of the same malign force.
The western borg is not a place. It’s a state of mind. As it expands across the world, it aims to rob other places of their placehood too, and assimilate them to the same shallow diffuse global consumerist project. The western borg likes to conceive of itself as post-national and post-political. Its values, in its own conception, exist on a higher plane, like religious or philosophical truths. They are about “freedom” and “democracy” and “peace” and “human rights.” Yet people in the West do not have much voice in government, they are not free, the western borg instigates wars across the world, and western assimilated governments do not care about anybody’s rights.
These are just the words with which the western borg seeks to disguise its imperialist, autocratic tendencies. Unlike some of you, I prefer to see the actions of the borg as essentially undirected, and the result of internal dynamics. It arises from a lot of separate forces, among them prosperity and technology, the complexity of mass society and its management, and the universal claims of the liberal democratic political tradition. All of its ideological obsessions and propaganda narratives either further or express its totalising project in some way.
Upcoming: Observations about the ongoing Omicron wave in Europe, a review of Alex Berenson’s Pandemia, and thoughts on whether Corona is truly ending or merely taking a break. I just had to get this out of my system first.
I live in Kyiv. Gimme a break! We are happy that the West is helping us fight Russia. But we are unhappy that the West (viz, neocons) got us into it in the first place. We wouldn't need NATO help now if the west had not shoved NATO down Putin's throat.
We are happy that we have freedom of speech. More than in the US - political correctness will get you fired - or Canada, where they will rob and jail you.
We are happy that men are men and women are women. We know which bathrooms to use and we don't need instruction from Biden and Rachel Levine,.
Ukraine is a place and a people. It is not part of the decadent west. What we desperately need is to be left alone.
So many of us have taken our God given natural rights & freedom for granted for far too long. We've been too willing to give up the hard work that comes with self-reliance and responsibility, content to let the nanny state grow into a sociopathic beast that is consuming us. The deep state combined the sinister immediacy of social media is allowing the sociopaths to prey on an increasingly dumbed down & numbed population in ways that Goebbels could only dream about. At the same time, one can sense that the next Great Awakening is occurring. Eyes are being opened and we see the globalists for who they really are: demonic. When they start killing children, it's far past the time for compromise.