Feb 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I know this is unkind, but I laughed out loud reading this. I have family who are just like this and I need to see the humor most days or I'm lost in the mess. Thanks eugyppius :)

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

My brother won't talk to me anymore because

I didn't get vaccinated. It's weird to have a sibling cheering for your death.

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It's your Covidian soul he worries about. Remember this is a religion, not reality.

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Nah, he just hates being wrong. Cognitive dissonance

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Again, Fear, you win the comment prize.

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Do I get a free booster????!!

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You can have a limitless number of boosters! ...until your immune system packs up in disgust at you!

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But if sacrificing 1,000.000.000 perfectly functioning immune systems saves just one grannie's life--isn't it worth it?

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Pretty sure you still get a "free" donut with your booster in New York. That's what I call a win!!! But, I don't think you get a private room when you stroke out after the jab! You win some, you lose some.

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The Clottery! You can't win if you don't play.

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Depends on your definition of ‘free’.

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You can have mine.

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My husband is in the same boat, two of his brothers won’t talk to us. They live 5 minutes away, we haven’t seen one set of cousins in over a year and then it was 20 feet away, with masks on and outside. We already had Delta but somehow natural immunity doesn’t count it their books. I’m hoping as the Omicron wave fades and we pull into summer the kiddos can at least see each other.

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It’s not about immunity. It’s about compliance and submission to your betters.

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Thanks for sharing! Sorry to hear that . It’s toxic out there. It’s not right that—natural immunity has not been promoted, supported , by the medical establishment. And my daughter caught Covid early on working the frontlines. Her job has been in jeopardy because of the mandates. The stress and anxiety from that has been out the roof. Too, she has a dear friend that suffered heart damage immediately after the vaccine...

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I agree wholeheartedly Charlie! My husband has tinnitus since receiving J and J April 2021 and his coworker has acute transverse myelitis and is quite disabled, also from J and J. Adverse events are not rare. BTW, we just all had Omicron go through our home, if tests are to be considered true. All were symptomatic. My daughter and I, unvaxxed, prior infection Delta April 2021, seemed to have less symptoms than vaxxed hubby and daughter's boyfriend. They both had fevers and aches and pains for several days. Ours was more like a short cold. How sad for your daughter to have this stress. I must admit my great relief when US supreme court shot down the general vax mandate for workers. I was so stressed over that! It is unbelievably ridiculous that they continue to dismiss natural immunity. I cannot go into most restaurant in Philadelphia, near me. Oh well, don't really miss Philly much anyway!

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Sorry to hear about your husband and coworker. I really appreciate the information! My daughter family’s natural immunity has been rock solid! And these mandates are serious transgressions that are not to be taken lightly. Cheers to the Canadian truckers with fingers crossed!!!

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I found the best place to eat since we renamed ‘typical viral illness’ to ‘COVID-19’… my kitchen! Turns out my wife and I can prepare much better and much healthier meals at home. Won’t miss most of the local restaurants with their over-processed, industrialized foods.

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Same, brother in law's wife is a teacher, all their young kids vaxxed 🤬and go to elementary school, BIL goes to work, deals with customers, but none will even be exposed to my vaxxed husband because, I guess, the rest of us aren't vaxxed. They wouldn't even hear about natural immunity. Hubby's the only one who stops in down the street to visit his dad and sis when he's traveling for work. None of them will see us. Originally dad and sis rejected hubby too, but I sent him to wave thru the window and they realized they were ridiculous. Now they rationalize that they're boosted, so they're protected even if hubby isn't boosted, and they go out in public, but still refuse my kids unless vaxxed. Sick. My poor kids don't understand. 😢

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What the actual f$&k is wrong with these people?? That is sad for them, what a shame.

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Thanks for sharing. Very sorry. Tragic...

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Honestly, their loss. Saves us at least a week and plenty of money. They're just embarrassing themselves.

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Ignoring natural immunity is a giveaway in terms of determining the level of delusion and vax-obsession. I will find out for myself if my (recent) natural immunity is accepted...but I honestly don't care that much anymore. That's post-covid clarity for you.

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It's odd that people who shout "Trust the Science" don't believe in the science called immunology.

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It's laziness because they don't read about immunology or listen to anyone outside of Fauci and co talking heads. It's not about the scientific method but a fundamentalist science dogma. There's no room for questions or discovery in the latter.

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A damn good one! And the mandates are a form of rape.

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I feel you, we hardly get to see my mom's side of the family and my cousin is finally getting married this summer, my whole family was invited, but my uncle has since uninvited us because we were unvaccinated. We've already had Delta as well but he said he doesn't believe in natural immunity.

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Where I live in Canada weddings and funerals have been banned since April 2020

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My cousin said I was not welcome at her wedding. I responded that I hadn't planned on coming anyhow since I'd attended her virtual wedding June of 2020. (Wonder if everyone will wear masks. I heard those cloth face masks are used for BDSM porn. They sure get treated like fetishes.)

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They’ll demand your children be vaccinated.

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Just say... No.

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Haven’t we heard that before? Something about not taking drugs…

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I'm all for adults taking whatever drugs they want... But when some creepy politician is offering you free money, doughnuts, booze, and weed to take something that should trigger the fight or flight response.

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Bang. Nailed it. The internal divisions this has caused at the most fundamentally important human level are utterly vicious. The experts pushing this are, again, either evil or intensely stupid. In both cases, they are fucking useless.

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Not useless and they're definitely not stupid. If the goal is a controlled cull then the methods become useful.

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Yes, useful to the nefarious agenda, I agree. I just mean useless to decent folk. Almost all the doctors, for example, are thoroughly compromised, so I can't imagine going to them with anything other than fear and loathing in the future. IF I ever go to them.

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Feb 11, 2022·edited Feb 11, 2022

Is it a conspiracy if the cull isn't actually controlled though, and why bother masking children? My money is on the stupidity of a nanny culture that denigrates actual science lest we notice reality as exemplified by IQ bell curves, crime rates, 'Y' chromosomes etc.

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Totally agree!

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Not content with killing, they work through corrupting people too. I noticed they persuaded us to violate our consciences constantly in a number of ways back in 2020. Those who chose to fully obey these anti human edicts have destroyed part of their moral compass.

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I disagree with that because it assumes we were unified before. We never were and never will be. 70% of humans just go with the flow to get by. This hysteria has just made that fact more prominent, but it's always been reality.

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You think it's only 70 percent? Sometimes it seems to me as though it were closer to 90 percent or even higher.

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I was hospitalized during the summer for about a week. When I got out, I had a couple of family members who were literally mad at me for being “reckless” with something that was “totally preventable” (ie I was unvaccinated). My own brother was one of the most vocal. He called me stubborn and arrogant.

I showed them all grace at the time and let it go.

Since that time, every bit of the data has come my way. None of them hassle me anymore about vaccination for me or my teenagers. They all admit as much. Am I rubbing it in their faces? Absolutely not. The name of the game is still grace and forgiveness.

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You're a better person than I.

My mother (far away) was the original COVID cheerleader, constantly telling me how "they" should force everybody to stay home to "be safe," padlock all the shops, etc. Watches CNN 24/7 and talks about all the "babies dying in hospitals from the virus" (what?). Got all her shots and boosters just like she was told, but doesn't feel any safer (naturally so).

Now every week she calls me and moans about how lonely she is, and nobody comes to see her, and she never gets to go anywhere (but when someone offers to take her, she won't go because it's "too risky").

I have to tell her, "Ma, this is the life you chose. This is the life you demanded everybody else live. You can stop at any time. Just choose to live another way." And then our exchange of views is complete for another week.

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Same with my (part Jewish) mother. She told me that the non-jabbed "were not welcome in our country anymore". I've accepted her at her word.

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Life is risky. Death inevitable. Sad to waste her remaining days that way.

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100% agree. You can't hate people because they made poor judgments, had more fear than you/reacted irrationally or simply bought the koolaid. Though there are a few I'd seriously like to punch out.

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Feb 4, 2022·edited Feb 4, 2022

They can be as irrational and make as many poor judgments as they like, up until the point they demand that I be forced by the state to make the same choices they did. At that point, it enters the realm of self-defense, and I owe them no more than I would owe any other forcible assailant.

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I don't hate them because they made a poor judgment. We all do that. I hate them because they behaved like Nazis and enabled the real Nazis to get away with this. Screw them!

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Yes, I agree with RE Nichols--there are some innocents here and there are the vaxholes. Those are the ones I reference in my last line!

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I distinguish between the ordinary vaxxed and the vaxxholes. Or Covidians. I avoid the latter not because of potential shedding but because they are mean and nasty.

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>> 100% agree. You can't hate people because they made poor judgments, had more fear than you/reacted irrationally or simply bought the koolaid.

Watch me.

Also, I'll just go ahead and bite the bullet and say, "Nazis."

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I did “not see” that coming.

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That's a wonderful attitude.

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Grace and forgiveness are not the name of the game. Letting people off the hook only means it will happen again. I will not have any further contact with any family member or other individual who has snubbed me because I am not vaxxed. There's no point anyway, because our inter-reactions will be totally without depth. And I don't want to spend the next 30 years talking about sport and the weather, and pretending everything is fine.

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you're just bitter. do better

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Many don't want forgiveness and won't be reconciled. They hate us and that can't be changed.

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How did they actually come around? I feel like people are still not seeing the numbers and our health board continues to propagate vaxxed versus unvaxxed data that just doesn’t seem correct based on international data.

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I - sans jab- talked to a guy today. Told he and his wife - jabbed x 3 - had Covid over Christmas. A bad week or two, but then added , sans evidence , it would have been worse if they had not been pricked ( my term ) .

No doubt in his mind .

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That's the current level of thinking. The jabbed have completely memory holed the fact that Mini Mengele promised them that taking the jab would stop them ever getting Covid.

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Absolutely! Good for you.

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No, we will never forget what these demons did. They are terrorists by definition (spreading fear for political gain). They are amoral and tried to aid and abet coercion to avoid informed consent (crimes against humanity).

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You're a better man than I....

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deletedFeb 3, 2022·edited Feb 3, 2022
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True grace and forgiveness has nothing to do with what the other person does or thinks or feels.

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Practically the whole substance of forgiveness is giving up bitterness towards others. Resist, however, the false virtues of tolerance, appeasement, and forgetfulness. Esp. forgetfulness, since this will set you up to become their victim again when you drop your guard and undermine motive to deter and correct them. When they whine and cry that your are being harsh, remind them of the obvious hypocrisy of their complaint, and of their earlier cultish behavior.

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So I should forgive the nazis who killed my Jewish grandfather? I think not.

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Don't talk about Nazis that way!

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We can be willing to forgive, but if they don't want our forgiveness they cannot receive its benefits. Nor can we be reconciled without repentance on their sides. As far as owing them forgiveness--the whole notion of mercy and grace is that they are better than what is deserved. Unearned. So we don't owe THEM forgiveness. As a Christian I view it as my debt to Christ Who showed me mercy.

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Fauci? Is that you?

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Only one? Lucky you! I have six remaining siblings -- the eldest passed away two years BAC (Before the Age of COVID), and is probably counted in the Corona stats, but I digress. Of the six, a clear majority seem to wish me the same result for my vaxx heresy.

I never would have imagined myself a modern-day Martin Luther, but life has a funny way of serving up surprises. These days the inquisitors are wearing white lab coats or preaching from the dais at lofty conferences.

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I like BAC.... Maybe BACH, to remind future generations it was the Hoax, not the disease that caused all the destruction.

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Similarly, I never gave vaccines or the Nuremberg code much thought prior to 2020.

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Watch out!

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I have wondered in all these stories of the people that are angry and cold toward the unvaccinated, even family and friends--who will be there for you when you have a vaccine injury? No one.

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Feb 3, 2022·edited Feb 3, 2022

Not only that, but the injured are shunned like Amish dissenters! What strikes me most is the poor idiots who took part in the original trials who were crippled were also dumped immediately. Outrageous.

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Ever read "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson?

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I lost my best friend to the Vac. He was 51 and in perfect health. I had talked to him on Oct. 7 and he died on Oct. 8th on his day off. I met with him on the 7th the day before his death. He was talking to me about the mandates to get the Vac or lose his Job. He was conflicted and very upset. I had little to offer but that God didn’t bring him this far to stop taking care of him and his family now. I tried to stay neutral and told him he had to decide for himself. I also reminded him that the job market was at its best in our life time. So, the next morning he went to town to mow a lady’s lawn that he and his wife helped out, as she’s a widow with no family near by. He went and mowed and then went and got the jab. He came home at about 2 pm and was found dead with a phone in one hand and a thermometer in the other by 3:30 pm. His mother in-law they take care of said he got home, took a shower and was sitting on the bed. The next time she walked by he was laying back like he was resting. His wife found him when she got home from work. The damn coroner refused to do an autopsy even after his PCP requested one. He declined and signed off the death certificate. Cause of death, natural causes. Needless to say, we were all stunned and his wife was unconsolable for a few days. He was in great health, and lived a clean and sober life. He didn’t want the Vac but was threatened into it with the lose of employment. There’s no forgiveness for this kind of governance in a Representative Republic. It’s a unAmerican authoritarian attack on all of us. There will be a Reckoning and it’s going to be messy. Most of what has been done was totally unnecessary, and coming from the heartless communist dictators among us, and all their enablers that do their bidding. I’m justdiscusted

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I am so sorry for your loss… 😢🙏🙏🙏

One of my neighbors came to talk a couple of months back and she was so sad… 2 of her cousins had passed after the killshot… one by heart attack, the other by stroke. One was in his 50’s with no previous heart issues… it was just so sad and such a waste… my college aged son had a classmate almost die from the J and J… the kid is only 21… I know of so many “examples.’’ 🔥

I pray there will be a reckoning… otherwise they will just keep on doing the same things to us “the unacceptable.” 🔥🔥🔥

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I've got some family still working in a local hospital (but not for long!) and they say it's been nonstop stroke and cardiac calls since the shanks began. Prior to 2021 they'd get 1 or 2 a day and now it's 5-10.... Mostly middle age/older people.

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What a terrible story, Jon! It's another reminder that, no matter how terrible the pressure is, nothing is worth getting this death shot.

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Fuck... that's just horrible. Would you mind sharing his name and where he lived? Was the murder entered in Vaers? So sorry my friend.

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It’s all so irrational. The people who know you well, know that deep down, you are refusing with good intention, not bad. But in an instant, they’ll disregard that solid, long-term understanding and peg you as selfish and immoral. So fascinating.

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I always wondered about the bulldozer operator at Auschwitz..... I mean here is likely a normal adult guy somehow justifying the 10'x6' steel blade with a pile of naked men, women, and children that he's scraping into a large hole, day after day. But historical accounts of madness unfortunately are not in short supply.

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Only these people are scraping themselves into a hole. Though a different one than ours. We get segregated but they are lab rats and refuse to acknowledge it.

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Yeah but the ones buying diesel for the dozer are coming for us next.

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Feb 10, 2022·edited Feb 10, 2022

You have your finger directly on the pulse of the matter. The strictly utilitarian approach would have a minority of us sacrifice ourselves for the majority, and fair enough. Those holding such opinions are not, however, upholding the other part of the social contract that informs utilitarianism, which is that with power comes responsibility. The majority are accorded the power to command the misery and death of the few, but refuse acknowledgement of the sacrifice made and succor of those who fulfilled their part of what now appears to have become a Faustian bargain.

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LIBTARDISM is a serious (and contagious) disease. It's also almost incurable (very few were able to escape it's claws)

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One of the major symptoms of Liberalism is the need to destroy............everything.

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Liberalism is fine LIBTARDISM is not

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Truly weird. I have a couple "gone" siblings, wonder if they'll ever recover. Also, several "friends" who have become such extremists that I doubt I'll see them again unless I happen to bump into them as they live nearby. My guess is they will recoil in fear in my presence as I am now a living Petri dish in their eyes, a "selfish" immoral person somehow responsible for viral mutations and the prolongation of the plandemic. This, despite two years of no symptoms (unless I had a mild case), testing negative, wearing a cloth mask indoors and never getting groceries or anything delivered. I did have a sore throat for four days in the fall...hmmm.

Effective Feb 1st a local bar/restaurant is requiring anyone 12 years and up to provide proof of booster for entrance. Weird, sick, odd and downright strange behavior by all of these folks. Is something in the messaging hypnotizing these people? Why are they susceptible to the mass formation and I am not? Thankful for the few reasonable friends and family I have left.

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"Why are they susceptible to the mass formation and I am not?"

Nigerian scammers are still getting wealthy.

Marxists are still voting for a political system with a zero success rate and huge democide figures.

S&M clubs are not shuttering their doors for lack of M's.

Some people just seem to be congenitally predisposed to be sheep, suckers, and/or slaves.

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Once brainwashed it is extremely difficult to be reprogrammed. One of the most moving examples was the chance discovery in Pavlov's lab of dogs that nearly drowned and in their life threatening panic reversed their affections -- those humans they previously had shown affection toward were now mistrusted and aggressively reacted to, others (those who had saved them) were their new allies/friends. Fear may be the most powerful drug.

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Search for Belgian professor mattias Desmet. He explains this mass hypnosis very well. There's a video with him, Dr. McCullough and Malone all together that is excellent.

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During the last couple of weeks we from Mercola heard, and wroute, a psychiatrist about this. He asked his patients about Covid-19 and showed some copies with facts. Thouse who got angry and would not se anything against vaccination, the fanatics, to them he said "Leave my rum, I won't longer have you as patient, for I can newer cure the problem for which you here come".

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Not a very persistent psychiatrist then. It is essential that we deprogram as many Covidians as we can. Survival of the species depends on it. The mistake the psychiatrist made was using straight facts and logic. That doesn't work. Emotional appeal and transferring their fear-based brain to a different fear is key.

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Survival of the species is at stake? Seriously? There are almost 8b people on Earth. If 95% of them died overnight, and if ages of the deceased skewed toward the oldest, there would still be scant risk of extinction.

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I do not agre with you, we have seen much fanaticks persons who never changed, also including patients who thereby never were cured. And actually concerning psykiatrists doctor, the one I visit again next week, since July 2003, when I first meet him, and talked about I was afraid that I cased by strees, should turn out in being hit by epilepsi like black outs or seizure, he denied that this as the result of stress could hapen. 3/4 of a year later, in 2004, then it happened. Then again I visited him, and he told that this was not caused by stress, but only by epilepsi. Actually, between my 600 - 800 medical and health books I own 28 about epilepsi, and in many books we read that 50% cases are caused by stress, or bad drugs. But he will not change opinion. Concerning Cholesterol, and doctor misbelief, it too 10 years since 2009, before he agread that I was right. So by my during life reading philosopy, psycologi, stress and much more, I completely agree to what the actual psychiatrist did.

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Feb 4, 2022·edited Feb 4, 2022

What Fear said. I’m going to take a look. Wow, your story is very familiar. I’m hearing it almost verbatim from others. I live in a rural area and i’m retired, so we don’t see a lot of people accept for church, shopping and a occasional dinner out. So far no one has asked me for a passport. Hopefully, our overlords will wake the hell up and it will all roll away. Probably not until they have bled every dollar they can squeeze out of us all. I don’t understand why any parent would vaccinate anyone under 25. If they are compromised, sure they might benefit short term. But when one reads the facts and the numbers on bad Covid outcomes for those under 70 with good health, and the younger one goes in the data, the more zeros appear after the decimal point, it seems ignorance is driving fear and fear is driving poor decisions IMHO. For a healthy 25 year old their risk is higher for them dying from a lightening strike. I too am very thankful for the few friends I do have. I’ll probably wait a year or so before I start ribbing those that lost their minds. If they’re still offended then my gross fascination will benefit from further prodding. I’ll enjoy their meltdowns and screeds all the more. The Covidians running the restaurant will either lose big and do a 180, or they will end up with a congregation of the Covidians from the surrounding area. At that point, I would start to keep an eye out for strange looking pods with vines on them. If this is in CA it could be that the state is requiring it as a means of keeping their business licensing. Any state along the West Coast could have made this a requirement. Hard to say. The SCOTUS didn’t do us any favors in their decisions. It’s not making it easier to hold states accountable for these kind of mandates. Time will tell.

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Feb 4, 2022·edited Feb 4, 2022

The craziness in California seems to mostly be the several big cities. Get away from the cities, especially rural areas and small towns, and things are quite normal to totally normal with no sign of the nuttiness. In many places they IGNORE the state mandates completely. For example, a store might have a sign on the door stating "masks required" but everyone walks in without one, and where I live, I haven't put on a mask in 18 months and no one has said a thing to me. So I'd say it's the crowded cities. For things like health care mandates, where I live people just easily get religion exemptions.

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That is my question as well… how can seemingly normal, everyday people turn so callous and exhibit such illogical, crazy behavior? I just don’t get it… 🤦🏽‍♀️

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Mental couch potatoes.

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They see us as selfish for not playing Russian Roulette with them. I wonder how much of this has to do with the Sunken Cost Fallacy and how much is just ego.

A great way to upset Covidians is to show them videos and photos of our open places. We realize we can deal with this like any other virus and the sick voluntarily quarantine. Neighbors bring groceries. Back to normal. (Except federally run schools.)

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My brothers still talks to me, but I haven’t been back to see my family since early 2020. I don’t want to be there when one of them fully vaccinated, gets sick and blames me for not taking part in an experiment. I’ve had the Rona and if I get it again I’m sure I will survive. As for the leaky vaccines, I hope the ones who followed the ScIEncE and are getting the omicron regardless, have learned from their experience. But I doubt it as it’s a hard thing for many to admit they were wrong about the vaccines, and fell for Govs. In the western world becoming hyper totalitarian toward the masses, in lock step with each other. For me, that’s the elephant in the room. Will they roll back their totalitarian bent or will we have to fight for the same ground lost to their bad decisions and failed bureaucracies? I’m thinking we will have to pry our freedoms from their cold dead hands. I hope not, but many don’t know their own history and are doomed to repeat it.

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My 10th grader is reading about the rise of hitler and the holocaust in history this week. (Yes, we homeschool…) If you just replace the names and such, it is nearly identical to what’s going on today… These fascists are going directly by hitler’s own playbook… 🔥🔥🔥 obviously that didn’t turn out well… 🔥🔥🔥

We really need a review course on history…

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For 20 years, I have had a friend, a radio personality, whose catchphrase is, "Freedom's the answer -- what's the question?" It's the principle I've lived by for decades, and it has not failed me yet.

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It seems it’s always the correct answer when it comes to basic rights and liberty. I hope more people are noticing their freedoms evaporating right before their eyes.

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My family’s deranged brownshirt is my sister, a doctor at Kaiser Permanente in LA (hospitalist). She told me if we didn’t get vaccinated, “You don't give a shit about anyone but your own selfish selves. As far as I am concerned you are dead to me and I do not want to hear from you again. GO FUCK YOURSELVES.” I wonder if that’s what Kathy says to her patients as well? Pathetic.

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Oh noes. If you aren't vaxxed you can't have this compassionate, kindly, ethical woman looking out for you. She clearly holds human life in high regard. *Snark

I avoid talking to anyone like that for fear I'll respond in kind. I don't want to be near them either. This isn't just a cognitive thing. A lack of basic compassion and humanity.

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Sorry about your sister. She’s probably in the thick of the hysteria. Be the bigger person when and if she comes around. Self realization can be brutal.

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Accepting the Mark of the Beast apparently has consequences. I've never been very religious but perhaps Jesus has entered the chat. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ctPViK3LK-o

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Horrid. I can’t wait till they realize they have been complicit in mass genocide.

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That sucks. We just don’t talk about it. I should say HE won’t talk about it but he’s in Australia and the hypnosis is brutal there. I’m just really mad that he got his boys vaccinated, I mean it’s the ONE job he has: protect your damn kids and he’s messing it up big time.

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I'm sorry about your severed relationship. Hopefully one day he will realize that your bond is stronger than your opinions.

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Thank you!

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I hear a lot of this (Canada).

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Thanks! Memphis: everybody in my circle and block are vaccinated including the kids— I have become an outcast. A ferocious orthodoxy, and perhaps a very dangerous one...it’s not even discussable.

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I have wondered about just lying about vax status in some cases like with a neighbor. But it would mean not being myself. I told a dentist office that my vax status is not their business. The staff was quite ruffled by this but the dentist was fine.

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I never bring up the subject of Covid and if someone else does, I change the subject. It’s worked for me. Neither my dentist nor my primary care physician have asked if I was vaccinated. Isn’t that amazing? I have the reputation of being absent-minded so that helps. I also move away when groups start discussing Covid. Frankly, I found these discussions incredibly boring. Fortunately, I live where life is normal without any restrictions.

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Yesterday the same by my dentist, but not allowed massages.

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I have known the dentist during now 18 years, and many times given him copies concerning teeth, and also about Covid-19, and yesterday among other the German rapport about 14 out of 15 dead person bfound to be killed by vaccine.

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Feb 4, 2022·edited Feb 4, 2022

We don't socialise much, but a few times with the same group of people the topic hasn't come up but I'm pretty sure the others assumed we were vaxxed. The person who invited us both times suggested just lying! I support a elderly friend and I'm anxious to bring it up as her brother may prevent me from visiting. So it's not always straightforward plus it's none of their business!!

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Live not by Lies. Certainly a respectable stance.

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Definitely. I have a friend/coworker who asked me if I'd taken the jab, and since we're in Montreal and this was during a particularly brutal vax push I reflexively said yes because I knew she was (vaguely) a Trudeau voter and I didn't want to splinter our pleasant relationship. She's a sweet little jamaican lady 20 years my senior, and I thought she had already taken it.

Later on I found out she had made her app to take her first shot after that conversation. She was reluctant to get the jab and had held out pretty long, but (surprisingly to me) she respected and valued my opinion and saw my taking it as an endorsement.

At this point the city was banning us from all kinds of stuff, we were being called murderers on the news and we were hearing stories of grocery store passport requirements out east. Our employer was even starting to push it on us a bit.

Thankfully I found out she was still unvaxed and had time to correct myself and apologize for lying. I explained what I really thought about the shot and assured her that from what I could figure out, she wouldn't actually be putting the people around her at risk by not taking the shot.

I told her we could get through this together, that there's many others like us including other coworkers, that I and my parents have savings and that we could rely on each other if things get dicey...

She cancelled the app and remains unvaxed. I think I made the right call finally. I hope I did.

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I've got to count my blessings that my immediate family are more or less on the same page. But my sister declined to meet me last time I invited her over. On the other hand I work in a shop where I am the odd one out and no one seems to mind. Mind you I sign their pay cheques.... :) I think blue collar workers vaxed or unvaxed are a lot more matter of fact about the issue.

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You can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family. Luckily, my wife and kids are rock solid about this BS, but my mother and brothers are gone. So be it.

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Madness. Even as the others started horribly dying from the cyanide tainted Flavor-aide (wasn't actually koolaide), more of the Jonestown faithful continued to drink and drink.

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Sorry, because it's a loss regardless, but yes, let them go.

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I’m in the same boat with two JAs not speaking to me!

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You are lost yourself if you think laughing at this fool is wrong. Let the truth shine. It’s the only thing that will provide answers. Scientists are bought and paid for and support the agendas of their benefactors.

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Indeed! My denial is slowly melting away... and perhaps the blessing of the absurdity of the mandated, experimental, deadly stab.

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Your brother is a fully propagandized, quivering Covidiot. As such, he’s also a eunuch. Quivering Covidiots are, overwhelmingly, women and emasculated men. This is well-described in psychiatrist Mark McDonald’s new book, United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis. Also sub to his Substack page and Informed Dissent podcast.

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yeah i think we all have extremely direct experience with this type of person.

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from the article: "If, however, you have different views of Corona, there is great suffering..." This is the totalitarian's mental state. Remove "corona" and plug in whatever you will, and you have one person's trauma resulting from living in a world of differing opinions. I.e., "Your differing viewpoints cause me suffering (a lie, of course, unless one's infantile narcissism is all one has), therefore, here is the solution..." And the 'solution' is never pretty.

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Let’s just hope it doesn’t come down to the “final” solution.

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No need to even remotely apologize. Quivering Covidiots are pitiful, just plain pitiful. And they’re, overwhelmingly, women and emasculated men. This is well-described in psychiatrist Mark McDonald’s new book, United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis. Also sub to his Substack page and Informed Dissent podcast.

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Mean and hateful too. I refuse to call them sheep. More like poisonous little snakes. Cold blooded and unaffectionate but venomous and eager to strike from fear.

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Thanks for that info. Just subscribed to the podcast while working out. Good man. Cheers!

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My pleasure. I salute you.

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The overwhelming majority of my family, even or especially those who came out of the working class to enter the hallowed circles of academia or art or medicine or law or newspaper reading or what have you, is like this. I can't ever imagine being anything but cordial with them ever again.

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Me too!

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

This is, plain and simple, mental illness. The article is just another episode in the mainstream media’s push to normalize mental illness (pedophilia, gender dysphoria, etc.).

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Yes! I also believe these are the same people still suffering from TDS! Trump Derangement Syndrome

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Yes, TDS gave them a simple way to "other" people with opposing views and feel instantly superior, morally and intellectually. They couldn't let go of that, thus "stupid antivaxxer" was born.

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How can this be TDS? What kind of stupid thing to say. Not only did he FAST TRACK a vaccine he has gotten it himself and has come out publicly more than once as FOR THE VACCINE. The fact that you morons still use trump as an excuse is disgusting and also just plain wrong. You should make a support group for yourselves so you can see how stupid you sound as his name continuously comes out of your mouth. Idiots. Get a life already.

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You are literally exhibiting TDS. Hysterically responding to something not even being claimed and ascribing beliefs and intent onto others that isn't present.

I campaigned for Bernie and and am a socialist, but also perceive the woke, regressive, Branch Covidian left as basically mentally ill. I used to feel the progressive left held the intellectual and moral high ground. I learned from 2016-2022 that the HIllbot left was as brainwashable as your dumbass xtian republicans. Now I see that even the progressive left is just as brainwashable as they are, and are totally beaten in being in touch with reality right now by your average redneck republican. The woke/corporatist-supporting left are completely brainwashable, with fear of something with less of a chance of killing you than the chance of you intentionally killing yourself.

Now, my (former) side wants to censor people, and let unvaccinated people not receive organ transplants and die outside of hospitals. They want to cover children's faces during developmentally critical times. Their viewpoints are demonstrably misguided (by design) and it's not even difficult to uncover that fact, but someone they don't, or refuse. They can be lied to by MSM repeatedly and via some psychological phenomenon I cannot begin to understanding, just continue believing that the media, gov, and big pharma they're beholden to actually care about them are operating with their best interests in mind.

Not only are they too hysterical to have a conversation and examine the data that counteracts their viewpoint, they want to censor people sharing the truth and uphold a worldwide echochamber of deceit in service of the nefarious expansion of government and big pharma profits.

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I did not read this and it’s too long. Honestly ppl can have an opinion about TDS and actually not be a supporter. So that’s where I stand. I’m moderate. I have left and right views. I do Not label people by their party (ie Redneck Republicans) not cool and this just adds to the division. Did you happen to know that the people who are most “anti vax” happen to be those from wealthy educated families/upbringings?

I’m not sure where you stand but I’m tired of ppl talking about DJT. Done with it. So yea.

However I do Agree with your last paragraph.

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"They can be lied to by MSM repeatedly and via some psychological phenomenon I cannot begin to understanding, ..."

The covid hysteria shows the effects of war propaganda. Covid believers are not stupid. They have been brainwashed. Read chapters 6 and 10 of M.K. Vol 1 to learn about the techniques, power, and effects of war propaganda. A.H. learned about propaganda from the Allied propaganda of JW1.

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Woah woah woah dude. I think he's just drawing a parallel between the way big time Trump haters denigrate and ignore anybody they perceived as being a Trumper, and the way the covidians aggressively dismiss "anti-vaxxers" and use them as punching bags to feel morally superior.

I mean let's be honest, on the venn diagram of TDS people and covidian zealots, there's a lot of crossover...

Everybody knows Trump either allowed this to happen or was a big part of it. I suspect a lot of his supporters have now realized he's not Batman. I'll tell you what, I never had any love for Trump but these days I'm a hell of a lot more sympathetic to his supporters and ex supporters. IME they've been a lot easier to talk to about covid stuff.

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TDS was the trial run of this absolute beast of a propaganda machine which led to the Covidian global state. I remember those TDS days wondering just what was going on. I mean, Donald was kind of useless but the vitriol was insane!

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Insane is an understatement!

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I didn't grasp the importance of the TDS syndrome at the time. I found it simply odd and perhaps curious when otherwise intelligent people I knew were suddenly believing the old tired Russia_Bad function and that Donald was a secret agent. I thought as children of the 70's surely we wouldn't fall prey to old memes. How wrong I was. And how wrong I was not to notice this was simply a complex mind control machine being tweaked and tuned.

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Anyone who falls for such obvious lies must just prefer lies to truth.

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Great way to put it. Yea. I was not quite “aware” so to speak of what was really happening until the start of all this and towards the end of his presidency. The masses are no longer asleep in some ways. Still have more to do.

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I would prefer to say that they are suffering from the SHITS: "Super Hysterical Incompetence Transfer Syndrome" (SHITS)- A psychological condition wherein the patient suffers from ever increasing delusions of moral superiority and projects the abysmal incompetence and failures of the patient’s progressive ideas and deified leaders onto all other humans that refuse to agree with the patient’s failed ideology and leaders.

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I think I am going to be using this. Hope that's OK?

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I would agree that there is a level of mental illness there, genuinely.

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Not only normalize it, but practically make it a virtue.

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This Substack author covers some of this VERY thoroughly.


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I totally agree.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I feel sorry for her partner

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He is better off!

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

They reconciled!

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She better be absolute dynamite in the sack... because I can't think of ANYTHING worth putting up with someone like that.

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Having experienced crazy dynamite in the past, no, it's still not worth it in the long run.

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then he gets what he's signed up for!

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He may have enough of it one day if she doesn’t come to her senses.

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Schade. Er wäre besser ohne sie gewesen.

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he'll turn out great with a better life mate - she has no clue how much emotional strength and ballast he has added to her life.

She's soon to see just what he added to her emotionally untethered world.

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I'm not, he'll live happier and longer life now

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Sadly, this is my wife and me. I refused to let her vaccinate the kids. I even took one J&J shot in April 2021 when they said it would stop the spread to appease her and an elderly relative (I knew it was BS already but I was trying to help our marriage). I warned her the pushing would never stop. There would be mandates, mask mandates, etc. she wouldn’t believe me, but now she sees it for what it is. The shots don’t stop spread or infecting others (our daughter got Covid at school from a masked, vaccinated table mate!!). We all then got Covid and are now recovered. Thankfully my wife let me convince her to stop and not get any boosters - but I really feel sad and understand this situation in a very personal way. I kick myself for agreeing even to one shot, now I’m facing work pressure to “make my booster appointment”. Ugh.

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Don't give in to a booster demand, especially now that the narrative is crumbling.

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No way. I took the one. That is it!! No “boosting” needed, besides I got naturally infected with “omigosh” variant: it was literally two days with sneezing and runny nose, fever was very slight for one day. In other words it was basically like a cold or super mild influenza. I realize some people get more sick, but the overwhelming majority of people I know have been very mildly ill - except for the multiply vaccinated- my wife had a much harder time (she took two doses of Pfizer and the lots are not the low incidence lots for adverse events, sadly).

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Yes, keep buying time.

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I'm in a similar spot. Fortunately I can work remotely since I'm not allowed in the office anymore.

The kids situation makes this 1000x worse. I can't just leave because it's only my continue involvement that prevents that outcome. I don't think she even really believes that it's medically necessary for the kids, but she sees it as an impediment to social activities, which is so incredibly short-sighted it makes me want to vomit.

But since it's a point where there really is no negotiation or compromise, it's almost pointless to discuss or bring up in couples sessions. I'm just hoping that things resolve themselves over the next month or so... but I don't know how likely that really is in a deep blue area.

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Man I totally understand. She brought up things like traveling and going to places might require the shots. It is so so sad and induces the same feeling in me too. Luckily we agreed to drop it - I made it clear I would NEVER let them give the kids the shots. Fortunately my wife is seeing that it is not needed, and our kids both got Covid and recovered in two days easily. They got it from a masked and vaccinated kid for crying out loud!!! I wish you peace and sanity in this absolutely insane time.

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I got delta in Jan while I traveled alone with my 3yo granddaughter. Guess who never even sneezed or coughed? Guess who couldn’t find antibodies to recover quickly? You guessed correctly.

If anyone was going to get sick it would’ve been her. She was in my face constantly.

My DIL’s family is all jabbed and boosted because one of the grandchildren has cystic fibrosis. When the entire family caught covid, the one with cystic fibrosis never even caught a cold.

There’s no reason for these children to receive these injections. 72 childhood immunizations is enough. I took 7-10, children today are being abused by FrankenFauci. When are parents going to realize it was Fauci’s job to find out why childhood illnesses such as autism 1 in 30 children today are on the spectrum. Skin conditions? Watch the commercials, they’re all injectables. All of this makes me sick to my stomach, the child abusers are in charge of these agencies, MSM and academia.

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I am sad for academia. Those instititions, my former home, could have played a much different role, created treatment protocol options and taken on an active all hands on deck attitude. They all hid away.

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My wife and I are separated. She is a nurse researcher with a new Ph.D. She's all about the skewed peer-reviewed information and cannot hear me and I shared very little. I am a psychotherapist and I wish my line of work would think more critically about the pathology and tyranny and mass psychosis. Where are the Erich Fromms', Rollo Mays', Alice Millers'? I guess people like us need to step up and be ourselves. I really want to stay married. It's hard. I'm pissed and don't want to be a casualty to the agenda(s). Lot's of grief!

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In my not yet separated state, I have appointments with two different psychologists. Neither one has the least bit of curiosity about the concepts around mass formation, nor the deplorable state of peer reviewed literature.

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Hear, hear. I used to be in academia too, and most of my social circle is either from there or from the software industry. I am beyond disappointed with how these people have gone along hook line and sinker for this whole nonsense narrative, even those who I saw as more iconoclast. Was it out of cynicism because it appeared to support their political views? Was it just blind trust in scientism? I don't know which is worse. And of course the people in biotech I consider essentially culpable.

Some have employed an all hands on deck approach, to try to solve various problems that were "in their lane". But few asked questions about things, perhaps outside their "lane", that obviously made no sense, and that to me is unconscionable.

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Same here. And it appears that most of my former friends and university colleagues eagerly drank the Frankenjuice without much question. These were all very adventurous people who taught overseas with me and traveled the world for years on end, and I've been rather shocked at how conventional and unquestioning they have become.

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I just graduated from a university with a masters in counseling. I couldn't wait to leave. It was filled with mind-control rubbish.

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72 is way too many. I used to be generally pro vax and now I'm not sure I want them to get any more period.

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Thanks, I really appreciate your thoughts, it has been incredibly hard. These last years we've diverged politically as well which only compounds the situation. I still think our values are aligned at some level, but the influence of social media and the whole toxic woke culture has really done a number on her. She buys into that stuff to an extent, and I think is also deathly afraid to not buy into it and risk ostracism.. or what might be worse, be a secret harborer of wrongthink. I think at some level she knows it's all wrong but is yet drawn into it out of feelings of guilt and a lack of self esteem? Who knows.

I tend to just look at what is going on in reality, and come to a different conclusion.

But in terms of COVID, she insists on taking some of the fake precautions (like masks) which of course are worthless and don't stand up to any sort of scrutiny, but make her feel better. It's like wiping down counters with a dirty rag and calling it clean. It only "works" because it doesn't matter much if they are clean.

Our first confrontation about this was fortunately resolved by talking to the pediatrician, who while she still advocated for the shots and claimed to be "data driven" (and I will never forgive that) still admitted that COVID (even delta at that time) was "not really a big deal for kids", and she hadn't had anyone in her practice who had any problems with it. That seemed to assuage my wife's feelings on the matter.

But now part II of this is dealing with the restrictions, which is becoming a growing problem between us.

We have not been "lucky" enough to get Omicron yet, that could possibly help although ideally she would be the vector ;).

One idea I had was to suggest planning an extended vacation to Denmark over the summer, to avoid summer camp restrictions. I would suggest Florida but that would trigger the TDS ...

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I really hope that more and more people realize the failure of all this. I send you wishes for peace, and strength between you and your wife. In a sense it was lucky for us to get omicron and we did get it from a vaccinated spreader to our unvaccinated daughter - she came home from school and told us her table mate was sneezing/coughing, but since she was vaccinated she was not required to “test to stay”. Sure enough the county health department and school let us know a day later our daughter was exposed and then we fell mildly ill a few days later. That really solidified some reality for my wife, too. A masked, “distanced”, vaxxed kid spread Covid to us, and my unvaccinated daughters got over it like any very simple cold. It helped her. I hope you could have such an easy experience too.

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All those in this position, ask your spouse if they want grandchildren. Healthy grandchildren.

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She just doesn't believe it. And she doesn't want to hear any "evidence" I bring to the table throwing doubt on the safety. I don't know how to get through to her, rational arguments and evidence don't seem to work.

Worse, my opinions on this topic, as well as some counter-narrative views on some other topics, have led her to no longer trust my judgement, which she describes leaves her feeling "unmoored".

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Feb 3, 2022·edited Feb 3, 2022

Show her some of the Senate hearings organized by Senator Ron Johnson. It was 5 hours, but there are several 30-minute highlight videos drawn from the hearings where she can absorb the major points and all the current thinking, and see quite clearly that these are not crazy people but rather, they are highly intelligent and learned individuals.

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unfortunately an all too common pattern (in the west): wifes bullying their (always appeasing) husbands. Men have to grow (back) more balls!

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Man this is true. In a way this was one good thing for me. I finally just said “F&ck off!” And it was great. No more bullying. It is honestly part and parcel of the “culture” of identity politics, radical feminism, wokism etc and I never really realized it fully until Covid. You are right for a lot of cases, for sure. Mine included and I learnt the lesson.

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More power to you, man! ;)

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I'm learning the hard way. I'm too busy grieving the loss of marriage, rather than cultivating some fire.

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I understand for sure. My wife and I talk things through and we’ve been together since 2005 (married 2008). These last couple years have been absolutely brutal. Wishing you strength.

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Check your original lot #. You likely got a cold one but this might offer you peace of mind.


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Come to find out, that data is not very reliable because they have no information on the size of the batches. Some batches may be small and some enormous.

Yes, the companies and the FDA has the information, but they are very invested in treating us like mushrooms. In the dark and covered in sh!t.

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You have old information. Some of the batch size info has been obtained and other methods of estimation have been used to recalculate. Go back to the site and see the updates, and the input that has informed by "Team Enigma." The conclusions remain the same.

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I'd like to see batch numbers AND the geographical areas they were sent to. For example, was a particular batch sent only to California? Or could it have been spread out all over the country.

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I have heard from some people that harmful/toxic batches were sent to red states on purpose.

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Well, that certainly wouldn't surprise me.

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Absolutely but it's the best data we have given the criminals are busy hiding their tracks.

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Fair point - yes, they are not “all about transparency” in these matters, for sure!!!

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Yes you were right - only 3 reports agains my batch and no death. Hard to believe there is such a HUGE disparity. Wow. I had not looked closely at details for the differences in rates of AE for them previously thank you again.

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I had heard about this!! I’m checking now. I had super mild Covid with the family so I’m hoping. I’ll check my wife’s as well. Thank you.

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So many tragic stories like this. Everybody did a fairly good job hanging together before the vaccines, then they really divided us.

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I am sorry you have been put in this position.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Sounds like she saw the error if her ways?

My wife was similar - got all of her information uncritically from mainstream sources - then when the vaccines didn’t work and the data became obvious that they were indeed harmful, to her credit she opened her eyes and softened quite a bit.

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she's still very much into the vaccines, but they're back together and he's helping her run her sad little support group for relatives of people like him.

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Is this bad? The alternative to waking seems to be to perish or to be severely reduced as a person. I don't want that to happen to people I care about. I have decided to continue gathering with some of my partially brain-washed friends. I pray for them and wait for opportunities to be supportive in the eventuality that they can no longer avoid the truth. One young member of my circle has apparently been hospitalized with a major inflammatory health condition. That person is vaccinated and has subscribed to the narrative, but in past conversations I have been able to open the door on critiquing the injections. I hope he will see the light before his life and health are destroyed.

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It's actually encouraging that only a handful of other nitwits signed up for the group!

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He's recruiting friends, misery loves company

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yes, he can invite the relatives of these wackos into the 'sane relatives of vaccinators' support group, AKA pub night

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Sounds like something straight out of a depressing James Joyce novel.

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I have re-read "The Dead" more times than I should have during this madness.

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That's gross. He's a soy boy after all.

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I would bet that this behavior didn't come out of nowhere when Covid started. She was undoubtedly neurotic before this.

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There's a word for that, and it sounds like yuck.

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I'm glad they reconciled. Hopefully, he will help her come to her senses fully.

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I guess crazy must have appeal.

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deletedFeb 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius
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Feb 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Yes I missed that too.

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it's buried in the newspaper article somewhere, you didn't miss anything.

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As the pandemic unfolded, I realized yet again how my husband and I are so fortunate. Both social scientists, training in experimental design, published researchers. So we both naturally started looking under the hood of what we were being told by MSM and politicians. It was easy to start with the original published literature by going to PubMed, MedRxiv, and then listening to and reading the work of all those scientists and doctors who started giving presentations and interviewing each other online. But a marriage is a journey taken together, and I do hope that there is a path back for this couple if it was otherwise a good union. Perhaps the wife's outbreak into her self-help group is in part a way to cope with The Big Lie. Betrayal by everything you have ever come to trust in life is challenging. Especially when it wasn't a gradual realization, with time to absorb and vet the data, adjust your worldview. Instead for some it comes crashing down all at once. I imagine the Trucker movement will have an impact in just this way for many more.

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"So we both naturally started looking under the hood of what we were being told by MSM..."

I'm continually amazed at how so few people do look under the hood. Including some otherwise quite intelligent people I know. Bravo to you two.

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It is funny that you say 'both naturally'. I fear that lately most social scientists no longer are capable of 'naturally' doing what scientists used to do, like actually look at the data, specially that which contradicts the current Narrative. Maybe I am wrong and there are still many like you and your husband and what happens is that your voices are no longer being heard ...

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I think it's time to look to commoners and working class people to wake professionals up. The scientifically literate seem to do more harm than good.

I'm a blue collar guy, working with and surrounded by working class immigrants - and there's definitely a vibe that it's the professional class and the intellectuals that are all in for this stuff, and have collectively lost their mind. "College educated" increases likelihood of being a covidian by seemingly a lot - at least from my vantage point. This is in Montreal Quebec btw, I have no clue how it is elsewhere.

I'm pretty grateful that I live near and work with mainly African, Carribean, Pakistani and Haitian immigrant labourers and families and such.

Even though they largely don't seem to know much about the dissent or "the science" or whatever, it seems like the notion of someone refusing any vaccine just won't ever offend them. Just like the notion that government can be viciously corrupt isn't some "conspiracy theory" to them, the way it is to my much better educated and more affluent (and more white haha) extended family. Seems like some (or even a lot) of these immigrants have been taking shit from their doctors for refusing vaccines for years.

Since these covidian white people all fancy themselves progressives, I try to drive home the race and class angle often. They support disproportionately segregating immigrants, ethnic minorities and workers from public life. They live in fancy condos and houses that are easy to lockdown and quarantine in. There's a large group of working class ethnic minority immigrants that won't take this shot until they're held down and injected by force (it's a sentiment I've heard many times from my carribean immigrant friends, and god do I love them so much for it). These white privilege covidians are like aristocrats purging unsightly commoners from their view. Make them own up to it I say! Tell them "it''s cause you're racist isn't it!".

The left use this method to police their own and others all the time, and frankly I think it's gonna work a lot better than trying to argue "the science". There's always going to be charlatan "experts" and scientists rationalizing the regime for them to take solace in if they ever feel challeneged by the dissident scientific literature or analysis of the data.

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Well said, Betsy. You give us hope with your example of knowing how to simply look things up. Why, why, why do so few of my highly educated friends do that??

I have just one criticism of your comment; you must treat the Holy Words with the proper respect:

The Pandemic™

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Thanks for reading my long winded thoughts. I have friends & colleagues who are accomplished scientists who have gone quiet, or wince when I try to share anything. So I stopped save for a couple that I couldn't bear to see harmed without at least trying to warn. They know how to read a paper on meta-analysis of the ivermectin data, or in minutes look up years of past studies in PubMed of IVM as an antiviral, or learning of IVM's sheer safety. Perusing VAERS is not that hard or Open VAERS red box report to make it simple. Doesn't make a difference. What does work lately is asking the following about their vaccines: "would you like to know how bad is your batch? You can look it up on a website that has been validated by independent groups internationally. Or if you have the lot numbers handy I can do that for you. 1 in 200 lots account for 5% of the most serious side effects." That works! People want to know, then they want the website. howbadismybatch.com or howbad.info

Trust The Science™!

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Your last few sentences are very insightful: 'Betrayal of everything...'

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That one was personal also.

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Spare us your credential-spewing. Most of your fellow social “scientists” and other “academics” are fully propagandized/propagandizing, quivering Covidiots fully on board with the evil “Great Reset.” Your fellow credentialed troglodytes are in no sense at the vanguard of enlightenment.

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You're coming on a little strong there homie but I get where you're coming from. I find much more sanity among my working class friends, neighbors and coworkers than I do in college educated crowds.

I've never been one to harp on class distinctions but it's hard to ignore lately. Commoners and laymen are gonna be the ones saving us on this one I think.

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I have a friend who has followed the same path as your wife. I had almost given up on him.

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That’s nice.

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Every time I think we have plumbed to the depths of lunacy, somebody puts another shrimp on the barbie. Somewhere, someone is laughing their ass off at the success of this psyop.

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I agree that there is likely some private sadism going on in the background--the gleefulness of the entities that constructed "The Narrative."

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Of course they are certain they will get away with it because they believe they are so much smarter than everyone else.

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It is a small point, to be sure, but I have been careful with attributing too much overt "construction" to anyone. Narratives are organic, rising out of a shared psychosis in my (current) view. No one is smart enough to build it, but once the pieces are there, we humans have a tendency to put the puzzle together on our own!

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The media messaging has been too coordinated and lockstep for it to have happened organically IMO. Or to use an organic metaphor, someone has supplied the preconditions for psychosis (tilled the soil) and planted the narrative seed.

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I did not mean to imply that NONE of this was coordinated. I said, or tried to communicate, that not *all* of the The Narrative™ was "constructed" overtly.

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I'm not so sure; think The Wiltster above might have a valid point, especially "once the pieces are in place", the "group puts the pieces together on their own.. a LOT of examples throughout history.... and nearly daily in Junior high and High schools !

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All the criminal opportunists find a place to jump in and gain from the situation. Sometimes it's a small time gain, for others it's huge.

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Feb 4, 2022·edited Feb 5, 2022

Well, today the mayor of L. A. explained that the reason he did not have ON the mask he had ordered all others at the S.B. playoff game to wear, was...... WHEN HE HAD HIS MASK OFF HE SIMPLY HELD HIS BREATH.... (to keep others "safe" I assume ?). He kept his mouth shut and HELD his breath to keep others safe. Did he make it clear to the others at the game, they could remove their masks as long as they held their breath ? Or, would they have been "removed" from their (probably very expensive) seats ? Just THINK about those words for one minute. Ask yourself, did he think he was explaining his actions to an audience of fishing worms ? No, of course not, everyone knows fishing worms are much more evolved and intelligent to believe a human who would holds his breath when he has no mask on is actually practicing "science". They (the worms) may even doubt the usefulness of little paper masks at all ! Can it get any funnier, can it go further than the mayor's explanation ?? Remember the San Francisco mayor who ordered no one allowed in public without a mask ? Then went to a club, drinking, dancing, and photographed without a mask ? We were all puzzled, even suspected it was MORE hypocrisy from the "elite" masters. But, there was (thankfully) a very simply explanation. on. The original members of an iconic BAND, came together for one performance on a very special night at a very special venue. The mayor explained that when something like that happens, it's very special. In her own words, she was "feeling the spirit" and just had to get up, leave her drink on the table, and DANCE without a mask. Obviously she had left orders with the Covid virus that it's activity was suspended for that one special night in that particular club; ordered NOT to attack and infect ? ? Okay, that makes sense of course. It was a very special night, like the original rolling stones getting together for that one special night, so it would make sense to vanquish the virus for that night on the order of the mayor. Now, there would have been a time that made no sense to me at all. There was a time I would have had to ask her to repeat that, perhaps several times, and still would not have been able to make sense of it. But now, her "thinking patterns" and explanation of her personal behavior, seem pretty "normal"! Just like the Chicago mayor who closed up hair salons, put a lot of "little" unimportant people out of business permanently, but explained how she HAD to go to have her hair done because, after all, she was in the public eye and on TV ALL the time, and, she added, she cared about her personal hygiene (and we all know those smelly Walmart people smell that way because why ? OF COURSE, they don't care about their personal hygiene (we should have known).

Okay, I see, that makes sense.

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Trying to make sense of these losers will hurt your brain. Trust me on that. Science!

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They're definitely laughing all the way to the bank!

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I am thinking that this woman's marriage wasn't in good shape before the pandemic.

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Agreed. And sorry if this sounds super rude, but she didn't get married to him until she was 37. That reeks to me of an already-uptight woman. Will this get me cancelled for saying?

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I do believe you have grabbed the brass ring.

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It could have been great before the pandemic.

My wife has read maybe a dozen books about pandemics and when she was a librarian she regularly read New England Journal of Medicine. She thinks that I have gone down the rabbit hole. Ivermectin does not work. She watched this video but seems to have discounted it because it was a third world country, and it did not agree with the official US policy

I threatened her to watch a video. She was not convinced. What I saw was a problem solving ER doctor who went all out for early treatment following advice from sources around the world. At the time of the interview there had been no deaths for a few days. When they started, the death rate from Covid was 17% in the country of 10 million people with only 125 ER beds in the entire country. The doctor described the problem solving which led to the results. The interviewer pressed and pressed - how did you get the politicians to support the country wide program? The leaders got covid and were treated so they knew the benefits. The country is Honduras. I just looked at worldmeters.com and there are more deaths 17 in the last 7 days and 34 in the previous 7 days. (there is an option to get weekly data). The deaths per million in the last 7 days is 1, and on the same spread sheet the US is at 49 per million. This seems to say that they are doing 49 times better than the US on this single, time related metric. Of course they used repurposed drugs and doctors being doctors.

Here is the link


"How does Honduras continue to CRUSH COVID-19?"

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You are a good man, keep the bridge open and try to keep communicating. Sometimes I show new data to my husband, and he responds "I know I know." I try to limit and curate the main themes as it is too upsetting and heart wrenching to spend extended time in the details. Better to get the highlight reel from me so he can relax and watch hockey in his free time. He does understand the deep scope of the madness of the entire narrative-- just difficult to concentrate on it too long. It may be helpful for those struggling with the communication divide to set aside vaccines and expose instead the vast difference between MSM and citizen and independent news coverage of the trucker movement. Watching your MSM lie to you so brazenly might provoke a breakthrough. Citizen footage reveals the sheer size of the event, a lot of love, support, massive diversity of race, age, and religion. Lots of teachers and health workers there. And substantial on ground support from residents making and delivering food, supporters and families waving at truckers on ramps and overpasses. Signs are peaceful with some expletives saved just for Trudeau. Astounding drone and extended walkabout footage on YouTube: 4K Guy and Ottawalks.

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Ivermectin doesn't work because it's brown people's medicine?

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Maybe not, they reconciled after she did some introspection. All is not lost in her case.

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Mental health ravages of the media's corona porn is sad. My husband and I, both 60 years old, walked to our local brewery last week in the snow. We sat and visited with friends/neighbors and had a delightful time. No masks or passports required even here in NJ. Behind me sat a couple about my age. The gentleman was enjoying a pint, while his partner sat looking terrified the whole time, with her cloth mask on and literally holding her hand over her mask covering her nose and mouth, making furtive glances around her. No idea why she bothered leaving her home. At first I thought it sort of funny, and then I realized it was tragic. Clearly she wanted desperately to escape and enjoy some socialization but was too terrified to actually enjoy it. What a monumental tragedy.

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I was never scared so it's very hard to understand this woman's terror, but I have realized we have to try to help these people merge back into normal society. Your group enjoying yourselves free of fear was probably the best thing she could see.

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Your story reminds me of an incident last summer in a semi-rural Missouri college town with some of my children. We were trying to find a decent place to eat. One of the stops we made was to a steak house that was just hopping. No masks and jam packed. We could not get a table so we moved to an other eatery that was closer to the college and was clearly following "the rules". We easily found a table and my masked children were probably more comfortable there. However, I couldn't figure out why my children didn't get at least some realization of the truth when they clearly saw ordinary people out having a good time.

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"There coming from you, Barbara."

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I wonder how much censorship has to do with creating this “superior” ideology. Her misplaced anger at the un-injected has everything to do with her elitism & inability to grasp she has been conned. This is now an imbedded mental disorder.

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this is the classic codependent with narcissist relationship playing out through covid.

their marriage is literally based on this dynamic. It won't change unless he has some breakthrough which looks like it's not happening- he is enabling her dysfunction by supporting her selfhelp group

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Feb 4, 2022·edited Feb 4, 2022

Anna, thanks so much for replying. I think about people like her just about every day, because I encounter them. The rigid women & men (the women are more often quite vindictive, almost hysterical, when confronted with facts contrary to their new “vaxx religion”) & such behavior is indicative of Desmet’s mass formation psychosis research. But why? What are the origins? How did she become this way? Can’t help but quote Hosea 4:6–“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” What made people intuit that these mRNA’s & government authoritarianism were “off”? My personal experience was probably a bit different than most—it had to do with witnessing mysterious supply chain disruptions originating from Wuhan, the lights going out in Wuhan, and the ensuing panic. People subscribing to substack publishers are naturally curious. Also, I do not watch tv. With few exceptions, it’s scripted. The 24/7 “news” cycle hypes the bad. I’d rather find out myself…So, is our troubled vaxx obsessed wife a victim of this vaxx psyop? Did it trigger this narcissism? Is this diabolical narcissism we are witnessing? The absence of belief in something other than one’s own ideology? Is this now a pathology? An ignored story is the implosion in the Vatican—a so-called Pope who is vaxx obsessed & much is being revealed about huge sources of money coming into the Vatican that are not benign. Some churches require vaxx cards. By any chance have you followed Archbishop Viganò? It’s not a “Catholic thing” but disturbing conflict created by the Marxist Pope—far too imbedded with his globalist Marxist buddies. “Married lady” is wedded to the false prophet of safety & superiority in injections she chose at face value because of her inclination to a statist belief system. While this couple is obviously in a co-dependent relationship, I’m betting he’s a wuss but far more intuitive…she lacks that…

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Legallady, I am well aware of Archbishop Vigano. He is a light shining in the darkness; and the darkness understandeth not.

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I thought you might be…this is one man I would love to meet, if only for 5 minutes. Very much enjoy your perspectives — this is quite a beautiful group of people. In this hour, Psalm 37 is the flame lighting the path. ❤️

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thank you for reminding me of Psalm 37- it is a great comfort.

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Tel-lie-vision is definitely a huge contributor. The other is this strange thing called the internet news "feed". Always struck me the wrong way. Cattle and sheep are fed. The free independent hunters must seek. A large part of ever possibly turning this mess around is teaching people the difference.

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“…teaching people the difference.” Bullseye. Do you think the Freedom Convoy is such a teachable moment? Will the short attention span population get too soon bored and too late smart?

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His enabling is akin to the misguided notion that wearing a mask to assuage others' irrational fears is a loving act.

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Interesting point Anna.... Just like the spouse who buys the food for the 500 pound one stuck in the house.

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so true- the French have an expression for this kind of sick dynamic:

"folie a deux"

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

On the playground of life, the other kids took the soccer ball and played elsewhere - leaving this woman crying and throwing a tantrum on her own. It's up to her how long she cries and kicks the dirt, the rest of us are playing soccer.

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A lot of people are learning that making proper choices in a partner will either make your life worthwhile or utter hell.

I'm the former and we are heading to Ottawa today with a pickup full of donated supplies!!!!!!

PS they need to set up a dating app for the non-vaxxed.

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Good luck in Ottawa. I waited to marry until I was 41. But I met my husband when I was 21, and we were friends for years while we lived our lives and did a lot of learning.

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Awesome MikeyB... I wish I was across the Berlin wall and could help!

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Every wise woman builds her house, but a foolish one tears it down with her own hands. Proverbs 14:1

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This woman sounds like a 3 year old child throwing a temper tantrum because Daddy won’t let her have her toys. I’m surprised the husband stayed with her for over 20 years!

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How about realizing that many thoughtful people have been brainwashed. And entire countries. They are scared to death. If you cannot trust the experts, who can you trust?

The Immune system is the second most complex human organ after the brain. And Big Pharma, Inc., has captured medical schools, hospitals, politicians of entire countries, media, doctors, etc.

I have found myself on right wing sites. Robert Malone on Steve Bannon, Ron Johnson, the crazy US senator from Minn -- but he held a 5 hour hearing in a US Senate subcommittee that brought out many experts to describe this complex condition of the "pandemic"

It starts at the 40 min mark and is excellent. As one speaker said, this discussion should be being held at a scientific meeting but is held here in DC.


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that "crazy" senator also invited Fauci, Birx, Collins, other CDC and pharma executives to attend and they all refused.

And what is "right wing", Don?

Being to the right of Stalin, I say.

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and no democrats attended. For months I have been concerned that the dems will be wiped out in what Malone calls the Biden/Fauci effort. But the Jan 6 coup exposure is moving along so Trump supports might find that staying with Trump will be the wrong place

The bigger issue is climate change and this incident shows that a new politics is needed.

"The pandemic is a warning: we must take care of the earth, our only home

Bruno Latour

The climate crisis resembles a huge planetary lockdown, trapping humanity within an ever-deteriorating environment"


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regarding the fake "coup" being "investigated' by the fake 1/6 commitee, I assure you that no one who is to the right of Stalin gives a rat'sass about

what the fake committee does or says.

Least of all Trump supporters.

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Climate change. Funny. You are just a different kind of delusional retard.

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They don't understand a life without fear.

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Feb 3, 2022·edited Feb 3, 2022

"Jan 6 coup exposure".

You just lost any modicum of credibility you may have had.

No person with a functioning brain cell actually believes that there was an attempted coup.,

The only coup was Brandon being "installed" and the FBI, CIA, DOJ, DOD, MSM and tech acting in unison against a sitting president.

The climate change garbage is just another lie to spread fear and control you.

There is so much information out there to counter their narrative.

Tony Heller does an amazing job at exposing their lies.

Especially the hard left rag "The guardians" blatant lies.

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classic codependent/narcissist realtionship- many marriages, friendships, etc. are built on this dynamic. not healthy.

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The Covid Narcissists will never admit they were wrong and will never acknowledge their contributions to the downfall of civil discourse.

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And admitting they were wrong isn't enough. They must also admit that those they demonized were right.

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I suspect a great many will never admit they were wrong because they will never actually come to believe they were wrong. Self protection perhaps.

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I am a psychologist with expertise in researching and implementing large scale mental health and social services programs that are community based, and especially for the most vulnerable and the elderly. But I can't even begin to imagine the scale and the true shape of the problems that people all over the world will have to cope with. The damage is in realms that are social, family systems, sociological, psychological, psychiatric, grief and trauma-related, and economic. The paths back to recovery, normalcy, compassion and forgiveness to self and others will be a tough road. It might take a century, and several generations. Recovery will have to start by fully revealing and acknowledging truths. The legal system will have to process and administer appropriate justice to all entities committing crimes against humanity, corruption, and fraud. Independent and ethical journalists will be bringing together information on all these factors and communicating and translating that to and for the public. Historians will have a lot to cover. We will be busy in The Great Transition.

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And what we did to kids will show itself in multiple ways over decades. That's why it's ESSENTIAL we set up Nuremberg type trials to set examples and have accountability.

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I heard a 1 minute Sanjay Gupta clip during a break in radio show the other day in which he said masking kids has not had any negative impact on them at all!

And yet we increasingly hear the opposite from speech therapists, dentists, and psychologists.

Sad thing, many parents trust Sanjay.

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He said that? Gupta is a shameless hack and shill. Rogan undressed him for the empty suit he is. ANY adult who takes this position is despicable and I despise.

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Sanjay Gupta another medical "expert" who betrayed his viewers.

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He sold his soul, like many others. I wonder if his kids are vaxxed. He is so nauseatingly sanctimonious.

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Greetings to all here. Most here may be aware of it but I encourage all to read RFK's

The Real Anthony Fauci. Knowing his work would be attacked & vilified, and being a lawyer he carefully chose his words and cited All information he gives. I am reading the section where he describes how ambition, money and power conspired to 'cancel' true scientific debate and discussion in the early eighties because the truly

small group of early aids sufferers (because of lifestyle choices- unprotected sex

& drug use) were used in a public way to label those critical of said lifestyle as heartless or cruel.

And then carefully worded his missives to imply that it "may be" casually transmissible. This and his NIAID taking control of funding from NCI (National

Cancer Institute) led to the medical mafia metasasizing into the monster we face today.

I don't think I do justice to the work by this small message but I encourage all who have not read it to download or buy the book. It is only $2.99 On Amazon.

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I read the book and in the first few pages was blown away to learn how the number of US children afflicted with allergies autoimmune issues and chronic illness has exploded under the reign of Fauci from if I recall correctly less than 13% to 54%!

Autism spectrum disorders are now considered autoimmune associated.

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Sorry to say, Sanjay Gupta is a fool.

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Yes, the impact will be generational. And the damage to our ethical and constitutional principles will take repair and new reinforcements. Hospital systems in particular will need deep scrutiny and new rules structures and the restoration of former principles that made them safe. The list of maladies, illnesses, miseries and destruction that will result from flattening the curve to two years of totalitarianism will far eclipse whatever the actuaries finally determine to be how many people actually died "of COVID" let alone how many fewer would have died "of or with COVID" had early treatment been unhampered and incentivized. Most worrisome is the concern that this is a species level event from which we may not recover.

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The worst thing I see with kids is that at the most impressionable time of their lives, they have been made into very very fearful people. I'm not sure that will go away when they get older. They will be afraid to try everything. Their perception of risk is totally skewed.

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The Real Face Of Evil: 17-Year-Old Sean Hartman Was Killed By The Pfizer Jab. Twitter Removed His Dad's Account For Speaking The Truth


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We must get off Twitter and Facebook. Stop feeding the monsters. Their stock shares are plunging today. It is good timing to make statement by removing your data then permanently deleting your accounts. There are now so many alternatives and your favorites are migrating too.

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I'd suggest not substituting heroin for meth. Although here I am with a substack needle in my arm... We need to get back to real face to face interactions and free ourselves of this horrible "social" online prison.

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