That is exactly why what drives these policies can be considered evil. Evil at its roots seeks to destroy mankind. They also lie (whether they believe their own lies or not, who knows.) They say “for the good of people and the earth” but they hurt and destroy whatever they touch. At best they do no good. We are dealing with the same ideological issues here in the US. It just seems boiled down in Germany. In a sense microwaved in the process of ideation to implementation.
It certainly can be. OTOH, knowing there are that many smart and motivated people out there paying attention and trying to stave off disaster is comforting.
Hope Substack can avoid falling into the clutches of WEF woke-fascism like Twitter seems to be in danger of doing.
Take time to ponder all the stuff you learn in a day. Breathe fresh air when possible, admire flowers and blue skies and babies regularly. Hold onto your Humanity!
Not sure if your name is a play on the fiction piece John Carter of Mars but if it is just know I love that story. I think it's some wonderful fiction and while the movie was a financial flop I and my 12 year old daughter both loved it. Granted it's not equal to the FOUNDATION stuff but I still think its great.
Glad to find someone else who liked JOHN CARTER. Did you know it is in the list of the top 10 most expensive films ever made? I want to say it was something just over 300 million which at the time was a huge amount of money.
It's a damn shame the franchise never took off. Then again, considering the current state of the Hellmouth, that is probably a blessing in disguise. By now they'd have turned him into a tranny.
If you believe the world has 7.5B too many people on it and you and your pals control all the resources, what are you going to do? You could start making lots of bullets and designing camps and such, but that's a lot of work. It's easier to just dose the public with a variety of diseases and wreck their food supply and extract all the value out of their currency. Let nature do the work.
The same phenomenon occurred several years ago in the US with a "clean coal" demonstration project in Indiana. It was shut down for fear it would succeed.
I wrote a column on the problem with electric cars a while back (free subscribers can see the full achieves) Electric cars are the last step, not the first.
I was surprised that the article didn't go into the power of the environmental movement in Germany. Environmental concern caused Germans to outlaw warming up your car to clear your windshields. They weren't concerned with global warming, but with all the other pollutants.
Wouldn't it be karma if a German greenie were hit and killed by a car with a snowy/icy windshield that couldn't be cleared due to "green" energy policies?
The Germans might have wanted to prevent themselves from getting entangled in a nuclear fuel cycle morass that is likely to be more costly than profitable.
No connection to nuclear power other than uses the same class of energy. The Ukraine War runs on fossil fuel. So are you guilty of war because you filled your car with fossil fuel? Most countries that developed nuclear weapons did so without any commercial nuclear power. Most countries that have commercial nuclear power have not developed nuclear weapons.
They don't get it from civilian reactors. They have specialized military reactors for that. Civilian reactors are terrible for the production of weapons materials. Israel has no commercial nuclear power, yet they developed enough plutonium for over a hundred nuclear bombs with a secret plutonium production reactor hidden behind a wall from inspectors.
sorry that's just not true. can you back up your assertions. Nuclear reactors are the incubators for weaponable materials. they are not very efficient at producing electricity. look for Canada's Gordon Edwards to clarify nuclear history and current affairs.
Everything I said is true. Unlike the nonsense you just stated.
"....Nuclear reactors are the incubators for weaponable materials.."
What a stupid statement. What the hell is "weaponable"? That is not a word, you made that up. Nuclear reactors don't "incubate" anything.
As for your math teacher and Greenpeace Gadfly, a self-declared "nuclear expert":
"... Just for the record Gordon Edwards (quoted above) is a fraud. He is no expert at all other than at gaining attention for himself. He claims to be President of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility however he neglects to mention that he is its only member, as the group has not functioned as a coalition since 1981. In fact he is nothing but the equivalent of a senior high school teacher who has cultivated enough contacts in Canadian media to be their antinuclear go to whenever they need a round quotable statement, or sound bite. The problem is not him, all he has done is found a way to augment his income, but the issue is with lazy news writers that give him a platform rather than digging to find the truth themselves. Rob Gauthier..."
As for his Wikipedia entry: "...Wikipedia entry was posted by a meat-puppet. Let’s parse it out. The claim that he is “qualified as a nuclear expert by courts in Canada,” means that he has been permitted to file amicus curiae briefs and not have them tossed out by a judge. The claim that he “worked as consultant for governmental bodies” is based on the fact that he has presented during open public hearings held by the organizations listed. I too have talked at similar public hearings, but I don’t have the gall to claim I was consulted by them. That he is a media whore and has appeared on the TV shows of known Canadian antinukes is hardly a surprise.
Finally Vanier College [where he is a math teacher] is a community college that offers vocational programs and senior matriculation for those going on to university. Quebec high schools only go as far a junior matriculation and direct entry into a university undergraduate program from there is very rare...."
Nonsense. Spent Nuclear fuel is a precious resource. Only due to idiotic and corrupt political blockades, many countries don't utilize it. Coal waste contains toxic elements such as mercury, arsenic, lead, even uranium & thorium that are toxic forever. In fact produce 18X the nuclear waste that equivalent nuclear power plants would use with a closed fuel cycle.
The Bankster toadie, Jimmy Carter, a noted Malthusian, made it illegal for the US to reprocess nuclear waste. In spite of having a far superior method under development @ LLNL - pyroprocessing.
They don’t. Nuclear fuel is sent for reprocessing in a reactor. Nuclear fuel rods have a metal casing. When the fuel is spent, the rods are sent for reprocessing where the are stripped off and this, and any other close contact, contaminated material is what gets buried. There is plenty of space to bury this stuff. The ground by the way is full of radioactive elements already - that’s where we get the nuclear isotopes for the fuel. We are just putting stuff back when we are done with it.
That challenge has been met and dealt with. We have 70 years experience and the technology to sequester it safely. But what about the storage challenge of carbon capture, or the disposal challenge of batteries?
Carbon capture is an unnecessary process with uncultivated deserts galore that could be capturing more carbon at a lower cost while producing food if they were simply cultivated.
One could place a four season greenhouse next to a "fossil" fueled power plant and route its exhaust, following comprehensive scrubbing, there for carbon capture by grateful plants that have been struggling with a millennials long depletion of carbon dioxide.
New technology in batteries is about to reduce the volume of lithium with silicon, which we have never had a shortage of beaches to supply.
Really? That would be an incredibly stupid and difficult way to "salt the fields". Far, far easier to just drop a radiological bomb which is easy to make out of medical or industrial isotopes that are your most radioactive substances. I worked in an industrial plant (not nuclear) that had 29 "hot" radioisotope sources, Co-60 & Cs-137. Unlike trying to bore into a nuclear core that would easy for any nation state to do.
Besides, why would anyone want to do that when there is a worldwide free-for-all, paid by Fauci & gang, to develop deadly pathogens, that are vastly more effective as a weapon, as we have seen for the past 3 yrs.
Or they can just do what the Government/EPA did to their own citizens in East Palestine, Ohio. Light a train load of highly toxic Vinyl Chloride on fire sending an incredibly toxic cloud of carcinogens, poisons, mutagens and teratogens into the atmosphere to be deposited over many square miles.
Green policies, like DIE, are just part of the background now. Hegemonic, assumed, axiomatic. For everyone inside the managerial, academic, corporate, regulatory etc. bureaucracies, it isn't a question of whether CO2 is driving a climate catastrophe, or even whether 'renewable' (lol) energy is the way to solve this. The only question is how best to implement the decisions they all agree must be implemented.
That none of this is based in reality, and all of it is guaranteed to result in an actual catastrophe, is of no concern to them.
In sum, there is no reasoning with these people. They must simply be removed from influence. The only question is how to do that without ripping everything apart ... although maybe that isn't possible, and the real question is closer to the one Hari Seldon posed at the beginning of Foundation.
The only way "these people" have the power and status they have achieved is because they have the promotion, financing and backing of the Bankster Malthusian cult who runs the Western World mostly. Just look at their manifesto that their Club of Rome endlessly touts. Germany might as well be called the Club of Rome model for the future - post industrial society.
Yes. However, status is a funny thing. It is, to use the terminology of the postmodernists, a social construct. They have status only because everyone agrees they have status. If that agreement is withdrawn, it does not matter what honours they accord themselves.
Exactly. They need our consent to their utter nonsense. They spend trillions to coerce and brainwash. All we need to do, really, is don't buy in to any of it -- to none of their narratives. They cannot create the reality they intend without our help. When enough of us simply stop agreeing to their propaganda, it's game over for them.
That's why they are trying so hard now to enforce censorship in every nation on Earth. Not in just one or two. But every one. Tells you how far reaching their power & control is. Just as their Covid Plandemic did.
Yes, over us lowly serfs, their control is not nearly strong enough. That's why they want a Totalitarian state, total censorship and the icing on the cake is of course their CBDC based Social Credit system. Then it will be nonstop, "Serf obey or we will make you suffer".
Thank you for spelling the acronym correctly, in the order in which each noxious element was introduced: inclusion was in place long before equity. Either way, the spelling creates something horrid: either DEI (Latin = gods, as in, 'we who practice this stercus consider ourselves such') or DIE (a command to people from practitioners of this miasma)
Yes, I've been making the observation for some time in my own writing that the conventional order implies the DEIfication of their horrid ideology, appropriately enough as they have put it in place of God. Of course every institution they subvert begins to DIE. As for its adherents, they are IEDs.
Have just gone to look at Postcards from Barsoom---then to A Silver Circle--what a comfort to find like minds. Life has long been lonely. Until Substack came across my path and swept me up.
Would it matter? Germans have previously had no problem slaughtering their own and others in the name of ideological purity. This time will be no different.
So what do we have to offer that's better than what they're offering? It can't be that difficult, can it, when the option is a total surveillance state, slavery, freezing, and starvation?
It's amusing to call it such, but it's effectively reached religious status given its penetration of society. We won't defeat it using conventional politics, or facts and logic. This is a holy war and we must treat it as such.
Maybe, as Germany continues down their ruinous path, they'll at least serve as a negative example for the rest of the world not anxious to freeze in the winter, swelter in the summer, and pay exorbitant prices for power that's only available now and then.
sadly, not only Germany. Many countries in Europe will institute their desired measures with precision calculation. There will be back lash, however, this is why these powerful shit heads move so very slowly. The older generations are too confused about the changes (people like my dad, 99 yo) and the younger generations do not know any better.
You are right, it’s psychological not intellectual. Reason, logic, evidence, debate - casting pearls before the swine. No point in talking to people who won’t listen.
I suspect the only solution to total capture will be total non-compliance. A critical mass of people simply refusing to listen to or obey the useless institutions.
In the highly improbable likelihood that our lords and masters were to be successful in forcing the the world to adopt electric vehicles, that would render "Mad Max-style road vehicles" impossible.
Which may be one of the motivations for this insanity.
An attempt to create another energy crisis has also begun in the US, with new rules against natural gas heating and appliances being installed on new-builds in some states. Absolutely ridiculous considering that natural gas is one of the cleanest, most efficient energy sources ever discovered.
With new fracking techniques drillers can recover enough natural gas to supply the US for over 700 years . . . which, of course, totally ruins the elites' crisis narrative, and explains their anxiousness to be rid of it.
No Shale Gas supply is already peaking in the US. There is no way it can even replace coal in the US never mind supply the export market and certainly supply will be extremely restrained within 50yrs, likely less.
"Today we deep dive fracking and shale, the energy source that put Peak Oil concerns on the back burner for a decade and a half. According to recent analysis by Goehring and Rozencwajg Shale field production is showing signs of sliding down the backside of Hubbert’s curve. What are the geopolitical and economic ramifications? Are there more shale booms on the horizon overseas? What are the implications for nuclear which has been sidelined in deregulated markets by cheap abundant gas? Leigh Goehring joins me for a detailed discussion.
Using modern prospecting and extraction techniques there are hundreds – perhaps thousands of years’ worth of available petroleum resources left as yet untouched.
Then, using the steerable drilling techniques used for shale extraction and in situ gasification which produces synthesis gas, feedstock for the Fischer-Tropsch coal to oil process, there are trillions of tons of coal accessible in the UK alone.
And then there is the vast amount of methane available as hydrate on the ocean bed and in the arctic permafrost which is even now being investigated with a view to commercial exploitation, see here:
“At the same time, new technologies are being developed in Germany that may be useful for exploring and extracting the hydrates. The basic idea is very simple: the methane (CH4) is harvested from the hydrates by replacing it with CO2. Laboratory studies show that this is possible in theory because liquid carbon dioxide reacts spontaneously with methane hydrate. If this concept could become economically viable, it would be a win-win situation, because the gas exchange in the hydrates would be attractive both from a financial and a climate perspective.”
Some of what you are saying can of course be done and will be done. Japan is big on mining methane hydrate deposits right now. The cost of energy from these novel methods and the EROI from them is the critical factor. The numbers are, let's just say, dubious. And that's assuming nobody gives a damn about GHG emissions in the future. And that's a big assumption.
It's all an academic & political issue in any case. The simple truth that the PTB don't want you to know, is that nuclear power is easily capable of replacing all of the World's current energy supply, expanding it 5X to raise the standard of living of Developing Nations, and do that essentially forever, at least for millions of years, that's just fission resources.
And do so at an EROI that is nothing less than astonishing, certainly greater than 300:1, but likely upwards of 1000:1. And at a cost that NO form of energy can compete, not even close. Factory built SMRs, built at the scale they need to be built, will easily cost <$1k per kwe, $200/kwth, you just can't compete with that. With a tiny fuel supply, easily placed anywhere on the Earth, deep in the sea, in the high Arctic or Antarctic, on mountains, deserts or in space, Moon, Mars, Asteroids.
Those are just the facts. And believe me the PTB know that very well. They figured that out in the 1970's, when the USA was completing a new NPP every month, and would have been nearly 100% nuclear electricity by 2000 if they allowed that to continue. That's why they launched the international boycott of nuclear power, using Fear Porn, NGO's, corrupt media. There is strong evidence that even the TMI meltdown incident was contrived. And using ENGO's like Greenpeace, who still refuses to tell us where they get their $400M/yr from.
"And that's assuming nobody gives a damn about GHG emissions in the future. And that's a big assumption."
Not as big as all that, I doubt.
Currently the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation has just entered its negative phase, so the current warming pause is going to become cooling for the next two or three decades before the positive phase reasserts itself.
Remember that when the AMO went positive it triggered the change from the Great Ice Age caused by pollution scare to the current CO2 driven Anthropogenic Global Warming scare:
"We report here on the first results of a calculation in which separate estimates were made of the effects on global temperature of large increases in the amount of CO2 and dust in the atmosphere.<b> It is found that even an increase by a factor of 8 in the amount of CO2, which is highly unlikely in the next several thousand years, will produce an increase in the surface temperature of less than 2 deg. K.</b>
However, the effect on surface temperature of an increase in the aerosol content of the atmosphere is found to be quite significant. An increase by a factor of 4 in the equilibrium dust concentration in the global atmosphere, which cannot be ruled out as a possibility within the next century, could decrease the mean surface temperature by as much as 3.5 deg. K. If sustained over a period of several years, such a temperature decrease could be sufficient to trigger an ice age!</blockquote>
<b>Schneider S. & Rasool S., "Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Aerosols - Effects of Large Increases on Global Climate", Science, vol.173, 9 July 1971, p.138-141</b>
Those results were based on a climate model developed by none other than James Hansen, incidentally.
So quite soon we will be able to observe the "climate scientists" as they make excuses for having got it completely wrong for the last few decades.
If we are really unfortunate and the Solar Cycle cooling behaves as some are predicting, then it could get very cool indeed, and we really will have a climate catastrophe.
I can't see it happening. The trend is the exact opposite, climate change is being hyped by EVERYONE in power to an absurd degree, borderline psychosis. Of course that has nothing to do with climate change, that's just one more Fear Porn Propaganda, just like Covid was, designed to facilitate their World Great Reset Totalitarian techno-Feudal Oligarchy plan.
The best response to it is, "Ok you want to reduce emissions, everything you are doing is a failure, a vast waste of capital, I'll tell you how to do it, and save capital at the same time. And that is a rapid buildout of Nuclear power combined with Methanol fuel infrastructure. That will do what you want. If you don't do that, then you are lying and don't give a damn about CO2 emissions. Which is it?"
Note the lack of finning on that motor due to the immense cooling effect of the methanol fuels, even with compression ratios of 15:1.
They had to be run with very rich mixture, if they ran lean even for a few seconds they burned a hole in the piston piston, yet on cold days we had to wrap a sack round them while waiting to start the race, otherwise they would expire when the throttle was opened.
Carburetter main jets on petrol around 0.040", for a JAP with a needle-less track carburetter the main jet would be around 0.125", the thing looks like it came out of the ark and made 55-60 BHP in little more than a pushbike frame with prodigious torque right through the rev range, only one gear, not even having a neutral, and no brakes, also no caster angle on the front forks so only steer right sideways, 0-60 in 2.5 to 3 seconds.
How much energy is the sun delivering at this time of earth year about 200 miles above the US surface facing the sun at noon. Has such a calculation ever been attempted.
It's not hard to do. We have estimates of total solar output, you just need to choose an area and the formula is total solar output*(chosen area/total surface area of sphere with radius of 93 million miles).
Eugyppius, you are one of the wisest voices on Substack. Happy to see you getting into energy which was always going to be a far scarier grift than covid for a variety of reasons, many of which you elocuted here so well. But here is the real question: what shall we, mere mortals, do about this? Or shall we all just move to Russia? China? There must be some other solution. Hoping that your brainpower will help present some actionable things that can be done auf Deutschland and around the world.
The whole Climate Catastrophe narrative is far more scary than the Covid Crap narrative because it's been years in the making. I am old enough to remember the newspapers having mocked up photos of icebergs and polar bears floating along the Thames in London! I also remember the stories of how we would be growing grapes and avocadoes and housing refugees from southern Europe as it became uninhabitable due to the increasing heat. I remember the hole in the ozone, the acid rain, the uncontrollable forest fires, the melting of the Siberian permafrost, the drowning of the Maldives. We were either going to freeze or burn. Interestingly, because nothing much happened the public proved pretty indifferent. Unlike Covid where the public were easily fooled. It's so ridiculous - if you want to save the planet it's really simply. Just stop spraying chemicals all over it! CO2 isn't the baddie. Burning coal isn't the baddie. Killing things with chemicals and chucking plastic everywhere are the problems.
Do you really see some bigger picture in this? Some "grand design"? Or what if it's merely fads that come and go all the time? I remember reading how people in the 18th century used to scare each other with Earth going through a comet tail, and how the nascent electric power brought to life Frankenstein (or his creation). What if these climate lunatics are merely a branch of literature, a cultural stream that eats its own tail?
Of course, it should be taken in the larger cultural context, as the optimistic people of the past would have seen profit in the spread of agriculture to the North of Sweden, whereas modern cucks get scared because their dear African children will die.
From Red to Green. One year after Chernobyl, Mikhail Gorbachev announced the creation of “Green Cross International”, an organisation whose president he is still today. It is fighting for the worldwide adoption of the “Earth Charter”, a document drafted in close cooperation with the Rockefellers. Torsten Mann shows in his new book that the real aim of this charter is promoting world communism under the new “global sustainable community” label.
Critical Review:
Red Lies in Green Clothes
Torsten Mann: Rote Lügen im grünen Gewand. Der kommunistische Hintergrund der Öko-Bewegung. Kopp Verlag, Rottenburg 2009
"...there is nothing anybody can do about it" I disagree.
I know a German who worked in the energy field and "finally" toured a nuke plant last year. She was very impressed. However, she is in total denial of what's going on there and won't discuss anything negative.
I'll circle back to her in 2 years and the majority there like her. They will have seen reality and will stand up. Same problem in the US: until enough people feel enough pain, denial is easy. When harsh reality is their only friend, the instinct to fight back kicks in.
People who are just desperately trying to hang onto their Bunds and 401Ks respectively at present in the future when hungry and cold will not suddenly revolt. That’s a nice myth, that’s all it is, its always been a myth, it’s utter nonsense. People trying to survive only try to survive.
Meanwhile in energy-starved Germany reality is starting to bite... March industrial orders fell by 10.7%, overall production decreased by 3.4%, manufacture of cars parts and machinery fell by 6.5% and 3.4% respectively.
It’s absolute madness. The Greens don’t reject nuclear power because it is dangerous and it doesn’t work. They reject it because it isn’t and it does. If you don’t mind me posting here.
Yep. The only solutions that are permitted are the ones most damaging to civilization and human life.
Since we're shilling our own blogs, with apologies:
That is exactly why what drives these policies can be considered evil. Evil at its roots seeks to destroy mankind. They also lie (whether they believe their own lies or not, who knows.) They say “for the good of people and the earth” but they hurt and destroy whatever they touch. At best they do no good. We are dealing with the same ideological issues here in the US. It just seems boiled down in Germany. In a sense microwaved in the process of ideation to implementation.
Great! I very much enjoy your blog John Carter.
Thank you!
I now subbed to you both! My email box suffers from the weight of all my substack reads.
Yes, it can become overwhelming.
It certainly can be. OTOH, knowing there are that many smart and motivated people out there paying attention and trying to stave off disaster is comforting.
Hope Substack can avoid falling into the clutches of WEF woke-fascism like Twitter seems to be in danger of doing.
Yes! I too suffer from the problem of too many great writers in my inbox each day. Hours of reading.
A wise man once said:
Read for one hour.
Write for two hours
Think for three hours.
Take time to ponder all the stuff you learn in a day. Breathe fresh air when possible, admire flowers and blue skies and babies regularly. Hold onto your Humanity!
Just subscribed myself
Not sure if your name is a play on the fiction piece John Carter of Mars but if it is just know I love that story. I think it's some wonderful fiction and while the movie was a financial flop I and my 12 year old daughter both loved it. Granted it's not equal to the FOUNDATION stuff but I still think its great.
It is, and it is.
Glad to find someone else who liked JOHN CARTER. Did you know it is in the list of the top 10 most expensive films ever made? I want to say it was something just over 300 million which at the time was a huge amount of money.
It's a damn shame the franchise never took off. Then again, considering the current state of the Hellmouth, that is probably a blessing in disguise. By now they'd have turned him into a tranny.
With it being a Disney owned IP I fear you might be right about that.
If you believe the world has 7.5B too many people on it and you and your pals control all the resources, what are you going to do? You could start making lots of bullets and designing camps and such, but that's a lot of work. It's easier to just dose the public with a variety of diseases and wreck their food supply and extract all the value out of their currency. Let nature do the work.
It's all just part of the plan to reduce global population:
The full PLAN exposed:
Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering
Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!
Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:
The same phenomenon occurred several years ago in the US with a "clean coal" demonstration project in Indiana. It was shut down for fear it would succeed.
I wrote a column on the problem with electric cars a while back (free subscribers can see the full achieves) Electric cars are the last step, not the first.
Thanks Bill. I’ll look at that on you Sub.
I was surprised that the article didn't go into the power of the environmental movement in Germany. Environmental concern caused Germans to outlaw warming up your car to clear your windshields. They weren't concerned with global warming, but with all the other pollutants.
Wouldn't it be karma if a German greenie were hit and killed by a car with a snowy/icy windshield that couldn't be cleared due to "green" energy policies?
Most Germans still warm up their frozen cars, myself included.
The Germans might have wanted to prevent themselves from getting entangled in a nuclear fuel cycle morass that is likely to be more costly than profitable.
Really? Nuclear fuel is less expensive than any other fuel, and should be much more inexpensive with pyroprocessing or molten salt processing.
What do you know about nuclear weapon manufacturing?
No connection to nuclear power other than uses the same class of energy. The Ukraine War runs on fossil fuel. So are you guilty of war because you filled your car with fossil fuel? Most countries that developed nuclear weapons did so without any commercial nuclear power. Most countries that have commercial nuclear power have not developed nuclear weapons.
You don't know where they get plutonium to make nuclear weapons?
They don't get it from civilian reactors. They have specialized military reactors for that. Civilian reactors are terrible for the production of weapons materials. Israel has no commercial nuclear power, yet they developed enough plutonium for over a hundred nuclear bombs with a secret plutonium production reactor hidden behind a wall from inspectors.
sorry that's just not true. can you back up your assertions. Nuclear reactors are the incubators for weaponable materials. they are not very efficient at producing electricity. look for Canada's Gordon Edwards to clarify nuclear history and current affairs.
Everything I said is true. Unlike the nonsense you just stated.
"....Nuclear reactors are the incubators for weaponable materials.."
What a stupid statement. What the hell is "weaponable"? That is not a word, you made that up. Nuclear reactors don't "incubate" anything.
As for your math teacher and Greenpeace Gadfly, a self-declared "nuclear expert":
"... Just for the record Gordon Edwards (quoted above) is a fraud. He is no expert at all other than at gaining attention for himself. He claims to be President of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility however he neglects to mention that he is its only member, as the group has not functioned as a coalition since 1981. In fact he is nothing but the equivalent of a senior high school teacher who has cultivated enough contacts in Canadian media to be their antinuclear go to whenever they need a round quotable statement, or sound bite. The problem is not him, all he has done is found a way to augment his income, but the issue is with lazy news writers that give him a platform rather than digging to find the truth themselves. Rob Gauthier..."
As for his Wikipedia entry: "...Wikipedia entry was posted by a meat-puppet. Let’s parse it out. The claim that he is “qualified as a nuclear expert by courts in Canada,” means that he has been permitted to file amicus curiae briefs and not have them tossed out by a judge. The claim that he “worked as consultant for governmental bodies” is based on the fact that he has presented during open public hearings held by the organizations listed. I too have talked at similar public hearings, but I don’t have the gall to claim I was consulted by them. That he is a media whore and has appeared on the TV shows of known Canadian antinukes is hardly a surprise.
Finally Vanier College [where he is a math teacher] is a community college that offers vocational programs and senior matriculation for those going on to university. Quebec high schools only go as far a junior matriculation and direct entry into a university undergraduate program from there is very rare...."
Nuclear fuel is the only fuel that presents a storage challenge for thousands of years.
Nonsense. Spent Nuclear fuel is a precious resource. Only due to idiotic and corrupt political blockades, many countries don't utilize it. Coal waste contains toxic elements such as mercury, arsenic, lead, even uranium & thorium that are toxic forever. In fact produce 18X the nuclear waste that equivalent nuclear power plants would use with a closed fuel cycle.
If spent nuclear is so valuable, why do they bury it in New Mexico?
The Bankster toadie, Jimmy Carter, a noted Malthusian, made it illegal for the US to reprocess nuclear waste. In spite of having a far superior method under development @ LLNL - pyroprocessing.
They don’t. Nuclear fuel is sent for reprocessing in a reactor. Nuclear fuel rods have a metal casing. When the fuel is spent, the rods are sent for reprocessing where the are stripped off and this, and any other close contact, contaminated material is what gets buried. There is plenty of space to bury this stuff. The ground by the way is full of radioactive elements already - that’s where we get the nuclear isotopes for the fuel. We are just putting stuff back when we are done with it.
That challenge has been met and dealt with. We have 70 years experience and the technology to sequester it safely. But what about the storage challenge of carbon capture, or the disposal challenge of batteries?
Carbon capture is an unnecessary process with uncultivated deserts galore that could be capturing more carbon at a lower cost while producing food if they were simply cultivated.
One could place a four season greenhouse next to a "fossil" fueled power plant and route its exhaust, following comprehensive scrubbing, there for carbon capture by grateful plants that have been struggling with a millennials long depletion of carbon dioxide.
New technology in batteries is about to reduce the volume of lithium with silicon, which we have never had a shortage of beaches to supply.
Sure, let's go with that!
You are out-trumping Trump.
So far you've been taken to the woodshed on virtually every post. You should stop digging.
It’s part Morgenthau, but mostly so Industry comes to America.
Also we’ve crushed any Independent Europe. Little too close to the Russians and Chinese.
We’re flat out 🇺🇸 Empire.
When Russia or some other great power invades your country, those nuclear power plants suddenly become a great way to salt the fields.
I don't like the idea of betting on world peace.
It would also be interesting to see what happens to the spent fuel pools after a megatsunami.
Really? That would be an incredibly stupid and difficult way to "salt the fields". Far, far easier to just drop a radiological bomb which is easy to make out of medical or industrial isotopes that are your most radioactive substances. I worked in an industrial plant (not nuclear) that had 29 "hot" radioisotope sources, Co-60 & Cs-137. Unlike trying to bore into a nuclear core that would easy for any nation state to do.
Besides, why would anyone want to do that when there is a worldwide free-for-all, paid by Fauci & gang, to develop deadly pathogens, that are vastly more effective as a weapon, as we have seen for the past 3 yrs.
Or they can just do what the Government/EPA did to their own citizens in East Palestine, Ohio. Light a train load of highly toxic Vinyl Chloride on fire sending an incredibly toxic cloud of carcinogens, poisons, mutagens and teratogens into the atmosphere to be deposited over many square miles.
Green policies, like DIE, are just part of the background now. Hegemonic, assumed, axiomatic. For everyone inside the managerial, academic, corporate, regulatory etc. bureaucracies, it isn't a question of whether CO2 is driving a climate catastrophe, or even whether 'renewable' (lol) energy is the way to solve this. The only question is how best to implement the decisions they all agree must be implemented.
That none of this is based in reality, and all of it is guaranteed to result in an actual catastrophe, is of no concern to them.
In sum, there is no reasoning with these people. They must simply be removed from influence. The only question is how to do that without ripping everything apart ... although maybe that isn't possible, and the real question is closer to the one Hari Seldon posed at the beginning of Foundation.
The only way "these people" have the power and status they have achieved is because they have the promotion, financing and backing of the Bankster Malthusian cult who runs the Western World mostly. Just look at their manifesto that their Club of Rome endlessly touts. Germany might as well be called the Club of Rome model for the future - post industrial society.
Yes. However, status is a funny thing. It is, to use the terminology of the postmodernists, a social construct. They have status only because everyone agrees they have status. If that agreement is withdrawn, it does not matter what honours they accord themselves.
Exactly. They need our consent to their utter nonsense. They spend trillions to coerce and brainwash. All we need to do, really, is don't buy in to any of it -- to none of their narratives. They cannot create the reality they intend without our help. When enough of us simply stop agreeing to their propaganda, it's game over for them.
That's why they are trying so hard now to enforce censorship in every nation on Earth. Not in just one or two. But every one. Tells you how far reaching their power & control is. Just as their Covid Plandemic did.
Yes, over us lowly serfs, their control is not nearly strong enough. That's why they want a Totalitarian state, total censorship and the icing on the cake is of course their CBDC based Social Credit system. Then it will be nonstop, "Serf obey or we will make you suffer".
Except for the stubborn fact that they have all the money.
You can’t get a research grant in America without mentioning global warming, no matter how utterly irrelevant you subject is..
Thank you for spelling the acronym correctly, in the order in which each noxious element was introduced: inclusion was in place long before equity. Either way, the spelling creates something horrid: either DEI (Latin = gods, as in, 'we who practice this stercus consider ourselves such') or DIE (a command to people from practitioners of this miasma)
Yes, I've been making the observation for some time in my own writing that the conventional order implies the DEIfication of their horrid ideology, appropriately enough as they have put it in place of God. Of course every institution they subvert begins to DIE. As for its adherents, they are IEDs.
Have just gone to look at Postcards from Barsoom---then to A Silver Circle--what a comfort to find like minds. Life has long been lonely. Until Substack came across my path and swept me up.
I do appreciate your thinking here. And the IED's--very good.
I wrote too fast--one cannot practice a miasma. Apologies offered.
"without ripping everything apart" not possible at this point. Do Germans have guns?
It’s not the guns
Its the balls
We cut them off
Would it matter? Germans have previously had no problem slaughtering their own and others in the name of ideological purity. This time will be no different.
The very argument you use is why people need guns to defend themselves and their families. So yes it does matter.
If you try and defend at the family level, its not happening
Families scaled into nations by whatever name around 4400 BC in Europe, so...
Can't defend without guns. But you know that even as you try to gaslight that guns don't matter.
So what do we have to offer that's better than what they're offering? It can't be that difficult, can it, when the option is a total surveillance state, slavery, freezing, and starvation?
The public has accepted the premise.
It's amusing to call it such, but it's effectively reached religious status given its penetration of society. We won't defeat it using conventional politics, or facts and logic. This is a holy war and we must treat it as such.
Maybe, as Germany continues down their ruinous path, they'll at least serve as a negative example for the rest of the world not anxious to freeze in the winter, swelter in the summer, and pay exorbitant prices for power that's only available now and then.
sadly, not only Germany. Many countries in Europe will institute their desired measures with precision calculation. There will be back lash, however, this is why these powerful shit heads move so very slowly. The older generations are too confused about the changes (people like my dad, 99 yo) and the younger generations do not know any better.
Slow and easy.
I dunno I feel like they haven't been doing the 'slowly' thing very well in recent years.
You are right, it’s psychological not intellectual. Reason, logic, evidence, debate - casting pearls before the swine. No point in talking to people who won’t listen.
There was this social revolution in the 1930s to try and prevent this....
....too soon?
That's the situation, yes.
I suspect the only solution to total capture will be total non-compliance. A critical mass of people simply refusing to listen to or obey the useless institutions.
How dare You.
In the highly improbable likelihood that our lords and masters were to be successful in forcing the the world to adopt electric vehicles, that would render "Mad Max-style road vehicles" impossible.
Which may be one of the motivations for this insanity.
I am generally very sparing with my praise. But this is an EXCELLENT analysis, Eugyppius. (From an American who lived a year in Germany. )
An attempt to create another energy crisis has also begun in the US, with new rules against natural gas heating and appliances being installed on new-builds in some states. Absolutely ridiculous considering that natural gas is one of the cleanest, most efficient energy sources ever discovered.
With new fracking techniques drillers can recover enough natural gas to supply the US for over 700 years . . . which, of course, totally ruins the elites' crisis narrative, and explains their anxiousness to be rid of it.
Gonna have to pry my natural gas stove from my cold dead hands before I give it up.
Insanity...led by California and NY.
No problem, they'll just turn off the gas.
Or the latest costly, and hopefully to be challenged, EPA regulation for power plants:
EPA proposes new rules that would dramatically slash planet-warming pollution from power plants
No Shale Gas supply is already peaking in the US. There is no way it can even replace coal in the US never mind supply the export market and certainly supply will be extremely restrained within 50yrs, likely less.
Have We Reached Peak Shale?
"Today we deep dive fracking and shale, the energy source that put Peak Oil concerns on the back burner for a decade and a half. According to recent analysis by Goehring and Rozencwajg Shale field production is showing signs of sliding down the backside of Hubbert’s curve. What are the geopolitical and economic ramifications? Are there more shale booms on the horizon overseas? What are the implications for nuclear which has been sidelined in deregulated markets by cheap abundant gas? Leigh Goehring joins me for a detailed discussion.
For a deeper dive check out Goehring and Rozencwajg latest quarterly analysis.
Using modern prospecting and extraction techniques there are hundreds – perhaps thousands of years’ worth of available petroleum resources left as yet untouched.
Then, using the steerable drilling techniques used for shale extraction and in situ gasification which produces synthesis gas, feedstock for the Fischer-Tropsch coal to oil process, there are trillions of tons of coal accessible in the UK alone.
And then there is the vast amount of methane available as hydrate on the ocean bed and in the arctic permafrost which is even now being investigated with a view to commercial exploitation, see here:
“At the same time, new technologies are being developed in Germany that may be useful for exploring and extracting the hydrates. The basic idea is very simple: the methane (CH4) is harvested from the hydrates by replacing it with CO2. Laboratory studies show that this is possible in theory because liquid carbon dioxide reacts spontaneously with methane hydrate. If this concept could become economically viable, it would be a win-win situation, because the gas exchange in the hydrates would be attractive both from a financial and a climate perspective.”
Some of what you are saying can of course be done and will be done. Japan is big on mining methane hydrate deposits right now. The cost of energy from these novel methods and the EROI from them is the critical factor. The numbers are, let's just say, dubious. And that's assuming nobody gives a damn about GHG emissions in the future. And that's a big assumption.
It's all an academic & political issue in any case. The simple truth that the PTB don't want you to know, is that nuclear power is easily capable of replacing all of the World's current energy supply, expanding it 5X to raise the standard of living of Developing Nations, and do that essentially forever, at least for millions of years, that's just fission resources.
And do so at an EROI that is nothing less than astonishing, certainly greater than 300:1, but likely upwards of 1000:1. And at a cost that NO form of energy can compete, not even close. Factory built SMRs, built at the scale they need to be built, will easily cost <$1k per kwe, $200/kwth, you just can't compete with that. With a tiny fuel supply, easily placed anywhere on the Earth, deep in the sea, in the high Arctic or Antarctic, on mountains, deserts or in space, Moon, Mars, Asteroids.
Those are just the facts. And believe me the PTB know that very well. They figured that out in the 1970's, when the USA was completing a new NPP every month, and would have been nearly 100% nuclear electricity by 2000 if they allowed that to continue. That's why they launched the international boycott of nuclear power, using Fear Porn, NGO's, corrupt media. There is strong evidence that even the TMI meltdown incident was contrived. And using ENGO's like Greenpeace, who still refuses to tell us where they get their $400M/yr from.
"And that's assuming nobody gives a damn about GHG emissions in the future. And that's a big assumption."
Not as big as all that, I doubt.
Currently the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation has just entered its negative phase, so the current warming pause is going to become cooling for the next two or three decades before the positive phase reasserts itself.
Remember that when the AMO went positive it triggered the change from the Great Ice Age caused by pollution scare to the current CO2 driven Anthropogenic Global Warming scare:
"We report here on the first results of a calculation in which separate estimates were made of the effects on global temperature of large increases in the amount of CO2 and dust in the atmosphere.<b> It is found that even an increase by a factor of 8 in the amount of CO2, which is highly unlikely in the next several thousand years, will produce an increase in the surface temperature of less than 2 deg. K.</b>
However, the effect on surface temperature of an increase in the aerosol content of the atmosphere is found to be quite significant. An increase by a factor of 4 in the equilibrium dust concentration in the global atmosphere, which cannot be ruled out as a possibility within the next century, could decrease the mean surface temperature by as much as 3.5 deg. K. If sustained over a period of several years, such a temperature decrease could be sufficient to trigger an ice age!</blockquote>
<b>Schneider S. & Rasool S., "Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Aerosols - Effects of Large Increases on Global Climate", Science, vol.173, 9 July 1971, p.138-141</b>
Those results were based on a climate model developed by none other than James Hansen, incidentally.
So quite soon we will be able to observe the "climate scientists" as they make excuses for having got it completely wrong for the last few decades.
If we are really unfortunate and the Solar Cycle cooling behaves as some are predicting, then it could get very cool indeed, and we really will have a climate catastrophe.
I can't see it happening. The trend is the exact opposite, climate change is being hyped by EVERYONE in power to an absurd degree, borderline psychosis. Of course that has nothing to do with climate change, that's just one more Fear Porn Propaganda, just like Covid was, designed to facilitate their World Great Reset Totalitarian techno-Feudal Oligarchy plan.
The best response to it is, "Ok you want to reduce emissions, everything you are doing is a failure, a vast waste of capital, I'll tell you how to do it, and save capital at the same time. And that is a rapid buildout of Nuclear power combined with Methanol fuel infrastructure. That will do what you want. If you don't do that, then you are lying and don't give a damn about CO2 emissions. Which is it?"
Have you had any dealings with methanol as a fuel for internal combustion engines?
I have, many years ago, in speedway and grass track racing motorcycles using JAP 499cc engines.
I assure you, it is pretty unpleasant stuff with a number of interesting, undesirable properties!
Note the lack of finning on that motor due to the immense cooling effect of the methanol fuels, even with compression ratios of 15:1.
They had to be run with very rich mixture, if they ran lean even for a few seconds they burned a hole in the piston piston, yet on cold days we had to wrap a sack round them while waiting to start the race, otherwise they would expire when the throttle was opened.
Carburetter main jets on petrol around 0.040", for a JAP with a needle-less track carburetter the main jet would be around 0.125", the thing looks like it came out of the ark and made 55-60 BHP in little more than a pushbike frame with prodigious torque right through the rev range, only one gear, not even having a neutral, and no brakes, also no caster angle on the front forks so only steer right sideways, 0-60 in 2.5 to 3 seconds.
Mr. SmithFS
How much energy is the sun delivering at this time of earth year about 200 miles above the US surface facing the sun at noon. Has such a calculation ever been attempted.
It's not hard to do. We have estimates of total solar output, you just need to choose an area and the formula is total solar output*(chosen area/total surface area of sphere with radius of 93 million miles).
Scam, stock market scam, buy gold no doubt
Eugyppius, you are one of the wisest voices on Substack. Happy to see you getting into energy which was always going to be a far scarier grift than covid for a variety of reasons, many of which you elocuted here so well. But here is the real question: what shall we, mere mortals, do about this? Or shall we all just move to Russia? China? There must be some other solution. Hoping that your brainpower will help present some actionable things that can be done auf Deutschland and around the world.
The whole Climate Catastrophe narrative is far more scary than the Covid Crap narrative because it's been years in the making. I am old enough to remember the newspapers having mocked up photos of icebergs and polar bears floating along the Thames in London! I also remember the stories of how we would be growing grapes and avocadoes and housing refugees from southern Europe as it became uninhabitable due to the increasing heat. I remember the hole in the ozone, the acid rain, the uncontrollable forest fires, the melting of the Siberian permafrost, the drowning of the Maldives. We were either going to freeze or burn. Interestingly, because nothing much happened the public proved pretty indifferent. Unlike Covid where the public were easily fooled. It's so ridiculous - if you want to save the planet it's really simply. Just stop spraying chemicals all over it! CO2 isn't the baddie. Burning coal isn't the baddie. Killing things with chemicals and chucking plastic everywhere are the problems.
Scary is a bad word.
These are criminals.
Never show fear or disgust.
Do you really see some bigger picture in this? Some "grand design"? Or what if it's merely fads that come and go all the time? I remember reading how people in the 18th century used to scare each other with Earth going through a comet tail, and how the nascent electric power brought to life Frankenstein (or his creation). What if these climate lunatics are merely a branch of literature, a cultural stream that eats its own tail?
Of course, it should be taken in the larger cultural context, as the optimistic people of the past would have seen profit in the spread of agriculture to the North of Sweden, whereas modern cucks get scared because their dear African children will die.
From Red to Green. One year after Chernobyl, Mikhail Gorbachev announced the creation of “Green Cross International”, an organisation whose president he is still today. It is fighting for the worldwide adoption of the “Earth Charter”, a document drafted in close cooperation with the Rockefellers. Torsten Mann shows in his new book that the real aim of this charter is promoting world communism under the new “global sustainable community” label.
Critical Review:
Red Lies in Green Clothes
Torsten Mann: Rote Lügen im grünen Gewand. Der kommunistische Hintergrund der Öko-Bewegung. Kopp Verlag, Rottenburg 2009
El Gato Malo calls them watermelons: green on the outside, red on the inside.
put simply:
the Green New Deal is communism rebranded.
"...there is nothing anybody can do about it" I disagree.
I know a German who worked in the energy field and "finally" toured a nuke plant last year. She was very impressed. However, she is in total denial of what's going on there and won't discuss anything negative.
I'll circle back to her in 2 years and the majority there like her. They will have seen reality and will stand up. Same problem in the US: until enough people feel enough pain, denial is easy. When harsh reality is their only friend, the instinct to fight back kicks in.
Never give up. Never surrender.
This is hilarious.
“She” will stand up.
Is she a Mama Grizzly too?
They already surrendered in 1945. To Stalin.
We surrendered to Pelosi and Biden.
People who are just desperately trying to hang onto their Bunds and 401Ks respectively at present in the future when hungry and cold will not suddenly revolt. That’s a nice myth, that’s all it is, its always been a myth, it’s utter nonsense. People trying to survive only try to survive.
Germany had a revolution.
We the Allies crushed it.
Now our masters crush us all.
Pretty much everywhere in the west.
Meanwhile in energy-starved Germany reality is starting to bite... March industrial orders fell by 10.7%, overall production decreased by 3.4%, manufacture of cars parts and machinery fell by 6.5% and 3.4% respectively.
It's not a fight when no one is punching back.
We cut their balls off, they can’t fight back, we being the Allies
Democracy is just lipstick on an oligarch pig.