Yes, she's suffering from clinical depression and a profound inability to connect with her children and therefore desperately seeking connection with people to whom she owes no demands of care and self-mastery. This is more common of women than we want to acknowledge, and it's not just some sort of post-modern phenomenon that can be cured by telling the little women that their highest fulfillment can be found in the home. Not even 100% of female cats have perfect maternal instincts.

This really is a matter of you got the stuff or you don't. Our Judith is sublimating her desire to escape actual real motherhood by pretending--perhaps most profoundly to herself--a maternal care for the earth and its creatures. Plenty of parents, male and female, like her. You might say Gandhi and MLK Jr. were part of her tribe, too.

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this seems very right to me.

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As someone who'd've been better parented had I been actually raised by wolves, I learned that the ability to mother one's child is not dependent on prior modeling by others. It just requires loving your child above and beyond every other thing in life, including yourself. No one and no cause should ever come firster.

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my mother was very similar to frau beadle, and at least as frustrating, though she sought her escape from us children and my father via the path of extreme Catholic piety rather than environmentalism. constant travels to various cult sites, a new society of similarly-minded 'friends', the command of a higher moral perch from which she could snipe at anybody who disagreed, that same dead-eyed determined stare. i know the type very well.

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I'm very sorry to learn that you do. A lot of us would have benefited from the care of a good wolf pack.

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The only privilege I was born with, was exceptional parents. I didn't realize how lucky I was until I started university.

I think my parents were exceptional because their maternal modeling was so terrible. I discussed the issue with them many times and they both acknowledged the intention to be the exact opposite of their own mothers.

I am one of four. We are all middle-aged, with families of our own. Yet, we know in a crisis, our parents would drop everything and come to our aid.

It is a privilege I never deserved but am so grateful I received.

In generations prior to the 1980's, kids that had shitty, neglectful parents usually found a 2nd home with another family in the neighborhood or with extended family. Now they are stuck with a stupid, narassistic mother, a cucked father and social media.

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It is a privilege I never deserved but am so grateful I received.


Every child on earth deserves decent parenting at the rock-bottom bare minimum. They deserve more than the minimum though.

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When I was a teen it was very common for families to end up with a sort of floater kid. They came to have dinner and that just stretched out for a few years.

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Well done for mentioning the father/husband. I suspect his testicles are in a jar of formaldehyde in the basement. What a weakling.

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Odd you should write that and very timely. Last night I dreamed I was protected by two wolves. And yes my mother would have seen a kindred soul in yours and eugyppius' mother.

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I dreamt that once too. I woke up with no legs. :)

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My mother had no sublimating other interests. She was an exemplar of what happens when you thwart the intelligence of women. She relentlessly turned herself stupid after marriage, She came from an extended family of women who were excellent cooks and knitters; her mother was a seamstress who made me the most beautiful clothes when I was a little girl.

She always talked about the wonderful meals her own grandma made and she fed us on Minute Rice and canned green beans etc. Of course, after my father left (I was already out of the house) she began cooking lovely meals for my brother.

We should do one of those fundraising collaborative books and call it "Monstrous Mommies, A Horror Anthology."

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I was lucky in that last -aka siblings!

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I was estranged from my brother for 35 years, give or take a few. But he has been very good to me in my latter adulthood. I regret what's been missed but am grateful for what there is.

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I'd choose cobras over kraits every time. But we didn't get to choose.

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It might've been a baby krait I flushed down that toilet 40 years ago. Picked it up with a stick since I didn't want it to go where I wouldn't know where it went.

The cobra that got into Baba's bedroom was a lot bigger. I don't remember how they got it out.

[these are true anecdotes]

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My mother told me (1/4 in jest?). She could never measure up to God's demand that she love him first. She would always love her children most. She was the best ol' mom. But not the most pious.

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Sounds like my aunt. My cousins are forever scarred, having been pulled into the cult as children.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

We may have been raised by the same mother and yet never met. Greetings and salutations, my brother!

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Sorry - that had to suck!

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by eugyppius

All of these stories are unfortunate, and I'm sorry that everyone had to endure these trials in their upbringing. I suspect that most people had less than *perfect* home situations as children.

That being said, I don't care if this woman had a hard time growing up or that she's depressed. We're all depressed now due to what the government is doing to us.

Want to solve the green protests? Every time one of them is blocking traffic, throw out a stink b**b. That will train them to stop these attention getting antics and force them to get some help or drown their sorrows in alcohol. Their choice.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Agreed. My mother was abusive and severely mentally ill. I myself am not a perfect mother but love and connect to my kids. In fact, I didn’t realize the severity of my own upbringing until I married well and had children of my own.

I have wonderful relationships with many members of my extended family and my husband’s family, yet I haven’t spoken to my own mother in six years. I imagine this woman will have a similar experience of estrangement with her own kids if they are lucky enough to heal from the experience and not continue it themselves into the next generation.

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Call your Mom

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Those who don't know a parent like Jennifer might say as you do, but for those of us unfortunate enough to have met such "mothers", to be no contact is the only way, especially when it comes to breaking abuse cycles and protecting one's own children from the malignant grandparent.

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Funny thing. I was estranged from my mother for four years or so, and neither the before nor the after were what even a deranged optimist would call congenial, and I sure would wish her parenting only on a worst enemy, but she was a wonderful grandma. Her help in raising my son was essential, and he loved her very dearly. Being a grandma extended her life by two decades and they were happy ones.

And this is a common thing. Many wretched parents are surprisingly good grandparents. Each case of course must be taken individually.

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Was she a narcissic pervert? Because with those people, being out of reach is the only answer.

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Great point. Sorry you have to go through that. Be well.

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Being abusive and have what appears to be a mental illness is symptomatic of alcohol/other-psychoactive drug addiction. I go with the odds. Root causes are crucial.

Intra-family non-communication is nearly always rooted in alcohol/other-drug addiction. The reason root causes are important is because you solve that problem, you resolve all the others (over time).

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My mother never touched alcohol and drugs in her life and is abusive. She's a victim of incest and neglect. Drugs aren't the cause of all of this at all.

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Her abuser, then.

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A fierce and unshakable devotion is all it takes — a simple formula. 😉

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It is simple. And yet so many fail at it.

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I never desired to be married or have children but I ended up doing both. The moment my first child was born I felt in my innermost core a love I'd never experienced before and knew I would die for for my son.

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That's why I feel sorry for so many young women today (and dopey young beta boys). They seem to be turning against marriage and will miss out on one of the greatest things in life: parenthood. Cats and fast cars are no substitute

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Ain't nature something?

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Thank you for that perspective.

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Sep 10, 2023·edited Sep 10, 2023

Yes I’m sad to say my mother was also a bit on the neglectful side, completely oblivious to me most of the time, combined with intense occasional interest. I realized 40 years ago that not everyone is a good mom automatically. I also met women who openly admitted they never wanted kids and regret having them. It was the 70s after all.

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I also met women who openly admitted they never wanted kids and regret having them. It was the 70s after all.


I try not to throw around words like "evil" with careless abandon, but my feeling about women who will invite fate's worst by expressing out loud the desire to unmake their children ought to receive gilded invitations to the harakiri chamber we keep in the basement.

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Why that? Why the need for ¨abortion¨ when women have ALL THE MEANS AT THEIR DISPOSAL FOR BIRTH CONTROL! Abortion used to be for desperate situation.

What we are talking about now is downright MURDER! Baphomethan sacrifice! DIA-BO-LI-CAL!

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Abortion is one of those necessary evils. Until the point of viability it's nobody else's business.

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I think of myself as a pretty useless mom because of depression, but I must not have done to bad as my youngest son, in his wedding speech, thanked us and said we did a lot more right than we think. Some consolation.

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Depression makes you feel useless, Magrietha, but it often hides from you the many good things you do. The fact that your son thanked you means that you probably did a lot more good than you think.

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Never had kids, not my cup of tea. I have been told at times, it was selfish. How can you be selfish to someone who is not even born, I would ask.

Have seen people also who regretted having kids, and some absolutely happy at having them.

Anyway, you have kids you look after them and you love them, otherwise you are not normal, that's all!

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Most marry and have kids simply because they had sex but did not think of the consequences ,like getting pregnant .When getting pregnant anyway ,the ..future mommy asks honey when are we getting married ,i'm pregnant .So lover boy has no way out but to say tomorrow honey .

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From experience (some personal), I've noticed that people with psychological challenges react in two ways: either they admit the problem and deal with it, or they refuse to accept responsibility and take it out on the rest of the world. This sad woman is clearly in the latter category.

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What an amazing insight. That had never occurred to me. Substitute actual children with their inevitable demands with an undemanding cause that makes you look selfless.

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A self-deceptive substitute for Münchhausen by Proxy of sorts.

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I think you’re analysis is spot on - and incredibly depressing. How do you even start to make the case that motherhood, for all it’s challenges, is better for women than the alternative, in a culture that essentially teaches young women that their own biological best interest = oppression ?

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Motherhood isn't better for all women. Women and men should have children *if they want them.*

I was lucky. I realized I wanted a child just absolutely in the nick of time. Not a lifestyle accessory; not a trophy; not to prove anything; not because anybody else wanted me to have one. Because at that moment in my life I wanted my own child more than anything else ever.

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Not better for all women agreed, but it would be interesting to see how much better it would be for many women, in the absence of the constant and relentless propagandising against motherhood that is often referred to as ‘feminism’.

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Any person stupid enough to listen to slogans rather than their own inclinations is best not raising another generation.

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I think for the younger women it is absolutely relentless and primarily enforced via their peers. Women are significantly more agreeable than men. Plus men are dropping out because of all the MeToo stuff. And the family courts don't help either.

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Considering how hard it is to raise a child well, I see no problem with the weeding out of the unlikely-to-succeed crowd. School shooters didn't make themselves.

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I would argue that men benefited most from feminism in many ways. If you are a young man surrounded by women who don't want long term relationships or commitments, what's not to like? As long as you can avoid the "MeToo" lawfare, that is.

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And what happens when a few years down the line, the majority of people realise that "climate change" is a load of rubbish and that they wasted their lives and destroyed their families for a pack of lies? However, knowing these kinds of people, they will either refuse to accept the truth or simply move on to the next Big Cause.

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I am first wave feminist. In my days, we never hated men. I remember it was about same work same pay.

Enter the commie infiltrator. 2nd wave looks at all men sideways, 3rd wave harridans, wait for 4st wave. I NOW HAVE TO DEFEND MEN!

Anything good is perverted by the commies.

Look at the green movement, now Gate-of-hell cuts and burries trees. Hahaha!

Great! Kick in the butt for the planetary wake-up! Silver lining!

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Agreed - things always seem to go badly wrong when the ideologues get involved.

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I call them the Ism-ists.

Box thinking.

They are not grounded at all.

This is why I love talking to tradesmen (plumbers, electricians, people who DO and MAKE things, simple as feeding the population at large when you are a farmer) and engineers.

The ideologues like a good beautifully created supposed utopia structure, then they grab you and tell you, ¨FIT IN OR ELSE¨. This is why some intellectuals (if you may call them that) are so downright dangerous).

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They are leftists, which means that every aspect of life is political and that it's all about power.

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My son, that is German, lives close to large wind farms. For a week now not the slightest little breeze, windmills standing there useless! So much for renewables, someone please tell her

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Nothing wrong with first-wave feminism. Good for you for fighting for a genuine cause. However, all revolutions end up going crazy. Women have won nearly all the battles they wanted to win, yet I'm amazed at how ANGRY the latest bunch of feminists are. I watched a vid of some young women at Princeton Uni in the US banging on about how oppressed they are. Truly bizarre.

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True. No-one should be forced into having kids. However, there is a stark demographic reality that goes beyond personal wishes here: our societies are literally dying out because so few women are having kids. For a society to survive, 9 out of 10 women need to have 2 kids, and the 10th needs to have 3. Demographics is destiny.

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I'm really not on your side here, being an interbreeder.

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Tik Tok, in a word. There is a growing army of older ladies on there who drank the Kool-Aid and are demonstrating where it leads. Singledom, wine and cats. Nice apartments though.

Difficult to watch mind you. But the message seems to be growing, plus the feminists have done themselves no favours backing the trans crowd.

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You might not realize this, but a good, stable, loving, dependable life partner ain't waiting in the Connubial Bliss Superstore. I myself did not find a good, stable, loving, dependable life partner. But he did supply the Golden Sperm at the right moment during the time I spent waiting for him to become those things. Many women are not as fortunate to find even the momentary instrument of facilitating a life treasure.

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But that is a recent thing, as in the last few generations. Significant changes to society have led to greater numbers of women being involuntarily childless. And it seems to be a growing problem in the west.

I also agree the perfect person isn't waiting in the wings like a movie. I am definitely a realist. But I think social media and dating apps have fundamentally changed people. That is what I am reading anyway.

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Maybe read a little history instead. Surplus women got shipped to convents or were household servants for their families. Before retirement/nursing homes were the spinster daughters. Even in traditional Eastern societies with an extremely high preference for marrying off one's girls, there were plenty of unmarried women serving the needs of others to justify their keep.

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I guess the spinsters, in those days, were the ugly ducks no one wanted in their bed... While some beautiful girls would marry an ugly guy with a wallet. Tough.

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Why do you suppose that unmarried women end up with cats and depression? Old unmarried women are NOT all 3rd wave ¨feminists¨ hysterical men-hating harridans!

Can't you understand that it is better for either a man or a woman to live alone than to live in awful company?

Lost my lifetime companion, now alone, no children many friends, no cats, no TV, and happy! Why do you want to box in people and generalise? With all due respect.

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The cats are a humerous stereotype of spinsters. The rise in unhappiness is a well documented phenomenon. Over the last fifty years women's unhappiness has increased considerably while mens has declined. It used to be the other way around. Women in western nations seem to be having a hard time of it, with about one in four on antidepressants. In the US the group with the highest use of drugs are childless women in their 40s.

Hope that helps.

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There are also the guys who NEVER EVER got married.

Yet, when the approach old age, they eagerly look for a

Wife, no sorry! I mean unpaid-free-home-nurse-with-wife-status-attached! Depends changing and all!

There are also the BAD fathers who, when death is getting close, are trying to re contact the family they pretend to love so much all of a sudden. I have seen that.

I did notice that bad selfish people close to death soften up before croaking because with what they have done, they s!it their pants, terrified by what may be ahead... Not sorry for them. Too little, too late!

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True, but we also expect too much these days. We watch Romcoms and expect perfect, ever-lasting love. Few young people seem to realise that a long-lasting relationship is as much about compromise and working bloody hard at it. We tend to sneer at western men who get mail order brides from Thailand. The man wants sex and a reliable wife (not always in that order!), while the woman wants material comfort and a better place to live. However, up till recently, most marriages were similar arrangements and trade-offs. Maybe today we no longer have the commonsense and humility to make relationships last.

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For most of human history, extremely large numbers of people--women and men both--were trapped in dreadful marriages they had no decent way of escaping. For most of human history the sacrament of marriage has been socially-condoned prostitution and the selling of one's children for social and material advantage.

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It's that dead-eyed stare which Eugyppius pointed out that has me creeped.

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She has that dead eyed stare because she’s a brain dead moron who’s been duped into believing we are killing the planet

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I don't think she's brain dead. It's more like the stare you get from a sociopath - souless.

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Hahahaha! They swallow up all the propaganda! Gloob gloob gloob gloob gloob burpp! It is incredible!

Gloob gloob! Gloob gloob! Blurp!

In the meantime, the Mother WEF's....

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The Zucker stare!

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I don't agree. There are all sorts of people who love their children but are either forced or make difficult choices and are then seperated from their children. That doesn't mean they have an inability to connect with their children.

I see this woman like the covid-a-holics: easily brainwashed, easily ruled by their fears, prone to cults and a tyrant. She bought in to the climate change kool-aod and thinks the world will end soon and so she's taking action just like the mask, lockdown and vaxx mandate fanatics.

She can't think for herself, heaven forbid she do some actual research, grabs on to whatever popular 'cure' she buys in to and thinks she has the right to dictate to everyone else.

If her husband were any kind of a father, he'd put his foot down and try to curtail her loony behaviour but it seems 2 of a kind have paired up and I do feel sorry for their children.

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The word "love" is often misused. It's a very specific faculty.

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My meaning of the word love is wanting what's best for the one(s) you love without being a tyrant. Ms. Beadle in this article is a tyrant. She wants what she thinks is best and will force it upon anyone in her way, just like the fanatical covid-a-holics as I described above.

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I don't think she's a tyrant. I think she's a desperately unhappy woman who had two children she doesn't want with a useless man she got tired of supporting in his pathetic fantasy of showbiz glory. Perhaps she had severe postpartum depression that was never treated because no one, including herself, recognized she was suffering from it.

Because it wouldn't be acceptable in any area of society for her to have just packed her bags and said "I'm done; I can't endure this any longer," she found people who'd celebrate her wonderful sacrifice to save the world for everyone's children. It's not abandonment now; it's magically transmuted into the highest form of love.

Perhaps she spent her life up to now being the dutiful daughter, the supportive girlfriend and the wonderful wife who lifted up her idiot husband's dream. Now she's a cut-rate Joan of Arc.

St. Joan had been delusional, too.

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I could not agree with you more. An out of control childhood illustrated these potentials, so I never added the stress of children. Too difficult for everyone, with a risk of familial depression.

I believe that this behavior will become even more prevalent, and that there should be alarms sounding everywhere. Social Media feeds this with a vengeance. (I have avoided Social Media with the same regard).

Best to you.

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Life is more accidental luck than anything else. Every idiotic choice I made turned out to be another step on the right road. (Surviving, of course, was key.) And based on everything, including multigenerational history, I should have been a horrible abusive incompetent failed useless mother.

I wasn't. Having discovered myself to be a good mother is the second-greatest gift in my life. (The first, of course, is the child.) Nothing could have possibly predicted it.

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"Follow your instinct" is what I want to tell everyone. You do not need to hear that from me.

You are exactly right for you, and with great success. The empath in me is not surprised that you are a wonderful mother.

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I think this is an excellent insight. One thing I ask myself is the extent to which the ability to escape creates the desire to escape from drudgery? In other words, are there women (and men) who are on the margins of this, and in other cultures or in times where life was just less full of choices, would just have made the best of it? I think that family breakdown rates suggest there is something in that.

You are definitely right though. There is a very good book by François Mauriac called Therese Desqueyroux about an extreme case of this type.

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I've seen the extent of mental illness in a South Asian culture where the average woman--whether an impoverished peasant or an outwardly-greatly privileged one--has no chance of escape. Plenty of them take no joy in the kids they're forced to have. Talk about intergenerational trauma.

There's so much scorn in the right-leaning gardens of Substack for women who find great sufficiency in themselves, and ain't it weird how men with cats are persons of taste and discernment, and women with cats are crazy?

For a great many women--maybe most--throughout history, the traditional life has been in reality socially-acceptable prostitution. For men it has often been an indentured servitude too.

All these guys blaming birth control and divorce as the twin evils that have destroyed Western civilization--not hardly. The means of obtaining intentional childbearing are the greatest gift to humanity ever. The dignity of a no-fault divorce is a great unshackler.

And for that drudgery: I had no choice but to work full-time, with three-months' maternity leave because I had a good job at that time, until my kid was in middle school. I refused to continue after that so I could be home for my kid for those last years before he went off to adulthood. I still had to get a part-time job.

I promise you, I didn't think I'd survive the exhaustion of those early years. I survived a lot more things, too. The price I paid to raise my kid to the very best utmost of my ability was costly, but worth every bit of it. But it took its toll on my girlish complexion.

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This is a very helpful corrective to the “it was great in the old days” mentality, which I definitely don’t believe to be true. Life in a traditional society is hard and often unpleasant.

Anyone familiar with peasant societies will know that mixture of bitterness, realism and a sense of inferiority which does not make for happy people.

However, I do think that having to face up to and deal with challenges is the making of people. If it is too easy to escape, people will do that, often with very little justification beyond it is a bit inconvenient to stick with something hard.

A balance is needed, and romanticising traditional societies does not help. It is Utopianism of the Right, and just as silly.

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Honesty is a useful trait. Raising children *well* is extremely hard work. It requires you to find in yourself resources and capacities you didn't think you had. It requires you to remind yourself, maybe a gazillion times a day, that your kid will never forget the awful thing you said in a careless moment. They'll forgive you, they'll love you--but they'll never forget you said that. You must hold your tongue so hard you can feel it on the edge of gangrene.

You must ignore the glossy advice to "self-care." You must learn self-mastery. You must do what needs to be done because it needs to be done.

It does happen to be a wonderful thing that we have longer lifespans now. A parent can enjoy the life that comes after raising kids to adulthood. It's now, in maturity, and with no responsibilities, that I can use my gifts, such as they might be, for myself, and enjoy them because this is the right time for them to flourish. I didn't deplete all my resources by putting my kid first at the time that was essential.

If people want to save Western society, they need to ensure women's economic security in their older ages so they won't risk impoverishment if they stay out of the workforce during their kids' early childhood years, or choose lower-paying reduced-hours work so they can be much more available to their kids. There are lots and lots of ways to lose the income contribution of a spouse.

If I hadn't worked all through my kid's early years I'd be eating the cheapest grade of catfood now and not liking it.

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Another excellent comment, thanks.

I think your comment about ensuring mothers a living if they take time out of their career to care for children is an excellent point.

To my mind, our society refuses to incentivise good and desirable behaviour, while going out of its way to encourage irresponsible and selfish behaviour.

Is this deliberate? I don’t know. It’s definitely bad however.

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Everything is done backwards, and the more libertarian among us, though they have excellent foundational principles and are correct to mistrust the govmint in just about everything, are a little reluctant to recognize that the average person has little real, actual chance of putting aside sufficient private retirement resources to protect against penury and horrible old-age housing.

And even the most happy devoted marriage can turn out to be a mug's game when a woman (for the sake of this discussion let's say it's the woman in this scenario), after raising the kids and having no or few social security credits, finds herself dealing with a spouse who's trading her in for a new improved model bringing along a step-kid or so and the family home must be sold in the divorce agreement and she's got to go back to work at the age of 50.

If her childraising homemaking was recognized by the government as retirement-credit earning (and all sorts of means testing can be factored in at the time of accessing benefits), more women could more safely risk more of the childraising homemaking.

Anyone thinks I'm exaggerating about the catfood dining had I not worked full-time for so long, we should have a nice friendly non-generalized chat about golden years impoverishment when you've been a little deficient in your character-analysis skills.

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Couldn't she just take Prozac like the rest of us?

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You miss the maternal care substitution imperative. She didn't just need to feel better.

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Clinical depression is often a symptom of alcohol/other-psychoactive drug addiction.

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Such addictions are attempts at self-medication.

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You can't "self medicate" if you don't have the biological predisposition to substance addiction.

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We've got biological predispositions to just about everything. Devil is always in the details.

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No, we do not. If you are not an alcoholic, try drinking addictively. You will not be able to. Your body won't let you.

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Anything you say, Doug. Fine with me.

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I think the modern crop of 'girl-bosses' is in part a large collection of women who have no maternal instinct or very little, yet need something to do. They would have been pressed into having a family in the past but now they can force their way into high-status professions instead. This is not entirely unreasonable except in doing so they destroyed the healthy basis of society: the married mother and father of children making up a safe, robust family.

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Fuck sake.

The most celebrated literature, theater and cinema of the 20th century portrayed the desperation of men millstoned by the stink of diapers and the bathrobed harridan wife and the ungrateful children for whom he labored in a thankless, soulless job and then commuted home to a tickytack house and the prospect of a jello mold for dinner.

You think women didn't take a lesson from that? How despised a normal life is by all the best people?

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I'm not sure what line you're taking here: you're arguing my point. Post-war pop culture has been about sating individual appetites at the expense of society. It told everyone they would be happier 'chasing their dreams' and living in a Californian fantasy. Now young women are aborting their kids and selling their holes on Only Fans and the men are fat, unemployed and timid, too afraid to say anything aggressive or controversial for fear of the consequences.

In short - the culture was wrong.

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This is just the usual cycle in human history. Always bad to be in the downturn part.

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Or, "the problem that has no name," described in 1963 in "The Feminine Mystique"...


Or "righteousness compulsion" or "righteousness fallacy"... Even the Bible discusses the danger of being "overly righteous."

Husband? What's his deal? It seems she's no longer interested, so divorce might be an option...

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These climate cultists - like others stricken by various ideologies - have no higher order purpose. Many don't (and won't) have kids. So they get five cats and devote their lives to their 'new' gods yet call themselves atheists.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Yes...including this guy.....I mean, "Dr"..... This just in ...from Canada....

As We Hurtle, Eyes Wide Open, Towards Another Disastrous Winter Respiratory Virus Season, Where Is Public Health?


...comments are even scarier......

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I'm Canadian. This 'dr' is from the Canadian capitol, Ottawa. That place is full of government employees and their families, i.e. too many cultish dead eyed folks like the woman of this article. There is another doctor there who got elected to their local school board, dr. Nili something or other. From what I've seen of her, she's more of a fanatic than Freedhoff, not to mention a 'masking in front of the camera' type.

On the other hand, it seems that those who have received many covid shots are having a hard time with getting fairly sick with covid over and over again. I haven't had covid and I didn't take any shots. My vaxx free friends are fairly healthy too. If it does become a difficult winter, it will be for those who are multi vaxxed.

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Yes, I have seen her...crazy is an understatement...

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Can't believe it's not comedy.

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Sep 9, 2023·edited Sep 10, 2023

Someone from another substack wrote a comment and he has already been removed and banned..... "https://open.substack.com/pub/yonifreedhoffmd/p/im-hoping-i-deleted-this-post-before?r=aoyra&utm_campaign=comment-list-share-cta&utm_medium=web&comments=true&commentId=39824133

I did get one in, but I suspect by the time my hike is complete, I will be banned! :-)"

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Wow. Thats what "Follow the science" gets you

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I remember seeing their British equivalents on the news (as I imagine is the case in Germany, they're never bloody off it) a few weeks ago and it's stuck with me that one of the old biddies in the protest in question carried a sign that literally said "I WON'T DIE QUIETLY!"

Tell us what's really on your mind, eh?

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Greens don't like cats much either tbh

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

How can that family afford to live? Food is so expensive and the husband is a comedian? There’s no material for comedy in that household, that’s for sure, unless you decide to mock mental illness. Pretty clear these groups prey on unhappy people like this- now she is grasping onto her new religion (cult) with such ferocity to fill the void inside of herself that her whole family will pay the price with her mental descent into full-throated instability. Wow. Those poor kids.

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You sure she isn't getting wealthy like Greta's family. Greta has been an incredible cash cow for them. Being a Climate Change fanatic is recipe for big cash donations from the uber-wealthy. Look the total nutbag Australian climate fanatic AND rabid anti-nuclear crusader Helen Caldicott. Compared to her she looks like the picture of sanity. And yet Caldicott admits to getting +$100k individual donations, anonymous of course.

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Yes, if she's actually hurting for money, she must be the only semi-famous leftist who doesn't have a Patreon account pulling in thousands of dollars a month.

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Financial hardship should be regarded as virtuous by the cultists. Almost anything that money buys requires energy, particularly food.

Living in a cave without appliances would be the ultimate in "sustainability" (as defined by the eco commies) and would cost almost nothing.

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Yeah the money is the big unanswered question here. I suspect the generous taxpayers of Germany are taking up the slack for her craziness.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

“I would rather forego Christmas with my children than watch as they’re robbed of their future,” she told the press.

Bet you a dollar to a donut her kids were fine being free of her vermin presence for the holidays!!

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She may be a bad mother, but she's still their mother, and they will feel abandoned by the most important person in their lives...

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actually quite the opposite. when u abandon your children a la Mrs Jellby for some "cause" they will be currently damaged and permanently wounded.

my grandfather was a "Marxist" agitator who was always out "trying to save the world" and all it did was make our whole family hate him and leave a smoking bomb crater where a family (w a family life, family joy, family memories) should have been.

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Right! She's giving her kids more anxiety being absent and locked up than climate change fears ever could or would. Fears she actively stokes in them they never would've naturally had. In a sane and moral world she'd be charged and tried for child abuse. And her kids would be placed into a loving home with parents who are present and not filling them with their own mental illness anxieties like she does.

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Mrs Jellaby is exactly what came to my mind

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Yep, Dicken saw right through these types. They are not comedy gold like she was, unfortunately.

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But shouldn't you be betting fig newtons? jk lol

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They might be relieved, but they won't be fine. They will know that things should be different.

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She reads about Ghandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. whose civil disobedience she wants to emulate. What she does not understand is that civil disobedience only works in societies which respects individual rights and the rule of law. If Ghandhi or King had protested in Mao's China, Stalin's Russia or Pol Pot's Kampuchea they would have been executed or placed deep in the bowels of a gulag never to be known by anyone.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I'm increasingly convinced that what is afflicting our society is ultimately a crisis of meaninglessness. William James was right: we need a moral equivalent of war.

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I think this is what it is all about. Del Noce (I always mention him...) contrasts the society of (material) well-being (but nothing else), which is essentially the American empire, with a Christian culture which provides access to transcendent meaning in the form of Logos.

This surely explains the disappearance of good art and architecture, and the frantic search for intense experience in the form of the sexual revolution, drugs, etc.

We have been promised heaven on earth; it didn’t arrive, so the system finds new ways to monetise pleasure and so keep people from looking where it can really be found.

This is a very serious problem, and I think we are only now waking up to something which has been like a cultural plague of locusts...

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You are correct, but many people don't realize how far back this goes. Basically to the Garden.

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A world without God.

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I think you’ve got it just right. A crisis of meaninglessness. Probably inherent in the long term decline in traditional religious faith in the west, along with the rise of a sterile secularism.

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IMHO people like this should be pitied but it’s hard to feel for any of them , except perhaps for their unfortunate children. Suggestion for Beadle - next time glue yourself to a porcupine !

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We've got a real war. A cultural war. We just need to start fighting it.

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I think she’s dead-eyed because she’s suffering from clinical depression. I think the whole Climate Apocalypse cult might just be a mental health issue.

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"the whole Climate Apocalypse cult might just be a mental health issue"

AGREE! In my nearly eight decades I have heard, "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" continuously. Non-stop. But somehow - the sky has not fallen. The world has not yet ended. But of course, the doomsayers had not yet, in the 1950s, institutionalized, and MONETIZED, their message. Nor had communications technology "progressed" to the extent that massive fraud, like the scamdemic, was even feasible.

Now, with today's pervasive, omnipresent, big brotherish propaganda capability, we should expect the relentless onslaught to continue. Unabated. Which, of course, will force more and more of the victims of modern "education", living heir pointless lives, over the edge. Into clinical depression.

Yes, it is mental illness. Deliberately inflicted on us.

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Yes, that’s the part that gets my goat as well - the deliberate inflicting of avoidable mental suffering for political goals. Not sure which circle of hell is reserved for that...

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Yes, open the insane asylums again.

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Except they’d just get reinforcement of the existing delusion on the asylum. Government mandated.

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Please excuse me, but I don't think I understand the word "letzte" as the Beadle is using it in the phrase "letzte generation" although I am sincerely trying. The word cannot mean "last" since she has children and they are clearly of a generation after her by definition. So how is she any part of "the last generation"?

Isn't it the case that she is a narcissist who believes her views should be forced upon everyone else? Perhaps she shouldn't be surprised if her violent actions against travellers are misunderstood.

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This is absolutely the problem of the West.

I think Solzhenitsyn decried it 50 years ago, and it's only becoming ever so much worse.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

"She is a dead-eyed 43 year-old" ....

She looks vegan eyed to me. Who wants to bet she also bought in to the 'cow farts' ruining the planet.

Thing is, anyone who knows cows, as I do, knows they don't actually fart, They are fore end fermenters. Unlike vegans aka hind end fermenters who, as we all know, fart ad nauseum.

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How many vegan girlfriends did you have? And please tell us the whole story, because I like a good chuckle! Hahahaha!

Oh, by the way, for you all IGNORANT people, plant-base is good for you, and that's good news, because if hard times hit us, we can always eat our car tyres, because rubber is plant-based.

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"plant based" is such a misleading term. It could be said that I eat 100% plant based as all I eat are the products of grass fed animals.... So sure I eat plants, as long as they are processed first by the animal.

It's all such bonkers rubbish, isn't it. Is there any real hope for humanity? I wonder. Why can't people just think for themselves and use good old fashioned common sense. Not so common now, more fittingly described as 'rare sense'.

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Awesome comment spot on, hat tip to example.. toxic food is a decades deep long suit for me so the bait & switch marketing trends always hit my radar.. current full throttle use of "plant based" is the biggest abuser since "Natural" rolled out.. great call! :~)

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Cult indeed!

Four climate cultists disrupted the US Open tennis tournament this week, with one reportedly gluing his feet to the grandstand floor.

I said then, Fine! Leave him there! Give him occasional sips of water--on humanitarian grounds--but no food, no bathroom breaks.

Perhaps this lunatic could be left glued in the middle of the street, surrounded by traffic cones, on humanitarian grounds.

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When toilet time kicks in, all camera on (feed them Brussel sprouts first).

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Sep 9, 2023·edited Sep 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

of course her statement that the ultra rich are the main culprit is right. I just read that gates has 4 private jets. but soon her children will be sleeping on the street. Is that what she wants? this is not the way to go. Better sit on the back seat, non complying with any govt missteps. Sooner or later, things will change. The Missouri court has upheld the sentence against the govt. NYC is rehiring teachers who did not take the jab. And lots of people are waking up to what is going on. It won't be long now, before the whole whorehouse comes tumbling down. The German app crash was in the news, and Italian papers are more and more stating, that either the jabs are questioned for sudden deaths, or even affirming so.

And yes, she is dead-eyed. A zombie, a brainwashed skin without a heart.

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'The Missouri court has upheld the sentence against the govt.'

If you mean yesterday's decision about the injunction, not quite. It looks like they just removed a few of the defendants from the injunction. https://www.ca5.uscourts.gov/opinions/pub/23/23-30445-CV0.pdf

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I only read the comment from Jeff Childers, he is a lawyer and is very optimistic, and I like to go long with any optimistic voice LOL. I know absolutely nothing about law.

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Matt Taibbi had a useful analysis about the decision today. Sorry, it's paywalled. https://www.racket.news/p/in-missouri-v-biden-internet-censorship

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I was mistaken about that. I only skipped to the end of the decision which was what I described. There was more that I had missed. Sorry about that.

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Every cause attracts some number of fame whores who live to see their name in print & lips of others.. the professed cause takes a big backseat to spotlight they direct to themselves.. gives me a big time cramp as an ego play but destructive potential is huge.. winner for worst fame whore destruction in my decades of activism is Suzie Dawson @Suzi3D aka endarken when Occupy New Zealand began her career as manipulator.. loathe, despise & detest the wench for irreparable damage to FreeAssange movement & many good folks involved. rant/

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"Better sit on the back seat"

Such a position rarely if ever leads to change. The Missouri court verdict was only achieved by a few determined people who refused to sit on the back seat.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

What’s bizarre to me about this is that she’s willing to believe worst case scenarios but doesn’t take any time to consider the dire predictions made in her youth and evaluate whether they’ve come true. (Spoiler alert - they haven’t!) Also, if she’s so certain the earth is going to end from climate change, she ought to take a trip to China where most co2 emissions (proportionately) are produced. But she won’t - because she knows it would likely cost her her life there. She isn’t truly a martyr. She is enjoying the fame and notoriety in Germany knowing the worst that can happen is she’ll land in jail.

Meanwhile she is missing out on years of her children’s lives that she’ll never have an opportunity to be part of again. The kids are going to grow into adults who view her as crazy and missing from key moments of their childhood. And eventually (I hope) the husband will divorce her.

There is nothing good about what she is doing and radicalized is really a good word for it. I feel sad for the children who are growing up without a mother and who are steeped in fear rather than experiencing the wonders and magic of childhood.

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Just read your comment on the Freedhoff site. Excellent. Very calm and rational. I was shocked to read he is a physician. It read like a teenager had written the post. My view of the medical profession has declined even more.

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I think my favorite thing is that defenders of Covid hysteria always revert to calling someone a Covid denier when someone raises legitimate concerns and counter points. I guess they don’t understand what the word denial means. I’m not saying there’s not a virus that can cause Covid. I’m saying that the risks are exaggerated and the response is not scientifically backed. And there is plenty of evidence to back this point of view. So I don’t care if they say it’s Covid denial to bring facts to the discussion. It’s science denial to refuse to look at facts that run counter to their view of panic.

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And especially from a medical doctor. You could sense the panic in his post. Why aren't they warning everyone? Absolutely crazy.

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I think my comments hit a raw spot for him. They were quite quickly deleted and I’m permanently banned from commenting. Maybe the likes accumulating scared him. Censorship rather than discussion speaks even louder given that I was being respectful. Sorta makes me feel sad for his patients. It’s a real tragedy when a doctor isn’t willing to engage in a discussion of absolute risks.

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It will not matter, because boomerang. Nuremberg. Those who were part of it are in BIG TROUBLE!

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I'd forgotten all about Yoni Freedhoff... the guy's a joke.

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Every generation is tempted to believe they will be the last. I did too. It’s feels somehow wrong to the young that life will go on long after they’re gone. After all, they’re just getting started! And want to make their mark. Everyone wants to believe in their own importance. There is little that is more seductive than believing that you must prevent the end of the world.

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Are you asking her to be LOGICAL?

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These people are so ridiculous.... for starters , why are they using glue and paint? Both petroleum based products. I don’t agree with their “environmentalism” but they would do so much better with a different ( more mature) marketing plan.....

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Can we glue her eyebrows to the pavement so when they are yanked off we get better groomed eyebrows- like a 2 for 1 deal?

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You are the hero we need but don't deserve, lol.

Personally I would leave them then issue all the local 12 year old boys with paintguns. They want to throw paint around? No problem. Two can play at that game.

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Correct ah mundo!! 😅

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Just run a few over. That will stop it.

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And run them over with EV cars, just for irony sake. 😎😎😎

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I feel as upset as her but at the climate nutters and net zero proponents

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All this scaremongering has been going on for as long as I can remember. We did drills in school - going under our desks in case of a nuclear attack lol. The threat of nuclear winter was a biggie at that time. Then came global cooling and the possibility of a new Ice Age; then the greenhouse effect, the ozone layer going going gone, global warming i.e climate change, polar bears and the glaciers going going gone, and, of course, the global pandemic. All this serves some kind of nefarious purpose - probably keeping the population controlled through fear. Last winter in Manitoba, all the media went crazy touting the possibilty of a blizzard, of which we have many, but the reporting was so out there, people went nuts swarming the grocery stores and liquor outlets. Insanity! They were primed by the pandemic; they went just as crazy then.

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Flashback made me laugh.. emergency preparedness all to keep us safe.. turns out duck & cover drills to keep us safe from nuclear bomb fallout is as effective as masks, lockdowns & jabs conquering respiratory illness but media saturation has improved!

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SAme with me, I have heard it all. Those big PSO feed off our fears.



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Sep 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

She's thrown her children into the fires of Moloch.

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