After the innocent people who have been killed by the willful & neglectful actions of public health officials, bought-off politicians, big pharma & fake media, the single biggest casualty of the corona-scam has been the medical professionals. Never has a group of individuals in any profession so quickly & so absolutely torn down their credibility and revealed themselves to be monstrous idiots, with little, if any critical thinking skills. Thank God for the great ones right now.

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Nov 9, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I think the real casualty of the Covid pandemic has been trust in institutions. I dont think most governments realize how scarce that is now. When governments are willing to blatantly lie about stupid, pointless things, what does that say about when they have to talk about difficult things?

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It’s all so ridiculously dismal but your comment about vaccinating her goldfish made me laugh so thank you. People like yourself are keeping me sane.

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You are very optimistic if you think she is just stupid.

Even the worst immunologist would not say things like she does, e.g. dismissing the natural immune system or hang on to the mask requirements. Or, as was one of the MSM memes in the last weeks, claiming that vaccines cannot have long term side effects per defitionem.

They know what they are saying is wrong, so they are malicious liars.

And Merkel repeats the same lies, knowing full well how destructive she is.

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I really enjoy new spicy and sarcastic Eugyppius!

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Nov 9, 2021Liked by eugyppius

The only thing that people with medical degrees share with each other is their ability to remember vast quantities of facts and data.

The ability to USE that information for problem-solving, is NOT a prerequisite to get into or graduate from a medical school, or obtain a license to practice medicine. This is abundantly clear in these so-called covid-experts. And anyone who's hung around them, knows quite well.

They don't realize the misapplied facts and jargon makes them look either stupid, or dishonest. Which in of itself, displays poor analytical and self-awareness ability. People of equal poor analytical/awareness skills will be fooled by their performances.

Dr. HODAD - https://lifewithnogallbladder.org/article/surgeon-dr-hodad-hands-of-death-and-destruction/

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Just because someone did the work to become an MD does not necessarily mean they have any critical thinking skills or an above-average level of intelligence.

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Nov 9, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Delta is the problem? How comes that Africa has no problem with Delta, although having the lowest ''vaccination''-rate of all continents? Ah yes, I forget, their population is younger than the population in Europe. But why ''vaccinate'' our younger population? And so on.

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Nov 9, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Freedom day will be the day when masks fall. All masks: real or imagined, literal and figurative.

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Nov 9, 2021Liked by eugyppius

The timing could not be worse for the politicians.

1. The current vaccines do not work well against Delta, since they were developed against legacy variants.

2. Nordstrom et al. (Lancet) show massively declining vaccine effectiveness within 6 months.

3. Vaccines never produced widespread, robust levels of immunity in the older, COVID19 vulnerable populations.

4. Early treatment does not exist in Germany (as far as I know)

My question: irrespective of the side-effects, how well will a 3rd dose work against Delta in vulnerable older people? Are they going to be receiving a 4th dose in... December? It boggles the mind.

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Nov 9, 2021Liked by eugyppius

She is a mirror of Dr. Shah here in Maine, USA. I heard him on the car radio yesterday “answering questions,” and could not get out of the car fast enough. The levels of misinformation and outright lying, of using stupid “epidemiological” viewpoints that ignore other factors and that blame the unjabbed, etc., was more than sobering. He refuses to acknowledge that the jab cannot stop transmission and is dangerous—and he falls back on the “this is the most studied jab” ever in the world of jabs when people calling in raise questions that challenge the narrative. Meanwhile, Gov. Mills has wrecked the health system with mandates for those workers. This winter is going to be tough.

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I agree that the biggest casualties of the pandemic are going to be the modelers, the medical professions, and the journalists. But I think it is useful to bear in mind the "big picture" approach that eugyppius has been advancing from early on and not to focus too much on individuals. One of the most significant problems that the pandemic response has exposed is the extreme division of labor that characterizes present-day Science as a result of research having morphed into a big-corporation machinery where >90% of the staff have no idea, or no control about what's happening. Most are competent at running a specific type of experiment, at pushing the right buttons, at reading a print-out, and at looking at an instruction's manual for troubleshooting. But, despite their PhDs, by 19th-century, or even mid-20th century standards most these people would be called "workers," or "technicians," not scientists. So, when you watch one of them on TV, think of them as Charles Chaplin in "Modern Times" because that's what they are, a proletarized workforce. In biomedical research this situation is made worse by the almost complete separation between the researcher and the object of the research. The researcher is so alienated from his object that, for all practical purposes, what ultimately happens to the people whose health he is supposed to be working for needs bother him no more than the suffering of monkeys and beagles in the infamous NIH-funded research that recently came to light. They will not see the problem until it hits them in person. And so we find ourselves in this devil's work situation: skilled technicians coming up with technological marvels (read mRNA vaccines, or whatever) but who are scientifically unequipped to understand their real world biological and health implications, in happy marriage with a bureaucratic apparatus whose scientific credentials are even worse, to the benefit of those in political and economic power, who, obviously, will jump to take advantage of every opportunity to grab even more.

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Nov 9, 2021Liked by eugyppius

It is dangerous to put the defendant on the witness stand. The prosecution will happily listen as they contradict their own narrative. She stumbled by speaking of seasonality, and admitting the "vaccine" is only effective against an extinct variant.

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Please understand, it is quite possible that the mRNA injections will leave you vulnerable to all kind of diseases in the future. You cannot trust the narrative from the "experts" who are virtually clueless and often indoctrinated. They will always make excuses when their "pet" drugs, vaccines and injections fail. Normally, we could trust the science, but big pharma has been completely unscientific for over 30 years.

The animal trials for these types of injections (CoV-1 and MERS) go back about 20 years and when the animals were exposed to the viruses, they died for the most part. So, it's no shock that humans taking this garbage will experience the same problems. They will call it delta or some other name to save face. Never trust these con-men.

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Nov 9, 2021Liked by eugyppius

The "extreme stupidity of vaccinators" comes as no surprise to libertarians who are trained in the classic/Austrian school of economics and have witnessed the same in the field of economics for decades.

Our ruling elites are indeed the stupidest and least wise among us and that is inevitable and has always been so. Which is why countless fiction books warn us about this from past experience.

Kakfa, Hayeks's The Road to Serfdom, Orwell's 1984, Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged - to mention just some of the latest ones.

That's how politics work.

It is good politics now to exaggerate the death toll of unvaccinated and minimize that of the vaccinated. Just think of what would happen if they out the former in concetration camps - the logical next step after vaccine passports, which politicians emphatically excljuded just a few months ago...

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Nov 9, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Same thing going on in Belgium. You have 2 virologists who mouthpiece the official version, and then there is Geert VandenBosch, the head virology of the Ghent University, who has been cut off social media for waylaying the official version, and declaring that what the government is doing, is making the virus stronger and finally end up making it resistant, like hospitals are now having, by using way too many antibiotica. You can still watch the interviews and read the text on his own website. Oh and did you see this https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/gov-gavin-newsom-moderna-booster-vaccine/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=971b1f3d-4f19-4f9c-8430-3919a1c77dd4

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