Sep 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Is it happening all over the world? That Ordinary People are fed up with "officials" and "experts" telling us what we SHOULD do, what's for our own good? (Such as, "Shut up and roll up your sleeve for another injection")

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If that's true, we won't hear about it in any mainstream media. After many years of ignoring my local paper, I picked up a copy today and tried to read it. I felt like Rip Van Winkle emerging from a decades-long nap. It was even more awful and out-of-touch than I remember. Instead of a newsroom full of reporters, writers, and editors, the local rag simply reprints 100% wire service propaganda. Their editorials are surreal (one entitled "American renaissance already at hand under Biden's leadership") The essays were not written by individual pundits, but by "New York Times" or "Washington Post Writers Group", whatever that means. Instead of national news, the front page was dominated by trivia: "Jailed Sex Offender . . .", "Heroic WW2 Uncles . . . ", ". . . Let's Play Football".

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I was reading earlier Substack is poised to take over this domain. More and more citizen journalists are creating what are essentially modern local papers here on Substack.

The guy was covering Edinburgh, Scotland. But it seems to be happening all over. The world is changing.

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This is what I've been waiting for.

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Set one up then. Then put an APB for local reporters to contribute. You'll be able to charge in no time.

Here is the article I referred to:


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I worked for years at a local newspaper in a small town in the US (pop 20,000). Refreshingly, this newspaper only printed local news which was perforce written by actual local reporters.

Most small town papers would not be able to afford writers who could write about national issues. Hence the reliance on wire services.

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I, too, spent decades at a small-town weekly newspaper. The money sucked; the work was great fun.

Local news is more important per capita than national news.

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The wire services were once actually respected sources, and used by local papers to save money for decades. But the larger municipal papers still had national reporters. Not so much now: the wire services are propaganda outlets, and genuine investigative reporters are treated like criminals (example: Matt Taibbi).

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I'll subscribe to Matt Taibbi until I end up at the cemetery.

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Bull’s eye. Same here (netherlands). Lala land feeling.

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"American renaissance already at hand under Biden's leadership"

Jesus, this looks like a comedy movie about North Korea. But yes, this kind of stuff is kind of the "new normal" in mainstream media.

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I am so glad we have Substack.

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Yes. Well, it's happening all over the West, at least. The Western Liberal Elites have proven to be just as authoritarian, power hungry and immoral as most every other tyrant throughout history. Sadly, it seems to be the human condition. Even worse, many rulers in the West aren't even Westerners, they're foreigners playing Westerner. The West, at least as most of us know it, was built on Christianity, Greco/Roman Philosophy, and the European nations (and America). Westerners are going to have to find a way to remove power from the corrupt elite and place it in the hands of people who truly love their people and their nations. I think economic collapse and reorganization is more likely than any type of revolution.

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I certainly hope so.

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Hilarious how Prophet won against candidates named Trump and Marx. You and disclose.tv are where I get all my news about Germany. Keep up the incredible work, comrade!

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Well, you scooped me on that one, but I will add that the theory is called nominative determinism, you know like Dr. Wordsworth professor of English literature or Jack Hammer the construction worker, not as goofy as it sounds, those are both real people.

"I heard a voice crying in the wilderness, "Prepare ye the way of the Lord!"

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Destroyed it how? They've exposed them as ridiculous, but the ruling establishment is hardly finished. Nearly every institution is full of their lackeys, and they are currently consolidating their power and exacting revenge. That's what the criminal indictments of Trump and his supporters are about. AfD will be next.

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I am a tad confused, how one would associate a pro-market, 2A, anti-goverment populist as a 'Karl-Marx' dream... Buuut, I've been wrong before.

But Yes, the US is waist deep in 'revenuers' (as Southerners often say).

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Nope. Q is a psyop from the other side, the early commie revolution in Russia used the same tactic. Brainwash the resistance that they don't have to get off their ass and kill their enemies.

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There were numerous warlords in Ukraine fighting the Bolsheviks. Support for the Bolsheviks eventually came as people were tired of war and believed naively that socialism could be consistent with Christianity and national identity. America instead supported the Russian aristocracy. Q frequently quoted the Bible about spiritual warfare. He quoted parts of the Constitution and Section 18 that government bureaucrats were consistently violating. He said all the civilian government three letter agencies were corrupted at the top, which most now agree is true. He said to trust our military’s plan, which has already been launched. We still are waiting for DumboCrats to stop trusting government and for more Americans to get up off their lazy butts to go speak at government meetings. More have to cancel their cable TV and internet commenting addictions.

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Speak at government meetings? I think people should plant a flower in the building before the meeting.

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Q is Nesara by another name.

It is designed to keep you from action by telling you 'white hats' will come and save you.

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Q never spoke about these bad actors being dead or JFK, Jr. being alive. I think many Q followers are isolated and use cannabis products, stoking their imaginations. Some of these stories are created by entrepreneurs as click bait to gain followers. I followed all the Q posts as they were posted while current events were happening and believe that it was a US military intelligence white hat psyop to keep people from violence and civil war and to keep up hope. I think Dan Scavino was a big part of it as the “deltas” between the Q posts and Trump tweets were too close to be a coincidence. Many other occurrences that had a p <0000.1 that Q wasn’t run out of the White House. Read Dave Hayes’ Q books. I followed his sober analyses also in real time. I’m glad I did or I might have gotten the jab. I was shocked to learn about Epstein, Fauci’s treason for money and fame, and Disney, but this is what the Founders warned us about: this Republic will only survive under God.

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What's really amazing is that AfD doesn't get 100% of the ethnic German vote. How can you look around at what the nation has become in the past few decades and still vote for any of the usual suspects? It's mind boggling how delusional and uninformed people are. And suicidal, frankly.

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Propaganda, in a word. German kids are taught in school how awful Germans are.

So the amazing thing is the emergence of AfD at all.

But I share your concern. Don't people have eyes? I even saw one comment that blamed the mess of San Francisco and Portland on capitalism, lol. Absolutely brainwashed.

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I'd think AfD would appeal to Muslims, given their stance on transgenderism, puberty blockers, and the sexualization of children.

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Muslims follow the cheap money ...

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In the US, at open school board meetings, Muslim immigrants have been among the most outspoken opponents of the queer propaganda being purveyed by the public school establishment.

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Wonderful to hear that the AfD is doing well, and in the East. When they call good sense 'extreme right wing' you know good sense is winning.

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Everything just slightly to the right of Marx is considered right-wing these days. But, we all know about the boy who cried wolf.

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Sep 11, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023

Hell Marx with his insisting on materialism is to the effing right of what passes for 'Marxism' these days.

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Step 1: ruin your country

Step 2: ?????

Step 3: Prophet

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Step 2: Denounce the white patriarchy whom you blame for Step 1.

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Step 2: Show no regret and double down

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

If they keep winning democratic elections, the AfD are going to get themselves banned. To protect ‘Our Democracy’.

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Sep 11, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023

Watch AfD get support from religious Muslims for their stance against transgender rights and the sexualization of children. The 'white supremacist' argument will go down the drain, and lest we forget, the Muslims are deadly serious about their faith. Then we'll see what happens if they're banned.

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Muslims aren't serious about faith, they're serious about ideology ...

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As a resident of the US, knowing next to nothing about most of these parties, I do find myself envious of the variety of political parties you enjoy. It's so boring living in a fossilized two-party system, even if they do seem to have undergone a magnetic pole reversal recently.

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I suppose you can consider Trump a third party, but still. He's like the Mule in Asimov's Foundation series — an unpredictable outlier.

Despite being a Trump loather, I can still appreciate the cracks he's caused in the fossilized system.

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Trump took the political and media gatekeepers by surprise with his takeover of the GOP in 2016. Rest assured the establishment has been busy repairing their barriers ever since. That's what all these indictments are part of.

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Not just that. It was Brexit plus Trump. Never again was the cry. Populism must be crushed.

In most countries in Europe and North America mass immigration has accelerated for this very reason. Flood the country with people who will do anything to stay because the alternative is a third world existence.

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At some point the immigrants will want the door closed behind them, and join the rest of us in fighting for secure borders.

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Alas history is not with you. Certain groups are tribal and have already made it clear they will close the doors for all except their own when they gain power. The world does not think like Europeans. The world is largely tribal.

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That analogy of Trump as the Mule occurred to me during his first campaign, when all the system’s usual containment mechanisms failed.

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I started looking into Trump after the assassination of LaVoy Finnicum and I realized America was at war with a Bolshevik/sex pervert Enemy Within. So I started researching this obnoxious New Yorker and realized that God works through many different people. I switch my allegiance in the primary to Trump because he was the only one who could win. I followed his every event live when he was President, rather than through reports from the lying Globalist media.Sorry to hear that you loathe our greatest President and Commander in Chief since Lincoln and have a very limited data input by choice of isolation from people you think are below you. Just an excuse not to get civically involved because whining and virtue signaling from home is more fun? Can your family count on you to defend them with firearms when the kinetic war starts in 2024?

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Interesting how you seem to know so much about me when you actually know nothing about me.

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Oh it feels like a two party system in Germany as well. It's like all the other parties except the AfD have the same program but different branding and marketing so they target different population groups in selling them in the end the very same policies. In the US you at least have the assumption that it makes a difference whether republicans or democrats have the majority. So the current state of German politics is more like California with a supermajority of the incumbent parties

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More and more people have had enough of WEF woke stooges

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Well, well, well, it looks like reports of Germany's demise were premature. I am delighted to see this happening. If the browbeaten Germans, traumatized with decades of anti-Teutonic propaganda, can rise from the ashes there is hope for us all.

Long live the German people. I am with them.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Right wing: Anyone or anything which opposes the state-sponsored narrative.

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In Germany the AfD has already doubled its poll results from ten to twenty percent. They are especially strong in the old East Germany. Should the leftist politician Sarah Wagenknecht establish a new party, as now appears to be the case, the prognosis is that it will garner round 20 percent of the votes. In that it will attract many voters from the AfD (many of those voters now supporting the AfD are ideologically further to the left than the AfD and would likely find a more comfortable home with Sarah Wagenknecht), together they could still secure round 30 percent of the votes. Add the twenty-five percent of voters who do not cast their votes, then this would imply that all six establishment parties in Germany together are not supported by even half the German voters. Quite an indictment.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Good news! It seems the German political establishment hasn't been able to get ahead of populist politics by finding creative ways to count votes. Unlike their more cynical American counterparts, they still naively believe that their awful policies actually appeal to voters, and that they can control elections by controlling the media.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

It looks like Germany is following the path that we took off in Spain a few years ago. Discontent with the leading parties caused the creation of new ones to satisfy the growing portion of the population that felt the traditional parties did not represent them.

This experiment has resulted in a situation that is even worse than it was before. The leading parties have lost enough support to ensure the ungovernability of the country. The influence of nationalist parties, the chief reason for the creation of these new parties, has only increased. And our prospects are weaker than they were before.

It only shows the weaknesses of the democratic political process to integrate the will of the people into the government. It only works when the politicians themselves are willing to do it. Otherwise, the system does not work as advertised.

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Sep 11, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023

That would be a difficult road in the US, where the establishment party gatekeepers have used election laws to erect insurmountable barriers to any third-party 'insurrection'. Besides that, they have weaponized law enforcement and the courts to harass and intimidate any populist candidates who slip through.

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Congratulations ...?

I believe it was the situation in Spain until 6 or 7 years ago.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Well if you combined "positions against mass migration, pro-war Atlanticism and the stifling of domestic political discourse" with "a socialist programme of price and production controls", then dropped the "socialist programme of price and production controls", you might have something worthwhile.

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Turns out people don't really like being ruled by idiots.

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I would put little hope in a Wagenknecht party. She is very much part of the regime, as can be seen in her very frequent TV appearances. Those who are perceived as a real enemy are kept away from the media, only being demonized in absentia. (Höcke mentioned in his recent podcast with Sezession that he is not asked to appear in the media at all anymore).

Wagenknecht managed to carve out her niche, as a smart, old-tschool leftist. But if she should start a party, and if that party should be successful, it will be quickly gobbled up by the system. You cannot just have a few persons in power, you need many party functionaries to fill the seats.

The AfD has only now came through many internal struggles for directions, and worked for 10 years to establish a basis. And this process is far from over yet.

A Wagenknecht party will have to go through a similar struggle, otherwise it will just be astroturfed, and will vanish quickly again.

But I doubt Wagenknecht will form a party anyway. I don't think she perceives the current situation of the country as as catastrophic as it is, and does not want the aggravation she sees the AfD people have to go through it. She has has a comfortable life. Why give it up?

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