Tino Chrupalla, co-chairman of the right-populist German Alternative für Deutschland party, was rushed to hospital following what he and AfD officials characterise as an attack at a rally in Ingolstadt.
Isn't it insane that everybody is always portraying the more on the right people as violent and hateful but as we can see lately the insane left are a way bigger danger. More violent and less tolerant. Everybody including the police and justice system is always going after everything that smells a little bit of right wing. It is time to clamp down on the leftist fanatics the same way.
Indeed. Not to mention that a number of countries are openly stating the main threat to law and order are white supremacists.
I hope more will understand what they mean is the real threat to the Establishment and its lackeys are patriotic people whose idea of conservatism is to actually conserve things like a country and its customs.
Yep, seen it all. For people who view custom and tradition as things to be discarded to enable progress it doesn't take much to portray resistance as some kind of hard-right uprising. Truly pathetic and deluded.
Certainly asymptomatic white supremacy in their eyes. That is a genuine story. A black chap sucker punched a tiny Korean lady in New York and, with a straight face, the journalist suggested he may have been consuming white supremacy and Nazi literature online. Truth is stranger than fiction.
65% of the working population I believe. In fortune 500s it is more like 80% plus.
That was in the year after BLM. So perhaps it was a reaction. And it is not a strategy destined to work. Although white men are the most discriminated against group now.
I made a mistake. It was Standard and Poor’s 100, not the Fortune 100.
From the article:
“A few days ago Bloomberg published a report that should put an end to whatever internal debate you’ve been having over whether or not you’re really being discriminated against: Corporate America Promised to Hire a Lot More People of Color. It Actually Did. They analyzed hiring data from 2020 through 2021 for 88 Standard & Poor’s 100 companies, and found that during the Year of the Blessed Floyd’s Coronation, those companies hired 323,094 people ... of whom just 6% were White1.”
And it was just “leaked” that the FBI is now investigating Trump supporters in the run-up to the presidential election for possible involvement with extremism and violence..... whatever the hell that means.
Rather than label the attacker leftist and pretend the government is some neutral arbiter to dole out justice to the left or right, recognize the attacker as a pro-government fanatic. Establishment tools will not be punished by the state.
Very salient point. Pro-regime if you will. An agent of the status quo.
The abuse of language by the media means we must revert to plain English. I just searched for info on the guy they attacked and in "neutral" news reports he is immediately described in emotive terms; the far-right politician Tino Chrupalla.
The globalist types use the word as an insult. And for good reason. Populism and especially nationalism are the counter to their borderless, globalist dreams.
Yes, and it's unfortunate that a lot of unwitting Mainstream News consumers, or, "skilled tv watchers" as J J Couey calls them, don't know theiteral meaning of words, and don't realize when the epithet in reality, Independent of the intention to inst, doesn't really represent an insult but a commendation.
There are quite a few videos on YouTube of intrepid black fellows going to Trump rallies to see how crazy it is and being bowled over by how nice everyone is. They seem very genuine too, guys going expecting trouble and being touched by the decency of people who are very clearly ordinary Americans and not the raving Nazis the news tells them they are.
And much of what is portrayed as being "right" (I hate terms like that) is actually agent provcateur type stuff from the Babylonian Talmudist Bolshevists.
Yes, groups like the ADF have the necessity of finding anti-Semitism continuously, even when and where it doesn't exist, or their funding evaporates. And anti-Semitism is ironically a necessity for Jewish resistance to assimilation, so it is encouraged or simulated if lacking:
I'm not sure Blinken and Nuland are organizing the war in Ukraine specifically to kill off Ukrainians, but with half a million dead Ukrainians so far, it feels to me like a kind of US-organized genocide, using Russia as the weapon.
Note that I'm part Jewish myself, so I won't take kindly to "always" assertions about Jews.
The only people who really have fun are those who decide which rubber-stamped candidates (whichever the party) get to run for the next election. All "the rest" is pure eyewash, deception, plain cynicism.
The visceral hatred of the AfD by the opposition parties, especially those in the Green Party, is truly frightening, as demonstrated by their reaction to this attack, going so far as to insinuate it was a “planned stunt” by the AfD.
They would love to see the AfD murdered, and may very well go so far as to outlaw the party itself. They will stop at nothing.
Many on the progressive Left have this view of their political enemies. They would kill them if it was legal. Their reactions to pushbacks on their favourite policies, like climate change, are inappropriately rageful. Off the charts. That's mental illness for you.
These bad actors should neither be called progressive nor left, which are self proclaimed, positively connotated labels that are not based in reality - many of them are just corrupt apparatschiks without ideals or moral, their ostentatiously leftism is a mere sheepskin, which, closely obsered, is not taken any serious by them.
Anyone who craves to enter the political arena is fundamentally confused in character and mind; the higher the ranks these creatures long for, the more extreme the "condition" is/becomes. The final stage is the cry for total war and ultimately the violent, complete collapse of all social, cultural and economic structures that have peacefully grown over generations.
Hatred of oneself and especially everything outside one's own navel; see above...
Current humans are not able to exert righteous power over any population larger than the Dunbar's number without slipping into abject corruption.
I disagree. I have no doubt psychopaths direct them, but I have seen plenty of committed progressive Left types and they are deranged. It is the progressive Left pushing all the madness.
This might have something to do with their beliefs being a substitute for Religion. The Climate Religion, the Trans Religion, the Pandemic Religion, the Feminist Religion, and so forth. People need something to believe in for their lives to make sense. Christianity is no longer an option for them, so they need something else.
Germany is quite unique in the way it demonizes the right. Other Western countries do it of course as well, but not to this extent.
There were a number of violent attacks against AfD members, some quite vicious. With little echo in the mainstream press.
A person that runs for the AfD can be sure to be ostracized by many of his friend, may lose his job or business, and be constantly under threat by Antifa. Especially in West-Germany.
I respect the AfD members for taking these risks. I hope once they have more power, they will remember these hardships, and not give up their principles as quickly as many other right wing parties did in other Western countries.
I think in this case it is working as a very strong filter, unlike the other parties you mention. Obviously any successful group will be infiltrated, and key to their survival will be some reasonable detection method for this.
But the level of hostility is a selective pressure when it is at AfD levels. That works in their favour as it means those willing to slug it out really mean it. There are easier ways to live after all.
This is always the danger the Establishment face. If their clampdown fails they lose ground and make things significantly worse. If they do act like that they must be ruthless and wipe them out, which I suspect the Germans will not do.
I think the clampdown attempts was a mistake by the system.
Germany has a long history to assimilate any party which may be dangerous to the system, just by making the politicians wealthy, and most of all provide great retirement plans. This persuade most politicians to become part of the system.
But with the AfD the system became very brutal and did not really give the AfD a chance to become assimilates. And now the regime loses ground, as you mentioned. Because it can be evil and mean, but not openly brutal.
IMO this behaviour illustrates how our political elite has become stupid, unable to really achieve anything.
Another illustration is our foreign minister A.Baerbock, who seems to not have a diplomatic bone in her body. She travels all over the world, and where she goes, she antagonizes.
Compare that with the achievements of Russia's foreign minister Lavrov, who at the same time managed to unite large parts of the world against the West.
I agree. I think what we are witnessing is the German elite as they really are. Inept and driven by dogma. They may also believe their own propaganda, which is usually fatal.
I also suspect AfD is animated by genuine patriotism, which is not typically open to bribery. The AfD seek to avert the economic destruction of Germany, but above all to avoid the cultural destruction of the country. That is not easily bought off by fat pensions.
I do not remember, that there was any attack against any obviously Neo-Nazi figure in the past, that were notoriously militant. Quite to the contrary it seems the militant, black block style Antifa guys pick only the low hanging fruit of constitution respecting civic political celebrities, that do not pose any risk of vengeance.
inclusive description for anything that is not aligned with the elitist narrative. It's the midwit alternative to sticking ones fingers in one's ears and loudly saying "lalalalalalalaicanthearyou".
I feel sorry Mr Chrupalla and wish him a speedy recovery. From the standpoint of "power analysis", on the other hand, this should help the AfD politically. If Machiavelli was right, then any actual attacks on political opponents should be such that they become unable to retaliate. This would mean, I suppose, mass arrests of AfD members or supporters or perhaps Antifa attacks on large gatherings. Such "pinpricks" (no pun intended) on the other hand should only increase AfD support quantitatively and qualitatively without impairing its "operational capacity". After all, there are plenty of talented people who are able to step up in leadership positions. So I suppose I do not understand what the political goal is here, but perhaps I am overestimating the capacity of certain people to think strategically.
We can all contrast the treatment of AfD candidates and politicians with the Letze Generation people. I would like to think more German normals are also willing to do this.
One group are politely engaging in the existing political system and winning. The other group are disrupting the lives of ordinary people who have no legal means of stopping them.
By extension I hope other normal Germans note the treatment of these two groups in media coverage and life generally.
They won't. They're all caught in their media bubble and their sense of guilt from being German (this kind of hereditary 'guiltiness'). Must... be.... good.... must.... overcome.... my guilt.... zombie Style. No one is using their brains over here. They're all brainwashed. Daily.
Are we feeling threatened enough to lash out? I have noticed that when we who have felt marginalized begin to realize our strength, we start in small ways. Needle pricks, perhaps some verbal goading...
I do not see how we are going to get through this without violence. If you think otherwise, ask yourself how much you earn and where you live in relation to the masses.
I am lower middle class, and the incoming world are becoming my neighbors. There is no where for most of us to escape to when our Country goes tits up.
No not really. it is the other way around. It is the already delusional who believe they can control whole nations and even the whole world.
The delusional - those with mental distortions - tend to be poor learners. Throw in narcissism, people who crave glory, and you have a level of mental disturbance that makes effective planning challenging. This is in fact commonplace.
You don't need to be rich to move to Dubai; poor people from all over the world go there for a better life - Asians, Africans, Indians, Russians, Ukrainians. The standard of living for the lower class there is lower than in western Europe, but it's infinitely safer. It's not like a western country where you can only get a visa if you've got a well-paying job.
most likely benign explanation, some kind of insect i would guess. if it was an actual poison attack, the sophistication would surely suggest something much more than antifa.
Well, with people like Faeser in office nothing would shock me anymore. You'd only need to deliver the stuff to Antifa and off you go. They're the equivalent of some painter's 'security forces' , which can and will be used for nefarious purposes. We've seen this unfold internationally, most obvious on Jan 6
Now it looks like an assault it gets more interesting, and I agree, definitely high-level international spook territory. Though I wouldn't rule out a subsidiary role for the paramilitary wing of the uniparty.
Two possibilities, one of which the reader can work out for themselves, the other, from the east, would be a less obvious candidate, but has a long history of both fomenting general chaos in the west and targeted poison attacks.
Whichever country's secret police were behind it, one has to wonder if they intended to eliminate the target, or only cause disruption. Or, in this case, see if anyone would even take any notice.
Yes, JF now reporting via AfD sources that Chrupalla's doctors believe he received an injection of an unknown substance in his deltoid. Toxicology screens negative so far, so whatever they stuck him with, it was presumably something exotic.
{...HE received an intramuscular injection of an unknown substance...} Well, not only him, but more than 5 billion current inhabitants of planet Earth gullibly or forcedly did as well ...🤔🤔🤔
This right here. When their ideas, rhetoric and ethics fail; and their culture is rejected by honest, hard working, reasonable people; when the lies, propaganda and censorship are likewise rejected, the next obvious step is violence.
Yep, and as of today, their violence is still rhetorical and/or "soft".
How long before their patience with we the unwashed masses wears thin, and the violence turns real, and out of the barrel of a gun?
Here in America, we can always resort to a 2nd Amendment solution, but for our friends like Eugyppius in the EU and most of the rest of the world? I shudder to think of it.....
The use of the 2nd would take millions of citizens who work together towards the same end, not just one person at a time. They'd have to work as a coordinated unit like they did in the War for Independence. That's something I'm not sure there are leaders for, military leaders, philosophical leaders, patriotic political leaders to unite people for the cause of protecting the Constitution.
I also don't think there is anywhere else in the world to "go". No where is more safe, free, than the US, and we are quickly losing those freedoms and independence. We must teach young people how important those rights are, how much they have to lose, and once lost how impossible it will be to ever regain the freedom they have been given in the Constitution. They don't understand how unique our system of government is because they've never been taught how our democrat republic was meant to really function without corporate/government social corruption.
We have to save the US, fix our own problems, in order to have a safe place for others to come to. Australia, Canada, Great Britain all need to do the same so others have a chance to follow. God is the one who can help if we ask.
We are very close to the point, if not already past it, where even suggesting an armed, coordinated resistance and secession will get you jailed in the US. In addition, we tried it once with what is referred to as the War of Northern Aggression, commonly known as the US Civil War. The Confederacy was fighting for what they thought was a legitimate principle - that of self-determination. Sadly, they chose to defend that principle primarily for the purpose of preserving what was at the time, until the Emancipation Proclamation unilaterally outlawed it in those states that chose to secede, the perfectly legitimate (and legal) practice of slavery. It is now generally believed that the north's victory effectively outlawed the notion of secession from the Union. Despite this, today every attempt is being made by the American left to discredit any principle which might once again serve as the basis for secession - like those cherished 'rights' and the notion of a 'republic' designed to protect those rights from assault and erosion via the tyranny of democracy.
"They'd have to work as a coordinated unit like they did in the War for Independence."
Only in the larger sense. Individual guerilla groups can reap unholy hell on command, control and supply, and then simply disappear into the underbrush.
Many "modern" wars have been won this way, and you need look no farther than Afghanistan, were a bunch of rag-tag rebels with small arms and maybe some RPG's in the back of Toyota pickups repelled both the Soviet and American armies.
There are roughly 500 MILLION small arms in the US, and only ~450,000 active-duty troops, and not all of those are combatants.
And, a vast majority will likely refuse to take up arms against their fellow citizens.
As am American, I don't pretend to have familiarity with German politics or political parties. But that is AWFUL. I hope he just got sick (it happens!). But when a party is being attacked and threatened, that is bad for everyone.
Isn't it insane that everybody is always portraying the more on the right people as violent and hateful but as we can see lately the insane left are a way bigger danger. More violent and less tolerant. Everybody including the police and justice system is always going after everything that smells a little bit of right wing. It is time to clamp down on the leftist fanatics the same way.
Indeed. Not to mention that a number of countries are openly stating the main threat to law and order are white supremacists.
I hope more will understand what they mean is the real threat to the Establishment and its lackeys are patriotic people whose idea of conservatism is to actually conserve things like a country and its customs.
The "Newsweek" cover titled "The Threat Within" and showing people... carrying American flags. Clearly, dangerous, antigovernment terrorists.
This is why we have a 2ND AMENDMENT (all caps intentional). Its not for hunting reasons...it about being hunted.
Yep, seen it all. For people who view custom and tradition as things to be discarded to enable progress it doesn't take much to portray resistance as some kind of hard-right uprising. Truly pathetic and deluded.
Which is really funny as they now include Asians and Hispanics in the group of whites here in North America.
Plus blacks who have internalized white supremacy, by far my favourite group 😜
Asymptomatic white peoples?
Certainly asymptomatic white supremacy in their eyes. That is a genuine story. A black chap sucker punched a tiny Korean lady in New York and, with a straight face, the journalist suggested he may have been consuming white supremacy and Nazi literature online. Truth is stranger than fiction.
Except for new hires in Fortune 100 companies.
I read a couple of days ago that Fortune 100 companies new hires are only 6% white, while the white population of the country (USA) is 60%.
Those companies are hiring mostly Asians and Hispanics instead.....
65% of the working population I believe. In fortune 500s it is more like 80% plus.
That was in the year after BLM. So perhaps it was a reaction. And it is not a strategy destined to work. Although white men are the most discriminated against group now.
Surprised the hell out of me....
I made a mistake. It was Standard and Poor’s 100, not the Fortune 100.
From the article:
“A few days ago Bloomberg published a report that should put an end to whatever internal debate you’ve been having over whether or not you’re really being discriminated against: Corporate America Promised to Hire a Lot More People of Color. It Actually Did. They analyzed hiring data from 2020 through 2021 for 88 Standard & Poor’s 100 companies, and found that during the Year of the Blessed Floyd’s Coronation, those companies hired 323,094 people ... of whom just 6% were White1.”
From John Carter’s
A Postcard From Barsoom Substack (?)
And it was just “leaked” that the FBI is now investigating Trump supporters in the run-up to the presidential election for possible involvement with extremism and violence..... whatever the hell that means.
Rather than label the attacker leftist and pretend the government is some neutral arbiter to dole out justice to the left or right, recognize the attacker as a pro-government fanatic. Establishment tools will not be punished by the state.
Very salient point. Pro-regime if you will. An agent of the status quo.
The abuse of language by the media means we must revert to plain English. I just searched for info on the guy they attacked and in "neutral" news reports he is immediately described in emotive terms; the far-right politician Tino Chrupalla.
Also by Eugyppius. He calls him rightwing populist. I don't know why "populist" is warranted although it's often used.
The globalist types use the word as an insult. And for good reason. Populism and especially nationalism are the counter to their borderless, globalist dreams.
Yes, and it's unfortunate that a lot of unwitting Mainstream News consumers, or, "skilled tv watchers" as J J Couey calls them, don't know theiteral meaning of words, and don't realize when the epithet in reality, Independent of the intention to inst, doesn't really represent an insult but a commendation.
All political violence of that last few decades comes from the left alone, not from the right.
There are quite a few videos on YouTube of intrepid black fellows going to Trump rallies to see how crazy it is and being bowled over by how nice everyone is. They seem very genuine too, guys going expecting trouble and being touched by the decency of people who are very clearly ordinary Americans and not the raving Nazis the news tells them they are.
The comments are usually hilarious.
And much of what is portrayed as being "right" (I hate terms like that) is actually agent provcateur type stuff from the Babylonian Talmudist Bolshevists.
Yes, groups like the ADF have the necessity of finding anti-Semitism continuously, even when and where it doesn't exist, or their funding evaporates. And anti-Semitism is ironically a necessity for Jewish resistance to assimilation, so it is encouraged or simulated if lacking:
I'm not sure Blinken and Nuland are organizing the war in Ukraine specifically to kill off Ukrainians, but with half a million dead Ukrainians so far, it feels to me like a kind of US-organized genocide, using Russia as the weapon.
Note that I'm part Jewish myself, so I won't take kindly to "always" assertions about Jews.
You won't take kindly? Oh, fascinating. How would that manifest itself?
It's been the MO for over half-a-century.
Not at all insane, it's the most common thing--"always accuse the enemy of what you yourself are doing".
They're really eager to inject everybody, aren't they?
That really would be a new low even for fanatical vaxxers, lol.
The best jokes are those that contain an element of truth.
I hope Tino Chrupalla makes a full recovery and gets back to the huge task ahead.
Blindside regular people?
You have to know they aren't going to let us vote for who we want.
I think they will struggle with that, hence the clampdown and the derangement about Trump.
Of course they will. But as has been said, it's not about who votes for whom, it's about who counts the votes. Just like here in the good ol' USA.
{...who counts the votes...} ???
The only people who really have fun are those who decide which rubber-stamped candidates (whichever the party) get to run for the next election. All "the rest" is pure eyewash, deception, plain cynicism.
Can't vote yourself out of a corrupt /useless system.
But they’ll make it look like we did... Nordhausen was the latest example...😉😎
The visceral hatred of the AfD by the opposition parties, especially those in the Green Party, is truly frightening, as demonstrated by their reaction to this attack, going so far as to insinuate it was a “planned stunt” by the AfD.
They would love to see the AfD murdered, and may very well go so far as to outlaw the party itself. They will stop at nothing.
Many on the progressive Left have this view of their political enemies. They would kill them if it was legal. Their reactions to pushbacks on their favourite policies, like climate change, are inappropriately rageful. Off the charts. That's mental illness for you.
These bad actors should neither be called progressive nor left, which are self proclaimed, positively connotated labels that are not based in reality - many of them are just corrupt apparatschiks without ideals or moral, their ostentatiously leftism is a mere sheepskin, which, closely obsered, is not taken any serious by them.
Anyone who craves to enter the political arena is fundamentally confused in character and mind; the higher the ranks these creatures long for, the more extreme the "condition" is/becomes. The final stage is the cry for total war and ultimately the violent, complete collapse of all social, cultural and economic structures that have peacefully grown over generations.
Hatred of oneself and especially everything outside one's own navel; see above...
Current humans are not able to exert righteous power over any population larger than the Dunbar's number without slipping into abject corruption.
I disagree. I have no doubt psychopaths direct them, but I have seen plenty of committed progressive Left types and they are deranged. It is the progressive Left pushing all the madness.
This might have something to do with their beliefs being a substitute for Religion. The Climate Religion, the Trans Religion, the Pandemic Religion, the Feminist Religion, and so forth. People need something to believe in for their lives to make sense. Christianity is no longer an option for them, so they need something else.
Not to mention Scientism, another religion unto itself.
Absolutely. It alternates between glee and denial (conspiracy theories, some might even say)
Germany is quite unique in the way it demonizes the right. Other Western countries do it of course as well, but not to this extent.
There were a number of violent attacks against AfD members, some quite vicious. With little echo in the mainstream press.
A person that runs for the AfD can be sure to be ostracized by many of his friend, may lose his job or business, and be constantly under threat by Antifa. Especially in West-Germany.
I respect the AfD members for taking these risks. I hope once they have more power, they will remember these hardships, and not give up their principles as quickly as many other right wing parties did in other Western countries.
I think in this case it is working as a very strong filter, unlike the other parties you mention. Obviously any successful group will be infiltrated, and key to their survival will be some reasonable detection method for this.
But the level of hostility is a selective pressure when it is at AfD levels. That works in their favour as it means those willing to slug it out really mean it. There are easier ways to live after all.
This is always the danger the Establishment face. If their clampdown fails they lose ground and make things significantly worse. If they do act like that they must be ruthless and wipe them out, which I suspect the Germans will not do.
I think the clampdown attempts was a mistake by the system.
Germany has a long history to assimilate any party which may be dangerous to the system, just by making the politicians wealthy, and most of all provide great retirement plans. This persuade most politicians to become part of the system.
But with the AfD the system became very brutal and did not really give the AfD a chance to become assimilates. And now the regime loses ground, as you mentioned. Because it can be evil and mean, but not openly brutal.
IMO this behaviour illustrates how our political elite has become stupid, unable to really achieve anything.
Another illustration is our foreign minister A.Baerbock, who seems to not have a diplomatic bone in her body. She travels all over the world, and where she goes, she antagonizes.
Compare that with the achievements of Russia's foreign minister Lavrov, who at the same time managed to unite large parts of the world against the West.
I agree. I think what we are witnessing is the German elite as they really are. Inept and driven by dogma. They may also believe their own propaganda, which is usually fatal.
I also suspect AfD is animated by genuine patriotism, which is not typically open to bribery. The AfD seek to avert the economic destruction of Germany, but above all to avoid the cultural destruction of the country. That is not easily bought off by fat pensions.
I do not remember, that there was any attack against any obviously Neo-Nazi figure in the past, that were notoriously militant. Quite to the contrary it seems the militant, black block style Antifa guys pick only the low hanging fruit of constitution respecting civic political celebrities, that do not pose any risk of vengeance.
It is rampant here in NZ as well. "Far
Right" has become a handy all
inclusive description for anything that is not aligned with the elitist narrative. It's the midwit alternative to sticking ones fingers in one's ears and loudly saying "lalalalalalalaicanthearyou".
Thanks for this: a weird and very concerning story, at least when taken together with the other violent incidents.
The tolerant period of liberalism seems to have ended definitively.
They had a tolerant period? When was this? 😜
21st century political assassinaton. The same as Trump. Shut people up if they have the wrong ideas.
Thank you for that.
I feel sorry Mr Chrupalla and wish him a speedy recovery. From the standpoint of "power analysis", on the other hand, this should help the AfD politically. If Machiavelli was right, then any actual attacks on political opponents should be such that they become unable to retaliate. This would mean, I suppose, mass arrests of AfD members or supporters or perhaps Antifa attacks on large gatherings. Such "pinpricks" (no pun intended) on the other hand should only increase AfD support quantitatively and qualitatively without impairing its "operational capacity". After all, there are plenty of talented people who are able to step up in leadership positions. So I suppose I do not understand what the political goal is here, but perhaps I am overestimating the capacity of certain people to think strategically.
There aren't generally a lot of people willing to risk their health and that of their family for political purpose
But many may do so for existential reasons.
About 6% of narcissists and about 4% of sociopaths in a random Western society ...
Far too many to ruin a nation.
We can all contrast the treatment of AfD candidates and politicians with the Letze Generation people. I would like to think more German normals are also willing to do this.
One group are politely engaging in the existing political system and winning. The other group are disrupting the lives of ordinary people who have no legal means of stopping them.
By extension I hope other normal Germans note the treatment of these two groups in media coverage and life generally.
They won't. They're all caught in their media bubble and their sense of guilt from being German (this kind of hereditary 'guiltiness'). Must... be.... good.... must.... overcome.... my guilt.... zombie Style. No one is using their brains over here. They're all brainwashed. Daily.
Well someone is voting for AfD. Perhaps that will help things change.
Are we feeling threatened enough to lash out? I have noticed that when we who have felt marginalized begin to realize our strength, we start in small ways. Needle pricks, perhaps some verbal goading...
I do not see how we are going to get through this without violence. If you think otherwise, ask yourself how much you earn and where you live in relation to the masses.
I am lower middle class, and the incoming world are becoming my neighbors. There is no where for most of us to escape to when our Country goes tits up.
Most of us will not be meeting the gang in Dubai.
I think this is becoming apparent to many. Perhaps massive countries like the USA and Canada you can run for a while. But not forever.
Hopefully this ends long before we get that far.
It will. Remember, our Overlords are no better at planning than we are. I'm not even sure what I want for dinner, and nor are they.
It boggles the mind that they would do so much to get control and have no planning skills.
No not really. it is the other way around. It is the already delusional who believe they can control whole nations and even the whole world.
The delusional - those with mental distortions - tend to be poor learners. Throw in narcissism, people who crave glory, and you have a level of mental disturbance that makes effective planning challenging. This is in fact commonplace.
Well, they have nothing to learn. I like the explanation.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 !!!!
You don't need to be rich to move to Dubai; poor people from all over the world go there for a better life - Asians, Africans, Indians, Russians, Ukrainians. The standard of living for the lower class there is lower than in western Europe, but it's infinitely safer. It's not like a western country where you can only get a visa if you've got a well-paying job.
Thank you for that information, and for illustrating a different Dubai. Western Countries are difficult for most of us if we wish to move legally.
Thanks again.
I imagine this kind of stuff will only accelerate (in Germany and the US), of course with the state looking the other way as much as possible.
Interesting to wonder if the state or some part of it might even be involved in certain cases. Intimidation works.
My guess is if this was just a fit of vapours, or a little too much of that great Bavarian beer, we will be told before Sunday.
If they've found ricin in his blood stream, after Sunday.
most likely benign explanation, some kind of insect i would guess. if it was an actual poison attack, the sophistication would surely suggest something much more than antifa.
Well, with people like Faeser in office nothing would shock me anymore. You'd only need to deliver the stuff to Antifa and off you go. They're the equivalent of some painter's 'security forces' , which can and will be used for nefarious purposes. We've seen this unfold internationally, most obvious on Jan 6
Now it looks like an assault it gets more interesting, and I agree, definitely high-level international spook territory. Though I wouldn't rule out a subsidiary role for the paramilitary wing of the uniparty.
Two possibilities, one of which the reader can work out for themselves, the other, from the east, would be a less obvious candidate, but has a long history of both fomenting general chaos in the west and targeted poison attacks.
Whichever country's secret police were behind it, one has to wonder if they intended to eliminate the target, or only cause disruption. Or, in this case, see if anyone would even take any notice.
Yes, JF now reporting via AfD sources that Chrupalla's doctors believe he received an injection of an unknown substance in his deltoid. Toxicology screens negative so far, so whatever they stuck him with, it was presumably something exotic.
Very bizarre story.
Bee sting?
anything is possible but his doctors believe he received an intramuscular injection of an unknown substance.
{...HE received an intramuscular injection of an unknown substance...} Well, not only him, but more than 5 billion current inhabitants of planet Earth gullibly or forcedly did as well ...🤔🤔🤔
I asked about it possibly being a wasp or hornet sting before I saw your reply here.
The Day of the Long Needles, perhaps?
If the left can't win via ideas and policy, they resort to cheating and intimidation, always.
This right here. When their ideas, rhetoric and ethics fail; and their culture is rejected by honest, hard working, reasonable people; when the lies, propaganda and censorship are likewise rejected, the next obvious step is violence.
Yep, and as of today, their violence is still rhetorical and/or "soft".
How long before their patience with we the unwashed masses wears thin, and the violence turns real, and out of the barrel of a gun?
Here in America, we can always resort to a 2nd Amendment solution, but for our friends like Eugyppius in the EU and most of the rest of the world? I shudder to think of it.....
The use of the 2nd would take millions of citizens who work together towards the same end, not just one person at a time. They'd have to work as a coordinated unit like they did in the War for Independence. That's something I'm not sure there are leaders for, military leaders, philosophical leaders, patriotic political leaders to unite people for the cause of protecting the Constitution.
I also don't think there is anywhere else in the world to "go". No where is more safe, free, than the US, and we are quickly losing those freedoms and independence. We must teach young people how important those rights are, how much they have to lose, and once lost how impossible it will be to ever regain the freedom they have been given in the Constitution. They don't understand how unique our system of government is because they've never been taught how our democrat republic was meant to really function without corporate/government social corruption.
We have to save the US, fix our own problems, in order to have a safe place for others to come to. Australia, Canada, Great Britain all need to do the same so others have a chance to follow. God is the one who can help if we ask.
We are very close to the point, if not already past it, where even suggesting an armed, coordinated resistance and secession will get you jailed in the US. In addition, we tried it once with what is referred to as the War of Northern Aggression, commonly known as the US Civil War. The Confederacy was fighting for what they thought was a legitimate principle - that of self-determination. Sadly, they chose to defend that principle primarily for the purpose of preserving what was at the time, until the Emancipation Proclamation unilaterally outlawed it in those states that chose to secede, the perfectly legitimate (and legal) practice of slavery. It is now generally believed that the north's victory effectively outlawed the notion of secession from the Union. Despite this, today every attempt is being made by the American left to discredit any principle which might once again serve as the basis for secession - like those cherished 'rights' and the notion of a 'republic' designed to protect those rights from assault and erosion via the tyranny of democracy.
"They'd have to work as a coordinated unit like they did in the War for Independence."
Only in the larger sense. Individual guerilla groups can reap unholy hell on command, control and supply, and then simply disappear into the underbrush.
Many "modern" wars have been won this way, and you need look no farther than Afghanistan, were a bunch of rag-tag rebels with small arms and maybe some RPG's in the back of Toyota pickups repelled both the Soviet and American armies.
There are roughly 500 MILLION small arms in the US, and only ~450,000 active-duty troops, and not all of those are combatants.
And, a vast majority will likely refuse to take up arms against their fellow citizens.
Think about it....
As am American, I don't pretend to have familiarity with German politics or political parties. But that is AWFUL. I hope he just got sick (it happens!). But when a party is being attacked and threatened, that is bad for everyone.
How about the "attack" on JFK Jr. ??
and still ongoing refusal to grant him protection ?...