People have been routinely vilified in the US as conspiracy theorists for suggesting government involvement in orchestrating false flag attacks or assassinating presidents and civil rights leaders, yet both are literally outline in declassified military and CIA documents, such as those pertaining to Operation Northwoods.
"In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba."
Ted ran his car into the pond, and that ended any presidential aspirations. The fools in Massachusetts kept voting for him but the rest of the country wouldn't support him after his famous drunken swim. So the people who killed his (three?) brothers didn't have to kill him.
The FBI is on top of this....Scheiße, to wit (from The Burning Platform)':
'The agency has even created a new subcategory of threats, “AGAAVE-Other,” to denote those who are a threat but don’t fit into its anarchist, militia or Sovereign Citizen categories.
Introduced without any announcement [...] the new classification is officially defined as “domestic violent extremists who cite anti-government or anti-authority motivations for violence or criminal activity not otherwise defined, such as individuals motivated by a desire to commit violence against those with a real or perceived association with a specific political party or faction of a specific political party.” -Newsweek'
An FBI officer added: '“Obviously if Democratic Party supporters resort to violence, it [AGAAVE-Other] would apply to them as well. It doesn’t matter that there is a low likelihood of that. So yes, in practical terms, it refers to MAGA, though the carefully constructed language is wholly nonpartisan.”'
How this genius knows there is a low likelihood of an (say it ain't so, ma!) Antifa, or Democratic Party, attack on say, a MAGA supporter, is beyond me. And it looks like the corresponding 'low likelihood' threshold has been breached over in Deutschland.
In every human culture, using poison is considered the basest, most detestable and most cowardly way of hurting someone. Even in the worldview of the normies, it´s not a good look when the AfD´s enemies are poison mixers and the mainstream is running interference for that sort of thing.
The especially bad optics, I thought, were when other politicians like Herrmann acted as if AfD talking about the attack was an of out-of-bounds move or something. (In fact the party made very few statements and Chrupalla himself was incommunicado until Wed.).
Wouldn't major politicians have an interest in denouncing assaults on political figures? After all, these men have to campaign too and might not like to get stuck with needles. The attitude makes them seem borderline complicit. Very terrible look.
I heard the number yesterday that the worldwide "excess mortality" - actual deaths above the statistically expected baseline since the vax rollout - stands at 17 million. If there is a clandestine competition going for "greatest mass murder in history" we may have a new winner in the making that will soar past Hitler, Stalin, and Mao combined in the next couple of years.
In no way can it be anything else ,but depopulation ,by mass murder .Everyone having any power over us is just doing every thing to harm and help kill us .Hospital treatment protocols are deadly ,like everything they force on us .The orders to do as they do must come down from the high priests we see and read about ,otherwise known as demons .
It's amazing that the industry which willingly followed this deadly protocol still expects us to pay for their "services". They got $39,000 per patient for putting them on a ventilator with a 90% death rate, and $3,000 to put them on Remdesivir with a 50% death rate. All while hydroxychlroquine or ivermectin could have cured them for a few dollar's worth of off-patent generic drugs, and they knew this the whole time.
It's a very, very curious fact that Israeli nurses must learn 'German New Medicine' to work in the Israel hospital system, (recently changed to "New Medicine." (Less historically/culturally awkward I'm sure)).
GNM is the reality of the effects of ones mind via stress or shock and its resulting disease state AFTER the shock or issue has passed, and is in resolution.
In the UK in recent years when politicians have been assaulted (or worse), the entire political class and media have rallied to their defence. But AfD are outside the political class. I wonder if UK politicians would abhor an assault on the leaders of the UK fringe parties. Possibly not.
that was one of the symptoms ! Also completely lost appetite, then stomach and intestin cramps, and finally after only 4 pills in 2 days, cramps in arms and legs and pain everywhere. Looked online and found this is the beginning of a life threatening situation. That was it for that awful med! It even came without any explanation, not a word.
On October 5 in Iowa, Presidential candidate Ramaswamy was confronted by protesters. Additionally, his campaign car was deliberately crashed into by the protesters. The initial press coverage was quite straightforward, but almost immediately a counter-story emerged that the automobile accident was not deliberate. The news cycle ended and the story ended in oblivion., down the memory hole. As best as I can figure out the accident was indeed deliberate.
It Brings to mind the Biden Regime refusing Secret Service protection to RFK Jr. - followed by a heavily armed guy, impersonating a Federal Agent, showing up at Bobby's LA Rally.
I still worry that we're going to have another Kennedy assassination take place - all because Biden broke with the historic track record of other presidents and refused protection to really his biggest competitor.
To your last question, yes! The USA will go the extra mile every time to cover their asses and project their desired effects onto their voters. We are truly in clown world and it’s funny weird, not funny haha. Currently, there’s no peace on earth or goodwill toward men. It will make for a strange Holliday season. The darkness is sucking the light out of the world. Time for a some serious thought and prayer, with a stiff drink.
It is just beyond belief. But I have heard with my own ears the AfD being described a few months ago in a meeting by a (fellow) German that they "are just Schwurbler". As if that makes it OK. Rational dissent is now treated this way. Not good. Not good at all.
'While it has become convenient for the German-speaking political mainstream to deride vaccine-sceptics as Schwurbler — which loosely translates in this context as “burbling yokels” — the reality is more complex'.
This was about as far as the MSM got when it came to exploring the possibility - just the faintest possibility! - that those refusing to bow to the vaccinators' tyranny might actually have a point.
That article in the FT was penned in late 2021, just when the madness was approaching its zenith. Dark times. This site - and many others on substack (I wrote about it a bit too - in fact, November 2021 was my first post on this precise topic ( - captured the absurdity of the vaccinators' conflicted (and conflicting) arguments to justify their actions.
During the "pandemic" it was often said that the difference between a conspiracy theory and reality was about 6 weeks.
In Germany, that difference is now officially down to 6 days.
People have been routinely vilified in the US as conspiracy theorists for suggesting government involvement in orchestrating false flag attacks or assassinating presidents and civil rights leaders, yet both are literally outline in declassified military and CIA documents, such as those pertaining to Operation Northwoods.
"In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba."
If they don't want to investigate it is there any possibility they know who did it and it's one of them or someone they know?
Who did it?
The US has plenty of similarities. But, as the Babylon Bee puts it, "We're not a banana republic. We're a DEMOCRATIC banana republic!"
A People's Democratic Banana Republic!
A Democrat's Republic of Bananas People!
Bolshevick bananas are a yammy treat in Canada .
we are getting there ! now where are these damn banana trees !
The Kennedy brothers where injected ,not with a needle ,but with an ounce of lead .
The last Kennedy brother kept his brain so soaked in booze that he wasn't the threat that the others were. So they let him live.
Any Kennedy running for President runs into bullets before getting there .
Ted ran his car into the pond, and that ended any presidential aspirations. The fools in Massachusetts kept voting for him but the rest of the country wouldn't support him after his famous drunken swim. So the people who killed his (three?) brothers didn't have to kill him.
Sorry Gordon ,you are right ,I forgot about the third one .Was he also running for President ?If so instead he ended up in deep water .
Old Joe planned to install Joe Jr. in the Presidency after the war.
The FBI is on top of this....Scheiße, to wit (from The Burning Platform)':
'The agency has even created a new subcategory of threats, “AGAAVE-Other,” to denote those who are a threat but don’t fit into its anarchist, militia or Sovereign Citizen categories.
Introduced without any announcement [...] the new classification is officially defined as “domestic violent extremists who cite anti-government or anti-authority motivations for violence or criminal activity not otherwise defined, such as individuals motivated by a desire to commit violence against those with a real or perceived association with a specific political party or faction of a specific political party.” -Newsweek'
An FBI officer added: '“Obviously if Democratic Party supporters resort to violence, it [AGAAVE-Other] would apply to them as well. It doesn’t matter that there is a low likelihood of that. So yes, in practical terms, it refers to MAGA, though the carefully constructed language is wholly nonpartisan.”'
How this genius knows there is a low likelihood of an (say it ain't so, ma!) Antifa, or Democratic Party, attack on say, a MAGA supporter, is beyond me. And it looks like the corresponding 'low likelihood' threshold has been breached over in Deutschland.
As someone (here in the US) said, "We're the worst kind of banana republic, because we're a banana republic without the bananas."
? Most of America is bananas.
LOL @ that and the replies.
I'd not seen that one by the BB.
BB attributed it to the White House.
nothing beats the bee in real fake news
Actually I am now waiting for some government spokesperson to officially declare that we are a "no banana republic" and see what the reaction is.
Older Germans will get.
One injection that did not turn out well is nothing ,when billions of injections went soo well .
In every human culture, using poison is considered the basest, most detestable and most cowardly way of hurting someone. Even in the worldview of the normies, it´s not a good look when the AfD´s enemies are poison mixers and the mainstream is running interference for that sort of thing.
The especially bad optics, I thought, were when other politicians like Herrmann acted as if AfD talking about the attack was an of out-of-bounds move or something. (In fact the party made very few statements and Chrupalla himself was incommunicado until Wed.).
Wouldn't major politicians have an interest in denouncing assaults on political figures? After all, these men have to campaign too and might not like to get stuck with needles. The attitude makes them seem borderline complicit. Very terrible look.
…plus they were so outrageously nasty in their statements without the slightest drop of any human decency!
These people truly are evil.
Almost all politicians are scum, and they prove that every day....
I begin to increasingly suspect that the people we are up against are not, in fact, sending their best.
What kills more people ?Needles or nukes ? The needles win so far .
I heard the number yesterday that the worldwide "excess mortality" - actual deaths above the statistically expected baseline since the vax rollout - stands at 17 million. If there is a clandestine competition going for "greatest mass murder in history" we may have a new winner in the making that will soar past Hitler, Stalin, and Mao combined in the next couple of years.
In no way can it be anything else ,but depopulation ,by mass murder .Everyone having any power over us is just doing every thing to harm and help kill us .Hospital treatment protocols are deadly ,like everything they force on us .The orders to do as they do must come down from the high priests we see and read about ,otherwise known as demons .
It's amazing that the industry which willingly followed this deadly protocol still expects us to pay for their "services". They got $39,000 per patient for putting them on a ventilator with a 90% death rate, and $3,000 to put them on Remdesivir with a 50% death rate. All while hydroxychlroquine or ivermectin could have cured them for a few dollar's worth of off-patent generic drugs, and they knew this the whole time.
Ventilators and Remdesivir always go together ,that brings the death rate to 100 % ,as desired
It's a very, very curious fact that Israeli nurses must learn 'German New Medicine' to work in the Israel hospital system, (recently changed to "New Medicine." (Less historically/culturally awkward I'm sure)).
GNM is the reality of the effects of ones mind via stress or shock and its resulting disease state AFTER the shock or issue has passed, and is in resolution.
-modern medicine is the disease-
I like to learn about the German new medicine ,so I know how to avoid it .
Safe and effective nukes for the win.
Keep granny safe and go and get your own high temperature blast wave and fatal dose of radiation today.
My guess is Chrupalla is now manufacturing spile proteins. Has he been checked for myocarditis?
'manufacturing spile proteins'
The K has now mutated into an L. Remains to be seen whether it's more or less harmful 😜
don't correct that Awake ! this is hilarious.
Looks like Awake reposted it separately with the correct spelling.
In the UK in recent years when politicians have been assaulted (or worse), the entire political class and media have rallied to their defence. But AfD are outside the political class. I wonder if UK politicians would abhor an assault on the leaders of the UK fringe parties. Possibly not.
They love to mock until it happens to one of theirs. Then it's be a capital case and the perpetrators are in custody within hours.
And then it’s called an “Insurrection “!! terrorists.
>> he’d lost 3.5 kg in the days since the Ingolstadt rally
Did his doctors happen to say where one could get this injection? Asking for a friend.
Hahaha dark but funny
"Tragedy" is just a whiny word for "opportunity."
O O O Ozempic!
So, is Chrupalla manufacturing spike proteins yet? Any sign of myocarditis?
When he was tested for myocaditis they could not find any heart .
sounds like it might have been metformin. I lost 4 pounds in 2 days and then almost died!
"I lost 4 pounds in 2 days and then almost died!"
Explosive diarrhoea does that as well.
that was one of the symptoms ! Also completely lost appetite, then stomach and intestin cramps, and finally after only 4 pills in 2 days, cramps in arms and legs and pain everywhere. Looked online and found this is the beginning of a life threatening situation. That was it for that awful med! It even came without any explanation, not a word.
That's it! He was injected with a GLP 1 agonist. It's all part of Eli Lilly's marketing blitz for Mounjaro.
did they biopsy the inj. site?
Not funny. Try flu or covid. Would Grippe do?
I laughed, and I'm the only one I'm certain is real, so I'd call it a rousing success.
I’m real too. But I would say that, wouldn’t I?
Sounds a little sketchy, if I'm being honest.
Perhaps tuberculosis (consumption) would be better? Hey, did you hear they now have mRNA vaccines for that?
Do tell your friend that Ingolschtadt authorities are on the way to personally deliver the information.,
isnt that the same city where Frankenstein took place, in the novel, and where the illuminati was founded?
All those things are true. It is a city of mysteries.
You mean, like America? Bullets, injections, DEW, so many choices. Worldwide problem.
and for many years. I hold my breath for this Kennedy
Same here in Canada, the woke left put people under martial law for a peaceful protest and froze bank accounts.
deep state aligning against the people....
On October 5 in Iowa, Presidential candidate Ramaswamy was confronted by protesters. Additionally, his campaign car was deliberately crashed into by the protesters. The initial press coverage was quite straightforward, but almost immediately a counter-story emerged that the automobile accident was not deliberate. The news cycle ended and the story ended in oblivion., down the memory hole. As best as I can figure out the accident was indeed deliberate.
Where is it documented, or even asserted, that the offending driver was a protester?
Reuters is not a reliable source any more.
Nor PA.
Protesters hit Ramaswamy campaign vehicle outside Iowa event
There's loads of video evidence floating around on the netz
All I know is what the article asserts. There were lots of confrontational protesters at the campaign rally.
If he had died I suspect they would just have moved on. Shades of Dr David Kelly, who made some inconvenient comments about WMD in Iraq.
Worrying time for Germany and the west more widely. The regime is clearly rattled and taking more direct steps than was recently the case.
Perhaps Aldo Moro and Olaf Palme were the two most significant historical examples? But they are exceptional cases.
Wait, the press seriously suggested that party officials would fake being attacked in order to go on vacation, immediately before major elections?
They clearly know that their readers care not for either truth or integrity.
It Brings to mind the Biden Regime refusing Secret Service protection to RFK Jr. - followed by a heavily armed guy, impersonating a Federal Agent, showing up at Bobby's LA Rally.
My comment almost word for word!
Has the opposition started claiming yet that the heavily armed guy was a false flag thing to help push the request for protection?
That's exactly what Junior's team did.
I still worry that we're going to have another Kennedy assassination take place - all because Biden broke with the historic track record of other presidents and refused protection to really his biggest competitor.
Police investigations. There's that line from the underrated film "Mystery Men" from Janeane Garofalo's character about her father's death:
"The police ruled my father's death a suicide. They said he fell down an elevator shaft. Onto some bullets."
To your last question, yes! The USA will go the extra mile every time to cover their asses and project their desired effects onto their voters. We are truly in clown world and it’s funny weird, not funny haha. Currently, there’s no peace on earth or goodwill toward men. It will make for a strange Holliday season. The darkness is sucking the light out of the world. Time for a some serious thought and prayer, with a stiff drink.
Prayers are needed big time!
It is just beyond belief. But I have heard with my own ears the AfD being described a few months ago in a meeting by a (fellow) German that they "are just Schwurbler". As if that makes it OK. Rational dissent is now treated this way. Not good. Not good at all.
What's "Schwurbler"?
'While it has become convenient for the German-speaking political mainstream to deride vaccine-sceptics as Schwurbler — which loosely translates in this context as “burbling yokels” — the reality is more complex'.
This was about as far as the MSM got when it came to exploring the possibility - just the faintest possibility! - that those refusing to bow to the vaccinators' tyranny might actually have a point.
That article in the FT was penned in late 2021, just when the madness was approaching its zenith. Dark times. This site - and many others on substack (I wrote about it a bit too - in fact, November 2021 was my first post on this precise topic ( - captured the absurdity of the vaccinators' conflicted (and conflicting) arguments to justify their actions.
Yes, the U.S.