Why always such a dedication to the masking and never a mention of vitaminD, C supplementation or losing weight or exercising. The focus always, always on the restrictions and the masking? It’s the same here as there. I’ve never seen it mentioned in mainstream media ever.

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Because it's not about health. It's never about health. It's about mental conditioning and compliance.

Brainwashing at its finest to get people to go with the program.

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Masking is a sign of compliance and so are empty streets. This will become very important in the end-game of these dangerous thinkers.

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Yes, I saw a Min of Health document (obtained using freedom of information act) which stated that the benefits of masking were unknown but it served the purpose of a 'visual reminder' that we were in a pandemic.

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I believe bc the mask reminds you that you are a danger to others and they are danger to you. Which means you will probably comply with more restrictions to "protect" you and others.

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Yes and that's very, very important I think. For that's the imprinting the very young get.

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Yes, and it's clearly working. Mask mandates were lifted on Monday -90-95% of people are still masked voluntarily. Good news: I was teaching a course yesterday - 50% of the kids weren't masked, and given that the media and politicians are really making everyone look bad who doesn't mask, that's quite a courageous thing for them to do. Mostly girls, BTW... it's a start.

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Excellent. Which country is that? Someone mentioned somewhere that women were more actively opposing the madness then men so I began taking notice and I find that to be true around here.

No one is opposing masking, virtually no one at all. People here are masked when alone in cars. They leave the mall on foot masked and can be seen wandering home a long way from the mall and still masked. It doesn't seem to matter to them.

So virtually everyone I meet is hidden behind a mask. So I can't see/notice much.

But what I hear is happy friendliness in the voices of females who wait on me in shops much, much more than in the voices of the males. And what little you can see of a smile behind a mask - around the eyes perhaps or something - most certainly comes from the females, not the males.

I've conjectured to myself that perhaps it is because females are much more biologically inclined to accept the naturalness of life and all that it is because of their natural constant knowledge of babies and the fact that babies grow within them and are born of them.

So close proximity, flesh to flesh and the inevitable presence of all that comes with a physical body is closer to their mindset. Women, for instance, have menstruation which keeps them grounded in close association, like it or not, with the fundamental physical nature of life.

Whereas men can perhaps wander off in a dreamland wherein life is all sterile and we need not touch each other or the perhaps grosser aspects of physicality at all if we don't want to.

Perhaps women can more readily see the absurdity of trying to live a life masked off from the physical world, macro and micro.

I don't know.

But I do feel sure it is true. If we are ever going to get out of this absolute madness, this reverse of reason, of logic, of truth, I suspect it is going to be females that will show the way.

We've had more than two years now and it's for sure the men are not showing the way, are they?

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It's Bavaria, and you've got a point there. As a mum, I interact with a lot of other mums; most of them have been mildly to fiercely opposed to the COVID vaccines. Many of them GOT the vaccine, but were basically pressured into it. Not even those who were mildly in favour of the vaccines had their kids vaccinated. I think it's mostly because they see that the body regulates quite a few things without intervention . They can also look at a situation without acting, they can accept that sometimes you can't do anything and sometimes you shouldn't do anything, you just watch as reality unfolds.

As a contrast, the men I know are problem-solvers. To them, COVId was presented as a problem, and now they are (micro-)managing it and trying to solve it, which takes up so much of their minds and time that they never stop to think whether what they do actually makes SENSE.

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Yep, problem solvers with insufficient or incorrect data. Good thing to do with a problem is to strip it down to its essential parts, isn't it? Works fine with maths and physics and such. Doesn't/didn't work with the covid thing for its a human thing and that immediately introduces heaps of variables.

But they eliminated all of them. Just made decisions from out of their stripped down dehumanised headspace.

If a person such as you speak of were to stop and think whether their actions made sense they'd be prone to still remain inside the 'stripped down' space and conclude again that it did indeed 'make sense'. Wouldn't they?

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In Spain, at least in my experience its exactly the opposite. Women are much more worried and believe in masking, vaccinating and the whole crap, while men are more reasonable. I have noticed in other comments on this blog that the situation seems to be very different in other countries and I wonder why.

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so my 'reasoning' was totally in error. good to know. thanks.

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On the other hand, my husband reports that while shopping it was always a woman who made her displeasure known if his mask was not up to standard, he stood too close or (my favourite) he went up the aisle against the direction of the arrow you must follow!!

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strike two. redundant. I've already been struck out. It's clearly not as I imagined. :)

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Exactly! Thousands of years of human history and vibrance wiped out overnight. How did we ever live without shots and pills? Way too many people think that we didn't. That we were all dropping dead. But I know better. My grandmother died at age 102 and proudly proclaimed to anyone who would listen that she never had a shot for a disease in her life. And only took aspirin once in a blue moon.

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Yes! My (maternal) great great grandma lived to be 104, my (maternal) great grandpa 95, my (paternal) great grandpa 92 & my own dear mom 96 - NONE vaxxxed except for possibly the smallpox. ALL had vegetable gardens & rarely visited the Dr.

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It was an uprising of collectivist ideology, subconscious and driven by anxiety. You'll note that everything they did had a crude ideological angle to it. It's somewhat complicated. If there was a collectivist aspect to it (either by creating collectivism ot by attacking individualism), it brought a measure of anxiety relief. The sense of relief was significant enough that they were willing to fully embrace the policy despite being clearly flawed. Thus they were forced to embrace a rational that I'm sure they weren't fully convinced of, but wouldn't dare admit to it.

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Like embracing a lie, not by simply lying, but by convincing yourself it's true and squelched all internal doubt.

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Has anyone studied whether cholecalciferol negate the higher mortality of excessive weight? To avoid confounding since it might help everyone, just keep the overweight in the study group at the same blood concentration as the normal weight people. IOW, check whether overweight still be associated with higher Covid mortality in a group all at approximately the same blood concentration of D3.

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Their ego is too big to let them endorse something they didn't think of. Try using an herbal remedy to cure an illness, then go tell the doctor. He won't believe it, he'll chalk it up to coincidence or something like that.

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Being an herbalist in real life all I can say is, ya that’s true. Sadly even a lot of people I could really help are skeptics and won’t take an herbal product but will gobble whatever pills a doctor gives them without even looking them up!! Not to mention all the complaining about doctors not having the time nor listening to them and in my head I’m thinking, I’m here! I’m listening and offering help!

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Bless you!

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in Jan 2022, the president of El Salvador tweeted their ad campaign, to help prevent COVID19 deaths and hospitalizations


last year, they distributed their care package containing: Ivermectin , Vitamin C, D3, Zinc, Pain relief


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OANN (One America News Network) is the ONLY American cable news network which advocates ag the jab that I know of ... they also have an app for smartphones

Epoch Times has had done real good articles on health, vitamin supplementation, etc.

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“Unstable lunatics.” That’s exactly right. Governments and the lying media are sticking with the safe and effective narrative. But the families of those killed by the shots know better. Here’s a review of just a few examples of death by injection:


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I weep for you Germans that there is the remotest possibility of bringing back Covid restrictions. In the US our midterm elections in the fall are going to obliterate the Democrat party across the board. Among the party's many failings is their clinging to Covid restrictions. They are going to pay a terrible price and that will be the end of it here.

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i think it's more likely lauterbach is reigned in or forced to resign, but the chancellor appears to be weak and clueless, so who knows.

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At least the chancellor has declared there will be no further attempt to push through a vax mandate. I don't know what they will come up with to get rid of Lauterbach, but his high ranking party frenemies seem to have been furious when he did his talk show about-turn concerning quarantine. He is becoming a liability to them, something which they won't tolerate forever.

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Before the election last autumn, Chancellor Scholz promised there would be no mandate (as did Lauterbach and other politicians). Then in January this year, Scholz says "I have ALWAYS been a firm advocate of vaccine mandates." He's a LIAR and nothing he says can be trusted.

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If we can stop the election fraud!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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A conservative pundit wrote a book many years ago called, "If it's not close they can't cheat". I am a terrible political prognosticator, but the polling is so horrifically bad for Democrats right now, it won't be close. The gold standard for mid-term predictions is the so-called "right track / wrong track" poll. A number in the range of minus 10 is usually very bad news for the incumbent party. Right now it is minus 40.

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I think that the “cheat spread” has been increased. Between the bigger cheat spread and the lying media Trump , for example, didn’t really have a chance. But this won’t be a midterm of Democrat victory, that would be too obviously a fraud. The same folks that pay off the Democrats are calling in markers, or owed favors, among the Republicans. Republicans will win, then many will move the globalist ball down the field, stabbing us in the back. Mark my words.

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You have a very good point. That is why Americans need to support America First, Trump backed candidates in the primary. We need to VOTE in the primaries to get rid of the squishy Republicans and get the populist America First candidates on the ballot in November.

Also, I am starting a local movement about judicial elections. It has been nearly impossible to find pre-election judicial record. That needs to change. In FL,USA.

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Nice work.

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So there is hope!!!!

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If we can keep the dominion voting machines out of all this and the deep seated fraud apparatus the Democrats have put in place these last several decades! Make sure you don’t die, then you’ll start voting democrat! Or Rino! I cannot believe they just installed to our Supreme Court a pedophile friendly shill!

I pray for us all! Satan is very busy! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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My governor is campaigning for reelection that she kept paper ballots in and Dominion out of our state. Since Trump won by 28% and the number of Republicans in state office increased by 20%, I agree with her stance that we had a fair election. I predict an additional increase in Republican representation in our state in 2024 to 80% of partisan offices.

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I wouldn't bet on the midterms with all of the mail-in ballots.

Besides, most Republicans went along with the insanity.

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Are u still in CA? They are def cheating with the mail in ballots. I lived there. I saw what was happening. And now they supposedly send mail in ballots to all citizens. Only they don’t. Love to see what they do with the ballots they don’t send out.

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I'm still here, my elderly parents are still here and my brother won't help, so until my parents pass, I'm not leaving, unless the State requires to be vaxxed to have a job, like they have drafted into now tabled AB1993.

Lots of election scams out, always have been, always will be, but the mail-in ballots have added another level of fraud.

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The mail in ballots are a scam. Go to the polls on Election Day and vote!!!

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I really don't think it matters, but we can’t complain and not do anything about it.

My advice to everyone, vote out everyone, dog catcher, judges, etc. They all used their power to help lock down the state, they should be cast out of office.

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Hopefully - our politics here in America is so corrupt & the Pharmass lobby is just the tip of the iceberg- Our Congress is despicable except for perhaps one or two Demorats & a handful of Repugnants.

Good people attempting to run are vilified or censored- I have lived in IL & NY - it is abysmal - but, not hopeless - I have learned to appreciate our brilliant, but humanly-flawed Founding Fathers ever so much - no thanks to my average public school “system” education in the 60’s & 70’s. What was my “salvation” from the m”ass”es, the mob mentality, the crap “one-size-fits-all” abysmal medical approaches in Western society? - an amazingly discerning, common-sense Christian Dad & strong Mom who did not accept laziness nor boredom nor what the media spewed. Dad always advocated questioning everything - even God - because as he taught me by his life - God will give wisdom & truly does care about us & you can seek Him & find peace and answers that are truth. Freedom of the Will choices were the backbone of my Dad’s life.

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That's a really great comment. Thanks from a Canadian of similar mind.

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I hope so, but they have the greatest ever voter fraud operation.

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To do that, you better get rid of those voting machines and make sure you watch every minute detail of the election with multiple pairs of non-corrupt eyes which means eliminating >50% of the current Republican party apparatchiks.

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I agree with you 100%! How about 95% of the Republican party…😡 The RNC called begging for money the other night… I told him, this Republican will NEVER give money to a crime organization with Ronna McDaniel at the head that attempts to get Criminal, Republican in name only people voted in! The “uni-party” in this country needs to go!

And only paper ballots and no machines!

How is Voting done in Germany?

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Paper ballots. Counting of in-person votes in the precincts is near-100% accurate due to the presence of observers. The problem is absentee ballots, which used to be few in number but much more numerous now, with not as good oversight.

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I keep hoping that once some semblance of sanity returns to the USA, it will spread north. At least perhaps fear of political failure might make it spread north if your dems lose in a big way.

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I so hope you are correct.

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Lauterbach just sounds insane.

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Virus BS will be used as cover to deal with the actual problem. Energy, and food insecurity.

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increasingly lauterbach is the only one doing this. i think he's just lost his mind.

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Losing status is tough for humans. How's he ever going to be important again, if the rest of the world decides to treat corona just like any other respiratory virus?

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There's really no other explanation, is there. And his party members must be beginning to make plans how to get rid of him by now.

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Yes - and the mind is a terrible thing to waste - he will be left for naught- heavy price to pay for subordination to the globa”lust” creeps to keep power over the minions. He’s just a “tool”.

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All three problems are ones the Davos Psychos deliberately created.

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Absolutely agree.

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Or maybe everything will be so messed up in fall - inflation, food insecurity, blackouts - that nobody will have the will and courage to try to resurrect covid.

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It's likely to try to hold the first few waves of shock. Look up what is going on in Sri Lanka, Peru, and Indonesia. The EU is trying to slowdown this decline. Doubt it will ever work though.

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No, it's not going to work forever - at the moment they are trying to drum up a spirit of solidarity with Ukraine while cunningly inserting bits of the Green agenda - surely it won't hurt us to freeze a bit for the freedom or Ukraine and to eat more veggies to hurt Putin, that kind of thing. But I don't think people are going to buy into this forever.

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Rumour is that the next round of restrictions will be decided at an EU level. Considering the bigger countries are also the most restricted ones (France, Germany), it seems we will all be screwed.

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France's restrictions were lifted a while back, pretty much in line with the rest of the EU. Even Italy did away with pretty much most restrictions, and they have always been the hardest hit by far. Germany and Austria have been the most restrictive.

One has to wonder that if your rules are more draconian than France or Italy, you might just be taking the EU's authoritarian crown.

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I spent March in Switzerland, which, thankfully is not part of the EU. Almost no restrictions and they seem to embrace herd immunity as the only solution. It was wonderful! That said, I did catch covid, which turned out to be a head cold for 3-4 days. Switzerland said to quarantine for 5 days and if symptom free, resume my life. Now, I’m back in New York, surrounded by covid hysteria. The US also does not recognize natural immunity. It has all become a farce. The loss of credibility of our “rulers” is immense.

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Wow! It sounds like Switzerland treats its people like adults! I have heard though that people generally do what's expected without being told/forced. Is that the case?

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“Squeeze and release” method of tyrants

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They're relentless and out of control.

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And because they are sensing they are losing “control” - they will dig in their heels even more or “boot on the neck” even more.

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More likely Lauterbach is a complete bought-and-paid-for tool of the Davos Psychopath Gang. Doing their bidding like a good puppy. Even more absurd is all the German politicians voting to close their perfectly good, zero emission nuclear power plants while they have very high gas prices, gas shortages and they are financing Russia $1B/day with energy purchases while bragging about $1B total for to subsidize Ukraine in the war.

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in principle I agree, except that Lauterbach is a solid level (or two) below the Davos crowd. he was a nobody eccentric backbencher until Corona came and he rose to prominence by copying Feigl-Ding's act on Twitter.

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I don't think so - this is clearly a personal mission for him, just look at him, totally overwrought and stressed out of his little mind. Looking worse and worse each day...you wouldn't ask somebody that emotionally involved to take part in an intrigue.

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Sounds like WEF young global leader, Trudeau, happily destroying Canada's economy, first for Covid, and now for supposed Climate Change, also part of the Davos agenda. What's Lauterbach's position on Climate Change/Nuclear power, that will tell you a lot about what he is.

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A legendary tweet of Lauterbach's came after a tsunami (triggered by a volcano eruption) struck Southeast Asia. He said it's our fault, because of climate change!

Calling L. dumber than a bag of hammers is insulting to hammers!

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Yep, sounds even more like Trudeau & Arden.

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same as New Zealand. Something amusing! Our glorious leader Jacinda Ardern (speaker from the Podium of Truth) gets called Jabcinda (and other names) by us peasants. Getting Jaxxed is now being used as a term for those who totally comply with her demands.

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Is there anyway to “depose” this criminal lunatic? Was he elected? Was he appointed? Just trying to understand from the USA. I am not familiar with how your government works.

He sounds like he needs to be locked up to me! That includes the majority of our government as well!

Countries in lockstep… 🔥

I seem to remember reading somewhere that there are clinics being set up to treat vaccine injured people. How is that going? 🙏🙏🙏

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He's a cabinet minister, named by the chancellor (Scholz). The chancellor can also get rid of him if he wants, or (more likely) he'd be told behind the scenes to resign. Then he'd go back to being an ordinary member of parliament.

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Thank you for answering my question. Is there any chance the chancellor will tell him to resign? Or is he just as corrupt?

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That's what I think: Scholz will most likely do nothing that might alienate voters. If voters signal that they are tired of Karl, Scholz might tire of Karl very quickly. As long as the SPD grandees believe voters want vax mandates and love Karl, they will keep him. There are surveys according to which a solid majority of Germans and social democrats want vax mandates, so Lauterbach's position still might have some merit to Scholz.

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It is so hard to believe that anyone would still believe these bozos… it is like this also in parts of the United States. I think where my family and I live, most people have moved on and are finished with the lies and money going into the pockets of these criminals! We will have to see how our local/state/federal governments are going to handle these next several months. Personally, I am sick of our entire government! 🔥🔥🔥

I think the largest thing we are going to have to deal with now is the mass casualties and disability from the death shots. So much cancer is showing up now, heart problems, strokes, you name it…

It’s very hard to imagine that people don’t put 2+2 together at this point… People refuse to see. 😞😞😞🙏

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Butt-hurt bureaucrats love to threaten and punish people. I’m not sure if you can remove him and his ilk in the next few months. I am uninformed about the details of your government. Here, we often have the ability to recall an elected official. Unelected officials are often appointed by elected officials who can be recalled and replaced by politicians that promise to replace the bureaucrat. By the way, I’ve stopped calling elected officials “rulers" or “leaders”. They love those names, but really in a democracy they are representatives and public servants (a heavy stress on the word servants). They hate those very accurate terms.

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None of this is about health or caring or protection. It is about power and control. These clowns want to manage all of us since they believe in their own moral and intellectual superiority over the uneducated commoners. I say piss on all of them. RESIST.

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It's got to be worse than that. Since this plandemic started, combined with economy destroying energy sanctions, I've had to conclude that "these clowns" are monstrous Psychopaths who really despise us plebes and actually want to kill most of us. And imprison the rest as feudal serfs.

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Amen, Brother.

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Everyone is against disease and death. That's Team Apocalypse's perpetual strawman. What they never do is even attempt to demosntrate any positive connection between their dystopian efforts to control the virus and any reduction in human suffering and death. The connection would actually be negative, unsurprisngly. Because authoritarian micromanagement of complex problems always makes them worse, not better.

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They have long had an agenda of INCREASING human death & suffering. As such they have been very successful. Of course it is a lot easier to destroy than it is to build, otherwise they would have failed at that as well.

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How long before Germany goes the route of China, and simply starts putting people under martial law for an indefinite period of time and starving them to death?

/if you're dead, you can't get c0vid!

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Lauterbach is losing support within the party and also within Parliament, I think. Only twitter hysterics are rooting for him. Some of the MPs doubtlessly realize that a) covid management was deeply flawed and b) we're up shit creek as it is, without further costs or complications bc of covid. So it's not likely that most parlamentarians and even ministers will push for a more "Chinese-style" containment policy.

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Yes, indeed not only are most "Covid hospitalizations" incidental or simply false positives (which are necessarily the vast majority of "cases" and "hospitalizations" because of screening of all hospital admissions upon entry, and when testing asymptomatics with imperfect tests will always yield mostly false positives), most "Covid deaths" are incidental in the same way or also mostly just based on false positive tests. These terms are based on highly over-inclusive definitions that require no judgments about causal linkage between the positive test result and the alleged Covid hospitalization or death. We go through the numbers in this essay: https://tamhunt.medium.com/how-covid-19-stats-are-grossly-exaggerated-a-brief-summary-of-the-arguments-53a5b4237c4c

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Point him to swedish Socialstyrelsen, the oversight agency for all health care and medical matters. Seeing as we did nothing of what he wants to do to the germans, shouldn't we be worse off?

2/3 of casualties are double or more vaccinaed.

Cases are dropping like a stone, down 30% from last week (reports are published on thursdays).

ICU is staying low, fewer than 20 cases as of yesterday.

And virtually all Covid deaths (confirmed by post-mortem) were over age 70 with one or several of the following: hypertoni, cardiovascular disease/problems, diabetes, pulmonary condition.

Tell Lauterbach to give dr Tegnell a call instead. He was against masking and quarantine (except for infectees) from the start, explaining that herd immunity was the only way seing as it takes a minimum of ten years to develop a vaccine. (Of course, then Tegnell got a dressing down from the socialist prime minister Löfven, after his paymasters had a word with him.)

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Rikard, here, an article in Nature is discussed that claims Sweden's COVID response was horribly bad up to and including euthanasia. Is there any mention of this in Sweden, either by the public or the media? Or is it just something the German COVIDians love to bandy about?

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Horribly bad? Covid deaths in Sweden are at 1821/M vs Germany @ 1565/M. A small price to pay for saving your economy from self-destruction. And Sweden did kill many elderly by not properly isolating them (standard Pandemic procedure, protect the most vulnerable, not the whole population).

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Well, we know that. People who rely on media close to the state or COVIDIAN media don't know that...and now they are told that according to this "study" in Nature, the Swedes horrendously killed their grannies by design.

The paper seems to be more of an opinion piece and it seems to be pretty crap, sources are shady...but this will not stop the COVIDians from quoting from it.

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I did read some reports a while back which said that older people were not looked after properly. For example, in rest homes, some were confined to their rooms and had furniture placed at the door to prevent them leaving. Also a huge number of people in Sweden live alone and as close contact which happens mainly in the home is needed for spread this could have had a major impact. It sounds like Sweden has done well but it's reasonable to question and investigate what happened there like everywhere else.

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I followed the Swedish method extensively- my hubs (Norwegian decent) posted on Facebook - only to be mocked by fellow American friends who have lost the ability to reason & use logic. Fab interview recently by Epoch Times with Stanford Univ professor, epidemiologist, Health metrics, etc Dr Jay Bhattacharya, one of the original Great Barrington Declaration signers. He legitimately questioned early on the “lockdowns”, etc - He has now been proven right, but, is vilified by our meanstream media & dastardly Fauchh & cohorts in crime. He is truly brilliant & a delight to listen to & is gaining back respect in the amazing growing Health Freedom Movement in America.

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Hopefully Germany will punish lauterbach. Up to them.

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