The biggest threat is not the coronavirus, it’s the idiot politicians. We are in the end game of their frittering away of the wealth & productive approaches that created said wealth, over many prior generations. This current cabal will do in history as the dumbest and sorriest group of people to ever luck their way into positions of influence. The negative effects of their idiocy will be felt for generations.

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So true I have never been terrified of Covid but these dumb asses are scary as hell.

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Why is it never the fault of those who elected the "politicians" and/or those who let themselves be taken advantage of?

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Those who did the most damage, like Fauci, are unelected bureaucrats. You know, the ones who have run the show for decades. Presidents and congressmen come and go, but these lifers hang on to power.

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A great man once called these lifers the swamp

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Well then... perhaps the answer is we need MORE GREAT MEN ... any available ? Seems like when we identify one, they are not at all interested in taking leave from their present job or career, or, they have no way to obtain the kind of $$$ needed to launch a campaign, do not run in the circles of those billionaire international financiers who just "buy" judges, district attorneys, mayors, and so on !

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Agree. Like button not working again.

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Based on my experience, this appears to be a lag time (refresh) issue on a page with LOTS of comments.

You can test this by hovering over the time stamp on a "liked" comment and then opening it in a new window, at which point, you may well see that your like, has indeed, been logged.

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I have to "second" that, I have finally "caught on", thanks for telling all !

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Refresh the page …

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Jun 12, 2022·edited Jun 12, 2022

It's odd, that, isn't it? Sometimes it lets you like, sometimes it doesn't.

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Jun 12, 2022·edited Jun 13, 2022

Perhaps some "come and go", but most don't seem to "go" anywhere, they stay in D.C. where we agree to LAVISH every possible luxury on them. While it may be true that presidents, like D. Trump, may not have been able to "fire" a person like Fauci, but he, or any president, certainly has pathways to make such people so small, so irrelevant, by exposing their long histories of shockingly poor decisions and the poor work they have produced, that in many ways, the president in office at the time is, like "us" (the people) complicit in this whole unhealthy practice of retaining unproductive people... you don't see any of the life time, habitual, untalented people in all the departments, scrambling to leave, they stay on regardless of how the "political winds" blow ! Perhaps, no matter what goes on, no matter who is in or out, we've just created such a"comfortable", insular environment in bureaucracy, that we (the people) have set the stage for the demise of our democratic republic form of government ? The V. A. for years ? The F.B.I. ? Institutions we have blindly had 100% faith in for... over 200 years ? No matter which pack of foxes you let "into the hen house", you keep an eye on them, you don't turn your back and go into your house to check your FB page.

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You mean you want to blame the 81+ million voters for the most popular US president ever?

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I blame anyone who votes.

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If you fail to vote, you are, in effect, voting. Because your will is not made known, the will of others becomes more important. If you think that elections are rigged, then make it harder for them to cheat by participating. Who benefits when citizens boycott ("skip") elections? Politicians, definitely the bad kind.

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True. Already in the US, a minority of actual voters, and a vast minority of our adult population is choosing our elected officials since many choose not to vote for a variety of reasons.

The notion that we should just give up and not vote at all (because?) is the best insurance of a failed system. Granted, it can be argued that the system has already failed, but I'm not prepared to just hand it all over.

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True, and the most Machiavellian of all.... it sets the stage for the government to make the very "logical" argument that elections are a huge financial drag on the the country, and have very little popular appeal, point to the low voter turnouts, and little by little convince people that answer is to "eliminate" elections....begin small, since few people have any interest in school board and park board elections, why not divert THAT expense to something of greater value: create more parks, or bike and hike trails, put that money into a new water purification plant, or use it to raise teacher salaries ? Why the people would see the "logic" in those "higher purposes" without question, and the grass roots cry would turn to a thundering.... "DOWN with wasting money on elections few are interested in anyway".

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Hi AM, I agree - BUT by continuing to support a totally broken unfit for purpose system by voting, nothing will ever change and the moral and political corruption will forever be validated by 'the will of the people'. If no one votes the politicians have no legitimacy or mandate. So time for a new system.

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How about if you just burn it to the ground? Literally....

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Voter fraud.

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Most popular.....I'm still on the floor laughing my ass off.

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Yes let’s blame them too!

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In general terms, there are people who believe that selecting one flavor of the same poison over another is a legitimate way of imposing your will on others. Most of us just want to be left alone. The US dragged the world out of the Middle Ages when free men & women were able to pursue their own rational self-interests, while those who pursued irrational interests were rewarded with poverty. With the return of much of the world to worshipping at the altar of the unearned, we have slowly devolved into an idiocracy that projects it is more concerned which orifice one stuffs things into ones body vs assuring that citizens are safe and able to thrive. Evading/avoiding reality has consequences. Our consequence is a heckuva lot of work to clean up the mess made by the professional morons.

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Jun 10, 2022·edited Jun 10, 2022

Agreed. Except the "work to clean up the mess" is going to be a whole lot messier than most want to acknowledge, and no one is coming to the rescue.

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Exactly. The entire system is a farce.

The only way to win is for each individual to withdraw as much as he can from the established order. They can control us because we depend on them. If everyone had a home gym, a vegetable garden, a flock of chickens, a chest freezer full of local meat, a generator, and his own personal well, this fight would look a lot different.

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That's why conservatives (and nationalism) are the biggest foes to the globalists. And JB certainly thinks so, as well as XI (but I repeat, because they are the same basic entity or at least so deeply in cahoots that it makes no practical difference)

JB is lowering the tariffs now, for instance.

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If it's and buts we're candies and nuts Christmas would last all year

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Withdrawal includes cashing out of 401Ks and other retirement plans.

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Extra likes! ❤️👍🏻

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Hard to blame voters when it’s very evident now that voter fraud is real and everyday we keep seeing more and more evidence of it. Those sheep who gave in to fear and trusted the government are partly to blame but mostly it’s the FDA. cdc. Who. Biden administration and the leaders of many countries of the world who pushed for these lock downs and mandates in the first place.

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One of my favorite quotes: "never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers". I have to add here that stupid people in this case also includes the fear ridden...who refuse or are incapable of looking behind the mainstream mind control. Tyrants are NOTHING without the masses which enable them. Never be an enabler

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I think in the US, most of them occupy the permanent bureaucracy. The Deep State.

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Many have lost confidence in the integrity of the election system. The brazenness of the Biden coup really opened a lot of eyes.

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Voter fraud!!!! We did not elect Joe Biden!!

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Because the electorate demonstrably does not elect the politicians?

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Why ? I guess this is trite of course, but the answer is still the same: It does NOT FIT THE NARRATIVE ! You might also add, AFTER it becomes apparent what such people are up to (as here in the USA), do the same sheeples continue to retain them in office for 30, 40, even 60 years, even while at the SAME TIME complaining LOUDLY about it ! ?

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Good question.In Australia..there is zero difference between the 2 main parties..so we are doomed no matter which...

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Maybe we’re finally figuring out that grassroot campaigns need to carefully and enthusiastically select and support better candidates.

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Joe Biden is also on video saying the exact same thing. He knows he did not win!

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“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance. It is the illusion of knowledge."

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It isn’t luck. It’s social psychology. Organizations systematically elevate people to positions of power based primarily on the ability to spout complete bullshit with unwavering certainty. The halls of power are dominated by those most well-endowed with the dark triad traits of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. The human race needs to develop better defenses against these assholes and stop listening to them, voting for them, and promoting them. The Dr. Faucis of the world shouldn’t be allowed to manage a McDonalds, much less national and global policy.

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Right. The older baby boomers who attended elite universities, but dropped too much acid and smoked too many doobs rather than attending classes, and maybe learning something about economics, history, and ethics before they slid into their glamorous government jobs.

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Truer words were never written ! You can put your entire commentary in capitals and it still would not emphasize it enough. WHAT ARE we going to do with the average intelligence and formal education going down, down, down with every passing day. When people begin to believe that electric autos are the perfect solution to escape "paying" for transportation, and that diverting food production, like corn, to distill a much better "fuel" (ethanol), it won't be long before you can convince them to line up monthly for their "shots", and the "shots" will become mandatory at birth. Sound too much like Orwell ?

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They have tasted power. Relinquishing it is not an option.

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The Peter Principle writ large.

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IMHO, politicians are a symptom of deeper problems. Why are the overwhelming majority of them re-elected, often numerous times? An example of insanity.....

Another toxic mess is our corporate media/journalism/entertainment machine. It is chewing itself up at an accelerating pace, and destroying our culture with it. A true deadly embrace.

It's laid out very well in El Gato's recent essay:


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I think I can let go of the corona doom (although I suspect the hidden public health effects of lockdowns will continue to be revealed).

Whereas I still feel unable to let go of the injustice around civil liberties. Too many of my peers succumbed to the hysteria and were too willing to relegate me to a 2nd class citizen. I will never forget.

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I’ve been finding myself more angry at my normie friends now that they are pretending nothing was weird about the past couple years than I was at them at the height of their hysteria. I hate to be like the people that cut off friends that questioned the Covid narrative, but the normies that until yesterday were willing to relegate me to second class citizenship acting like nothing happened enrage me so much that I’ve actually been the one to pause the friendships. I can’t talk to them anymore.

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That’s how I feel too. Everything has changed.

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Much of the world is dead to me now.

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Be in this world, not of this world.

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They are embarrassed that they fell for it. Some are worried about medium & long term effects. Some are still totally brainwashed into viewing it as the fault of the unvaxxed.

So some combination of embarrassment, worry and brainwashing keeps them from doing the "my bad" and admitting fault.

I find the best way to "stick it to them" while providing valid information that will help them is to casually mention that "flccc.net has a post vaccine protocol now, you might want to check it out". I love being a snarky asshole but in a helpful way LOL

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I hear you. I was recently invited to a wedding for which the condition of attending was vaccination and a booster. This was an ostensibly close family member. I will never forget either.

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Neither will I.

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I can't classify them as sheep. They're much too hateful, malignant, and dangerous. To do so maligns sheep, those sweet animals who do us no harm, and willingly allow us to use their fur and milk as clothing and food. I don't think it is right for us to eat them, either.

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I've never been worried about the virus. I'm very worried about the authoritarians in charge.

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Not to mention the elephant in the room: we can't stop it even if we want to.

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This. I talk to people like myself and everybody feels equally helpless. If they ramp up the surveillancr qnd themandates, we might escspe a while, but can we acutally throw spanners in the works of the authoritarian covidiqns?

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When people have full bellies, they have many problems. When people are hungry, they have one problem. COVID will be the least of our concerns come winter.

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Jun 10, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I love this substack and agree with the point. I just want to add that it's easier to let go of what's happened when one didn't lose a job and friends because of it. It really has been devastating for many and not so easy to move on.

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I'm not saying to move on, I'm never going to forget what they did. I'm just suggesting we try to develop reasonable assessments about the present and the future. the virus part of this may be ending, but the really important part is whether we let them continue to panic and freakout over nothing much.

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If you can't wake the normies out, it will be all pandemic all the time. Because that is the plan.

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Xiden's mouthpiece aggressively refused to allow an answer to whether school closures are on the table for the fall, which means they are.

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They now have a real weapon use against the population, with plenty of public support. A reign of terror, an American Cultural Revolution.

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Your "reasonable assessments" elide the coordinated efforts to create a Biomedical Security State of Fascism based on real or contrived threats.

You are looking at a few charts and saying, "See, it's over now. Done!"

And not clocking what happened. Feels like you are minimizing it and also are minimizing the adverse events.

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I understand what you're saying. It's good perspective, even if it's hard.

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I think we are at the beginning of the end (of everything)

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Jun 10, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Moderna killed my mom. I can’t just move on.

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Pfizer seriously injured me. I can't move on either. Or rather, I will move on in an entirely different reality. I hate with a burning passion everyone in my family who believes the official propaganda, and denies that my experience is valid or important.

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I’m so sorry to hear this. We can never forget. We can never let THEM forget.

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I'm sorry: hopefully your witness will be heard, I have the good fortune to be a born skeptic: you had to learn the hardest way possible.

Sue, sue and sue again!

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Jun 10, 2022·edited Jun 10, 2022

Yes drs telling it's all on your head is a slap in their patients face. Breach of trust. A humble i don't know would do. I keep telling my daughter who is soon to be a physician's assistant to practice compassion. Probably learned best being denied it yourself.

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As a matter of fact, my doctor (a Kaiser employee in California) did believe that my sickness and injuries were caused by the Pfizer poison. She told me that Kaiser was overwhelmed with vax-injured patients (a Kaiser phlebotomist told me the same thing) and she wrote in my medical record that I must never get any more covid "vaccines." She also added "covid vaccines" to the already long list of medicines to which I'm allergic, or to which I've had seriously adverse reactions. I'm sure she realized that I was not "allergic," per se, to the covid poison; she was just trying to do everything in her power to make sure I'm never injected with another covid "vaccine." (I'd never allow that to happen, regardless of what she wrote in my medical record.)

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Just curious, did your doctor make a report to VAERS?

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I am so sorry for you, truly. 💔. I didn’t lose anyone, my covidiot friends/family were careful during our infrequent gatherings, I traveled, rarely wore a mask, and went on with my life. But I seethed inside, hurting for people like you, who lost loved ones from the jab. I’m livid, I”m pissed, I’m furious, my heart bleeds. I’ve done what I can, I speak my mind, educate those who will listen, and pray to God that this crap is behind us. But: I CANNOT FORGIVE, and I CANNOT FORGET.

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Thank you, CarolAnne. It means so much, just to know that you care. Many really don’t seem to.

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I'm very sorry, Aimee. Losing a parent is so hard, and losing one and then having people deny what killed them is even worse.

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So sorry to hear that, Aimee. Taking that Modern vaxx was THE WORST mistake I’ve ever made.

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Same here - doctor recommended…….

At least my husband and I REFUSED the booster…………and want no more vaccines of any type……….

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V for Vendetta?

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Yeah that was in the throwaway line about the "safety profile" on the way to whistling past the graveyard to say, "What's the big deal, y'all?"

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I thankfully didn’t lose my job because of it, but I lost my faith in institutions and, most distressingly, in a large portion of my friends. I learned which of my friends would hide me under the floorboards when authorities came to send me to the gulag, and which ones would not. Most would not. I’ve had a hard time letting that go. But perhaps it’s better to realize these bitter truths than hold onto an illusory picture of reality in which “most people are good.”

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Someone posted this earlier today. I copied it.

Let’s just celebrate the end of this world wide scam. We have benefited by knowing:

* 60% of humans will believe anything a Government authority tells them.

* 90% of humans will inject anything the Government tells them into their bodies without hesitation.

* The Government is not your friend.

* Gene therapy has been tested on humans now and it has been unsuccessful in many facets.

* Governments in all G20 countries participated in this world wide scam.

* Your country’s elected leaders take their orders from outside of your country. They are merely talking heads.

* Never, ever, trust a corporation with your health choices.

* Mainstream News, your Government and Corporations are parasitic to societies.

* Most of those who you thought you knew, are not who you thought they were.

* Listen to your inner self and trust in God. It’s all any of us have.

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LIKE. Keeping this. That is incredibly well written. And true to boot.

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Those numbers are way too high. No 90% injection rates without coercion, and still, we learn many fakes their injections. Also, 60% is too high, there's the rabid 30% and then the go-along-to-get-aling 40% in the middle that were never committed to anything, and probably still aren't.

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Coercion was used almost everywhere.

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Well yes, we never really have accurate numbers on ANYTHING, do we.

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Yes, that's more like it. Sheep are smarter than we give them credit for. Sheep realize there's no point in straying from the herd. The wolf is watching for outliers. If you stand out the wolf will eat you, and nobody will remember you as a martyr. You'll just be wolf poop, and the wolf will get hungry again.

Many people share the same realization, which is RATIONAL, not cowardly. We saw it clearly in medieval times and in Soviet times, and now it's appearing in all the countries and states with rabid wolves as leaders.

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I nearly lost my job but the way my bosses behaved was not good so I'm just hanging in until we sort our finances out. I didn't lose many friends because I didn't have many to start off with but totally agree that the number of people who will step up for you is tiny. When my first son was born, I was overwhelmed with love and knew that in an instance that I would protect him with my life. Maybe this is only reserved for our loved ones. However there are instances of people stepping up for strangers but I think it's very, very rare.

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Or one's health or life.

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Jun 10, 2022Liked by eugyppius

And it's articles like this that let us know you're not yet another cheap cointelpro outlet... Or at least that you're a well paid more clever one.. :)

Perspective is key. I think part of the "doom" I feel is the realization of how extensive the lies and cancer is and how far back into history it extends. Corona was perhaps an awakening for some like me and the red pill is a very bitter one.

But the sun will rise tomorrow and we will either win this fight or die trying. This is ultimately a good thing as it is better than sleeping as a slave.

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deletedJun 10, 2022·edited Jun 10, 2022
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If I had to guess, the "plan" is far from over. I believe that perhaps the reason so much of the current Corona disaster is such obvious blatant lies is that this current narrative is supposed to fail. If that's true we should see a rush/revolution to dismantle the current regime(and failed currency) and replace it with something likely worse that we haven't seen yet.

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Jun 10, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Again the usual common sense from Eugyppius

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Jun 10, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Thanks for your voice of reason

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Jun 10, 2022Liked by eugyppius

In the US at least, they need lockdowns for mail-in voting. So they need an excuse. The latest voting variant is a good excuse. There is also the BA.5 variant, which may or may not be bad for the vaxxed.

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If my state tries that again, I will do the same thing I did in November of 2020: shred the mail-in ballots I received and go vote in person.

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Wish I had the mail in ballots to shred. In Ca everyone is supposedly mailed a ballot. Nope. Never got one even when I called in and was told a new one is coming. I can guarantee someone used those ballots. Watch 2000 mules. Concrete evidence the ballots were used for fraudulent voting. And yes. It did effect the outcome. Biden did not win! The Dominion voting machines are also compromised. It’ apparent this cheating has been going on for a long time. So many red states just suddenly switched blue. If you were awake that night when certain states just decided to stop counting. Trump was far ahead In Many states. I do not want to see Trump in office again Trust me. But what they did and are still doing with elections is a crime!! We the people lost our voices a long time ago and our entire government is corrupt. Both Dems and Repubs. It’s all a farce. Clean house. Do not vote party lines! Do not vote for people backed by the parties. Vote for people who are not controlled by the donations!! If we all keep voting in Dems or Rinos we are done!! They will still try to fix the votes though. Not sure if they can be stopped. It seems they are way more powerful than we ever imagined. The corruption is out on the open and nothing gets done.

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They just did it again for the Georgia primaries, where our corrupt secretary of state somehow "won" handily, same with governor. Yet other races did not run that way, incumbents lost. A week later, the election fraud report about Dominion was released. Convenient.

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Yep. It feels like they are flaunting it in our faces. Laughing at us that there is not a damn thing we can’t do about their cheating.

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I know a guy in CA who says he got four ballots. One for him, one for his deceased wife, and one for each of the former homeowners of his current house, who don’t even live in CA anymore.

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Yep. That’s how they roll in CA. The most corrupt state in all of the 50 states. And get this. They are claiming Newsome could be next president in the Mercury news🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

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I'm sure that they can come up with another 'convincing' reason for mail-in voting if need be. Also how about voting online? Lots of ways to manipulate the result that way?

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The power in a democracy rests with the one who counts the votes.

Ask a party-critter or a politician why votes are not counted out loud in public, but by selected party-affiliated volunteers in locked rooms.

Look at their reaction.

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As a former Democrat, this is all very painful to watch. Was talking to a normie, upset with the status quo, who wanted to get politically active. Her focus? (ahem) *Term limits.**

I said, "how about we start by getting rid of electronic voting machines?" and her face changed like I'd slapped her. She looked terrified at the prospect of a potential non-Dem win, anywhere. (I know Rs/RINOs are part of the vote-fraud scam, too.)

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Term limits would bite dems too in my market. I can't wait to see the end of my D congressghouls who have consistently voted against Americans and for death for going on 3 decades now.

Who's yer daddy?

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Former dem as well. That died when the local congresscritter had anti Iraq war protesters outside his office arrested.

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Jun 10, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Agreed completely - simply, and good humoredly, call out all the lies, make fun of and belittle them, those wearing the modern day 'dunce' cap, aka facemask especially.

Life is too short to waste another moment of it fretting - time to laugh and live again.

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Some welcome sanity in this piece.

When the future arrives, for better or worse it is almost invariably more banal than sensationalist expectations.

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Jun 10, 2022Liked by eugyppius

The virus we should and need to worry about is called Leftism.

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Jun 10, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I'm in Texas. Sars-Cov-2, influenza, stomach bugs and a handful of other "summer colds" are hitting us hard. Everyone is back indoors with the hot weather and the weakened immune systems from vax, lockdowns, over-sanitizing, etc. are clearly taking hits.

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In Ohio where the weather is mild to cool and we are getting spikes of all the same things. Stomach bugs. CoVid.

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Yep, same in NZ… flu, omricon and vomiting bugs. I can tell you from experience that the vomiting bug is worse than omricon ( that’s not saying much) but it’s not getting much news time cos there’s no vaccine for it 😅.

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the weakened immune systems are the point of concern for me. i agree with eugyppius that influenza will probably steal the show next, and it's critical that as many people as possible understand why all these health issues are gonna sky rocket across the board. we can't change history, and obviously can't rely on health care systems henceforth, but we can each take control over our individual health, and prepare for whatever wave comes next.

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Waiting on the announcement for the magical influenza mRNA vaccines just in time for the winter! *eye roll*

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I heard they’re planning a triple threat CoVid, RSV, Flu mRNA injection.

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Over 2K studies come up when you search mRNA at clinicaltrials.gov

They can go fuck off

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Please read this article (just published) about people dying after having been covid-vaxed:


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I agree fully on the mildness of COVID, but what of the tens of thousands of deaths reported in the VAERS and EU databases combined. The most conservative possible review of these systems, compared to their historical use as safety signal platform is that the injection campaigns have caused casualties completely unacceptable to human use vaccines. How can the continuation of these injection programs not be viewed as an ongoing crime?

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Even the CDC (which sponsors VAERS) admits that it only captures a tiny fraction of all vax injuries. They themselves say only 1 to 10% of all vax injuries are reported!

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Yes it's a crime of the century and Peter McCullough and John Leake just wrote a book about this crime called the courage to face covid

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Ooh Amazon here I come.

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I believe the problem with that excess deaths across the world don't reflect what you can find through VAERS.

If the vaccines were creating additional deaths above normal levels then we would see that in the data. Instead the excess deaths have appeared seasonally - no different before or after vaccines.

Consider South Korea - they are heavily vaccinated. If the vaccine were causing excess deaths, then we should start to see a signal in the data by rising excess deaths in South Korea starting late 2020 and gradually increasing throughout 2021. That didn't happen. Deaths were flat and then all of the sudden March 2022 their average of 5700 deaths/week skyrocketed to 10,000/week.

Is this because of the vaccine? Did the vaccine wait patiently for 15 months to suddenly spring up and kill a bunch of people and then recede?

Doesn't seem likely.

(Note - I'm not vaccinated, my children aren't vaccinated, so it's not like I have stockholm syndrome like many others - it's just that the data indicates, like flu vaccines, they are merely useless vaccines rather than deadly vaccines).

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i agree it's closer to useless than deadly, but i contend that it's likely toxic enough to push many people over the edge, health-wise. and the u.s. is quite possibly the unhealthiest developed country. that's just my pure speculation as a dumb american, and it's hard for me to give much credence to all these stats. too much foul play has been observed.

but i think the injections (and lockdown/over-sanitizing measures) have had a crippling effect on the general immune system of the public, and it's just starting to be felt now. seasonal changes will test this.

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Especially when we know that doctors are being pressured not to report AEs.

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I appreciate this post. It helps puts things in perspective. One thing that does trouble me is the reports of sudden and unexpected deaths that “seem” to be happening all over the world. Do they seem suspicious only because and since the vaccine rollout? Would we not think them suspicious otherwise? I dont know. Like the celebrities Bob Saget, Ray Liotta. Reported to be fine one minute and dead the next. Or all the reports of young healthy athletes dropping dead suddenly. What do you make of these?

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Undetected myocarditis and or blood clots. The vaccimees are afraid to say they have a problem. The flccc physicians have put out treatment guides for the vaccininjured and the post covid long haulers. Indirectly I know several young people that have neurological symptoms. ivermectin hydroxychloroquine seem to help the spike protein is thought to cause the problem

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