Democray - as in the elective, pluralistic definition - has been a fairytale for some time now. "The policy agenda sold to the public at election time is regularly being quietly ‘improved’ by the 'deep state' bureaucsacy at the legislative drafting stage. Sometimes ministers find themselves at war with their own machine but even more times they simply cave in because there isn’t really that much they can realistically do about it. The Leviathan coils itself around their precious policy agenda and squelches the life out of it."
In what the late Saddam Hussein once dubbed “the great Satan,” roughly two-thirds of the United States enlisted military corps is white . . .
The fat, bulbous, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin once confirmed in a 93-2 vote of the U.S. Senate, immediately embarked on a whirlwind media tour of duty, telling the pseudo-secular sycophants in the state-controlled tabloid press and state-controlled television talk show circuit about how the U.S. Army is full of bad racist white men.
Senior Defense Department leaders celebrating yet another Pride Month at the Pentagon sounding the alarm about the rising number of state laws they say target the LGBTQ+ community, warned the trend is hurting the feelings of the armed forces . . . “LGBTQ plus and other diverse communities are under attack, just because they are different. Hate for hate’s sake,” said Gil Cisneros, the Pentagon’s undersecretary for personnel and readiness, who also serves as DoD’s chief diversity and inclusion officer.
And now the U.S. Army is doing ads begging for more young white males?
What happened?
Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Newsome could be cheated into the Oval Office by ZOG somehow, while Globohomo diversity brigades go door-to-door looking to impress American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition, the invasion at the Southern border is going full tilt, and the drugs are flowing in like never before . . .
With the borders of Europe and the USA wide open, civil warfare within the USA, Britain, and most of Europe is a certainty if foreign wars are initiated. Nobody is going to fight a war for Biden, he is dumber than Bush . . . Nobody is going to fight a war for that kikesucking Zionist ass-whore Nikki Haley, and I mean nobody.
Get ready for it . . . the fat old devil worshipping fags on Capitol Hill, on Wall Street, in Whitehall, and in Brussels are in no shape to fight a war themselves, and most Americans are armed to the teeth with their own guns . . . NATO hates heterosexual white men . . . they said so themselves . . .
Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) have every right to say what they like about Israel and the genocide of Palestinians as elected members of the US House of Representatives; they never took an oath to serve Israel . . .
I voted for Ron Desantis (R-FL) to be governor of Florida, not ambassador to Israel.
The recently ousted Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Congressman Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), who took at least a dozen votes to get elected speaker, traveled to Israel immediately upon his election, declaring to the Israeli Knesset that the USA is steadfastly committed to supporting Ukraine in their war against Russia . . .
Was he running for speaker of the Israeli Knesset too?
Following his ouster . . . McCarthy (R-CA) traveled abroad again, this time to England, and expressed his open contempt for the white Republicans who make up the majority of the GOP and praised Democrats for their diversity during a debate at Oxford in the wake of his ouster as House Speaker . . .
Is he now running for the Prime Minister of the U.K.?
Nevertheless, he is free to go on media tours bashing white people and lobbying for Israel, because he has now resigned from the US House of Representatives . . . I can only conclude that the collective RINO butthurt over former Speaker McCarthy is all about the Israelis who have hijacked the American deep state war machine.
It has become so painfully obvious, especially where you have someone like Nikki Haley wagging her finger and shouting down Vivek Ramaswamy in a presidential debate on live national television when the questions of this Ukrainian war against Russia and any mention of Israel are concerned, that the United States government has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee.
Indeed. I'm by default Christian, of no church but it is the foundation of my moral and ethical sense. Read the bible, at last, starting a couple of years back, start to finish. Reading commentaries at the same time.
Conclusion? I need to read it again. It is a wonder.
“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther
He was the Son of God. He was baptized by a mere mortal, road into town on a donkey, sacrificed himself to save us. How much more humble do you want him to be?
❝. . . the entire establishment in the Western world is attacking Russia in unison. The propaganda machine is in full swing in an effort to make the whole world hate Putin and take Ukraine’s side in the war. The same propaganda machine that wants nothing more than you as a White person to stop having children and instead focus on your career, race-mix or become homosexual. What this establishment wants you to think is often a very good indicator of what you should absolutely not think, and by this measure, Russia appears to be the side to support 100%.
From a global geopolitical perspective, if we theorize from the unlikely idea that this conflict will lead to a third world war, then all pro-Zionist liberal monster-nations like Great Britain, France, Germany, the United States and, of course, Israel itself would side with Ukraine, while more traditional and sovereign anti-Zionist forces would likely stand behind Russia. Mark my words when I say that the Nordic Resistance Movement will NEVER stand on the same side as Israel or the Zionist entity that the USA represents today – whatever the issue or conflict may be!
If we look at the situation from a revolutionary point of view, it is also natural to support Russia. By challenging the USA and the Western world, one acts against the status quo – the present situation that must be destroyed in order for any true changes to take place, and for us National Socialists to be able to make real progress. The more the current ruling powers are challenged, and the harder the world economy is combated, the greater the chance for widespread disruption, which is a necessity for the Nordic revolution to become fact. Please note that I do not mean the coming changes will necessarily be better for us; however, in the dramatic situation in which we find ourselves, we must see hope in every potential radical change that arises within the global environment.❞
Could it be the Germans don't repair the gas lines ,because Biden Joe would blow it up again and again ?? What if the Russians would blow up U.S. shipments of L.N.G. From the U.S .to Germany ??
Ah Clarence I forgot Germany is occupied territory by different objects ,The winners of W.W 2 and lately by the Whyrusses . Could Germany soon have a new marching song ?? WHYRUSS WHYRUSS uber alles .??
It would cost $20 billion to build apartments for every homeless person in America to live in until they died, and the traitors in Washington D.C. sent ten times that to the cross-dressing gay satanist Israeli operative Volodymyr Zelensky in Ukraine . . .
The press is clearly captured, as it is in most Western countries, if not the entire world. How are the globalists pulling this off? They seem to have figured out how to infiltrate the press of every major nation. Truth is now almost illegal in mainstream media. As I told a friend of mine the biggest issue of our time is censorship, and the news of this has been censored. How can we get those people who are being brainwashed to recognize the mind manipulation that is stealing their souls away?
I ponder this too. How did they capture it all? The media here in the UK is atrocious. Even the "right-wing" media only discusses very blatant illegal immigration, for example. The demographic shift is absolutely verboten despite the potential catastrophic effect it will have.
Fear is most definitely the major aspect. They let the moslems in, in their millions, thinking they could "house-train" them according to liberal ideology.
Imagine the reaction in Britain if your judiciary would decide to drop the hammer on sharia courts.
They fear and hope and hope and hope that somehow, it will all work out without them actually having to confront both their own errors and what is an invading force bent on genocide.
Yes, when confronting a very liberal lesbian women about how the Muslims will eventually throw her off a rooftop (after the "corrective" rape). Her only response was "we can teach them". I burst out laughing, offering to pay for her LGBTQ+ conversion mission to the Middle East.
I've met similar women (and some "men"). I think the first was somewhere around 1989 or so, claiming that we had a duty to allow our [insert-dark skinned ethnicity here] to adjust so that we could guide their development towards becoming like us.
I think that moment was one of my initial "Aha!"-moments that so-called anti-racists and multikultur-mensch were the actual racists.
Sadly, it's a 50/50 toss up if they change their minds after having experienced multikulti for real, or if they batten down the hatches and just try to multikulti harder, blaming "ze reycysts"for their troubles.
A former colleague was threatened by four arab boys in her class once. They cornered her in the classroom because she had had the audacity to tell them to sit down and be quiet in no uncertain terms.
The threat was, they'd rape her with a a broken bottle. They were 13-14 years old at the time, all of them born in Malmö, Sweden. No charges were pressed - if you're under 25 you cannot be convicted of a crime the normal way.
In a functioning nation, all of the boys and their families would have been sent back to their nations of origin.
Yes, so funny! No disrespect, but some of the most stupid liberals I met were Swedish. They claimed (30 years ago) that the poverty, slums, and crime in America was due to American racism, and such a thing would never happen in Sweden because Swedes were not racists, and all foreigners love them and their culture. I told them "If 10% of your population was dark skinned and had what is essentially a different culture, you'd have the same problems." Low and behold, Sweden has the exact same problems in Malmo - where these Swedes were students!
What is wrong with racism exactly? Clearly races are not the same. You can even tell race by looking at a skeleton. Are we supposed to believe that every race is the same aside from outward appearance (when the science and experience says otherwise)? Are we not supposed to protect our own people and our nations when this is what evolution, instincts, history and common sense dictate?
It’s assuming that someone is less human than you are based on their race that’s the problem. Races, like individuals, are different from one another, but no one is less human because of their race. Behavior is a different matter. Murdering others or otherwise attacking or intimidating them because of their race is wrong. Self defense is not. Just because someone doesn’t have pale skin doesn’t mean they can’t be racist or that their bad behavior isn’t bad.
Had it been the mother of another arab or such, that may have happened.
The sandfleas and the spearchukkers are having a gang war right now, and they are targetting their enemies' family-members.
Already, children and grandparents both have been shot, some killed.
Not even the most psychopathic of swedish criminals have ever done anything close to that - to the arab, the negro, the gypsym the afghan, that stuff is normal behaviour.
In France, politicians are being violently attacked at every level of government. The numbers are shocking. That's What awaits us with increasing Muslim and African populations.
“I've met similar women (and some "men"). I think the first was somewhere around 1989 or so, claiming that we had a duty to allow our [insert-dark skinned ethnicity here] to adjust so that we could guide their development towards becoming like us.”
I wonder if they got these ideas at the universities? Do know if they were reading French philosophers?
Yes. I've read the same literature and more of it than is part of courses and programs (out of interest, and after your first Foucault or Derrida, you can skim their texts since it's all repetitions on the same very simplistic basic themes).
French thinking filtered and simplified and weaponised via US universities in the 1960s and 1970s (catching the most naive and utopian bits of the "civil rights movement"), and then the resurgence under the guise of "queer theory" et c from around 2 000 to present day.
It shocked my younger self to realise that "anti-racist" is the worst kind of racist.
Skinheads chanting "Blackheads out!" is, while nasty, also honest. Rainbow-garbed tolerance-totalitarians re-inventing "White Man's Burden" into a total perversion of universal humanist ideals /and/ classic jingoistic chauvinism is hypocritical, bigoted and much much more dangerous.
Second big shock was discovering when dipping my pinky-toe in academia that facts didn't matter at all, only politically correct "truth"; any empirical findings contradicting that "truth" had to be re-worked until they fit.
My claims that doing so prevents anyone from ever coming up with some way of fixing, mitigating and cofferdamming against problems were deemed heresy; "To claim to be objective and impartial is picking the Enemy's side!" was said straight to my face.
That won't work, as you will be aware. If a political solution is not forthcoming we know what happens. The British have a high threshold for aggravation, but when it goes everything goes. Especially the northerners.
Funding Both Sides: How Jewish Money Controls British Politics . . .
“During the previous Labour government, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were ardent Zionists because they accepted the justice of Israel’s cause, not because Labour’s chief fund-raisers were first the Jew Michael Levy and then the Jew Jonathan Mendelsohn (both are now members of the House of Lords). And during the current Conservative government, David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson have been ardent Zionists because they too accept the justice of Israel’s cause, not because the Conservatives’ chief fund-raisers have been first the Jew Sir Mick Davis and then the Jew Sir Ehud Sheleg.”
Der Juden-Messianismus verbreitet seit fast zweitausend Jahren seine giftige Botschaft unter uns. Demokratische und kommunistische Universalismen sind neueren Datums, aber sie haben das alte jüdische Narrativ nur gestärkt. Das sind der dieselben Ideale . . .
Die transnationalen, transrassischen, transkulturellen Ideale, die diese Ideologien uns predigen (jenseits von Völkern, Rassen, Kulturen) und die tägliche Diät in unseren Schulen, in unseren Medien, in unserer Popkultur, bei unseren Universitäten und auf unseren Straßen sind, haben unser biosymbolische Identität und unser ethnischer Stolz auf ihren minimalen Ausdruck reduziert.
Judentum, Christentum und Islam sind Todeskulte, die ihren Ursprung im Nahen Osten haben und Europa und seinen Völkern völlig fremd sind.
Manchmal fragt man sich, warum die europäische Linke so gut mit Muslimen klarkommt. Warum stellt sich eine oft offen antireligiöse Bewegung auf die Seite einer erbitterten Religiosität, die sich scheinbar fast allem zu widersetzen scheint, wofür die Linke immer zu stehen behauptet? Ein Teil der Erklärung liegt in der Tatsache, dass Islam und Marxismus eine gemeinsame ideologische Wurzel haben: das Judentum.
Don Rumsfeld hatte Recht mit der Bemerkung: “Europa hat sich um seine Achse verschoben,” die falsche Seite hat den Zweiten Weltkrieg gewonnen, und es wird von Tag zu Tag klarer . . . Was hat die NATO getan, um Europa zu verteidigen? Absolut gar nichts . . . Meine Feinde sind nicht in Moskau, Damaskus, Teheran, Riad oder irgendeinem ätherischen germanischen Schreckgespenst, sondern in Washington, Brüssel und Tel Aviv.
there is a list somewhere, how much gates paid all the media to silence them. the media belongs to the elite and the elite wants sheep, not open-eyed lions
Tucker Carlson mentioned recently in an interview that big pharma is the biggest advertiser on corporate media by far. Most people think ads are purchased to sell products. Carlson pointed out that the goal for such massive ad spending is to control coverage for anything of interest to them. That also explains all of the "brought to you by pfizer/moderna" ads that don't even mention products.
like the tennis championship. sponsored by moderna. won by No Vax Djokovic. Immediately bought a Tshirt although I never watch tennis LOL. That was too nice an occasion to pass on. These people have just too much money, and instead of investing a decent research, they smack it anywhere.
I listen regularly to the No Agenda podcast, and they talk about this a lot. Big Pharma controls the media, at least where they care to. They show examples all the time, and they're pretty blatant.
❝We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.❞
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
“I fear the Jewish bankers with their craftiness and torturous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America and use it to systematically corrupt modern civilization. The Jews will not hesitate to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos so that the earth should become their inheritance.” ― Otto Von Bismark
I don’t watch anything on TV, but my boyfriend wanted to see a football game sometime ago. They showed news during the break. It made me furious that the moderator talked to me as if he was my teacher. I had an impression that they were telling me what I should think about this or another event.
❝Not a single announcement will reach the public without our control. Even now this is already being attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world. These agencies will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them.❞
The Frankfurt School adapted Marx’s theories on revolution to include Freud’s theory of the subconscious. The Cultural Marxists’ main focus was to reshape the subconscious of Western men and women and thus create new type of person: one who would react passively to provocations of all kinds.
Cultural Marxists encourage abortion, birth control, divorce, homosexuality, “carrier women,” drugs, miscegenation, the destruction of the traditional family, and unrestricted immigration of racial foreigners into white countries. This is a reflection of what the Cultural Marxists preach: white reproduction is evil, and that which prevents white reproduction is good.
Fear is the most effective lever. I think first 9/11, and then Trump and Brexit, were weaponized and used in order to leverage that fear. 2016 was really a turning point for a lot of what we're seeing today.
It’s fear - fear of having your bank account closed or losing your business (Post Office government speciality) fear of not wanting your kids perverted transgendered or emotionally neutered - manipulative, coercive fear seeping through our veins along with spiked mRNA etc plus a whole generation Z of entitled lazy halfwits who really need to take their colourful genders off to Gaza or Iran and see what happens ..
❝Not a single announcement will reach the public without our control. Even now this is already being attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world. These agencies will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them.❞
They might want to read up on Stalin and Mao. Because if they get the authoritarian they seemed to be seeking they can expect to be against the wall shortly after they are no longer of use.
I'm available as "authoritarian for hire" at reasonable rates, though I must stress absolute immunity from any prosecution is a non-negotiable condition.
Please inquire within for rates re: reforms, laws, practices et c to allow us to tailor your preferred authoritarian.
Railroads needs weeding. Highways and country roads needs their berms cut and cleaned. Snow must be showelled. Beaches have litter picked up. Et cetera.
No need for any suffering either, really. Just "You either work or you don't eat".
Maybe that is like a velvet hammer, come to think of it. Though "Velvet Hammer" sounds like a band in the vein of Head Machine.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol No. 6 – Take-Over Technique (agriculture) . . .
❝We shall raise the rate of wages which, however, will not bring any advantage to the workers, for, at the same time, we shall produce a rise in prices of the first necessaries of life, alleging that it arises from the decline of agriculture and cattle-breeding: we shall further undermine artfully and deeply sources of production, by accustoming the workers to anarchy . . .❞
“I fear the Jewish bankers with their craftiness and torturous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America and use it to systematically corrupt modern civilization. The Jews will not hesitate to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos so that the earth should become their inheritance.” ― Otto Von Bismark
"Ya know how ya git to Carnegie Hall dontcha? Practice."
The Rhodes Miller conspirators and the Rockefeller interests began buying up newspapers and magazines in the 1890s. It was far enough along by 1898 they were able to lie the American people into a war with Spain. They profited from that war.
I want to be a buzz kill to all you "radio spectrum is scarce" bozos. Gooferment licences for radio and television broadcast beginning in the 1920s made the cartel smaller and easier to control. That was the jazz age Roaring Twenties.
Today we have the Twisted Twenties. A century of depravity makes a difference...
compared to the clown you got for health, this man looks very trustworthy. Glad you still have some in Germany, I was beginning to fear you were the only one left.
LOL that is probably a good purpose for him. I am sure no bird would land anywhere near. On second thought, how great it would be if one would, a big one, a drop something. Nasty me LOLOL
Democracy IS on fire, dumb dumbs. That’s why Lochner was elected.
Democray - as in the elective, pluralistic definition - has been a fairytale for some time now. "The policy agenda sold to the public at election time is regularly being quietly ‘improved’ by the 'deep state' bureaucsacy at the legislative drafting stage. Sometimes ministers find themselves at war with their own machine but even more times they simply cave in because there isn’t really that much they can realistically do about it. The Leviathan coils itself around their precious policy agenda and squelches the life out of it."
In what the late Saddam Hussein once dubbed “the great Satan,” roughly two-thirds of the United States enlisted military corps is white . . .
The fat, bulbous, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin once confirmed in a 93-2 vote of the U.S. Senate, immediately embarked on a whirlwind media tour of duty, telling the pseudo-secular sycophants in the state-controlled tabloid press and state-controlled television talk show circuit about how the U.S. Army is full of bad racist white men.
Senior Defense Department leaders celebrating yet another Pride Month at the Pentagon sounding the alarm about the rising number of state laws they say target the LGBTQ+ community, warned the trend is hurting the feelings of the armed forces . . . “LGBTQ plus and other diverse communities are under attack, just because they are different. Hate for hate’s sake,” said Gil Cisneros, the Pentagon’s undersecretary for personnel and readiness, who also serves as DoD’s chief diversity and inclusion officer.
And now the U.S. Army is doing ads begging for more young white males?
What happened?
Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Newsome could be cheated into the Oval Office by ZOG somehow, while Globohomo diversity brigades go door-to-door looking to impress American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition, the invasion at the Southern border is going full tilt, and the drugs are flowing in like never before . . .
With the borders of Europe and the USA wide open, civil warfare within the USA, Britain, and most of Europe is a certainty if foreign wars are initiated. Nobody is going to fight a war for Biden, he is dumber than Bush . . . Nobody is going to fight a war for that kikesucking Zionist ass-whore Nikki Haley, and I mean nobody.
Get ready for it . . . the fat old devil worshipping fags on Capitol Hill, on Wall Street, in Whitehall, and in Brussels are in no shape to fight a war themselves, and most Americans are armed to the teeth with their own guns . . . NATO hates heterosexual white men . . . they said so themselves . . .
Great! Not before time and it’s not an organised agenda Maui fire either - screw ideology
Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) have every right to say what they like about Israel and the genocide of Palestinians as elected members of the US House of Representatives; they never took an oath to serve Israel . . .
I voted for Ron Desantis (R-FL) to be governor of Florida, not ambassador to Israel.
The recently ousted Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Congressman Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), who took at least a dozen votes to get elected speaker, traveled to Israel immediately upon his election, declaring to the Israeli Knesset that the USA is steadfastly committed to supporting Ukraine in their war against Russia . . .
Was he running for speaker of the Israeli Knesset too?
Following his ouster . . . McCarthy (R-CA) traveled abroad again, this time to England, and expressed his open contempt for the white Republicans who make up the majority of the GOP and praised Democrats for their diversity during a debate at Oxford in the wake of his ouster as House Speaker . . .
Is he now running for the Prime Minister of the U.K.?
Nevertheless, he is free to go on media tours bashing white people and lobbying for Israel, because he has now resigned from the US House of Representatives . . . I can only conclude that the collective RINO butthurt over former Speaker McCarthy is all about the Israelis who have hijacked the American deep state war machine.
It has become so painfully obvious, especially where you have someone like Nikki Haley wagging her finger and shouting down Vivek Ramaswamy in a presidential debate on live national television when the questions of this Ukrainian war against Russia and any mention of Israel are concerned, that the United States government has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee.
A humble carpenter you say...
And likely to be crucified by Germany's media Pharisees just like the last humble carpenter.
Von Thronstahl . . . Deutsche Passion . . .
Wir leben in Stämmen, wo Zwietracht und Neid
Vom Rand der Geschichte nach Brudermord schreit,
Wir träumen in Wäldern mit dichtem Gezweig,
Im Nebel und unter der Rauhnacht Geschweig,
Wir herrschen in Mären, die fern einer singt,
Der nie in den Schein unsrer Sonnfeuer dringt,
Und spät ward ein Name uns Makel und Lohn,
Doch schon unser Werden war immer Passion.
Der Limes der Römer durchschnitt unser Land,
Der West und der Süd ging dem Feinde zur Hand
Und kaufte von Freien mit gutem Gewinn
Den Bernstein und mancherlei Hausrat aus Zinn,
Doch auch die Gezähmten im römischen Staat,
Sie sannen auf Abfall und schnöden Verrat,
Erwacht im Cherusker der alte Teuton,
Wird Varus das Opfer der deutschen Passion.
Wer Grauen nicht meidet, dem stehts zu gebot,
Ist Tod nicht mehr Leiden, wird Leidenschaft Tod,
Wer nah bleibt dem Quell, der das Leben gebiert,
Lacht über den Gecken, der schamvoll sich ziert,
Barbar, was als Schimpf und Verachtung gedacht,
Entpuppte sich rasch als geschichtliche Macht,
Und bald wird Byzanz seine Heldenlegion
Erkennen in Stämmen der deutschen Passion.
Die Inbrunst, die nach dem Erlöser sich sehnt,
Erstickten die Pfaffen und drückender Zehnt,
Wer frei ist, der duldet nicht Steuer und Zoll,
Stößt Schranzen aus Fenstern und zeigt seinen Groll
Mit Waffen, die bar aller Zierde und Weih
Der ländliche Alltag ihm steuert herbei,
Und hilft gegen Plündrer nur Reformation,
Erfährt auch Herr Tetzel die deutsche Passion.
Wir sind in die Mitte Europas gestellt,
Wir einen das Kleine der Größe der Welt,
Das göttliche Recht, im Gemächte des Manns
Verbürgt, macht uns einig und fruchtbar und ganz,
Von Welschen und Schweden zur Walstatt erkorn,
Hat Deutschland ein ganzes Jahrhundert verlorn,
Doch ziehn die Besatzer mit Flüchen und Drohn,
So bleibt doch das Deutschsein für immer Passion.
Denn ernst nimmt der Deutsche die Lieb, den Streit,
Den Glauben, das Recht und Gerechtigkeit,
Er duldet es nicht Phrase, Theater, Zierrat,
Er fordert die Treue, die Ehre, die Tat,
Er hasst eine Ordnung, bequem und korrupt,
Sie gilt ihm als Teufel und Drache, geschuppt,
Bis Siegfried, Sieglindes erbsündiger Sohn,
Dem Untier Bereitet die deutsche Passion.
In Frankreich verspielt der König den Kopf,
Als Freigeisterei als gefährlicher Kropf
Sich auswuchs, wo Spiel und der Unernst am Hof
In Albernheit punkte, für keine zu doof,
Der Mühe abhold und vom Fordern sich keck erheben,
Erfand ein Regime seinen Zweck,
Doch fand hier auch mancher begeisternden Ton,
Verharrten die Deutschen doch in der Passion.
Da reiner Verbrauch an die Endlichkeit stößt,
So wurden als nächstes die Nachbarn erlöst.
Dem Reich, das von Rom einst den Heiligen Stab
Forttrug, gab der Korse eine ruhmloses Grab,
Bis endlich die Preußen und Bismark gewitzt
Ertrotzten, dass Deutschmann im Vaterland sitzt,
Und Türme un Male, gehuldigt dem Thron,
Erschienen als Zeugen der deutschen Passion.
Die deutschen Erfolge, die Flotte, das heer,
Ertrugen die Angeln nur knirschend und schwer,
Sie schufen Allianzen, zu stoppen den Fleiß
Des Deutschen, der ärgerlich viel kann und weiß,
Sie forschten nach Schwächen in Reiches Gebälk,
Sie stützen, was brachliegt, was morsch ist un welk,
Bis Kriegslust Europa berauschte wie Mohn,
Für Deutschland der Weg in die ärgste Passion.
Denn nicht nur versagt blieb dem Reiche der Sieg,
Der Frieden war schlimmer als jeglicher Krieg,
Im Osten zerstückelt, im West besetzt,
Eine Staat Würde un Hunger zuletzt,
Ein Mann und eine indisches Lebenssymbol,
Sie stiegen und wurden der Deutschen Idol,
Was diese versprachen, als hätten sie's schon,
So träumten die Deutschenen in ihrer Passion.
Doch tiefer noch als beim ersten Mal fällt,
Der Deutsche im Wahne, den Hass aus der Welt
Mit Waffen zu kehren, mit Gefolgschaft allein,
Als könne der Führer der Gottessohn sein,
Und Kleinmut besetzt was der Größenwahn ließ,
Und Deutscher ist nun, wer Zerknirschung bewies,
Den Deutschen ist nun Abscheu un Hohn,
Sie spotten ihr Dasein und ihre Passion.
Wie lang soll das gehn? fragt sich mancher und glaubt
Man hätt den Verstand allen Deutschen geraubt,
Doch sammeln sich fern vom Getön der Parteien
Geächtete, reif, wieder Deutsche zu sein.
Sie rüsten sich, wecken den Kaiser im Kyff,
Der tiefer als Spätre nach Heiligkeit griff,
Die Pfalzen vereinte im Burg-Oktagon
Als Walstatt des Geistes und deutscher Passion.
sounds right in time for Christmas!
To be fair, the crucifixion is an Easter-time event.
They wouldn't want to ruin Christmas....
well I was thinking of Joseph the carpenter at christmas. I still remember some stuff from back when bible reading
Our friend Jesus is also known for being a carpenter. Reading the Bible is wholesome. God bless you. Amen.
Indeed. I'm by default Christian, of no church but it is the foundation of my moral and ethical sense. Read the bible, at last, starting a couple of years back, start to finish. Reading commentaries at the same time.
Conclusion? I need to read it again. It is a wonder.
“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther
He's not exactly known for being humble though, is he? Claiming to be the son of God.
He was the Son of God. He was baptized by a mere mortal, road into town on a donkey, sacrificed himself to save us. How much more humble do you want him to be?
Jesus is the truth, the life, and the way. He is the word of God made flesh. Praise God. Amen.
I think the gas pipelines from Russia should be repaired for Christmas ,or are the Germans waiting for global warming to stay warm ?
❝. . . the entire establishment in the Western world is attacking Russia in unison. The propaganda machine is in full swing in an effort to make the whole world hate Putin and take Ukraine’s side in the war. The same propaganda machine that wants nothing more than you as a White person to stop having children and instead focus on your career, race-mix or become homosexual. What this establishment wants you to think is often a very good indicator of what you should absolutely not think, and by this measure, Russia appears to be the side to support 100%.
From a global geopolitical perspective, if we theorize from the unlikely idea that this conflict will lead to a third world war, then all pro-Zionist liberal monster-nations like Great Britain, France, Germany, the United States and, of course, Israel itself would side with Ukraine, while more traditional and sovereign anti-Zionist forces would likely stand behind Russia. Mark my words when I say that the Nordic Resistance Movement will NEVER stand on the same side as Israel or the Zionist entity that the USA represents today – whatever the issue or conflict may be!
If we look at the situation from a revolutionary point of view, it is also natural to support Russia. By challenging the USA and the Western world, one acts against the status quo – the present situation that must be destroyed in order for any true changes to take place, and for us National Socialists to be able to make real progress. The more the current ruling powers are challenged, and the harder the world economy is combated, the greater the chance for widespread disruption, which is a necessity for the Nordic revolution to become fact. Please note that I do not mean the coming changes will necessarily be better for us; however, in the dramatic situation in which we find ourselves, we must see hope in every potential radical change that arises within the global environment.❞
Could it be the Germans don't repair the gas lines ,because Biden Joe would blow it up again and again ?? What if the Russians would blow up U.S. shipments of L.N.G. From the U.S .to Germany ??
Wer bombardierten Orthodoxen-christlich Serben für die Muslimen?
Nördlich Atlantik Terrorist Organisation'
Sobald die NATO Besatzer vertrieben, werden wir eine weitere Nacht der langen Messer haben.
Ah Clarence I forgot Germany is occupied territory by different objects ,The winners of W.W 2 and lately by the Whyrusses . Could Germany soon have a new marching song ?? WHYRUSS WHYRUSS uber alles .??
Carpenters never amount to much, do they?!
One carpenter is sitting at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.
We can't afford healthcare for American children because we have to keep bombing everyone else's for the love of Jesus and Israel.
It would cost $20 billion to build apartments for every homeless person in America to live in until they died, and the traitors in Washington D.C. sent ten times that to the cross-dressing gay satanist Israeli operative Volodymyr Zelensky in Ukraine . . .
The press is clearly captured, as it is in most Western countries, if not the entire world. How are the globalists pulling this off? They seem to have figured out how to infiltrate the press of every major nation. Truth is now almost illegal in mainstream media. As I told a friend of mine the biggest issue of our time is censorship, and the news of this has been censored. How can we get those people who are being brainwashed to recognize the mind manipulation that is stealing their souls away?
I ponder this too. How did they capture it all? The media here in the UK is atrocious. Even the "right-wing" media only discusses very blatant illegal immigration, for example. The demographic shift is absolutely verboten despite the potential catastrophic effect it will have.
I do suspect fear is a major aspect.
Fear is most definitely the major aspect. They let the moslems in, in their millions, thinking they could "house-train" them according to liberal ideology.
Imagine the reaction in Britain if your judiciary would decide to drop the hammer on sharia courts.
They fear and hope and hope and hope that somehow, it will all work out without them actually having to confront both their own errors and what is an invading force bent on genocide.
Yes, when confronting a very liberal lesbian women about how the Muslims will eventually throw her off a rooftop (after the "corrective" rape). Her only response was "we can teach them". I burst out laughing, offering to pay for her LGBTQ+ conversion mission to the Middle East.
I've met similar women (and some "men"). I think the first was somewhere around 1989 or so, claiming that we had a duty to allow our [insert-dark skinned ethnicity here] to adjust so that we could guide their development towards becoming like us.
I think that moment was one of my initial "Aha!"-moments that so-called anti-racists and multikultur-mensch were the actual racists.
Sadly, it's a 50/50 toss up if they change their minds after having experienced multikulti for real, or if they batten down the hatches and just try to multikulti harder, blaming "ze reycysts"for their troubles.
A former colleague was threatened by four arab boys in her class once. They cornered her in the classroom because she had had the audacity to tell them to sit down and be quiet in no uncertain terms.
The threat was, they'd rape her with a a broken bottle. They were 13-14 years old at the time, all of them born in Malmö, Sweden. No charges were pressed - if you're under 25 you cannot be convicted of a crime the normal way.
In a functioning nation, all of the boys and their families would have been sent back to their nations of origin.
Yes, so funny! No disrespect, but some of the most stupid liberals I met were Swedish. They claimed (30 years ago) that the poverty, slums, and crime in America was due to American racism, and such a thing would never happen in Sweden because Swedes were not racists, and all foreigners love them and their culture. I told them "If 10% of your population was dark skinned and had what is essentially a different culture, you'd have the same problems." Low and behold, Sweden has the exact same problems in Malmo - where these Swedes were students!
It's a modern blasphemy to notice that the habits that some cultures carry with them are wealth destroying...
I'm not offended, since you're correct.
Or rather, I'm offended by the naive and arrogant stupidity of my fellow country men.
10% is optimistic by the way. From empiric experience we know that 3% blacks or moslems in any area is enough for crime-figures to rise sharply.
What is wrong with racism exactly? Clearly races are not the same. You can even tell race by looking at a skeleton. Are we supposed to believe that every race is the same aside from outward appearance (when the science and experience says otherwise)? Are we not supposed to protect our own people and our nations when this is what evolution, instincts, history and common sense dictate?
It’s assuming that someone is less human than you are based on their race that’s the problem. Races, like individuals, are different from one another, but no one is less human because of their race. Behavior is a different matter. Murdering others or otherwise attacking or intimidating them because of their race is wrong. Self defense is not. Just because someone doesn’t have pale skin doesn’t mean they can’t be racist or that their bad behavior isn’t bad.
In a functioning nation, someone would have shot those boys in the head a few hours after they left class
Had it been the mother of another arab or such, that may have happened.
The sandfleas and the spearchukkers are having a gang war right now, and they are targetting their enemies' family-members.
Already, children and grandparents both have been shot, some killed.
Not even the most psychopathic of swedish criminals have ever done anything close to that - to the arab, the negro, the gypsym the afghan, that stuff is normal behaviour.
In France, politicians are being violently attacked at every level of government. The numbers are shocking. That's What awaits us with increasing Muslim and African populations.
“I've met similar women (and some "men"). I think the first was somewhere around 1989 or so, claiming that we had a duty to allow our [insert-dark skinned ethnicity here] to adjust so that we could guide their development towards becoming like us.”
I wonder if they got these ideas at the universities? Do know if they were reading French philosophers?
Yes. I've read the same literature and more of it than is part of courses and programs (out of interest, and after your first Foucault or Derrida, you can skim their texts since it's all repetitions on the same very simplistic basic themes).
French thinking filtered and simplified and weaponised via US universities in the 1960s and 1970s (catching the most naive and utopian bits of the "civil rights movement"), and then the resurgence under the guise of "queer theory" et c from around 2 000 to present day.
'so that we could guide their development towards becoming like us.'
Said with no self-awareness of how arrogant and condescending that sounds.
It shocked my younger self to realise that "anti-racist" is the worst kind of racist.
Skinheads chanting "Blackheads out!" is, while nasty, also honest. Rainbow-garbed tolerance-totalitarians re-inventing "White Man's Burden" into a total perversion of universal humanist ideals /and/ classic jingoistic chauvinism is hypocritical, bigoted and much much more dangerous.
Second big shock was discovering when dipping my pinky-toe in academia that facts didn't matter at all, only politically correct "truth"; any empirical findings contradicting that "truth" had to be re-worked until they fit.
My claims that doing so prevents anyone from ever coming up with some way of fixing, mitigating and cofferdamming against problems were deemed heresy; "To claim to be objective and impartial is picking the Enemy's side!" was said straight to my face.
In 2001.
That won't work, as you will be aware. If a political solution is not forthcoming we know what happens. The British have a high threshold for aggravation, but when it goes everything goes. Especially the northerners.
Funding Both Sides: How Jewish Money Controls British Politics . . .
“During the previous Labour government, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were ardent Zionists because they accepted the justice of Israel’s cause, not because Labour’s chief fund-raisers were first the Jew Michael Levy and then the Jew Jonathan Mendelsohn (both are now members of the House of Lords). And during the current Conservative government, David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson have been ardent Zionists because they too accept the justice of Israel’s cause, not because the Conservatives’ chief fund-raisers have been first the Jew Sir Mick Davis and then the Jew Sir Ehud Sheleg.”
Well noted!
Der Juden-Messianismus verbreitet seit fast zweitausend Jahren seine giftige Botschaft unter uns. Demokratische und kommunistische Universalismen sind neueren Datums, aber sie haben das alte jüdische Narrativ nur gestärkt. Das sind der dieselben Ideale . . .
Die transnationalen, transrassischen, transkulturellen Ideale, die diese Ideologien uns predigen (jenseits von Völkern, Rassen, Kulturen) und die tägliche Diät in unseren Schulen, in unseren Medien, in unserer Popkultur, bei unseren Universitäten und auf unseren Straßen sind, haben unser biosymbolische Identität und unser ethnischer Stolz auf ihren minimalen Ausdruck reduziert.
Judentum, Christentum und Islam sind Todeskulte, die ihren Ursprung im Nahen Osten haben und Europa und seinen Völkern völlig fremd sind.
Manchmal fragt man sich, warum die europäische Linke so gut mit Muslimen klarkommt. Warum stellt sich eine oft offen antireligiöse Bewegung auf die Seite einer erbitterten Religiosität, die sich scheinbar fast allem zu widersetzen scheint, wofür die Linke immer zu stehen behauptet? Ein Teil der Erklärung liegt in der Tatsache, dass Islam und Marxismus eine gemeinsame ideologische Wurzel haben: das Judentum.
Don Rumsfeld hatte Recht mit der Bemerkung: “Europa hat sich um seine Achse verschoben,” die falsche Seite hat den Zweiten Weltkrieg gewonnen, und es wird von Tag zu Tag klarer . . . Was hat die NATO getan, um Europa zu verteidigen? Absolut gar nichts . . . Meine Feinde sind nicht in Moskau, Damaskus, Teheran, Riad oder irgendeinem ätherischen germanischen Schreckgespenst, sondern in Washington, Brüssel und Tel Aviv.
there is a list somewhere, how much gates paid all the media to silence them. the media belongs to the elite and the elite wants sheep, not open-eyed lions
Tucker Carlson mentioned recently in an interview that big pharma is the biggest advertiser on corporate media by far. Most people think ads are purchased to sell products. Carlson pointed out that the goal for such massive ad spending is to control coverage for anything of interest to them. That also explains all of the "brought to you by pfizer/moderna" ads that don't even mention products.
like the tennis championship. sponsored by moderna. won by No Vax Djokovic. Immediately bought a Tshirt although I never watch tennis LOL. That was too nice an occasion to pass on. These people have just too much money, and instead of investing a decent research, they smack it anywhere.
I listen regularly to the No Agenda podcast, and they talk about this a lot. Big Pharma controls the media, at least where they care to. They show examples all the time, and they're pretty blatant.
Yes! It's not confined to just broadcast media, but also print and online media. It's all of media.
That's why they need wars, pland*emics etc. Lies cost a lot. To keep lying is costly.
❝We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.❞
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
Yes, it is a farce. But it is also dying. However people like Carlson and Joe Rogan have shown people alternatives are possible.
Joe Rogan is a dickhead.
He even paid the BBC which is supposed to be illegal.
the only thing I do remember is the 3 million for Spiegel, which used to be a good source of information, years ago
I am still amazed at how much goodwill the media has thrown away just in the last few years. Tragic.
“I fear the Jewish bankers with their craftiness and torturous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America and use it to systematically corrupt modern civilization. The Jews will not hesitate to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos so that the earth should become their inheritance.” ― Otto Von Bismark
"The media here in the UK is atrocious."
The garbage is see posted on the BBC's North America site is breathtaking. It is so silly I can't believe it.
I literally cannot watch it. It is like news for toddlers.
I don’t watch anything on TV, but my boyfriend wanted to see a football game sometime ago. They showed news during the break. It made me furious that the moderator talked to me as if he was my teacher. I had an impression that they were telling me what I should think about this or another event.
That's exactly what they are doing. Today's important cause. Throw out your TV 🤓
❝Not a single announcement will reach the public without our control. Even now this is already being attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world. These agencies will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them.❞
Even GBNews is softening a little - you know the well balanced be nice to wokes routine - as if they would do the same!🤮
I don't know what that is.
Big money from above, Woke environmentalism from below. Management in the middle eithers plays ball or gets "disappeared".
"Well Mr. Smith, what qualifications do you have to work as a manager at this McDonalds?"
"I was the managing director of a major news network".
"Mmmm ... I'll be honest Mr. Smith. I'm not sure you have the qualifications to properly manage a McDonalds."
“Woke,” “wokeism,” “wokeness,” etc., are weasel words used to hide the truth about the Jews and the Frankfurt School.
The Frankfurt School adapted Marx’s theories on revolution to include Freud’s theory of the subconscious. The Cultural Marxists’ main focus was to reshape the subconscious of Western men and women and thus create new type of person: one who would react passively to provocations of all kinds.
Cultural Marxists encourage abortion, birth control, divorce, homosexuality, “carrier women,” drugs, miscegenation, the destruction of the traditional family, and unrestricted immigration of racial foreigners into white countries. This is a reflection of what the Cultural Marxists preach: white reproduction is evil, and that which prevents white reproduction is good.
Fear is the most effective lever. I think first 9/11, and then Trump and Brexit, were weaponized and used in order to leverage that fear. 2016 was really a turning point for a lot of what we're seeing today.
Agree. We will look back and wonder if it was all a dream.
It’s fear - fear of having your bank account closed or losing your business (Post Office government speciality) fear of not wanting your kids perverted transgendered or emotionally neutered - manipulative, coercive fear seeping through our veins along with spiked mRNA etc plus a whole generation Z of entitled lazy halfwits who really need to take their colourful genders off to Gaza or Iran and see what happens ..
In the UK, media can be fined by OFCOM if they say something "offensive".
Could it be the last least free media in the western world?
No. They are all like this. And regulation is there to ensure compliance with the regime. That's why the mainstream is dying.
❝Not a single announcement will reach the public without our control. Even now this is already being attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world. These agencies will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them.❞
They might want to read up on Stalin and Mao. Because if they get the authoritarian they seemed to be seeking they can expect to be against the wall shortly after they are no longer of use.
I'm available as "authoritarian for hire" at reasonable rates, though I must stress absolute immunity from any prosecution is a non-negotiable condition.
Please inquire within for rates re: reforms, laws, practices et c to allow us to tailor your preferred authoritarian.
I'm sure, in your merciful restraint, you'd go about killing them softly with a velvet hammer.
"With this song..."
Nah. Why kill unless forced to?
Railroads needs weeding. Highways and country roads needs their berms cut and cleaned. Snow must be showelled. Beaches have litter picked up. Et cetera.
No need for any suffering either, really. Just "You either work or you don't eat".
Maybe that is like a velvet hammer, come to think of it. Though "Velvet Hammer" sounds like a band in the vein of Head Machine.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol No. 6 – Take-Over Technique (agriculture) . . .
❝We shall raise the rate of wages which, however, will not bring any advantage to the workers, for, at the same time, we shall produce a rise in prices of the first necessaries of life, alleging that it arises from the decline of agriculture and cattle-breeding: we shall further undermine artfully and deeply sources of production, by accustoming the workers to anarchy . . .❞
Yuri Bezmenov's words 🙏
“I fear the Jewish bankers with their craftiness and torturous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America and use it to systematically corrupt modern civilization. The Jews will not hesitate to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos so that the earth should become their inheritance.” ― Otto Von Bismark
"Ya know how ya git to Carnegie Hall dontcha? Practice."
The Rhodes Miller conspirators and the Rockefeller interests began buying up newspapers and magazines in the 1890s. It was far enough along by 1898 they were able to lie the American people into a war with Spain. They profited from that war.
I want to be a buzz kill to all you "radio spectrum is scarce" bozos. Gooferment licences for radio and television broadcast beginning in the 1920s made the cartel smaller and easier to control. That was the jazz age Roaring Twenties.
Today we have the Twisted Twenties. A century of depravity makes a difference...
The "Twisted Twenties". That name might stick.
And Chuck Berry has the dance music for it. 😎
Oh God. Can I have him? A man who can fix things and looks like Ian McKellen to boot. Santa, are you there? It's me...
Sesselmann who who won the Landrat election in Sonneberg, occasioning similar controversy, also looked like a very appealing guy.
compared to the clown you got for health, this man looks very trustworthy. Glad you still have some in Germany, I was beginning to fear you were the only one left.
No post is complete without reference to that scarecrow.
LOL that is probably a good purpose for him. I am sure no bird would land anywhere near. On second thought, how great it would be if one would, a big one, a drop something. Nasty me LOLOL
Bird poop happens, why not to or on him
Is there something either in, or not in, the water there?
Everything is either in, or not in, water
Very small words can be mighty when conveying the meaning of sentences.
You're right. There is something vaguely Gandalf-ish about him.
To be sure, though, McKellen has portrayed quite the broad range of characters and I've found him compelling as all of them. Some quite dark, too.
But then, I've always liked guys with a bit of depth to them.
He has a huge range . His bad guy are really bad.
Did you see him in "Apt Pupil?"
No, sounds like I should.