While Europe has now largely confined Covid vaccination to older and vulnerable groups, the American Centers for Disease Control have chosen a different path.
Fun story about the decline of covidism. I was in London for a wedding this past weekend. Almost no one is wearing a mask there - 1 in 100 at most (and many of those seem to be Americans, sadly). Walking down a street in Soho a couple is coming in the opposite direction wearing masks. A young women with a small child in tow notices them and crosses to the other side of the street to avoid them.
"A young women with a small child in tow notices them and crosses to the other side of the street to avoid them." - LMAO.
Of course she should get away from those crazy people. The only people wearing masks are sick (mentally) as they can't tell reality (masks don't work) from their fantasy (masks work).
I always read masks don't work .What kind of work are masks supposed to do .?Pandemics are crimes masked as health care .I'm 87 and never in my life before did we have to wear masks ,when coming down with the flu or a cold .Even when having pneumonia which is a serious infection ,much more common sense treatments where used ,never masks ,because masks make any infections worse ,they build up material behind the mask that belongs in the toilet ,not in our face .
3M invented the N-95 mask for use in work in dusty situations. Things like cutting or sanding wood, working with masonry, or cleaning out a dusty attic. They are designed to keep large airborne particulates out of your nose and lungs. They were NEVER intended to be used to filter out anything even remotely as small as a virus. In fact, prior to 2020, the instructions printed right on the box said "Not For Medical Use". The box no longer says this. I kept waiting for 3M to come out and say the above, but they never did. Then I realized they kept their mouths shut because they were making truckloads of $$ after the CDC assumed the role of their Marketing Division. They sold landfills full of the things and they were not about to complain.
"Left liberals" would be more accurately termed "establishment progressives" these days. Hopefully, in ten years, they will be just as extinct as the Soviets.
Don't hold your breath.. It took 83 years, from 1917 - 1990, for the Soviet Union to eventually collapse.. of course the Banksters supported them every minute - just like they're supporting the technocrats now...
It was a Republican who locked the country down and who used billions in tax dollars for operation warp speed. this same republican is still touting the jabs. millions of conservatives have taken the jab.
If you're looking for partisan oneupmanship, you're in the wrong place. Try reading around a bit. Toby Rogers has good substack for disillusioned liberals.
Since the term ‘equity’ has no agreed upon definition, it can be added to the list of meaningless words originally described by Orwell. Additional members of that group include gems like climate change and fascism.
Equity is something earned through investment and can apply to many things and situations. Equality is the opportunity to invest in something and have the same or equal opportunity to increase the equity in that thing. It can be applied to most things and pursuits. The left’s definition of equity is to take from one group and give it to another group that has no investment of time or money in what’s being given. All forced at the end of a gun or prison sentence, by a unlawful, out of control, tyrannical Gov. I hope that helps.
“All forced at the end of a gun or prison sentence, by a unlawful, out of control, tyrannical Gov.” If only the average citizen understood this concept.
..racist, white supremist, _______ denier, anti-democratic (sorry, I may have committed a category/grammatical error shifting from your nouns to adjectives. My apologies)
Anyone who follows CDC's advice about anything is a fool. Serious meat eaters have known this for decades. Their steak and burger advice is to burn them into shoe leather and hockey pucks. Aficionados never trust a destroyer of delicious meat! They get run out of restaurants with grillmasters.
And here's the CDC's official "equity" advice on cooking beef:
The FDA Food Code says that restaurants should cook ground beef to 155°F for 15 seconds. But CDC and USDA say that consumers should cook ground beef to 160°F. The guidance for consumers is different because it is simpler to meet one standard (temperature) than two (temperature and time). Cooking ground beef to 160°F kills E. coli germs rapidly."
Why to avoid chain restaurants:
"Managers in chain restaurants
Were less likely to say that they serve rare or medium-rare hamburgers, even if customers ask for it. Rare or medium-rare hamburgers are undercooked."
Never take advice from any entity that tells you this is the perfect burger, because, "equity":
steaks can be seared to kill e-coli because the inside has never been open to the air or other surfaces or tools, only the outside surface is exposed. Hamburger has been thoroughly air/tool exposed, mixed and incorporated, and that is why they suggest to cook through. But it can certainly be pulled off a bit before that and left to rest, as it will continue to cook a short time off the heat.
That's their rationale. In a germophobe world that ignores immune systems that are perfectly capable of dealing with even ground hamburger cooked to rare or medium rare. if your immune system is that weak then you choose to cook it through. Just like not forcing young, healthy people to get jabs they don't want because older immunocompromised believe it will help protect them.
Nobody has the right to deprive the rest of us from eating a burger at the perfect flavor and lower temperatures than the immunocompromised can handle...for the sake of "equity." Same as jabs. CDC advice is only for the weakest in the herd, not the strong.
You do you. I do me, right? And I have the right to eat at a restaurant that will honor my tastes. And if a restaurant refuses to serve a burned hockey puck to its diners then they have not only the right to refuse service, in many places they have the obligation!
Heck, mine and generations before mine the 1980's would even eat raw ground beef with a little salt and pepper we'd scrape out of a bowl into a little ball that was left over. Yummmy! Note: it's just up to us to be more particular about where we buy our beef if we're going to do that. Just like buying sushi-grade fish.
We ate what we called cannibal meat. It was seasoned and had whatever people wanted mixed in. Yes, we got our beef from the town butcher and told him what it was for. It was usually preordered and it would be the first meat through the clean grinder. So we were probably safe. However with the increase in JHD and other brain illnesses, I would cook my burger to 160 f. But I still eat my cuts Med rare. My wife likes it mooing.
'steaks can be seared to kill e-coli because the inside has never been open to the air or other surfaces or tools, only the outside surface is exposed. Hamburger has been thoroughly air/tool exposed, mixed and incorporated...'
But surely all the antibiotics with which commercial cattle are shot up would do some good in this regard? /s
Rare, medium rare is the only way I eat beef. I’m a big beef eater. The human body NEEDS meat for a healthy body. I do intermittent fasting as a lifestyle and eat lots of 🐄.
Exactly! I've known grillmasters at restaurants in Texas who'd go out to a table where someone ordered a steak cooked above medium and escort them out of the establishment telling them to never come back! They understand.
Lol! I know exactly what you mean! I was born and raised in SF (when it was beautiful). I remember my grandfather took me and my bf out to dinner with the family to a VERY nice Italian restaurant in SF. My bf asked for ketchup for the steak (this was probably 1980, we were 17/18 yo). The chef came out of the kitchen! I’ll never forget that! I’m 60! Lol!
It seems to me that is a good reason to never go to a restaurant .Did you know that cooking oil is delivered to restaurants in tanker trucks ,like gasoline to gas stations . If you would put that oil in your car it would be ruined ,but of course people have a stronger stomach ,than the motors in cars . The cooking oil is used over and over until it needs an oil change like a truck after two three weeks .
When I ran a major restaurant in the early 1990's our oil came in 30lb boxed chubs from the distributor. The tanker trucks came up and pumped the old oil from our grease traps that we'd dumped the used stuff out in. Pick up only, not delivery. I'd be surprised to learn that's changed.
You are correct. As of 2021 (the last year I still worked in the biz), restaurants in my area were still using 30 lb boxes to fill the fryers. I'm sure this has not changed.
Now granted, most of that shite is canola nowadays...but I do not know where the above poster has gotten that info
Yes that phrase is very hard to parse. I'm going to hazard a guess. She's alluding to the known issue that poorer urban blacks and hispanics in the US are significantly more vaccine skeptical & resistant. So "for equity" these groups need to be railroaded into taking their shots. Hence this insane "no exceptions" policy.
It's just a recommendation (with requisite propaganda). No one is being railroaded. Poorer urban blacks and Hispanics, along with everyone else with any sense, will ignore this recommendation like they did last year's.
You guys have a misty-eyed vision of poor urban blacks. I live on the South Side of Chicago. Some of the biggest Covidians I deal with on a regular basis are lower-class blacks. Blacks are superstitious and believe in things like talismans (masks) and the like. They also engage in things like cleaning their new Nike sneakers with toothbrushes and making sure their baseball caps are immaculate but letting the rest of their lives go to absolute rot. Covid-related obsessiveness is perfect for minds like theirs.
Maybe as a means of assisted suicide for the terminal elderly... But the elderly without informed consent of these poisons are all still outright murders too.
See my post above yours. Not just for the terminally ill and elderly. They appear to be recommending "multiple doses to catch up" for very young children.
babies grow up and use middle class resources throughout their lifespan. They only want the lower classes to have minimal consumption opportunities, so the wealthy don't need to change their lifestyles
That is a bit harsh. They just want the mix of dying children to more equitable. Seems improving infant mortality for certain demographics is not the solution one would think. Instead laying out more of the other demographics levels the playing field right nicely. So line those kiddies up!
Whatever new shots they have mixed and brewed for the new and coming plague ,is ready and on its way to the arms of the earthly population .In Canada now the first thing one sees ,when turning on the T.V. is the vaxxes are 100% save and effective .The new venom's will cure the harm and damage the old venom's caused .
For those who’ve previously been vaccinated, only one shot should be necessary to catch up. Those ages 65 and older, or who are severely immunocompromised, however, may need a second dose of the updated vaccine. Children ages 6 months through 5 years may also need multiple doses to catch up—talk to your child’s pediatrician, if you’re curious."
If it is right that the more of this crap one has in one's body, the more at risk of illness and death one actually is (something that the "experts" surely know), then this is a clear indication of premeditated harm and/or murder.
Equity is a vacuous propaganda term. My PhD is on the philosophy of discrimination and inequality, so I hope people take it from me that bureaucratic bodies/corporations using these terms make completely baseless and confused assertions. Whenever you hear this, know you're being manipulated.
The "nudge" stuff is also based on completely wrongheaded moral philosophy, by the way. It's embarrassing how much of this research is based on an entirely confused understanding of basic scenarios used in undergraduate classes to understand moral reasoning. Then they claim based on their own junk philosophy that there are certain "ethical" and "rational" decisions in situations such as the pandemic response, and use it as "The ScIeNcE" to justify tyrannical measures in the name of the common good.
I hope I have time in the future to thoroughly refute the major "studies" they're consistently using.
Yeah well. in reality there was of course no real difference. The whole thing is supposed to derive its legitimacy and scientific veneer from a research program carrying the same name, though. (even though the measures taken during the pandemic didn't really have much to do with it, and amounted to just terrorizing and manipulating the population).
The foundations of the research program were very weak to begin with, IMO. but in the years leading to the pandemic it has been completely derailed and coopted, to the point of producing papers such as this lovely piece of thinly-veiled authoritarianism, curiously published right in April 2020: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-020-0884-z
("The COVID-19 pandemic represents a massive global health crisis. Because the crisis requires large-scale behaviour change and places significant psychological burdens on individuals, insights from the social and behavioural sciences can be used to help align human behaviour with the recommendations of epidemiologists and public health experts...
we discuss topics that are broadly relevant... to help policy-makers, leaders and the public better understand how to manage threats... [and] align individual and collective interests"
Yeah, like the government and a bunch of academic psychologists knows how to "align individual and collective interests". (needless to say, usually the people writing these kinds of stuff have no background in any relevant medical fiedls, epidemiology, etc.)
Oh Cass. Of course he's there. He has absolutely perfected the skill of making hollow claims that can be used to support just anything. Perfect for power-grabbing bureaucrats, and arguably what he was aiming for to begin with.
The long list of authors just shows you how empty this is as an academic paper. It's actually a sort of petition that the gov't give the authors more power. Why would you need such a long list of auhors if your arguments actually made sense?
Thank you, I'll try to get to it. I've always found this stuff in the literature embarrassingly bad and didn't see the point of it. Since Covid I understand the real damages this supposedly solely-academic BS brings about in real life.
Your evaluation is right, I think. It's coordinated but subtly through proto-propagandist laundering in the academic literature, and then channeled into professional and bureaucratic bodies straight from there. https://x.com/RonaDinur/status/1701599505735614942?s=20
Many don't understand this and are just working with the system because so many of the sense-making institutions and those responsible for generating reliable data are dysfunctional.
This American citizen will certainly NEVER trust the CDC ever again. Their outright lies and coercive measures were enough for many of us.
Between Climate Science™ and Medical Science™, the technocrats of the world have completely killed any trust that humankind had in their politicized works. (Well, except for the Sheeple among us)
I'll close with this quote from a very prescient president, Dwight D. Eisenhower:
"Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.
The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present–and is gravely to be regarded.
Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”
(This was later in his "Military-Industrial Complex" speech)
"This American citizen will certainly NEVER trust the CDC ever again. Their outright lies and coercive measures were enough for many of us."
Unfortunately, most of the rest of society wants nothing more than to float through life exerting a minimum of critical thinking on any subject. They are more than happy, eager even, to let someone else decide what they should believe, just as long as it relieves them of any duty to think critically for themselves.
Great point about how the US CDC views itself as having no credibility left to lose, and thus speaks only to its (shrinking) echo chamber.
While many of us (including me) assumed the public health clerisy would never abandon their newfound power and relevance acquired during Corona, I am starting to question this. Their actions imply a group that perhaps wants to return to their pre-2020 comfort zone of telling people not to eat undercooked hamburgers, knowing that no one would actually listen to them ... or bother to yell at them.
If so, the reasons are potentially interesting. Optimistically, the success of the anti-lockdown movement in the US that you mention, really did make a dent. We should give ourselves more credit for the many arguments we have won. They may view a steady paycheck while being ignored as superior to the alternative of being entirely dismantled under a future Republican President.
Pessimistically, they are just taking a break and biding their time. Or most pessimistically, there Is an implicit intra-elite understanding that it is the Climate Change managers' turn to dominate our lives. We'll see.
It seems to me that the lockdown/vaxx experience is vastly different in different locales in the US. I've heard of people who are unvaxxed that have been horribly abused by supposed loved ones and strangers, as well as forced to leave their jobs. We are in a purple leaning red state and never had it that bad. At one point my husband (only unvaxxed in an office of executives and PhDs) had to have his temp taken every day. That's it. We were never shunned by vaxxed family members, although we were asked to leave stores on occasion because we were not masked. But that's about all. So... vastly different experiences depending on your locale.
Agree. I live in a tiny blue Island in the red ocean of Utah, and don't remember any overt resistance, except people going the wrong direction in the aisle at the grocery store. Either I didn't interact with any resisters (but then, nobody was interacting with anybody at that time!) or the skeptics were staying quiet and keeping their heads down.
Unfortunately the scales didn't fall from my eyes until early 2021, so I don't know what the response of my True Believer neighbors would have been to my hypothetical unvaxxed status. I would not have been able to keep my mouth shut had I had the sense to shun the original two shots 😬
It seems to me that the regime is facing a colossal crisis of confidence. No more than half the population believe anything it says, and manipulation of the media in future isn’t going to fix this, not least because they have nothing positive to offer.
They are in trouble, but they are also vindictive and nasty. It won’t end well.
As a result of the American noncompliance, bureaucratic agencies such as the CDC have tightened their grip instead of leveling down to preCovid common sense. The mask has slipped off and reveals them for what they are and the damage to the entire American medical industry as a whole is irreversible. It’s evident by recent letters circulating from schools locally that all 7th graders MUST receive their meningitis vaccine to go to school, they feel the need to crack down and try regain a foothold as no doubt more Americans than ever are saying no to vaccines in general.
If I had known 20 years ago what I have recently learned about vaccines, I would not have inflicted all that on my kid. And maybe he wouldn't have ADHD, but who knows.
I suppose we should be grateful for that moderation but the united front and consensus means that in our countries most ordinary people still don't see that there was even a problem with the response.
Left liberals are indistinguishable from late stage Soviet technocrats. It's a complete shitshow.
Fun story about the decline of covidism. I was in London for a wedding this past weekend. Almost no one is wearing a mask there - 1 in 100 at most (and many of those seem to be Americans, sadly). Walking down a street in Soho a couple is coming in the opposite direction wearing masks. A young women with a small child in tow notices them and crosses to the other side of the street to avoid them.
"A young women with a small child in tow notices them and crosses to the other side of the street to avoid them." - LMAO.
Of course she should get away from those crazy people. The only people wearing masks are sick (mentally) as they can't tell reality (masks don't work) from their fantasy (masks work).
I always read masks don't work .What kind of work are masks supposed to do .?Pandemics are crimes masked as health care .I'm 87 and never in my life before did we have to wear masks ,when coming down with the flu or a cold .Even when having pneumonia which is a serious infection ,much more common sense treatments where used ,never masks ,because masks make any infections worse ,they build up material behind the mask that belongs in the toilet ,not in our face .
Seems a bit of a stretch to call pollens "infections".
N95 masks work when the sagebrush pollen is high. I may blame vaccines for the allergy, but nevertheless suffer it.
3M invented the N-95 mask for use in work in dusty situations. Things like cutting or sanding wood, working with masonry, or cleaning out a dusty attic. They are designed to keep large airborne particulates out of your nose and lungs. They were NEVER intended to be used to filter out anything even remotely as small as a virus. In fact, prior to 2020, the instructions printed right on the box said "Not For Medical Use". The box no longer says this. I kept waiting for 3M to come out and say the above, but they never did. Then I realized they kept their mouths shut because they were making truckloads of $$ after the CDC assumed the role of their Marketing Division. They sold landfills full of the things and they were not about to complain.
Pollen grains are somewhat larger than virions. The masks mostly work for them. Even cloth or surgical masks may work for snot fomites.
Fwiw, the straps on 3M masks come off rather rapidly. Honeywell masks are more durable. 3M should be ashamed and upgrade their production.
I am openly disdainful of anyone in a mask. I literally treat them like the lepers they so desperately want to be
"Left liberals" would be more accurately termed "establishment progressives" these days. Hopefully, in ten years, they will be just as extinct as the Soviets.
Don't hold your breath.. It took 83 years, from 1917 - 1990, for the Soviet Union to eventually collapse.. of course the Banksters supported them every minute - just like they're supporting the technocrats now...
it was a republican who locked you down and tried to push the jab on you.
And the Stalin era, this is Gulag Archipelago level psyop.
Straight out of Kafka.
It was a Republican who locked the country down and who used billions in tax dollars for operation warp speed. this same republican is still touting the jabs. millions of conservatives have taken the jab.
If you're looking for partisan oneupmanship, you're in the wrong place. Try reading around a bit. Toby Rogers has good substack for disillusioned liberals.
That is a good one. I like that you have to know something to get it.
«improve equity»?
Like, «it's not equitable to leave some folks unmaimed»?
Equal maiming is equal, uh, equality. Something...
I'm not a native squeaker of the Wokelands dialect (and not a native squeaker altogether), so I might miss some nuance.
Perhaps I need to take another look at the notorious «equality vs. equity» picture. :)
I neither speak or understand dumbfuck so I have no idea what Dr Kotton was trying to say.
shortand: equality= same opportunities, equity= same outcomes
Like this, right? :)
Since the term ‘equity’ has no agreed upon definition, it can be added to the list of meaningless words originally described by Orwell. Additional members of that group include gems like climate change and fascism.
Equity is something earned through investment and can apply to many things and situations. Equality is the opportunity to invest in something and have the same or equal opportunity to increase the equity in that thing. It can be applied to most things and pursuits. The left’s definition of equity is to take from one group and give it to another group that has no investment of time or money in what’s being given. All forced at the end of a gun or prison sentence, by a unlawful, out of control, tyrannical Gov. I hope that helps.
“All forced at the end of a gun or prison sentence, by a unlawful, out of control, tyrannical Gov.” If only the average citizen understood this concept.
..racist, white supremist, _______ denier, anti-democratic (sorry, I may have committed a category/grammatical error shifting from your nouns to adjectives. My apologies)
Anyone who follows CDC's advice about anything is a fool. Serious meat eaters have known this for decades. Their steak and burger advice is to burn them into shoe leather and hockey pucks. Aficionados never trust a destroyer of delicious meat! They get run out of restaurants with grillmasters.
And here's the CDC's official "equity" advice on cooking beef:
"Cooking of Ground Beef
The FDA Food Code says that restaurants should cook ground beef to 155°F for 15 seconds. But CDC and USDA say that consumers should cook ground beef to 160°F. The guidance for consumers is different because it is simpler to meet one standard (temperature) than two (temperature and time). Cooking ground beef to 160°F kills E. coli germs rapidly."
Why to avoid chain restaurants:
"Managers in chain restaurants
Were less likely to say that they serve rare or medium-rare hamburgers, even if customers ask for it. Rare or medium-rare hamburgers are undercooked."
Never take advice from any entity that tells you this is the perfect burger, because, "equity":
steaks can be seared to kill e-coli because the inside has never been open to the air or other surfaces or tools, only the outside surface is exposed. Hamburger has been thoroughly air/tool exposed, mixed and incorporated, and that is why they suggest to cook through. But it can certainly be pulled off a bit before that and left to rest, as it will continue to cook a short time off the heat.
That's their rationale. In a germophobe world that ignores immune systems that are perfectly capable of dealing with even ground hamburger cooked to rare or medium rare. if your immune system is that weak then you choose to cook it through. Just like not forcing young, healthy people to get jabs they don't want because older immunocompromised believe it will help protect them.
Nobody has the right to deprive the rest of us from eating a burger at the perfect flavor and lower temperatures than the immunocompromised can handle...for the sake of "equity." Same as jabs. CDC advice is only for the weakest in the herd, not the strong.
You do you. I do me, right? And I have the right to eat at a restaurant that will honor my tastes. And if a restaurant refuses to serve a burned hockey puck to its diners then they have not only the right to refuse service, in many places they have the obligation!
Heck, mine and generations before mine the 1980's would even eat raw ground beef with a little salt and pepper we'd scrape out of a bowl into a little ball that was left over. Yummmy! Note: it's just up to us to be more particular about where we buy our beef if we're going to do that. Just like buying sushi-grade fish.
We ate what we called cannibal meat. It was seasoned and had whatever people wanted mixed in. Yes, we got our beef from the town butcher and told him what it was for. It was usually preordered and it would be the first meat through the clean grinder. So we were probably safe. However with the increase in JHD and other brain illnesses, I would cook my burger to 160 f. But I still eat my cuts Med rare. My wife likes it mooing.
Lions devour raw meat ,humans eat it cooked .Even at 87 I cook all my meals and the meat is always well done .
Oh a lot of meat is under cooked and some will eat it .,while the elite gang is eating us alive and they call it well done .
'steaks can be seared to kill e-coli because the inside has never been open to the air or other surfaces or tools, only the outside surface is exposed. Hamburger has been thoroughly air/tool exposed, mixed and incorporated...'
But surely all the antibiotics with which commercial cattle are shot up would do some good in this regard? /s
Yes, cook it to 160 deg F, BUT, don't let any of it char, because cancer.
Oh don't worry about that cancer ,Pfizer has a shot for it .
Rare, medium rare is the only way I eat beef. I’m a big beef eater. The human body NEEDS meat for a healthy body. I do intermittent fasting as a lifestyle and eat lots of 🐄.
Exactly! I've known grillmasters at restaurants in Texas who'd go out to a table where someone ordered a steak cooked above medium and escort them out of the establishment telling them to never come back! They understand.
Lol! I know exactly what you mean! I was born and raised in SF (when it was beautiful). I remember my grandfather took me and my bf out to dinner with the family to a VERY nice Italian restaurant in SF. My bf asked for ketchup for the steak (this was probably 1980, we were 17/18 yo). The chef came out of the kitchen! I’ll never forget that! I’m 60! Lol!
It's an insult to a chef. A dueling offense in the long ago! ;)
Yes it is! Lol!
There is definitely “etiquette” to eating a “perfect” cut of beef😉!
It seems to me that is a good reason to never go to a restaurant .Did you know that cooking oil is delivered to restaurants in tanker trucks ,like gasoline to gas stations . If you would put that oil in your car it would be ruined ,but of course people have a stronger stomach ,than the motors in cars . The cooking oil is used over and over until it needs an oil change like a truck after two three weeks .
When I ran a major restaurant in the early 1990's our oil came in 30lb boxed chubs from the distributor. The tanker trucks came up and pumped the old oil from our grease traps that we'd dumped the used stuff out in. Pick up only, not delivery. I'd be surprised to learn that's changed.
You are correct. As of 2021 (the last year I still worked in the biz), restaurants in my area were still using 30 lb boxes to fill the fryers. I'm sure this has not changed.
Now granted, most of that shite is canola nowadays...but I do not know where the above poster has gotten that info
-40 years behind the line and proud of it.
When Trump wins in 2024, he is going to defund the CDC down to about 10 people making STD posters.
TPTSB will never let Trump continue his Presidency.
The powers that shouldn't be will never, ever, ever let that happen.
No one is coming to save us, certainly not Trump.
Is Trump really the best guy in all of America ,people can find to be president .?
Yes that phrase is very hard to parse. I'm going to hazard a guess. She's alluding to the known issue that poorer urban blacks and hispanics in the US are significantly more vaccine skeptical & resistant. So "for equity" these groups need to be railroaded into taking their shots. Hence this insane "no exceptions" policy.
It's just a recommendation (with requisite propaganda). No one is being railroaded. Poorer urban blacks and Hispanics, along with everyone else with any sense, will ignore this recommendation like they did last year's.
You guys have a misty-eyed vision of poor urban blacks. I live on the South Side of Chicago. Some of the biggest Covidians I deal with on a regular basis are lower-class blacks. Blacks are superstitious and believe in things like talismans (masks) and the like. They also engage in things like cleaning their new Nike sneakers with toothbrushes and making sure their baseball caps are immaculate but letting the rest of their lives go to absolute rot. Covid-related obsessiveness is perfect for minds like theirs.
Of course, of course, #Notallblacks.
Yes, this is actually exactly what they are saying.
Sell the vaccine decedent's house to a Blackrock stooge to recover the equity.
That's the diktat from Diana Moon Glamp... uh, Rochelle Walensky!
She's been replaced by another tribe member: Mandy Cohen.
This is just mad. These ‘vaccines ‘ are useless and dangerous. No one and definitely not babies or children should partake.
Maybe as a means of assisted suicide for the terminal elderly... But the elderly without informed consent of these poisons are all still outright murders too.
What is a terminal elderly ?At what age does one qualify as a terminal elderly .?
They need to reduce $ spent on elderly. Hence, let’s get those >65 dying faster.
Someone in hospice type care who chooses to check out early...
See my post above yours. Not just for the terminally ill and elderly. They appear to be recommending "multiple doses to catch up" for very young children.
Right... I should have included the /s......
babies grow up and use middle class resources throughout their lifespan. They only want the lower classes to have minimal consumption opportunities, so the wealthy don't need to change their lifestyles
I believe in the US that they are recommending 2 Moderna or 3 Pfizer for ages 6 months to either 4 or 6 years ago.
Because... they want children to die?
That is a bit harsh. They just want the mix of dying children to more equitable. Seems improving infant mortality for certain demographics is not the solution one would think. Instead laying out more of the other demographics levels the playing field right nicely. So line those kiddies up!
Whatever new shots they have mixed and brewed for the new and coming plague ,is ready and on its way to the arms of the earthly population .In Canada now the first thing one sees ,when turning on the T.V. is the vaxxes are 100% save and effective .The new venom's will cure the harm and damage the old venom's caused .
From https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/when-and-where-can-you-get-the-updated-covid-booster-and-who-needs-one-what-you-need-to-know-according-to-experts/ar-AA1gG7sX?cvid=c83471778efd4417b2f056ce8ffa5b59&ocid=winp2fptaskbar&ei=7
"How many doses will I need?
For those who’ve previously been vaccinated, only one shot should be necessary to catch up. Those ages 65 and older, or who are severely immunocompromised, however, may need a second dose of the updated vaccine. Children ages 6 months through 5 years may also need multiple doses to catch up—talk to your child’s pediatrician, if you’re curious."
If it is right that the more of this crap one has in one's body, the more at risk of illness and death one actually is (something that the "experts" surely know), then this is a clear indication of premeditated harm and/or murder.
Equity is a vacuous propaganda term. My PhD is on the philosophy of discrimination and inequality, so I hope people take it from me that bureaucratic bodies/corporations using these terms make completely baseless and confused assertions. Whenever you hear this, know you're being manipulated.
Absolutely disgusting statement by him.
The "nudge" stuff is also based on completely wrongheaded moral philosophy, by the way. It's embarrassing how much of this research is based on an entirely confused understanding of basic scenarios used in undergraduate classes to understand moral reasoning. Then they claim based on their own junk philosophy that there are certain "ethical" and "rational" decisions in situations such as the pandemic response, and use it as "The ScIeNcE" to justify tyrannical measures in the name of the common good.
I hope I have time in the future to thoroughly refute the major "studies" they're consistently using.
Not really sure how "nudge" is different than "brainwashing" or "mind control."
Yeah well. in reality there was of course no real difference. The whole thing is supposed to derive its legitimacy and scientific veneer from a research program carrying the same name, though. (even though the measures taken during the pandemic didn't really have much to do with it, and amounted to just terrorizing and manipulating the population).
The foundations of the research program were very weak to begin with, IMO. but in the years leading to the pandemic it has been completely derailed and coopted, to the point of producing papers such as this lovely piece of thinly-veiled authoritarianism, curiously published right in April 2020: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-020-0884-z
("The COVID-19 pandemic represents a massive global health crisis. Because the crisis requires large-scale behaviour change and places significant psychological burdens on individuals, insights from the social and behavioural sciences can be used to help align human behaviour with the recommendations of epidemiologists and public health experts...
we discuss topics that are broadly relevant... to help policy-makers, leaders and the public better understand how to manage threats... [and] align individual and collective interests"
Yeah, like the government and a bunch of academic psychologists knows how to "align individual and collective interests". (needless to say, usually the people writing these kinds of stuff have no background in any relevant medical fiedls, epidemiology, etc.)
Get a load of that list of authors. It's so long they had to compress it on the webpage. I only really recognized one name, Cass Sunstein.
Oh Cass. Of course he's there. He has absolutely perfected the skill of making hollow claims that can be used to support just anything. Perfect for power-grabbing bureaucrats, and arguably what he was aiming for to begin with.
The long list of authors just shows you how empty this is as an academic paper. It's actually a sort of petition that the gov't give the authors more power. Why would you need such a long list of auhors if your arguments actually made sense?
Rona what are medical fiedls ?Is FAUZZI still doing it ?
I meant the people who are writing the nudge studies. They're psychologists and normally have no expertise in anything related to medicine.
By the time it's put into the hands of a government agency, the "nudge" is invariably inflicted with a gun muzzle anyway.
Thank you, I'll try to get to it. I've always found this stuff in the literature embarrassingly bad and didn't see the point of it. Since Covid I understand the real damages this supposedly solely-academic BS brings about in real life.
Your evaluation is right, I think. It's coordinated but subtly through proto-propagandist laundering in the academic literature, and then channeled into professional and bureaucratic bodies straight from there. https://x.com/RonaDinur/status/1701599505735614942?s=20
Many don't understand this and are just working with the system because so many of the sense-making institutions and those responsible for generating reliable data are dysfunctional.
They continue to wake up American parents to the very real danger that the government and medicopharmafia poses to their children and themselves.
This American citizen will certainly NEVER trust the CDC ever again. Their outright lies and coercive measures were enough for many of us.
Between Climate Science™ and Medical Science™, the technocrats of the world have completely killed any trust that humankind had in their politicized works. (Well, except for the Sheeple among us)
I'll close with this quote from a very prescient president, Dwight D. Eisenhower:
"Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.
The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present–and is gravely to be regarded.
Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”
(This was later in his "Military-Industrial Complex" speech)
"This American citizen will certainly NEVER trust the CDC ever again. Their outright lies and coercive measures were enough for many of us."
Unfortunately, most of the rest of society wants nothing more than to float through life exerting a minimum of critical thinking on any subject. They are more than happy, eager even, to let someone else decide what they should believe, just as long as it relieves them of any duty to think critically for themselves.
Yep, and those are the "Sheeple" that I referenced.
Give them their Television, their GOV cheese and their SOMA, and they have eternal bliss.
Until the boot lands on their necks, that is...
When the boot lands on their neck, they will rationalize that it's for the good of society and tolerate it, like they have tolerated everything else.
SFW: https://www.oglaf.com/tax-deductions/
thanks for reminding us all about this quote.
You're quite welcome! That portion of it gets overshadowed by the "Military Industrial Complex" passage all the time.
And the US media never dares mention it, because it exposes their favorite "Scientific Experts™" for the charlatans that they are.
They were tested on 10 mice so it's 25% more testing than the bivalent!!
Imagine the terrors that befell the other 1490 study mice who "elected to leave the trial for personal reasons".
Haha. Nice!
If running out of mice for testing ,why not use rats ,I mean the rats running the world .
Rumor has it they're really lizards....
Great point about how the US CDC views itself as having no credibility left to lose, and thus speaks only to its (shrinking) echo chamber.
While many of us (including me) assumed the public health clerisy would never abandon their newfound power and relevance acquired during Corona, I am starting to question this. Their actions imply a group that perhaps wants to return to their pre-2020 comfort zone of telling people not to eat undercooked hamburgers, knowing that no one would actually listen to them ... or bother to yell at them.
If so, the reasons are potentially interesting. Optimistically, the success of the anti-lockdown movement in the US that you mention, really did make a dent. We should give ourselves more credit for the many arguments we have won. They may view a steady paycheck while being ignored as superior to the alternative of being entirely dismantled under a future Republican President.
Pessimistically, they are just taking a break and biding their time. Or most pessimistically, there Is an implicit intra-elite understanding that it is the Climate Change managers' turn to dominate our lives. We'll see.
It seems to me that the lockdown/vaxx experience is vastly different in different locales in the US. I've heard of people who are unvaxxed that have been horribly abused by supposed loved ones and strangers, as well as forced to leave their jobs. We are in a purple leaning red state and never had it that bad. At one point my husband (only unvaxxed in an office of executives and PhDs) had to have his temp taken every day. That's it. We were never shunned by vaxxed family members, although we were asked to leave stores on occasion because we were not masked. But that's about all. So... vastly different experiences depending on your locale.
Agree. I live in a tiny blue Island in the red ocean of Utah, and don't remember any overt resistance, except people going the wrong direction in the aisle at the grocery store. Either I didn't interact with any resisters (but then, nobody was interacting with anybody at that time!) or the skeptics were staying quiet and keeping their heads down.
Unfortunately the scales didn't fall from my eyes until early 2021, so I don't know what the response of my True Believer neighbors would have been to my hypothetical unvaxxed status. I would not have been able to keep my mouth shut had I had the sense to shun the original two shots 😬
It seems to me that the regime is facing a colossal crisis of confidence. No more than half the population believe anything it says, and manipulation of the media in future isn’t going to fix this, not least because they have nothing positive to offer.
They are in trouble, but they are also vindictive and nasty. It won’t end well.
“and now millions of Americans will never care what the CDC says about anything ever again”
You got that right!
add to that any governmental agency
As a result of the American noncompliance, bureaucratic agencies such as the CDC have tightened their grip instead of leveling down to preCovid common sense. The mask has slipped off and reveals them for what they are and the damage to the entire American medical industry as a whole is irreversible. It’s evident by recent letters circulating from schools locally that all 7th graders MUST receive their meningitis vaccine to go to school, they feel the need to crack down and try regain a foothold as no doubt more Americans than ever are saying no to vaccines in general.
If I had known 20 years ago what I have recently learned about vaccines, I would not have inflicted all that on my kid. And maybe he wouldn't have ADHD, but who knows.
I suppose we should be grateful for that moderation but the united front and consensus means that in our countries most ordinary people still don't see that there was even a problem with the response.
Booster uptake at less than 20% means that even ordinary people not paying attention realized the shots are unnecessary if not a regrettable mistake.