I just wanted to mention my very first impression of the three guys in front of the flags: they seem to be standing each one behind a trash barrel.

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023Author

lol. pinned

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🤪😁😎🎶🤗Thank you. God bless you. Amen.

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023


What's better than a bureaucrat in a trash can?

A bureaucrat in three trash cans

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Three bureaucrats in one trash can.

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Three bureaucrats in a single dumpster, which is on fire, and floating down the street?

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I hope you invite me down 3 levels from my place in hell to have a beer sometime. Lol

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With a concrete bottom on a deep dive tour in the rhine river :-)

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Oh, you seem to have misspelt bureau rats.

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It's a sticky 'c' key.

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: ]

We're going to hell for sure

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Or maybe just jail. We'll see. :)

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They should be a burning trash barrell

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Truly a dumpster fire! 🔥

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In that case, they should be standing in them.

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Now, John, are you challenging the readers of this fine publication to Photoshoppe the war criminals into the garbage cans? Because I believe that's how some of the finest memes are born...

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Would I do a thing like that? Make sure they are green bins.

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Precise, left wing / commie style in germany

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Someone needs to make a downfall video meme of this. “Mein fuhrer... the windmills...” “We cannot pay for the windmills with covid funds. Our government is kaput.”

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by eugyppius

"You promised me windmills! The fucking Dutch have had windmills for centuries! Are you saying that we're not as advanced as the fucking Dutch?!"

I can see that working out. 🤣🤣🤣

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"Mein Führer, General Steiner has not...not..built any of ze vindmills.."

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by eugyppius

There were some great downfall parodies related to covid that are now tough to find. It's scary how good they are at making things disappear from the internet.

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"Mr. Preaident, we cannot allow a windmill gap!"

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"How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb" aka Dr Strangelove is a subtle but joyful film worthy of occasional re-watching. 😁

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Brought on the point. it´s like watching drunken monkeys playing with a jigsaw puzzle .....

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by eugyppius

It is good to see reality catching up with the climate cult. I can only hope and pray that the same occurs in USA. We, unfortunately, do not have the same debt limit regimen that you have in Germany so our ability to spend on almost anything (open borders, green fantasies, etc..) seem virtually unlimited.

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Nothing is unlimited and when the dollar goes it will be hello Third World. We are all in this boat.

But I am beginning to realize this may be our best hope. Total collapse and reset.

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It won't be a cakewalk. I have a bad feeling that "collapse and reset" is what the OTHER side is planning to do. I'm picturing the Goths, Huns, and Gepids fighting over the remains of the Roman Empire. Hopefully the idiots in charge won't realize that soldiers don't fight for worthless currency or LGBTQ ideology.

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I agree that is their plan. A version of it at least. But I have no belief it will work in their favour.

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Exactly. Their arrogance and incompetence means they will fail. The question is how many of us will they take down with them.

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I don't think the other side have the basic competency to reset. It's very difficult to demand tranny surgery and Head Girls getting all the good jobs when the lights don't come on when you press the switch, and street violence is unremarkable.

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Yes. Many people will be in for a shock. Moving to farm country won't help:

"So, you want food and shelter?"


"And you're willing to work?"


"What skills do you have?"

"i'm a website designer and top social justice blogger, and I have a side hustle knitting pussy hats and socially conscious dog sweaters."

"Right ... here's a shovel. You need to clear those irrigation ditches."

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Yes! I don't think it will be that simple, somehow. I wish it would be!

On the other hand, even South Park understand this and at the start of C19 it almost seemed as though the whole West did. Then the panic stopped, the printed money came back on so we returned to the status quo. Sigh.

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Modern Western society is much more fragile than we think. If it falls, think Bronze Age Cataclysm or Fall of the Roman Empire, I think more the former than the latter.

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Cloward and Piven. The exact strategy. Collapse the system and rebuild ... but in whose vision?

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It will have to be total collapse and reset, because there is no-one coming to save us. Not Trump, not JFK Jr, not Le Pen. No-one but us.

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We see money like Doritos here in the states...just keep crunching, we'll make more.

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Rates on treasuries will tell a tale. It appears the US is more than willing to harm the poor via devaluation. But if bonds can't be sold at reasonable interest, the jig is up.

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by eugyppius

So nice for you to be a bringer of joyful news for once Eugyppius. 😁

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I only wish something like this could happen to the incompetent bozos running America right now.

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No surprise here. Covid was the warm up for climate change. Had to see how far the fearporn would push the sheeple. Very far.

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Climate just doesn't have the immediacy of a killer virus. It is already failing as reality bites.

They will pivot to water management. Wait and see.

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Oh, yes. You're spot on there, Spaceman. Starting to see it creep into the marketing Zeitgeist. Little hints here and there.

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There is already talk of a water tax to properly manage this precious resource. Can't leave it to us plebs.

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I don't understand SCHEISSDRECK ,what is it in German ?

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The climate change crap won't fly. People can be terrified into wearing a mask and taking a dodgy vax, but they will never give up their big cars and foreign vaycays. And even ordinary people are noticing that EVs don't work and that you can't run an economy on windmills and unicorn farts.

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The ban on new, normal cars has been pushed back here in Britain and I note here that EV sales haven't shifted much in over a year: https://www.zap-map.com/ev-stats/ev-market

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Like most "green" ideas, they are launched with great enthusiasm, but soon prove to be not so green after all. No politician or party who pushes through green measures without a viable alternative (and there are very few) will survive.

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Around here EVs are just another way of showing off, for the wealthy. I miss the old moneyed classes who made a virtue of quiet taste and luxury, to the point of almost looking shabby.

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Is it any wonder AfD is gaining in polularity? another 2 years of this clown show and they may not need a coalition partner, they could win an outright majority

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Never. Not as long as women are allowed to vote.

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while I understand the idea, if those women have no ability to heat their homes or cook for their families because of idiotic energy policy, they can be persuaded that anything is better than the status quo. look how many women have turned out to be pro-Hamas despite their heinous activities.

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Good point. I've seen a few videos of women challenged on their fangirling for Hamas. Totally indifferent to facts.

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Even under communist rule it never got that bad. This is part of the problem, everything just gets progressively greyer, flatter and duller, the horizon of possibilities ever so smaller day by day. It is not a sudden catastrophe serving as a Schelling point on which resistance crystallises, but instead just slow decline. Subsequent generations will not know the difference between now and how things used to be.

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While I understand that history is a long, slow march, recall that even the communists sought every molecule of energy they could get their hands on. This eco hysteria mindset is patently anti-human and, I fear, has the opportunity for a much more sudden impact.

Consider what will happen if (when?) the volcano in Iceland erupts and spews millions of tons of particulate matter into the atmosphere, which, we know, will have a significant cooling effect on the earth. a much colder winter in Northern Europe and suddenly, the lack of available energy will result in a clearly changing political dynamic with no good answers for the current coalition.

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Europe will go back to coal and go nuclear.

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coal for sure, but will Germany go back to nuclear as long as the coalition is in power? I doubt it. of course with a different government, I agree completely

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I would like to think some Germans will be willing to hold their nose and vote them in.

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I'm surprised the funds didn't go towards Zelinski's real estate investments.

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Excellent news! In the UK we have public administrators that openly defy the elected politicians! Those elected politicians have incurred vast debt with half baked ideas, on the basis that some things - like EHCR, 'net zero(?)', railways from nowhere to nowhere and other unicorns - which can never, ever be changed.

Still, it is just tax cash. Who cares? Not Government!

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it is "their cash" to do as they please.

We, the little workers, have no say. If we complain, we are racist or violent or spreading hate.

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"All of this sounds boring, I know..."


life's most basic truth is "what goes around, comes around."

what a cheering humiliation story. not boring one little bit. i'll gladly read tidbits like this every day, if you get 'em. sure hope you do.

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Even worse, Germans will also pay for the illegal eurobonds that the EU will issue to fund Ukraine.

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by eugyppius

You are stuck with these guys till 2025??? That sounds cruel almost

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Thanks for this - would never see it otherwise, and it's an important one.

I think this is where the great meltdown of the American Empire begins: money. There are already signs of much tighter purse strings in the UK, although the targets so far are easy ones. The knife fight is inevitable, however. As the Empire has only one justification, i.e.: money, this is a very serious problem for our rulers.

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Eugyppius has mentioned this before, when affluence goes so will the politics. It will be the ultimate test of his theory, certainly.

I note that a lot of people seemed to have had cold water dashed in their faces, so to speak, by the enormous protests by Muslims here recently. Maybe the penny will start to drop.

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by eugyppius

As bad as this predicament may appear, I’m sure they’ll find a way to make things even worse.

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Aaah, the sweet, sweet schadenfreude. My heart is warm.

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a mugful every morning, may we hope.

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Not to worry - I'm sure some new emergency (war, pestilence, Skynet taking over) will appear, providing a convenient opportunity for more unlimited spending

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I'm going with WAR. All the rest are individual tools in War's tool belt.

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