Apr 8Liked by eugyppius

Sorry, E. I only got as far as the bit about her not expecting the mental illness caused by school closures and anger overtook me.

Real, palpable anger, that I am not normally subject to feeling. Not because this woman is as stupid as she evidently is. Not even because she got it so wrong.

But because of the glib way in which she dismisses her mistakes, glossing over the role she playing in doing so much harm to so many kids over whose lives she had so much power.

I'm really, really feeling angry right now.

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Apr 8Liked by eugyppius

I hate these fucking people.

I wonder if any of them know that if they try this shit again...it bleeds.

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Apr 8Liked by eugyppius

Left unchallenged, they will do the same things all over again. They don't want to do an “ autopsy” because it would show how wrong they were and limit their KONTROL the next time.

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AWFL: Affluent White Female Liberal. Highly susceptible to the mind virus and neuroticism. The greatest danger to western civilization.

Merkel is among the many specimens abusing their power: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/awfl-dei-karen-affluent-white-female-liberal

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Apr 8·edited Apr 8Liked by eugyppius

Dang, eugyppius, you're a great writer! I loved this for the writing as much as for the content!

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In The People's Democratic Republic of Berndtland, Christina Berndt has to matter. She is important. Her life, especially the first degree, the PhD, and the time lost to gain such credentials, has to matter. How can it not?

Existential crises are best managed in private. When they are wrestled with in public we witness a spectacle best avoided, like watching an elderly couple have sex. It happens but I'd rather not see it.

This, then, is our expert technocratic "elite." These are the brilliant minds ushering in Human Experience 2.0 which to them means an amazing brave new world of squeaky clean energy and Star Trek levels of cultural harmony. Alas this is turning out to look more like demolished power stations, closed farms and dispossession of our homelands.

Berndt is the face of modern Europe and North America; useless, lost and totally cut off from normality.

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Apr 8Liked by eugyppius

I don't care what she says, no more than I'd care what a rat found in the feedbag would say in its defence. I want Gerechtigkeit (rättvisa in swedish).

Doesn't need to mean the headman - just take from the Covidiots all their money, all their assets and belongings, all their titles and forevermore bar them from anything but the most menial labour, the cheapest accomodations and lowest legal wages.

That, being cast down into the muck and mire of commonality, is to them far worse a punishment than anything else.

Legal does not mean right or just or fair or moral.

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Apr 8Liked by eugyppius

Following on the end of your post - I was contemplating how, if I lived under the rule of a real tyrant, a cruel dictator who's word was law, who crushed his enemies like bugs - at least id have the ability to accept it. But being ruled by the Berndts of the world, I think of the sheer embarrassment and humiliation of it, like being beaten in a boxing match by a 9 year old.

Not saying life is so bad and Germany and other places are such hellholes - they arent. But wow the curse of being able to see how fucking retarded our Rulers are..

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Apr 8Liked by eugyppius

Her only real contribution is to serve as an exemplar of hysterical sanctimony and obsessive need for control. What a wasted life. She'll never amount to anything else.

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I am a woman who is middle aged, has a cat, is sometimes sad, and sometimes drinks wine, and who looks pretty awful in photos (and so, I guess I have to face, also in person). and yet... I thought the covid madness was just that. I know quite a few women like me: wine! sad! cats! fat! all of it! and yet: we were horrified by all the covid measures, the lockdown, the vaccine mandates, all of it all of it.

Plenty of glowingly handsome dashing men with great teeth and great hair were all in for all of it.

I'm not sure the SadFatWineCats hypothesis holds up. I mean, by all means, keep exploring it! But I think the key to what went wrong during the pandemic just might lie elsewhere.

My hypothesis? Pure naked ambition. Being a covidian was a leg up to any number of careers and, for the careerless, to pure self-promotion. Anyone who jumped on that bandwagon had a good shot at being amplified. People who were stupid. People who were boring. People who were repellent. People who resented others for being smart, interesting, and charming. Covid was their moment! They just had to declare fealty and suddenly they were invited everywhere, given columns, given speaking berths, given funding, asked to weigh in and asked to boss others about. what fun! What delicious fun!

and now there is a bit of a second act: you can still get invited to "look at me" parties if you author something semi-contrite about how mistakes were made, mostly by others, and anyway we all need to move along.

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Apr 8Liked by eugyppius

These people will have their "Mussolini at the ESSO gas station in Northern Italy" moment pretty soon the way this is going. It is curious how our democracies keep on attracting such evidently sub-par people with such low cognitive standards and total lack of understanding of the founding Enlightenment principles of the democracies they purport to rule. Then again, the truly talented and eminently wise would not apply for these crappy jobs under any circumstances given the options elsewhere in the economy, so beggars can't be chosers.....! The only way to get better crews in government after this debacle, is to put all of them in front of a tribunal consisting of the toughest prosecutors and judges since WW2.

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Apr 8Liked by eugyppius

Either these people are schizofrenic or they are in bad faith. True science was the one recommended by the Great Barrington Declaration, I.e. focused protection as the IFR of the virus was pretty much known since day 1. They should be banned by any public office for years for obvious incompetence.

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Forgive? Oh, Christina honey. Though I'd prefer to be entirely retired throughout eternity, I'd get up early to be privileged to keep adding the charcoal beneath God's Great Tandoor in the Sky, and it would thrill the cockles of my incorporeal heart to hear you sizzle.

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Another deeply unlikable, socially inept head girl who doesn't get that nobody really gives two fucks what she thinks

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Apr 8Liked by eugyppius

Same crazy eyes as all the other jab and lock down zealots.

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Apr 8Liked by eugyppius

Good luck with your Aufarbeitung. An official one will never occur in the States. I'm optimistic though that our informal one has already occurred, in the minds and priorities of parents and those fed up with our powered-by-emergency regime.

The next time China coughs up a humanized lab bug, we'll tell the experts to f- off and go about our business.

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