Everybody is talking about Gregor Baszak’s great new piece at Public, detailing how “Government-Funded NGOs, Linked To NATO, Are Interfering In European Elections.” It’s paywalled, but maybe you’ll consider a subscription: Michael Shellenberger does good work there.
Most 'think tanks' in the U.S. are funded by the military industrial complex or some other special interest lobbying group. They protect party loyalists by giving them fat salaries whenever their political party is out of office. It is a primary function of the D.C. swamp and Deep State. Joe Biden's 'Penn Biden Center' has been funded lavishly by $millions directly from the Chinese government. This blatant influence peddling funded flunkies like Anthony Blinken and other future Biden cabinet members while Biden was out of office. It is a disgusting sell out of our government and ought to be illegal. The Biden crime family has taken 10's of millions from foreign government interests for years while the FBI and DOJ ignore their FARA violations and other crimes.
the ISD has a bewildering array of public and private affiliates, partners and funders, and it’s really hard to find a dominant visage behind the curtain. Even Correctiv, which is much smaller (an annual budget I’d estimate at a few million Euro) has a wide range of backers. It seems that the more diverse the funding, the more bland and uniform the message.
We can generally follow the money. But the always coordinated narrative and message between left-leaning governments and the lying press demonstrates that the fix is in. In the U.S. and Europe the perpetual political class is deeply rooted in public and private entities that sustain them. They must be replaced this year by challengers who will represent the interests of the people and work to put them all out of business. They will not go down without a fight and the time for that clash is now. Or never.
Yes, we should have no illusions about turning the tide on the basis of a single election year. The apparatchiks are well funded and protected by both private entities and with their access to government tax revenue as well. Our crippling national debt provides ample reason for dismantling the administrative state but we have seen how they behave when threatened during Trump's years in office.
Col. Douglas MacGregor's entity 'Our Country, Our Choice' has proposed replacing ivy league graduates in elite D.C. roles with people who simply care about the country. That would a step in the right direction for a new Trump administration. Assuming we don't get cheated again like we were in 2020 with ballot stuffing insanity. Ronna Romney McDaniel did nothing to stop voter fraud and cheating. Getting rid of her was also a step in the right direction, but could be too little, too late.
"the ISD has a bewildering array of public and private affiliates, partners and funders, and it’s really hard to find a dominant visage behind the curtain"
it's the usual way of USAID, NED and other branches of American government. They generate, in collaboration with countries specifics local collaborators, webs of NGO, foundations, think tanks, etc, with some at their turn generating other front-ends, and their refer to each others. You spawn a diversity of instance, each one presented a sui generi, that are interlinking each others.
Some Hungarians established some years a diagram/map of such a web operating in Hungary.
Beside organizations, there are personalities in the media, among intellectuals, universities who are adepts of American imperialism, often people who spend part of their youth studying at American universities, where they were formatted and where their initial connections where established, who then work on their own with other "believers" and their own funding.
The last paragraph sums well the challenge, including in the United States where similar activity thrives. The question that always seems to surface is, Who precisely is pulling the strings? In America, clearly it’s not the mentally incapacitated Biden; and it is doubtful the DNC could coordinate much of the other shenanigans. At this point is seems apparent that the only way to stop the bullshit on both sides of the Atlantic is to cut the head off the (global) snake.
Keith Jajko said: "The last paragraph sums well the challenge ... Who precisely is pulling the strings? [It] seems apparent that the only way to stop the bullshit on both sides of the Atlantic is to cut the head off the (global) snake."
Eugyppius's last paragraph ended with these words: "The greatest strength of this system is its widely distributed and decentralised nature; its actions are the sum of many, many influences, and there appears to be no clear centre of control."
So aren't you actually saying the opposite? Eugyppius has been arguing all along that power and influence are highly diffuse. If he is right (and I believe he is), then there is no "head of the global snake" to be "cut off".
A lengthy, but valuable substack essay that covers this ground is N.S. Lyons's "The China Convergence", coming from the different perspective of a Chinese speaker, with years of experience from living in China, but complementary to the case Eugyppius makes.
"Don't risk losing focus." is question begging - it already assumes that there's a single point to be focused on.
In any case, just how do you suggest we "start with" the DNC? (I hope you're not an FBI provocateur, eh?) I think you understand perfectly well that if the entire personnel of the DNC went down in a plane crash, then within the day, there would be others with exactly the same opinions and ambitions filling the places of their deceased colleagues. Same thing if that lot went down in another plane crash the next day, except that their successors would take care to fly separately.
I get the impression that you are in the majority among commenters here, who desperately want to believe that if only some group of puppetmasters would cease to exist, sanity would prevail again. It won't.
Remarkably, these commenters, like you, read one Eugyppius article after another, and never seem to notice that he's saying the opposite - I know this because they phrase their comments as if they are in agreement. At least if they knowingly expressed their opposition, they might be induced to argue their case that Eugyppius is fundamentally wrong.
Well stated. NATO has grown like a cancer and has far outlived it's usefulness. Any hope of Peace for the EU and eventually the combined west hinges on either dramatically neutering the NATO leadership or outright abandonment. The US and it's unhinged foreign policy is the greatest threat to democracy on the planet and must change. The 2024 elections may swing the gate open to reform if the two conservative / moderate candidates survive the deep state. Until then, the west is led by fools.
Alliances make wars less likely, but more brutal when they do break out. There doesn't even have to be anyone especially at fault for alliances to go to war - look at WWI for an example.
I think given the situation we should have morphed NATO into some sort of mutual peace society and offered Russia and China membership years ago. Back when they may have even agreed.
I think much of the Anglosphere obsession was very profitably cultivated by all those former bureaucrats from intelligence agencies who continued to propagandize the mass market with all those thrilling espionage novels they pumped out religiously.
I confess, I confess I loved reading them too. It was only when John Le Carre described a 50-year-old woman as "elderly" that I began to notice what a fancy-voiced moron he really was.
But this is the strong underpinning now of popular culture where assassins aren't seen as murderous thugs who've found the profession that keeps them from ever being brought to account for their crime, but weary George Clooneys who did it all for us.
No wonder we see them everywhere because even when they get old and fat they show up on CNN to explain to us the slimy tentacles of their world.
Like throwing salt on slugs (a terrible crime in my view because I really like slugs), we must throw lots of ridicule on all these creaky conspiracists.
And I should've confined my own reading to Eric Ambler who always saw these guys for what they were.
To his credit, Le Carré once wrote an essay that I'll never find again, where he explained that he wrote his less popular novel 'the looking glass war' in an attempt to cut secret services down to size and depict them as corrupt agencies perpetrating mainly pointless nonsense and coasting on their world war glory, but that his audience had no interest in that kind of thing, and so he returned to traditional narratives of spymastery.
From Wikipedia: "According to le Carré in a foreword written for the 2013 Penguin Publishing reissue, the book was written as a direct response to the public reaction to his previous novel,
...Although le Carré was upset with his fellow countrymen's response to the book, he was pleased that some American readers – including members of the intelligence community – appreciated the book as a satire."
Whereby we now discover that [too many] Americans have turned into idiots over time.
"Our Man in Havana" is the only english-language spy-novel I've read that I can stand.
I'd recommend two books by swedish author Jan Olof Olsson but they are only available in swedish. The style and tone is similar to Green's but with the typical Scandinavian trait of being almost laconic in tone.
In one memorable scene, the three main characters are prisoners of the NKVD during the Revolution. A telegram arrives, and the Comissar promptly takes down the portrait of the Tsar and puts one of Lenin up, and gets on with questioning the suspects.
After all, his job is looking for enemies of the State. . .
What eugyppius is describing is very much like how U.S. intelligence agencies manufacture "actionable intelligence"- sufficient to obtain warrants from FISA-out of thin air. I don't think it's possible to overstate how dangerous "manufactured intelligence" and "manufactured consensus" are. All based on, not so much an infinite regress of hearsay, but more like a Möbius strip of hearsay.
All of these "non governmental organisations" would be far less objectionable if they actually were "non governmental". Then they could spew whatever bullshit they liked, funded by themselves and like minded persons, and following Voltaire we would be free to listen or ignore and agree or disagree.
The misattribution of all these organisations as "nongovernmental" is a major part of the issue. It is AstroTurf speech, not independent speech, something which is definitely worthy of the GDR and Nazi comparisons.
I think the blob controls itself. It recruits people who think, or pretend to think, the right thoughts and they are in charge of all the institutions. They don’t need instructions, they know what they’re supposed to do to keep a lid on everything. Meanwhile the great mass of people are indifferent, confused, or just mildly in favour of the status quo. But there is a tipping point, and it may be closer than we think, where enough of the non-blob really start to smell a rat.
I agree with this, but I don't think anything's going to tip. The great mass of indifferent people might change their minds, but they won't change their minds until it's too late to matter
Follow the money is always a good guide to objectives & not sure it takes a Ouija board to decipher the billionaire class idea of dangerous ideas.
Earliest capture of ISD Board is 2009 where foundational support & shared executives run the gamut from biotech to Blackstone w Nestle etc adding international flair to the Royal Lord & Lady monikers.. it's a wankers cabal!
"The Institute for Strategic Dialogue’s nonprofit funders include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Omidyar Network, the United States Institute for Peace, the National Democratic Institute, and the Open Society Foundations.
ISD’s government funding includes agencies in Australia, Denmark, Canada, the Netherlands, Finland, Germany, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. The ISD has received grants from the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. It has also received funding from the European Union and the United Nations."
Is it just the left? While they're closer to their mainstream than the right is, I don't know many leftists who actually like their parties. They are to some degree in the same situation we are.
The enemy is the uniparty. Left and right are just labels used to divide the people and keep us squabbling among ourselves rather than threatening the existing uniparty order.
In reality, major parties are a few steps from each other. They play good cop/bad cop on the populace. Until normies realize this nothing will change.
In the UK the Tories are just Labour doing the speed limit. Same destination, but they make a big hubbuz about doing so at a responsible speed. The same is true across all Anglosphere societies, and most European ones.
At this point, it is probably safe to bet that any given public advocacy group is controlled and/or funded by government intelligence agencies. The list that are not is probably a lot shorter than I used to believe.
Obama is from CIA parentage, Michelle is a tranny, meaning he is a faggo under the control of the DoD. or is it the privately owned central banks ? Rupert Murdoch called him a Superstar.
Frank Wolstoncroft said: "Obama is from CIA parentage, Michelle is a tranny, meaning he is a faggo under the control of the DoD. or is it the privately owned central banks ?"
Yeah, they've blackmailed that couple good and hard. I mean, no-one in our society could possibly reveal that they're homosexual or transexual. They'd be run out of town.
If you're giving to charity, consider microfinance instead of these NGOs and charities. Not a whole lot can be dodgy if you get your money back in full.
The funny thing is that at this moment the politico-medial complex in Germany is quite hysterical because there is the possibility (flimsy evidence up to this moment) that a member of the german opposition party AfD might have gotten the astounding sum of – 20.000 Euro from Putler. Now if you consider that, first, there is much more interesting stuff to look at, as the Shellenberger piece shows, and that, second, the bribery of our journalists, politicians and "scientists" by the Americans via grants, lucrative posts ("senior advisor", "board of this or that"), speaking fees, plush conferences here or overseas, invitations, guest "professorships", all this either presently or as a shining goal, all happens so quite in the open, you can't help but to be amused by the sight of a politician of getting the lousy sum of 20.000 Euros from the Russians.
Paradoxically the bribery and corruption of our "élites" from the Empire is so blatant and obvious that it becomes almost invisible.
In 2017 (iirc), the United States arrested a dozen Russian diplomats on accusations of election interference. If you read through the details of the criminal complaint (which I did), the gist of what they're accused of doing is "spending half a million dollars on Facebook ads".
One has to wonder, if half a million dollars worth of Facebook ads is enough to change the outcome of a US election... what of the ~1 billion dollars each candidate spends on their campaign every election? What does that influence? Why does nobody ever ask this question?
IMO, the reality is that spending money is largely irrelevant to the outcomes of elections, and it's much more about what you spend that money on. If anyone reads Dominic Cummings' blog (the guy who ran the Brexit campaign), he talks about this a lot. So much of politics is wanky bullshit and bribes and schmoozing, and the overwhelming majority of that money is just pissed away. The silver lining is, if you have a shoestring budget but you actually care about getting stuff done, you can easily leverage that into winning political battles. At least, if those battles aren't in the Imperial capital.
Lol. I don't know if it's illegal for foreign diplomats to spend money on elections in their guest country, maybe it should be. Only, Germany is not at war with russia, Russia is not a declared enemy of our state, so it should be not more of a concern getting russian money than it is of getting US money. And in Germany there are much more important politicians who got money from Russia (Gazprom) than this unimportant figure from the AfD, only that in their case nobody is investigating.
Anyway I agree insofar as I think money on stupid, empty ads is more or less wasted, but money on informal networks and patronage is well spent because it's more "sustainable" than the former.
Addendum: Prime example former german Minister for Foreign Affairs and ridiculous clown Joseph "Joschka" Fischer; just have a look at the bio of this mediocrity (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joschka_Fischer).
Yes sir, it is 'decentralized', which provides added strength to their nefarious efforts;
but consider just how many times these decentralized foci, --(the CIA, M16, Brigade 77, all 20 some odd USA intelligence branches and cutouts, including Cybersecurity Infrastructure, USAID, all the "NGO"s which are just more taxpayer-funded fronts for these same agencies, like Stanford Observatory, Atlantic, and the seemingly endless inane-named organizations like "Integrity and Virality" Project, "Strategic" 'Dialogue', and so on -- DO INDEED hookup. Witness the Munich Security shindigs, WEF Davos parties with prostitutes every year , the stupid tabletop exercises for the last ten years that you've thoroughly delved into. There, these assholes schmooze , party, preen and primp themselves, and do their networking. So all these decentralized nodes are really lockstepped, synchronized. Like the Epidemic Intelligence Service imbeciles from the CDC have infiltrated every USA state health department. These state health depts are "decentralized", but they're really not. They have annual meetings, they have "National" associations of all their state health departments with annual meetings at taxpayer expense, where they coordinate their idiotic pandemic preparedness flowcharts .
These shitbirds are working together. They are centralized .
There's money coming into the system from rich people who want to control policy. Then there's government officials who spend money to stay in power. Then there's the multitudes of individuals, agencies, and companies that profit from government spending.
Where do you think all US money comes from in the first place ?
It is created as interest bearing debt by commercial banks.
Who owns the $35 trillion in US Treasury debt ?
Why are the super rich allowed to shunt their money tax free into "charitable" trusts, that can exist in perpetuity and bribe politicians with what we call campaign contributions ?
Most 'think tanks' in the U.S. are funded by the military industrial complex or some other special interest lobbying group. They protect party loyalists by giving them fat salaries whenever their political party is out of office. It is a primary function of the D.C. swamp and Deep State. Joe Biden's 'Penn Biden Center' has been funded lavishly by $millions directly from the Chinese government. This blatant influence peddling funded flunkies like Anthony Blinken and other future Biden cabinet members while Biden was out of office. It is a disgusting sell out of our government and ought to be illegal. The Biden crime family has taken 10's of millions from foreign government interests for years while the FBI and DOJ ignore their FARA violations and other crimes.
the ISD has a bewildering array of public and private affiliates, partners and funders, and it’s really hard to find a dominant visage behind the curtain. Even Correctiv, which is much smaller (an annual budget I’d estimate at a few million Euro) has a wide range of backers. It seems that the more diverse the funding, the more bland and uniform the message.
We can generally follow the money. But the always coordinated narrative and message between left-leaning governments and the lying press demonstrates that the fix is in. In the U.S. and Europe the perpetual political class is deeply rooted in public and private entities that sustain them. They must be replaced this year by challengers who will represent the interests of the people and work to put them all out of business. They will not go down without a fight and the time for that clash is now. Or never.
Agree. But I think we must first acknowledge this is a clash that could take a generation or two.
Short of "storming" the many "Bastilles" of our time, I see no other way than to ride deep and dig our spurs in.
Yes, we should have no illusions about turning the tide on the basis of a single election year. The apparatchiks are well funded and protected by both private entities and with their access to government tax revenue as well. Our crippling national debt provides ample reason for dismantling the administrative state but we have seen how they behave when threatened during Trump's years in office.
This time he needs to make sure he has none of those snakes in his administration.
I hope he learned.
Col. Douglas MacGregor's entity 'Our Country, Our Choice' has proposed replacing ivy league graduates in elite D.C. roles with people who simply care about the country. That would a step in the right direction for a new Trump administration. Assuming we don't get cheated again like we were in 2020 with ballot stuffing insanity. Ronna Romney McDaniel did nothing to stop voter fraud and cheating. Getting rid of her was also a step in the right direction, but could be too little, too late.
I would like to see a very large rogue's gallery of the cretins who should be fired immediately. I think it's a large group.
"the ISD has a bewildering array of public and private affiliates, partners and funders, and it’s really hard to find a dominant visage behind the curtain"
it's the usual way of USAID, NED and other branches of American government. They generate, in collaboration with countries specifics local collaborators, webs of NGO, foundations, think tanks, etc, with some at their turn generating other front-ends, and their refer to each others. You spawn a diversity of instance, each one presented a sui generi, that are interlinking each others.
Some Hungarians established some years a diagram/map of such a web operating in Hungary.
Beside organizations, there are personalities in the media, among intellectuals, universities who are adepts of American imperialism, often people who spend part of their youth studying at American universities, where they were formatted and where their initial connections where established, who then work on their own with other "believers" and their own funding.
Oddly enough, it turns out all of those bumper sticker lefties didn't *actually* want the Air Force to have to hold a bake sale...
No bake sale. Just drag queen story hour.
The last paragraph sums well the challenge, including in the United States where similar activity thrives. The question that always seems to surface is, Who precisely is pulling the strings? In America, clearly it’s not the mentally incapacitated Biden; and it is doubtful the DNC could coordinate much of the other shenanigans. At this point is seems apparent that the only way to stop the bullshit on both sides of the Atlantic is to cut the head off the (global) snake.
One could argue that an equally dangerous threat is the tens of millions of bureaucrats in Western Civilization.
We'd need a pretty big wet stone to "solve" that problem.
Perhaps the real threat to be destroyed is the hegemonic ideation of the bureaucracy that allows The Snakes to feed on our flesh?
Keith Jajko said: "The last paragraph sums well the challenge ... Who precisely is pulling the strings? [It] seems apparent that the only way to stop the bullshit on both sides of the Atlantic is to cut the head off the (global) snake."
Eugyppius's last paragraph ended with these words: "The greatest strength of this system is its widely distributed and decentralised nature; its actions are the sum of many, many influences, and there appears to be no clear centre of control."
So aren't you actually saying the opposite? Eugyppius has been arguing all along that power and influence are highly diffuse. If he is right (and I believe he is), then there is no "head of the global snake" to be "cut off".
A lengthy, but valuable substack essay that covers this ground is N.S. Lyons's "The China Convergence", coming from the different perspective of a Chinese speaker, with years of experience from living in China, but complementary to the case Eugyppius makes.
Don't risk losing focus. The DNC is the enemy of the people. Start with them and you can't go wrong.
"Don't risk losing focus." is question begging - it already assumes that there's a single point to be focused on.
In any case, just how do you suggest we "start with" the DNC? (I hope you're not an FBI provocateur, eh?) I think you understand perfectly well that if the entire personnel of the DNC went down in a plane crash, then within the day, there would be others with exactly the same opinions and ambitions filling the places of their deceased colleagues. Same thing if that lot went down in another plane crash the next day, except that their successors would take care to fly separately.
I get the impression that you are in the majority among commenters here, who desperately want to believe that if only some group of puppetmasters would cease to exist, sanity would prevail again. It won't.
Remarkably, these commenters, like you, read one Eugyppius article after another, and never seem to notice that he's saying the opposite - I know this because they phrase their comments as if they are in agreement. At least if they knowingly expressed their opposition, they might be induced to argue their case that Eugyppius is fundamentally wrong.
Start by voting the DNC out.
There isn't a votable system in U$A politics.
Every election is corrupted here on out... Civil War looking more and more possible.
Well stated. NATO has grown like a cancer and has far outlived it's usefulness. Any hope of Peace for the EU and eventually the combined west hinges on either dramatically neutering the NATO leadership or outright abandonment. The US and it's unhinged foreign policy is the greatest threat to democracy on the planet and must change. The 2024 elections may swing the gate open to reform if the two conservative / moderate candidates survive the deep state. Until then, the west is led by fools.
Alliances make wars less likely, but more brutal when they do break out. There doesn't even have to be anyone especially at fault for alliances to go to war - look at WWI for an example.
I think given the situation we should have morphed NATO into some sort of mutual peace society and offered Russia and China membership years ago. Back when they may have even agreed.
Well, waddles, quacks and schitts like....
I think much of the Anglosphere obsession was very profitably cultivated by all those former bureaucrats from intelligence agencies who continued to propagandize the mass market with all those thrilling espionage novels they pumped out religiously.
I confess, I confess I loved reading them too. It was only when John Le Carre described a 50-year-old woman as "elderly" that I began to notice what a fancy-voiced moron he really was.
But this is the strong underpinning now of popular culture where assassins aren't seen as murderous thugs who've found the profession that keeps them from ever being brought to account for their crime, but weary George Clooneys who did it all for us.
No wonder we see them everywhere because even when they get old and fat they show up on CNN to explain to us the slimy tentacles of their world.
Like throwing salt on slugs (a terrible crime in my view because I really like slugs), we must throw lots of ridicule on all these creaky conspiracists.
And I should've confined my own reading to Eric Ambler who always saw these guys for what they were.
To his credit, Le Carré once wrote an essay that I'll never find again, where he explained that he wrote his less popular novel 'the looking glass war' in an attempt to cut secret services down to size and depict them as corrupt agencies perpetrating mainly pointless nonsense and coasting on their world war glory, but that his audience had no interest in that kind of thing, and so he returned to traditional narratives of spymastery.
You can find it now:
From Wikipedia: "According to le Carré in a foreword written for the 2013 Penguin Publishing reissue, the book was written as a direct response to the public reaction to his previous novel,
...Although le Carré was upset with his fellow countrymen's response to the book, he was pleased that some American readers – including members of the intelligence community – appreciated the book as a satire."
Whereby we now discover that [too many] Americans have turned into idiots over time.
The Democrat Party has blatantly acknowledged and leveraged this (American voters stupidity)…
There is no political party in the US without its complement of idiot adherents.
this is it! thank you.
Interesting, I’ve often wondered about the one-off nature of that particular book.
"Our Man in Havana" is the only english-language spy-novel I've read that I can stand.
I'd recommend two books by swedish author Jan Olof Olsson but they are only available in swedish. The style and tone is similar to Green's but with the typical Scandinavian trait of being almost laconic in tone.
In one memorable scene, the three main characters are prisoners of the NKVD during the Revolution. A telegram arrives, and the Comissar promptly takes down the portrait of the Tsar and puts one of Lenin up, and gets on with questioning the suspects.
After all, his job is looking for enemies of the State. . .
"The Care of Time" by Eric Ambler is a really great thriller in my view and though published in 1956 is remarkably contemporary.
Excuse me, now! Gregor Baszak... Is he related to Peter Daszak? Sure seems they must be. Maybe they are first cousins. This would explain a lot.
What eugyppius is describing is very much like how U.S. intelligence agencies manufacture "actionable intelligence"- sufficient to obtain warrants from FISA-out of thin air. I don't think it's possible to overstate how dangerous "manufactured intelligence" and "manufactured consensus" are. All based on, not so much an infinite regress of hearsay, but more like a Möbius strip of hearsay.
All of these "non governmental organisations" would be far less objectionable if they actually were "non governmental". Then they could spew whatever bullshit they liked, funded by themselves and like minded persons, and following Voltaire we would be free to listen or ignore and agree or disagree.
The misattribution of all these organisations as "nongovernmental" is a major part of the issue. It is AstroTurf speech, not independent speech, something which is definitely worthy of the GDR and Nazi comparisons.
Hear, hear!
Good point.
I think the blob controls itself. It recruits people who think, or pretend to think, the right thoughts and they are in charge of all the institutions. They don’t need instructions, they know what they’re supposed to do to keep a lid on everything. Meanwhile the great mass of people are indifferent, confused, or just mildly in favour of the status quo. But there is a tipping point, and it may be closer than we think, where enough of the non-blob really start to smell a rat.
I agree with this, but I don't think anything's going to tip. The great mass of indifferent people might change their minds, but they won't change their minds until it's too late to matter
I would argue that's exactly what needs to happen.
Follow the money is always a good guide to objectives & not sure it takes a Ouija board to decipher the billionaire class idea of dangerous ideas.
Earliest capture of ISD Board is 2009 where foundational support & shared executives run the gamut from biotech to Blackstone w Nestle etc adding international flair to the Royal Lord & Lady monikers.. it's a wankers cabal!
"The Institute for Strategic Dialogue’s nonprofit funders include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Omidyar Network, the United States Institute for Peace, the National Democratic Institute, and the Open Society Foundations.
ISD’s government funding includes agencies in Australia, Denmark, Canada, the Netherlands, Finland, Germany, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. The ISD has received grants from the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. It has also received funding from the European Union and the United Nations."
A wankers’ cabal indeed!
I like “ideologically incontinent”. It’s similar to “talking out of their asses”.
I think we are getting to a point where 35% of the worlds population understands that the left has done everything to them.
Congratulations on successfully dumbing down a concept to strip it of it's meaning. They both involve rectums, that makes them similar, alright.
*its meaning
Is it just the left? While they're closer to their mainstream than the right is, I don't know many leftists who actually like their parties. They are to some degree in the same situation we are.
The enemy is the uniparty. Left and right are just labels used to divide the people and keep us squabbling among ourselves rather than threatening the existing uniparty order.
In reality, major parties are a few steps from each other. They play good cop/bad cop on the populace. Until normies realize this nothing will change.
In the UK the Tories are just Labour doing the speed limit. Same destination, but they make a big hubbuz about doing so at a responsible speed. The same is true across all Anglosphere societies, and most European ones.
At this point, it is probably safe to bet that any given public advocacy group is controlled and/or funded by government intelligence agencies. The list that are not is probably a lot shorter than I used to believe.
Obama is from CIA parentage, Michelle is a tranny, meaning he is a faggo under the control of the DoD. or is it the privately owned central banks ? Rupert Murdoch called him a Superstar.
Frank Wolstoncroft said: "Obama is from CIA parentage, Michelle is a tranny, meaning he is a faggo under the control of the DoD. or is it the privately owned central banks ?"
Yeah, they've blackmailed that couple good and hard. I mean, no-one in our society could possibly reveal that they're homosexual or transexual. They'd be run out of town.
If you're giving to charity, consider microfinance instead of these NGOs and charities. Not a whole lot can be dodgy if you get your money back in full.
Thanks for commenting on Public’s piece.
The funny thing is that at this moment the politico-medial complex in Germany is quite hysterical because there is the possibility (flimsy evidence up to this moment) that a member of the german opposition party AfD might have gotten the astounding sum of – 20.000 Euro from Putler. Now if you consider that, first, there is much more interesting stuff to look at, as the Shellenberger piece shows, and that, second, the bribery of our journalists, politicians and "scientists" by the Americans via grants, lucrative posts ("senior advisor", "board of this or that"), speaking fees, plush conferences here or overseas, invitations, guest "professorships", all this either presently or as a shining goal, all happens so quite in the open, you can't help but to be amused by the sight of a politician of getting the lousy sum of 20.000 Euros from the Russians.
Paradoxically the bribery and corruption of our "élites" from the Empire is so blatant and obvious that it becomes almost invisible.
Something that has always been funny to me.
In 2017 (iirc), the United States arrested a dozen Russian diplomats on accusations of election interference. If you read through the details of the criminal complaint (which I did), the gist of what they're accused of doing is "spending half a million dollars on Facebook ads".
One has to wonder, if half a million dollars worth of Facebook ads is enough to change the outcome of a US election... what of the ~1 billion dollars each candidate spends on their campaign every election? What does that influence? Why does nobody ever ask this question?
IMO, the reality is that spending money is largely irrelevant to the outcomes of elections, and it's much more about what you spend that money on. If anyone reads Dominic Cummings' blog (the guy who ran the Brexit campaign), he talks about this a lot. So much of politics is wanky bullshit and bribes and schmoozing, and the overwhelming majority of that money is just pissed away. The silver lining is, if you have a shoestring budget but you actually care about getting stuff done, you can easily leverage that into winning political battles. At least, if those battles aren't in the Imperial capital.
Lol. I don't know if it's illegal for foreign diplomats to spend money on elections in their guest country, maybe it should be. Only, Germany is not at war with russia, Russia is not a declared enemy of our state, so it should be not more of a concern getting russian money than it is of getting US money. And in Germany there are much more important politicians who got money from Russia (Gazprom) than this unimportant figure from the AfD, only that in their case nobody is investigating.
Anyway I agree insofar as I think money on stupid, empty ads is more or less wasted, but money on informal networks and patronage is well spent because it's more "sustainable" than the former.
Addendum: Prime example former german Minister for Foreign Affairs and ridiculous clown Joseph "Joschka" Fischer; just have a look at the bio of this mediocrity (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joschka_Fischer).
Yes sir, it is 'decentralized', which provides added strength to their nefarious efforts;
but consider just how many times these decentralized foci, --(the CIA, M16, Brigade 77, all 20 some odd USA intelligence branches and cutouts, including Cybersecurity Infrastructure, USAID, all the "NGO"s which are just more taxpayer-funded fronts for these same agencies, like Stanford Observatory, Atlantic, and the seemingly endless inane-named organizations like "Integrity and Virality" Project, "Strategic" 'Dialogue', and so on -- DO INDEED hookup. Witness the Munich Security shindigs, WEF Davos parties with prostitutes every year , the stupid tabletop exercises for the last ten years that you've thoroughly delved into. There, these assholes schmooze , party, preen and primp themselves, and do their networking. So all these decentralized nodes are really lockstepped, synchronized. Like the Epidemic Intelligence Service imbeciles from the CDC have infiltrated every USA state health department. These state health depts are "decentralized", but they're really not. They have annual meetings, they have "National" associations of all their state health departments with annual meetings at taxpayer expense, where they coordinate their idiotic pandemic preparedness flowcharts .
These shitbirds are working together. They are centralized .
"Like the Epidemic Intelligence Service imbeciles from the CDC have infiltrated every USA state health department."
Can you please explain more about this?
Cogently stated.
As always, follow the money
From the privately owned central banks on down the power pyramid
There's money coming into the system from rich people who want to control policy. Then there's government officials who spend money to stay in power. Then there's the multitudes of individuals, agencies, and companies that profit from government spending.
Where do you think all US money comes from in the first place ?
It is created as interest bearing debt by commercial banks.
Who owns the $35 trillion in US Treasury debt ?
Why are the super rich allowed to shunt their money tax free into "charitable" trusts, that can exist in perpetuity and bribe politicians with what we call campaign contributions ?