It’s insane that unelected Ursula was texting Pfizer to order all these useless doses. The merger of state and corporate power is fascism, which makes the EU and WEF the fourth reich.

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given how eager everyone is to hide them, those texts must be truly damning.

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The sickest thing is that from the beginning it was about poisoning people with nanotechnology. People who are being poisoned have free radicals due to graphene in pharmaceuticals, masks, tests, biocides, etc., They have damaged immune systems, and therefore have severe oxidative stress, low saturation, can hardly pass the lightest colds. Special attention should be paid to the damage to the lungs caused by graphene and other nanotechnology, etc. Since nanotechnology crosses all blood barriers, organ destruction, thrombosis and other "strange Covid symptoms" occur. People are being murdered with the very tool that is supposedly supposed to protect them....

In recent years, subsidies and investments in nanotechnology/graphene research go into the billions of dollars - and.... silence, no one says it's a killer, no one investigates the FACTUAL causes of this "pandemic." There is a circus going on in Congress about the gain-of-function, instead of examining the TOOL of crime - graphene.

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and on top of that, recent publications mention the presence of DNA from monkey infections in the jabs. Just like with the good old jabs from yesteryear, was it polio? Vaxxines are not there to prevent a sickness but to cause it.

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Ingrid, have you read Jerry Soule's 1955 sci-fi novel Point Ultimate? Its thesis is your last sentence.

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no I have not! I will have to look that up, thanks for the tip. OMG. I read the intro on Amazon. Did he have a premonition? It sure sound like it. I ordered it. May be we can find point Ultimate, but it is scifi so it probably does not exist LOL. Been gathering info on countries that resisted, but several state heads have died and there are few and none of which I would want to move to.

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Wow Ingrid--thank you for ordering it. In March of 2020, my daughter had to leave her rental (landlord wanted to sell it), had reserved a U-Haul for moving. That Saturday we went to UHaul, they refused us--because, you know, you might contaminate the truck with COVID. The book came into my mind, and I ordered 3 copies--meant for daughters but gave two to open-eyed friends. Regarding prescience, I continue to be struck by the frequency of sci-fi writers being on the nose--remember Dick Tracy's two-way radio wrist watch? So glad you will be reading P.U. And give a thought to Naomi Wolf's most recent Pfizer findings as you read.

Oh yes--reading your last sentence above, I think you refer to the African heads who refused and....died. Those are, coincidentally, places where Christianity has not gone woke--and this I learned back in 2004, when daughter was about to wed an Anglican (UK) priest.

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My own research since 2003, forces the conclusion that the mRNA shot was only the most recent attempt to make us extinct. Not one vaccination works and all cause injuries, observable or otherwise. Readers are urged to access the content of Public Health Exams that instilled routine knowledge of disease mitigation from 1880 forwards, information regarded as prerequisite for all aspiring public servants with high social interraction, up until 1965. I sat these twice and they listed sewerage systems, water resevoirs, slum removals, refrigerated foods, the emegence of penicilllin and antibiotics, improved nutrition, vacuum cleaners, and hygiene education.

Vaccinations recorded no efficacy whatsoever, but did cause a temporary increase in diptheria. Clearly, all this knowledge was removed from circulation in a coordinated movement. Local government was heavily complicit, especially through public libraries.

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Jerry Sohl

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Thanks Kathleen--my carelessness

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We need a COMMISSION to investigate the TOOLS, MECHANISMS and PERSONS involved in graphene and nanotechnology crimes on humanity, all the parties involved in this GENOCIDE, including 5G/Internet of "Biological Things" NONSENSE.

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Who convinced you about the graphene, nanotechnology and 5G angles? Stew Peters?

It was ridiculous how often stuff like this came up in 2021 during substack conversations. As if the clear evidence against the shots was never enough. I always suspected it to be a government psyop similar to flat earth.

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Facts and truth are often not enough to convince people of danger from various vaccines and other medicinals. I'm not quite sure the denigration of Stew Peters is the answer to any of our questions regarding the spread of information about these bad substances given to us under the banner of "wonderful science". Are you jealous of Stew?

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It is a fundamental question whether people were poisoned by graphene, but believed the fable about the virus from bats and pangolins

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Why don't you just search google for graphene masks - images? Or search using duckduck.

Instead of "suspecting," why don't you do some research?

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We need the PERSONS involved to realize what they've done and are doing and leave their damn "research" positions.

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i read where it is also used in the making of concrete. nowadays all buildings are concrete. Has anyone ever checked on that stuff?

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The panacea, of course, is antioxidants and DISCONTINUATION OF NANOTECHNOLOGY USE.

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That’s why the bloody EU bureaucrats are so eager to ban nutritional supplements, vitamins, antioxidants like NAC, etc.

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Nutritional supplements are the other side of the pharmacology coin. Health is not something to buy in pill form. And the supplement industry looks as sloppy as big pharma with their manufacturing processes.

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Agreed, you have to chose your sources wisely. But now the bloody EUSSR is even trying to ban certain garden “weeds“ that are useful medicinal herbs – and yet people are still oblivious.

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In the UK the official enquiry into the CoVid débâclé has demanded Wattsapp messages between Ministers and others be handed over. (Apparently the UK had Government by Wattsapp and Zoom during the Fakedemic). The Government is mounting a legal challenge to try and prevent this. Nothing to hide obviously.

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I am making popcorn.

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That is very climate unfriendly. Consider soaking the dried corn in water for a week, then spoon down the mush.

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I predict the current woke German Nazis will do the same as their brothers in crime in Australia did: arbitrarily extend the shelf-life of the rat-jabs, identify the worst lots, and then make sure those are administered in nursing homes and institutions for mentally and physically disabled children under the label of “compassionate use” (formerly known as AKTION T4). Because “Nobody’s safe until we get rid of all ZE UZELESS EATERZ everywhere – and then WE WILL BE ZE MASTERZ OFF ZE UNIVERZE!”

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Or a more traditional term: “kleptocracy”-- handouts to friends and relatives.

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How about kleptocratic kakistocracy?

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kleptocratic kakistocracy by kakokephalics.

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The merger of State and corporate corrupted interest is also communism, the other side of the fascism coin.

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Yes - the only difference being ‘the means of production’ stays in private hands under Fascism.

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Fascists are smart enough to realize that if they take over the means of production, everything will crumble.

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True and they also know it gets broad support across the classes because business owners, wealthy people know they won’t have their property expropriated as they would under Socialism/Communism so Fascism/National Socialism is the better choice and protection from Socialist Government. This is why Hitler and Mussolini got such support from the aristocracy and business leaders because Communism was making inroads.

Which is why our ‘democratic’ governments get propped up by Big Business because it makes them part of the ruling dynamic: Government + Business + Unions. I suppose now we have to add ‘activist confederacy’.

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Regarding our new fascism, it's either coming or already here. I actually think Gov. DeSantis is pushing back against this trend when he attacks "woke" companies like Walt Disney.

That's probably why the memo went out to go ahead and shoot his presidential bid out of the saddle before it really gets started and might, perchance, gain momentum.

People (the "influencers") are telling DeSantis to lay off Disney and the "cultural" issues. I say, no, he should double down on these issues and highlight the "crony fascism" that is spreading around the world.


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Zat is such an ugly naem, comrade Bezmenov. Vee prefer to call it "Public private partnership".

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Is not Ursula's husband a Pfizer executive?

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That is exactly what I was thinking too. This is more proof of Fascism in full operation with 'Public/Private Partnerships' like this. The Fourth Industrial Revolution = The Fourth Reich.

This one is global though with the UN, WHO, NATO, EU and WEF all involved in it.

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She even looks nasty

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She is ... a hideous human and I am deeply saddened that I am of the same species

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Bezmenov was a fraud, a hobo who 'defected' on a news assignment in India.

Also, facsism in the old days stressed community and nation. way less putrid than this mess today.

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In the immortal words of Thomas Sowell, one of the smartest people in the world:

"It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong."

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And now many of those folks say things like "we need to just move on and forgive each other, because here's the thing: back then, when we made those unfortunate decisions, we 'just didn't know'."

So much devastation was tolerated by the average person based up that little phrase "we didn't know." What an obtuse basis for making high impact decisions! This ought to raise the next obvious question: why were the people that were making such destructive decisions so confidently coercive at that time, at a point where they now claim/admit that "they didn't know?"

One doesn't need to have been an epidemiologist, even at the start of theonset of SARS COV-2, to have deduced that vaccine advocates didn't know what they were talking about (as they now admit).

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Shades on Nuremberg 1945..."We didn't know..."

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Sadly, we don't have a "last man standing" nuclear power on our side, so there will be no Nuremburg II any time soon. The people who created this problem, those who exacerbated and their toady enablers all know that they have the "moral high ground" (because they got to define it) and they'll all skate.

Welcome to the clown 🤡 world

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US are the baddies in this case.

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Jun 2, 2023·edited Jun 2, 2023

Heck, right or wrong, the politicians still get rich and powerful. "We have to do something" is yet another saying that is largely misunderstood IMO. The "something" doesn't have to make an iota of sense in the situation, it just has to further the agenda.

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When it comes to the "we have to do something" mentality, it is more a matter of perception than efficacy of the thing we're doing. In business, I often mentor younger colleagues. One of the things I explain to them is the importance of being seen to be doing something. When a business faces a crisis of some kind, the worst thing in the World is to have the top management viewing you as not doing anything to remedy the situation. You have to do something, even if you know that something won't work, just to satisfy the boss's boss that you're doing something to solve the problem.

Politicians face this problem on steroids. That is why you always get this parade of pointless legislation in response to highly publicized tragedies, usually involving mass shootings in the U.S.

COVID-19 was a crisis, real or imagined, so the public policy types had to do something, just so the public would see them as doing something. Ordering a bazillion doses of a dodgy vaccine was part of the "doing something."

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These are exactly the people I don't want to hire.

No offense. But I think you could make a killing identifying people like this so that self-starting biz owners can avoid the mistake of hiring them.

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So reactivity is a good thing?

Sad. I thought good leaders are expected to be responsive.

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Leadership does require being responsive.

It also requires those to look at all the information, not just following a particular narrative, which agenda was followed during the whole covid-1984 boondoggle.

And now those same people, who ruined lives, ruined businesses, ruined so much more, want "covid amnesty."

Do they deserve this amnesty? I don't think so and am sure covid-19 was but the dress rehearsel for worse to come, wretched creatures that they are.

And now for many of these "leaders" to claim they did not really know what they were doing, well, there were plenty of people who had it right, starting with the Great Barrington Declaration. People who dared voice anything against the pre-planned agenda were ridiculed, mocked, cancelled, lost their jobs, and had their professional credibility besmirched.

Not only were these "leaders" following the pre-planned agenda, they also are guilty of harming people to the point of murder and should be held accountable. But they won't, so be prepared for more to come. . .

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Right, as you describe, all we got was reaction, not response.

But, also as you say, it was preplanned, so reaction is really all “leaders” could do.

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No, Matthew is just describing what tends to happen in these situations.

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I see. I guess I read this as advice: "One of the things I explain to them is the importance of being seen to be doing something."

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I work for a government education agency, when there's a new 'current thing', the agency has to look like they are responding. You produce a report, review etc to make it look like you are doing something. It doesn't matter if you are not or if you are actually making things work. This is standard procedure.

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Actually, they usually get a lot of money for being wrong.

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Or as the “brilliant and successful” (sarc) former mayor of Chicago - get to teach a course on leadership at Harvard. Pure insanity.

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Plus she is creepy on all fronts. The Left is never unemployed. No matter how they mess up, they get a new and better job somewhere else.

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I've said repeatedly that political decision-making is so diffuse--like a committee--that no one is responsible, and therefore, no one is HELD responsible. In such a system, accountability does NOT exist. In as much as elected politicians come and go, the bureaucracy is forever.

And this is why I say that the C-19 response was a trial run--to be repeated the next time a "crisis" is conjured into place through fear induced by government and media panic. It worked.

It doesn't matter the destruction of lives, livelihoods, businesses, careers, adolescent development and education, ad nauseum, etc. Those with power took more and did not relinquish any of it.

Ask yourself, where is the Blue-Ribbon Commission to investigate the death and destruction of the infection and the government response? I.e., the source of the crisis and the response to the crisis. What is being done to satisfy the demand "Never Again"?


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It needs the work of activists to put together like the International Covid Summit III - Part 1 - European Parliament, which was held in May 2023. I just watched both parts —very interesting.

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I think Søren Kierkegaard had a few words on this matter

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Can you recommend something of his in particular? (I'm a voracious reader...)


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More and more are waking up daily- and regretting their decision. Hope they'll learn their lesson and not trust "authorities" by entrusting their TV to the trashcan.

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I just had dinner with a mega-educated friend yesterday and she was telling me how convinced she was for most of the three years that she would soon die of the corona. She based much of her fear on what her news sources (MSM, of course) told her, a very limited amount of personal experience (a 94-year-old aunt who died of it), and a conviction she can recognize the truth and no one else can.

She's not unusual. I do know people who have cottoned on to the shots, but some of those people now are deciding they don't need anyone and are becoming callous. Another friend can't walk and carry her computer any more, although she used to easily. I explained about the mask. She didn't disagree.

As badly as we were affected by their policies, I think the damage of blind trust, arrogance in their own opinions, and an unwillingness to learn will do "the believers" greater harm long term because there's no cure for those things.

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But she didn’t notice a rather stark absence of sick people around her - not even as many as is usual for a typical Winter Cold & ‘flu season? Mega-educated doesn’t mean smart.

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No, it certainly does not mean smart. She only saw one neighbor and that went on for months. The friends who never went out were the ones who still say they would support a vax pass were it to happen again.

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Some people really love their cocoons.

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Seems they love even more thinking they are always correct and telling others that they are not.

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That's just a defense mechanism, though an offensive one, no doubt!

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Her Aunt probably died “with” but not “from” covid. And crappy protocols. 90+ yr old relative died in hospital but early treatment would more than like have saved him.

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Thanks for sharing Decaf. Wow, can't even carry a computer? Yes that is why they say, ignorance is the ultimate evil.

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She's a doctor, too, who now must deal with this mysterious, suddenly-too-heavy laptop.

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There's no external cure, anyway.

The only cure can come from within.

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Yes, a herd mentality, "my friends all agree with me, so I'm right" type of thinking is a killer.

Lately one of these people in my life began prefacing a slew of new criticisms of me with the words "this looks like you..." or "this will make people think you are...". If that's the reason to change...? Please! I'm not basing my thought process on anyone's opinion. I am happy to say that half of my friends do at least try to think for themselves.

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Thank goodness. Yes hang out with that half often, beware the negative energy of the other half and clear it daily with laughter and movement. The brain truly is a terrible thing to waste, but a beautiful thing to behold. Why all creation begins with gratitude for what we have I believe. Any point in time that you remember you began to think yourself, or woke up to the madness that is the real world?

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Exactly. I would have been more sympathetic with these people had there been open discussions. Even last night, the conversation was a closed circuit. She had her "facts" (MSM-generated), and they were the be-all and end-all for all her reasoning, and thus her experiences were justified.

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I disagree, the only people I know in my circles who refused the jab were women, myself included and my daughter. It’s nothing to do with gender but with personality and those who are prepared to follow their instincts and are prepared to stand away from the herd. Many women including the professor of Philosophy and Ethics Julie Ponesse stood their ground. Stop with your divisive tactics between the sexes, we need to unite and stop stereotyping people.

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Stereotypes exist for a very good reason. Not liking them doesn't make them wrong.

Killing Apu made the Simpsons less funny, and the stereotype is unchanged.

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Maybe stereotype was the wrong word to use but I felt annoyed by the comment when all the men I know followed the herd and did as they were told and the only resistors that I know were women. Maybe I’m not a typical woman as I have a Maths degree but even if they hadn’t done the research some of the women who resisted knew on an instinctive level something was wrong and didn’t follow the herd,

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I agree with you, Wendy.

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Due to human nature, many will be back in line come the next fake pandemic. It's that underlying fear factor.

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I hate to say it, but I agree with you. However at least there will be more open eyes this time. Constant small improvements , quality over quantity of those enlightened souls matters more than numbers I believe.

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We don't have time for small increments in awareness.

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one of the best decisions they will ever make. Haven't had one in 20 years and did not miss a thing, on the contrary. I 'missed ' seeing a lot of garbage! (from what I had to look at at friend's house)

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Amazing! Isn't it crazy when you go over someone's house, the stimulation of the mainstream is almost unbearable, like pungent garlic mixed with horse manure.

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deletedJun 3, 2023·edited Jun 3, 2023
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Man. I would've lost it. You couldn't pay me enough to tolerate that crap.

I do feel sorry for him though.

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I wonder if they can also entrust their computer screens to the same receptacle.

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Exactly! Those old school galvanized steel trash cans should be a good fit.

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The same thing happened around a decade ago with the debacle over the swine flu vaccination campaign. The media fear-mongered everyone into a panic, the government bought huge numbers of doses of an unnecessary vaccine, the vaccine proved to be unacceptably dangerous, no one wanted to take it, and warehouses full of the poison had to be destroyed. If I recall correctly though, that time there were at least hearings conducted into how Big Pharma had psyopped the planet into buying their worse than useless toxins.

You'd think they'd learn but nah.

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Oh but this time! This time people will finally learn. 😒

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Like the boy who cried wolf, this time the wolf will eat everyone in sight.

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I don't know if people will finally learn. If there is another "disease," and if people are given $$$$ to stay home, I think they'll stay home and get vaxxed, especially if the $$$ is tied to the vaxx.

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The good thing is that we don't know what people will do.

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The BigPharMafia and their major investors learned to better prepare their next global heist. They just bought the WHO, and corralled governments, pharmacovigilance, health care industry, mass media etc. through GAVI, CEPI and other assorted rackets.

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I think we should start referring them as the Pfi$er Crime Family.

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My uncle died paralyzed from the swine flu vaccine. His daughter is a drug rep now. And I’m the crazy conspiracy theorist cousin! But my soul is intact.

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They did learn. That was a trial balloon.

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Swine flu nonsense was thousand times better than covid scamdemic. No lockdowns, no masks, no firing people. And if you didn't care you didn't even go close the quakcine.

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1976 Swine flu. Less than 50 people died from the shots when the shots were pulled.

Mike Wallace interview...when "60 Minutes" used to do actual real journalism.


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Money talks ... follow the money 💰

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And words like ivermectin and hydroxy are spoken in whispers.

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Jun 2, 2023·edited Jun 2, 2023Liked by eugyppius

The most interesting point is what is missing: nowhere apparently is the blame for unused injections being placed on those terrible selfish people who refuse to have any more.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I seem to recall that Canada had paid for delivery of 300 million shots , almost 10 per citizen .

What an incredible slush fund the controllers have created in order to complete the installation of tyranny.

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The numbers are so disconnected from any practical or feasible application that one must immediately suspect massive corruption

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Justin Castro Trudeau gets $$$ for every dose.

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If they're so safe and effective; why are they so concerned about where they're disposed?

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Jun 2, 2023·edited Jun 2, 2023

Probably part of some Risk Mangement Plan. You can’t scratch your ass in an Australian workplace without one. Possibly the same in Germany.

This one is for AZ, but I’m sure there is one for each product. Funny how a “not a gene therapy” and “not a GMO” requires a risk assessment by the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator in Australia.

Disposal is dealt with on Line item 137 on page 30 of 85.


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I've only looked at the document you link to briefly, but the openly refer to it as GMO. I'll bet that 99.9% of the vaxxed don't know this.

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Holy moly. You're right. Unbelievable

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Ryan , sorry for being so cryptic. I thought you’d pick up my meaning when I called it “not a GMO”. Definitely not a GMO 😉

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Oh shoot. I like it when your cryptic!...;)

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Jun 3, 2023·edited Jun 3, 2023

I guess fact checkers never bothered to ask the equivalent of our Office of the Gene Regulator for their opinion. Basically, the point of line item 37 is they don’t want this GMO to enter the environment in an uncontrolled manner. That’s why it can’t just be flushed down the drain.

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They'll need a new bureaucratic commission/committee and a new department to figure all this out....;)

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The next Scamdemic is just around the corner ,that's when the extra venoms can safely be disposed of in the arms of the new victims .The tyrants will not let a good thing go to waste . The old vaxxes brew is just as good as any new ones . By now we should know that the stuff is not made for our good health but for profit and once the money is taken from us extermination down to about one billion useless eaters ,serving the owners of the planet .

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"The German press have become far less selective in the photographs they publish of German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach, now that the ghastly man and his horrible teeth are out of favour."


I come for the captions and stay for the insights, eugyppius.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by eugyppius

'Minister Karl Lauterbach, now that the ghastly man and his horrible teeth are out of favour' 🤣 - I'm often bemused by the absolute mediocracy of political figures that 'we' vote for. It says volumes about human psychology and about the nightmarish system/s of apparent leadership we accept..

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Your parenthesis should be around the word "vote". I don't think "we" would vote for this crap. It's like slaves voting to be whipped.

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We can not vote our way to freedom ,that's why I never voted in my 87 years for anyone .How someone can vote for someone they don't even know is a mystery for me .Daily I vote for myself many times ,to run my affairs and often I'm seriously wrong . Every country has a sickness Kommissar ,similar to Lauterbach ,he is just one of many like him or worse ,than him .

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In the US, we have our own "Rachel" Levine as being a health professional.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by eugyppius

What is crazy is that people are still getting this elixir injected, albeit, at even ever lesser numbers.

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Pretty sure most of the doses are going to residents in care homes who don’t have much say in what happens. My mum in Australia is up to her 5th shot

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dad is free to take or refuse, but got a 5th shot in Belgium. No common sense left in the poisoned people, so it seems. I have not been able to find out, if my cousin and her husband, in their 30s, both got 3rd shots and immediately after got sick with the virus, have taken any more. And the uncles and aunts who were very sick from the jabs. Probably all brain damaged on top of no immune system left.

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My mum has declined severely in the last 12 months. She is 86 but I do feel the jabs have accelerated this. She is really in full blown dementia now whereas before it was just small memory lapses.

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so sorry to read this. My mom was already pretty far gone when the jabs started and she got 5, just like my dad. Both in decline. Dad started about a year ago to be quite confused at times. We talk on the phone 2 times a week, as I have decided, with all these pilots dead and with heart problems, that I will no longer fly. Mom is 85 and dad 89 so everyone blames old age... no one connecting the dots!

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It’s very difficult. Sorry to hear about your parents also. Given my mums age I could not of course prove that the jabs caused her decline. But do I know it in my heart? Yes I do.

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The shots may introduce prions into the brain.

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yes I read some about that. He is of course up there in age, but until the jabs he seemed to be just fine

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So, as I understand it, Nattokinese is a good supplement to use for your blood pressure, heart and so on. It also appears to destroy the spike proteins. If you have a vaxxed relative that you're worried about, they might be amenable to taking nattokinese for general "health" reasons; aka, without mentioning the vaxx and spike proteins. That worked with a family member and her husband.


Only issue *might* be with someone who is taking BP meds.

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Natto shouldn't be taken by anyone taking a blood thinner either. Do thorough research before using it.

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Agree 110%. Always do your due diligence.

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It breaks down natural clots but does it affect the plastic-like clots?

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Jun 2, 2023·edited Jun 2, 2023

No idea. But... my thought at this point it's better to try something than do nothing. As I understand it, it stops the body from making spike proteins, which is the other concern.

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I agree. I bought some but when I asked my integrative medicine doctor, he told me not to take it because of my chronic inflammatory response syndrome. I gave some to my elderly mom but she only took it for a week.

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I wonder if by “destroy” they mean “bury in an unmarked hole in the ground” on some remote government property...

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I like how the article puts such emphasis, more than once, on procedurally correct disposal. "Don't worry we're not just pouring this stuff down the drain, OK?" seems to be the subtext.

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And what about the cost of this "safe and effective" destruction? How much is that? (Sorry could not resist using those words.)

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first pay for the making, then for the buying, then for the distribution, then for destroying. That is a VERY expensive experiment, and that does not even calculate the care for all the people damaged by the jabs, for all the lives lost, and for all the people that have to work to care for the handicapped and sick.

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We've also been paying for the promotion and advertising.

Politicians and gov beurocrats have zero respect for the tax payer. That's on evidence everywhere and all the time.

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had not even counted that ! absolutely, most do as they please, filling pockets. Only a handful of politicians stand for the people. How to get rid of all these truly useless eaters???

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They probably could, though. Many of these doses were probably just saline water.

There was no quality control whatsoever.

Billions of doses were produced so quickly in a few months. I doubt there was mRAN capacity to do that. Biontech previously only produced low dosages, for studies comprising a few hundred people. How would they be able to scale up so quickly?

I know a number of people who took the vaccine, and did not feel anything. Of course they proudly see it as proof of a successful vaccine. But IMO, anyone should have felt an immune reaction to the Spike protein.

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There was a woman on Dr. Drews show talking about the terrible shortcuts and malfeasance she saw in the manufacturing of these mrna poisons. One of her points was that conventional large vats with agitators were used for a product that was typically made in very small special containers. The MRNA product being very fragile to agitation and the fact the lipids used to encapsulate the product would simply separate out within the huge vessel. This resulted in a non consistent product... Might get a super hot vial of intact concentrated lipid/mrna or maybe just saline, or maybe a super hot vial of shattered mrna which would do God know's what...

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Yes, I worked in the lab on DNA (much more stable than mRNA), and it is absolutely impossible to scale up to billions of doses so quickly.

Also, in the beginning a big brouhaha was made about the cooling of the vials (below −70 °C), which was pretty much forgotten a few weeks after. Nobody knows what the byproduct of an damaged vacc solutions are.

In the VAERS database in the US, where side effects are tracked, they also track the number of the charge that is on the vial, and some charges have very high incidences, and some none at all.

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I have seen some of the early charts showing that.

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"There was no quality control whatsoever."

Whistle blowers in the EU leaked many documents where the European version of the FDA bluntly stated they had no way to insure quality, as no-one has any clue what that even MEANS in the context of an mRNA vaccine, and that "trusting Pfizer et. al" to get it right was the default and only path.

As I am more data and less conspiracy, I am of the opinion that vast numbers of vaccine injured are the result of being injected with contaminated or otherwise defective products. There are data that is provocative on this matter.

The whole mRNA idea might be the greatest disaster in human history for lots of reasons (I think it is), but it'll take time and honest research to expose this, and it'll be difficult because one will need to account for the undefined notion of "quality" (always a dodgy enterprise).

The "vaccine industry" is VERY powerful and I deeply regret that I had my children vaccinated (MMR, TAP etc). I was unaware of how bad things are until the whole Covid19 mRNA vaccination event took off and I took the time to investigate.

Excess deaths up, still births up, the bodies are piling up and no government health agency is remotely interested in knowing why

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Jun 2, 2023·edited Jun 2, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Remember?: "We're all in this together!"

The "this" in that sentence was purposefully made to have no clear definition. Because clearly the "this" in which "we're all in" together amounts to robbery, injury, and homicide for the goals of unimaginable enrichment of big pharma executives and previously unimaginable levels of government control.

So yeah, here we are. In this. Idiot fucken people just couldn't see clear to think it through.

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EU doses shipped and administered are here:


1.458 billon shipped - 976 million administered = 482 million unused or shipped to other countries via WHO/CEPI/GAVI's CoVAX

Administered by manufacturer here: 665 million PFE and 150 million MRNA, total 815 (AZN 67m, JnJ 19m = around 900m and around 75 million donated?)


I put together some estimates of major countries unaccounted for doses a while back (Oct 2022) a re-referenced it here:

https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/the-partys-over-you-burst-my-virus how many doses have been destroyed and how many have yet to be delivered?

That showed 7 unused doses per capita for the EU and Canada - average 3 unused doses per capita for others like the US/UK/Oz/NZ

Point is, most (90%?)pf those "unaccounted for" doses are for the original C19 injection, that targeted the extinct original variant that was superseded by others and finally Omicron in October 2021.

Another scandal that will never be discussed or prosecuted is that it was known IN ADVANCE by health regulators and big pharma that there would be immune escape via the forcing of variants. This forcing occurred even DURING clinical trials to create the Delta variant.

skip to 2:08 minutes here for a map of the variants forced by clinical trials.


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whatever happened to the need to keep these injections at sub-zero temperatures? "Quality control" I guess is no longer a thing.

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🤣😂🤣😂 yep. QC is so pre2020. Hopefully it will go retro, very soon.😉

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Two colleagues here in Seattle just got their 3rd booster each …. ( total of 6 shots)

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Seems Seattleites especially fell for it hook line and sinker.

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Cleaning up the gene pool

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I'm wondering if they thought with mandates and passports that a lot more people would have been forced to take the garbage, and not just twice but booster after booster after booster after....thereby not having extra unused trash.

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Yes. Goes to show the power of united noncompliance.

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