
I've been working on a longer piece on the Dark Winter tabletop exercise for two days now, but I offer you this small morsel in the meantime.

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Spent most of today down the smallpox rabbit hole trying to understand from old papers how the virus is generally transmitted. For such a straightforward question about such a heavily studied pathogen, you'd think there would be clearer answers.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

It’s very hard to transmit actually except in a specific stage of illness. It’s why quarantine was so effective for it - quarantine at fever and be extremely careful (full hazmat level careful). A long time ago I read a forum post by Hilary Butler who is very knowledgeable on this. If you can find anything from her it’s well researched info. Guessing it’s been sert from the internet by now as it was over 15 years ago I saw it, when people still shared info without censorship being the status quo.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Smallpox ended because of quarantine, not because of vaccination. Smallpox vaccination is where the original anti-vax movement springs from. Villages with 100% vaccination rates still had outbreaks. Then one village started quarantining and stopped vaccinating. And like magic their outbreaks ended. (Sorry I don’t remember the town name anymore but I believe it was in England. Hopefully that helps.)

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

The town in England was Leicester where in 1885 the townspeople rebelled against the smallpox vaccine because they recognized it was killing their children. If I remember correctly, about 200,000 people came from all over to demonstrate with them and they stopped the smallpox mandate. Other towns continued with the shots and with the smallpox, but Leicester became smallpox-free.

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I'm reading a new biography about Noel Coward and apparently his parents at the turn of the last century refused to get him vaccinated even though it was a legal requirement. His father simply paid a fine of ten shillings. The anti-vax movement involved people objecting to state interventions in their private lives. Some things don't change!

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This is an excellent resource for Leicester story.

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Fantastic sleuthing!

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I read Dissolving Illusions last year but don't remember the exact numbers, just that one of the vaccinators had a son who was severely handicapped after the vaxx.

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Wow. There were anti-vaxx demonstrations?

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I read a long study that it ended when many others ended—with better sanitation.

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I have heard this anecdote many times over the last year, regarding for example Measles and Polio as well. I wonder if this hypothesis was studied and tested. I'm not sure, offhand, how it could be.

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They showed a graph of deaths of all these diseases over the years and they all took a nose dive in the 1930-1950 period, right before the vaccines came out. Childbirth deaths also took a nose dive with more sanitary practices.

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Find it on yandex, there are other articles blaming her for conspiracy to lie as well.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Purposeful double speak, I'd guess... anything to obfuscate the truth...

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Medicine is 90% art and 10% science.

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We were not allowed to utilize the art of medicine for Covid, only “science approved “ algorithms.

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And “models.”

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Modern medicine ignores diet, fitness, sleep, and anxiety when trying to treat diseases. If by art you mean hopelessly shooting in the dark, yes.

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Medical billing is 90% art and 10% “economic science” too

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Medicine is a machine and doctors are just the machine operators. But well paid for such a mundane job none the less.

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I guess you will come across many different versions - you know , the experts did not always agree on things (knowing form experience, reading 16 pages on diabetes, 11 exactly the same, probably copied from their studybooks, and 5 very different ones. I took the Dutch professor, who does research, and published the results of one of the healthy test persons - I do not have diabetes according to this page, I do for all but one of the others!)

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deletedAug 22, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius
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Aug 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Makes you wonder about a lot of unreal real truths and lies... and how long they have been leading us around like horses..

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like some forbidding grapes and bananas, others say you gotto eat those but not melons or pineapple, and others say you should not eat fruit at all. Now which one is it? I decided to eat whatever I want. I don't think I will die from any of these LOL

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Certainly someone else's version of "real" gains momentum because they are convinced they are right, and power comes from gleefully forcing this belief down everyone else's throats. When we don't like the taste it produces, we are hit over the head and sanctioned for complaining. Woe betide those who actually dare voice their discontent or outright resist. It feels like human history operates on a revolving door and we are trapped within the consequences.

PS And maybe flying on a plane after ruffling feathers higher up isn't a good idea?

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And dare we say the king has no clothes!

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Dig into the topic of evolution. Read Darwin's Doubt and other books that show it's impossible, didn't happen. You'll never look at "settled science" the same way again.

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Don't forget to add the red food coloring, otherwise it's not lava.

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And yet the ARROGANCE of SCIENCE persists in our society... and people go along with it 🤷‍♀️

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Fauci's arrogance certainly is well documented

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but is he really a scientist?

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No, he's "The Science!"

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They need to quit going along with it ....

As the Usual Suspects ensure we get new RSV “vaccines,” we shouldn’t forget the biggest Covid lie of all - the narrative that Covid was a top killer of children.


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When I was young, college students used to storm the admin building and take deans hostage over this kind of nonsense.

WTF happened to American youth? (Rhetorical question. I know EXACTLY what happened to them.)

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Has anyone disproven the book, turtles all the way down..

It proven the germ theory, if this is real or fact.

How is disease or pathogens spread . Don't look up..

What's up there? Funny clouds maybe . Maybe chemtrails.. who knows . Maybe that is how COVID or any illness is spread.

Maybe terrain theory is a better hypothesis ..

Any ideas anyone ??

How do 3CJANT protect themselves from these dangerous pathogens, hasmat suits. Not stupid masks .

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Aug 22, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I went down the Ebola rabbit hole and found a very important name I suggest warrants investigation. Pardis Sabeti. A very influential actor in the lockdowns, contact tracing, surveillance, mandates, testing, etc. She has an amazing publicist, here's a small sample:

The Future of Virus Tracking Can Be Found on This College Campus

NY Times, May 17, 2021


Breakthrough - Technologies for Pandemic Preparedness

Brookings Institution, January 25, 2022



A virus detection network to stop the next pandemic

TED2020, April 2020


Pardis Sabeti Is Saving the World… Again

The Register Forum, The Student Newspaper of Cambridge, December 7, 2020


Responding to this pandemic, preparing for the next

Harvard Gazette, May 13, 2020


Her biggest complaint about pandemic protocols is that they weren't imposed faster and harder. Which isn't surprising when you learn who her father is.

Pardis Sabeti. The much- feared former chairman of the Shah of Iran's SAVAK security forces. Brutal. Mental and physical torture. Constant surveillance. Zero dissent tolerated. Individual rights dismissed. The reason the Shah was overthrown in the first place. (Frying pan --> Fire)

Torture and Denials of Rights Laid to Iran by Jurists’ Group

New York Times, May 29, 1976


SAVAK: A Feared and Pervasive Force

Washington Post, May 9, 1977


A CIA product. And no doubt so is his daughter to be doing what she's doing now. I'd be interested in your thoughts about this small morsel?

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But wait - there's more!

For one, she's not embarrassed or apologetic about her father's reign of terror. He was a defender of freedom! - she believes, protecting Iranians from the Islamic thugs now running Iran. All that freedom, free speech he stood for when torturing and killing dissidents she and he now protest Iran over. Sounds a lot like US foreign policy declarations about protecting Ukraine's democracy and freedom.

And it's not like she's apologetic about her father. Recent news about her and him at protests against the Iranian regime:

'Hands Are Stained With Blood': Iranians Outraged After Shah-Era Secret-Police Official Attends U.S. Rally



At her TIME100 Leadership Award she got she had this to say:


"Sabeti, herself a refugee from Iran whose family fled the country shortly before the 1979 Iranian Revolution, said that her achievements in infectious disease research were only made possible by the “freedom” and “opportunities” she experienced growing up in the U.S. Amini, she said, was planning on studying microbiology and one day medicine. “Those are the fields of my own research and my own life,” Sabeti said. “But her dream was unjustly cut short.”

Pardis Sabeti is a eugenics geneticist. Her work is inspired by her regime thug enforcer father. And viral evolutionary dynamics, engineering. She shared the stage with another eugenics geneticist at the TIME100 Summit in April, 2019 - George Church. Talking about the ethics of things like viruses targeted to kill an individual or ethnicity.

Short clip: https://sg.news.yahoo.com/dr-george-church-dr-giuliana-214036340.html

Long clip: https://time.com/5574168/doctors-ethical-medical-miracles-time-100-summit/

George Church is at the center of the genetics/eugenics research world. And this was a discussion on the bioethics of the work. Interestingly, George Church received a LOT of funding from Jeffrey Epstein. Who himself was a big eugenicist. Ideas of his genes launching a big lineage in the new world order where lesser gene donors aren't in the plans. This was one of Jeffrey Epstein's biggest focuses. He also funded Martin Nowack bigly. Man of many talents. Virus design, social and behavioral scientist ('nudge' psychology'), mathematical genius applied to programmed evolutionary dynamics (PED). Epstein buddy. Many of the frequent visitors to Epstein Island were similar types of scientists and people with interests in eugenics and viruses, like Bill Gates. Maybe the little pedophilia thing was just a side show to other embarrassing subjects he didn't kill himself over?

Anyhow, it's an interesting rabbit hole to go down. Where those with ethics like these people are leading the global invisible disease to be fearful of "safety" protocols. Maybe you'd like to fly with a Fox on a Magic Persian Carpet Ride to discover more, then follow the rabbit holes it leads to?:


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That's really interesting, and of effing course they are so inflated and drunk with power psychosis that they'd want to get their own genes in the next generation en masse. Of course. Some of those scientists, like Robert Trivers, may just have wanted the money Epstein could provide, since universities are essentially corporations now, but of course some of them are eugenicists. If you read Meryl Nass' analysis of the One Health EcoHealth documentation, you find that they just think we are livestock and they think they are gods making hybrids of the livestock. It is hilarious that they think they are such fine genetic specimens, well, tragicomic. I am reading Children of the Jacaranda Tree, about imprisonment and persecution in Iran. It was devastating there.

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Right! Terrible. Terrifying. Is it a coincidence that one of the leading figures in combating an invisible enemy with dystopian population control and terror - masks are "fear amplification" devices, aka "terrorizing" like why bank robbers and hijackers wear them - is it just a coincidence that this leading figure, Pardis Sabeti, is in her medical tyranny role because of her genetics, who she was spawned by? Another sociopathic tyrant?

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eugyppius, or anyone else who understands this topic that's a lot more than I'm able to bite off right now. Martin Nowack wrote this dissertation at Universität Wien in 1989:

Stochastic strategies in the prisoner's dilemma

Mathematics Subject Classification:

91—Game theory, economics, social and behavioral science


Some high level mathematics and theory in this. How can this subject he took up inform us about his work in fields I listed above, including eugenics, virus design, programmed evolutionary dynamics, nudge psychology, etc? There is a prominent role in much that we see evolving around us that I rather suspect he's playing. What does his study and expertise in this type of game theory tell us about him, things to come?

More of his work:


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Ah, Briben's infamous "Winter of Death" speech directed toward "the unvaccinated" which was also implemented all over the western world. From an American perspective, I remember that time well. It was probably even worse in Germany.

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what a nightmare! Notice they waited until everyone's paid their tuition?

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I don't think there's going to be much compliance, and enforcement is going to be impossible. Does anyone on this forum know a student or faculty member there? I'll be interested to see what happens, because it may be a microcosm for wider re-instatement of these noxious policies.

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I agree, it would be interesting to have an inside look.

But perhaps they are trying to be the leading edge in stomping down the critical thinkers. They are preparing young citizens to be cogs.

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Notice that it's an historically black college. I bet at least some of the mainly white libtard colleges will want to do this too as an act of misguided solidarity with the poor "Black and Brown people of color"; this is a bad sign.

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I'm surprised to see people who use the term "libtard" commenting here. Who left the back door open to your self-conscious jealous self-deprecating attitudes?

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You need some commas in that string of adjectives. Why would you be surprised at my or anyone else's use of that term? Are you a libtard?

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My thoughts as well.

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deletedAug 22, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023
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really? sad.

I always thought it was a "not going to trust your damn vacks, but I'll mask to protect myself" thing

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Even some ghetto blacks are adamant maskers. I live on the South Side of Chicago. Voluntary masking is a preserve of podgy libtard whites, uppity blacks, and certain ghetto types.

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That's what I see and hear in Detroit, but this was a hot zone, an outlier. Lots of outside and in the car masking, but there were a large number of deaths in all socio-economic and age brackets. Almost 6000 people died in my zip code. So fear here isn't predicated solely on the news, and government trust is really, really low (as it should be). However much the pharma captured media prattle on, the comments under the detroit news youtube videos are vicious and awakened.

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What sorts of things do they say?

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deletedAug 22, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023
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Same here. Example: for convenience I sometimes go to the church across the street, which is about as multicultural as it gets (not a bad thing.) Although during the shutdown the other parishioners and I who refused to wear masks joined the "traditional" parish a couple miles away. Even at the church closest to me they have long since done away with the masks and covered up the social distance markings with a new carpet runner. (The stickers left a permanent mark on the tile.) But, the few lone hold outs who still wear masks are all 5th generation Mexican-Americans who HATE Trump and LOVE Biden. Not the recent immigrants, but the well-established. I know them and they really saw the whole BLM movement as something that put us gringos in our place and finally put people of color on top. I think they keep wearing the mask because it makes permanent in their minds their newfound sense of superiority that was linked with the masks because the BLM riots and the plandemic happened simultaneously. The parish has decreased in size because about 200 non-mask wearers, (yes, mostly anglo,) switched to the traditional parish in town where almost nobody wore a mask, and the priest never wore a mask.

Funny thing is, as you said, the mask only comes on at church, along with a mantilla, (which nobody else wears at this parish.) It's pure virtue-signalling except It looks creepy as all get-out and is more like a ridiculous costume at this point.

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Where do you live?

Though I think there may be much to what you say, it's been my observation that individuals of this sort are extremely conventional and have gotten to the positions they have through obedience.

No one likes an upiddy "whatchacallit". Obama epitomizes this head-down "whatchacallit" ethos. Assuming a libertarian posture is well and good but likely doesn't comport with perceptions of civil liberty protections in the eyes of such individuals.

Putting aside the psy-op of BLM and the phantasm of Mr Warpspeed aside, I've found individuals of the "head-down" sort extremely disposed toward discourses garbed in medical rhetoric. These are not NYC workers and other types as highly suspicious of government as those similarly oriented in the American hinterland listening to country music.

Thence, the "head-downers" are highly susceptible to psychological warfare of a medical nature. Masquing is indicative of responsibility to their minds. There's something quite similar throughout all East and SE Asia. Conversely, NA Indians, people of the Caribbean, and Africa were much, much more incredulous of the entire bit, which is very hard to fathom given their not being bathed in the high virtues of liberty and democracy emanating from the West. <<ahem>>

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that sounds very burqa-like

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I haven't noticed that where I live, but then, we're all pretty disobedient.

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where is that?

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the maskers left here in rural GA are mostly middle age white people. Have only seen one middle age black cashier, but she had what looked like a very expensive mask so might be a show case.

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The only ones masking in my part of rural GA are non-natives, usually wealthier escapees from other states, known hereabouts as modern-day carpetbaggers.

Or maybe they are just a'feared of catching cooties from us hillbillies....

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Where I live, incomings help raise the market value of all properties on the market. I don't hear many of our native locals dissing that. In lots of cases, it aids in locals down-sizing at a profit. Just wait til climate change really gets roolling in your area. Going to be interesting. Who will step up up and introduce the adaptive measures you'll welcome then.

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Ah, good old virtue signaling, with the enforcement mechanism being peer pressure.

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I'm in Louisiana and have noticed this as well. High level of masking among black people, but especially in places like Whole Foods & upper end stores.

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This will be happening in Germany soon. It will be happening in all the gullible 🐩 countries. Here's the reason why:

Aug 21, 2023 Covid vaccine stocks jump as new variants emerge ahead of fall shot rollout


Aug 7, 2023 Covid Vaccine Makers' Stocks Crash To Multiyear Lows Monday As Sales Keep Sliding


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My first thought! $$$

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You beat me to it.

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No I hadn't! And I like it. Thanks for that point

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Never allow women to be put in charge.

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This sure as hell wouldn’t happen under my watch. Fauci, Neil Ferguson, the world was locked down both by men AND women who thought they knew better. (Not ignoring Deborah Birx or the former PM of NZ - so I don’t think gender had anything to do with it but I can say the most loud influential voices have been males in the media around me. Quite frankly I wouldn’t care if they were aliens, they all need to be stopped.

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Males or males assigned at birth?

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Thanks, your reply is a lot better than mine.

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I’d have to agree but believe it is a general feminization of culture. Meaning men trying to be more like women because they are told they are evil (and women being told they should be more like men to succeed - we are all sorts of effed up right now). Each sex has good and bad qualities. We’ve lost sight of that.

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As a female, I sort of take exception to this sweeping statement.

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Without the bovine compliance of suburban women, none of this would have been possible.

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Recently - as in less than 2 months ago, I was in a hospital without a mask. 2 men who walked by and saw me not wearing one then removed their own. One put on his chin, the other removed and tried to non chalantly hide in his pocket.

They saw a woman not wearing one and decided to follow. I didn’t wear one for years before my husband stopped wearing one. He hates conflict, I hate lies. I view masks as a giant lie. So I didn’t wear one. Our hospital mandate just ended less than 2 months ago btw so it was 3 years I dealt with being othered and glared at for not masking. Most men around me couldn’t handle that and chose to mask up instead. I don’t think it’s truly gender based though. It’s all about individual fortitude. Are you strong enough to do your own thing against the herd? There are both men and women who are. Heck my teens were. But majority of people weren’t.

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I'm a woman and I live in SW VA between two universities and while I agree that women can be ridiculous about many things, I caught more crap from men about not masking than women.

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Same happened to me. I am a woman and I was screamed at by more men than women when I went maskless in public.

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I wish we could be so brave in South Africa, but during the mandates the police were very violent to woman and would keep you in the cells just for the fun as long as they could so we complied as far as putting them on as soon as we saw a policeman!

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oh, men where I live are just as rabidly compliant

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Here too. Because they are afraid of women

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My husband masked for years when I didn’t. He wasn’t afraid of women. He was afraid of society in general. Though I do think suburbanite women were likely the nastiest on social media.

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They have been the worst. The worst of the worst are those who were so counter-culture anti-establishment in the 60s

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I'm starting to feel trolled

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This so-called discussion of men vs. women is surely a ridiculous waste of time. Silly.

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lol, maybe you are right

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Come on people; idiocy knows no sex. There were & are plenty of dopes of both sexes (& the other 10,000 “genders” we apparently have now) w/out saying one or the other was worse, or shouldn’t be in charge.

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Or the men who instead of a cause to obtain virtu, are content to virtue signal

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I concede that women tend to be more strident about it (karens), but enough men also buy into it that I think a sweeping assignment of blame to one gender or the other is specious. And unfair.

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As a female, I have to say.... most women are very empathetic and honestly, empathy isn't always the correct response in terms of leadership. Hate to be hard on my sex, but men seem somewhat better at leadership roles than most (but not all) women.

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I would say women are not so much empathetic as having extremely sensitive antennae, for good and ill. Women can be brutal in sensing the weaknesses of others and exploiting that to maximum usefulness.

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As a male, I sort of agree, but I'd take Tulsi Gabbard over Joe Biden and 95% of the fools in Congress.

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Yeah, but a tree stump would be better than Robert Peters. The stump is probably not taking bribes.

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Sort of? How about we all agree that pathology isn’t unique to one sex. The way pathologies are expressed probably do differ, on average.

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After this thread has progressed, I regret my "sort of" which was a lame attempt to soften my remark. I'm starting to think that person had a fight with his wife or something.

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All generalities are bad.

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Me too, except omit the ‘sort of’.

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Never trust any statement that uses the word never.

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"There are no absolutes!" (except this statement?) /jk

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I sort of agree, but I'll take Marjorie Taylor Greene over Joe Biden.

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Yep, women are 1000% responsible for Atomic weaponry, wars, the ponzi stock market, gang warfare, Jeff Bezos and the fucking teapot dome scandal.

If women have been in charge historically and this happened, I'd fear for what men would do on their own.

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I’ve liked this, both because I like Dr Briggs, and because I think if understood as meaning we should avoid methods of handling problems which are more common to women then it is unarguably true.

But plenty of men behave effeminately in our current set-up.

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What the hell is wrong with you? Are you simply a moron?

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Wow, sexist much? Last I checked, the whole plandemic debacle happened with mostly men at the helm.

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In reality a good many deluded men should be included in that ban.

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the world will always be a crazy place because men do stuff to impress women, but women don't know what they want

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It has nothing to do with gender but everything to do with greed.

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Gen Z are PUSSIES—the complete lack of any sort of pushback from the young people is the most disheartening aspect of the corona panic. They are a TERMINAL EVENT for civilization

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Young people are primed to jump on any fad at the least encouragement to do so. If your crowd is jumping on a really bad fad you're out of luck.

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Hopefully the next fad is thinking for themselves.

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Ain't that what they call an oxymoron?

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The youngest generation have always been the ones most in favor of highly visible and disruptive actions to create what they see as fairness and justice. Nothing Gen Z specific about that. Nor is it new behavior from universities. The only difference now is that their administrations are much more visible and important than 100 years ago.

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"...administrations are much more visible and important than 100 years ago."

because they are now grossly overpaid executive types instead of educators who emphasize the students, as they were 100 years ago. Look at who the Regents are, you see the same thing.

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When I was that age I cared not a whit for "fairness and justice." I was a desperate romantic and I was deeply contemptuous of authority of any kind. My friends and I chased girls and fucked with our teachers.

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glad you kept that thinking streak

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what is that quote that hard men make for soft times and soft men make for hard times.

(using men to mean both genders)

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I guess we can with total confidence say that this college is run by morons.

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How embarrassing for alumni and students.

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Malevolent morons. Anyone failing to discern the deliberate core agenda of evil that is driving the present insanity, is refusing to see the situation as it really is existentially. Jesus' evaluation of the character of the powers that were in His day, applies today glaringly: "A nest of vipers."

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The college accepts lots of federal funds and then accepts the gov'ment meddling of course


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Aug 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Just a reminder that it's not over, and we should never let it go

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Honestly I think if enough people ignored the media it would be over. Mass civil disobedience would end it. The university wouldn’t do crap like this if nobody complied. And yet the people complying are apparently fools too because they have strength in numbers. Sue the university and be done with it once and for all. It’s so ridiculous.

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Warren Buffett already came with a warning that a new more dangerous virus is coming. How do they always know, right? It's as if...??

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Is everyone aware of the secret hidden illegal "Chinese research lab" found in Reedley CA several weeks ago? (But actually last Nov./ Dec. and silenced by the CA Dept. of Health.) It's a hushed up story here in the US, hardly covered by mainstream, and barely mentioned except online and by one county politician. They have been testing viruses on genetically altered mice since 2020 apparently, and no one knows who "they" were or how many more labs there are or why the CA Dept. of Health told the local county Dept of Health not to report anything. It was reported when found by the little city inspector, and then the local GOP politician who was furious. Very disturbing story. I think the rise of things like smallpox, TB, typhus, chickenpox, measles and a few other viruses may possibly be related? You all may want to check this story out. It's in the Central Valley of CA, Fresno County. (I am from CA originally and have family in the general area, and even they haven't heard much.)

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And weren’t they also making rapid covid home testing kits for sale in the U.S. at that lab?

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oh geez! I thought he wasn't part of that cabal

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he seems to be one of key players

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ugh! thanks.

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Morris Brown College has been "on the brink" for 20 odd years now, lost its accreditation and has enrollment of as few as 50 students. It's run by idiots and deserves to be shut down. Maybe this will cause it to close its doors for good.

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Great find. I also found an article that reported that the college received a 2.9 million dollar great secured by US Senator Jon Ossoff earlier this year, one of the 2 democrats who won their special "elections" during the heated 2020 cycle in Georgia, ostensibly giving the dems the majority in the senate, and therefore allowing all types of COVID shenanigans to be pushed through by the Biden regime. The little college now owes its paymasters.

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Even better find! That's a very interesting detail.

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would like to see that as a signal. a signal that would be a true virtue through it's message to other institutions

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how can you socially distance from something that doesnt exist on campus?

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Aug 22, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023Author

very good question. people often behave as if the virus might be spontaneously generated from close contact itself, and so contact is avoided even in its total absence.

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Virtual Existence + Virtual Distancing + Virtual Protection = Total Lunacy

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Aug 22, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Parts of the US has lost its collective mind 🙄

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Many people suspected a return to mask mandates and vax mandates--all in time for the 2024 elections. I was an optimist b/c I couldn't believe the bureaucrats would try that again. I wanted to think we were smart enough not to fall for the charade.

I fear I'm wrong. They WILL try it again.

The Big Question is whether sensible people will allow it to happen.

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Where’s their risk assessment, covering such items as inhalation of microfibres, masks causing bacterial infections, increased CO2 in circulatory system, trip and fall hazard due glasses misting up, etc?

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I know someone who manages clinical trials for Pfi$er. When I talked about the risk/reward of the vaxxes, her explanation was "any medical side effects are worth it, since C0VID is fatal to the unvaxxed." So all of those side effects listed above are acceptable.

The funny part is that she knows my husband and I both are unjabbed and survived C0VID. We don't talk about it anymore because it would ruin our friendship.

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She is comfortable lying to your face.

She would be the first to point you out as a dirty unjabbed if it ever came to that

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Is friendship with a monster, really friendship?

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I'm not vaxxed and have not had COVID, but did fall two days in a row due to the mask causing my glasses to fog up, breaking my ankle and busting my head over my eyebrow requiring 5 stitches; then breaking my collarbone and seriously bruising my hip and damaging muscles in my leg requiring TWO years of physical therapy. Total cost for emergency rooms, medical treatment, and therapy was well over $40,000. I'm not wearing a mask again.

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I'm so sad for you.

How are you now?

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I'm lots better but my hip will never be the same. It was a really hard fall and I'm lucky I didn't break my hip. I've had trouble with falling for years due to Fibromyalgia and other auto-immune issues. But the mask wearing and sidewalks with curbs along with glasses and humidity did me in. I live in a rural area and we don't have sidewalks, just grass to roads, no transition. I fell because of curb cuts for wheelchairs, saw the flat place for the chair but missed the other part where there was the 4" curb and the othre foot fell right off. I'm a dork.

I look back at it now and realize how funny the two days were and how upsetting the episodes must have looked to others. I used to be a volunteer firefighter/EMT so when I fell each time I didn't panic, get upset, emotional, I basically assessed myself and figured it was no big deal. Others, however, could see the blood gushing from above my eyebrow and were talking about stitches, the ER, an ambulance and all and I'm wondering what they were all upset about. It wasn't until a lady got a sanitary napkin out of her bag and slapped it on my forehead that I understood I had a real problem. The NEXT day when I fell again (no I hadn't been drinking) I heard the crack when I hit my shoulder and hip and I realized that I yelled out a cuss word in front of little kids. I did get up and this time no one came to help. When I got up I tried to find a bathroom so I could look at my shoulder/collarbone. A hotel person told me how far away the bathroom was and I had a bit of a meltdown, and she insisted on calling an ambulance, I just wanted to look at it myself and see how bad things were. After a back and forth I realized she's looking at me, the lady who's hot, sweating, holding her shoulder, scraped knee, and has a huge bandage on her head with stitches saying no to an ambulance cause she fell again. So I said yes. Disney has excellent emergency services for guests, the ER at both hospitals were great, I was alone and they made sure I got back to the hotel safely, I got to the airport and upgraded myself to first class (on Spirit Airlines, ooooooo) so I didn't have to be in a tiny seat between people) and the attendant helped me tie my shoe. My husband met me in Charlotte so I could finally take some good pain meds and sleep the rest of the way home. I looked pitiful enough so people were nice to me.

Thanks for asking. I'm a tough warrior.

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That is not a friend. Dump her immediately before she stabs you in the back.

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You sound like my sister Plays bridge every week with a lady who thinks it’s ok to transgender a 10 year old! I was like Why the fuck

Would you hang around with someone like that! I’d rather hang with my dog and drink some wine!

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Well.... not exactly. The green agenda friend lives a state away; I haven't seen her in four years. The other lives on the other end of the country; I see her once every other year. Maybe. So... not people I see every day.

Plus... although these people are part of the C0VID problem, they can be allies on other things, like saying no to CBDCs and 15 minute cities.

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None. There is no analysis here.

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"Select gatherings." But there will be so many exemptions for the rule-makers. And two weeks will become two months, and these kids are at near zero risk. They will save more lives by banning drunk parties than they will from COVID.

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If they riot, it will be okay. The virus knows to avoid civil unrest.

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Here in Vermont, all social distancing rules evaporated when the George Floyd BLM virus arrived....

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Minneapolis was locked down tight until that. Public health was not worried about the peaceful rioters, yet still encouraged people to call a hotline if a neighbor had too many visiting cars parked at their house.

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Only for BLM and the like Conservatives and churches bad! Virus loves them

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The Science remains as impervious to science as academics remain immune to reason.

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Notice where this is being trialed--a campus. On a campus people are more likely to be woke, uninformed that all of these measures are complete failures and are dangerous, and mindlessly obedient.

They are hitting New York and Michigan, both states with many of the same sort of people. Once they go to these places, this will "trigger" other like (un)minded people elsewhere to point to this and say--see, they are doing it for the good of everyone. We need to do that too!

This is well calculated and manipulative. I am certainly hoping that there are people on that campus who will say, hell no and either withdraw immediately or better yet, start filing civil cases and criminal charges. These things have been adjudicated in courts of law and there are precedents. A college may not abrogate the Constitution. For the rest of us, we have to dig in our heels and refuse!

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I want to cry.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Someone needs to sue the university. Geez. What losers are at the helm there.

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