Australian Media: "Majestic Princess cruise with 800 COVID-19 patients set to dock in Sydney"
Three years later and the press is still reporting cruise ship outbreaks like they matter. I just want everything to stop being so stupid.
Somehow cruises are still a thing, which people are still somehow doing.
Specifically, around 4,600 people are currently aboard the Majestic Princess as she approaches Sydney. Among the amusements provided them by the wise administrators of Princess Cruises is apparently a rigorous antigen testing regimen, doubtless because passengers and crew alike believe this is hygienic and responsible, even though none of them, if challenged, could defend their bizarre compulsion or explain its benefits in any way at all. Alas, idiocy has consequences, and suddenly around 800 testees turn out to have SARS-2 antigens in their mucus. This is now a newspaper story in multiple languages, because everything has to be extremely, unbearably stupid all the time now.
According to press reports, some of these 800 people feel mildly unwell, while others feel totally healthy. Nobody is dying or seriously ill in any way. Regardless of anybody’s actual medical condition, all 800 have been confined to quarters, while the rest of the passengers have been required to don masks, and – I swear this is real – “crew members have been advised to wear full PPE.”
Australian news also notes that “The Majestic Princess has been ranked by NSW Health as a tier three risk level,” which sounds extremely terrible. They report further that “there are no plans to prevent any unwell passengers from disembarking” when the ship arrives at port tomorrow morning, and if you can detect a little regret behind those words, perhaps it’s because 800 positive passengers represents a staggering 4% increase in the current case count of New South Wales.
Some days I am very optimistic that the pandemic at least is behind us, and then I stumble across a story like this one, and I basically want to abandon all of civilisation and take up residence by myself on a desert island somewhere. While the most intrusive pandemicist policies have died an ignominious death, the toxic and idiotic cultural attitudes that supported them are still alive and well, and waiting – just waiting – to seize the levers of policy once again.
My mother in law has this gaggle of idiot COVIDian friends. She’s the only one in the group who didn’t take the jab and they’re just now finally deigning to be around her not double masked.
Anyway the vaxxie biddies keep tEsTinG pOsiTivE after their meetups and they have this whole frantic messaging to sTay sAfe and quarantine. They freaking LOVE it. It’s never going away.
The last paragraph.... I could have written that one! So maybe this island will not be that lonely after all!