What frightens me most is the complete dismantling of the concept of bodily autonomy by Government. What will prevent them demanding a kidney? How can the vaxxed not see where that leads once the precedent is set/lost?

As a person who all my life was horrified by casual gun ownership, I now wish I lived in a US red state...

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Paula, your language is still part of the problem. There is no such thing as casual gun ownership. It is a serious business to fulfill your 2A rights. It means gun safety and knowing how to use it when needed. That means training. Perhaps it is time to visit your local gun range and talk to an instructor. They will be glad to see you and help with any false notions you have about guns.

Yes, I'm poking you a bit, but I think you are now open to learning that guns are part of the American culture, and for good reason. Join and enjoy.

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Joe, you have misunderstood or perhaps my use of 'casual' wasn't quite appropriate. I simply meant when citizens are legally entitled to own guns. Ie.not just the police/authorities. I wasn't making reference to how citizens handle/care/employ their use.

I live in England, a very different culture in this respect! Which was why I meant what I said, I do believe the Second Amendment will save parts of the US.

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I knew exactly what you meant by "casual gun ownership" because that is the way you have been informed or groomed to believe perhaps. No I was not put off. You meant such a wonderful 2nd Amendment right!

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Not really groomed Rosemary- if I was the gullible sort I would cheering this nightmare on wouldn't I?

No, I just meant a society where ordinary citizens can legally own guns. We do have people here who for Sport generally. But obviously very different to the US. I was trying to pay the US founding fathers a compliment- they really did forsee everything.

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I think the 2nd Amendment is why we in the U.S. are not *already* Australia or Austria or Lithuania. It's certainly not for lack of desire by the scumbags who run things here.

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"US" suggested Paula is not in the US.

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Yup, that's why I moved to red state (and will start accumulating fire arms)

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I am so glad I live in the state of Texas. We are completely armed and we have started to stock up on food. We’re living in insane times right now and it’s best to be prepared.

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I prefer to stay in my state and work towards turning it red.

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Remember: Move near cities, infiltrate local organizations, apply Alinksky rules, and bringin support from the outlying suburbs. Be funny, be cool and subvert their programs.

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Admirable! But I chose the easier path, it's impossible to turn IL (at least at the moment)

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Have to agree. It's getting bluer. But that's OK, even in Illinois we can own guns.

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Or at minimum, sane.

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To date it hasn’t helped us much. We’re at the point where it’s almost bigger than that. It is a horrifying situation. Do remember too that we in the States are still reeling from a stolen 2020 election with massive voter and election fraud - by the same powers?

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From the most secure election ever, to a vaccine that is safe and effective beyond our wildest dreams.

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Wait til a small child is injured or dies from the vaxx side effects. The rage.

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That has happened already. Here in Germany one case even went through the mass media, a 12 year old died from the vaxx induced myocarditits.

No rage whatsoever.

A good sign we are a lost society here.

I hope in the US you will behave differently.

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There are well known cases of children suffering horrible adverse reactions here in the U.S. Sadly, this whole fiasco has been about victimizing children as much as anything else.

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that is so sad. everything here is hidden from us. The news and information outlets are all controlled by communists here in the US.

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I think you have a much better chance in the US, though.

Not only have you somewhat alternative mass media, but also a thriving culture of independent media, reporters, and thinkers.

Much fewer people seem to consume CNN and the other big MSM anymore.

Also, large parts of your country is still sane, as we can see in the different responses to Covid, e.g. in Florida or Texas.

In Germany and Austria the overwhelming majority always on the side of the government, no matter what. and the minority of independent thinkers is ostracized and demoralized.

What happens in the last century was no accident, but it was inherent in our culture; similar things will happen again, given similar circumstances.

Maybe not to the same level of violence, because in the 21 century you do not need that physical violence anymore.

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I agree with you completely, Andreas. We have an entire generation of citizens world wide that have been taught in government funded schools, government subsidized colleges, and government controlled businesses. These people do not know what it is to really work hard as an individual to accomplish your own ideas and set your own path. Now we have a generation of very stupid people, so shallow, so addicted to their cell phones and apps to help them, google to help them. They are literally the robots we all laughed about 20 years ago.

I could go on..... The second generation is getting started and oh my, with 16 genders and no self identity, the feeling of giving yourself as a sacrifice to the so called world overlords.

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You do realize that mass gun ownership is the only thing between you and death from deploying leaky vaccines targeting the entire population during a pandemic.

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That may become the next critical decision. I live in a blue state of terror with an iron fisted governess. Eventually, we may not be able to run from this horrid injection and government slavery. If someone hands me a gun or weapon, I will fight.

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I live in a blue, as in "Bernie is my Senator". state. Constitutional carry. Armed to the teeth. All of us. All the time. Violent crime virtually non-existent.

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I'm also heavily armed, as are most of my friends. However this has not yet been tested. It is not clear that the American people will rise to the occasion, armed or not. That said, there are hopeful signs of resistance. Biden's mandates are encountering strong headwinds.

The real problem is that the red-pilled Americans are pitted not just against the Biden administration, but against tens of millions of their blue-pilled countrymen who clamor for authoritarian rule.

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completely. How much hate and division is in your family? The leftist have bred an entire generation of overly sensitive, very stupid people. The next generation can all aspire to be basket weavers

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Reading this a few months later, I'd like to underscore this point: I cannot overstate how much this vaccine push has brought me around on the necessity of gun ownership. I was one of those former idiot liberals who thought "guns are bad, nobody should have one", and boy have I been cured.

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The democratic EU has taken its cue from the CCP, who regularly haul off their political prisoners to PLA hospitals where they can volunteer their internal organs for transplant patients.

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While I could see why so many were so attached to the EU, I watched how it pulped Greece in 2015 to bail out German bankers after the same bankers cooked the books to get Greece into the euro.

So, have been aware of the Mask of Virtue worn by the EU for a while. Not remotely surprised to see Von der Leyen yesterday on forced vaxxing.

We are all Chinese now...

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Ah, the bliss of 2016, when countries going bankrupt was all we had to worry about.

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spot on!

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My heart literally aches that there are really this many monsters in government across the world. And, WHY? I think we had a pretty good society. Oh we had problems of course, but none of them were insurmountable. I am still shocked that this is happening in my lifetime. And all of it being perpetrated by "leaders" who just have to know where this leads historically. Don't they? I mean do these people in government across the world *truly* believe there will be no fallout from any of this? Maybe all of us with discernment are wrong this time? Maybe we really are the insane ones? You know, if ANY of the insanity that's been "implemented" over the last 20 months actually *worked* (including the shots) people would be clamoring to comply. My one hope? A dear friend in leftist Boston MA... Even she is starting to see it! And that's saying something. So, maybe, our cry to these tyrants should be, "bring it on!" You're only waking people up! People that would have NEVER awoken otherwise. Thanks Eugyppius.

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The longer this absurdity and insanity goes, the more others will realize it. When the double vaxxed will be labeled unvaxxed and the triple vaxxed will be unvaxxed then eventually there will be nobody voluntarily getting jabbed. The scam will be up and that's what those who engineered this diabolical scheme fear most. There are billions of us, and a few hundred of them. There will be wrath and there will be justice. https://thegoodcitizen.substack.com/p/seven-sins-in-the-time-of-covid-012

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I think you are right. I read on several posts how people said, 2 is enough. If those don't work we don't want a third. After 4 or 5 more and more people will get enough of it. In the meantime we have a new kind of refugees. Fake vaxx refugees. To all the people that can get out of their nazi countries, I would say leave. I see how in the French part of Belgium a court has pronounced mandates illegal, vaxx and masks and lock downs. The government is trying to turn around the court decision. See how that goes. If they do, I would say Belgians this is 1830 again. And to the Austrians and Germans, don't let this be 1940 again !

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I fear it might be too late for the Austrians and Germans.

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Well, they have experience and facilities for that (leftovers from 1930ies)

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Hey we're still a far cry from the poverty and bread lines of the old days, and I often think it will have to go THAT bad until something moves. Unfortunately, until then, many more will be talked into getting the shots for an 'easy' way out which will never materialize.

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"To all the people that can get out of their nazi countries, I would say leave."

And where to go? The whole world is the same madness.

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The problem is by that time the laws will be changed so anyone that is labeled will be subject to termination (or whatever the bureaucrats decide is appropriate)

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"... do these people in government across the world *truly* believe there will be no fallout from any of this?"

They're emboldened by the compliance they've seen for nearly two years. They expect no fallout because there's been none so far. Add to that a substantial segment of the citizenry who are all too willing to lend a hand in advancing the tyranny.

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There's been millions of people protesting across Europe, but the corporate globalist pravda media do not report it. Also part of the plan. They know people are unsettled and that's why they have to rush mandates now. Leave no time for rebellion or dissent to fester.

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There won't be fallout because this is the plan:


1. Every country on the planet is on board with the Injections. Even Sweden. When have all countries aligned on any issue? Never.

2. Not a single MSM outlet is interviewing any of the expert dissenters – Yeadon, Bridle, Montagnier, Bossche etc… and the mainstream social media platforms are blocking them.


Conventional Oil peaked in 2005 http://www.euanmearns.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/C-Cdec141.png

Shale in 2018.

According to Rystad, the current resource replacement ratio for conventional resources is only 16 percent. Only 1 barrel out of every 6 consumed is being replaced with new resources


Shale binge has spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times. https://energyskeptic.com/2021/the-end-of-fracked-shale-oil/

Shale boss says US has passed peak oil | Financial Times https://www.ft.com/content/320d09cb-8f51-4103-87d7-0dd164e1fd25

THE PERFECT STORM : The economy is a surplus energy equation, not a monetary one, and growth in output (and in the global population) since the Industrial Revolution has resulted from the harnessing of ever-greater quantities of energy. But the critical relationship between energy production and the energy cost of extraction is now deteriorating so rapidly that the economy as we have known it for more than two centuries is beginning to unravel https://ftalphaville-cdn.ft.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Perfect-Storm-LR.pdf

Our fossil fuel energy predicament, including why the correct story is rarely told https://ourfiniteworld.com/2021/11/10/our-fossil-fuel-energy-predicament-including-why-the-correct-story-is-rarely-told/

“The global economy was facing the worst collapse since the second world war as coronavirus began to strike in March, well before the height of the crisis, according to the latest Brookings-FT tracking index. “The index comes as the IMF prepares to hold virtual spring meetings this week, when it will release forecasts showing the deepest contraction for the global economy since the 1930s great depression. https://www.ft.com/content/9ac5eb8e-4167-4a54-9b39-dab48c29ac6c

Collapse Imminent: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/a-self-fulfilling-prophecy-systemic-collapse-and-pandemic-simulation/

The Illusion of Stability, the Inevitability of Collapse http://charleshughsmith.blogspot.com/2021/09/the-illusion-of-stability-inevitability.html

Fed is sharply increasing the amount of help it is providing to the financial system https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/23/fed-repo-overnight-operations-level-to-increase-to-120-billion.html Banks did not trust each other - similar situation when Lehman collapsed

Oil Gluts – do NOT indicate we have found more oil. We just pumped what’s left too fast.

Summary In 2019 a second Perfect Storm was approaching – the central banks had been doing ‘whatever it takes’ for over a decade…. Essentially nothing was off the table --- throw the kitchen sink at pushing GFC2.0 into the future. In 2019 the guns were blazing but the beast was no longer held at bay…

What do you do when you are burning far more oil than you discover --- and your efforts to offset the impact of expensive to produce oil push you to the edge of the cliff? You can accept your fate and allow the beast to shove you into the abyss…. Or you can take the ‘nuclear option’ and shut down as much of the economy as possible, preserve remaining oil and pump in trillions of dollars of life support to keep the system feebly alive.

Punchline: The problem global leaders face is that if you unleash the nuclear option without some sort of cover, the sheeple and the markets would be thrown into a panic and you risk blowing things up prematurely. So you need a reason for putting the global economy on ice --- one that does not spook the masses – one that is big enough to justify such epic amounts of stimulus and extreme policies --- and one that allows you to explain ‘this is just temporary – once this is gone --- we will get back to normal’

A pandemic is the perfect cover.

End Game – Covid was foisted on us as cover for the response to peak oil (if we don’t slow the burn oil prices go through the roof and we collapse) but it is also being used to convince billions to be Injected. The Injection is meant to cause extremely deadly variants similar to Marek’s this .. only worse because we are deploying into a pandemic https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/tthis-chicken-vaccine-makes-virus-dangerous.

“Mass infection prevention and mass vaccination with leaky Covid-19 vaccines in the midst of the pandemic can only breed highly infectious variants.” https://www.geertvandenbossche.org/

French virologist and Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier called mass vaccination against the coronavirus during the pandemic “unthinkable” and a historical blunder that is “creating the variants” and leading to deaths from the disease.

The Vaccines and Boosters will Result in a Catastrophic Outcome - From a scientific viewpoint it is, therefore, difficult to understand how booster immunizations using vaccines which are not evolution-proof could prevent a highly mutable virus from escaping neutralizing anti-S Abs while driving the pandemic in a catastrophic direction, both in Israel and worldwide. How can the WHO stand by and watch as this additional experiment unfolds, soon to be followed by other countries? https://thehighwire.com/videos/vaccine-expert-warns-of-covid-vaccination-catastrophe/

The reason for this is that 8B people need cheap oil to live. They would starve without it. And 8B people without food would result in epic starvation, violence, rape and cannibalism. Industrial civilization ends soon after peak oil. Unfortunately we also have 4000 spent fuel ponds that will boil off and release toxic substances for centuries. These facilities cannot be controlled with computers and energy. So even the few remaining hunters and gatherer tribes will die as they consume these toxins in the food, air and water.

The PTB understand all of this and that is WHY every leader is on board with the Injections. There is NO way out of this --- so they have decided to mitigate the suffering as much as possible by putting us down and here is the mechanism https://www.geertvandenbossche.org/post/why-the-ongoing-mass-vaccination-experiment-drives-a-rapid-evolutionary-response-of-sars-cov-2.

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The vast majority of politicians are also-ran nobodies. Now, presented a chance to a. Take power unearned over others, b. Feel that you are engaged/instrumental in a crusade/cause 'greater' than your normal times and ethics would allow/permit, and then, c. Add purpose and meaning to intellectually/emotionally bereft lives.

Politicians and beauracrats naively assume that eons of evolution don't exist, and that for pretty much all that time man has killed man with reckless abandon, for a 'cause' or for no 'cause.'

When the Jews were being herded up on the trains was the time when if you are to die, you take one of the evil doers with you.

Churchill sat at Chequers with his family a Sunday early in the war when it looked like all was lost - looked at each member of the family and said that if the Nazis attacked they'd come right through where they were - and he considered it each of their duties to kill one Nazi as they too left this realm in defense of their land and their rights.

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could it be simply that 'all power corrupts... etc ' ? And this enormous power they're all hungrily grasping all around the world now - complete suspension of democracy and de facto despotic rule - is just too, too, luscious and tempting for them to resist? They just have to taste it, just to relish it, just to keep the thought forever after that once they had it...

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This is my take too. Plus, as Eugyppius recently said, many of them are simply mediocre bureaucrats and mediocre politicians, who just don't know what to do now, other than keep doing the same dumb things they did, in the hope that maybe they will sort themselves out by some miracle. None are used to really think long term, to create and commit to a vision. They live in the now. And now is good for them.

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I wonder if we are seeing the demise of the nation-state. Could it be that the functionaries both elected and non elected who have so long been defined by their service to the nation-state see this "crisis" as an opportunity prove they have a place in large scale governance not hindered by borders? I ask because from what I see most of the responses to the pandemic have been extra-legislative (I think that is the word I want). They have been very quick to take advantage of the lack of scrutiny given to most laws dealing with health related "emergencies'. If the public response had not been quite so compliant and supportive their hands may have been stayed. But that is not what happened and now we have little empires everywhere.

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I can see that perhaps they're 'joining hands' all across the globe and disregarding their electorate back home. I feel it is getting more like a cosy club they're all in. Once in the club we simply don't matter.

And we've proved that. Look what can be done to us all across the globe !

We simply don't matter. We're a nothing.

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50 years ago, we in the U. S. used to say: "Those that can, do. Those that can't, teach." And we laughed...

It turns out that the joke was on us.

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That's the new version .... "DICTATURE OF THE BUEROCRATS", Stalin will be very jealous

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Government *attracts* monsters, who then wait for the opportunity to exercise their power in monstrous ways.

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Very true. We see that clearly now. But the people get the government they deserve. What's the betting this whole crew are still in occupation when the covid madness is over (if it ever is) ?

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I have to bite my tongue when awakening people tell me that they had thought that Cindy here in NZ was kind and good. These people I still consider easily duped. They were part of the "Jacindamania".

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"It is often essential to resist a tyranny before it exists. It is no answer to say, with a distant optimism, that the scheme is only in the air. A blow from a hatchet can only be parried while it is in the air."

Eugenics and Other Evils

by G.K. Chesterton

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Thanks for the title. I ordered it. So far I only knew the Father Brown series from him.

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Dec 1, 2021
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I noticed several quotes on line lately and wondered which book they came from. I am originally from Belgium and we had Father Brown on TV long ago, probably before I knew English !

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Chesterton! I am in -- I cannot pretend that I've read all of his series. Something about a hat blowing in the wind? Funny. Eugenics and Other Evils is on-brand for the nonce, though.

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If the goal were to stop the transmission of covid, incarcerating the unvaccinated is the last thing a government would want to do.

It is, however, frighteningly unclear whether or not one reserves the right to remain unvaccinated if imprisoned.

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And that is terrifying as well. WOW. Imprisoned and then, once we hold you down and give you as many shots as we think you need, then we will think about letting your "free" to live your extremely shortened life...

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Unfortunately they caught them again.

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Stop paying taxes. Spend your free time making memes mocking the government. Set up Fintech accounts abroad and move all your money there, which will drain the banks and move your money out of the government's clutches.

Starve the beast. Ignore all this. Do not comply. Make it impossible to imprison a vast swathe of the citizenry. And if their solution is to build concentration camps? Then you butcher them.

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They voted their way into it; they may have to shoot their way out.

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Well said! 100% agreed.

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Here here!

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Dec 1, 2021
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Watch this ("Freddie Sayers investigates Austria's lockdown of the unvaccinated") and you may realise that the most of the Austrians are all for this. It is no accident that A Hitler was an Austrian.


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Dec 1, 2021
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I thought that by now, people would have started having questions about this, but I made a big mistake watching the evening news...(I live in Italy) vaxx campaign is a huge success, booster shots even at the barber shop, so you can eben get a haircut, anti-vax sick in the hospital, repenting his bad decisions...good grief..I had my stomach churning..we've got 87%of over 12 double vaxxed, green pass, super green pass (meaning only for 2/3 jabbed or recovered) masks mandate outdoor beginning today...and NO SIGN of cracks in the narrative...ah! And, as obedient Von der Leyen disciples, we can now discuss vax mandates for the immediate future...on a poditive sidenote, we'll have a vax-injured protest this weekend in Rome...which will not be reported in MSM, anyway...in days like this, I almost lose hope...but I WON'T comply..I really don't want to..and if truth doesn't start to trickle fast enough, it will cost me dearly...

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Watching MSM is painful but we have to do it to know what we are up against.

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Dec 2, 2021
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Thank you so much..I feel really alone at the moment..my husband is vaxxed, all my colleagues are vaxxed, my friends are vaxxed, and many of them are off the radar..if I hadn't found this substack, I'd gone mad!!

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Dec 1, 2021
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Mass hysteria, coaxed along by Pharma and government bribes, plus bureaucrats for whom vaccination numbers have become the ultimate metric. The history of the world is littered with examples of populations simply losing their minds for a time.

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Even if what you say is true, it raises many further questions. (E.g., what does "mass hysteria" mean in this case? Why would there be hysteria over a virus that has a 99%+ survival rate? As I recall there was hysteria over SARS-1 (40,000 to die in the UK vs about 40 who actually did), but it died down quickly - what's the difference this time? Why suppress theraputics? (That sounds more malevolent than hysterical.))

As far as I can tell we don't have adequate models (not to mention sufficient data) to really understand what's going on. But it's essential to keep reporting and thereby accumulating facts.

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The dichotomy between the judicial successes in the US this week and the tyrannical mandates of Europe are stupefying. I assume the current leadership of both regions ultimately share the same end goals so perhaps the US intends to achieve ‘success’ through suppression of dissent rather than outright enforcement… no mainstream news carried updates about the mandates being refuted by the courts so for many it’s as if it never happened.

I’m praying for the whole of Europe and my family there, for the strategy being employed is truly terrifying.

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What's double truly terrifying is the EU and its tacit endorsement of these measures, and indeed the EU's top enchilada, von der Leyen, calling for 'discussions' on mandatory vaxing.

This is the EU that has been patting itself on the back and pompously pontificating about 'freedom' for decades.

It's been quick as whip to condemn and threaten to sanction Poland and Hungary for not bowing down to professed EU 'principles' in other domains..

But when it comes to Austria, and very possibly Germany, the biggest brother of all, obviously violating human rights...well, remaining resolutely mute is the order of the day.

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On the positive side, if Germany and the hated EU are pushing such an approach and people in the UK are reflexively making comparisons with the formers brown past, thus should lower the chances of ever instituting such a mandate here a lot. Fingers xd.

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Let us hope the UK keeps its mind together. But what Boris Johnson says does not sound good. At least you left the EU which IMO is a totally bad institution. Nothing got better and everything got worse in Belgium. I know it did in Germany too.

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Don't rely on Boris doing anything sensible, or ethical, or moral. He's a buffoon.

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It is unbelievable. All this time I thought they were smart, sensible people. When I read some comments in their papers I can't believe my eyes. There are some still awake, but most follow like sheep. Unheard of. Any everyone is SO critical of the government. You would think they kept that in mind.

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I'm just having a hard time believing that this is happening. It's really nightmarish and depressing.

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I guess you (and many others) will believe it when they knock on your door

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The Minister of Health here in NZ said that they will seek out the unvaccinated in January.

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When oil peaks (you didn't think they'd tell you did you?) this is what you have to do. If you wait too long civilization collapses and you have 8B people ripping faces off when the power goes off - permanently. Better to put everyone to bed a bit early with a leaky vaccine

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If the government was interested in people's health, they would have banned Coke. The drink. Not the powder. The powder is probably better for you.

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Have you heard any government official anywhere on the planet recommend Vitamin D3 or Zinc to their citizens? This was never about health.

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And they also actively suppressed the early, and sensible, employment of proven prophylactics like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. A great crime has been committed by powerful, and corrupt, authorities.

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We just opened an intravenous drug-using site in New York. (Harm reduction is just fine -- but while preventing life saving drugs it's odd). Two of them, actually. You go there and shoot heroin or fentanyl. They give you clean works, a nice place to relax and they will revive you with Naloxone if need be. You can microdose MDMA, LSD, psilocybin, and if you're depressed, try ketamine. Cannabis legal in many states. Though it's still a federal crime, billions of dollars are generated by it. But if I were to walk into the drug site or a hospital and ask for ivermectin, there would be a riot -- it's as if they do not see how creepy it looks. As if they get a bag every month from Pfizer and the others...

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Don't you find it odd that every single government as well as the MSM is not questioning this? They must have a good reason for doing what they are doing otherwise there would be push back. What do they fear that has convinced them to do great harm to billions?

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What do they fear? Losing the cash flow from Big Pharma is my guess

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Even if they aren't proven, ivermectin in particular is pretty harmless in normal doses. All of the statements about how measures _might_ work and don't hurt much, so we'd better use them, only ever go in one direction.

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No it is not about health. It is about exterminating all humans to save us from the violence, rape, cannibalism etc... that will occur when that bottleneck on oil gets too acute - and the oil supply collapses

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Insane. Every day more evidence is clear the "Vaccines" (therapeutics) do not work by definition. While they may help with severity for those at risk, they do nothing for the young and healthy nor the naturally immune. Dark days for freedom. Curious to see how hard the Austrian public resist this draconian law. A real underground should develop with hard penalties for the lawmakers. Read into that what you will. If you stand for nothing, you will kneel for anything. Resist.

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We know the mRNA injection is non-sterilizing. We know fully vaccinated people contract and transmit the virus. We know there is a worrying safety signal attached to these therapies.

Introducing compulsory vaccination clearly has nothing to do with health or curbing the spread of a virus. There must be a line in the sand across which we cannot allow an irrational state to cross. The recent fascist pronunciamento from the Austrian government has ignited a dark spark that is now spreading across Europe. We see Van Der Leyen this morning call for "discussion" on compulsory vaccination.

It's my view that this is an abomination and something that the unvaccinated and vaccinated in equal measure are disgusted by.

I think we can safely assume that the definition of "fully vaccinated" is as highly mutable as the virus. As the definition changes, the vaccinated will become "under vaccinated" and be subject to the same authoritarian mandate as the unvaccinated. The goal is unfettered state access to your blood stream.

I consider the direction these western "leaders" to be moving in as comparable to the rise of the fascists in the 1930s. I believe they must be countered in the same manner.

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We also know this routine virus has very little effect on healthy people. If government wants to help, encourage everyone to be healthy. Tax junk food. Fine or imprison the obese if they want to be autocratic and helpful. Most of the conditions that are known to be conducive to covid are optional. The rest can be handled with cheap and effective therapies. The only rational objective is health, not fear.

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It was never about health. If it had been, D3 would've been handed out in March 2020 and this year when it was known IVE was at worst a sugar pill and at best, extremely effective, any government with benign intent would've thrown that at their populations. Instead, it was viciously suppressed.

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Prayers for the Austrian people.

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I don't think prayers will help them (or us)

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The left have been very clever long range planners. Today all Christianity has been thoroughly undermined from its traditional roots. All denominations are infected with what I call the Heresy of Niceness, Nonconfrontation, and Equality. I won't get into the specifics here, except to say that the middle one, nonconfrontation, was especially important. It seduced the nice people into refusing to confront the left on each issue, and instead provided a pseudo-moral excuse to let it cram its agenda down everyone's throats for at least the last 60 years.

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It is because we have rejected the world view in which prayers are fundamental that we are in this situation. This is all literally the result of wide-spread atheism, as philosophers and writers too numerous to list have predicted.

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This is in violation of the Nuremberg code

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So is this an attempt contain the virus or eradicate it? Have they seen the Gibraltar numbers?

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it is beyond a farce at this point.

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It's not about the virus anymore. It's that their policies failed, and now they're angry and trying to humiliate their opponents. "You will do as I say because I am the boss, you stupid little ****!" That's basically all there is to it.

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Dec 1, 2021
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yes. notice how the Austrian law goes into effect on 1 February? then they have a few months of high-profiles fines etc., cases collapse in April, the Schallenberger gvt takes a bow, says “yay we did it”. cases come back in the fall but of course everybody is too ass stupid to figure out the very predictable rhythms here.

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Austria is at least as bureaucratic as Germany, probably more so. Sure, they will get a handful of celebrities (who can easily afford the fine) through the system to make an example, but how many can they issue? Say they have the manpower to issue 5000 fines a day, if all the traffic cops are retasked to checking vaccine passports in Lidl. If all of those people refuse to pay, insist on their day in court in front of the Amtsgericht, spend an hour making arguments (lucid or specious doesn't matter, the case will go against them), then appeal, which at ~€3000 they have an unrestrictable right to (in Germany anyway),

If everyone does it it will be a couple of years before anyone has to pay anything more than a lawyer's bill. By that time, surely, we have won.

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On the positive side, that fall could then really bring on a collapse of the narrative.

The key is to remain unvaxxed until then, as an Ösi and as a Kraut.

It might be sufficient to spend a few months abroad post February to see whether the courts might end the mandates, once they have fulfilled their purpose. That way, they could regain some unjustified aura of trust and independence, while the governments would still have gotten what they wanted.

Greece fines look relatively cheap now compared to Austria, certainly for an Austrian or German pensioner....

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The scary thing is that all Western European governments are now tied into the narrative. No one can back down, say "we fucked up, go about your lives".

That means, this ends in either revolution or slavery. It will look like Eastern Europe. But when? Are we in 1946 again, or are we in 1989 again? Barring a miracle and the simultaneous resignation of governments in 20+ European countries with some peaceful, democratic transfer of power, the only way this ends now is in revolution (1989 option) or decades of slavery (1946).

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That is what they hope. But no one can bend the will of nature, and the virus is now part of nature (even though I suspect it man made). No one has been able to stop the flu. Nature escapes human will.

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Dec 1, 2021
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It's probably also psychologically hard for the officials that aren't _complete_ sociopaths (yes, they exist) to turn away from this. Once you're advocating for a two-tier society, incarceration of a disfavored group, or other medical coercion, you're pushing all the things the west collectively decided were evil. You're everything you were taught to hate and repudiate. You're the bad guy. Turning away from those policies means finding some way to handle that tension, even if it's only to skirt the issue by saying the emergency's over.

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I like it Ar. " The emergency is over."

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nice word :)

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Of course. Keep pouring on the Gatorade.

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Every time I see the word 'Austria' I get a shock and think I'm reading 'Australia'.

Maybe next week I will be...

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Given the high rate of idiocy and compliance here it might only be a matter of time where we see the same response from our dopey government.

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Australia is already worse than Austria in numerous ways.

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More important than a semblance of civil rights(no forced vaccination for entire country) and not dying you mean?

Austria pop 8 million 12K Dead

Australia pop 25 million-2k Death

!/4 the population of Australia and 6 times the deaths…

Austria excess death rates per 100K=148

Australia excess death rates per 100K -11


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Austria has lost its mind.

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Sure, but everywhere is moving towards this. Someone commented that they thought that the only thing preventing this sort of thing from happening in the US is the guns. I don't know if they're right but they may be. Everyone is going absolutely insane over this. They believe that the only thing standing in the way of the eradication of Covid is the stubborn vaccine refuseniks. There is a ton of evidence that Covid would be spreading even if eveyone was vaccinated (like how it's spreading in places where everyone IS vaccinated) but they can't accept this because they've put so much hope and invested so much in the vaccines. They'd rather turn into authoritarians than admit that they were wrong.

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They cannot afford to allow the control group (the unvaxxed) to exist because they realise it will undermine their fallacious narrative, as the likely deleterious health impacts of this genetic manipulation become clear over the next few years.

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Exactly. Without the control group there is no proof of the crime to humanity.

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But are the protests doing any good?

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to the extent that they increase the cost of these vile policies to the Austrian government, sure. but i am not optimistic that the mandates can be defeated in this way.

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How can they be defeated, then?

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i don't know

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the cost to business needs to be made too high

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That's not very optimistic... The way I see it, it must be defeated, one way or another. It doesn't mean that it will.

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Dec 1, 2021
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Keep a weapon beside the door.

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Dec 1, 2021
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Any kind of action to defeat it is legitimate. Mandating vaccines is a violence by governments upon the people. Whatever common people decide to do to oppose it is self-defense. It's tragic that the so-called vaccinated still haven't realized, en masse, that they're in the same situation as the unvaccinated. It won't stop at two shots.

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Roll up your sleeve! Scary scary SCARY Omicron is out to get us! (um, along with driving, taking a shower in a slippery tub, unknowingly eating bad food, slipping on the ice, drowning in a pool...............................)

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This is stupid. Don't say things like this. Simply half of the unvaxxed refusing the jab and fines will make the policy fail and completely destabilise the government. Violence is completely unnecessary, and will empower the system further.

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Agreed on this point- they will mandate boosters soon to try to cover for how bad they fail this winter, and at that point - it starts to collapse. Especially as the damage from the boosters compounds. I already know more people injured and killed by the shots than injured and killed by covid. Many that got the original shots will firmly reject boosters. The reported rates of people already vaxxed are as fake as the 2020 Joe Biden popularity polls.

Any violence will be used by the regime like 1/6 in the US, distorted far from reality and used as an excuse to get even more draconian. I believe the best approach is dragging it out and waiting for the vax injury and death signals to become undeniable even for the media. Though it's easier for me to say since I don't live in a place mandating it.

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This, but remember the Nazis liquidated millions with the quiet compliance of the population, so it is doable. It did take them almost 10 years to get started on it, though.

Millions of noncompliant people in Germany are hard to control now, even with the disgusting propaganda against the unclean. But we have to be visibly uncontrollable for long enough that actual genocide does not ever gain a grip on the normies. Remember, they have nothing to fight for except the terror inculcated in them by the prevailing narrative.

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I agree. When the Martinicans started burning shit down Macron backed off the mandates there... for now.

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Someone suggested holding out, not paying and waiting for the imprisonment. There aren't enough places for a percent of them/us.

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There was a pic of an Australian woman at a protest with a sign that read You're going to need a much bigger camp, asshole

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Thank you Nomad for the laugh.

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Yes. Prisons will be full of like-minded, totally reasonable, peaceful people; might not be so bad. Plus, prisons won't have capacity, it would fall apart quickly. One strategy proposal: Smile, don't comply, lock arms, stay peaceful, stick together, and the vaccinators will look like the bad guys in the end.

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Other freedom loving countries need to sanction them. Problem is, are there any of those left?

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You make it so costly to the people enforcing them at both the point of use and political level that they stop. When debt collecting, sometimes a “hello, you husband owes me money” is suffice, if you get the picture I’m painting. Friends , family and anyone connected to the people responsible become people to look at when sending a message. These people are the aggressors and those being forced into having this product are the victims. They should do whatever it takes to maintain bodily autonomy IMO.

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The other option is Ghandi and Martin Luther King. You have to be willing to go in the streets peacefully and expose their violence in full realisation and take a kicking. Nobody wants to see a smart, well dressed man or woman being kicked by the police when acting peacefully, whether you believe in vaccines or not. That changes hearts and minds.

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People have protested for almost 20 weeks in France now and nothing has changed there.

Countries like Austria and Australia have already approached Solzhenitsyn's Gambit, where there is only time for direct action now. Otherwise they will wish they fedposted IRL from camps or in the hospitals with myocarditis.

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but how many of the noisy protestors have actually used the democratic machinery and told their elected reps what they want?

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I have yet to see one single place where protests reversed any policies. The "leadership" just keeps doubling down on the same old things with ever harsher enforcement.

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Orange County, California had proposed vaccine passports in May(ish) of this year. That proposal was dropped after a few hundred angry protestors descended on the county supervisors' meeting.

OC has a reputation as being conservative - an outdated reputation, as it's reddish-purple these days - but I suspect this actually worked because:

1. The world was a saner place in May.

2. The policy was only a proposal, and didn't have the inertia associated with set policy.

3. It was a county meeting, and not for an absolutely massive, politically meaningful county like Los Angeles or the Bay Area counties. A couple hundred protestors showing up is shocking to pols who aren't used to it. It's also alarming, as a hundred constituents angry enough to show up in person means a lot more when normally nobody cares about the race that delivered you to your position.

Outside of a situation like this, protesting is good for morale (and bad for enemy morale), but otherwise of limited use. I'm not even sure it'd work again if the OC council decided to try a second time.

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Our local dictator even said "Protests don't work" <pause> "against the virus".

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Evidently not yet because the government hasn't reversed course. Much greater numbers, and probably some rioting will stand more chance.

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Funny, the MSM reported today about 1,000 protesters marching in Auckland. The MSM didn't interview any protesters only a retailer saying the protesters were " dickheads" with their silly march for "freedom". Well, of course the protesters are not allowed to be customers, so the retailer can hate on them.

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Dec 1, 2021
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Peaceful protests always worked before because there was this 'world is watching' vibe that would spook the oligarchs. They own it now and this is coming down literally in lockstep. There is no appeal to authority, we're on our own.

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I'd add that, for small races where very few people vote, protests can be an effective electoral threat. If barely anybody voted for you anyway (and then maybe only because a friend bugged them, or they saw the party affiliation after your name), a couple hundred angry people are a credible threat to your job.

The trouble is that for larger races, you need larger and larger crowds. By the time you're up to the state/province/whatever level, let alone the national level, the amount of people you need is impractical - and that's before getting into all the other differences between local and national politics.

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As a reminder from recent totalitarian history: When Solidarity was growing in strength in Poland, the movement had reached a point of imminent momentum advantage due to mass. The government realized that once major protests got underway in half-a-dozen largest cities, there would not be enough security forces to suppress them. Precisely at that point Jaruzelski instituted military rule.

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