The level of evil being done here is getting to biblical proportions. Maybe they are playing a manipulation game to get people to take the vax now by threatening a future mandate, and they don't really plan to mandate it. Or maybe this is a trial balloon to see how the populace reacts to the proposal. But if we take the statements of these leaders at face value, they are monstrous villains. To propose to coerce the entire population to take a novel irreversible experimental medicine that acts on the genetic level violates how many laws and principles of medical ethics and human rights? Even if the vax was safe and effective, to mandate it would be wrong. But it is obviously not safe and effective, and these cruel police state tactics and lies show there is a dark agenda at work here.
Can this not be challenged legally? I mean, the government here is violating a lot of laws, isn't it? Aren't there constitutional and human rights laws that should protect you?
there are legal challenges but they never succeed, the courts are totally behind all the suppression measures.
it’s almost surely illegal for bavaria to even ask its employees about vaccination, given our storied medical privacy laws. good luck challenging that anywhere.
Maybe it will be different this time as the judges are also employees of the free state of Bavaria. Some of the Bavarian judges are amongst the unvaccinated.
On second thought, those unvaccinated judges would be prejudiced ("befangen") and therefore banned from deciding on whether any treatment of unvaccinated is unlawful. So your case will be decided by vaccinated judges only. Might be a waste of money to hear them, but pretty soon they will confiscate all your assets anyway to pay your fines for being unvaccinated. So you might as well spend your money on litigation.
I recommed taking only unvaccinated attorneys - they will at least be motivated to give their best.
With "befangen" you are jumping to a conclusion. First of all, anyone´s medical status is private and confidential. There will be no disclosure by any judges as long as they are in their right legal minds, and they might even rule to such effect. So the point is moot.
Medical status is no longer private. Any employee of the state of Bavaria has to disclose it to his employer- how else would the unvaccinated be forced to present PCR tests? Enter any restaurant, hotel or shop, or board a train - you have to disclose your medical status as vaccinated, recovered, or unvaccinated.
The employer of the judges knows that status, namely the free state of Bavaria who would be a party to the proceedings.
I'll grant that "befangen" is a legal opinion. In theory, a court might have a different opinion. Do you think that is likely? The unvaccinated judge really does create case law that applies to him personally so that he has a personal interest in the case- that is practically the definition of "befangen"
How will future historians look back on this "Covid era"? These politicians are so blatantly violating the norms and laws of their countries that are meant to prevent just this kind of medical malpractice and totalitarian power grabs. It is so shocking to me that someone like Olof or Ursula can just "say so", and that is how policy is set. Whatever happened to "checks and balances", to informed consent for medical treatment, and consent of the governed for policy making?
(But that raises another problem -- what if a majority of the people actually support these medical tyranny policies? Opinion polls, if they are to be believed, suggest that many or most people in places like Ireland, UK, Switzerland, Australia support what their governments are going. And look at the recent Canadian election. So, despite anti-jab and anti-vaxpass protests, maybe these leaders feel they have the backing of their people to proceed.)
But that's why all these "advanced democracies" have constitutions and sign treaties on human rights: to prevent just such a tyranny of the majority. The American Founding Fathers warned against the danger of the tyranny of the majority, and tried to build in safeguards in the constitutional system to prevent it. The whole point of the constitution is to say, these are the rules we follow as a society. Medical treatment and experimentation is by informed consent only. Bureaucrats cannot make up hygiene laws that violate basic human rights. Right? But across all these countries, we see leaders violating exactly the laws and norms that are supposed to protect us.
I'm sure they do. But I'd think they're realistic and fearful, too. They realistically know the mob can turn at any time. And they're fearful of that.
So they keep testing the water.
While they can get away with it they will.
While the majority seems to be with them.
We have to swing the majority.
seems hard.
But when we think about it all we have everywhere is minorities 'swinging' the majority - isn't it?
That's the problem.
The sane world being ruined by insane minorities, everywhere.
So if one minority can do then so can we.
It just takes, I think, one slogan, one catch phrase, one meme, one idea that appeals to them and - bang ! they swing the other way.
They seize upon slogans and go with them. Their entire modus operandi you could say.
Like good old mum and dad who admit they don't know what's going on and who's right and who's wrong they live according to the simple slogan: 'better safe than sorry' - and wear a mask, stay indoors, etc.
I guess the whole human race uses 'shorthand' thinking like that to steer by.
And they feel. Don't sell them short. They feel. So the shorthand: 'If it saves one life' means something to them.
That's why I hope the notion - which happens to be a truth - of the Immune System might turn out to be a meme that sinks in with them.
In the first instance it'd be good if they started to see the whole thing in terms of the Immune System because that at least accords with reality.
And then just maybe a slogan may arise from it that they all go with. 'Give the Immune System A Chance' or something maybe.
Yeah, slim hope. But those things: it is possible to 'win' as a minority. Can be done almost instantly on a slogan. Pointing to a reality like Immune Systems surely has to be positive.
They worth going with while we've nothing better surely?
The majority are hypnotized, as during the prelude to the Third Reich. Get a gun, if you can. More importantly, form networks of people who think like you. Guns in and of themselves are useless. Thousands of armed people acting in concert are formidable, even if (God willing) no shot is ever fired.
To put it in perspective, The Canadian Human Rights Museum in Manitoba, requires all visitors to be vaccinated. Try that one on for size. So much for Human Rights in 🇨🇦
Methinks you need to revisit your "50k plans" thesis. The hysteria is well fed from a central source, and there is no escaping it. If there is more designs than one, it will be just a few, not a multitude.
Hear, hear! But what I think is actually happening is that their policies failed, and now they're scared and angry. Scapegoating the unvaxxed is an obvious strategy for them, because it deflects anger from them. It's not working completely, though. You're from CZ, right? I keep reading these articles on Český rozhlas about how health care workers face intimidation, and how the unvaccinated are getting aggressive. Right. Well, when you do your best to demonize one part of the population (and a rather big one, too), don't be surprised when you get some pushback. I'm lucky to have a "recovered" certificate (valid until mid-April), which buys me some time. But the situation is getting crazier and crazier by the day.
Interestingly enough, it appears that Poland and Croatia are the sanest countries in Europe at the moment. I'm not too sure how to explain that.
I hope people push back -- and not just the unvaxxed, but anyone who cares about living in a free society. I've heard about stores, restaurants, etc. that evade the measures by saying "all are welcome" and not checking for vax status. That's a kind of civil disobedience that I think we'll need more of. And it is quite risky for those businesses, because the govt could punish them.
Masks have just been mandated again in the UK for shops and public transport and a couple of quite big national retailers have publicly stated they will not be asking staff to enforce it on the basis that they don’t want to risk their staff being abused if they challenge anyone. Could also be that they think it’s madness and by announcing it will get the business of people who won’t comply. I’ll certainly be shopping in one of them more that I currently do as a result
I think people are getting tired of the whole hysteria, there is only so long it can be kept at a peak. In our part of Canada (Alberta-no say in fed election btw) I have been going maskless with no problem where formerly I would be called out right away! Please God it keeps up. The only thing is they could whip up the hysteria against the unvaxxed I suppose... It is a global evil and pray and resistance may be the only way out of this! ( Maybe they are more prayerful in Poland and Croatia??!! )
No shop is entitled to enforce anything, and I guess that would also be the advice dished out by the legal departments of companies big enough to have them. There would only be liabilities involved, i.e., costs.
Two years ago I was dazed, confused, and afraid of the virus. Then dazed, confused and afraid of my government. No longer dazed and confused. I know who my real friends are. I have defined the enemy, and its collaborators. I am disappointed and very angry. I view my government as a hostile entity. I will not comply. I will not be silent. I am trusting God, and prepared.
This describes me, too, although I admit I am still in the dazed and confused state. It was just a couple weeks ago the Czech government implemented rules unjustly discriminating against the unjabbed, for the explicit purpose of coercing the jab. I am still getting used to the idea that the state is my enemy. It is a new relationship with the government. Before, although not being naive about corruption, I generally tried to give the benefit of the doubt and understanding that policy mistakes might be made by well-intentioned authorities. But now, the govt is out to get me. Where I used to basically be oriented toward following the law, now I feel that a tyrannical government does not need to be followed. They implement unjust laws -- I don't have to follow them. In fact, in the months/years ahead we're going to have to find ways around the evil laws. It feels like the social contract has basically been broken. And not by me. They did it.
I understand. Went through the same thing myself. The turning point for me was when I learned of Ivermectin. The govt prohibit me having it. No harm to them or anyone else. No harm to me. Proven hundreds of thousands of times. Yet they prohibit it.
And then not satisfied with that they prohibit doctors prescribing it.
And then not satisfied with that they prohibit doctors even informing me.
And all that on a background of a total dearth of therapeutic information or measures!
Well said. I too was initially afraid of the virus but now am far more afraid of not only my government but the world government cabal. If you think any other country but yours does not matter, it does. When one crushes freedom, it chips away at all others. The EU is clearly a failed state and these moves smell of desperation. Pray. Plan. Prepare. Resist.
Interesting to read that Australia now has cases of Omicron. Since no unvaxxed people are allowed in or out of the country , how did it spread? Maybe it arrived in the mail because clearly it couldn’t have been carried by a vaccinated individual..........or wait? Could it? I also read yesterday that the person who brought omicron to San Francisco USA was double vaxxed. So like we’re all being told, they’re safe AND effective. The governments’ only lie left is to state that the omicron carrier did not yet have their 3rd or 4th or 5th booster. Soon I suspect we’ll all be measuring time based off of what “variant” is it?
Thx for helping spread the unfiltered information as new trickles in from around the globe. Guess the USA will have to immediately implement travel bans against Australia, Israel (oh wait, that might be anti-Semitic) and The Netherlands. With the 6 passengers per week that travel from So. Africa into the USA sure glad we’ve already implemented travel bans from there. We must remain safe.
I cannot understand why anyone would ever claim a vaccinated person cannot carry a virus.
Excuse my ignorance if that's what it is but doesn't a vaccine merely prompt an immune system into action?
So that when the 'enemy' turns up it is ready to 'fight' the enemy?
Where in that does the enemy not appear?
The enemy is expected to appear.
Only the cards are supposedly stacked in our favour.
I wonder how you can ever say a virus will not appear anywhere when they're ubiquitous, airborne, have been found in the stratosphere even, capable of dormancy etc.
A lot of people have no idea how vax works, or their own immune system. But they claim to revere "the science," and worship its spokesmen. That's a good start, I suppose, unless the spokesmen are charlatans.
How about the possibility that with over 60 trillion different viruses (yes, that’s right, trillion) housed inside our fully functioning microbiome helping keep our immune systems robust and “at the ready” to assist once we receive the next (likely daily) insult, by vaccinating and dumping another toxin into our system, one mammalian (we now see Covid housed in whitetail deer, dogs and cats) option is for our immune system to “release” a variant than can ASSIST us all in moving closer to herd immunity as a mechanism of the continuation of Human survival. Possible?
I think your bottom line there is that eventually it'll work out fine and I think that's completely right. And many epidemiologists and such have tried to say just that. This is the normal situation. It is not apocalyptic.
Even the dumbest of the frightened masses will soon figure out the stupidity of spoting a few cases, all "fully" vaxed, and responding by demanding everyone get the vax. Which clearly doesn't work. Irrationality only survives in the panic. The panic eventually subsides. Always.
This is still mild compared to Canada where Federal workers must be vaccinated, or face termination. Testing for them is not an option. My brother who has been a pilot for 20 years, and a damn good one at that, will loose his job in the coming days for refusing to comply. Just like that, his career is over. And this is spreading to all sectors. Everyone needs to get it through their heads, this has nothing to do with health.
Thank you. He is building his case for a lawsuit down the road. There's no point in suing now, as the courts are all in on this madness. The crazy part is as of November 30, we can't even fly out of here without being jabbed. I wish you all the best, and I hope there's light at the end of this dark tunnel. Keep up your fantastic writing.
Canadian citizens who are unvaccinated are even banned from returning to their country in flagrant violation of international law, I am effectively marooned in the UK.
You are better off in the US! You have the option to live in a state free of these restrictions. Sadly in Canada, there is no push back from any provinces, even Alberta. We are a country void of any opposition.
Hhhmmm I thought you could fly in but only to your final destination -check the government travel website and arrcan . You may not be able to leave though unless you find a private flight to Mex . A lot of Canadians abroad and you- by law -have to be allowed back. Not that they have been following laws....
I am so sorry about your brother. The policy is so inhuman. The powers that be are breaking the social contract -- not just the formal law, but norms, values, ethics, human rights. Even if covid went away right now at this instant, this damage to relationships -- between friends, family, workers and employers, students and schools, in the military -- over policies like masking, distancing and esp. the vax, will take years to heal, if it can be repaired at all. The feelings of anger, betrayal, exploitation are so strong. People like your brother who get fired may rightly feel angry and betrayed -- by his employer who fires him, the state that mandates it, and by the media that pushes it. And then those people who do take the vax even if they don't want to, just to keep their job -- they may also feel angry, betrayed, exploited, and endangered by those who coerced them, which will have a negative effect on job performance. All this leads to unhappy people, social division, lowered productivity, jobs not getting done ... These covid policies are doing so much psychological and social damage.
It is really turning out that the 'best' people, nations, are the 'worst'. Isn't it?
For the 'best' are the most law abiding and reliable in that same respect. The most deferential to authority. The most convinced of the basic correctness of their own society.
The most keen to play their part. Have the greatest innate belief in the all their systems and authorities and experts.
Like good mindless worker ants or termites they function smoothly and build beautiful termite mounds and look to be so wonderfully efficient.
But it turns out they don't know what they're doing. They just 'do', and know not what they do.
Meanwhile, the feisty, irreverent, disorganised, 'corrupt', untrustworthy and somewhat chaotic 'others' make progress, find their way forward like water seeping through the cracks.
It has been like this for decades now. 'They' helped us with pirate DVD's and books and cheap goods (often made with disregard of patent and such) and all our frozen strictures that crippled our own ability to produce quickly and cheaply.
They help to this day in medical fields - doing operations on people who can't get/can't afford within the 'termite mounds'.
The world is built on their backs. A world defined today by the smartphone, I think - and it built by them.
We are defined by rigid, humourless, inflexible, unthinking, cowardly, bullying, inhuman bureaucratic functionaries who've been unseen rotting our system from the inside out all this time. We didn't suspect there were there.
Now we see it in many, many ways. Thank god for that irreverent 'barbarian' outer world.
IN the meanwhile here in the USA some instances are hiring back the laid off people, because hospitals, schools, fire brigades etc were so short in people they could not do else. Several courts have ruled the jabs, the masks, the lockdowns, illegal. Several states are suing the national government. So far all cases were a win.
Now that the virus is down to a common cold, you would think the craze is ending. But it is a race of lemming to die I suppose. All these governments will suffer the consequences, even worse so when the last of the blinded people finally find out how hard they have been had. Like the members of a cult who get de-brainwashed, they will turn in force against their tormenters. I hope and pray that may be soon.
Welcome to Canada, where all of this has already come to pass in my Province. All public sector employees, hospital staff, snd other health care workers must be vaxxed or loose job. There is no option to test. Hospitals have had to close operating rooms as a result of so few staff. Elective surgeries canceled. The unvaxxed cannot get on a plane or train...there is no way to travel, even within the country. Proof of negative tests are not accepted. We are locked down.
Eugyppius, Substack comments section on various pages, including yours, has been very buggy today. Some of us have been unable to reply, like, or expand comments unless we get lucky, even then, only one action before having to refresh the page. I'm contacting the authors to see if y'all have a good link to get help from Substack. I certainly hope this is not only on pages posting covid wrongthink. 🤨Thank you.
I don't know how to work it out but all over the western world I'm sure that in sober legal fact those administrators and department heads, even govt leaders, are acting illegally. For they're all worn to act for the benefit of the people. First and foremost. Isn't it?
And none of this can be shown to be of benefit to the people.
When the accounting gets done there's no doubt whatsoever that the damage bill they've created doesn't top many time over what it would have been if the situation were handled as normal and left alone by them.
So I don't know when or how but I'm very sure their criminality must be seen sooner or later. I just don't know why it is taking so long.
In my own country, my own State, we have a 'for instance'. For here the State Parliament votes every month or something to continue a 'State of Emergency' and that allows them to flount democratic norms, to in effect suspend democracy totally, martial law pertains if they wish, whatever they wish pertains, it is a tyranny if they like (and they do).
But there is no Emergency. And there never was.
Clearly. It can never be shown that the covid thing brought that kind of emergency into being.
Never. Anywhere. It was a canard.
And certainly not came and remained, month after month after month.
No way.
So it was clear over reach and improper conduct on the part of each and every member of parliament that voted for the measure and culpable on the part of every one that did not vote against.
That's the kind of thing I mean. 'First Principles'.
They are charged with protection.
They have brought harm.
That's worse than dereliction of duty in this instance, a whole nation, worse than mere fraud, worse than mere ineptitude, worse than any clumsy mistake.
>I don't know how to work it out but all over the western world I'm sure that in sober legal fact those administrators and department heads, even govt leaders, are acting illegally ... You find the words for it. I'm fairly speechless.
>I thought that meant being converted to extreme far right views?
Really it means what it meant in the movie - seeing things as they really are. It's considered "far right" because the current elite consensus in the US is progressive-left, and they call everything else "far-right". (As an aside, I think left/right is a false dichotomy)
Unlike in the movie, though, seeing things "as they are" in the real world is a non-ending process. You remove one veil only to find out later that what's behind it is just another veil.
In this case, at least, we have a definite minimal goal - survive until we do not have to be jabbed. The whole charade might be just running interference for something more sinister (as your second link suggests), but that should not worry us right now.
Germany stepping up as a contender to austria in the genocide any% speedrun.
Jokes aside tho the absurdities are starting to sting regular people in the eyes and they are seperating into these two groups. On one side the ever growing group of regular people who don't really care but played along when it was "for the greater good" or "protecting the hospitals" who are increasingly exasperated at the absolute state of corona containment.
On the other is the increasingly zealous covid karens constantly berating and annoying everyone about mask wearing and tHe ScIeNcE.
Send her here to Tennessee in USA. We love courageous, reasonable, articulate health care workers! And our Comptroller just smacked down mandates for health care workers. 👍
I just thought of something profound, the reason the USA has not gone full blown dictatorship, like Australia and EU, the 2nd amendment. Back to that good old constitution.
I don’t own a gun, but glad 80% of the US population does. Founding fathers saw the future & the incompetence of Government. Wise for 1776 …
Switzerland requires every home to have a gun, I think. Everyone is part of their defense force. Their approach to covid has seemed fairly rational. Trusting their people probably makes a difference. The US 2nd amendment is under attack because the government doesn't trust the people.
Swiss performance has been very good. O.13% of the population listed as covid fatality, 1.1% case fatality rate, probably due to rational treatment protocols. They have nearly a million listed as recovered, which gives them absolution from the testing and reporting requirements. I'd like to move there but it looks cold.
We have mass shooting everyday, the guns are still here. You'll never take their guns away. It will be a civil war. Maybe the assault rifles, but not the rest.
I used to think guns were the problem, they are not. It’s depression, psych meds (all young ppl in the USA are medicated), lies about history, addition to phones and so much more.
In high school many brought guns and knives to school. I’m a diff generation. No ever got shot or hurt, like now. I look back on all of this, glad this country still has some freedom left.
Sorry, but if you use the words "assault rifles" you already partially bought into their narrative. See, for example, the last paragraph here:
I would like to see some contemporary accurate figures for CFR. Last I saw were from Prof Ioannidis and they were a lot less than any 1.1%. I think. Unless I"m mixing up PFR and CFR.
They're all suspect, of course. I just took cases and deaths from worldometer. Probably in the ballpark. Maybe the Swiss, being very precise about many things, are reporting more accurately than less competent locals like US.
The problem with case rates is many infections are mild and not reported. I would agree real rates are likely much lower, but its unknowable. We should always ask the basis of any statistics. They're often intended to mislead.
As a young man, I had many romantic notions about how I would react when Anne Frank knocked on my door. Now old I realize it's about how one lives with himself based on his response to the knock.
I'm not making excuses for the 'good Germans'. I have no skin in the game as all my ancestors came from Ireland to the US after the famine. Many German people were broken by the Great War. They were busy and distracted with deprivation and runaway inflation during Hitler's rise. IMO, by the time they realized how out of control the Nazis were and how mesmerized so many of their countryman were, the cost of opposition was too high.
I grew up with the grandchildren of survivors and so was a little obsessed with the Holocaust as a high school and college student...for a shiksa ;) . One image has stuck with me for entire family hanging in the public square...mother, father, little children, and grandparents. As a young woman, it was easy to believe I would act with bravery... I'd like to think that I would have...but I understood how much more difficult the decision would be if I knew my parents and children would be executed for my choice. The people who took that risk were incredibly were their families.
I don't know what is happening or why or who...only that it has nothing to do with this virus or public health. We must oppose peacefully and give no quarter. The cost of opposition will only grow higher as time goes on. I don't think even most of us in the opposition...who are awake to the threat...truly understand what may be required of us to stop this tyrannical juggernaut.
Endless analysis of the quality and quantity of the rings your enemy is wearing as she punches you in the face is masochism. People know exactly what they have to do. "Doing" is huge hurdle for symbol manipulators.
I don't think people know exactly what they have to do. This is happening all over the world...very hard for many to get their heads around that reality.
Civil war and violent conflict may be unavoidable in many areas. But who is our enemy exactly...the bureaucracy, the cops enforcing insane rules, the people who are captured, those going along because they don't know what else to do?
What if they...whoever they are...want us to turn on each other? To be distracted while they accomplish their goals...whatever they are? We should all be firmly and peacefully non-compliant until and unless we have no other choice...'cause we might be playing right into their hands...whoever they are.
I'm listening to this dystopian story from a young woman in Australia.
A few days ago, I listened to this conversation with Ernst Wolff. Is he right? I hope not. Does it matter? I'm not sure it does. Which is worse...a global billionaire cabal taking over the planet...or a mass psychosis taking over the planet?
I'm in the US, in a blue state that has not completely lost its mind...yet.
At present, I have three responsibilities:
- Follow what is going on locally and nationally.
- Follow what is going on globally.
- Pass on information to shake people from their trance.
IMO, most Americans have no idea what is happening in Australia, New Zealand, or Europe. There is a de facto news blackout. I only know what I know because I seek the information. On a daily basis, I encounter people on the evil bluebird and Fakebook and in real life who have no clue that the jabs don't stop infection or transmission...even though the CDC director admitted it over four months ago...even though governments have been rolling out boosters. I hate to admit it, but most Americans are low information and, frankly, stupid.
This psy-op has been very effective. The cognitive dissonance is very hard to break.
Austria and Germany and Australia are ahead of the US on this crazy curve. The fight is harder and the stakes are higher.
"Today’s circumstances require everyone’s prudence and consideration to help the sick as far as possible and to support overburdened healthcare staff. Disseminating videos such as this is surely no help in this regard."
1) The institute's response is itself imprudent.
2) Mandating jabs will not help the sick.
3) Firing staff will help neither the sick nor an overburdened staff.
Idiots are in charge of the world's major institutions.
She is another casualty of the machine that is trying to grind us all, dehumanize us, coerce us, control us, monitor us ... The institution's response is so disproportionate and ridiculous, I wonder if she is surprised to have been fired, or if she knew she was taking a risk by posting the video? They just want to crush us. The machine appears happy to sacrifice anyone in the interest of its agenda -- the plan to vax even little kids shows the horrifying level of sacrifice that is coming.
Hang in there! There must be a limit to this madness. We've only to hold out as long as possible. Perhaps throw spanners in the works where possible...
Unfortunately if we look at prior collectivist hysterias, the "limit" is that millions of people end up dead and the rest live in a dystopian dictatorship, some of which have still never ended.
The sort of people who fired this woman are the sort of people who cheered on the Red October. Not much was learned about the dangers of such people and their beliefs. As far as they're concerned, any criticism of authority makes people "sick" and this is immoral so such people must be punished as harshly as possible. The possibility that authority is wrong, just doesn't occur to them at all. The demonization of social media by the left contributes heavily to this mentality.
This isn't conflict between states or ethnic groups though and they will continue to bleed support the longer things go on. I can't see it escalating that far.
It's a conflict between the state and dissident groups, which is a pretty typical template. I also don't think they care about support that much, but even if they did, currently they have it.
One glanced at the twentieth century tells us those limits can be very deep indeed.
Only certain regions of the US are likely to survive: the God, Guns and Family zones. The West elsewhere is far too decadent and nihilistic to avoid the "Black Iron Prison".
If people like this brave woman speak out individually, they can pick us off one by one. Maybe we are getting to a point where only concerted mass (group) action will get the government's attention.
The level of evil being done here is getting to biblical proportions. Maybe they are playing a manipulation game to get people to take the vax now by threatening a future mandate, and they don't really plan to mandate it. Or maybe this is a trial balloon to see how the populace reacts to the proposal. But if we take the statements of these leaders at face value, they are monstrous villains. To propose to coerce the entire population to take a novel irreversible experimental medicine that acts on the genetic level violates how many laws and principles of medical ethics and human rights? Even if the vax was safe and effective, to mandate it would be wrong. But it is obviously not safe and effective, and these cruel police state tactics and lies show there is a dark agenda at work here.
i am also an employee of the free state of bavaria, and the virus hysteria in the bureaucratic ranks here is something to behold.
Can this not be challenged legally? I mean, the government here is violating a lot of laws, isn't it? Aren't there constitutional and human rights laws that should protect you?
there are legal challenges but they never succeed, the courts are totally behind all the suppression measures.
it’s almost surely illegal for bavaria to even ask its employees about vaccination, given our storied medical privacy laws. good luck challenging that anywhere.
Maybe it will be different this time as the judges are also employees of the free state of Bavaria. Some of the Bavarian judges are amongst the unvaccinated.
On second thought, those unvaccinated judges would be prejudiced ("befangen") and therefore banned from deciding on whether any treatment of unvaccinated is unlawful. So your case will be decided by vaccinated judges only. Might be a waste of money to hear them, but pretty soon they will confiscate all your assets anyway to pay your fines for being unvaccinated. So you might as well spend your money on litigation.
I recommed taking only unvaccinated attorneys - they will at least be motivated to give their best.
With "befangen" you are jumping to a conclusion. First of all, anyone´s medical status is private and confidential. There will be no disclosure by any judges as long as they are in their right legal minds, and they might even rule to such effect. So the point is moot.
Medical status is no longer private. Any employee of the state of Bavaria has to disclose it to his employer- how else would the unvaccinated be forced to present PCR tests? Enter any restaurant, hotel or shop, or board a train - you have to disclose your medical status as vaccinated, recovered, or unvaccinated.
The employer of the judges knows that status, namely the free state of Bavaria who would be a party to the proceedings.
I'll grant that "befangen" is a legal opinion. In theory, a court might have a different opinion. Do you think that is likely? The unvaccinated judge really does create case law that applies to him personally so that he has a personal interest in the case- that is practically the definition of "befangen"
How will future historians look back on this "Covid era"? These politicians are so blatantly violating the norms and laws of their countries that are meant to prevent just this kind of medical malpractice and totalitarian power grabs. It is so shocking to me that someone like Olof or Ursula can just "say so", and that is how policy is set. Whatever happened to "checks and balances", to informed consent for medical treatment, and consent of the governed for policy making?
(But that raises another problem -- what if a majority of the people actually support these medical tyranny policies? Opinion polls, if they are to be believed, suggest that many or most people in places like Ireland, UK, Switzerland, Australia support what their governments are going. And look at the recent Canadian election. So, despite anti-jab and anti-vaxpass protests, maybe these leaders feel they have the backing of their people to proceed.)
> But that raises another problem -- what if a majority of the people actually support these medical tyranny policies?
I suspect they do - or at least enough of the politicians' bases do.
Democracy is a bulwark against individual dictators, but is helpless when a population itself turns tyrannical.
But that's why all these "advanced democracies" have constitutions and sign treaties on human rights: to prevent just such a tyranny of the majority. The American Founding Fathers warned against the danger of the tyranny of the majority, and tried to build in safeguards in the constitutional system to prevent it. The whole point of the constitution is to say, these are the rules we follow as a society. Medical treatment and experimentation is by informed consent only. Bureaucrats cannot make up hygiene laws that violate basic human rights. Right? But across all these countries, we see leaders violating exactly the laws and norms that are supposed to protect us.
How will future historians look back on this? Easy: they'll describe it as mass hysteria. Kinda like the witch hunts.
Only if the pendulum swings back to some version of pre-2020 normality.
I'm sure they do. But I'd think they're realistic and fearful, too. They realistically know the mob can turn at any time. And they're fearful of that.
So they keep testing the water.
While they can get away with it they will.
While the majority seems to be with them.
We have to swing the majority.
seems hard.
But when we think about it all we have everywhere is minorities 'swinging' the majority - isn't it?
That's the problem.
The sane world being ruined by insane minorities, everywhere.
So if one minority can do then so can we.
It just takes, I think, one slogan, one catch phrase, one meme, one idea that appeals to them and - bang ! they swing the other way.
They seize upon slogans and go with them. Their entire modus operandi you could say.
Like good old mum and dad who admit they don't know what's going on and who's right and who's wrong they live according to the simple slogan: 'better safe than sorry' - and wear a mask, stay indoors, etc.
I guess the whole human race uses 'shorthand' thinking like that to steer by.
And they feel. Don't sell them short. They feel. So the shorthand: 'If it saves one life' means something to them.
That's why I hope the notion - which happens to be a truth - of the Immune System might turn out to be a meme that sinks in with them.
In the first instance it'd be good if they started to see the whole thing in terms of the Immune System because that at least accords with reality.
And then just maybe a slogan may arise from it that they all go with. 'Give the Immune System A Chance' or something maybe.
Yeah, slim hope. But those things: it is possible to 'win' as a minority. Can be done almost instantly on a slogan. Pointing to a reality like Immune Systems surely has to be positive.
They worth going with while we've nothing better surely?
I believe by that point in time the indoctrinated historians will uniformly state it was a good thing and all resistance was suppressed.
Is there no talk there about the Nuremberg Code, enacted right in your backyard?
The majority are hypnotized, as during the prelude to the Third Reich. Get a gun, if you can. More importantly, form networks of people who think like you. Guns in and of themselves are useless. Thousands of armed people acting in concert are formidable, even if (God willing) no shot is ever fired.
To put it in perspective, The Canadian Human Rights Museum in Manitoba, requires all visitors to be vaccinated. Try that one on for size. So much for Human Rights in 🇨🇦
In Europe? You're kidding, right?
Methinks you need to revisit your "50k plans" thesis. The hysteria is well fed from a central source, and there is no escaping it. If there is more designs than one, it will be just a few, not a multitude.
I really hope you can escape the madness and avoid the jab ?
Hear, hear! But what I think is actually happening is that their policies failed, and now they're scared and angry. Scapegoating the unvaxxed is an obvious strategy for them, because it deflects anger from them. It's not working completely, though. You're from CZ, right? I keep reading these articles on Český rozhlas about how health care workers face intimidation, and how the unvaccinated are getting aggressive. Right. Well, when you do your best to demonize one part of the population (and a rather big one, too), don't be surprised when you get some pushback. I'm lucky to have a "recovered" certificate (valid until mid-April), which buys me some time. But the situation is getting crazier and crazier by the day.
Interestingly enough, it appears that Poland and Croatia are the sanest countries in Europe at the moment. I'm not too sure how to explain that.
I hope people push back -- and not just the unvaxxed, but anyone who cares about living in a free society. I've heard about stores, restaurants, etc. that evade the measures by saying "all are welcome" and not checking for vax status. That's a kind of civil disobedience that I think we'll need more of. And it is quite risky for those businesses, because the govt could punish them.
Masks have just been mandated again in the UK for shops and public transport and a couple of quite big national retailers have publicly stated they will not be asking staff to enforce it on the basis that they don’t want to risk their staff being abused if they challenge anyone. Could also be that they think it’s madness and by announcing it will get the business of people who won’t comply. I’ll certainly be shopping in one of them more that I currently do as a result
I think people are getting tired of the whole hysteria, there is only so long it can be kept at a peak. In our part of Canada (Alberta-no say in fed election btw) I have been going maskless with no problem where formerly I would be called out right away! Please God it keeps up. The only thing is they could whip up the hysteria against the unvaxxed I suppose... It is a global evil and pray and resistance may be the only way out of this! ( Maybe they are more prayerful in Poland and Croatia??!! )
No shop is entitled to enforce anything, and I guess that would also be the advice dished out by the legal departments of companies big enough to have them. There would only be liabilities involved, i.e., costs.
Not in Germany. If the shop does not enforce government's corona regulations, the shop will be fined.
You really have to get your act together in Germany. At any cost.
Two years ago I was dazed, confused, and afraid of the virus. Then dazed, confused and afraid of my government. No longer dazed and confused. I know who my real friends are. I have defined the enemy, and its collaborators. I am disappointed and very angry. I view my government as a hostile entity. I will not comply. I will not be silent. I am trusting God, and prepared.
This describes me, too, although I admit I am still in the dazed and confused state. It was just a couple weeks ago the Czech government implemented rules unjustly discriminating against the unjabbed, for the explicit purpose of coercing the jab. I am still getting used to the idea that the state is my enemy. It is a new relationship with the government. Before, although not being naive about corruption, I generally tried to give the benefit of the doubt and understanding that policy mistakes might be made by well-intentioned authorities. But now, the govt is out to get me. Where I used to basically be oriented toward following the law, now I feel that a tyrannical government does not need to be followed. They implement unjust laws -- I don't have to follow them. In fact, in the months/years ahead we're going to have to find ways around the evil laws. It feels like the social contract has basically been broken. And not by me. They did it.
I understand. Went through the same thing myself. The turning point for me was when I learned of Ivermectin. The govt prohibit me having it. No harm to them or anyone else. No harm to me. Proven hundreds of thousands of times. Yet they prohibit it.
And then not satisfied with that they prohibit doctors prescribing it.
And then not satisfied with that they prohibit doctors even informing me.
And all that on a background of a total dearth of therapeutic information or measures!
I'm incredulous, 'gob smacked', astounded, bewildered, amazed, shocked....
but convinced: my govt is anti-me. Or you. Or any of us. Only cloned slaves are permitted and they, of course, will be culled as and when necessary.
Well said. I too was initially afraid of the virus but now am far more afraid of not only my government but the world government cabal. If you think any other country but yours does not matter, it does. When one crushes freedom, it chips away at all others. The EU is clearly a failed state and these moves smell of desperation. Pray. Plan. Prepare. Resist.
Greg Garciajust now
Interesting to read that Australia now has cases of Omicron. Since no unvaxxed people are allowed in or out of the country , how did it spread? Maybe it arrived in the mail because clearly it couldn’t have been carried by a vaccinated individual..........or wait? Could it? I also read yesterday that the person who brought omicron to San Francisco USA was double vaxxed. So like we’re all being told, they’re safe AND effective. The governments’ only lie left is to state that the omicron carrier did not yet have their 3rd or 4th or 5th booster. Soon I suspect we’ll all be measuring time based off of what “variant” is it?
You could read the SF Chronicle all day and never read that the patient was twice vaccinated.
Of the four people in Israel with Omricon, two are doctors who had received 3 jabs:
And they traveled from London.......another country we need to implement a travel ban???
Oops. Almost forgot......those nordics are out celebrating Christmas way too early.
Thx for helping spread the unfiltered information as new trickles in from around the globe. Guess the USA will have to immediately implement travel bans against Australia, Israel (oh wait, that might be anti-Semitic) and The Netherlands. With the 6 passengers per week that travel from So. Africa into the USA sure glad we’ve already implemented travel bans from there. We must remain safe.
In the UK we’ve banned arrivals from Eswatini which will certainly keep us all safe. I even had to google where it is
Isn’t that where the spider came from?.........eensi-weensi?? If I remember correctly, that’s where the water spout was invented.
Could be, but I thought the spiders came from Mars?
I cannot understand why anyone would ever claim a vaccinated person cannot carry a virus.
Excuse my ignorance if that's what it is but doesn't a vaccine merely prompt an immune system into action?
So that when the 'enemy' turns up it is ready to 'fight' the enemy?
Where in that does the enemy not appear?
The enemy is expected to appear.
Only the cards are supposedly stacked in our favour.
I wonder how you can ever say a virus will not appear anywhere when they're ubiquitous, airborne, have been found in the stratosphere even, capable of dormancy etc.
A lot of people have no idea how vax works, or their own immune system. But they claim to revere "the science," and worship its spokesmen. That's a good start, I suppose, unless the spokesmen are charlatans.
How about the possibility that with over 60 trillion different viruses (yes, that’s right, trillion) housed inside our fully functioning microbiome helping keep our immune systems robust and “at the ready” to assist once we receive the next (likely daily) insult, by vaccinating and dumping another toxin into our system, one mammalian (we now see Covid housed in whitetail deer, dogs and cats) option is for our immune system to “release” a variant than can ASSIST us all in moving closer to herd immunity as a mechanism of the continuation of Human survival. Possible?
I think your bottom line there is that eventually it'll work out fine and I think that's completely right. And many epidemiologists and such have tried to say just that. This is the normal situation. It is not apocalyptic.
It is not the apocalypse.
It's not even unusual.
Outbreak of 50 cases at an Oslo party, apparently all vaccinated and tested beforehand!
This is sounding like full blown vaccine escape. Christmas came early!
Yep, and exactly what eugyppius and several others have been writing about on substack for quite some time!
Even the dumbest of the frightened masses will soon figure out the stupidity of spoting a few cases, all "fully" vaxed, and responding by demanding everyone get the vax. Which clearly doesn't work. Irrationality only survives in the panic. The panic eventually subsides. Always.
This is still mild compared to Canada where Federal workers must be vaccinated, or face termination. Testing for them is not an option. My brother who has been a pilot for 20 years, and a damn good one at that, will loose his job in the coming days for refusing to comply. Just like that, his career is over. And this is spreading to all sectors. Everyone needs to get it through their heads, this has nothing to do with health.
I know Canada is really crazy, very sorry to hear about your brother.
Thank you. He is building his case for a lawsuit down the road. There's no point in suing now, as the courts are all in on this madness. The crazy part is as of November 30, we can't even fly out of here without being jabbed. I wish you all the best, and I hope there's light at the end of this dark tunnel. Keep up your fantastic writing.
Canadian citizens who are unvaccinated are even banned from returning to their country in flagrant violation of international law, I am effectively marooned in the UK.
Insane. I'm a dual citizen but stay in the US. I've accepted I'm probably never setting foot in Canada again.
You are better off in the US! You have the option to live in a state free of these restrictions. Sadly in Canada, there is no push back from any provinces, even Alberta. We are a country void of any opposition.
You could cross the border, Biden's left it wide open. or maybe that only applies to the US southern border...
Have you been told that you're banned by the gov? Says here that you can return as long as you don't have "symptoms":
Hhhmmm I thought you could fly in but only to your final destination -check the government travel website and arrcan . You may not be able to leave though unless you find a private flight to Mex . A lot of Canadians abroad and you- by law -have to be allowed back. Not that they have been following laws....
Honestly I'm ashamed of my country and I'm happy to be marooned here.
I am so sorry about your brother. The policy is so inhuman. The powers that be are breaking the social contract -- not just the formal law, but norms, values, ethics, human rights. Even if covid went away right now at this instant, this damage to relationships -- between friends, family, workers and employers, students and schools, in the military -- over policies like masking, distancing and esp. the vax, will take years to heal, if it can be repaired at all. The feelings of anger, betrayal, exploitation are so strong. People like your brother who get fired may rightly feel angry and betrayed -- by his employer who fires him, the state that mandates it, and by the media that pushes it. And then those people who do take the vax even if they don't want to, just to keep their job -- they may also feel angry, betrayed, exploited, and endangered by those who coerced them, which will have a negative effect on job performance. All this leads to unhappy people, social division, lowered productivity, jobs not getting done ... These covid policies are doing so much psychological and social damage.
It is about totalitarianism
Nah. So far run-of-the-mill tyrannical government sadism. No guarantees, though.
It is really turning out that the 'best' people, nations, are the 'worst'. Isn't it?
For the 'best' are the most law abiding and reliable in that same respect. The most deferential to authority. The most convinced of the basic correctness of their own society.
The most keen to play their part. Have the greatest innate belief in the all their systems and authorities and experts.
Like good mindless worker ants or termites they function smoothly and build beautiful termite mounds and look to be so wonderfully efficient.
But it turns out they don't know what they're doing. They just 'do', and know not what they do.
Meanwhile, the feisty, irreverent, disorganised, 'corrupt', untrustworthy and somewhat chaotic 'others' make progress, find their way forward like water seeping through the cracks.
It has been like this for decades now. 'They' helped us with pirate DVD's and books and cheap goods (often made with disregard of patent and such) and all our frozen strictures that crippled our own ability to produce quickly and cheaply.
They help to this day in medical fields - doing operations on people who can't get/can't afford within the 'termite mounds'.
The world is built on their backs. A world defined today by the smartphone, I think - and it built by them.
We are defined by rigid, humourless, inflexible, unthinking, cowardly, bullying, inhuman bureaucratic functionaries who've been unseen rotting our system from the inside out all this time. We didn't suspect there were there.
Now we see it in many, many ways. Thank god for that irreverent 'barbarian' outer world.
IN the meanwhile here in the USA some instances are hiring back the laid off people, because hospitals, schools, fire brigades etc were so short in people they could not do else. Several courts have ruled the jabs, the masks, the lockdowns, illegal. Several states are suing the national government. So far all cases were a win.
Now that the virus is down to a common cold, you would think the craze is ending. But it is a race of lemming to die I suppose. All these governments will suffer the consequences, even worse so when the last of the blinded people finally find out how hard they have been had. Like the members of a cult who get de-brainwashed, they will turn in force against their tormenters. I hope and pray that may be soon.
Welcome to Canada, where all of this has already come to pass in my Province. All public sector employees, hospital staff, snd other health care workers must be vaxxed or loose job. There is no option to test. Hospitals have had to close operating rooms as a result of so few staff. Elective surgeries canceled. The unvaxxed cannot get on a plane or train...there is no way to travel, even within the country. Proof of negative tests are not accepted. We are locked down.
I'm truly sorry about what's going on in Canada.
Eugyppius, Substack comments section on various pages, including yours, has been very buggy today. Some of us have been unable to reply, like, or expand comments unless we get lucky, even then, only one action before having to refresh the page. I'm contacting the authors to see if y'all have a good link to get help from Substack. I certainly hope this is not only on pages posting covid wrongthink. 🤨Thank you.
This was my experience this morning, as well. The problem seems to have gone away...for now.
Thank you. Your area sounds to be not far behind.
I don't know how to work it out but all over the western world I'm sure that in sober legal fact those administrators and department heads, even govt leaders, are acting illegally. For they're all worn to act for the benefit of the people. First and foremost. Isn't it?
And none of this can be shown to be of benefit to the people.
When the accounting gets done there's no doubt whatsoever that the damage bill they've created doesn't top many time over what it would have been if the situation were handled as normal and left alone by them.
So I don't know when or how but I'm very sure their criminality must be seen sooner or later. I just don't know why it is taking so long.
In my own country, my own State, we have a 'for instance'. For here the State Parliament votes every month or something to continue a 'State of Emergency' and that allows them to flount democratic norms, to in effect suspend democracy totally, martial law pertains if they wish, whatever they wish pertains, it is a tyranny if they like (and they do).
But there is no Emergency. And there never was.
Clearly. It can never be shown that the covid thing brought that kind of emergency into being.
Never. Anywhere. It was a canard.
And certainly not came and remained, month after month after month.
No way.
So it was clear over reach and improper conduct on the part of each and every member of parliament that voted for the measure and culpable on the part of every one that did not vote against.
That's the kind of thing I mean. 'First Principles'.
They are charged with protection.
They have brought harm.
That's worse than dereliction of duty in this instance, a whole nation, worse than mere fraud, worse than mere ineptitude, worse than any clumsy mistake.
You find the words for it. I'm fairly speechless.
>I don't know how to work it out but all over the western world I'm sure that in sober legal fact those administrators and department heads, even govt leaders, are acting illegally ... You find the words for it. I'm fairly speechless.
That's what they call "getting red-pilled"
I thought that meant being converted to extreme far right views?
Seeing this insanity, immense cost, immense harm, throwing away of democracy as what it is, is an 'extreme far right' view?
>I thought that meant being converted to extreme far right views?
Really it means what it meant in the movie - seeing things as they really are. It's considered "far right" because the current elite consensus in the US is progressive-left, and they call everything else "far-right". (As an aside, I think left/right is a false dichotomy)
Unlike in the movie, though, seeing things "as they are" in the real world is a non-ending process. You remove one veil only to find out later that what's behind it is just another veil.
In this case, at least, we have a definite minimal goal - survive until we do not have to be jabbed. The whole charade might be just running interference for something more sinister (as your second link suggests), but that should not worry us right now.
yep. seeing the truth is 'far right'. christ almighty.
Sorry, that was someone else's link. The same avatar - confused me
Oh, but it's the unvaxxed. Despite over 90% of the 12+ population being vaccinated.
I am locked down here with you Kw. You're not alone!
Germany stepping up as a contender to austria in the genocide any% speedrun.
Jokes aside tho the absurdities are starting to sting regular people in the eyes and they are seperating into these two groups. On one side the ever growing group of regular people who don't really care but played along when it was "for the greater good" or "protecting the hospitals" who are increasingly exasperated at the absolute state of corona containment.
On the other is the increasingly zealous covid karens constantly berating and annoying everyone about mask wearing and tHe ScIeNcE.
Send her here to Tennessee in USA. We love courageous, reasonable, articulate health care workers! And our Comptroller just smacked down mandates for health care workers. 👍
I just thought of something profound, the reason the USA has not gone full blown dictatorship, like Australia and EU, the 2nd amendment. Back to that good old constitution.
I don’t own a gun, but glad 80% of the US population does. Founding fathers saw the future & the incompetence of Government. Wise for 1776 …
Switzerland requires every home to have a gun, I think. Everyone is part of their defense force. Their approach to covid has seemed fairly rational. Trusting their people probably makes a difference. The US 2nd amendment is under attack because the government doesn't trust the people.
Swiss performance has been very good. O.13% of the population listed as covid fatality, 1.1% case fatality rate, probably due to rational treatment protocols. They have nearly a million listed as recovered, which gives them absolution from the testing and reporting requirements. I'd like to move there but it looks cold.
Sweden & Florida set the bar for this pandemic. It handled it following logic and science. Had no idea Swedes have guns in their homes. Love it
In the USA everything is under attack, but these guns, will never be taken away. Trust me.
>but these guns, will never be taken away
Never say "never". They succeeded in Australia...
μολὼν λαβέ
We have mass shooting everyday, the guns are still here. You'll never take their guns away. It will be a civil war. Maybe the assault rifles, but not the rest.
I used to think guns were the problem, they are not. It’s depression, psych meds (all young ppl in the USA are medicated), lies about history, addition to phones and so much more.
In high school many brought guns and knives to school. I’m a diff generation. No ever got shot or hurt, like now. I look back on all of this, glad this country still has some freedom left.
>Maybe the assault rifles
Sorry, but if you use the words "assault rifles" you already partially bought into their narrative. See, for example, the last paragraph here:
I would like to see some contemporary accurate figures for CFR. Last I saw were from Prof Ioannidis and they were a lot less than any 1.1%. I think. Unless I"m mixing up PFR and CFR.
They're all suspect, of course. I just took cases and deaths from worldometer. Probably in the ballpark. Maybe the Swiss, being very precise about many things, are reporting more accurately than less competent locals like US.
The problem with case rates is many infections are mild and not reported. I would agree real rates are likely much lower, but its unknowable. We should always ask the basis of any statistics. They're often intended to mislead.
She must have known what she was in for--that's a lot of courage.
As a young man, I had many romantic notions about how I would react when Anne Frank knocked on my door. Now old I realize it's about how one lives with himself based on his response to the knock.
I'm not making excuses for the 'good Germans'. I have no skin in the game as all my ancestors came from Ireland to the US after the famine. Many German people were broken by the Great War. They were busy and distracted with deprivation and runaway inflation during Hitler's rise. IMO, by the time they realized how out of control the Nazis were and how mesmerized so many of their countryman were, the cost of opposition was too high.
I grew up with the grandchildren of survivors and so was a little obsessed with the Holocaust as a high school and college student...for a shiksa ;) . One image has stuck with me for entire family hanging in the public square...mother, father, little children, and grandparents. As a young woman, it was easy to believe I would act with bravery... I'd like to think that I would have...but I understood how much more difficult the decision would be if I knew my parents and children would be executed for my choice. The people who took that risk were incredibly were their families.
I don't know what is happening or why or who...only that it has nothing to do with this virus or public health. We must oppose peacefully and give no quarter. The cost of opposition will only grow higher as time goes on. I don't think even most of us in the opposition...who are awake to the threat...truly understand what may be required of us to stop this tyrannical juggernaut.
Endless analysis of the quality and quantity of the rings your enemy is wearing as she punches you in the face is masochism. People know exactly what they have to do. "Doing" is huge hurdle for symbol manipulators.
Disembodiment/decadence catches up with us all.
I don't think people know exactly what they have to do. This is happening all over the world...very hard for many to get their heads around that reality.
Civil war and violent conflict may be unavoidable in many areas. But who is our enemy exactly...the bureaucracy, the cops enforcing insane rules, the people who are captured, those going along because they don't know what else to do?
What if they...whoever they are...want us to turn on each other? To be distracted while they accomplish their goals...whatever they are? We should all be firmly and peacefully non-compliant until and unless we have no other choice...'cause we might be playing right into their hands...whoever they are.
I'm listening to this dystopian story from a young woman in Australia.
A few days ago, I listened to this conversation with Ernst Wolff. Is he right? I hope not. Does it matter? I'm not sure it does. Which is worse...a global billionaire cabal taking over the planet...or a mass psychosis taking over the planet?
I agree that nobody "knows" what to do.
I'm suggesting that one prioritize stopping the ongoing punches to the face over contemplating the fate of Australians.
That crazy old symbol manipulator Peterson has done pretty well for himself pointing out that you have to be able to bench 50kg before you can 100kg.
I'm in the US, in a blue state that has not completely lost its mind...yet.
At present, I have three responsibilities:
- Follow what is going on locally and nationally.
- Follow what is going on globally.
- Pass on information to shake people from their trance.
IMO, most Americans have no idea what is happening in Australia, New Zealand, or Europe. There is a de facto news blackout. I only know what I know because I seek the information. On a daily basis, I encounter people on the evil bluebird and Fakebook and in real life who have no clue that the jabs don't stop infection or transmission...even though the CDC director admitted it over four months ago...even though governments have been rolling out boosters. I hate to admit it, but most Americans are low information and, frankly, stupid.
This psy-op has been very effective. The cognitive dissonance is very hard to break.
Austria and Germany and Australia are ahead of the US on this crazy curve. The fight is harder and the stakes are higher.
No doubt. Young Europeans are up against it once again. Interesting to see how they respond.
"Today’s circumstances require everyone’s prudence and consideration to help the sick as far as possible and to support overburdened healthcare staff. Disseminating videos such as this is surely no help in this regard."
1) The institute's response is itself imprudent.
2) Mandating jabs will not help the sick.
3) Firing staff will help neither the sick nor an overburdened staff.
Idiots are in charge of the world's major institutions.
she hurt them, you can tell. showed great spirit. good for her.
She is another casualty of the machine that is trying to grind us all, dehumanize us, coerce us, control us, monitor us ... The institution's response is so disproportionate and ridiculous, I wonder if she is surprised to have been fired, or if she knew she was taking a risk by posting the video? They just want to crush us. The machine appears happy to sacrifice anyone in the interest of its agenda -- the plan to vax even little kids shows the horrifying level of sacrifice that is coming.
I really hope that it might be the German "Mohammed Bouazizi" moment. Hope is not a plan, though
Hang in there! There must be a limit to this madness. We've only to hold out as long as possible. Perhaps throw spanners in the works where possible...
Unfortunately if we look at prior collectivist hysterias, the "limit" is that millions of people end up dead and the rest live in a dystopian dictatorship, some of which have still never ended.
The sort of people who fired this woman are the sort of people who cheered on the Red October. Not much was learned about the dangers of such people and their beliefs. As far as they're concerned, any criticism of authority makes people "sick" and this is immoral so such people must be punished as harshly as possible. The possibility that authority is wrong, just doesn't occur to them at all. The demonization of social media by the left contributes heavily to this mentality.
This isn't conflict between states or ethnic groups though and they will continue to bleed support the longer things go on. I can't see it escalating that far.
It's a conflict between the state and dissident groups, which is a pretty typical template. I also don't think they care about support that much, but even if they did, currently they have it.
Sorry. Not persuaded.
"There must be a limit to this madness."
One glanced at the twentieth century tells us those limits can be very deep indeed.
Only certain regions of the US are likely to survive: the God, Guns and Family zones. The West elsewhere is far too decadent and nihilistic to avoid the "Black Iron Prison".
We live in very different times. I really don't see the merit in this kind of baseless apocalyptic rhetoric
So are you saying "it can't happen here" or "I'm special" ?
No and yes I am very special. Thank you.
If people like this brave woman speak out individually, they can pick us off one by one. Maybe we are getting to a point where only concerted mass (group) action will get the government's attention.
"I'm Spartacus!"
Exactly. We need to start organising locally. Let us start wearing yellow jackets on weekends!