And in the small country of Slovenia the courts have decided that all issued covid fines were unconstitutional (no shit) and the State has to pay them back.

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Should be with interest and pain and suffering.

How they can break the law and not have to pay restitution?

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"How they can break the law and not have to pay restitution?"

Simple---just behave like a typical totalitarian state, such as Biden's US, or the EU, etc...

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Agree. But can it ever truly be paid back?

The authorities took more than salaries or a business owners dreams; they issued the equivalent of a death sentence to their fellow man/woman by excluding them from society. In other words a sentence of DESPAIR.

I wonder if any of these people who try to apologize could explain what they should really be apologizing for?

I mean what "means" test would you use to determine a "basis" for recompense for despair?

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I would wait and see ,before celebrating ,if anything gets payed back .

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Yes, it will be all paid back by the sound of it. Some more details (via google translate of Slovenian news):


...The draft law comprehensively regulates the area of ​​payment of the amount of fines, costs of misdemeanor proceedings, forced recovery proceedings and forfeited property benefits in relation to misdemeanor proceedings conducted for misdemeanors committed between March 7, 2020 and May 30, 2022, as a violation of measures to prevent spread of the infectious disease covid-19.

The regulation is based on an analysis of the legal bases that were used in misdemeanor proceedings against individuals for violations of measures against the viral disease covid-19, and the starting points for the preparation of normative solutions adopted by the government at the meeting on November 24, 2022. In doing so, they pursue the goal, that fines, procedural costs, forced recovery procedures and forfeited property benefits are paid out as automatically as possible and with as little burden as possible for the beneficiaries.

... From the beginning of the epidemic until May 31, 2022, more than 62,000 misdemeanor proceedings were initiated and fines of more than 5.5 million euros were imposed due to the violation of covid rules. Of this, 1.7 million euros of fines, or about 30 percent, were paid voluntarily, while the rest went to forced recovery. "This amount, i.e. 1.7 million euros, is the real amount of compensation, or the financial consequence for the state," explained the Minister of Justice."

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Citizens should use this as a model for approaching their local governments, city councils ect.

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Because they can.

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Because they know they will not be held accountable and that our legal system or justice system will never come after them. Knowing this, they act accordingly.

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Double standards. One standard for wretched subjects another for the State

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Once a court rules that the EU lacked authority to deprive citizens of the right to seek compensation for side effects, we may find that Pfizer becomes rather less keen to supply the remaining doses.

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That’s one of the reasons why the company has already separated it’s other money-making product line sub businesses from it’s vaccine business. Suit insurance.

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Courts in the US have the authority to "pierce the veil" of corporate entities in cases of serious misconduct in order to reach the financial assets of shareholders, officers and directors. The personal injury bar already smells blood in the water.

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Having read Empire of Pain by Patrick Radden Keefe recently I'm not convinced they will get close to what Pfizer should be paying out over these vaccines. The drug companies hire the best lawyers out there who know all the loopholes of the law sadly.

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All those fines have long been used up ,by luxurious living habits of politicians .If anything gets paid back it's with money collected as tax ,from the same victims .

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They like to use your tax money, take care of the politicians and their friend, and then want to be celebrated as heroes for giving back half the value of the taxes to the tax payers. What a scam. Mostly a scam.

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The only celebration I’m looking forward to is the day they are swinging from the Gallows!

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Still, it does create a precedent, which tenders the barest possibility of serving to stave off the next wave of political insanity.

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Well, in south africa cleptocracy is here to stay and our govvy will just not pay, ha ha. These pfizer pharma criminals are not the only criminals, our gov is unbeatable.

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At least South Africa is a country in which the fact of governmental corruption is acknowledged. In New Zealand there is a fiction maintained by the politicians and public service that corruption does not exist here. It does not exist, so anyone complaining of it must be either deluded or seditious.

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Weird, maybe easier to hide their corruption when you don't have the level of unemployment and poverty we have. We gave for the last 2 years + load shedding in our electricity supply, on average we get 14 hours or less electricity per day, because of state capture. The corruption is visible in the form of potholes in the roads, cholera where the drinking water is bad, less waste removal in bigger cities, tremendous job losses due to load shedding etc. You can't hide these things...and crime is skyhigh.

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It takes different forms. You can't get out of a speeding fine by slipping the policeman a $50 note in NZ, but there are dangerously undermaintained roads and railway lines. The most egregious (but uninvestigated despite a complaint) was the massive overuse of PCR covid testing. The testing oligopoly delayed entry of rapid antigen testing (equally pointless, but a threat to the profits of the laboratories) to NZ by something like a year, even getting the government to make personal importation of a RAT test a criminal offense punishable by up to three months imprisonment.

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How far such previously respected countries like NZ & OZ & Canada have sunk....how is it possible to avoid at least the suspicion of a worldwide conspiracy of the oligarchs to assume global control?

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I have a family friend living in Australia for the last 15 years. It seems that all communication came to an end, meaning she does'nt talk about the totalitarian shift in politics or covid related stuff (scam etc), only chit chat. I am so sorry for the common wealth "nations" countries, because it seems that those are the countries that were the most propagandized nations. We will probably get there in our now third world country (we used to be almost first world country), but it will take longer.

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You are not alone in your suffering annoyance. These criminals are unrelenting.

Governments disgust me.

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So true! We have to keep on suffering

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Same for NSW.

"Millions of dollars worth of NSW fines for COVID non-compliance set to be withdrawn and refunded after legal challenge"

I never masked in Sydney and almost got fined coming out of a food store mask free.

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Amazing and Miraculous!!!! Hats off to the government of Slovenia! If only all governments would follow this example of “doing what is right.” Sadly here in AB Canada the court prosecutors are still out for blood and are firmly committed to “making examples of every single person who was charged with a covid fine.”

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In Romania too, with the difference that here many fines were issued, but few people were scared enough to pay them, so the Government isn't binded to pay something back...

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Wow, that is one of THE best news items I have read in a long, long time.

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I played a concert in Ljubljana many years ago. Amazing, beautiful place. Kudos to you and your people, I can only hope that there's some sort of justice over here in the New World.

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Every victory, however small, must be celebrated!

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Slovenia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Poland seem to have the best and most intelligent leaders in the West. It makes me wonder how long it will be before the CIA and NATO declare war on them.

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As a Slovenian, I cannot say that we have the best and most intelligent leaders. They are no different than any other, however, people are different. Even though we mostly keep our heads down and take the beating, we still don't trust the authority and simply don't comply without much fuss.

Unfortunately, this rebelious spirit is slowly disappearing. It's frowned upon a lot and politicians and media never miss an opportunity to make a mockery out of it. I wonder how much longer until we are like for example Germans that also keep their heads down and take the beating but also comply.

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Their experience with communism made them permanently suspicious of government authority. To them the UN and NATO are merely softer versions of the same tyranny.

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But of course, that 'pay back' will come out of taxpayers' pockets. Because the money incoming from the fines has already been spent.

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This is always good optics but whose money does the State use to make these reparations?

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Mine and yours naturally.

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This already happened in Spain in 2021.

Total travesty that it is not the norm. All covid fines everywhere were unconstitutional and an abuse of the citizenry by the state.

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Pfizer exists to make money, and is therefore behaving rationally. My issue is with panicky politicians falling all over themselves, agreeing to contracts so stupid that it boggles the mind.

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It is highly likely that the politicians involved in negotiating these contracts were “incentivized” to purchase excessive amounts of doses--you know, “10% for the big guy.”

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And who gave pharma immunity?

Out stupid and corrupt politicians

We need to go after our useless representatives….first.

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The unelected, unaccountable, bureaucrats gave them the immunity. The bureaucrats who came from their own ranks, and used the pandemic to seize power from our corrupt (but still somewhat accountable) politicians.

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That's why fascism fails. The corporations that are the parasites on a nation end up wanting more and more hush money. Governments give it away, but in these hard economic times, some governments are like WTF it's over, why are you aholes still trying to milk this scam?

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Not meant as disrespect, Because they can get away with it? I’m guessing they have enough to blackmail many, many people in power. These people are afraid. Too they made their beds.

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Dr. Linda--my take is that the WEF young global leaders may have been 'caught' in compromising situations (c.f. James Bond novels for the 'how to')--they were 'young' after all, and so are unwilling (one can hope) slaves. Apologies for all the apostrophe.

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Yes---entrance into the elite requires moral and ethical compromise

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Back in 1998 Justin Trudeau and his brother Michel (and others allegedly went on a "hike up into the alpine" in Kokanee Glacier Park... in the middle of November, in BC, Canada.

The claim was a Rock slide had carried Michel away, but not the others!

Michel was also allegedly carrying a heavy back pack...

Don't forget Bohemian Grove.

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Had never heard of the grove--so checked just now--the whole idea of 'gentleman's club' is so repulsive--nothing gentlemanly about it I suspect

so of course one wonders, what had Michel done to deserve such death?....

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Aesop's fable of the scorpion and the frog seems appropriate for the relationship between Pfizer and society through covid.

Why would you put out an experimental drug, lie and misrepresent the benefits and work hard to hide problems when the truth would eventually become obvious? No amount of money could be worth the inevitable damage to society and Pfizer itself.

LOL. LMAO. -Bourla

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So funny - I was thinking of putting the scorpion and frog in my original comment. So relevant to what's happened here! Dumb politician frogs...

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Pfizer behaving rationally is the heart of the problem. The organization's highest and only value is making money. Fear of liability could have provided what looks like moral restraint, but even that was eliminated.

I think society going along with the massive taxpayer funded contracts and mostly accepting the vaccines better represents the frog. Politicians were not innocent.

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The pols are scorpions too. “Elected” ones.

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How much is Hanlon’s razor "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity" a truism of the entirely coincidental, accidental resemblance between wicked intent and incompetence, and how much is it simply a cover story conceived by the criminals themselves or their agents in order to exculpate their crimes if and when they ever are caught out?

Did Aldous Huxley write Brave New World because the theme, plot, and narrative just came to him, or was it predictive programming? Incidentally, brother Julian the evolutionary biologist, eugenicist, and internationalist, rather reeks like a scoundrel. There are just so many convenient coincidences, and they all seem to favour the criminals. That's also a coincidence, I'm sure.

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Scorpions drown. The frog should dive.

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The scorpion stings the frog

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The frog should dive even (especially!) if the scorpion have begun stinging, and definitely before arriving at the far shore.

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Where is the third player in this new version of rock, paper, scissors?

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Those contracts aren't stupid for the politicians........

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Rationally, yes, but unethically. There will be a long-term price for their overreach: "Pigs get fat but hogs get slaughtered."

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All I can say is, I hope like hell you are right. But not holding my breath.

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All human beings exist to act justly. Pfizer exists to serve the common good, to make pharmaceuticals, and to make money all in relation to each other. They do not exist merely to make money, whether they understand that or accept that is another question.

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Perhaps the very idea that a human-created entity should ever “exist to make money” versus “exist to produce things of human value and also, when appropriate and not evil, make money doing so” is one root problem.

Acting “rationally” is no excuse for acting evilly. Shifting blame reflexively onto the politicians who signed stupid contracts exclusively in order to exonerate such psychopathy seems bizarre to me.

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With full acknowledgement that the alternate reality you describe would be a better one, any system that will actually work has to start with accepting human nature for what it is. It's a little like the design of an encryption scheme, in which the only successful approach assumes the adversary has full knowledge of how it works, and still cannot break the code. One element of human nature is to act in self-interest, and it applies at all levels - individual, local government, national government, and corporate. With that in mind, a pharma company trying to maximize profits is rational - not "psychopathy".

If you assume that (rational) behavior, you can then set up rules (laws) that expect it and account for it. So, you might set up a regulatory agency to make sure that drugs are safe and effective - not just profitable! But that stops working as soon as that agency gets its funding from the very companies it is supposed to regulate, because the regulatory agency will act in its own self-interest. Notice how this perfectly describes the situation today.

To make an analogy, think of it as a football game in which the players are pharma companies and government is the referees. You can wish/assume that they'll play by the rules "for the integrity of the game", "for the benefit of the fans", or whatever. How well do you think that will work? The players want to win; some will cheat. For sure. So you need referees that assume some players will try to cheat and do everything possible to prevent it. The situation today is not unlike having the teams pay the referees' salaries.

If a company acting in its own self-interest is assumed, then it is up to the buyer - the politicians - not to sign contracts that overcharge or have ridiculous terms. Saying that the politicians need to do so isn't "shifting blame reflexively", it's putting the blame exactly where it belongs.

But if you're being honest, the root cause is electing said politicians.

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“any system that will actually work has to start with accepting human nature for what it is”

That’s the point. It’s not “working” except in the sense of facilitating massive unmitigated harms without a mechanism for redress.

Politicians (like referees) aren’t some lofty exception to what you call rational and I call evil. They also pursue maximization of self interest, which if done without regard to harms is evil.

The point of my comment was to call attention to what a ludicrously low standard of human behavior “maximizing self interest” is.

We may be approaching the limits of what this rational/contractual/cynical view of fallen humanity is capable of producing in terms of good, as all mechanisms of redress and justice are utterly subsumed by the logic of maximization of self interest and are busily and gluttonously consuming what remains of the social capital.

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I'm not even remotely convinced - and all government behaviour everywhere and ever bears this out - that the politicians were/are panicky and over-reacted in good faith. They knew/know the score, they act with (almost) complete awareness of the plan/programme, and only if there might be consequences to face will they merely feign contrition when the bodies pile up, behind that moth-eaten alibi of, "but we were acting on the experts' advice, with the best of intentions."

ALL governments and state bureaucracies are instituted by and resolutely act in furtherance of their bosses interests. And who might their bosses be? It should have been obvious to everyone by now that they are the owners of the corporations, which of course includes the owners of Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca, etc., etc., indeed the whole disgusting lot.

We must stop this inane caper, this foolish delusion that governments are appointed by the people to serve the people, and are like any cross-section of society, composed of people with good and less good intentions. They are criminals. They are without doubt criminals, and they are the agents of the globalist oiler-banker corporate owners - the greatest criminals - and it is for them that they exist and work for.

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I think you mistakenly used the word ‘panicky’ instead of ‘greedy’ or ‘corrupt.’ They made a lot of money via kickbacks.

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Mask wearing still prevalent in certain areas of northern California. You may take the soy boy away from the pandemic, but you'll never take the pandemic out of the soy boy.

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In northern Virginia 35 miles west of the cesspool (DC) there are so many mask wearers everywhere! in stores, whole families masked. These people have been damaged. There are lone mask wearing humans walking their dogs, people on bikes masked. It is crazy

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They should each wear a t-shirt displaying number of vaxxes, date of last vax. Thus you could estimate the other variable: number of life-days left.

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And know to stay away from them because of shedding. And to keep away from awkward conversations with irrational people.

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I confess to having avoided going to church for last years in part because of this shedding possibility--am officially still member in Presby. Ch. USA--and they (see website) pressed every member to get vaxxed, as a theological duty. Yes to your second point; I avoid conversations with anyone but my husband and one dear friend.

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Reminds me of my latest twitter reply for vaxholes, "Can you call it a democide if the herd self culls?"

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Mask wearing dog walkers are very cruel ,letting their dogs run without a mask ,causing them to die a horrible death by inhaling Whyrusses in large amounts .

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These people have been damaged.

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I did a gala last night — 700+ in attendance. ONE band member wore a mask. The event was totally outdoors. We’re in GA. Those of us who are suburban to rural have been veryyyy lax mask wearers since day 1.

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We have a lot of that here in Vancouver too. Mostly Asians and a few old white paranoids. The hypoxia and the injections are both known to cause brain damage.

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I had a business trip to LA this week; no less than 30% of all people still wore a masks. And at least 15% wore them outside.

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What did you expect in LA?

Or anywhere in California for that matter.

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That's where all America's "leaders" live. As I wrote two months ago, we are being led by the obtuse.

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And S.Cal. I look at them like their wearing a florescent outfit and an asshat. I don't think they have enough brain power to even notice I am mocking them

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Well, bless their hearts.

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The major MA hospital systems are getting rid of their mandatory masking requirements despite the squealing of the media. This is actually first sign to me that people in charge have given up. My wife still had to test and mask for a company function this week, though, so I’m thinking there will still be certain groups maintaining the cult for years to come.

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Test? In 2023?

You see the FDA news release?


No idea if this a real problem or the FDA is trying to look like they are doing something.

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Many Californian institutions still unconstitutionally, arguably even illegally, mandate vaccines without any scientific justification.

The level of superstition reached by these California cult leaders has reached new heights.

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I see probably 3-4 people a day still masking,a few even outside.Still people coming into pick up food masked .But lately a very large number of older people catching up and eating in groups without any cares.These people have given up on everything because I have overheard conversations of Covid cases after vaccination,so they understand the vaccine doesn’t stop everything.Northern Maryland area.

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San Francisco city and county are still under vax mandate for all public employees

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Pittsburgh VA hospital requires masks...or entry and medical care is denied to veterans.

Signs all over the place.

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Comply by wearng a Halloween mask.

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V for Vendetta mask.

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The masks are one of the symbols of the ‘woke’ cultural Marxist revolutionaries along with the pink hair, drag costumes and their various flags. Commifornia is the capital of woke, virtue signalling retards. Sad

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May 7, 2023
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Where there are maskers ,there are venom shooters .Once addicted they are no different than heroin addicts .

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perhaps they are not addicts but masking from shedding by the vaccinated

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Jared Diamond's 1997 Guns, Germs, and Steel has a very interesting chapter on how zoonotic diseases develop and evolve. It's happened repeatedly since the development of agriculture 10,000 years ago (with subsequent population densities and close contact with domestic animals). These diseases always find an equilibrium allowing them to maintain a long-term presence in the population which, of necessity, requires not killing everybody.

Even a lab-created microbe would follow this pattern once released into the wild.

If public health and governments weren't so fixated on the short term, they might have realized this.

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Basic antigenic drift and shift.

I was pulling my hair out throughout this whole ordeal with the alarm and panic associated with each new variant, "nobody" understanding that viruses, particularly respiratory viruses, always "find" a balance where they're highly and easily transmissible. And how do they "do" that? By becoming benign enough that they don't put people down hard so they go about their daily business.

(of course, viruses don't do or find anything. they just mutate and selection for the variants that dominate are those mutations that are the easiest spread, so they're also going to be the more benign)

Did even 1 in a million people understand this? Was their ignorance exploited and manipulated to the hilt?

... Anyway. Good classic read, BTW. Loved that book.

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Thank YOU. I teach this stuff and I even have family members who won't listen to a frakkin' thing I say about virology 101 and immunology 101.

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I deal with the same. It’s like I am the village idiot. I have new found respect for those called the village idiot.

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Welcome to the club, bud. My doctorate means nothing compared to a google search.

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Same. Could have written my dissertation from the back of Rolling Stone magazine.

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Politicians and big pharma use their whyrusses to outsmart all of humanity .Are sub variants created in sub marines ??

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It's a scam like most everything else. World wars. All planned. JFK. Moon landing my ass. 911. Corona. Dinosaurs too probably. Created a whole scientific field to fool people and steal money via grants. Its how it works. Its mosty all a sham. BUT most people would.lose themselves as they're so inexplicably attached to all this BS as part of who they are. Unbelievably sad BUT also funny. Brainwashed sheep.

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One of my favorite books of all time

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Damn. I own it. Haven't read it.

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Get to it, man!

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Don't feel bad, I've had it on my To Read pile for about eight years. Glad I'm finally getting around to it.

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