I would read very little into the creatinine issue. Half the readings are normal. It's very common for 62 year old male to have borderline kidney dysfunction, since this declines normally with age, and at 62 borderline renal impairment is not a big issue, you die of something else first. Other labs, especially erythrocyte count and hemoglobin, are also not consistent with impaired kidney function.
What's most bizarre is the number of renin and aldosterone measurements. To be reliable these need to be done under odd conditions (patient lying down for ideally some hours before blood draw) and are only usually done in inpatients. Most people will never have these measured, but you would definitely investigate them in a patient with kidney issues. This, along with the frequency of "routine" labs suggests an inpatient stay, with (certainly on ICU) daily labs being done.
Am discussing with Mr Amyloidosis on X possibility our hypervaccinator was in hospital with suspected (but not actual) hyperaldosteronism. Would explain the large number (daily) of lab measurements, and also focus on these markers that most people will go their whole lives never having measured.
Would be really interesting to know after how many vaccines (or after 0?) his aldosterone was elevated (repeatedly). You just don't see this on its own other than (usually benign) tumour of adrenals. And if you have that it doesn't go away on its own.
A proper case history needs to be written rather than this mRNA propaganda.
I agree with eugyppius' "conspiracy theory", that the guy never got the injections, he only went on record as having gotten them in collusion with medical staffers, in order to sell the vaccination passports on the black market. It's far more plausible that he's a criminal than an idiot.
Gut Wrenching Study Out of Connecticut! Only 7 out of 57,261 Medicare Recipients Survived Long Enough to Take a 6th Dose! Only 1 Survived to Take a 7th Dose but died 69 days later Aged 68!
Every additional dose decreases life expectancy! Markedly! This is effectively a rechallenge study! Shows that there are dose dependent fatal outcomes.
Someone is really missing out on writing an epic poem or an autofiction in the voice of covid. There's a fine epic called Blood Dazzler, by Patricia Smith, speaking in the voice of Hurricane Katrina. The hypervaccinator could have stanzas, and that Loudermilk (or whatever his name is, Luterbach?) could speak, with perhaps a Greek Chorus of Tedros the warlord, the Bond villains of the WEF, and some of the managerial moron women could be phalanxes of invasive species plants that bar the way to ivermectin pharmacies. The denouement could be a mealworm or a cricket being accidentally brushed by some gain of function researcher looking for a Happy Meal and the Covid version of Mothra could be born, and then scarf up all the governmental bodies of the West.
Sadly, the media is going to make it appear that this fraudster actually got 217 jabs without any ill effects, in order to discredit the critics of vaccine safety. The most likely explanation is that he DIDN'T get the jabs, just the certificates so they could be sold on the black market.
Even if he did, does this one case mean they are safe and effective? If they're gonna pull singular anecdotes then why not the case where one person died directly after the shot?
Eugyppius made a pretty good stab at figuring out how many this character actually got, and the fact that he wrote down alternating arms seems to indicate that he may have had quite a few. However it's mostly speculation since the published government and medical sources are obviously unreliable.
Having had insight in how our civil services work here in Sweden, I'd bet on him being mentally ill in some way leading to his behaviour, and that the german authorities are about as retarded as ours.
It just feels as the most likely option.
Story below, can be skipped as it just is an example of how retarded public works is:
For example, there have long been desired that public works contracts be made public (any public documents not classified are public in Sweden, and what may be classified is tightly regulated - 99% of all documents are supposed to be available upon demand, basically) and not hidden away. The reply for 15-20 years now from the authority handling such matters for state and municipal level has been that it is an almost insurmountable challenge, very expensive and therefore it will take time to implement.
(In reality it is because our politicians don't want us to be able to see how they squander our money, and how corrupt they actually are.)
Now, one guy has written a simple almost-an-AI, fully searchable using simple terms, that does give the public access to public contracts. One guy.
The response from the state has been: "Who's funding him? Is it Putin?" The response from the public has been: "How is it one guy can do what hundreds of civil servant IT-specialist hasn't been able to do in almost two decades?"
And I have no reason to believe Germany is any different in this regard. It probably is no-ones job to make sure all the different medical facilities have a functioning real-time communication system, data collection and so on, and it is in no-ones interest to create an efficient such system.
Since that would probably lead to making 90% of admin-staff superfluous.
Read it to the end. Eugyppius speculates that the guy wasn't actually getting the shots, he was colluding with medical staff to accumulate vaccine passports for sale on the black market. Far more plausible if you ask me.
Well, for some values of "public" I guess given that some entries shows this notice:
" You do not have access to this procurement. The reason may be that you are not logged on with the right user account, that the procurement notice is not published yet or that the procurement notice is no longer published. For selective invitations you must be logged on using the account to which the invitation was sent."
"Fagersta kommun tecknar avtal 2014 med Sitevision som ska gälla i tre år. Nu nio år senare fortsätter Fagersta att betala utan avtal och notan är uppe i över 1,8 miljoner."
"Degerfors kommun tecknar avtal 2004 som ska gälla i två år och kan förlängas i all oändlighet. Nu snart 20 år senare försätter Degerfors att betala och kan inte svara på hur mycket de betalat för de har bara tillgång till siffror mellan juli 2017 till januari 2024 där beloppet var 1,1 miljon kronor."
"Det vore olyckligt om dessa uppgifter offentliggjordes [···] Detta skulle riskera att leda till en konkurrensnackdel för SiteVision i kommande affärer." - SiteVision teaching the municipalities how to respond to information disclosure requests.
No wonder the effective tax burden is closing in 100%.
When they stopped publishing them in the 1990s, it all went digital and according to neoliberal capitalist dogma it's been outsourced to a private company.
Which is why it works worse than when the state ran it. Some things, the state does better. Some, they don't.
Have asked my source for linkable info on the aforementioned tool. Will post it here as a reply when I hear from it.
I did (maybe us all), was starting around Oct 2021 to wonder if I could hire someone to get jabbed on my behalf. It got pretty f'ing nuts toward the unvaxxed.
as Danno says (above): Read it to the end. Eugyppius speculates that the guy wasn't actually getting the shots, he was colluding with medical staff to accumulate vaccine passports for sale on the black market. Far more plausible if you ask me.
I was never going to have someone be a mule for my vaccine. Even if somoene approached me and said "listen, I am doing the Supersize Me Documentary, but for vaccination, would you like to get a free passport?" I would have declined.
Maybe he has every side effect. He's homeless, right? They wouldn't notice or care.
Also, can't be difficult to find a health provider to say he's healthy. There's the President of the US who has just been pronounced healthy and capable despite constant evidence to the contrary.
I would venture to guess eugyppius hit the nail on the head with his theory of what went on with this guy. I’d venture to guess there are others exactly like him, part of some kind of medical fraud scheme to get some of that free Covid cash.
The nice Spanish (i think it was Spanish) speaking lady that gave me my 7th jab in the Dollar General parking lot told me that her great great grandmother who was a shaman for her village suggested that a good flogging of the chicken would ensure that the spike protein would do it's work much more efficiently.
I would read very little into the creatinine issue. Half the readings are normal. It's very common for 62 year old male to have borderline kidney dysfunction, since this declines normally with age, and at 62 borderline renal impairment is not a big issue, you die of something else first. Other labs, especially erythrocyte count and hemoglobin, are also not consistent with impaired kidney function.
What's most bizarre is the number of renin and aldosterone measurements. To be reliable these need to be done under odd conditions (patient lying down for ideally some hours before blood draw) and are only usually done in inpatients. Most people will never have these measured, but you would definitely investigate them in a patient with kidney issues. This, along with the frequency of "routine" labs suggests an inpatient stay, with (certainly on ICU) daily labs being done.
thanks, pinning.
Am discussing with Mr Amyloidosis on X possibility our hypervaccinator was in hospital with suspected (but not actual) hyperaldosteronism. Would explain the large number (daily) of lab measurements, and also focus on these markers that most people will go their whole lives never having measured.
Would be really interesting to know after how many vaccines (or after 0?) his aldosterone was elevated (repeatedly). You just don't see this on its own other than (usually benign) tumour of adrenals. And if you have that it doesn't go away on its own.
A proper case history needs to be written rather than this mRNA propaganda.
"A proper case history needs to be written rather than this mRNA propaganda. "
That's all it is: propaganda.
In order to defeat Covid, one must become Covid.
I agree with eugyppius' "conspiracy theory", that the guy never got the injections, he only went on record as having gotten them in collusion with medical staffers, in order to sell the vaccination passports on the black market. It's far more plausible that he's a criminal than an idiot.
Of course. He was an afior and he gave money to those who made vaccines. Supposedly.
Of course! It has good explanatory power. Although actual Covidians do manage some bizarre idiocies, e.g. Stakhanovite boosting.
True but he could be both criminal and an idiot.
Winner! Lolol.
The c19 Singularity at last!
Thanks. That gave me a good belly laugh!
I don't think so...
Gut Wrenching Study Out of Connecticut! Only 7 out of 57,261 Medicare Recipients Survived Long Enough to Take a 6th Dose! Only 1 Survived to Take a 7th Dose but died 69 days later Aged 68!
Every additional dose decreases life expectancy! Markedly! This is effectively a rechallenge study! Shows that there are dose dependent fatal outcomes.
Holy shite!! It seems 7 is about the limit, then.
Only one person in that group made it this far...
Someone is really missing out on writing an epic poem or an autofiction in the voice of covid. There's a fine epic called Blood Dazzler, by Patricia Smith, speaking in the voice of Hurricane Katrina. The hypervaccinator could have stanzas, and that Loudermilk (or whatever his name is, Luterbach?) could speak, with perhaps a Greek Chorus of Tedros the warlord, the Bond villains of the WEF, and some of the managerial moron women could be phalanxes of invasive species plants that bar the way to ivermectin pharmacies. The denouement could be a mealworm or a cricket being accidentally brushed by some gain of function researcher looking for a Happy Meal and the Covid version of Mothra could be born, and then scarf up all the governmental bodies of the West.
you are so creative. that is AWESOME!
wow i love it... looks like YOU are the one to write this! managerial moron women... YES!!!! From personal experience...
You might like this then, from my Wordpress site.
I did my take on Macbeth if you haven't seen. From my Wordpress site.
I kill covid there haha
bwahahahaha. (turns into maniacal laugh)
Lol, brilliant!
I am become Covid
the story is totally nuts, but yet again, I have seen some very old and perfectly healthy chain smokers
This guy must have spikes instead of hair. The Medusa19 of Saxony.
An anagram of 'Magdeburg' where he is from is 'Mad bugger'. My latest post is on him.
You made me chuckle like an idiot in the middle of a business meeting.
Je suis CoVid?
On the plus side he will probably not need embalming when he dies.
Sadly, the media is going to make it appear that this fraudster actually got 217 jabs without any ill effects, in order to discredit the critics of vaccine safety. The most likely explanation is that he DIDN'T get the jabs, just the certificates so they could be sold on the black market.
Even if he did, does this one case mean they are safe and effective? If they're gonna pull singular anecdotes then why not the case where one person died directly after the shot?
It's all so stupid.
Eugyppius made a pretty good stab at figuring out how many this character actually got, and the fact that he wrote down alternating arms seems to indicate that he may have had quite a few. However it's mostly speculation since the published government and medical sources are obviously unreliable.
Actually eugyppius notes they already did exactly that.
Exactly my thought…….Zombie 🧟♂️🤣🤣
With so many vaxxes you never die ,it's all benefit .The vax industry is now number one on the planet ,before any other industry .
He has “private reasons” for getting the vaccines. “private reasons” is an anagram of 'As preservation'.
His neighbours are also happy and reporting 10 fold wifi improvements...
(snort laugh)
Having had insight in how our civil services work here in Sweden, I'd bet on him being mentally ill in some way leading to his behaviour, and that the german authorities are about as retarded as ours.
It just feels as the most likely option.
Story below, can be skipped as it just is an example of how retarded public works is:
For example, there have long been desired that public works contracts be made public (any public documents not classified are public in Sweden, and what may be classified is tightly regulated - 99% of all documents are supposed to be available upon demand, basically) and not hidden away. The reply for 15-20 years now from the authority handling such matters for state and municipal level has been that it is an almost insurmountable challenge, very expensive and therefore it will take time to implement.
(In reality it is because our politicians don't want us to be able to see how they squander our money, and how corrupt they actually are.)
Now, one guy has written a simple almost-an-AI, fully searchable using simple terms, that does give the public access to public contracts. One guy.
The response from the state has been: "Who's funding him? Is it Putin?" The response from the public has been: "How is it one guy can do what hundreds of civil servant IT-specialist hasn't been able to do in almost two decades?"
And I have no reason to believe Germany is any different in this regard. It probably is no-ones job to make sure all the different medical facilities have a functioning real-time communication system, data collection and so on, and it is in no-ones interest to create an efficient such system.
Since that would probably lead to making 90% of admin-staff superfluous.
Read it to the end. Eugyppius speculates that the guy wasn't actually getting the shots, he was colluding with medical staff to accumulate vaccine passports for sale on the black market. Far more plausible if you ask me.
This also a good theory. My theory though that the whole story is massive propaganda!
And good for a laugh. If the dimwits who still get jabbed don't understand by now there is no hope for them.
You have more stamina for this than I do, Danno. I missed that part - possibly my brain acting in self-defense. ;)
Yeah, that makes perfect sense considering the lack of interest in investigating it.
Not a big surprise when they won't even allow the public to access the list of postal codes.
Where can that public contracts database be found? I take it it's none of those listed on Konkurrensverket?
As an aside, apparently Trafikverket is the only one with a proper self-hosted public contracts page?
Well, for some values of "public" I guess given that some entries shows this notice:
" You do not have access to this procurement. The reason may be that you are not logged on with the right user account, that the procurement notice is not published yet or that the procurement notice is no longer published. For selective invitations you must be logged on using the account to which the invitation was sent."
Got the adress to the homepage of Jens Nylander, the man who put it together:
Page is in swedish only, from what I can see.
This one is far out crazy just on its own...
"Fagersta kommun tecknar avtal 2014 med Sitevision som ska gälla i tre år. Nu nio år senare fortsätter Fagersta att betala utan avtal och notan är uppe i över 1,8 miljoner."
"Degerfors kommun tecknar avtal 2004 som ska gälla i två år och kan förlängas i all oändlighet. Nu snart 20 år senare försätter Degerfors att betala och kan inte svara på hur mycket de betalat för de har bara tillgång till siffror mellan juli 2017 till januari 2024 där beloppet var 1,1 miljon kronor."
"Det vore olyckligt om dessa uppgifter offentliggjordes [···] Detta skulle riskera att leda till en konkurrensnackdel för SiteVision i kommande affärer." - SiteVision teaching the municipalities how to respond to information disclosure requests.
No wonder the effective tax burden is closing in 100%.
Closest I can find for postal codes (Postnummer) is this:
When they stopped publishing them in the 1990s, it all went digital and according to neoliberal capitalist dogma it's been outsourced to a private company.
Which is why it works worse than when the state ran it. Some things, the state does better. Some, they don't.
Have asked my source for linkable info on the aforementioned tool. Will post it here as a reply when I hear from it.
Great comment, thanks
Wow! Thank you for that!
He's the Keith Richards of the miracle juice.
2% human; 98% juice.
Aren't we all "bags of mostly water?"
I'm getting old enough I feel like a bag of bones some days
For me its bag of bones, liquid, and way too much gas.
And yet some die just after 2 or 4 shots.
I did (maybe us all), was starting around Oct 2021 to wonder if I could hire someone to get jabbed on my behalf. It got pretty f'ing nuts toward the unvaxxed.
as Danno says (above): Read it to the end. Eugyppius speculates that the guy wasn't actually getting the shots, he was colluding with medical staff to accumulate vaccine passports for sale on the black market. Far more plausible if you ask me.
That’s why they want biometric ID
maybe the jabs are biometric IDs
I was totally in the market to get a fake jab pass. I wanted to work but I didn't want to break my body to do it.
I was never going to have someone be a mule for my vaccine. Even if somoene approached me and said "listen, I am doing the Supersize Me Documentary, but for vaccination, would you like to get a free passport?" I would have declined.
I was thinking that someone had a lot of blank certificates. Someone getting the clot shot for me never entered my mind, so I'm with you on that.
Thank you Eugyppius for this entertaining post - really good laughs are in short supply at the moment.
That being the case perhaps this would help.
How many free burgers and pizzas can this poor schmuck eat? 🤣🤣🤣🤡
I'm thinking another possibility is he was selling to politicians, makes a lot of sense why the police would drop it.
I don’t buy for one second he can have that many shots and zero side effects.
Maybe he has every side effect. He's homeless, right? They wouldn't notice or care.
Also, can't be difficult to find a health provider to say he's healthy. There's the President of the US who has just been pronounced healthy and capable despite constant evidence to the contrary.
If it were true then they would have to be saline. In which case we've been robbed! 'We demand poison in our shots!' Insanity rules...
Sounds like Bullshit tabloid reporting out of Germany sponsored by Pfizer, Travis Kelce, and Taylor Swift!
Fear is indeed the mind killer.
I would venture to guess eugyppius hit the nail on the head with his theory of what went on with this guy. I’d venture to guess there are others exactly like him, part of some kind of medical fraud scheme to get some of that free Covid cash.
LOL 😂 and love it Eugypius and "finally achieves antibody levels necessary to prevent infection!"
The hero we need, and probably deserve!
Do you think he masturbates after each jab?!
Why not do both at the same time?
"Do you think he masturbates after each jab?!"
The nice Spanish (i think it was Spanish) speaking lady that gave me my 7th jab in the Dollar General parking lot told me that her great great grandmother who was a shaman for her village suggested that a good flogging of the chicken would ensure that the spike protein would do it's work much more efficiently.
I just realized (blush) what you (and she) meant. ☺️
Seems like a fetish...maybe a fatal one?
He is a jabber not a sinner .He will be a winner in the next Olympics games .
Probably with the opposite hand. Sore shoulder, you know.
Oh goodness...thanks for that laugh...genuine lolol!