Napoleon (supposedly) failed in implementing his new religion. I guess the bastards will keep trying after the successful implementation (eventually) of the Abraham varieties by the Greeks, Romans and Persians.
What if the final redpill is that these people aren't evil, they are just massively incompetent lunatics driving the Clown Car towards the cliff at top speed?
Yes, Tom Woods came to that conclusion a while ago. If these "leaders" were merely incompetent, the law of averages say that they would accidentally get something right or helpful occasionally.
right , the same thing with all of the media lies about trump. you would think if they were just "errors" that a least a small percentage of them would be positive coverage of the president. but no, its 100% negative. therefore it cant cant be an accident....
Bret Weinstein brings this up for Fauci and the CDC. If these people were incompetent, some of the public health advice would be good out of pure chance. Instead, their advice is consistently the inverse of good advice. Corrupt and fully captured.
When you find yourself in a position of that much authority (official or otherwise) within society, you have a moral duty not to abuse that responsibility. Whether you abuse it through malice or incompetence doesn't change things. If you're that massively incompetent, you have a moral duty to step down from such a position
Therefore, incompetence in this situation is definitionally evil
Does anybody else think it’s a little sus that all these high profile people are “getting & admitting” in the same timeframe? I can’t imagine the end goal, but it seems everyone has a script right now. “I’ve got it. I’m so glad I’m vaxxed. I’m taking Paxlovid. You need the jab like a good citizen.”
And why do they think the whole world needs to know they got it? Who cares? It can only be to promote their propaganda.
I am curious though how they all do have the same do they all get that memo?
After the raid on Mar-a-Lago, all the MSM and liberal left were saying, "No one is above the law" a million times. Aside from how ironic it is for them to be saying that, it really is amazing how they all are in lockstep.
Good thought. Perhaps the short end game is "well we all get some variant or another and if you're jabbed, like us, you'll only have mild symptoms" and the next jab will be even better! Just getting us ready for the combined Cov/Influenza mRNA coming our way soon.
But if they are intent on crashing the financial system, which is already bankrupt, then they will have to work in some sort of lockdown. "A pox to you!"
You would think that a half-intelligent halfwit would realize that the husband's experience with Paxlovid was not the best and you should not take the stuff?
"The Corona Prayer" . . . thank you for putting all those tweets together! If that's not evidence of mass collusion, mass insanity, or mass formation psychosis, what is?
Exactly. Now I'm curious . . . Who writes the templates? I always figured celebs and politicians farmed out their social media, but I thought they delegated it to employees or agents. It seems there's a more monolithic source. Talk about psyops . . . but woefully transparent.
In a sense, this does inspire a tiny bit of confidence that all they are doing now is to try to change their snake oil from vaccines to Paxlovid, just because they now realize there is much more money in it. Remember 1 course of Paxlovid costs ~50x as much as an additional booster shot, and it's starting to look like they will not be able to sell many more of those anyway.
Just yesterday on the Dutch news there was an item about hospitals complaining they cannot prescribe Paxlovid yet for some obscure reason (as one of the only countries in Europe, EMA already approved it). The chorus of doctors on-call to sing the praises of Paxlovid as a wonder drug was impressive, it was like watching a Pfizer commercial. This is all a little too suspicous to me, it really appears like we now all need to start line Pfizer's pockets by buying more Paxlovid as opposed to buying there worthless 'vaccines'.
Isn’t Paxlovid proven NOT to work for those who have taken the clot shot? I believe that I have seen actual studies that concluded that it only works on those who are unvaxed.....
Pax lov vid masks and prolongs Covid. They never got rid of it, only dampened the symptoms and claiming “rebound.” Paxlovid makers makers know but they frame it as rebound and keep raking in the money. I don’t remember my source, but it is not good for the body. It should be able to be found tho.
The lies, obfuscation and criminal coercion around this campaign to kill is nothing short of amazing. Tell the big lie and tell it loud and long for they will believe. And guess what? They do. Most people still cling to the thread that it would have been worse without the "safe and effective" shots. The marketing jingo is insulting to anyone with half a brain but this is what modern society has become ... a jingo. From "Build Back Better" to "All in This Together" to "Putin's Price Hike" it just goes on and on. I'm sick and fucking tired of being marketed to by my government. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.
A fully-masked repairman came to my house yesterday and insisted his mask has kept him from getting Covid. The idiocy in this country cannot be understated.
I do not wear mask going into ANY facility requiring, esp doctors/med facilities.
"Do you have a mask?"
"Would you like for me to provide one"
"No, but I will wear what you provide even though it is uneeded and ineffective as it was here for every year of our existence when no one here was masked until 2020" <wry smile>
I had an eye appt recently. They sent me a survey afterward. I let them have it over the masking nonsense. Take an old mask with you, because they make money on every piece of PPE they hand out. Starve the beast.
I gotta remember to keep the grubbiest mask of all time in my pocketses and whip it out when fools offer me masks. "Thanks, I got my own, " she says, wiping it with dirty fingers...
I have a friend that I also have a business relationship with. I haven’t seen her since the start of the pandemic. She requires anyone in her orbit to be vaccinated/boosted/masked. She assumes that I’m in the same place she is. We used to frequently converse with each other. Now she just talks at me about covid, her fears, her risk factors, her health and money problems, etc. She’s often railing against the unvaccinated, not knowing that I’m one of them. I’ve spent countless hours listening to her rantings over the last couple of years.
I finally decided to end the business relationship. Ending the business relationship will also likely end the friendship for all intents and purposes. I was honest (mostly) about my reasons for leaving, and I thought I was handling it gracefully without any drama. I left all the covid nonsense out of it. I could tell she was really hurt. She took it very personally even though the nature of the relationship was that it eventually would be ended. It’s now awkward, but I’m so relieved. I didn’t realize what a mental drain this was to listen to her week after week. I like how you put it, not accepting this nonsense in our lives. I’m coming to that place too, maybe not as directly as you are, but I’m getting there.
From what you say, you appear to have been in a (psychologically) abusive relationship (and not just on Covid). Well done ending the relationship. Do not put up with this sort of behaviour from others (tell them straight that you don't want to hear about their problems - do so each time they try it).
Thanks. I live in a very covid-crazy area. It seems like the majority of people I know went all in on it, so I’m used to hearing the constant rantings. I’m a very steady person. I don’t suffer from mental health issues or depression, and rarely does something “get to” me. I just hadn’t realized until I made the decision to end the relationship how much I was disliking it. I’ve got one more meeting with her and then it’s done. I’m sure it’ll be awkward and uncomfortable, but at least it’ll be over. The relationship I have with her is mostly business and I’ve already started reaching out to others to replace the position she held.
What’s doubly weird about all this is that I’m sure if the covid crazy people knew where I stood on things, they’d think the same things about me that I’m thinking of them. I’m amazed at how much covid has divided us all.
I told him he could remove it, but he said his wife is “high risk”. If this meaningless gesture means something to her, well fine. Go ahead and restrict your own oxygen and breathe in bacteria all day to gain her approval. You can’t fix stupid.
Loads of moms and teachers on twitter saying how many upper respiratory infections are happening & lamenting how stupid it is that they dropped mask mandates.
Um… EVERY fall we pile all the kids into buildings, thereby creating a giant germ-stew. Early fall colds happen. I am a mom and I was a teacher, I know. We lived for centuries maskless & we will live on for more— at least the unvaxxed among us will.
And the ironic thing is that since we know Corona was around long before we were able to test for it, it's extremely likely the bug swept through the schools first -- but since they're regularly germ factories, nobody even noticed.
In 2020 some guy in new york city made the news for going on Tinder dates in an actual blow up plastic bubble. I would enjoy watching that grow into a trend in the cities.
Things ARE worse this year though, likely because if you have more people with damaged immune systems, then illnesses are caught and spread faster and that effects us all. So the vaccinated, by damaging their immune systems in mass, have unleashed more sickness on us all. Lovkdowms also had a part in weakening Immunity because usually immunity would get topped off without serious sickness occurring for many people due to regular exposures.
Too bad he is not South African so he could benefit from the 100% protection!
At least Elon will be protected.
You also need to physically be IN South Africa.
Ah ... you are evidently privy to trial data I know nothing of ...
“The corona prayer”. Exactly perfect.
Or, the Vax Mantra...
To me it seems more like the clown world pledge of allegiance.
🤡🌎 is currently my most used set of emojis….
The Faucian Creed.
Cf. The Nicene Creed.
"Creed (n): a brief authoritative formula of religious belief."
Yes...prayers and creeds and pledges for the new religion!
Napoleon (supposedly) failed in implementing his new religion. I guess the bastards will keep trying after the successful implementation (eventually) of the Abraham varieties by the Greeks, Romans and Persians.
It is perfect.
If you say that prayer over and over counting on Rosary Beads would you still be considered a right-wing extremist? Inquiring minds want to know.
Check out the Atlantic where rosary beads a were referred to as a weapon on par with an AR…
"The holy potion is safe and effective"
"Regular infusion of holy potion prevents infection and asymptomatic spread"
"Healthy children kill elderly people with their sinful uncovered snotty dirty vermin face."
"Life is better in the metaverse."
"This is fine"
"Humans will kill god and ursurp his throne. Heil Fauci!"
What if the final redpill is that these people aren't evil, they are just massively incompetent lunatics driving the Clown Car towards the cliff at top speed?
No difference. Evil is the outcome either way.
I gave up on incompetence a few years ago. Too coordinated, all errors swing against us, they all made the same deadly errors. Evil.
Yes, Tom Woods came to that conclusion a while ago. If these "leaders" were merely incompetent, the law of averages say that they would accidentally get something right or helpful occasionally.
Because even a blind squirrel finds a nut now & then.
Starting at 59s... How many of these types of strung together media messaging clips can you make now. Yes! It is most definitely coordinated.
Oh but there you are wrong: they get things right billions and billions of $s
The road to hell is paved with gold intentions.
Well... i think that is the whole point. Right for oligarchs and wrong for the suckers who still believe in democracy
That's the thing. All of the "errors" and "incompetence" are targeted against us, I agree.
right , the same thing with all of the media lies about trump. you would think if they were just "errors" that a least a small percentage of them would be positive coverage of the president. but no, its 100% negative. therefore it cant cant be an accident....
Bret Weinstein brings this up for Fauci and the CDC. If these people were incompetent, some of the public health advice would be good out of pure chance. Instead, their advice is consistently the inverse of good advice. Corrupt and fully captured.
Exactly. If they were simply incompetent, the errors would go in both directions. They only make 'errors' that benefit the vaxxers.
They're competent- masterful, even- at propaganda.
Developing actual CURES?
Not so much. Also, bad for business.
Yes, it is results that matter. And the results are evil.
I think maybe they are instruments of evil?
Not if they want to keep that level of material security. They don't want to bite the hand (system) that feeds them.
same as why so many doctors walked the line instead of refusing to go against their oath and keep on killing people. I despise all these doctors.
Stupidity has a price and it always gets paid.
If they weren’t ignoring the deaths and injuries while raking in huge profits with no liability, I might agree with you.
That’s why they are ignoring the deaths.....
this might be their ultimate virtue signalling.
"I am stupid, look at me"
When you find yourself in a position of that much authority (official or otherwise) within society, you have a moral duty not to abuse that responsibility. Whether you abuse it through malice or incompetence doesn't change things. If you're that massively incompetent, you have a moral duty to step down from such a position
Therefore, incompetence in this situation is definitionally evil
Also because a huge percentage of these people didn’t find themselves in these positions but rather clawed their way up.
Don't care.
I shoot rabid raccoons and foxes because they're dangerous and can't be reasoned with.
Fuck these clowns.
I'm in favour of giving the raccoons and foxes guns.
Soz but you should learn how to live alongside your neighbours.
Avarice, power and hubris. That's what drives many such people
Nope… Just evil! 🔥🔥🔥
Fully-vax’d Jill Biden now has Covid and is taking Paxlovid.
Wash, rinse, repeat.
Does anybody else think it’s a little sus that all these high profile people are “getting & admitting” in the same timeframe? I can’t imagine the end goal, but it seems everyone has a script right now. “I’ve got it. I’m so glad I’m vaxxed. I’m taking Paxlovid. You need the jab like a good citizen.”
And why do they think the whole world needs to know they got it? Who cares? It can only be to promote their propaganda.
I am curious though how they all do have the same do they all get that memo?
After the raid on Mar-a-Lago, all the MSM and liberal left were saying, "No one is above the law" a million times. Aside from how ironic it is for them to be saying that, it really is amazing how they all are in lockstep.
It seems weird to me too; however, it could be as simple as "keep the terror alive."
Good thought. Perhaps the short end game is "well we all get some variant or another and if you're jabbed, like us, you'll only have mild symptoms" and the next jab will be even better! Just getting us ready for the combined Cov/Influenza mRNA coming our way soon.
But if they are intent on crashing the financial system, which is already bankrupt, then they will have to work in some sort of lockdown. "A pox to you!"
Sure is. They’re just covering for the Pharmaceutical companies to get paid.
You would think that a half-intelligent halfwit would realize that the husband's experience with Paxlovid was not the best and you should not take the stuff?
nope, they get paid to SAY that they're taking paxlovid,,,,it's a friggin pfarma commercial.
because she's not even close to half...not even a quarter wit..
They're ALL taking Paxlovid because they've never been vaxxed. At one point, didn't Bourla say he wasn't vaxxed because he didn't fit the demographic?
Logical thought, but I don't think we'll ever know if/when/what they actually "took", since it is theater anyway.
And they are all liars.
I wish they would give that poor, SICK little woman some remdesivir and a breathing treatment on a ventilator…
Does she think she is too good for the standard operating procedure for covid?
She's quite the genius.
Wish, rinse, repeat .
Has she tweeted the Prayer yet?
"The Corona Prayer" . . . thank you for putting all those tweets together! If that's not evidence of mass collusion, mass insanity, or mass formation psychosis, what is?
it’s not my graphic alas, I just borrowed from the linked account on twitter
#unvaccinated has been trending periodically today on Twitter and that graphic shows up a lot.
The interesting thing to me is how similar the language is in all of them. It's like they've been given a template.
Exactly. Now I'm curious . . . Who writes the templates? I always figured celebs and politicians farmed out their social media, but I thought they delegated it to employees or agents. It seems there's a more monolithic source. Talk about psyops . . . but woefully transparent.
‘Corona Prayer’ - brilliant ….
April ( Harris)
May ( Gates - Pax?)
June (Fauci)
July (Biden)
August (Bourla)
I’m not on twitter but Norman Fenton has a classic pinned tweet….
They're all chanting from the same script. You see it time and time again among the plague-ridden jabbed.
And amazingly they all feel the need to Paxlovid up despite being 4 times vaxed! How is that not the news headlines
Because just taking a preventive like Ivermectin to begin with makes them no money. The networks would be bankrupt without Pfizer ad buys.
In a sense, this does inspire a tiny bit of confidence that all they are doing now is to try to change their snake oil from vaccines to Paxlovid, just because they now realize there is much more money in it. Remember 1 course of Paxlovid costs ~50x as much as an additional booster shot, and it's starting to look like they will not be able to sell many more of those anyway.
Just yesterday on the Dutch news there was an item about hospitals complaining they cannot prescribe Paxlovid yet for some obscure reason (as one of the only countries in Europe, EMA already approved it). The chorus of doctors on-call to sing the praises of Paxlovid as a wonder drug was impressive, it was like watching a Pfizer commercial. This is all a little too suspicous to me, it really appears like we now all need to start line Pfizer's pockets by buying more Paxlovid as opposed to buying there worthless 'vaccines'.
Isn’t Paxlovid proven NOT to work for those who have taken the clot shot? I believe that I have seen actual studies that concluded that it only works on those who are unvaxed.....
They never even tested it on the vaxxed
That’s right, I forgot about that....
I’ve seen those studies, just can’t remember where. I need a whole flow chart of where to find my really good stuff, now that there is so much of it.
I don’t think it worked for Joe Biden. In fact, he had a rebound and tested positive for quite a long time.
I believe that happened to several high profile people who had been vaxxed...
Pax lov vid masks and prolongs Covid. They never got rid of it, only dampened the symptoms and claiming “rebound.” Paxlovid makers makers know but they frame it as rebound and keep raking in the money. I don’t remember my source, but it is not good for the body. It should be able to be found tho.
And having mild symptoms! Why do they need a drug? It would sound like they think they might get worse without it.
They have to be a shill for paxlovid…
Brought to you by Pfizer… 🔥🔥🔥
The lies, obfuscation and criminal coercion around this campaign to kill is nothing short of amazing. Tell the big lie and tell it loud and long for they will believe. And guess what? They do. Most people still cling to the thread that it would have been worse without the "safe and effective" shots. The marketing jingo is insulting to anyone with half a brain but this is what modern society has become ... a jingo. From "Build Back Better" to "All in This Together" to "Putin's Price Hike" it just goes on and on. I'm sick and fucking tired of being marketed to by my government. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.
A fully-masked repairman came to my house yesterday and insisted his mask has kept him from getting Covid. The idiocy in this country cannot be understated.
I do not allow masked people in my house.
My wife and I have told everyone we know that our family does not accept this nonsense in our lives.
The meaning is clear.
I think we have to do the little things like that.
Just a thought.
I do not wear mask going into ANY facility requiring, esp doctors/med facilities.
"Do you have a mask?"
"Would you like for me to provide one"
"No, but I will wear what you provide even though it is uneeded and ineffective as it was here for every year of our existence when no one here was masked until 2020" <wry smile>
I had an eye appt recently. They sent me a survey afterward. I let them have it over the masking nonsense. Take an old mask with you, because they make money on every piece of PPE they hand out. Starve the beast.
Gosh I had no clue re: the $. Really?
It does mean more fun for me as I retrieve my"this mask is useless" mask that I retired...
Oh yes. One of the very first new Covid millionaires was a foreign PPE manufacturer. The U.S. government subsidizes it, naturally. 🙄
I gotta remember to keep the grubbiest mask of all time in my pocketses and whip it out when fools offer me masks. "Thanks, I got my own, " she says, wiping it with dirty fingers...
Very good! “Our family does not accept this nonsense into our lives!“. I like that phrase… may I use it?
Please use it. I have for two years. It works and has started some good dialogues...but it's also pissed people off.
Oh well...
I have a friend that I also have a business relationship with. I haven’t seen her since the start of the pandemic. She requires anyone in her orbit to be vaccinated/boosted/masked. She assumes that I’m in the same place she is. We used to frequently converse with each other. Now she just talks at me about covid, her fears, her risk factors, her health and money problems, etc. She’s often railing against the unvaccinated, not knowing that I’m one of them. I’ve spent countless hours listening to her rantings over the last couple of years.
I finally decided to end the business relationship. Ending the business relationship will also likely end the friendship for all intents and purposes. I was honest (mostly) about my reasons for leaving, and I thought I was handling it gracefully without any drama. I left all the covid nonsense out of it. I could tell she was really hurt. She took it very personally even though the nature of the relationship was that it eventually would be ended. It’s now awkward, but I’m so relieved. I didn’t realize what a mental drain this was to listen to her week after week. I like how you put it, not accepting this nonsense in our lives. I’m coming to that place too, maybe not as directly as you are, but I’m getting there.
From what you say, you appear to have been in a (psychologically) abusive relationship (and not just on Covid). Well done ending the relationship. Do not put up with this sort of behaviour from others (tell them straight that you don't want to hear about their problems - do so each time they try it).
Thanks. I live in a very covid-crazy area. It seems like the majority of people I know went all in on it, so I’m used to hearing the constant rantings. I’m a very steady person. I don’t suffer from mental health issues or depression, and rarely does something “get to” me. I just hadn’t realized until I made the decision to end the relationship how much I was disliking it. I’ve got one more meeting with her and then it’s done. I’m sure it’ll be awkward and uncomfortable, but at least it’ll be over. The relationship I have with her is mostly business and I’ve already started reaching out to others to replace the position she held.
What’s doubly weird about all this is that I’m sure if the covid crazy people knew where I stood on things, they’d think the same things about me that I’m thinking of them. I’m amazed at how much covid has divided us all.
What would it hurt to mention to her that you had been uncomfortable with her political and unscientific stance on Covid taking center stage?
I told him he could remove it, but he said his wife is “high risk”. If this meaningless gesture means something to her, well fine. Go ahead and restrict your own oxygen and breathe in bacteria all day to gain her approval. You can’t fix stupid.
Stupid has a price and it always gets paid...;]
I love how the remaining maskers always have an "excuse" as to why they still wear one.
They could be there to rob you. Seriously.
EXACTLY...or worse.
Your thought was exactly right.
Loads of moms and teachers on twitter saying how many upper respiratory infections are happening & lamenting how stupid it is that they dropped mask mandates.
Um… EVERY fall we pile all the kids into buildings, thereby creating a giant germ-stew. Early fall colds happen. I am a mom and I was a teacher, I know. We lived for centuries maskless & we will live on for more— at least the unvaxxed among us will.
There's a reason kids come home from school with snotty noses.
It's an arms race between your immune system and pathogens. Evolution 101.
I fear that all these children will be "bubble boys" in the future.
And the ironic thing is that since we know Corona was around long before we were able to test for it, it's extremely likely the bug swept through the schools first -- but since they're regularly germ factories, nobody even noticed.
Wow. that's a very good point. I didn't think of that. I was too busy packing up my shit for Florida to get away from the mask police in KC.
In 2020 some guy in new york city made the news for going on Tinder dates in an actual blow up plastic bubble. I would enjoy watching that grow into a trend in the cities.
Unless their worried to death mamas drop their insistence on mask wearing, they surely will.
Things ARE worse this year though, likely because if you have more people with damaged immune systems, then illnesses are caught and spread faster and that effects us all. So the vaccinated, by damaging their immune systems in mass, have unleashed more sickness on us all. Lovkdowms also had a part in weakening Immunity because usually immunity would get topped off without serious sickness occurring for many people due to regular exposures.