Every day, everywhere, it is our job to throw sand into the gears of the machine.

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Yes. The priestly class of Scientism relies upon the machine to implement the latest clown world orthodoxy. Sand it. They also rely upon credentialism and the corresponding administrative State authority that has been allowed to accumulate in our post-fact culture of the progressive death cult. This too needs to be sanded with constant, overt, and unapologetic mockery and ridicule whenever orthodoxy trumps truth. Which, at this point, is almost always.

The fiat-status of credentialed State authority figures who wield illegitimate power by nature of their progressive social status and bureaucratic station needs to be eroded socially as well. No State crony with a "model" should be able to conjure de facto policy power from their PhD and makework State job. The "machine" resides upon a social-political hierarchy that must be destroyed if the pursuit of actual science - and Truth, is to be restored.

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Gritty truth, the bane of the covid industrial complex

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And salt your tracks on the internet

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sabots work

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It is astonishing that any country needs to do local research to confirm the findings of over 70 international studies all debunking the effectiveness of lockdowns. Every serious academic and independent researcher knew that lockdowns were utterly useless and damaging by the end of 2020 and even more confirmatory evidence became available during 2021. Is a damning judgment of officialdom's failed policies only believable when another part of local officialdom issues a report underwriting that judgment?

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narcissists can never admit fault or being wrong. narcissists always worship and praise other narcissists, they are actually drawn to each other (satanic spirit). narcissists cover and make up BS for the narcissists' agendas. This is why it looks so bizzarre from the outside looking in, it is total chaos and makes NO sense b/c they are so self deluded. I've been studying and reading and pondering narcissism for several years, b/c both my parents fit that description, they about killed me and thank God I got away finally after 50 years of hell. The gaslighting and blame and games and abuse are nonsensical. Narcissists want to WIN and they want to control others, which is hysterical b/c their own lives are an absolute sham and the epitome of phony. Fauxci, Clintons, Bush, Pelosi, Biden, Obama, mainstream media, FDA, NIH, etal..... When you find that you are wanting to control others, you need to stop and take a look at yourself and why your own life sucks! No God, no peace. AND, narcissists are the ones who've weaponized religion and created much hell for others with that too. Narcissists are heartless conniving ppl with no integrity or soul.. Look at what they've done with obamacare and covid. Their worth is based on what they have, what they do, what other ppl think about them, winning at ALL costs, they know deep down that they are worthless POS, that is why it is SO important for them to appear in control...Bill Gates probably is the next best example after Obama. When either talks, they are blithering idiot fools, unless you are a narcissist, then you believe they are the most brilliant ppl on earth, and you'll never be swayed and you believe in global warming the WHO and pfizer jabs. What is it that they lack?....HUMILITY, the only way to your heart, healing and to God. Jesus is the way. NEVER take advice from a narcissist b/c they only have their interests at heart....Satan in the Garden is the first example....get you confused, get you to choose wrongly and damage yourself, then mock you and blame you....always changing the script, 'they' are never at fault (gaslighting). This is what they are doing to children regarding sexual identities and needless jabs, this is what the Narcissistic Govt Entity does to the masses the more power that it gets. This is why they are drawn to pedophilia and sex trafficking.....hello again, Epstein Clinton Gates, narcissists drawn to other narcissists. People to them are objects and for them to use and control, they are masters at objectification, because sadly they see themselves as objects. Hollow heartless ppl acting as minions for satan. Do you see pharma in this picture?

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Narcissism appears to be not a cause, but a result/symptom of serving Evil, which includes the possibility of demonic possession...

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There is nothing particular about it; it's a show for the masses, much like the "war" in Ukraine that might even result in WW3 on TV! :)

The policies accomplished EXACTLY what was expected from them. The WEF people control/own the politicians or, shall I say, countries?

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“a mostly honest report admitting” *gasp*

Those are five words I never expected to see describing a government committee report. This is an incredibly heartening sign that the tides are turning as the tidal wave of reality can no longer be ignored or suppressed.

On another note, you excel at the art of comedic captions, eugyppius.

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The worry is "everyone knows government reports are all fake", therefore "this government report is fake" therefore "lockdown forever!"

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We have been losing the game of "heads they win, tails we lose" against this crazy mentality for 2 years now.

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I would say 50 years but why quibble over the details.

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Good point. The script is written in advance, so they’ll either spin the story to fabricate the preformulated conclusion, or—on the extremely rare occasion when the facts fit the narrative—report the truth.

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Shockingly there was some truth told during a parliamentary session here in the UK last week:


A cross-party committee focused on covid recovery heard evidence from real economists and actual uncorrupted experts. The conclusion? Lockdowns have been utterly damaging and are the lead cause of our current economic woes.

That said, did the BBC report on any of this? Of course not! At least the German report leak is getting coverage over there, even though it's negative. The UK media's approach to inconvenient findings is almost always ignore, ignore, ignore.

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Now, that finding is weird at best.


Lockdowns have ACCOMPLISHED A LOT!

Lockdowns destroyed small and medium-sized businesses, transferred huge amounts of wealth to the uber-rich, were essential elements of obedience-training for the masses, and caused unthinkable psychological damage, especially with the dehumanizing effect of the muzzles and the torture of the fraudulent PCR tests added to the equation.

Of course, claiming they accomplished nothing can be an accurate statement as long as the above "accomplishments" are included in the definition of "nothing."

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Well said!

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It's clear that Governments in general want to "move on", apart from the confirmed cultists. They have access to, and understand the data better than most and what this means is that they want to create another myth that "The vaccines have worked superbly so we can now move on". In reality, of course, that means they are frightened of all the facts emerging and they don't want to risk having to admit they were completely wrong about almost everything and, more importantly, don't want to risk having to be hald accountable.

I still believe that the key question we need to pursue is how and why ALL G20 Governments simultaneously dropped their carefully prepared pandemic contingency plans to implement what certainly appears to be a transgression of the science. I still can't help but thinking that Sweden might be the key to getting to some answers. I'm sure that Sweden was subject to the same Globalist pressures yet was somehow able to resist. That all needs investigating and might come up with some answers or at least valuable pointers to answers.

This has been probably the most egregious ever assault on humanity and we really do need to get answers. If not, you can be absolutely certain that it WILL happen again - and worse.

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I understood that the Swedish constitution prohibited the denials of freedom required for the restrictions others accepted. They were serious about limitations on government. In the US while "emergencies" can allow states to restrict constitutional rights, few ever imagined that emergencies could go on forever. As it stands the length of the emergency depended on the particular politics of the government. Citizens should then question if their political party thinks that natural rights really are granted by government.

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The German constitution should have protected citizens' rights as well...but invoking an emergency created an expectation that politicians would implement drastic measures. IDK if you are aware that the German government asked one Otto Kölbl, M.A. German Lit., with close ties to Chinese universities, to draft a paper for them on how to respond to COVID?


So this might be where the German government's readiness to favour a Zero/No Covid approach might come from, at least partly.

And Germans find it very, very hard to go against their government, especially since the gov. and their allies in the media did a good job framing anybody who piped up as right-wing and extremist.

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The collective response to covid allowing such restrictions is of some concern. It seems to be greater than group think. Yet we allowed these people to lead us.

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The problem seems to be that the confirmed cultists have media platforms at their disposal, being twitter-savvy or journalists themselves. They will try their damnedest to blame politicians for the deaths of innocent babes and grandmas.

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The masks have to go, the entry regulations as well. And the vaccine mandate in healthcare.

I am not sure I am willing to accept masks for years to save the face of a former chancellor.

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Best way to defeat masks is simply not to wear them. Let the politicians and administrators mandate whatever they want. Mass non-compliance renders their edicts powerless.

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I've been saying that to everyone I can since the beginning. And been continuously disappointed by people's unquestioning compliance, their inability to choose common sense over mindless obedience to (perceived) authority. Even good friends who understand my explanations regarding the futility of masks, and know or suspect that the mask is totemistic nonsense, could not bring themselves to walk into establishments without donning one. I would always suggest to them to at least wait until a proprietor asks them to do so, at which point they should turn around and leave.

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Isn't it shocking how little courage the vast majority of people have? Almost no one is prepared to stand for a principle. My view of most of humanity has reached rock bottom.

Thankfully there are a few (very few) of us who stand rock firm, .......... But it's getting lonely...

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Yes, it's been a distressing and frustrating phenomenon to witness the high degree of compliance.

I, who go pale and start whimpering at any encounter with a spider bigger than an inch, have never thought of myself as particularly courageous. But apparently the mere ability to apply a logical assessment to a "public health" diktat places me in an exclusive guild of intrepid dread-naughts.

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I hate masks - and I don’t dare to don’t wear it. I know that I totally go against my inner truth and that this will probably make me more sick than the mask. But I am so tired of the whole sh*t that I don’t have the energy to discuss with people about not wearing a mask. Been there, done that. It‘s my own personal hell and dilemma. And therefore I can empathize with everybody who doesn’t dare to take off their masks where masks mandates are in place. I know that this doesn’t help the situation at all but I don’t know how to solve it.

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Spot on.

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AMEN. We had the power to stop the masks from day one. But 90% compliance with a useless ritual sealed their fate. I will *never* put one on.

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Jun 8, 2022
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Thank you for your courage! I'm 100% with you.

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Neither have I....and I whistled loudly whenever I was in a shop, just to provoke and to make others aware of how idiotic the whole scam was. It was so empowering. I never got into trouble, not once. I once told a security guard it was none of her business that I wasn't wearing a face diaper, and told her to move on. To my surprise, she did. So many people have no courage, not one little bit. It truly shocked me.

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Eugyppius, I was with you until the end when you christened Team Vaccine over Team Lockdown. Never. Neither team is acceptable. I’m for Team Reality.

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? I am very much opposed also to team vaccine. but, it's also good news that this false discourse dichotomy of lockdowns vs. vaccines has mostly been destroyed.

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They are twin evils, with Team Lockdowns being an acute disaster and vaccines a mostly chronic one. They must both be destroyed. And nobody has done more than Eugyppius to punch holes in the mRNA vaccine myth, including his historical insights into their short-lived efficacy in livestock and predictions of like performance in humans.

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Team Lockdowns could all too easily become chronic

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Team Vengeance here

Deuteronomy 32:35 | Adrienne Pan Dead after Post Moderna “serious illness”


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Channeling el gato malo nwith his "trojan framing" insight, the debate seems to be improperly framed. They're debating the effectiveness of some aspects of medical tyranny, apparently on the premise that there is some level of effectiveness that justifies the state abrogating personal liberty and bodily autonomy. To the extent this framing persists, the essential genius of Western society has been obliterated, and it's only a matter of time before everything that came as the fruit of realizing the primacy of the individual over the state is lost.

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I guess I'm more pessimistic, as far as rights as a realistic limitation on state power. But here, I think whether or not the lockdowns actually work is a matter of distant secondary concern.

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It is at least encouraging that the Germans are attempting this kind of postmortem analysis. Other countries, such as Belgium, are not even bothering. Their hope is that the memories will fade and no one will point the finger at them.

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I think if Lauterbach weren't health minister threatening to bring back restrictions in the fall, there'd be a lot less interest in establishing that lockdowns are worthless. the problem is they're not a totally dead policy in germany yet, and some people in power are clearly worried they'll come back. also, it's significant that they were mostly implemented by the executive, with emergency legislation sidelining the parliament. a lot of ordinary bundestag members don't really have their fingerprints on these policies and probably secretly want to get rid of them.

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Gotcha! Absence of capitalization reveals that you are actually el gato malo in disguise!

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shift key is hard.

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Especially with paws.

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So...there might be something good come out of Lauterbach's term of office, who'd have thunk. Astonishing thought.

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I’m sorry to hear that but the situation is the same in New Zealand, questioning is still not allowed here either yet.

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Yeah… the containment is dying but vaccination is still promoted , even to kids to “protect them for life”. Such dishonesty!

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Yes. NZ is still in la la land with advertisements to jab your little kids to ‘protect them for life’ … No rational post-mortem analysis will come while Jacinda is at the helm… but the containment policies are slowing dying at least.

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Small hole in the narrative. Need to enlarge it and drive a truck through.

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The 2019 review by WHO of potential NPIs concludes that none of them work. The only sensible precaution is that those with symptoms remain home until improved.

It’s not necessary to instruct people to comply. They stay home anyway, because they’re ill. Of course.

Lockdown specifically has been examined & published repeatedly & uniformly such studies are negative. Utterly pointless to lockdown those without symptoms because they’re always poor at transmission.

We’ve known this for years, decades.

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Question: does the leaked document talk about the harms of lockdowns? 'Did nothing' is much more positive than what actually occurred.

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by "do nothing" i mean with respect to the virus virusing. of course lockdowns are far from harmless.

i can't say exactly what's in the report, as it's not been released, but berndt complains that it "overemphasises" negative consequences of lockdowns, so I think it's fair to say that it addresses at least some of the harms.

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Those pics are hard lessons in the terrible truths of physiognomy and aposematism.

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The sour-faced women are getting their revenge.

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Thanks for the new word. Much better than mine, which was "jowly".

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Thanks for the new word! So, are masks an aposematic signal to repel dangerous critical thinkers?

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Masks definitely serve that purpose!

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I seem to recall that some time ago, a year or two in the past, there was a white paper or something emerging from within the German public health bureaucracy that took a big steaming shit all over NPIs. The reaction from the Bundestag and the German press was to call them pseudoscientific conspiracy theorists and then proceed to ignore the report. Looks like they're trying the same dodge now - pre-emptively discrediting something that violates the narrative.

"Listen to the experts - and experts are only who we say the experts are."

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Actually, they fired the author. Which is not that easy, given that he was a non-terminable civil servant...

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Wow, this is next to impossible. Who was the author? I'd love to read up on it.

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This is an article about the author and his fate:


It's in German, so try an automatic translator...

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Thank you for the link. This sentence jumps out: "This caused damage to the image of the BMI." So there it is. A government employee should not take any action that causes damage to the "image" of the agency the employee works for. Not a public servant, but a servant of the agency, which is capable of having its image damaged.

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Ahh...yes. Since “x” is the unknown & “spurt”’is a drop under pressure ...an expert is basically “an unknown drip under pressure”! ;)

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Without exception, every European I speak to (except the Brits) is expecting the return of some restrictions in the fall. When I ask them why - they don't have an answer, just that they expect it.

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There has just been a poll in Austria - people there expect measures too; NOT bc they fear COVID, but bc they think the politicians are eager to reintroduce measures. It will take some countries not to blink and not to reintroduce measures in spite of "rising numbers" to put pressure on Germany and Austria.

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I'm honestly amazed ppl still even get pcr tests unless they absolutely have to

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the primary driver of testing across EU (and I guess everywhere), beyond institutional tests as in schools, seems to be sick people curious if they have The Virus.

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Yeah, but a 2 Euro lateral flow test from LIDL will also do the trick. I never got officially tested as I don't like to be quarantined.

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If you are free of symptoms, the data are clear. You won’t infect others. Ignore the incorrect instruction to isolate. It’s only for controlling you, not a virus.

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Oh, I did have symptoms. It was a minor cold with a headache, congested nose and sore throat. Pretty sure I was contagious as Lateral flow Tests immediately turned black.

I did self isolate for a few days, which was fine.

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Even then, why wouldn't they take a Schnelltest and keep schtum about the results? Why would they risk being asked to quarantine and lose Krankengeld if they're not sufficiently boostered?

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At least here in the UK, for a long time the guidance was to take a confirmatory PCR test if you tested positive with a rapid home test. A lot of employers asked their staff to do this and many complied out of a sense of duty.

I believe the mania has died down but there are still people who want to do everything "by the book".

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So am I - why would you do that?

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Live in London. Was at a restaurant two days ago where the Italian waiter told me he was so relieved to live in the UK. He seemed certain that Italy would reintroduce measures in September.

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They might try saying NO.

It’s their lives. And those of their kids.

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"The hypervaccinated Christina Berndt, in a rare maskless appearance." she really needs a mask... just sayin' LMAO

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