Here in AZ it's like Norway, although I wouldn't doubt that there are some lunatic groups hanging around the University areas...But when the full blown recession hits, and supply chains start to break down, I expect the Covidiots will have more important matters on their minds...

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You'd think a collapsing economy would focus the covidians on something else, but cultists have a way of clinging tighter to their faith in the face of difficulties. Plus, even if they do lose interest in medical tyranny, the kind of people who converted to covidianism will become the loudest constituency clamoring for the government to engage in precisely the kind of counterproductive central planning heavy-handedness that made the last two years a living hell.

I expect red states to escape the worst of that, though.

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This. We must with full force and no shame go on the offence. Openly mock the doctors and covidiots everywhere now with the fact that they promised it was 95% effective stopping transmission and infection and would give us herd immunity.

Where was the retraction of those studies and the bad science they are based on?

If MRNA repurposed for COVID vaccine in a month did not work, what was plan B that would have taken longer and why after 2 years I don't see it? What about plan C incase plan B failed?

They are frauds and need to be at least publicly shamed, like the doctors that stood by quietly allowing this to happen.

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@ Yukon Dave There is data every day now to arm us … fresh hospitalization numbers from northern wales and Israel, the obvious impact of vaccines we see with our own eyes … we need to, each of us, spread the news far and wide “THE INJECTIONS DONT WORK!”

If I had the heart I would watch MSM to see what lies it is spreading these days but I am sick of the effort of the last two years, exhausted and incredulous at how RIGHT I was!!! Remember those days of asking yourself “could I be wrong?” and “how could do many be so completely fooled?” … I do t ask myself very often anymore (sometimes yes because I think it is a strengthening and healthy exercise to question oneself) … the real world around me is constantly affirming what began as a suspicion …

But it is not time to rest! It is time to grind down our opponent the most possible because he will rise again and will not likely make the same mistake twice

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And the sudden deaths occuring on a daily basis confirm that as well. I saw a

PSA this week warning women under 40, that strokes and heart attacks are mysteriously on the rise. But the cultists don’t see any connection. 🙈🙉

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Completely normal

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It's Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. And agree, they are looking for answers with their eyes shut. Or masked.

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I was tossed out of a GPs office a few months ago -- I went in to try to get Hydroxy... she noted my vax status... and offered me the poisoned chalice...

I was armed with this (now outdated) https://pdfhost.io/v/nvrgA~sEJ_VAERS_Heart_Damage_V8

Shoved that in her face when she said 'injuries are rare' --- there was perhaps 5 seconds of silence as her Cognitive Dissonance absorbed the blow....

Then in rather high pitched whiny tone of voice she said 'there's no context!'

Context? Of course there is - there are more reports of heart damage in the past year than in all the other years combined --- many many many times more.

'That's not context'

Of course it is.

'I am not going to argue with you' she opened the door and asked me to leave.

We sponsor a couple of teens from the Philippines who refused the jab in order to attend uni this year (they are taking a gap year instead)

I booked a call with another GP and when she said they should be jabbed I referenced Johns Hopkins info indicating 0 healthy under 18's have had severe illness/death from Covid.

And we know that they can still catch and transmit - so what's the point of the jab?

She told me she had conflicting data... I asked her to send it to me -- she of course did not send it (so much for informed consent)...

I complained directly to the CEO of the group informing him that she lied to me (she says she never said she had data - damn I should have recorded that!) and that they would not reprimand her nor tell her to not recommend the shots for kids. I complained to the medical board of NZ - they refused to take action.

If many thousands were willing to overwhelm GPs and shove this data in their faces and ask them how they sleep at night (clog up the machinery) that might result in change.

I don't see that happening ... few if any will do anything more than clatter away complaining on substack forums ... or marching around the block shouting 'freedom'

The very powerful entity running this show has all the angles covered... they have anticipated how far the average person would be willing to go.... they are at war with 8B people --- and the 8B people believe that 'democracy' and protests will ultimately win the day.

Too bad the Viet Cong weren't aware of this powerful tool... how many lives did they waste?

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Fast Eddy, you are a FORCE. Damn!!!

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I am not actually trying to upset their plans... end of the day I am a UEPer ... this is what I believe is happening and as much as I don't like the way it ends... it's better than uncontrolled collapse https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

I like to taunt the doctors to entertain myself... and also because I see most people in ego professions like this as nothing more than highly trained circus animals... they have no true intelligence. So I enjoy taunting them ... winding them up ... pissing them off... ideally humiliating them

My goal is to walk out that door with smug look on my face.... and them knowing I just rubbed their faces in shit.... and hopefully leaving them shaken right to the core.

I want them to return home at night ... with troubled minds... or at the very least having been rattled by such a brutal confrontation ... and say to their spouse --- I had this patient today who did ......

That is winning. That is victory. That is putting them in their place --- they are unaware of UEP so they have no excuse.

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What are 8B people?

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Very well said Yukon Dave!!

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Here's a strategy for those engaged in protests...

Put the faces of vax - injured people on placards --- and stand in front of clinics that are offering the boosters...

Confront Confront Confront!

But be sure to gather in decent numbers --- because when you try to forcefully pull people out of mass psychosis... they can become violent... also I suggest having a go pro camera mounted on a crash helmet - so they understand they are on candid camera.

I actually did this on my own during a major protest in NZ (confronting people waiting for jabs ad a pharmacy) and a giant fat man attacked me and tried to choke me ... that did not end so well for him as I threw him to the ground and put the boots to him on a busy street corner (some construction workers who saw the entire episode saved him...)

But I was lucky - no CovIDIOTS stepped in to attack me.

The time for being polite is long over --- but nobody seems to understand that

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I hope you are right.

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I spent a few weeks in the Scottsdale area both in late 2021 and early 2022 and can confirm it felt a lot like 2019 there. Nightclubs, gyms, everything was packed and operating normally. Despite the university and major city of Phoenix nearby the area didn't give off the extremely liberal vibe of similar-sized metros. I really enjoyed my time there.

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Germany is going to be economically destroyed by spring of 2023.

The last meetings i was at had the EU, IMF and repugnant psychopathic DC consulting class drawing up plans for how Germany will be "rationing" energy and food by November of 2022.

DC neocons want regime change. They do not care if 1 billion people suffer famine and the EU goes from 1st to 3rd world living, inside of 6 months.

Just my bias, but hunger and cold seem to cause a lot more instability for existing public institutions then implementing and policing ridiculous Covid policy.

The insane politicians demanding these policies should probably be focused on staying off a pitchfork, but i digress.

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We need to ensure AZ remains a bastion of sanity. Pray and prepare, lock and load, the shit’s about to hit the fan.

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Yes this is an interesting time for AZ … covid might have been an inflection point to swing y’all back from deep purple? The effort was an all or nothing sort of venture … I think it was poorly calculated somehow … don’t worry, They will be back … effort of world domination through the WHO do not look promising at the moment but the proles are financially vulnerable right now so we might see more control exerted in the financial markets etc. I feel pretty confident though that enough if us are appropriately freaked out by WEF to hinder any obvious efforts for the next few years

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I don't think Arizona is purple as much as it is a target of voter fraud. Same as Georgia, which is not a border state.

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Pennsylvania here.

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What monkeypox hysteria? Among queers at resort orgies?

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deletedJun 5, 2022·edited Jun 5, 2022
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no it wont fade. it is just the start ... aka long covid - amyloidosis. the spike protein.

people are being injected with something that is causing them to produce a prion generating protein.

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Jun 5, 2022·edited Jun 5, 2022

and all of it will be blamed on "long covid" which seems to happen whether one has had Covid or not (according to a couple studies). Very convenient when Long Covid causes strokes and heart attacks in healthy young athletes (sarc)

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The most interesting refereed publication on "long covid" notes that the most likely predictor of having long covid is whether you BELIEVE you had covid...not whether you actually did (determined by testing).

Tells you all you need to know.

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Well, that's how the science works these days. If you believe you are a woman, you are a woman.

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Boots, the injected spike protein is altered from the wild form, a feature that was supposed to detoxify it (but apparently has not) but also seems to have possibly come with misfolding tendencies of prionic nightmares (yes I have those). Ironically, it might be this alteration that allows surviving scientific community to pick apart the “long covid” issues from pharma injuries

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I have zero faith in the scientific community these days. Their grants depend on upholding the narrative.

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They don't want to. I also have my doubts that Long Covid exists. Also, I'm seeing all the booster fans talking about all these heart attacks as Long Covid. I call BS

I had Covid early and I have some shakiness and other weird stuff but I think it is the stress of finding myself living in a police state for two years.

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I got the delta variant. No real problem for the first ten days. Thought I was recovering when the lung inflammation hit, followed by 21 days in the hospital. I have had strange symptoms since then, but I blame a lot of that on the Remdisavir. My takeaway is that the hospital stay did more damage than healing. I would have done better staying at home with an oxygen tank.

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I think they are two separate diseases, with different presentations and courses. The FLCCC now has separate protocols for each, and has explained what they know to be the difference between the syndromes.

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You have the misfolding proteins? You okay?

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There is a major PR campaign in NZ to rebrand vax injuries as long covid --- the solution >>> get boosted

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Yes NZ is still a living nightmare. Masking still in full force, However you can have the "freedom" to not wear them in a restaurant.or a football game. Apparently Covid has signed a secret agreement with the government to not enter restaurants or football stadiums.... A study of excess deaths in NZ would be worthwhile .It is the perfect test case.

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I've seen NZ numbers --- same situation ... I can't recall where I got the most recent data but there is some here if you scroll the video https://metatron.substack.com/p/covid-requiem-aeternam?s=r

I have not worn a mask for quite some months - I have an exemption (the masks give m panic attacks!) .... almost never questioned --- if anyone says something I tell them --- I had heart damage after the booster shot so I have trouble breathing with the mask on ... hope you don't mind.

Of course I have no poison in me and am perfectly healthy .... but they don't know that ...

The looks of concern / shock - are magic.

If I was single I'd use that line in bars -- I wonder if I might get a few pity shags! Kinda like a wounded soldier coming back from the battle having put his life on the line for proud NZ!

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Well of course. You knew that the flu had graduated from Virus Obedience School in 2019 so it dutifully stayed at home. That's why no one caught flu in '19-'20.

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Jun 5, 2022·edited Jun 5, 2022

I dunno, in neon blue areas of New York State, I'm starting to see them again. and the disgusting mask litter

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Hey there, I’m in Fairfield county and I saw a FACESHIELD a few days ago … it was literally dusty but still terrifying … I physically recoiled 😭 … there are still a few n95 masked inhabitants of my small town but they look very freakish at this point and the rest of us are very close to pointing and laughing. I try to remember my inner vows to defend the right of stupid people to be stupid as well as my own right to not have them force me to be stupid too. But the struggle is real. Snickering is way more tempting

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I recently noted an article by a mask advocate complaining about being disrespected and ridiculed for wearing a mask "to stay safe from Covid". While I also respect this person's right to wear a mask for no good reason, irrespective of how foolish I find it, the irony of the complaint is pretty satisfying. We've all spent the past couple of years being berated, threatened, coerced AND ridiculed for our reluctance to mask up. The pro-mask author of the article will just have to deal with their social discomfort.

As for the future, while I intend to vigorously resist, like Eugyppious I believe that Covidians will persist. Our toughest battles are ahead.

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Did you see the one by the woman who said she was the only one on the train who was masked? She said regardless of what the crowd was doing she was going to continue to stay safe. Her tweet ended by saying something like, "We don't need to follow the conventional norms." We can guess how sympathetic she was to the unconventionally unmasked at the peak of the plandemic.

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But note that she said "conventional norms" (aside from the tautology)

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I have no problem with people who want to wear masks. Just leave me alone unless it’s a doctor’s office.

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I noted the same. And would add that homosexuals and transgenders and whatever else abnormality whine about not being respected. Why do so many not understand that respect must be earned? It's literally looking back at something--it so catches your attention that you have to give it a second glance (respicere, respectum-to look back at, turn your attention to [sorry--once a Latinist always a Latinist]). On the other hand I guess I would indeed give a second glance to some drag queen--so that could be literal 'respect'. Just not the kind they crave.

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I saw one too with N95 mask! I think he/she (hard to tell) has been getting snickered at because I saw angry eyes when I looked into them. My instinct was just to let it go because this person is toxic in every way--socially, physically, mentally, and communally.

Which brings me to the urge to snicker.

It's wrong but maybe we should. They will be the first to turn on us again.

Believe someone when they tell you who they are.

and they are not well (lotsa boosters on board) so are dangerous spike shedders

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I am STILL surrounded by maskers. My co-workers are finally done with the masking (except the alcoholic) but the customers are about 50-50 now. I still sneer at them. I know, I know it’s not nice but fuck them. They are the reason we are still being used and abused by our government to whom we pay taxes. I am still a prisoner in my own country and these people support that idea so I’m done being nice, this is a fight for our freedom.

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I am with you. I have to try really hard to be a Christian and love my neighbor as myself. For a while my husband and I quietly said to each other, "Bah bah" when we encountered the masked. Saw a young woman (19?) walking in parking lot toward grocery store Friday; wearing a mask.

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Yes the mask litter. I understand a connection has been noted between Covid-compliance and Democratic Party affiliation, and between Dem. Party inclination and climate change belief; thus (if a=b, and b=c, then a=c) those wearing masks should be the ones most careful about disposal. Does the careless littering imply that climate change is really just another narrative?

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Excellent Point! I've been wondering about just that. Lots of virtue signaling but lots of mask litter, especially in the neon blue areas, where they are more into mask theater.

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Thank you!

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NYC still has mask requirement for mass transit & depending on subway line and time of day and somewhere between 50-90% of folks have masks on. Outside depending on neighborhood it's 5-20% with highest in the UWS where the bulk of media folks live.

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Good to know! Have been avoiding NY City but we have a thing at the Tribeca F in a few days.

I was looking forward to going to films and shows but I hear restrictions are still in effect.

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Lots of restrictions but they are sporadic. Most places have switched to signs that recommend masks a few still have jab requirements to enter and lots of Tribeca screenings are outside like last year. https://www.flickr.com/photos/pameladrew/albums/72157719485357610

In April our new dumber than DeBlasio Mayor Adams extended jab mandates to city volunteers & that got me booted from longtime park photographer. Millions of NYC residents and visitors should feel much safer now that my pics are not uploaded to official NYC Flickr pages.

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That's insane.

Thank goodness our event is indoors but I think I'm skipping it this time. I suspect there will be a mask thing. not doing it. I'd be happy making a scene but it would be bad publicity.

Love your photography btw!

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the moment a new mutation emerges and the CCM (corporate controlled media) runs shrill headlines... with photos of old people on respirators... the CovIDIOTS will reach for the masks ... and demand lockdowns.... and they'll get themselves up to date with the boosters...

Never underestimate the stupidity of a covIDIOT... never assume they have even the slightest bit of common sense or intelligence.

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They will likely ramp up the fear porn in the fall in order to try to sell a bunch of new vaccines, but the global momentum is simply not there anymore. The future is impossible to predict anyway, since there is so many unknown factors that are able to take the world in a specific path.

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The thing is...

What if 'next time' is the real deal...

What if Bossche is correct and Devil Covid tears through the planet and the dead bodies on the streets are not crisis actors this time... what if the numbers are approaching Black Death numbers --- half of all people die?

You watch how quickly the quadruple masks become the norm -- and the hordes refuse to leave their homes (self - lockdown)...

If Devil Covid is on the loose and it kills unvaxxed as well... I'd not be venturing out.

Keep in mind the supply chains would quickly rupture in this scenario so there would be no reason to venture - the supermarkets will be empty.

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Yes I think once you let the mass formation dissipates, it almost impossible for it to come back, cause it needs so much media and bureaucratic energy and momentum.

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100%! Mass formation was the only way to execute what they did … without the mass buy-in of fear porn no American city would have fallen to the archaic policies we endured!!! No possible way would 93%+ of adults in my town would be vaccinated if it weren’t for fervent mass movement of group shaming and virtue signaling!

Honestly someone kind of blew it in my view … they had an incredible thing going with people bleaching veggies and changing out of street clothes on their front porches like shedding hazmat suits in Ebola hospital entrances … I won’t bore you with the level of freak show in my neighborhood (except maybe I will share there was a local trend, when walking on the street, to briefly mask in the presence of a passing car. You know … to be safe). The sheer power held over millions of “normal” people is kind of awe inspiring.

The loudest and weirdest hung on until mid January when entire neighborhoods HAD COVID. For a while they kept it up, warning the world to “mask up!” and “protect the vulnerable!!” until it all became so hopeless it was funny. Imagine having orchestrated something so powerful it turned New York City London Paris, ALL the major cities of the world into ghost towns with people only emerging for a few moments a day to bang on pots and pans from their balconies to encourage each other. Then imagine watching reality take hold of your beautiful creation of terror and just CRUSH THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF IT.

Yeah it’s gonna be tough rebuilding all that without giving people time to forget a little and without a way scarier thing than covid.

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"[P]eople emerging for a few moments a day to bang on pots and pans...." I'm reminded of a memorable line from Don McClean's 1972 hit "American Pie." "And as the flames climbed high into the night; I saw Satan laughing with delight."

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It wasn't just group shaming and virtue signalling---universities, medical boards were getting cold hard cash from the Feds. Two weeks ago I had to skip my 50th college reunion ( a big deal at an Eastern women's college) because proof of vax was required.

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I have this image of all the naked people on doorsteps in your neighborhood!

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Jon, I tend to agree but I also appreciate the point that injected spike protein will be haunting us for the foreseeable future … I think we cannot forget about this pharma made disaster looming … what it will look like I do not know. I have hope the courts will take the side of the people or at least the insurance companies (strange bedfellows!) but the stubborn denial class will likely never be stamped out completely

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is not about waiting for the courts ... we are injecting ourselves with something that is causing us to produce a prion generating protein. this is it. it can hit in any organ and none will be able to connect the dots. these are not blood clots - these are amyloidosis clots and regular medicine does not work .... basically there is no cure!

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So...all the jabbed could have prions sticking to their neurons right now and accumulating or just in their hearts?

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Boots, prions are a naturally produced class of protein, function is not known … they have a nasty tendency to “misfold” and an even nastier habit of prompting their prion neighbors to misfold … it is a strange phenomenon and a very immature science, almost unheard of among laymen (I am exceptional in this way 😇). I am fascinated by the subject so have educated myself a bit … it is my understanding that genetically modified proteins like the spike proteins in mRNA jabs have a propensity to misfold after being generated within cells … when they do, they can trigger nearby prions which bond together kn a unique formation unassailable by intracellular protease function that could normally dissemble unwanted proteins. These structures are called amyloids and gather in organs causing obstructions. Lewy bodies (if Lewy Body Dementia) are a common example of this sort of structure. Prion diseases are nearly always terminal within six months so there isn’t much time for suspense. It would seem jab induced prion diseases are still uncommon enough to be termed “rare” by virtue of the relative few who have died post injection.

Perhaps i have saved you a trip to Wikipedia although I suggest you still go here then please return and take the time to correct me. I am a once financial analyst now jobless mum of five (“jobless” refers only to the fact I no longer receive a paycheck) … I am self educated on all topics covid related

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Also, be careful of wikipedia, they started off with good intentions but not anymore. Good schools won't even allow them as references in papers.

I personally have seen baldfaced lies about people I know in there. Things like crediting music written by one person on another person's page as theirs.

They meant well but no longer do. They are also causing harm to non-woke journalists and scientists.

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Thank you!!

I've been reading up on this the past few years too (Mom had dementia but not Alzheimers) the prions are scary fascination for me.

I've also read a lot of places about the glymphatic system, which helps to clear a lot of debris (including proteins) from the brain.

Thank you for the information and lets share things we find out as we do about brain health and gut health, etc.

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deletedJun 5, 2022·edited Jun 5, 2022
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True. I keep that hope alive for my daughter and all her jabbed friends. None have died ir had injuries. But it seems everyday I read about someone mysteriously dying in their sleep at a young age. Russian roulette.

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lets hope so. however, this is big.

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Thanks for the reminder about Hiroshima. There is even that benefit from radiation--hormesis. Fear porn is starting to talk about nuclear threat from Russia, so let's all think 'hormesis Yay!"

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Nope! It won't be 'gone' until the Pols are 'gone'.

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Someone else mentioned Geert vanden Bosche.

He has been repeatedly correct during this entire *episode*. His most recent warnings are spine-chilling. He warns of imminent waves of Sars-Cov-2 in heavily vaxxed countries. He says that the vaxxed will not be able to fight off new variants forming for that purpose.

My anecdotal experience is vaxxed people are spending huge amounts of time off sick with "Covid". It's extremely worrying.

We have no reference points for what we are living through.

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He's been spot-on from the start. Too bad he was ignored by most. Do you have any recent videos of his warnings?

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Also look for Del Bigtree's interview with GVB around mid-May. If GVB is correct, we won't have to wait long to find out.

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Around here, everyone is vaxxed and boosted and I am not hearing about any Covid issues. The "vaccines" are simply useless (and toxic for some).

I fought off SARS-CoV-2 just fine, and I am triple vaxxed. It was a very minor cold for me. I expect the same for any coming variant.

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Flo, I hope you are right … there are precious few nonjabbed and if ANY of the more dire predictions are even half true, we are in for a very rough patch. In particular, predictions of VAIDS (vaccine induced aids) seem to be evidenced lately. Upward trends in terminal cancers are another thing to keep a lookout for. Ultimately, I am most concerned about fertility impacts.

It is true that the incident rate of most severe side effects is very small and, if you’ve done well after three doses, chances are good you will tolerate many more. Still effects like VAIDS and fertility may be extremely wide spread. Just take care to research before dosing again and before encouraging others. The bald fact is that there are no long term studies on these injections and that the technology being employed is so new it has not been fully trialed. You and your loved ones ARE THE TRIAL.

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I don't know anyone with VAIDS, everyone is as healthy as before the jabs. I am confident that severe Side effects show up immediately after the jab, not later. There is no plausible biological mechanism vor VAIDS. I am certainly fine, No infections, no fatigue, feel perfectly normal.

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Flo, I agree severe side effects “normally” show up near injection timeline if you are talking about short term adverse effects. Long term AEs have a different timeline and are why no other vaccine has been rolled out this quickly. The standard trial to general distribution time is TEN YEARS. What you’ve injected into your body was trialed in a matter of weeks and not even in animals. YOU ARE THE TRIAL.

I do not like the be the bearer of bad news but there is absolutely a “plausible biological mechanism” for VAIDS and it has been broadly warned against in relation to covid vaccines. SARS COV2 shares a good deal of genomes in common with human dna … arming T cell immunity against sarscov 2 is possibly to arm it against oneself. This is not my area of expertise but I am curious enough to read about it and you should as well. VAIDS was a primary finding that halted other coronavirus vaccine programs (sars/mers)

Don’t be dismissive! Be ALERT

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I think you are confusing autoimmunity and VAIDS. Autoimmunity can always be an issued with any vaccines but also with some infections. If the Spike protein can cause autoimmunity, an infection would be as bad as the vaccines as both expose your immune system to this Protein.

I am a biomedical Scientist, so I know a bit about Proteins. I don't think that these vaccines cause a lasting loss of immune system function.

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Flo, I am glad to hear these words of comfort from a biomedical scientist! Gosh I hope you are right because virtually everyone I know has taken these shots and there has not been any longer than 12 weeks of data collected on them in very small clinical trials that apparently failed even to detect the dramatically waning efficacy of these shots. Think about that … within SIX MONTHS efficacy is about zero and we found out AFTER first/second dose. Wow … not even a six month window of knowledge regarding the simple matter of efficacy. This must bother you?

Surely there are other things unknown. Did you know that wild type spike can transverse cell nucleus? I saw that in an NIH link just a few months ago. Golly I hope the good folks down at Pfizer knew a lot that when they were creating their patented modified spike protein! I guess time will tell.

Have a productive week!

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Jun 6, 2022·edited Jun 6, 2022

The ads on TV in the DC area about HIV treatment have been airing for months now.

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Hi, I very much hope your experience holds true. But it is not what virologist GVB is saying. But yes let's hope because we all have people we care about who took the vaxxes. Best wishes.

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More evidence the pandemic isn't over: the host of private restrictions still in place. For example, my college-aged daughters were asked to show proof of vax to get a job. Saw signs for a fundraising event, but you needed vax to enter. And all the local gov't entities, esp. school, are still pushing salvation through the vax. So nauseating.

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Damn it I love that man

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Here in Brazil some politicians are doing the same. Interesting, high income hypochondriacs are the same everywhere

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I wrote an op-ed earlier this month arguing for an end to containment policies. I expect it falls on deaf ears, but at least I said it. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2022/05/unfollow_the_science.html

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“The truth is, science is a counselor, not a leader. Science is simply information. One cannot "follow the science" any more than one can "follow the library." “


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Thank you, BelleTower

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I fear Eugyppius is right. And if Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche's predictions are right about the next 6-9 months, that we're on the precipice of another spike—among the vaccinated— I fear there won't be sufficient will to resist more restrictions and mandates. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DWb7jCGOE4

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Think GVB is a very important voice. If I had been seduced by the propaganda and caught one of GVB recent interviews, I would be extremely worried.

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Alameda County in CA reinstated its indoor mask mandate. Here we go again, boys and girls.

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I rarely see masks anymore except at work where they are still mandatory. As far as I can tell, C19 has become a distant memory for most people.

It shocks people when I tell them that my Covid unit is full & that Ppl are dying. We had more C19 deaths last month than any other month since 2020. This is damning to the “very safe & effective” vaccine mantra so no one speaks of it.

Hospitalization & death from all causes, particularly ppl in their 30s & 40s, is markedly increased. Shockingly so.

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Not “in spite of”, but because of, the injections.

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Thanks for sharing that information. My teenage son and I are getting over influenza and RSV (in the summer!!) This after I just got over my first bout with Covid (Covid was a cakewalk compared to RSV). I’m not surprised about the Covid numbers in hospital or the silence behind it. You’re right it would totally mess up the pro-vax crowd. My husband has friends who are vaxxed and boosted and constantly getting COVID! Are you thinking ADE with those dying on your unit?

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I think ADE plays a role. As you noted, the vaccinated are suffering from repeat infections. Whereas the first or second C19 infection may be mild, the 3rd or 4th tend to require hospitalization & frequently end in death. These cases are not confined to the elderly & frail.

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Hey, August, thank you for serving in our medical field and remaining sensible. You ought to reach out to Steve Kirsch who is always looking for insiders like you to chat with about what is actually going on on the front lines. Anyway, I take comfort knowing someone like you is out there, ministering to the sick but with your eyes OPEN. Keep at it! A loyal fan :)

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Thank You for this lovely message. It has brightened my day! I have responded to queries by Steve Kirsch. He is doing great work & I’m impressed by his determination. He never quits! Thanks again. Your kindness is so appreciated!

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Jun 5, 2022·edited Jun 5, 2022

I don't know what to say anymore. I have developed an intense hatred for these people, sometimes I would simply love to smash my fist into their masked faces.

One thing has really changed for me because of the "pandemic" : I was really upset about the crazy immigration policies in Germany since 2015. Now, I don't care about that anymore at all. If Germans are replaced by foreigners, so be it. I don't identify with the German people any more, this population of scared and authoritarian sheep can vanish from earth, good riddance!

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deletedJun 5, 2022·edited Jun 5, 2022
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It is really difficult to be forgiving in the current climate of oppression they have created. They want to ban my unvaxxed 12 year old son from his beloved Football team, although he is already recovered from Covid19 and thus immune. Evil scum, these perpetrators.

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I think they are too old and cowed and used to obedience to do anything except take it all quietly and die out without making a fuss. It is different for younger urban populatuons, who are definitely not Teutonic and whom the police will be careful not to pester if they don't don face masks....

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But bever have the elites had such a chance to spy on and manipulate the masses.

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It's only too obvious that they will keep trying. Power is addictive. But I've also noticed that once pro vaccine types are beginning to question things. They've done their duty and are now getting as sick or sicker that the non vaccinated. Mass vaccination has turned our public spaces into petri dishes for new variants and it is becoming ever more impossible to hide. They will try to blame the non compliant of course, but I remain hopeful that their game is up.

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Masks are coming back in California. These clowns have boosted to infinitium and still get sick, I wonder why???

My advice is the same today as it was 2 years ago, at the start of the pandemic.

1. If you are scared, stay home

2. Get regular exercise

3. Eat healthier

4. Leave me alone

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We’re going to LA in September to see a new baby grandson. We’ll fly in, maskless, drive to their house, maskless, stay 6 days, maskless, fly back home, maskless. I refuse to go anywhere in CA that requires a mask. (We’ll take a two day trip up to the red Northern CA areas, the conservative side.)

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They are talking masks everywhere in Cali, again. The smooth brains in LA County seem to be begging for the masks to be required. Pretty sure most of the Bay Area will rise to the ooccasion and disappoint us all again.

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Especially number 4, for me

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Nah, I grew up here, California is obsessed with California, not health, we attract the narcissists from around the world who care about one thing, telling other people how awesome they are.

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Elon Musk has directed no more Tesla employees will work remotely, globally, presumably even in Germany. Actions like that by companies that want to restore profits will undermine the government demands and public fetish of hyper paranoia. We'll be back to normal soon.

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which is why the SEC is going after him with a vengeance.

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Seems that Monkeypox isn't catching on (pun intended) quite as they wanted, and now they're reverting back to the cerveza sickness narrative. The data clearly presents Omicron (and subvariants) as very mild yet these 'leaders' are actively continuing the narrative.

This is the problem with centralized authorities in general, but specifically regarding public health. On the surface level they need to be seen as doing SOMETHING but the better solution the entire time was to get them out of the equation altogether. States/countries/etc. that were more or less open fared just as well or better in some cases than their authoritarian counterparts.

The believe in authority is the most dangerous fallacy out there - but the masses are too brainwashed and pacified via drugs and Netflix to snap out of the hypnosis. Best get out of the major cities before fall/winter comes and have some kind of support network.

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Monkey pox is a dud because society has built up a immunity to bs,there are no 100 year pandemics ,that is just the amount of time between the ability for the citizens to forget “virus goin virus “ and a government willing to take advantage of the forgetting.Just so happens with mass instant communication and globalization,there was only 1 real government in March 2020.That government is breaking apart now,the only positive to come out of this.

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Society definitely does not have a built up immunity to BS...look at the past 2.5 years. People were played like a fiddle to their puppeteers' desires for a virus with a damn near 100% IFR for most people.

In LatAm the masking is still very prevalent as is hand sanitizer at entrances. Many 'progressive' US areas you still see masking outside too. The meme of supporting the current thing is successful because it's so true for the masses.

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There was some talk of it potentially being transmitted via droplets as well. Dr. Malone recently had an article stating it might be a genetically modified virus too and not just a regular Pox so that has me a bit concerned still.

It'll be interesting to see what kind of scare tactics they come up with this fall/winter though - I still think 'they' learned a lot about human nature and what they could easily get away with since 2020 and they'll be using that knowledge for the next 'crisis.

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Everyone keeps saying that this is over, that we have to guard that it doesn't happen again. But here in Portugal (Madeira), I still can't go to a doctor or dentist, or get on an airplane. Like Napoleon on St Helena, I am a permanent exile in the mid-Atlantic.

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It's the same in Canada or worse .No train or plain travel or leaving the country without being filled to the top with the Trudeau venom .No entry to hospitals or doctors ,dentists, and many other places run by the gov. I live in an apartment and overlook the parking lot below from my window and often single drivers arrive and go in to their apartment with snout pouches and also come out the same way .I believe they never take the masks off not in the shower or when having sex .

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Not entirely true. I'm in BC. Hospitals--Medical clinics--Dental offices--Masks still foolishly required; but no proof of vax.

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Here the problem is masks. After 2 years I can now go to the grocery story, but medical and transport facilities are off-limits. A month ago I broke down to see a doctor about a pre-cancerous skin condition which fortunately is still pre-cancerous. I wore a mask below my nose and no one said anything. But I'm 71, almost 72, I'm too old to play this game.

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From "St Helena"? Haven't yet mastered walking on water, I'm working on it.

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I wouldn’t say Corona is over in the USA ,it’s just on the back burner until the fall with upcoming elections in November.I went to my local hipster grocery store yesterday and masking was at about 15% ,it’s beautiful weather and there isn’t a person around me coughing,in no way does this wave feel like January omicron,but people are acting as it does.I can say vaccination is totally dead in the USA,too many “sudden and unexpected “ deaths happening now.I knew post panic that the main reason to never take the vaccine is basically every future non accident health event will include a little devil  whispering in your ear “was it the vaccine “ if it was true or not.

We are doing now what we should have done 2 years ago and public officials are trapped between a society that is already harden against panic and the fact we are seeing what Zero Response looks like ,and it’s slowly coming into the minds of even the biggest Covid pushers that the response from March 2020 on to about February 2022 was a complete disaster .

Now that is quite a pressure cooker and with about 5 months before I hope a tsunami of good olde freedom washes away this madness in the USA ,I am deeply concerned about what the Biden/Democrat regime will do to stop it,best hope now is Democrats who want to stay in power in contested areas abandon Biden ,go local and we get a fragmented Democratic Party vs. a mad as hell and not going to take it anymore public.

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They are not done. Youre 100% right. And I still don't know how to really fight them.

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It does feel like not bowing to the mandates is fighting them...we must keep this up.

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Ignoring the rules is fine and well. I've broken every single one of them, repeatedly, and can write a book on how to be a covid criminal. But its not enough. They will keep coming.

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I certainly agree they will keep coming. But I have begun to understand that they want us to think they are more powerful than they really are. The mind control will not end, so we must not ever stop resisting, and must do more than that whenever and however each of us is able to.

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In full agreement on that.

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I fear _Perelandra_ is the archetype here.

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The clot shot and bone yard boosters guarantee that Rona lasts forever.

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