Oct 21, 2023Liked by eugyppius

“unflushable pandemic turd lurking somewhere in the frothing toilet water”

Unsurpassable. Complimenti.

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Everybody who writes for a living was weeping with envy after reading that first paragraph.🤣

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Truly epic!

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Does immeasurable injustice to turds everywhere ... turds generally do no harm. THIS DrostenTurd, on the other hand, has done immeasurable harm and needs to be put somewhere permanently where his stench can never again poison the air of this world.

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Fair comment. "...turds generally do no harm". Indeed so, unless they are the Justin variety.


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Haha..damn,this was poetry,E is truly inspired by this 2 poltrons.

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It is a wonderful line. Bizarrely the longest single word anagram of that phrase is 'thromboendarterectomies'. These are blot clots. Not dissimilar to a turd in the system perhaps, and suitable for what he is, a clot, and the damage being caused to people.

Even his own name has suitable anagrams in it. I write about these in my latest post inspired by eugyppius's article.

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Oct 21, 2023Liked by eugyppius

EUG, this ultimately leads to the destruction of massive numbers of livestock and those that remain may become too toxic to consume as a foodstock. This is the fruit of progressive secularism insanity which if not stopped will become the death of mankind.

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This is an excellent point. Just look at the previous examples of mad cow disease (cows), Covid (mink), and avian flu (chickens and ducks) which suffered mass exterminations "just in case".

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It’s also a great way to conveniently make meat prices soar and usher in yummy bugs and beyond burgers based on tumor cell lines. Yay!

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Yep. I call the ‘Beyond Meat’ beyond disgusting.

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Throughout the pandemic, I have been throwing out these ridiculous conclusions thinking that they would be heeded by the rational minded not knowing that this would be their inevitable conclusions. For instance, one of the things I argued about in regards to Covid is that it was government demanding the whole population do something to accommodate the few. I said it would be like "closing down all the Thai restaurants for those with peanut allergies." And here we are, we have a group of people, a very vocal minority demanding HEPA filters and masking in healthcare buildings to accommodate them. They say very plainly when I push back against them "That's why we are going above you to get these initiatives passed."

The second thing I talked about was that getting to zero covid is impossible because of animal reservoirs among other things. And now here we are talking about vaccinating/exterminating entire species.

What happens if we find out endangered species carry Covid?

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023

Don’t worry, Bill Gates will find a way to genetically modify that animal for you. He loves mosquitos and tinkering with the ecosystem, ‘cause he’s a philanthropist, don’t cha know? :) Bet he’d love to s tart working on those pangolins STAT.

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Why all this energy from him to f with everything?

What we need is someone to follow Bill Gates around and mandate and regulate areas of his life with a fine tooth comb. He needs a life audit, which in my opinion would consist of something very unpleasant akin to a colonoscopy without anesthesia. His thoughts and actions should be forensically gone through. When he finally says "I didn't agree to this." WE nod and say "Now leave the rest of us alone."

If they truly are philathropic, then they should make things available and not mandatory. Give me mosquito nets and options. But you can tell, by the automatic Windows updates what Bill Gates thinks about autonomy and consent. You just don't know what is good for you.

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My friend was visiting me this weekend and told me to read up about this group (read cult) called EA- Effective Altruism. Basically, it is a group in Silicon Valley whereby it encourages you to gather as much money as you can, the morality or legal aspects of acquiring it are very blurry, just so long as you amass a huge amount and then, you, the Silicon tech genius, will know best how to spread it altruistically. It was fascinating and I kind of hope Eugyppius will do a write up on it, I think the WSJ did an article on that Sam character involved with FTX and this cult but it definitely deserves more attention. I remain convinced that Gates is part of it. Oh, and it was my friend’s daughter who studied at Columbia and now Stanford who knew a member and would give weekly updates to her mother (my friend) about how absolutely crazy they are.

I personally loved the interview between Gates and that BBC interviewer who asked him if he was a hypocrite for foreseeing that commercial flights would soon end for normal people, but the interviewer pointed out, not him. The reaction was priceless lol.

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From what have seen, "the tech genius" no more know how to dispense money than a lottery winner knows how to save it. I don't doubt they are crazy. There is so much "pathologizing normal and normalizing pathology" that soon we will be told to stay home/stay safe because we are having "a bad gravity day."

We have seen the cult of the mask and the cult of Long Covid, it doesn't surprise me there is a cult of techno-altruism. What they should be working on is restoring supply chains, instead they are focused on things they know nothing about like the risk rewards or population wide regulations and restrictions.

I imagine Gates is on the spectrum which means that while brilliant in some areas, he has challenges in others.

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Your first paragraph describes most philanthropists, at least the ones who make sure you know that they are philanthropists.

"We stole all your money and now we are giving some of it back, aren't we generous."

'Go be gruff' I say or something like that. :)

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Look at the topics they are covering in EA and tell me Drosten isn’t a member, he would be salivating to join up!


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Just browsing the topics is nauseating.

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I read in the underworld newspaper ,that the making of gasoline and diesel will be outlawed ,verboten] to save the planet .After Bill Gates bought all the farmland he is gearing up to by all refineries and convert them to making vaccines .

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Isn't it spelled 'philanthropissed'? :)

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'The second thing I talked about was that getting to zero covid is impossible because of animal reservoirs among other things.'

We pick on other species while completely ignoring the impracticality/impossibility of controlling the much more vast human reservoir.

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I don't think we are ignoring it. The covid acolytes believe in an unconstrained view of the world. "If only everyone was vaccinated." "If only we all wore masks better." "If only we did socialism the right way." They actually believe that there is fundamentally nothing wrong with expecting people to obfuscate their breathing during their waking hours, or getting experimental substances injected into their veins.

The point of discussing animal reservoirs is hopefully to show them that even if we could control all of humanity, we still have to contend with "all living creatures that could contract Covid." It also breaks through the moral platitudes of "I do it not for myself, but everyone around me." So what is their solution? Sterilization of the animal reservoirs? Mass vaccination? How would it be deployed? Vaccines are very dose specific...how would you contemplate the dosage levels of a wildly varied wildlife population? Would you consider eradication of a species in order to prevent the infection of humans? Does a .2% death rate warrant these sweeping broad strategies?

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I recommend that Drosten will test animals for the whyrusses ,wild and domestic . I also recommend he start on Kodiak island testing the bears ,face to face .

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Nobody carries Covid, that's the scam.

However in Drosten's case I would make an exception and exterminate him to be on the safe side. One can't be too careful nowadays. :)

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So how are people getting sick?

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In any number of ways. Short of analysing each individual one cannot tell.

The thing is we need to get away from thinking in terms of herd. We are individuals first and foremost and no one person is exactly alike. Not even twins.

There are numerous poisons to consider, their sex, diet, sleep, stress, environment generally. Each person must be considered in turn. It is of course possible for people to share similarities and diet for example and released poisons will affect a crowd generally.

I wrote this on herd immunity as part of my over all Covid 19 Summary.


We cannot carry a disease with a view to 'passing it on' but we can be diseased and poisoned. Bacteria, fungal spores and parasites can be 'carried' but whether they are passed depends on circumstances.

And once again an individual's reaction will depend on their state of health.

I keep saying to people re COVID that this is the 'flu re-branded as usual (they tried it with swine 'flu for example) and the 'flu is an internal chemical poisoning as I have explained here. It contains all relevant links inc. Covid 19 Summary.


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I am inclined to think of it as "a flu rebranded," Not only rebranded, but edified. So I do see it as a disease that can be carried. When people say things are a scam, others might get the impression that the thing itself as a scam, not the reaction to it. Something did happen in China, and also in Italy, and because planes still flew, it happened in the rest of the world as well.

Was it a pandemic? After we remove all the fear. After we remove all the improperly filled out death certificates, the iantrogenic deaths. The deaths due to deferred treatment, substance abuse, etc, I think we will find there were not as many "Covid deaths" as imagined.

The "Wizard of Oz" was something. It was a man behind a curtain using effects, smoke, mirrors, noise to make them appear far bigger than they actually were. The scam wasn't that this was occurring, the scam was that it was magic. Also, another lesson from that piece of fiction, the reason for their visit to the Wizard was something that could not be conferred to them at all..they all already had it in them. Our immune system is much better than any baubles or other totems for fighting off disease.

I agree with you that because Covid itself was "novel" so many things could be ascribed to it. And the information goes out so fast that it can't be easily pushed back against or debunked.

I don't know what to think in terms of your thoughts on disease itself. I didn't read your full article so I can't properly comment on it. I do think that pathogens can travel via the air/water/bodily fluids. In order for your model of disease to properly work, there would have to be a control group of people who don't interact with the world at all that nonetheless get sick that are consistent with those that we believe people can pass on to one another. And since isolation is not a welcome human condition, it would be cruel and unusual to do so unless they did so willingly.

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There are no more endangered species beyond themselves. We are the threat to their extinction. I think that they really believe this.

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First thing that popped into my mind: kill all the livestock!! Really, we need to lock these people up, like now!!

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023

yes, all animals are God's special creation. The last book of the bible, Revelations 8:18 brings the truth into focus what God will do to those who mess with His creation:

"The nations raged, but thy wrath came, and the time for the dead to be judged, for rewarding thy servants, the prophets and saints, and those who fear thy name, both small and great, and for destroying the destroyers of the earth."

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See UK's finest astrologer on this topic. I give you none other than the soon to be knighted Neil Ferguson. Aprox. 6 million cattle/sheep/pigs slaughtered at his behest in 2001, and that was just for starters.

So spectacularly wrong yet he's reverred by the MSM. Says it all really.

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Indeed. One can say a lot about 'Sod all Neil'. That's anagram of the place in Wales where he was brought up. Sicked up rather.


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Last time I was in Berlin as a tourist ,I saw a book in a bookstore window ,with the title .Hundred facts and secrets about farting and farts ,written by Christian Drosten

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Oct 21, 2023Liked by eugyppius

These are the people who are perpetually bored in normal times. They can't enjoy the simple things in life and constantly look for ways to make life exciting. Perhaps they imagine they are living an exciting life with all this crazy talk, the endless gatherings, and their ridiculous strategies to keep us safe.

But deep down, somewhere in their subconscious, they must be beyond bored. I say this because I am beyond bored reading about them, even as they descend to ever more ridiculous depths.

Naturally, one must keep tabs on them and keep reading. Alas.

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They always say never to admit of hearing voices, i think this drosten square turd must have constant white noise sounds in his head and can never get to admit it

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If they can't hear voices they must be deaf as a post. Perhaps Dross-ten can't even hear himself think.

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Ja, ha ha

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Oct 21, 2023Liked by eugyppius

“If you think you can train your immune system through infection, you must also believe that you can train your digestive system with steak.”

This is obviously a "scientist" who knows nothing about the human microbiome (or the immune system). Actually, you *can* "train" your digestive system (of which the microbiome is a major component) with diet.

And this is leaving aside the tangential fact that the microbiome plays a major role in the immune system.

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More delicious steak for the rest of us!

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Oct 22, 2023·edited Oct 22, 2023

Everything that fucking idiot utters is ludicrous tripe. Yep, I’m calling him names. Someone like that deserves it. Look at all the harm fucktards like him have caused, and continue to do so.

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No no stop. We already know what we need to know! Here just stick this needle into your arm and inject this vial of murky liquid, you will feel better we promise. Now stop with all of your “micro biome” chatter

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Thank you for including pictures of all these villains. The mind virus and masking appears to contort faces into ugliness. They are in 1% of people who still get boosted in perpetuity.

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I refuse to take orders from a grown man who can't comb his f&@$ing hair. Double for Peter Hotez.

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Don't forget the bow tie too. They can be fun but on Hotez....

He is in here briefly.


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One can hope

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Prof. Dr. Drosten has failed to fully analyse available data. There is a strong case to be made that pandemics do not start in livestock, but with a**holes.

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Certainly true that they start with our souls! If our souls aren't right then all sorts of issues arise.

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023Liked by eugyppius

“unflushable pandemic turd lurking somewhere in the frothing toilet water”

This seriously undermines my attempts to avoid name-calling. Although it could probably regarded as descriptive rather than ad hominem.

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Continuing the sewage metaphor, would Peter Hotez be a fatberg?

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Is there a sewer suitable for the likes of unflushables like Drosten💩💩

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I think the rhyme between turd and absurd was what peaked my sensibilities.

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023


I have performed

English-language editing work for dozens, perhaps hundreds, of Germans scholars over the past 20 years. You are by far and away the most talented non-native writer I have come across. Even German academics who have lived in the US for years almost never rise to your level of mastery of English prose. Also Hut ab!! Please keep the extremely valuable posts coming.

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Absolutely agree!

E. has an incredible way with words, and if I'm not mistaken, English would be his 2nd language...

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Tbh I don't believe he is non-native. At the very least bi-lingual. No way a 'regular' German has this level of command over the English language

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I don't believe he was raised bi-lingual or has an English-native parent. His spoken English is too heavily accented (based on his recent interview with JH Kunstler). Like most Germans he probably had English in school from a fairly young age. But it takes a particularly unique faculty for language plus extremely extensive reading to develop his level of competency in English as a second language. It can be done! (cf. Nabokov, J. Conrad.) But it is very, very rare.

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Fair enough, I was only going off of written words, never knew there was audio proof 👍

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Oct 21, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Drosten should be the guest of honour at a monkeypox rave. The man is useless.

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if you have this entire post printed on well-cut tastefully-hued t-shirt dresses i will wear it everywhere.

i remember how first learning about germs spoiled the carefree pleasures of childhood for me to some degree. there are many realities of life we're best not taking over-seriously. many bad things came in with anti-bacterial soaps (i myself wasn't partial to those). thinking incessantly about all the nasty little livestock living on and in our animal friends would ruin most of the pleasures of life for everyone.

such a wonderful post. what fun it would be to know you in real life.

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I credit about 50% of my ability to avoid the first world neuroses that afflict most of my peers to the fact that I grew up on a farm and thus spent most of my first 18 years ignoring the cowshit on my shoes.

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Ha! I was mentally inoculated against germaphobia by having five children and the number of pets expected for that ... it is extremely grounding from a mental wellness point of view.

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funny thing. i had a part-time seasonal job in a children's petting farm in nyc for six years where i did plenty of animal handling and it was quite normalizing for me.

and of course in the years when i had a succession of cats i had no problem with them saring my bed. (i'd never consider letting a dog do that though. the cats were etirely indoor.)

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I’ve had a couple of terriers down through the years, that at times were my only companions, and were allowed sleep at the end of my bed. Both lived in the house, and were washed regularly, as we clocked up many miles of walking almost every day. I renovated a house I was living in during one particularly cold winter, and boy was I glad of the warmth their bodies provided. Cats fondness of killing birds for fun put me off them from an early age.

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If the world was such a toxically inhospitable place, how would they explain the population explosion of Homo sapiens?

We evolved in conjunction with all those tiny critters. Our organism is designed to interact with them in various ways, many symbiotically, and fend off the bad guys.

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with all of my ickiness about many things, i nevertheless managed to live quite enthusiastically (for a time) in an often quite filthy south asian country. i just declined to think about the invisible world contained in that delicious tandoori naan made by bazaar vendors.

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I need that kind of determination and fortitude. I would have saved so much time. And I'm not a sanitizer or germaphobe.

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well the food was great and the clothes were a neverending dress-up party.

on the other hand--literally--a culture where people often eat rice pullao with their hands is a bad place for people like me who loathe the feeling of grease on their skin and where you might not have hot water available. i managed, though, and got through without offending anyone. but my friends and i had a good laugh over a tv soap opera with a character who was supposed to be mixed-ethnicity and had the same reactions as i did. made me not feel so out of place though i'm 100% noo yawkuh.

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023

My thing is sticky hands after eating something sweet, be it fruit or dessert. But I've learned how to tolerate the feeling (when there's no water on hand) until enough atmospheric dirt accumulates and the sensation gets lost amid the noise of the next moment. I have no plans to ever carry wipes. Haha!

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wipes are among god's best inventions for people like me. [shudders quietly]

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023

Older colleague working mainly with the lower grades had this to say on germs, kids, and such:

"First kid, if the kid drops the pacifier outdoors you sterilise it. Second kid, you rinse the pacifier under a tap. Third kid, you let the dog lick it clean."

She was a very wise and levelheaded older woman, had an amzing hand with the young ones. If one of them came running up crying or on the verge of, she'd ask: "Are you bleeding? Anything broken? Are you on fire? Is anyone else bleeding, broken or on fire? No? Then stop with the noise!"

Of course, this was before the EU made it illegal for schoolchildren to climb trees on school property.

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20 years younger than me, my half-brother was raised in a fog of Lysol disinfectant spray. He was constantly sick. This observation prompted me to independently invent, as a teenager, the Hygiene Hypothesis: when his poor immune system eventually came into contact with a germ, it had no idea what to do.

Your immune system: use it or lose it.

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It is really because Lysol disinfectant is poisonous, that is how it works. Wikipedia says:

Health effects of P-chloro-o-benzylphenol

Lysol contains P-chloro-o-benzylphenol at a 5-6% concentration. It is a chemical[12] that is absorbed in humans through ingestion and the mucus membranes. The Globally Harmonized System of Classification of Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) has released hazard statements[13] on P-chloro-o-benzylphenol that include and are not limited to “skin irritation, allergic skin reaction, causes serious eye damage, harmful if inhaled, suspected of causing cancer, suspected of damaging fertility, and potentially causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure”.

Lovely stuff. Our immune systems know exactly what to do with bacteria but are rather put out when we try using hazardous substances instead.

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Of course. It’s not even worth our time to analyze anything these turds say.

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I think it's helpful to make fun of them ;)

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Our own bodies are colonized inside and out by flocks of little things ... to acknowledge this is to be at peace with one’s surroundings

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well, there's friendly little things and otherwise. i ain't of the jain persuasion with a reverence for everything that livrs, and there are plenty of things i don't want living in or on me. the friendly little ones i prefer not to envisage, really.

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Oct 21, 2023Liked by eugyppius

> He claims that “We have MERS knocking on the door in a major livestock species in the Middle East,” even though all the evidence suggests that MERS has been knocking on this door for generations if not centuries, without ever managing to get it open.

Well, the big question here is – with all the population growth, do «close contacts of the third kind» with camels occur more often now?

But I'm not sure if I want to know the answer.

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I think Drosten really wants to know , what would happen if a camel kissed a pangolin. He might need Daszak’s help with that one.

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Maybe enlist Baric to gain some function there

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I thought that had already happened. No, hang on, that was Kamala kissing a husband.

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No one loves pangolins, even pangolins themselves – that's why they're close to extinction.

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Well Jesus said you can't get a camel through the eye of a needle so perhaps it applies to MERS also. :)

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Actually He said "... it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." but it ends up as the same.

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Oct 21, 2023Liked by eugyppius

What an excellent rant. Sadly, I don't think I could get any of my True Believer friends to get past the first paragraph.

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A good friend of mine is a fellow virologist professor who knows drosten personally and considers him a friend. He is in absolute awe of him and considers him something like the ultimate expert. I really wonder what would happen if I send him this article. I don't think he'd make it past the first few sentences... 😂

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But these corrupt lackwits are performing a valuable service! Not only have they destroyed public faith in the medical profession and Big Pharma, they are now teaching that Government is nothing more than the same corrupt pseudo-scientific grifters...

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Quite right and that is the whole point of it. The world would not have realised without the nonsense how bad things were.

Of course the die hard terminally dim will remain but they will be obvious if not dead.


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Testing livestock for viruses will surely lead to culling herds/flocks and (by their plan) destablilizing the food supply (again and again and again).

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Yes, the same scam as Foot & Mouth.

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... Which feeds right into the depop narrative, unfortunately. Another nail in the coffin. But rest assured, we'll long be eating bugs by then

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I was just telling my neighbor how "they" want us to eat bugs. And how after 24 years of being vegan, I now order meat from our local rancher. If small scale ranchers can't make a living and close, we won't have a choice but to eat bugs. #BuyLocal

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How about we just get people healthy in the true sense, off junk food and factory food like products? Eat properly, get oiutside and move and come off the devices back into the real world..

Then we shrug off potential pathogenic invaders with ease.

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Time to bring in Richard Feynman who said he would rather deal with a question that couldn’t be answered than an answer that couldn’t be questioned.

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