Apr 25, 2022·edited Apr 25, 2022Author

One thing I wonder about, is why they're bothering. There *will* be studies of lockdown effectiveness, and the further out in time we are, the more discredited lockdowns will be. You just need more scientists who weren't responsible for them and didn't endorse them to arrive at more objective views. What does one Bundestag committee matter in the face of all that? They'll produce some lukewarm unreadable report that three of us nerds will go through but otherwise it'll go nowhere.

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I guess the delays buy time to keep covertly implementing or laying further groundwork for the passports, digital currency, etc? Presidentish Bite-Me is planning an upcoming “summit” to “get a shot into every arm” globally. They aren’t done by a long shot, & the fact that they don’t care that the lying is obvious speaks to a hubristic over-confidence that is frightening

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Apr 25, 2022·edited Apr 25, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Indeed. I was thinking the same. In fact, it would be better if they succeed and delay the committee a few months, when the evidence becomes overwhelming and truly demolishing studies are impossible to ignore.

Yet another proof they are geniuses!

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I think the delays might be so they can release the next pandemic before they are done with this one. They didn't get what they really want out of the Fauci flu, so get ready for ebola or smallpox. Then we will have martial law, not just the methods this time.

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I’ve reached a point where I simply ignore everything any government authority or media says or does. They’re all arms of Big Corp anyway, so nothing is meaningful or truthful. It just no longer matters to me what they say about anything.

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Except I feel like forewarned is forearmed

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There are already studies and plenty of data. Check out the work by Ian Miller, and this excellent interview is worth taking the time to listen to:


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yes but they are „controversial“, some are actually pretty bad, there are plenty of orthodox „lockdowns totally work“ papers to rely on still

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If we're lucky, the Chinese lockdowns will totally discredit the idea of having another one in Germany. But to be honest, I don't know how much coverage there is on them in the mainstream media.

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I think they've learned that individual scientists can be discredited or just won't be listenend to - think Christopher Lütge, think Klaus Stöhr, think Hendrick Streeck, think the entire non-German part of the world where Madness Doth Not Reign Supreme.

But an official body that is linked to the Bundestag and condemns our heroes - that might actually get some news coverage and could not be discredited as easily.

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Because an official investigation by a Bundestag committee has quite a different legal standing than an independent study, obviously.

Political opponents to Lauterbach and his party can be discredited if they use say a report on mask efficiency from a different country - too different, not the same metrics, weather effects, whatever they needto say to cover their mistake - but a german investigation into the effects in Germany on germansby germans can't be waved away, especially if it is made by nominally a-political civilservants and researchers.

Lauterbach is simply fearing the backhand of "The Science"; actual science is kicking in the door fo his little fuming clubhouse of Faucism, and he's shaking in his pluderhosen at the thought of his lasting impact being disaster, stupidity, cowardice and lies.

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They're following orders.

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Totally agree, but one reason might be, that the data is so bad for the measures, that it can’t be misinterpreted and can’t be used for their cause without huge glaring manipulation.

The other thing is, that more and more “conspiracies” come true and more and more statements from the government are exposed as false - this leads to more skepticism against anything from the government, so they must be really careful what and how will they announce.

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Sad that the media narrative will also remain firmly under control of the lockdowners and the vaccinators.

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by eugyppius

This IS the evaluation. If containment measures worked,they'd be delighted to publish an evaluation. The mere fact that they drag their feet tells the story. They know it doesn't work. Now, shut up, put your mask on, stay home and stop asking questions!

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Like waiting 75 years to release the Pfizer data - until a judge from Texas said otherwise.

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None of it surprises me any longer, sadly. Similar to the “vaccines are safe and effective” mantra, but we will take 75 years to show you the data we used to decide that fact!! Thank you as always.

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The Science means never reevaluating hypotheses on the basis of data. If the data disagrees with Pfizer's marketing department it is clearly wrong. Better to just not collect any data at all, really.

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In 2009, while working for a large consumer goods company as acquisitions manager, we hired SAP consultants to the tune of $250,000 to study if “SAP was right for us”.

I got to take these consultants around to our newly purchased sites across the US for two weeks, and then two weeks later they got to deliver their analysis to our steering committee:

You’re never going to believe this, as I was stunned too...

SAP in fact found that SAP was a great fit for us!

100 million contract followed.

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Damn! Surprise ending!

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Haha!! Made me laugh out loud. Imagine that!!

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Consultants only borrow your watch to tell you the time. I won’t call 99% of them worthless, just grifters.

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I felt like I could have written David Graebers “Bullshit Jobs”

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Another SAP fanboy, I see.

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I did get to expense thousands on great steaks and hotels during the “study” 🤷‍♂️

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I could care less if a private entity is paying. But German tax dollars are paying for Lauterbach and Drosten’s “steaks” and we are paying for Fauci’s.

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Fair enough, but the private entity (technically public company) could have given each employee $1500 with that 100 million (we already had perfectly working ERP).

And that’s before the shit show that ensued, costs ballooned, etc. Standard SAP implementation “success story”.

I left a few months later, though I miss the expense card.

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Something seriously wrong with these people. No one should wield this kind of authority in the name of health. Far more have died due to the shots and lockdowns than any other reason over the last two years. Most normal folks are beginning to catch on. Look at China. All over a very bad flu that impacts predominantly very old, very sick and a few immuno-compromised outliers. We know this. Act accordingly. But I say something else is afoot. And it is more in line with economics, currency wars and toxic debt than health. Watch. Soon the hands at play will be revealed and I'm betting most if not all of your readers are not going to like it one bit. Until then - Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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I already don’t like it. What’s your point? (Comment meant with a jovial LOL between us).

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by eugyppius

"The suppression of data will continue until effectiveness improves!"... or something like that.

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Even more galling is that most people seem incapable of seeing the lies.

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Lauterbach looks like the kind of guy who would be shocked to see Chris Hansen.

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lol comment of the month

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Apr 25, 2022·edited Apr 26, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Neither the quest for, nor the retention of power follows reasoned paths. They only succeed on the gullibility of those duped and the irrationality the duped permit themselves to accept from those who dupe. Fear is the lubricant irrationality needs for success. The Plandemic has served the purpose most successfully.

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really well said

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by eugyppius

We're entering a new phase of the C19 era, where the perpetrators of this farce try to slip quietly out the back door. This goes for the sheep and the wolves who decided what was best for others.

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I’d really like to believe you but I see it differently. They are buckling down and justifying their actions and those who believed them are shouting us down. The other side has maniac followers who will not listen to reason. We on this side often speak to the downfall of science and medicine. I also see it as a complete abdication of reason, logic and even sanity. The sanity part is interesting and sad too because so many factors are causing it.

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Right. Although I think of c19 itself and the original (bad) responses as round one, round two was the jabs and we are in round three. Round 3.5 is title 42 coming across the Texas border. Pray for us. I’m in the middle of the latter.

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Off-topic, but still grates: Why is section 265 vernacularly called "title 42"? https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/42/265 Do people (on both sides of this dispute) realize what a minute part of the massive Title 42 this chapter is?

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One of the difficulties is we need every single tool at our disposal to stem the tide of those flooding across the border. It is a tidal wave.

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Stalling tactics. Same everywhere. There's an interesting George Gammon video here


where he interviews lawyer Robert Barnes and touches on similar problems, i.e., stalling on FOIA requests. Barnes doesn't see lockdowns returning the the US because of lawsuits. If I understood correctly (I was a bit tired when I watched the video) there are a few class actions claiming damage from lockdowns. It's a good video to watch.

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by eugyppius

It's a global effort to bury facts under so much bull shit it becomes impossible to have a meaningful debate. On the occasion when something does come out the bureaucrats will claim the masses are to ignorant to understand what it means. Best leave thinking to our betters.

Check out Chris Bray from Tell Me How This Ends

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Why not just isolate them? In prison. Solitary confinement. Problem solved.

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Would love to see a discussion of who is worse - Fauci or Drosten?

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It's a really interesting comparison, in formal vs. informal power. Fauci is a longtime heavily-networked bureaucrat, the kind of guy who haunts my nightmares. Drosten's role is always informal and advisory, though he clearly wields such enormous power behind the scenes, that his opinion can stall or threaten the work of a committee with a Bundestag mandate.

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Old Washington monikers, work horses and show ponies... very different creatures.

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Screwtape and Wormwood, his minion

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probably lovers

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by eugyppius

They know the data isn't there. These people aren't stupid. Evil, venal, cruel, mendacious. But not stupid.

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Simple and obvious defense mechanisms. These people are neurotic control freaks. Surprise!

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