How many millions have been killed by the intentional suppression of early treatment and mandate of deadly injections? And these people still walk around and say these things without being tarred and feathered. Remember when Himmler went on West German radio in 1950 to give advice on helping jews and gypsies. Bill Gates and Fauci will be on your TV tonight.
No. Wars are wars, war crimes are war crimes. This is a silent war on all of humanity. The Biden regimes racism doesn't negate that. Poland had excess mortality of 22% last year, a "white" country, and it's the same reason everywhere, failure to use early treatments and mass toxic jabs.
Yes! Even what little evidence countries had at one time to declare an emergency is OVER. It’s OVER people. But the crimes against humanity continue. And the EUAs continue.
Yes, exactly, it's the COMBINATION of two strategies to control Covid that failed miserably. We are fortunate to live in a location where our chief official chose a triple path: providing mass access to any and all vaccines, while providing treatment centers in every possible area from urban to very rural, and, at the same time, keeping walking and bike trails, beaches, camping, hiking, and boating facilities open and encouraging as many as possible to get as much fresh air and exercise as they are physically able to do. Whatever made some decide on a ONE, or TWO prong approach, like putting all the "eggs" in ONE basket, the vaccination basket.... that is a real sucker's bet ! Who would chose that ? Hummmmm ? If your ROOF was seriously leaking and ruining your possessions, would you just put some buckets under the leaks ? Or, would you chose a multi prong "defense"; call and get on as many lists of roofing repair contractors as you can hoping to get an appointment before all is lost, buying tarps and installing them over the dripping roof as best you can on your own, all while moving as much as possible out of the direct path of the leaks, and keeping a supply of more buckets ready in care MORE leaks open up ... Of course, ALL of the above ! Our public health people at local, state, and FEDERAL levels ALL need to be able to multi-task AND be able to develop MULTI-PRONGED approaches... it's call contingency planning !
Not making the treatments available from the beginning, told me all I needed to know about what’s been going on for 2+ years now. Most third world countries had little access to the vaccines yet we read foreign news explaining the treatment kits that were being sent out across nations. They had the correct vitamins and immune boosting products, along with a supply of ivermectin or HQC. Most of those countries I’ve looked at have done much better than the west. So it all comes back around to, Follow the Money! Now we hear Brandon spent $800 million extra with China for (free to workers that don’t pay taxes)tests he’s sending just in time for the flu season to end. Priceless!
It was truly mind boggling from the beginning, as you say. There is no other explanation for why any government would ever come to the consensus that it would be best to put ALL hope on ONE solution; developing a vaccine, and not put equal emphasis on existing treatments, and at the same time developing additional effective treatments. One explanation, they did not want anyone to think there was any possible treatment or "cure" for Covid except the "vaccine". If people thought there was any treatment for this "disease", why they might not take the vaccine. Now what ? Now that the vaccinated are getting Covid at a rate higher in some areas than those with no vaccinations, and those with previous cases of Covid ! Will they begin to "wish" we'd worked on effective treatments ? How many of you out there in the U.S. and other countries had local officials and media urging citizens to loose weight if they were over weight, to quit smoking, inform them of what foods contain the minerals and vitamins that could help, urge them to take vitamin supplements, and to get physical exercise if at all possible, and/or any other ways to try to strengthen their immune systems and possibly survive Covid if they did contract it ? VERY little was spent on disseminating HELPFUL information. Vaccinate was THE silver bullet against Covid ! It certainly would be prudent to INCLUDE a constant media barrage of things people could do to help themselves and public service announcements about WHERE they should go for treatment if they did contract it !
They actually wanted to instill the idea that contracting Covid was a death sentence. And, how many died who sought treatment and it was delayed, or inappropriate, or inadequate or incompetent ? The whole thing is just overwhelming in it's cold, deliberate, evil, and yet; the same individuals, mayors, city councils, governors, boards of health, etc. the whole unethical mess of them will undoubtedly be put right back into office by "we the people" !
Nobody's blaming the Germans, they're blaming the Nazis, the Fascists, the Communists, pick an oppressor. My Jewish grandparents left Germany at the start of the war to find a better life in the US. They'd be sick to see this happening again. And for the record, while the Nazis committed their heinous crimes, an awful lot of other citizens buried their heads and pretended not to notice the evil all around. So I also blame the silent bystanders, then and now.
Whites and Western society are the enemy, to hear the Left tell it, we're somehow responsible for all of life's ills. It's just more division to distract from their own evil, just like vaxxed vs unvaxxed. History may not repeat, but it rhymes. Deny this at your peril.
It's "whites" now because the original villain class in the Communist Manifesto, the bourgeoisie, isn't as well defined as it once was (being almost a caste in the olden days), particularly in the US.
Class warfare as a means of creating strife, discord, and hatred (the things they pretend to oppose) wasn't cutting it anymore, so they just changed the language a bit (as they had done before). "White" is the new "bourgeoisie," and any of the various terms for "not white" are the new "proletariat." They're still doing the same thing as ever, just with different terms. Biden let that slip when he said that "poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids." Class warfare, dementia-patient style.
Instead of asking a man's class (socioeconomic) and profession to determine whether he has committed a crime against the state, it's much easier to look at the color of his skin and gender. I expect to be among the first sent to the American gulags that are certainly forthcoming, and I may feel some perverse justice when I meet those like myself (in skin color and gender) in the same place who were "on their side." But I will still be deeply disappointed that they will not ever understand why they are there. They will be the ones get invited to show up for their own arrest and arrived promptly, dressed in Sunday best with a suitcase.
Locally, there is an activist group petitioning the city to enact race equity in law enforcement such that arrests will reflect the race demographics of the city. In other words, if 85% of population is white, 85% of arrests should be white individuals. The city government here is profoundly stupid, and I would not be surprised, if they moved in that direction. It's easy enough to achieve with quotas. Back in the day, I guess they were called Bluecaps, but we can call them Bluechecks, a'la Berenson. Give a few of them Austrian handguns and a list of names of white guys to be arrested. If they can't find them all, they can just grab a couple of other random white guys and call it a day. I'm sure there are some peaceful protestors from 2020 who would be happy to perform that duty, and so long as they stick to the woke cities like this one, nobody will resist.
Feel free to share the ugly U.S. medical crimes, here and in venues where the Fauci-believers will hear them and perhaps "catch on" because they can relate better to something that happened closer to home.
Why go back in history? In the UK government sponsored psycho-morons used fear porn to scare the population into submission. It's the same tactic used in totalitarian regimes in the past - take your pick there's enough to choose from.
As a result there are some saying that even removing the mandates will cause anxiety.
We have reached peak stupidity. Ms Berndt's article is just one more example among many.
Every story will do to wake up those that are asleep. We who are awake don't need another story. But they do. And every story I read about, I weigh whether it will wake up my friends and family. Already tried multiple. To no avail. But one day !
The more examples the better, but good luck getting average joes to understand your comparisons. I support greater cultural awareness of other government and social atrocities though.
The group being singled out is the unvaccinated...often derogatorily called "anti-vaxxers." The term "genocide" means the deliberate killing of a large group of people, and it doesn't have to be people singled out for their race or ethic background.
Vaxxed v. Unvaxxed. Oppression, discrimination, blaming the "other," and hatred are the same then as now. It's not about ethnicity, or race, it's about difference from the obedient.
In the beginning Jews, gypsies, Catholics, the disabled, etc. were singled out as being dirty vectors of disease. Imagine if that nonsense was stopped then and there. Perhaps things would not have progressed.
You have better information on their particular case than I do I suppose. Because they are valued neighbors, I tend to take their word on their own history, so I can't tell you definitively that it's "because they are Polish". To hear their "side" (and my neighbor has scrapbooks with pictures) you might change your mind, but, who knows ?
Instead of using Wikipedia, why not take a trip to Auschwitz. On one of the walls of the museum it will tell you who was taken to the hundreds and hundreds of camps all over Eastern Europe. Jews, Catholics, gypsies, people from several DIFFERENT countries, the handicapped, those with birth defects. I took a trip there with my family in 2018. Both of my parents were born in Poland. My mother lived in a very Catholic village. Her family was taken in the middle of the night, put on a train, and taken to a camp. Other villages were luckier. My mother died in 2019. She was a camp survivor.
Yes Jews were the most targeted group. Horrific.
So please do not tell me who was taken and why because of some Wikipedia entry.
?? Perhaps I'm reading this incorrectly, or you are from a state I am not aware of, but in my state there was absolutely NO "being white" means you go to the bottom of the list for monoclonal or any other treatment. Also have family in state of Arkansas, Missouri, and Illinois, there is absolutely positively NO restrictions as to race, sex, and even AGE (which you might think could be an consideration). As I commented, you didn't mention which state you live in, but certainly don't want anyone reading this to think that kind of "ranking" is in place in every state !
New York's guidelines, in fact, made it clear that it was about equity. It was explicitly about alleged racism, not from any inherent extra risk due to ethnicity.
Thank you, now I understand. I was not even aware as so many in my area and on my own block, were Caucasian, but were able to just actually walk a few blocks to a former movie theater, and got immediate treatment. Also close relatives in a small town in Arkansas, only had to go 12 miles to obtain treatment with no delay, so this has helped me be aware it is very different in many other states.
Thank you, really helps to have the actual language, it looks like it is NOT strictly based on excluding those of "white" races as hinted at in previous posts, but that it can be taken into consideration, just like for those of any race who are considerably over weight, or have diabetes, M.S., etc. etc.
Ann, there are 50 states. Without going to my search engine I can list a few that set these priorities. The first two that come to mind is Minnesota and New York. In fact if you check the Biden FDA put out a fact sheet in December of 2021 that prioritizes race in administrating Covid drugs.
That's why I made it clear that I certainly do not know the rules in every state, only those I listed where I have first hand knowledge. Definitely did not mean that such (shocking really, that a state would set up priority based on COLOR/RACE ! ) laws or even "rules" were in place. That's what I enjoy about a website like this, rather than argumentative, even insulting and arrogant. Is Biden's priority list the same, or do they make changes based on something like cases per race ? Wonder what would happen if HIS Caucasian family needed treatment and ... didn't qualify ?
They are doing it in Oregon from what I’ve read. But that don’t mean it’s true. Living here, it probably is though. I don’t understand why if we are having good outcomes with this “treatment” who needs the vaccines besides the most vulnerable? So anything that might give those that don’t want to be part of the experiment a leg up, must be suppressed and saved for the worthy people. My sister in AZ had to jump through a few hoops to get hers, but she did finally get them, and by all accounts it saved her life. All treatments that showed promise should have been made available from anyones doctor. But in Oregon, they threatened the pharmacists licensing for prescribing HQC and Ivermectin. Everyone must get poked, but no early treatment less you recover with natural imunity.
Yes, everything you wrote is true, we have friends in Oregon who just came to visit over the holidays (here to Fl) and of course we discussed Covid (who wasn't ?). When I showed them the treatment center less than 3 miles from our home (we are not in an urban area) in this rural/agriculture area, they made the decision to take early retirement and move here. We were stunned ! But the did go back and sell their home, bought one here over the internet, and will be here by March 1, leaving their 2 children still in college back in Eugene. And yes, it should be termed a "gene therapy", "vaccine" is actually misleading !
What state are you from ??? Definitely NOT true in Arkansas, Florida, and Missouri, have relatives in all, all are Caucasian, NONE had any questions at all about their color/race when they sought monoclonal infusion, so not sure where you live that they asked you such a question ! ?
>> Precisely because Omicron leads to milder disease on average, it produces considerably weaker immune response than its predecessors.
This is explicitly and demonstrably false. This is dangerous misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation and Frau Berndt should be placed immediately on the USDHS terrorism watch list as a foreign disseminator of the aforementioned.
You left out "I demand that her associates be fully investigated to make certain that her irresponsible denial of settled science has not unduly influenced their opinions and work as well. Training to counter these falsehoods must be compulsory and start immediately! In this time of grave emergency we must protect the children!! What if this drivel makes its way into our sacred colleges of education!!!?" We can't do this alone your donations are needed.
Thanks, I will take the compliment. Truth to tell at one job I was in charge of what I call the "Dear Mush for Brains," letters. My boss was relieved he no longer had to dictate these but could rely on my skill.
Certainly a lot better than the garbage products the wants to inject into people. At least the immune system sees more surface features than the RBD.
And that might make it not necessary to have a deep / strong immunity, of you get something that will, as long as youÄre resaonably healthy, deal with this and similar variants in the respiratory tract before it gets deeper? (my layman guess)
The obviously escape variant producing jabs, anyway, are not the solution to problems she paints. So she's being deceptive and/or ignorant either way.
I saw a dr mobeen lecture that spoke about omicron being seen to stay higher in the respiratory tract, rather than settling lower into bronchioles etc. Which he said was good news...
My son had Omicron in early January, and that's exactly what he said. He described it as vaguely similar to the original Covid he had in Nov-Dec. of 2019, but whereas that one had deep lung involvement, Omicron did not and it stayed mostly in his upper sinus area.
Since Omicron appears to be a lab virus, too, perhaps it was invented for just this situation. You know, the Evil Ones push their agenda as far as they can. Then when people are about to massively rebel, Omicron is released to provide justification for backing off most of the draconian measures. Everybody cools down and most people are allowed and encouraged to go back to sleep until the Evil Ones have everything lined up to launch the next crisis in their plan...
Julie Newmar is beautiful to this day. A few years ago I read a poignant article about how deeply she loves and cares for her only child--a son born with Down Syndrome.
Well if we calculate 3 cats per bottle of Pinot Grigio it will give us a fairly close estimate. Mind you a significant increase will be likely should she have multiple Pinterest boards. As the twee aspect of such boards stimulates the cat acquisition gene in the unattached female.
Your droll wit is very fine...a subtle blend of smoky stats and fruity epigenetics. Enjoyed it. Not so much the unattached female shaming, but all else generally. 👍
Love the wine tasting satire. I meant no insult, I myself am now a unattached female and my daughter is as well. I guess I better start looking into "Tube of Cats" website and place a mail order. What shall the dog think?
As long as you remember "your" bed is actually the dog's bed and you don't hold out on treats and belly rubs, the dog is fine with whatever else you want to do.
Because their goal is vaxxing. They are emotionally, culturally, and now basically religiously invested in it. Even for those of them that know that omicron came around and vaxed the unvaxed is the truth, they also know such a truth is blasphemy in the face of their new religion and can neither be said nor can it even be admitted that one once, even for a moment, thought about it.
Dictator Ford just declared that the dropping of COVID passports and all the other bullshit is because the science and our participation in COVID measures has brought us here. Not the truckers, protestors, workers, families, small businesses….the brave people who have stood strong for their rights. I am under no illusion that the Globalists are backing down. I am using this ebb to fortify my reserves. To become better equipped for the next round of tyranny. Try to get off the grid as much as possible, if you can get self employed. Maintain your health, use alternative healing methods, if you have kids think about a new education protocol.
Trust is GONE.
Rely on yourself and your freedom loving compatriots. FUCK GOVERNMENT.
Controversial hypothesis that won’t get studied: Fear of reopening seems to be a mental health issue. It seems like Covid and the Covid response became a self-soothing mechanism for people who were predisposed to psychosis or other mental health issues.
I honestly think some of these people have developed a sort of induced OCD. They were probably neurotic but functional prior to this, but covid broke them.
I say this because vaccinations, boosters, omicron, better treatments, more knowledge of the disease, etc. have not calmed them down. In fact, some are worse than ever. How many stories have you heard of covidians who are now scared of meeting with the unvaxxed, even with precautions, when they were willing to do such a thing prior to the vaccine? Some of it's tribalism, of course, but I doubt it all is.
This is the exact MO of the anxieties that drive OCD and similar disorders. The more you feed them - the more measures you take to assuage your fears - the worse they ultimately get. The stereotypical handwasher doesn't start out washing his hands raw. He gets there over months and years, as handwashing progressively provides shorter and shorter relief from his fears of disease and contamination, forcing him to wash ever more frequently. Treatment for OCD invariably involves not indulging in this kind of reassurance.
Of course, with OCD, the sufferer sees how different they are from others, and their compulsions are often stigmatized. Covid paranoiacs are surrounded by other covid paranoiacs, who encourage and normalize their fears and rituals.
Exactly ! The stress of Covid triggered their already tenuous mental health issues and drove them to places. pundits, friends, and rituals that soothed them. As Covid becomes better known (less scary), they can't get out because these things have become a management system for their neurosis. The less damaged will be able to pull themselves out by experiencing normalcy. The more damaged are going to be very problematic - particularly the ones that are in media, politics, culture.
Optimistically, perhaps we will start to see some turn-over as these journalists, politicians, etc. find themselves too far down the rabbit hole to get out?
They can be hermits if they want, the problem is forcing it on others. They get off on this. They're narcissists. This world suits them perfectly, they had no friends, no life, no fun in the beforetimes, and now they can have fun seeing to it that nobody else does. Sickos.
Lol, I fall into the "normally reclusive" but I want unconstitutional, unscientific anti-health lockdowns & mandates gone cuz they are tyrannical & can only lead to further tyranny, I wasn't always reclusive so am well able to empathize with the suffering extroverts, tho childless, I wanted to cry at sight of frightened children's eyes above useless & dangerous masks, and declared what they were doing to children as criminal child abuse from the get go. And, selfishly, because I rely heavily on microdose interactions -- a smile & hello from cashier or passerby walking down the street, and sane people at the pond where my dogs fo swimming, etc.
Also, murder is wrong. Mass murder is wronger. And genocide is pure evil.
Steve Kirsch had a Chinese defector scientist on yesterday post saying she believes the Chinese were already deploying another bioweapon at the Olympics. He said she’s a reliable source. Certainly seemed so with her background and credentials. Interesting that we already have a med that treats it. Watch that one be suppressed. Or still on patent and massively expensive....
How many millions have been killed by the intentional suppression of early treatment and mandate of deadly injections? And these people still walk around and say these things without being tarred and feathered. Remember when Himmler went on West German radio in 1950 to give advice on helping jews and gypsies. Bill Gates and Fauci will be on your TV tonight.
In 1950? Himmler? Is this someone only Germans are familiar with?
Lol. Must have been a relative. Heinrich Himmler died in 1945, before Germany was split. Or maybe it was a recording played in 1950 🤔
I think Good Citizen was being intentionally ironic. Am I right?
Shhh. Some people don't know.
Your point stands but Himmler died in 1945. Must have been one of the other high-ranking Nazis who gave that advice.
The point can't stand if you missed it. It was a hypothetical.
Uh huh.
No. Wars are wars, war crimes are war crimes. This is a silent war on all of humanity. The Biden regimes racism doesn't negate that. Poland had excess mortality of 22% last year, a "white" country, and it's the same reason everywhere, failure to use early treatments and mass toxic jabs.
Yes! Even what little evidence countries had at one time to declare an emergency is OVER. It’s OVER people. But the crimes against humanity continue. And the EUAs continue.
Yes, exactly, it's the COMBINATION of two strategies to control Covid that failed miserably. We are fortunate to live in a location where our chief official chose a triple path: providing mass access to any and all vaccines, while providing treatment centers in every possible area from urban to very rural, and, at the same time, keeping walking and bike trails, beaches, camping, hiking, and boating facilities open and encouraging as many as possible to get as much fresh air and exercise as they are physically able to do. Whatever made some decide on a ONE, or TWO prong approach, like putting all the "eggs" in ONE basket, the vaccination basket.... that is a real sucker's bet ! Who would chose that ? Hummmmm ? If your ROOF was seriously leaking and ruining your possessions, would you just put some buckets under the leaks ? Or, would you chose a multi prong "defense"; call and get on as many lists of roofing repair contractors as you can hoping to get an appointment before all is lost, buying tarps and installing them over the dripping roof as best you can on your own, all while moving as much as possible out of the direct path of the leaks, and keeping a supply of more buckets ready in care MORE leaks open up ... Of course, ALL of the above ! Our public health people at local, state, and FEDERAL levels ALL need to be able to multi-task AND be able to develop MULTI-PRONGED approaches... it's call contingency planning !
We already pay for that, it just never gets done, updated or disseminated. But we are paying for it to get done.
We seem to pay for a LOT that never gets done. Interesting ! Most people who "never get around to" their RESPONSIBILITIES .... GET FIRED !
Irresponsible Me!
Not making the treatments available from the beginning, told me all I needed to know about what’s been going on for 2+ years now. Most third world countries had little access to the vaccines yet we read foreign news explaining the treatment kits that were being sent out across nations. They had the correct vitamins and immune boosting products, along with a supply of ivermectin or HQC. Most of those countries I’ve looked at have done much better than the west. So it all comes back around to, Follow the Money! Now we hear Brandon spent $800 million extra with China for (free to workers that don’t pay taxes)tests he’s sending just in time for the flu season to end. Priceless!
It was truly mind boggling from the beginning, as you say. There is no other explanation for why any government would ever come to the consensus that it would be best to put ALL hope on ONE solution; developing a vaccine, and not put equal emphasis on existing treatments, and at the same time developing additional effective treatments. One explanation, they did not want anyone to think there was any possible treatment or "cure" for Covid except the "vaccine". If people thought there was any treatment for this "disease", why they might not take the vaccine. Now what ? Now that the vaccinated are getting Covid at a rate higher in some areas than those with no vaccinations, and those with previous cases of Covid ! Will they begin to "wish" we'd worked on effective treatments ? How many of you out there in the U.S. and other countries had local officials and media urging citizens to loose weight if they were over weight, to quit smoking, inform them of what foods contain the minerals and vitamins that could help, urge them to take vitamin supplements, and to get physical exercise if at all possible, and/or any other ways to try to strengthen their immune systems and possibly survive Covid if they did contract it ? VERY little was spent on disseminating HELPFUL information. Vaccinate was THE silver bullet against Covid ! It certainly would be prudent to INCLUDE a constant media barrage of things people could do to help themselves and public service announcements about WHERE they should go for treatment if they did contract it !
They actually wanted to instill the idea that contracting Covid was a death sentence. And, how many died who sought treatment and it was delayed, or inappropriate, or inadequate or incompetent ? The whole thing is just overwhelming in it's cold, deliberate, evil, and yet; the same individuals, mayors, city councils, governors, boards of health, etc. the whole unethical mess of them will undoubtedly be put right back into office by "we the people" !
The same excess mortality in Greece 21,7% last year and still the same this year.
The same excess mortality in Greece 21,7% last year and still the same this year.
It’s not “equating” to draw parallels to well-known episodes in history that might serve as warnings.
Nobody's blaming the Germans, they're blaming the Nazis, the Fascists, the Communists, pick an oppressor. My Jewish grandparents left Germany at the start of the war to find a better life in the US. They'd be sick to see this happening again. And for the record, while the Nazis committed their heinous crimes, an awful lot of other citizens buried their heads and pretended not to notice the evil all around. So I also blame the silent bystanders, then and now.
Whites and Western society are the enemy, to hear the Left tell it, we're somehow responsible for all of life's ills. It's just more division to distract from their own evil, just like vaxxed vs unvaxxed. History may not repeat, but it rhymes. Deny this at your peril.
It's "whites" now because the original villain class in the Communist Manifesto, the bourgeoisie, isn't as well defined as it once was (being almost a caste in the olden days), particularly in the US.
Class warfare as a means of creating strife, discord, and hatred (the things they pretend to oppose) wasn't cutting it anymore, so they just changed the language a bit (as they had done before). "White" is the new "bourgeoisie," and any of the various terms for "not white" are the new "proletariat." They're still doing the same thing as ever, just with different terms. Biden let that slip when he said that "poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids." Class warfare, dementia-patient style.
Instead of asking a man's class (socioeconomic) and profession to determine whether he has committed a crime against the state, it's much easier to look at the color of his skin and gender. I expect to be among the first sent to the American gulags that are certainly forthcoming, and I may feel some perverse justice when I meet those like myself (in skin color and gender) in the same place who were "on their side." But I will still be deeply disappointed that they will not ever understand why they are there. They will be the ones get invited to show up for their own arrest and arrived promptly, dressed in Sunday best with a suitcase.
Locally, there is an activist group petitioning the city to enact race equity in law enforcement such that arrests will reflect the race demographics of the city. In other words, if 85% of population is white, 85% of arrests should be white individuals. The city government here is profoundly stupid, and I would not be surprised, if they moved in that direction. It's easy enough to achieve with quotas. Back in the day, I guess they were called Bluecaps, but we can call them Bluechecks, a'la Berenson. Give a few of them Austrian handguns and a list of names of white guys to be arrested. If they can't find them all, they can just grab a couple of other random white guys and call it a day. I'm sure there are some peaceful protestors from 2020 who would be happy to perform that duty, and so long as they stick to the woke cities like this one, nobody will resist.
Excellent reply!
Feel free to share the ugly U.S. medical crimes, here and in venues where the Fauci-believers will hear them and perhaps "catch on" because they can relate better to something that happened closer to home.
Why go back in history? In the UK government sponsored psycho-morons used fear porn to scare the population into submission. It's the same tactic used in totalitarian regimes in the past - take your pick there's enough to choose from.
As a result there are some saying that even removing the mandates will cause anxiety.
We have reached peak stupidity. Ms Berndt's article is just one more example among many.
Every story will do to wake up those that are asleep. We who are awake don't need another story. But they do. And every story I read about, I weigh whether it will wake up my friends and family. Already tried multiple. To no avail. But one day !
Or intentionally venting radiation out of Oak Ridge to see its effects on the local population…or the Tuskegee airmen…
The more examples the better, but good luck getting average joes to understand your comparisons. I support greater cultural awareness of other government and social atrocities though.
Fauci. I need say no more.
The group being singled out is the unvaccinated...often derogatorily called "anti-vaxxers." The term "genocide" means the deliberate killing of a large group of people, and it doesn't have to be people singled out for their race or ethic background.
Vaxxed v. Unvaxxed. Oppression, discrimination, blaming the "other," and hatred are the same then as now. It's not about ethnicity, or race, it's about difference from the obedient.
In the beginning Jews, gypsies, Catholics, the disabled, etc. were singled out as being dirty vectors of disease. Imagine if that nonsense was stopped then and there. Perhaps things would not have progressed.
So fortunate, thank God. Neighbor here had family, also Catholic, in Poland at the time, they were not as fortunate.
Because they were Polish though, not because they were Catholic.
You have better information on their particular case than I do I suppose. Because they are valued neighbors, I tend to take their word on their own history, so I can't tell you definitively that it's "because they are Polish". To hear their "side" (and my neighbor has scrapbooks with pictures) you might change your mind, but, who knows ?
Instead of using Wikipedia, why not take a trip to Auschwitz. On one of the walls of the museum it will tell you who was taken to the hundreds and hundreds of camps all over Eastern Europe. Jews, Catholics, gypsies, people from several DIFFERENT countries, the handicapped, those with birth defects. I took a trip there with my family in 2018. Both of my parents were born in Poland. My mother lived in a very Catholic village. Her family was taken in the middle of the night, put on a train, and taken to a camp. Other villages were luckier. My mother died in 2019. She was a camp survivor.
Yes Jews were the most targeted group. Horrific.
So please do not tell me who was taken and why because of some Wikipedia entry.
?? Perhaps I'm reading this incorrectly, or you are from a state I am not aware of, but in my state there was absolutely NO "being white" means you go to the bottom of the list for monoclonal or any other treatment. Also have family in state of Arkansas, Missouri, and Illinois, there is absolutely positively NO restrictions as to race, sex, and even AGE (which you might think could be an consideration). As I commented, you didn't mention which state you live in, but certainly don't want anyone reading this to think that kind of "ranking" is in place in every state !
New York, for one. This was widely reported.
New York's guidelines, in fact, made it clear that it was about equity. It was explicitly about alleged racism, not from any inherent extra risk due to ethnicity.
Thank you, now I understand. I was not even aware as so many in my area and on my own block, were Caucasian, but were able to just actually walk a few blocks to a former movie theater, and got immediate treatment. Also close relatives in a small town in Arkansas, only had to go 12 miles to obtain treatment with no delay, so this has helped me be aware it is very different in many other states.
Thank you, really helps to have the actual language, it looks like it is NOT strictly based on excluding those of "white" races as hinted at in previous posts, but that it can be taken into consideration, just like for those of any race who are considerably over weight, or have diabetes, M.S., etc. etc.
Ann, there are 50 states. Without going to my search engine I can list a few that set these priorities. The first two that come to mind is Minnesota and New York. In fact if you check the Biden FDA put out a fact sheet in December of 2021 that prioritizes race in administrating Covid drugs.
That's why I made it clear that I certainly do not know the rules in every state, only those I listed where I have first hand knowledge. Definitely did not mean that such (shocking really, that a state would set up priority based on COLOR/RACE ! ) laws or even "rules" were in place. That's what I enjoy about a website like this, rather than argumentative, even insulting and arrogant. Is Biden's priority list the same, or do they make changes based on something like cases per race ? Wonder what would happen if HIS Caucasian family needed treatment and ... didn't qualify ?
They are doing it in Oregon from what I’ve read. But that don’t mean it’s true. Living here, it probably is though. I don’t understand why if we are having good outcomes with this “treatment” who needs the vaccines besides the most vulnerable? So anything that might give those that don’t want to be part of the experiment a leg up, must be suppressed and saved for the worthy people. My sister in AZ had to jump through a few hoops to get hers, but she did finally get them, and by all accounts it saved her life. All treatments that showed promise should have been made available from anyones doctor. But in Oregon, they threatened the pharmacists licensing for prescribing HQC and Ivermectin. Everyone must get poked, but no early treatment less you recover with natural imunity.
Besides, it’s a gene therapy not a vaccine.
Yes, everything you wrote is true, we have friends in Oregon who just came to visit over the holidays (here to Fl) and of course we discussed Covid (who wasn't ?). When I showed them the treatment center less than 3 miles from our home (we are not in an urban area) in this rural/agriculture area, they made the decision to take early retirement and move here. We were stunned ! But the did go back and sell their home, bought one here over the internet, and will be here by March 1, leaving their 2 children still in college back in Eugene. And yes, it should be termed a "gene therapy", "vaccine" is actually misleading !
What state are you from ??? Definitely NOT true in Arkansas, Florida, and Missouri, have relatives in all, all are Caucasian, NONE had any questions at all about their color/race when they sought monoclonal infusion, so not sure where you live that they asked you such a question ! ?
>> Precisely because Omicron leads to milder disease on average, it produces considerably weaker immune response than its predecessors.
This is explicitly and demonstrably false. This is dangerous misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation and Frau Berndt should be placed immediately on the USDHS terrorism watch list as a foreign disseminator of the aforementioned.
Did I do it right?
You left out "I demand that her associates be fully investigated to make certain that her irresponsible denial of settled science has not unduly influenced their opinions and work as well. Training to counter these falsehoods must be compulsory and start immediately! In this time of grave emergency we must protect the children!! What if this drivel makes its way into our sacred colleges of education!!!?" We can't do this alone your donations are needed.
Sincerely, The Society Of Ultimate Indisputable Good.
The Greater Good!
OMG, you're so good at this. Kinda scary.
Thanks, I will take the compliment. Truth to tell at one job I was in charge of what I call the "Dear Mush for Brains," letters. My boss was relieved he no longer had to dictate these but could rely on my skill.
Certainly a lot better than the garbage products the wants to inject into people. At least the immune system sees more surface features than the RBD.
And that might make it not necessary to have a deep / strong immunity, of you get something that will, as long as youÄre resaonably healthy, deal with this and similar variants in the respiratory tract before it gets deeper? (my layman guess)
The obviously escape variant producing jabs, anyway, are not the solution to problems she paints. So she's being deceptive and/or ignorant either way.
I saw a dr mobeen lecture that spoke about omicron being seen to stay higher in the respiratory tract, rather than settling lower into bronchioles etc. Which he said was good news...
My son had Omicron in early January, and that's exactly what he said. He described it as vaguely similar to the original Covid he had in Nov-Dec. of 2019, but whereas that one had deep lung involvement, Omicron did not and it stayed mostly in his upper sinus area.
You forgot to call her a toxic white nationalist.
And Omicron provides protection against Delta. Though oddly enough Delta does not provide protection against Omicron.
If you had to invent a virus to cure the pandemic, it would be close to Omicron.
Since Omicron appears to be a lab virus, too, perhaps it was invented for just this situation. You know, the Evil Ones push their agenda as far as they can. Then when people are about to massively rebel, Omicron is released to provide justification for backing off most of the draconian measures. Everybody cools down and most people are allowed and encouraged to go back to sleep until the Evil Ones have everything lined up to launch the next crisis in their plan...
I’m sure theres a German equivalent.
How many cats do you think she has at home?
“Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.”
― H.L. Mencken
Zero. The cats probably ran away and found a better human to co-exist with.
Dogs have owners, cats have staff.
Zero. Some died after she had them vaccinated; the survivors she killed when she heard they could still transmit
Do you think in her desire to be free from OH MY, GERMS? That she uses antiseptic on them?
She is a catwoman, no doubt, but clearly not the Julie Newmar kind...
Hey!! You should be reported to the Bad Cat for such comments!
Call Corn Pop, I hear he’s a baaaad dude.
Wonderful to remember her!
It just so happens I am watching the "My Living Doll" series in which she was the co-star.
Julie Newmar is beautiful to this day. A few years ago I read a poignant article about how deeply she loves and cares for her only child--a son born with Down Syndrome.
Well if we calculate 3 cats per bottle of Pinot Grigio it will give us a fairly close estimate. Mind you a significant increase will be likely should she have multiple Pinterest boards. As the twee aspect of such boards stimulates the cat acquisition gene in the unattached female.
Your droll wit is very fine...a subtle blend of smoky stats and fruity epigenetics. Enjoyed it. Not so much the unattached female shaming, but all else generally. 👍
Love the wine tasting satire. I meant no insult, I myself am now a unattached female and my daughter is as well. I guess I better start looking into "Tube of Cats" website and place a mail order. What shall the dog think?
As long as you remember "your" bed is actually the dog's bed and you don't hold out on treats and belly rubs, the dog is fine with whatever else you want to do.
Wait, I'm supposed to have a bed too?! I simply must get caught up with all this modern living.
You’re delightful and I love to read your posts. Thank you much and for you’re wit — it’s subtle and precise. 😊
Many thanks for your kind words.
And how badly does her home smell of cat urine.
I worry that her covid injections have caused a mental imbalance.
I'm betting she was like this well before she had any COVID jabs.
Hey, I resemble that remark.
I'll play....50?
That’s an unfair stereotype - have you got data?
🤣😂🤣😂. That was the first thing I thought of…..
I often wonder why the covidians won't simply say "omicron has vaccinated the unvaccinated, against their will. Mwahahahah"
And declare victory
this is obviously what their line should be, lol.
Because their goal is vaxxing. They are emotionally, culturally, and now basically religiously invested in it. Even for those of them that know that omicron came around and vaxed the unvaxed is the truth, they also know such a truth is blasphemy in the face of their new religion and can neither be said nor can it even be admitted that one once, even for a moment, thought about it.
Dictator Ford just declared that the dropping of COVID passports and all the other bullshit is because the science and our participation in COVID measures has brought us here. Not the truckers, protestors, workers, families, small businesses….the brave people who have stood strong for their rights. I am under no illusion that the Globalists are backing down. I am using this ebb to fortify my reserves. To become better equipped for the next round of tyranny. Try to get off the grid as much as possible, if you can get self employed. Maintain your health, use alternative healing methods, if you have kids think about a new education protocol.
Trust is GONE.
Rely on yourself and your freedom loving compatriots. FUCK GOVERNMENT.
I loved the line where Ford assured everyone that ending covid passports had nothing to do with the truckers!
Controversial hypothesis that won’t get studied: Fear of reopening seems to be a mental health issue. It seems like Covid and the Covid response became a self-soothing mechanism for people who were predisposed to psychosis or other mental health issues.
I honestly think some of these people have developed a sort of induced OCD. They were probably neurotic but functional prior to this, but covid broke them.
I say this because vaccinations, boosters, omicron, better treatments, more knowledge of the disease, etc. have not calmed them down. In fact, some are worse than ever. How many stories have you heard of covidians who are now scared of meeting with the unvaxxed, even with precautions, when they were willing to do such a thing prior to the vaccine? Some of it's tribalism, of course, but I doubt it all is.
This is the exact MO of the anxieties that drive OCD and similar disorders. The more you feed them - the more measures you take to assuage your fears - the worse they ultimately get. The stereotypical handwasher doesn't start out washing his hands raw. He gets there over months and years, as handwashing progressively provides shorter and shorter relief from his fears of disease and contamination, forcing him to wash ever more frequently. Treatment for OCD invariably involves not indulging in this kind of reassurance.
Of course, with OCD, the sufferer sees how different they are from others, and their compulsions are often stigmatized. Covid paranoiacs are surrounded by other covid paranoiacs, who encourage and normalize their fears and rituals.
Agreed. The hypochondriacs are in power and they don't want to let go. Finally their irrational concerns about illness and death are being heard!
Exactly ! The stress of Covid triggered their already tenuous mental health issues and drove them to places. pundits, friends, and rituals that soothed them. As Covid becomes better known (less scary), they can't get out because these things have become a management system for their neurosis. The less damaged will be able to pull themselves out by experiencing normalcy. The more damaged are going to be very problematic - particularly the ones that are in media, politics, culture.
Optimistically, perhaps we will start to see some turn-over as these journalists, politicians, etc. find themselves too far down the rabbit hole to get out?
Fear vs liberty. Fear, always fear. Our enemies knew what they were doing when they mongered fear porn. They knew it would have a ready audience.
God rules. No matter what happens, I have no need to fear.
They can be hermits if they want, the problem is forcing it on others. They get off on this. They're narcissists. This world suits them perfectly, they had no friends, no life, no fun in the beforetimes, and now they can have fun seeing to it that nobody else does. Sickos.
They always have the option to quarantine themselves forever. But they'd rather others be forced to do something stupid and devoid of reason.
Snortle chortle he he he. Is there an emoticon for that?🤔
Lol, I fall into the "normally reclusive" but I want unconstitutional, unscientific anti-health lockdowns & mandates gone cuz they are tyrannical & can only lead to further tyranny, I wasn't always reclusive so am well able to empathize with the suffering extroverts, tho childless, I wanted to cry at sight of frightened children's eyes above useless & dangerous masks, and declared what they were doing to children as criminal child abuse from the get go. And, selfishly, because I rely heavily on microdose interactions -- a smile & hello from cashier or passerby walking down the street, and sane people at the pond where my dogs fo swimming, etc.
Also, murder is wrong. Mass murder is wronger. And genocide is pure evil.
I bet I am not alone in thinking all this BS is a trial run.
You’re not
Steve Kirsch had a Chinese defector scientist on yesterday post saying she believes the Chinese were already deploying another bioweapon at the Olympics. He said she’s a reliable source. Certainly seemed so with her background and credentials. Interesting that we already have a med that treats it. Watch that one be suppressed. Or still on patent and massively expensive....