This pandemic has caused a lot of people serious psychological harm and, for a large amount of people, this won't ever heal.

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And unfortunately, a huge number of them are children, tormented by their Gerontocracy rulers.

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And their virtue-signaling mothers, along with those mothers' "partners."

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I was at the super market earlier and saw a mother with her son - maybe 12 - in N95 masks...

I can't help myself but immediately I am thinking ... MORE-ONS. Avoid

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I see these ladies ruining their children's lives in the name of "safety" constantly. I unfortunately live in a libtard area of Chicago. I despise them. The masked make me have feelings of ultra violence, to paraphrase Alex from A Clockwork Orange.

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I'm definitely experiencing some sort of mental illness... borderline insanity... but it only presents when I have a discussion with a MORE-ONICE CovIDIOT.

Like yesterday -- two of them told me that they had Covid and it was terrible - they are both very fit --- one of them was extremely ill for two weeks - the other ended up at the hospital.

Wait for it ... well no need to wait -- you KNOW what they said right? Of course you do... 'thank god we had 3 shots - otherwise it would have been much worse - we might have died'

They asked me if I was vaxxed (so cheeky of them!) I said nope - my wife and I are not vaxxed.

Have you had covid - yep. It was like a mild flu...

No epiphany ... of course not ... they suggested we may have had a milder variant - I said I have no idea which variant we had ... but one of the kids we sponsor to attend school brought that one home -- she has only mildly sick as well -- and she just tested + for covid again -- she was sicker this time round but nothing serious.

Still no dot connecting...

When I finished uni before I headed overseas I had a gig 'teaching' severely retarded kids... we're talking heavy duty autism etc... (probly vax injuries but I didnt know that then)... I also had a class teaching mildly wrecked kids... we had to show the mildly wrecked kids a video about AIDS...

One of the kids comes in late and says -- I don't need to see this sir -- I already know all about AIDS... I says oh ya -- tell us about that --- well he says -- it comes from f789ing monkeys and so long as I don't f789 no monkeys I won't get AIDS.

This is why teachers are only allowed to teach two classes with wrecked kids... if you have too many hours with them you become mentally ill and insane...

Its the same with the CovIDIOT MORE-ONS. You MUST limit interactions with them - or else

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The interesting thing is that for the unvaxxed who (for a variety of potential reasons) got a nasty initial case and recovered, their subsequent exposures were of minor significance. It seems to be the other way round for the vaxhards..

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"thank god we had 3 shots - otherwise it would have been much worse"

I have a rock that keeps tigers away that I'd love to sell those folks.

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I have a lucky rabbits foot too, no vaxx or Covid for me! That rabbits foot goes everywhere with me. 🐇

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ha ha yes it's always the you've had the mild version excuse

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Like for example...all of the dead people?

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Best joke on this comment thread...

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Anecdotally, I'm seeing this play out in the real world. Coworkers, friends and family that are vaxxed seem to be the ones getting ill more frequently and more severely (some for weeks on end). Those of us who abstained from the miracle jabs are not getting sick and if we do, it's very mild - almost undetectable.

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I know a family, some with teens, who were all jabbed. The last two months have been one illness spreading among them all right after another. Literally 3-5 illnesses each in the that time period. Obviously no proof that the jab caused this, but it makes one wonder.

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Pretty much mirrors my own situation and that I've observed with family & friends. Almost like something has cocked up our immune system.

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I really feel bad for them, but trust God to take care of it. Hopefully no more cocked up than what all the vaccines we were given as kids did to our immune systems. I told them not to get any covid boosters, so they are just running on the original two.

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The more we tell them don't do it the more they will do it .It's like kids acting when the candy is taken away .Once addicted it goes on auto pilot .I have a hard time convincing my wife to avoid all shots ,the flu shots also .I suspect she does it in secrete to avoid arguments .Relatives and family members are often doing harm to them self in front of us and we are not in a position to make them stop . Sad and frustrating .

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Nailed it. You're spot on.

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Drugs. Addictive. Secret. Harm. Doesn't matter if they're legal or illegal. Addictive/destructive personalities will always go for them.

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Unfortunately, (for the younger generation) we were given FAR less jabs as children. CHD probably has all the relevant stats on it.

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A lot more cocked up, I'm afraid: www.openvaers.com

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Multi people who were always a bit sceptical of the jabs - forced by work to get 2...

Have admitted to me in the past week that they don't feel right since the second jab. Lacking energy. Just not right.

I wonder if all of the pro vaxxers are feeling something is not right ... not enough to complain ... but just not anywhere near 100%

I have noticed in drop hockey that the games lose steam in the final 20 minutes... a big drop off in the energy level --- most of the players are fit and under 30... I've never noticed that previously. Of course that allows me to dominate in the late stages even though I am 20+ years older haha

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Nobody was forced. Some chose to prioritize money over health. That pivotal moment arrived for everyone, but only some chose to roll up their sleeves for a job versus their own life.

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My jabbed boss, who had a terrible reaction to the first two shots (I’m not sure if he took anymore), recently had another bout of covid. This time, he came down with severe nerve pain in his back. Was out flat for a few weeks. The doctor told him it was a covid side-effect. Awful. I’m glad I didn’t get the shot, but I’m sad for all who did and are now having a rough go of it.

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These are not side effects of covid - they are side effects (punishment) for being stupid.

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Wait, I thought the lottery was punishment for being stupid.

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100%. As a mere casual observer, I found it interesting that in the Fall of 2021, all the people touting the fact that they got the first booster were soon dropping like flies. The rest of us were unscathed. No study needed . . . . what was happening was obvious. Sad that it has taken over a year for this to be revealed by Cleveland Clinic. And now it's compounded.

I cannot understand how people don't look around/see the truth/draw a connection. It terrifies me. Who wants to bet that the next study reveals that the jabs lower IQ? I'm afraid for the future in a world full of oblivious nitwits.

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022

That's so true. Very few friends & family got COVID in 2020 or 2021 but dropped like flies late 2021/early 2022. Well they didn't drop - nobody was really ill but loads testing positive. It's when I saw the glimmer of hope in being the outlier in questioning it all - when it dawned on them the jab didn't stop COVID at all. But they'd all signed up to the church of "It would have been so much worse without the jab" so I continue to bang head against wall.

Still in our town of 8,000 *nobody* under the age of 70 has died with COVID. One guy ended up having a stroke under early ventilation practises. We've sadly lost about the usual number of elderly to respiratory disease but we'd had 10+ years of dry tinder. An eminent doctor friend of mine said in 2019 that a reset was coming as the reduction in excess deaths couldn't carry on - from a pure statistics point of view.

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Reading through some of the posts ,I'm shocked that there is still so much ignorance floating around . It seems the cult is permanent .

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I'm not sure about lowering IQ but the prions in the brain might make them unstable

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They already had very low IQ to begin with ...

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The funniest or saddest thing is that most people won't breathe a word about vaxx damage. And all these vaxxed people are getting perpetually sick. I'll never forget what Luc Montaigne said more than two years ago. I heard him say it live en Francais before the real 13 minute video got scrubbed and replaced with a 2 minute version: He said, all those who got a single dose will be dead from ADE in 2 years. They will get sicker and sicker and then they'll die. He said we should be preparing to incinerate the dead. I've had little doubt of the veracity of his statements in the proceeding months and years. Now we're here. There will soon be two kinds of people: the stackers and those who need to be stacked. Be a stacker. (get a hazmat suit)

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Can't say for sure because people are keeping their 4th jab much more secret these days. So don't know who is actually fully boosted or not. But I had the first three and I've really struggled with low-level colds, sniffles and general snotiness for about nearly four months now. Nothing serious but I've bought far more tissues than ever before. Totally unscientific and anecdotal. Although I do know of at least five other people (pretty sure vax'd to hell) who are in the same situation.

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ramp up your vitamin D to at least 5000 per day. Zinc

Vitamin C. drink heavily, well, you know, water, juices

just flush flush flush

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K you can get from diet, so you may not need to supplement.

I've been supplementing with 5000 IU of D and zinc during the bottom half of the year and adding quercetin and NAC when I feel a bug. For the last 3 years I haven't had anything beyond a tickle in the back of my throat that usually goes away after a couple of days. No Covid shots for me and no PCR tests.

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Same. Everyone around me is sick and I'm perfectly fine.

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I feel fantastic - I'm gonna start rubbing that in ... whenever I meet people I will look for opportunities to say --- I feel great - never felt better!

If this continues I might be in the Olympic Games soon

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I'd research for vaxx detox protocols.

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Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Mobeen Syed have an intermittent fasting protocol to clear the spike protein through autophagy. FLCCC

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I have the same observation. Like, among my friends I can tell exactly who got their two first doses, but then I have no idea who got their third or even fourth (I'm pretty sure no one got their fourth cause it's not super recommended here in Sweden for ppl under 65). All my friends are around 40 and pretty well-educated and smart. Still, it's interesting, it went from this status that everyone should know to a strict personal matter in just like a half-year or so. Tells you something.

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Yeah, what happened to Walgreens shot record laminated pouches you can hang around your neck? How about the super duper app you can proudly shove into people's faces as you try to get into a broadway show? You would think the uber-shotted would be proud as hell to show their compliance now.

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>it's not super recommended here in Sweden for ppl under 65: that's refreshing to hear. Just wish other countries would take the same route. In fact, if we'd taken this route since the very start (which is what UK said they'd do), then we'd be in a much better place now. Instead governments decided to start coercing based upon, well, a lie - that it prevented infection and therefore you were protecting others. Which begat the falling out of friends and the threat of mandates. Mandates still goes on in healthcare which is suspect to say the least.

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Munrobasher you should have kept your shooting a secrete to .After three years you don't know that indiscriminate shooting can by deadly ? There are quite a number of people who never got any shots and are still clean and healthy from day one of the killing spree .I have no sympathy or patience with the ignorant ,who wear snot pouches ,inject and often give bystanders a hard time ,who just want to mind their own business . Injection addicts used heroin ,before the Pfizer venom . Now the Pfizer venom is the new heroin .

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I think my man is on here because he realises he made a big mistake. I concur with Mr. Stephenson. Give him a break. We should help, not harm.

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Give him/her a break. We all make mistakes sometimes

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This is the Mother of all Mistakes

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Only if it breaks bad!

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NAC, Quercetin, fulvic acid, vitamins c and d.

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Curious if it's covid. Have you tested for it or flu?

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Prefer not to perpetuate the testing pandemic either! Doubt it's flu - at no point was it ever serious enough to take time off work or stay in bed. Just I'm never very far away from a packet of tissues these days.

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I agree. Don't bother with those dopey tests. They are less reliable than pregnancy tests

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Ya but if you go + with covid you get a week off in NZ hahaha

I don't work so I don't leverage that

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When I feel like I'm coming down with something, my home readies are:

chicken soup, elderberry syrup, oil of oregano and a ginseng based cold preventative available in Canada called Cold FX. They all work really well early on, not so much if full blown illness, cold or flu.

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Burdock root tea (roasted, or raw, (you can roast by batch), with milk and sweetner or not, its a true blood cleaner and winter food....Mountainrose Herbs in Oregon has it, and so does your backyard, for many places. 2 years to maturity. Food called gobo is the same thing, a long light colored root, after you scrape off the skin with the side of a knife (dont peel it you lose too much just below skin)..... Burdock root.

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Don't test it . Taste it .

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my jabbed coworkers and family are just a coughing sneezing festival of germs all the time now.

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Was speaking to a Vax Fanatic family member the other day on skype -- noticeable sniffles and just not looking healthy.

I notice that with many Vax Fanatics --- particularly those who I do not see regularly - might do a video call once or max twice a year - they look aged -- grey pallor ... like someone who is experiencing extreme stress

VAIDS is extreme stress

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Same! I have absolutely wanted to reply to these people that it is likely their multitude of vax doses making them this way. I refrain though and just share substacks like this one and hope they will have it click in their brains on their own/stop doing this to themselves. We are an no Covid vax family who suffered from "the awful flu" everyone is getting. We had less than a 24 hour low grade fever, aches and tired for 48 hours, and a cough for 3-5 days. That was it. Some of these people who post and make sure to say they're fully vaccinated for covid and the flu, etc. are sick for weeks on end and add antivirals, steroids, etc, on top of it. The hospitals probably love these mini gold mines.

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Not everyone is as lucky as you were. Please show compassion to those who had it much worse than you.

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I find it hard to be compassionate towards people who wanted folks like me banned from society for over a year.

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I agree that it's difficult to be compassionate to all those that banned people like you from society. That was wrong and I have made that known to many people over the past year and a half (which has cost me some friends and colleagues who were all in with the bans -- they look at me like I'm crazy when I say things like "hey, you're vaccinated, I thought that was supposed to protect you? Why do you need to ban those who are unvaccinated?").

My comment was in response to your dismissal of the severity of the virus for other people because you happened to have it relatively mild. Be thankful that you had a mild case, but don't assume that everyone else has had it so lucky. I know several unvaccinated people that ended up in the hospital because of covid, or have been dealing with long covid ever since. It was not a "mild flu" for them.

I think part of the problem is that too many people have conflated two separate things -- their dislike of all mandates and mitigation measures and the severity of the illness itself. Some people dismiss the severity of the illness so that they can say that the lockdowns and mandates were not necessary. In reality, you can have both. The virus can be very severe (at least for some portion of the population) while also acknowledging that the lockdowns and mandates are pointless since this is a respiratory illness.

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Kim , you are one with common sense and how we should treat colds or flu .I'm 86 and never had shots, enjoy health and if I get a cold I do as always with home remedies similar to what you recommend and what I would do .

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Don't tell them. They don't want to know.

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especially family.

I have been BANNED from my grand babies, daughter and husband (by her husband) for remarks made about jabbing the kids, and also a minor tiff about retinal inflammation headaches and covid shots.

It is going on 9 months now

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Yup..I am banned from entering several friends houses..because I am unvaxxed and dont have the virus(never have)..I even offered to get RAT/PCR to make them feel comfortable at Christmas...I tried the argument "You will know my viral status but will not know any of the vaxxed viral status"...the same argument I tried inside a hospital (which also failed)that crazy idea fried their brains..the virus meme has killed common sense

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I’m so sorry to hear that! The brainwashing is out of control. I feel for you. What part of the country are you in? You need new friends. 🙏🏼🙏🏼

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Blue mts...west of Sydney... Australia...😆

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Sorry. I understand. I’ve been following the situation in Australia since 2020. Praying for all Australians🙏🏼🙏🏼

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Surely they must know by now that the the vax 'was never intended to stop the spread of Covid' and that it doesn't.

Even the CDC admits to that.

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No.They rely on all their information from the Australian Broadcasting Network..ABC...which is a left wing..big pharma.. consensus driven woke cesspool of garbage and misinformation...

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I feel so sorry for you in Australia. You guys were the last to get the jabs and so your news/vax data has also been purposefully delayed. The pharmaceutical companies couldn’t have ruined their chances to get several rounds of boosters into you guys too! For what it’s worth, I think swaths of europe and the US are also completely brainwashed, but the countryside is full of awake folks. And studies like this one force some of the city koolaid drinkers to hopefully stop for a moment.

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My heart goes out to you.

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Thank you. It is quite shocking. I do not ever recall treating my parents like this. We disagreed of stuff but always just laughed it off, or said forget about it.

This banning and shutting out behavior is actually a practice that is common in my son in laws family. long story but it is something they do.

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I'm so sorry. It is almost a certainty now that they/he will see the light eventually. I just hope the don't come to their senses the hard way.

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I do not think they will see the light.

I guess if there will ever be a reunion of sorts, discussion will be "taboo"

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I don't think folks see the light unless a family member dies.

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So sad🙏🏼

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it hurts.

I did get angry and lash out at first, but now I am just sad.

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I feel strongly that anyone who injects their kids with the Rat Juice -- should be tried for crimes against humanity.

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I’m so sorry about this. We were also excommunicated by my SIL’s family. Apparently, they’ve relented a bit and will be at the family Christmas party. I’m sorry you’re going through this. It’s really tough.

My heart breaks for the victims of family excommunications, but also for the perpetrators. Your daughter and her husband are sending the message to their own children that disagreement with your parents can and should result in cutting them off. They’re setting themselves up to reap what they have sown.

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Yes Rosemary .The covid cult did not only poison the body of many ,it also poisoned relationships .Friends and family are treating the former friends like they are the whyruss . It happened to me even though I had no cold or flu for many years and no shots or virus .

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Agreed. I mentioned this observation to my mom, who was vaxxed and quite ill for several weeks, and she clearly did not want to hear it. I had the same "bug" and had a dry throat for 2 days.

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This was my experience exactly. I was never jabbed. The first week of October this year I thought I caught a cold, but on the third day my sense of smell just completely vanished. So I knew then it was covid. VERY mild, slight fever, slight headache, slight body aches- interestingly I had no breathing issues, not even a stuffy or runny nose. 4-5 days later back to normal.

I really feel sorry for the people that took the shot, and keep taking it.

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Did you ever have it before?

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Nope, have had lots of colds in the past though.

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If it wasn't so sad, it's actually quite funny! Like the direct opposite happened to what they told would happen.

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I did chuckle a bit myself, "We tried to tell you, but, nooooooo..."

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Vaxx abstainer here, and I had my first sore throat in 5 years a couple weeks ago. It's what the "common cold" has been all my life. When younger, it was an annual event every winter. In middle age, it's way less frequent--about 5 year intervals. I've sourced the FLCCC Aliance for preventative protocols @ covid19criticalcare.com. Stay healthy.

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I am seeing the same thing.

Isn't it fantastic!!!

And that Turbo Cancer --- wow --- I guess that's what happens when you have no immune system. Probably a blessing - who wants to linger anyway.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

"16 heroic vaccinators at the bottom of the chart"

Let's not disregard the real heroes - the 6,419 unvaccinated at the top of the chart. We can be sure their employer did not make it easy for them. They resisted, and they were right.

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I remember reading that the Cleveland Clinic dropped their vaxx mandate early on. This isn't the first study they've done; while I don't remember details the earlier ones weren't favourable for the vaxx's either.

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Sadly, no, the Clinic was neither so enlightened nor so courageous. They threw their employees to the wolves, just like most all the others:

"Statement from Cleveland Clinic on the CMS Vaccine Requirement – January 28, 2022

The COVID-19 vaccination mandate announced by the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requires all of our U.S. employees and those who provide services with us to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Our deadline for employees and those who provide services with us to receive their first dose of a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine or their one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine was January 27, 2022, and they must receive their second dose by February 28, 2022."

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Did you mean 2021 or 2022? I remember that they were pro mandate initially but I sincerely thought they were among the earlier companies to drop it.

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2022. I don't know when or whether they ever dropped their mandate, but as of 1/28/22, they were already terminating people. If they did drop their mandate sometime after that, it was too late - employees were already laid off or already intimidated into getting their shots.


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I'm really disappointed to see I was wrong.

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Same. The numbers of important American healthcare organizations that behaved honorably throughout the epidemic were appallingly few. I can't think of a single one that demonstrated sincere regard for employees' (or even patients') personal autonomy.

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At my hospital, 40% refused the vax initially. Then they were threatened to lose their job. It dropped to about 3%.

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Proves what I always thought - the uptake of shots 3+ is dismal ONLY because they are not mandated. If they want shots in arms they must be mandated.

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12.6% is extremely good. I wish I would be part of a community where resistance was this high. In my job we are around 6% who held out.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I'm happy to see so many people who got zero doses. The people who only got one or two doses are mostly likely deeply regretting it/coerced. I'm also wondering if the "30% fewer infections" isn't because of prior infections? How do you tease out which was the key "intervention?"

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The authors consider this possibility, and conclude there‘s no reason there should be more prior infections among the bivalent booster group than any other group.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

ah, I see, since everyone has already been infected now, multiple times ... and we are still testing the "vaccine" to see if it prevents... what again? lol.. truly Clown Universe

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Except their own data demonstrated that more prior doses increased risk of infection; so it's possible that the bivalent shot cohort is also the most recently infected with a close(r) variant? I only skimmed the paper so far, not sure if this was controlled for or not? Or if the seemingly shot-damaged immune systems wouldn't benefit in the same way from more recently aquired natural immunity?

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I certainly regret getting the two I got back at the beginning of '21. I was working as a long haul truck driver, so lots of contact, literally all over the country (I traveled through or made pickups or deliveries in 47 of 48 CONUS in 363 days between 15 Nov '20 and 13 Nov '21) and my girlfriend lives in Berlin, who were definitely not going to let an unvaccinated American in, and even with the jab it was still 18 months between getting to see her. I seem to have escaped the worst of the possible side effects, but the reduced immunity against reinfection annoys me.

Oh well, at least I only got the two originals, and know better than to get any boosters.

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Sorry for the personal question: has it affected your libido? (I did 1 dose and think it did.)

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Yes, I'm regretting it AND I knew better! Such is the power of coercion and peer pressure.

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022

Isn't it interesting that there's no one who didn't take it that regrets it.

I wonder what the percentage is of people who took it that regret it?

Anyway, I think you're brave for admitting what happened to you.

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A friend who is a Colonel in the Airforce told me he was proud of all the boosters he has taken and does not understand why everyone does not brace the medical miracle of MRNA.

I asked him how can believe that the injections stops transmission and infection if the head of Pfizer said it did not? Then he saw the video of of Ms. Small at the EU. Cognitive dissonance

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Not really that interesting - if you regret not vaxxing, you just go and get the vax tomorrow. No more regret!

Unfortunately, it does not work in reverse. If you regret your vax, you can't unvax.

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That's interesting you refer to coercion and peer pressure. I'm unvaxed, and deep is my gut I felt and still do that it's bad for me; but , I had many times where I felt the pull of just go and get it done. If I had succumbed to this pull, it would have been because of the societal pressure only. I'm glad I didn't cave, but it was hard to resist sometimes.

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I was given no real choice by the US Navy; take unnecessary, unsafe and ineffective gene jabs or get fired a few years short of retirement time. I was able to wrangle a weird deal to get to India to take the Covaxin 2-shots; still regret even that. Oh, and the whole family got covid the same day just 3 months after my shots (all pure bloods except me); so literally of zero benefit on top of the stress and sevy thousand out of pocket.

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Nah, we had choices. Exemption, specifically. And those of us who held fast won, because the mandate is gone. I don’t obey unlawful orders.

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Did you only take two jabs?

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Three.... and mainly so I could go skiing to France! I know, total madness...

I refused to go to Austria because they were threatening to implement mandatory vaccination. Horrible, horrible people for even considering such a policy.

What worried me back then was the (official) data that showed that I was MORE at risk of catching COVID dual-vaccinated than unvaccinated. One almost had to take the booster to get your risk back down to the same level. But of course, that effectiveness waned after about two months and headed negative.

I commented at the time it was almost turning me into a COVID vax junkie - I *had* to have the booster (jab me harder!) to get my risk back down to the level if I'd never taken the darn thing in the first place.

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😢It was military level mind control. I didn’t buy into it because I’ve known about the dangers of all vaccines for 30 years.

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The vaxx dealers like Pfizer may have ended the heroin trade in dark back alley ways ..Now it's a free for all shooting fest way more effective and deadly than the former back alley business with heroin .

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At least heroin overdose has narcan. Covid bioweapon shot overdose (SAD) has nothing.

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Is there a good reference on this conclusion? I often tell people about it and just quote the stats in wikipedia but wondered if there was a more comprehensive analysis.

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I am so glad you figured it out.

The demand for vaccines was one part FEAR and one part the promise of returning to normal, i.e., no masking, ending the lockdowns, opening the economy and returning kids to school.

Oldest tricks in the book....

Diabolical if you think about it....and given what we know now, one could say evil.

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I am very grateful for your honesty.

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I remember watching a video by Mike Yeadon very early on, probably the first one he did. He said that around 30% of the population would have had prior immunity from exposure to other corona virus's. I'm pretty sure he said 30% and I'm pretty sure I'm in that group. I haven't been careful except for the first few months. Recently I traveled to Mexico City for the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe where the crowds were very thick: 10 million residents and 15 million pilgrims. My friend and I both came home healthy. Neither of us has had covid at all.

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Oh wow, I was just reading about the virgin of Guadalupe! Did you see the shroud? I wanted to go see it…I do think traveling helps your immune system. The sick people I know never travel.

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Yes we did. It's actually called the Tilma, a cloth made from cactus fiber. My friend and I were on our own and didn't speak much Spanish (me: highschool 1 semester, 40+ years ago) so usually we didn't know where we were going or what we were doing but everything worked out perfectly and we saw everything we wanted to. We combined a beach vacation, 6 days at the Catalonia Grand Costa Mujeres, new resort, Cancun area - very nice, with the pilgrammage, 4 days 2 of which were travel days, Aeromexico from Cancun to Mexico City then home from there.

We stayed at the Holiday Inn Express Basillica - I asked our travel agent for the closest hotel to the shrine (that was a good idea) - which, for a 3 star hotel was nice and we only had to walk straight up the street to the shrine, albeit 4.5 kilometers, about 3 miles. Plus nice restaurant a few steps away.

It was an amazing experience. If you go, go for the feast day Dec. 12. I think you might tour more away from the feast day with less of a crowd, but it is such an amazing experience, not to be missed.

Make sure you watch some videos of the shrine before you go - you'll know what to see and what to expect.

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Wow. Wonderful. God bless you.

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That's fantastic, thank you for the details!

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PS: we were a little bit careful of food and only drank bottled water and we had no stomach upsets. On the flight home, I spoke to a young woman from London and she & friends ate street food and had no problems but went to a posh restaurant where everyone got sick!

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Those 16 are the most logical, really - IF you begin with other premise that the jab is 100% safe and effective. 🤡🌍

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The covid blog recently had a story about a Florida man with deteriorating health that he blames on long covid, developed POTS and after all that recently went in for his flu shot, covid shot, shingles shot and pneumonia shot all on the same day. I suspect the most deranged vax injured covidians prefer suicide by shots over admitting they were wrong.

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I was wondering if in the case of the most frequently boosted it is enabling a mental illness such as an OCD related fear of germs. If I was prone to pathological hypochondriac thinking, I would probably consider getting the booster based on "fear of missing out" on getting the most up-to-date vaccination I can get.

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From what I've seen with my family members it looks like phobia of germs, OCD, mental illness all of the above....my aunt wears 2 N95 masks inside my mom's (her sister) house at ALL times and talks about the new variants that there's no vaccine for yet. My mom then gets worked up and puts her masks on.

It's irritating and sad at the same time. I've never ever known them to be terrified of a virus or dying. Even when they had cancer they weren't scared like this. This is a brainwashed cult.

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I’ve asked people - before the ridiculous ‘tridemic’ prattle of late - are you so worried about a cold? The flu? Do you close down everything, wear masks, repeatedly test for the many other contagious bugs floating around our world. Well, I don’t want to get COVID they say. That’s their answer. I don’t want to get COVID. Fools all.

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Many of them already had covid multiple times, know people who had Covid multiple times, both vaccinated and unvaccinated. A few of us have died with it, some outliers have died of it., not sure what they were expecting. Maybe they thought they would be ventilated like in the early days of the pandemic.

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Maybe it's because cancer isn't contagious? Give me a choice between cancer and Covid and I'll take Covid any day of the week, same goes for diabetes (which I do have).

I know exactly what you are talking about, my dad who passed in 2007 had rheumatoid arthritis most of his life. It was bad, and yet, he never wore a mask, and kept his children away.

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About half the compulsive vaxxers I know were germaphobes prior to 2020 - anti-bacterial soap in the bathroom, hand sanitizer just for kicks.

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I think that's a huge part of this...the inability to accept being lied to and tricked into being guinea pigs. I'm still amazed at hubby's adult daughter who made her adult grandson go and get his 3rd or 4th booster (whatever it was) right after he had a case of covid. The fear and lack of critical thinking are strong in too many like this.

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It's the mass formation. All critical thinking is emptied out of the head, if there was any. I think there is an implicit trust in our institutions, and also buying into the belief of consensus when many of us have seen how consensus is false. Heck the very fact that one state can be all for one candidate and another will be for the other is an indicator that a large group of people can be wrong (or at least present an opinion that you don't agree with).

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So very true. We are doomed.

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LIR ,he should have waited a bit to get the immortality shot also ,Pfizer is just rolling out .

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I know you were being sarcastic, and I was being a little overdramatic in my response. Is the clown a sarcasm emoji?

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You need to read the name of the emojis in sequence: "Clown World"

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How are they the most logical? If it's effective, why would you need 6 doses?

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022

I think the number of doses needs to equal the number of mice tested on so they'll be golden when they hit eight doses

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I wonder if once they get 10 doses they get a free Subway Sub once they fill their punchcard.

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Wood is in short supply in Europe for coffins .Cremation of the vaxx dead is halted ,until the Russians turn on the gas again .Pfizer offered to re cicle the bodies for vaxx making .

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Seriously though, I would love to talk to these masked people in a zoom call which is pretty much how I think they interact.

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'If it's effective, why would you need 6 doses?'

If the logic is: one is good, so six must be better!

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Is this math related? Maybe need a prime number of shots so they'll get more

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I was thinking that Pfizer really wants to adopt the subscription model.

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Tardigrade you don't understand this war ,it takes a shot for every single whyruss . A injector build like a machine gun and shooting like one would make a difference in this war . Pfizer must be interested and make a warp speed shooter to go with the venom .

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The logic is in their belief that they are safer with fresh vax coursing through their veins than without. That’s what Fauci’s science says.

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With countless variants ,you need countless shots . A shot for every variant plus boosters . Pfizer is brewing shots for global warming .No not for global warming ,against it .I go now to take a shot to unconfuse my brain from sooo much science . Auch that hurt .

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Shots that help your skin and body become more resistant to climate change?

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Agreed. They are as convinced of vax effectiveness as we are. Logical and honest with themselves.

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There's no way to tell from the data if there were actually more than 16 who got a 6th shot. I think it's fair game to say that the 16 documented are those that lived to tell/be counted.

Same could be said for all the stats probably, especially after 2.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Think of the lack of logic it takes to take a leaky vaccine with over a 1,000 side effects that's only 30% effective for a disease that has a survivability percentage of 99.8%!

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There was a news article here in Canada that said that the majority of people believed that the covid death rate was something like 30%.

I can't believe these believers didn't question it or wonder why the streets weren't full of bodies that just dropped.

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Correct . There was a Gallup poll that showed everyone, and democrats in particular, wildly overestimated the danger of Covid.

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Early in in the pandemic 40% of American Democrats believed you had a 90% chance of severe illness/death if exposed to the virus. I may have the percentages wrong but clearly this group of individuals is frightened and clueless

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I don't know what people expect. You have the genetic fingerprint of generations of natural selection by corona viruses in your genome, you force a sarbecovirus through humanized mice before (accidentally?) releasing it into the population, you remove the viral interference from better-adapted respiratory viruses from your population...

and then you homogenize and fixate your whole population's immune response on an extinct version of the virus, taking more shots of the same vaccine that failed to work after two shots. And you don't just inject people with the whole virus, no, you program their own cells, to produce a small part of the virus that happens to mutate most rapidly and you fixate this protein in place with two mutations so that your immune system is only ever exposed to a handful of epitopes of this protein, rather than seeing all the different possible conformations.

So now you have countries around the Western world reporting an unprecedented burden of respiratory disease, including Sweden, which now has another massive RSV wave after last year's massive wave. Why aren't people connecting the dots? Negative efficacy vaccines against a Sarbecovirus deployed to billions of people around the whole world are an existential threat.

The 1918 flu only ever hit 25% of the population. If you had the whole population getting three influenza infections on average in a year you would also hear me telling you you're dealing with an existential threat, your immune system needs time to recover.

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Hilarious. They claim this was 'unexpected' - after more than a year of data coming in from all over the world which shows that vaccine effectiveness wains quickly after each dose and then goes negative, and the more doses you get, the more this process accelerates. They then compound their clowinsh ignorance by claiming that there is 'still a lot to learn' about protection from Covid vaccines, which is 'assumed' rather than demonstrated. These are the morons we have at the vanguard of clinical science.

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'They then compound their clowinsh ignorance by claiming that there is 'still a lot to learn' about protection from Covid vaccines'

Give them some credit – they're more honest about it than most. Which is a sad state of affairs in itself.

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"The vaccines were amazingly effective in preventing COVID-19, saved a large number of lives, and changed the impact of the pandemic."

They are clowns. They are not honest. They deserve no credit.

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Note that they don't start counting people as vaccinated until 7 days after the shot, so that 30% VE during September to December figure is STILL an overestimate

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One thing that would be interesting to know is how many people knowingly received fake vaccines. This would also make the vaccines seem safer than reality. I know at least one person who offered money to someone to just get the vax card. I too could have easily received a vax card (I know pharmacists etc.) without getting the actual injection.

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It would be interesting to see if the 0-7 days after vaccination got counted as "unvaccinated" or not counted as anything at all. The latter would be more honest.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

At this point in time, I think most of us see this in real life without having to read the study. At least the study is harder to pooh pooh than my words are.

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what’s most significant, is that the study authors venture to put these remarks in print. the vaccinator castle is crumbling, bit by bit.

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Yes, even in Canada, bit by bit.

Even in Australia, where top officials (Kerryn Phelps) have experienced serious adverse reactions, the narrative is beginning to fall.

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Maybe you could do a post collating reader reports of signs their local vaccinator castle is crumbling?

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Now we can see why the WHO says that the unvaccinated are equivalent to terrorists: their very existence is disruptive to the world order as it dramatically demonstrates that governments and health authorities are harming you through malice or incompetence or both.

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deletedDec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022
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Exactly. Apparently they don't read history.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

So you can 1) get a shot and get more covid or 2) not get a shot and get less covid. But if you pick #2, you miss out on all those fashionable side effects and even more covid.

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This data was very clear in the nearly suppressed UKHSA data on vaccine effectiveness against infection. It showed, in Omicron, that infection effectiveness went negative about 2-3 months the booster last year. Similar figures grudgingly revealed in other countries. The amount varied. eugyppius carried on plotting the supressed/embarrassing graph until Spring this year when the UKHSA stopped supplying weekly figures on the dubious basis that free testing stopped.

I think it got as bad as nearly -400% effective showing that me, triple jabbed, was 4 times more likely to catch COVID than an unvaccinated person. Way to go! In my books, if I'm 4 times more likely to catch COVID then I'm at higher risk of serious complications. That will outweigh the dubious claims about reducing severe illness.

There may be confounders in this data but it's got to be massive to wipe out a x4 higher risk of infection. Other studies showing the same were lower percentages but still negative.

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Yep! When that happened here in Washington State, Snohomish County simply disappeared the information:


The data was clearly showing the protection granted by the jab faded quickly, which tracked with nearly everywhere else around the world. I looked forward to the new report being released and seeing what the new numbers were.

Well, the report is out, and guess what we don’t see inside? Not only have they removed the vaccine efficacy charts, THEY HAVE REMOVED EVERY PIECE OF DATA RELATED TO THE BREAKDOWN OF CASES, HOSPTAILIZATIONS, AND DEATHS. All of it. Gone. The numbers get inconvenient? Disappear ‘em!

Of course, data is only ‘inconvenient’ if the goal is one other than truthfully informing us of our risks. This is one of the dangers of central planning. The ‘leaders’ get tunnel vision and ignore everything but the goal of getting people vaccinated, and soon they are lying to us to ‘increase uptake’. This problem won’t be solved by hiding even more data.

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Gee, this seems a bit like the FBI scrubbing Hunter’s laptop on Twitter. These patterns get predictable- we are definitely in the pattern of data that doesn’t fit the narrative must be physically erased by a government agency.

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These patterns go much farther back than the covid. At least back to 11/63, with many instances since then.

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This is the story of the whole pandemic!

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Thanks for reminding us! It's been showing negative effectiveness after a few months everywhere there is good data since early on!

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Totally true. Data showing negative efficacy has been showing up around the world for a year now. What prompted the inital calls for boosters? Negative efficacy of the inital shot sequence, the one what was supposed to be a "dead end for the virus." Now they're talking quarterly "boosters." The vaccine is turning into a global gullibility test.

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There have been so many false (dare one say misinformation) by the government, healthcare & media. Firstly that COVID is deadly to everyone. Secondly that the vaccine is our way out of this. Thirdly it prevents infection so take it to protect others. COVID isn't really deadly and sadly the elderly get the worst. The vaccine wasn't our way out of this. It didn't prevent infection, in fact it made it worse.

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The problem we have not catching the virus in the act is that we do the testing on the wrong end of our body . testing stations must be build where after a bowl movement tasters are standing by to taste the bowl movement for the virus . Faussi ,Schwab and Gates must be the master tasters . Tetros wants to get to the bottom of it at the W.H.O.

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I want to find the people that took 6 doses of the vaccine, maybe they will buy my NFT that I put up online.

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6 prior to the mice-booster I think. That makes 7!

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They would buy Pfizer NFTs, not yours.

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Okay, I hear you, I need to start a new account called Pfazer™ and come out with my own NFT's, and I should come out with new ones every three months. I could call it the "efficacy" collection.

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And theyre completely safe!

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

The people with 6 doses, I am glad they are alive, and still uninjured? But how is higher likelihood of infection squared with 30% effectiveness?

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It looks like the vaccines do prevent infection for a brief window after vaccination, but their effectiveness steadily declines over a period of months and eventually goes negative. So the bivalently boosted will be protected for a few months, but then they‘ll be more susceptible.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Yeah, so that's why you need to juice up every three months. Hehehe.

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022

Andrew Bridgen MP in UK has said Pfizer told him explicitly in 2020, that these would need to be taken every 3 months for life. ( he was clear not to make accusations re their business plan/ model)

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I believe this is the same study that Alex Berenson recently wrote about (it’s paywalled for another day or so, but the graphs are the same) - and if so, good Lord we have a massive problem looking us right in our face.

I love Alex’s work, but that dude HAS TO wake up to the depop eugenics plan that is unfolding in real-time.

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Until Alex removes his mask from his twitter profile pic, I refuse to read anything he writes.

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Thanks, makes sense…

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Constant over stimulation of the immune system can't be healthy?

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This question will show my deep ignorance, but, is there anything in the shots that would interfere with the PCR test results? Like what if the people DO get infected, but the PCR tests just show "negative" for some reason? I would be curious how many people get sick in any fashion after the shots.

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chris masterjohn phD did speculate on this in an article, he's a nutritionist I've followed for ages... that the shots did get you a " negative test" despite still getting respiratory illness. it was a speculation I think, that he went into.

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It doesn’t protect anyone from the side effects!!🤯🤯

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They are not uninjured. My 6-jabbed loved ones had covid in January and have not really recovered. They have all the detox info and the supplements, I gave it to them. I do not know if they take it. I do not know if they will survive or how their long term situation will be.

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The studies and the finger wagging about the vaccine and injuries are fast becoming irrelevant because this was always about stripping of freedoms and rights and plundering the wealth of Western nations whilst enslaving the population with debt & endless medical interventions through chronic health issues.

If it were truly about depopulation like the most adamant of the black-pilled community believe - they'd be pushing even harder for more boosters (threatening jobs again, locking down, requiring it for children to attend schools) knowing damn well they're lethal after a certain vaccination point -- but they're not.

Because covid & vaccines have already accomplished what they were designed to do. (See above.) They still need their plebes (don't want to kill too many of us - Who'd fly them around, fix/manufacture their Teslas, staff their yachts, clean their mansions, buy their stupid defective products after all?). They do however, want us as debt and health slaves -- fearful and easily controlled. More so than we already are, if you can imagine it.

Best believe they're planning the next psy-op to lock us up and throw away the keys for good.

Merry Christmas everyone!! :)

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I'll bet you're popular at parties, Mr. Sunshine 🌞

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My only friends are on Substuck

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I am too, would love to meet Dizdub, we could probably clear a room

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They wouldn't let us in and I'm not sure I could restrain myself

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Schwab is busy now decorating the Christmas tree with needles .

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Will Santa bring more vaxxin for Christmas ,it seems so ,because I saw needles sticking out from his sack ..

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

It seems last year the Cleveland Clinic also published (and no one would peer review it) that previously infected individuals need not get vaccination. They have rebelled the whole time.


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Sadly, they have not.

Statement from Cleveland Clinic on the CMS Vaccine Requirement – January 28, 2022

The COVID-19 vaccination mandate announced by the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requires all of our U.S. employees and those who provide services with us to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Our deadline for employees and those who provide services with us to receive their first dose of a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine or their one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine was January 27, 2022, and they must receive their second dose by February 28, 2022.

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