I don’t think Substack will give in to the hate brigade anytime soon. Their business model depends on subscribers, and a great deal of censorship is driven by advertisers. Also, Chelsea Clinton retweets aside, they’re not exactly sending their best.
Nevertheless, I’ve gotten a lot of advice, and I wanted to send a brief update about contingency plans. I’ve registered the domain eugyppius.com. Right now, https://www.eugyppius.com points to my Substack, but if anything happens to my presence here, that same URL will take you to my new home instead. I want to stay at Substack as long as they’ll have me, because there’s a good community of like-minded people on this website, and it’s here that most of you found me. If I do get kicked, though, I own (and regularly export) my entire subscriber list. It’s a simple matter to take that to an alternative platform like Ghost, and everything will continue as before. For most of you it will be seamless, except the emails and the website will be formatted a little differently. If things get even darker, I can arrange my own hosting and run my own website, and I’m in touch with smart people who have other ideas too. I will never stop posting.
Thanks for reading. I promise to talk about other things starting tomorrow.
That we are even having this conversation in a Western democracy shows just how low things have got in the last two years.
Am hoping for the Streisand Effect in that more people are now aware of something called Substack and are checking it out.