Sorry I shouldn't gloat. We got insanely lucky with DeSantis, who won by a slim margin. But it is a bizarre feeling being here, where everything is like 2019.
Like trump, Desantis is popular because (in a more refined way than Trump did) he call's BS when he see's it. He's more accessible to the avg typical Floridian because he doesn't act like your establishment Governor would. Trump was too bull-ish where as Desanstis has IMO found the right balance. No matter what he does the left and all its allies (ie media, Big tech, Fortune500 ) are going to attack him but its harder when he's not being as on the cheek as Trump was.
Trumps problem was he was too brash to avoid it being used against him but not brash enough to deal with those trying to undermine him. He let too many bad actors guide him like his on son-in-law. Damn shame too. Trump turned the tide in the US and set back the Authoritarians plans by more than a few years but he could have done so much more had he been wiling to question those close to him instead of assuming they had only the best intentions.
Yes. It's been my experience they all change, become corrupted even with the highest of intentions. Have not seen that in DeSantis .... yet. Thinking perhaps it's his small town up bringing ? Or, his military training in leadership, but no, maybe not, I see too many of our highest ranking officers just sticking their fingers in their ears like little children refusing to LISTEN when parents say "bed time", etc. We STILL have not forgotten Viet Nam, will it be the same with Afghanistan ? Is it possible this whole experience will do one thing: Wake citizens to the fact they MUST take the time to research EVERY individual they intend to vote for, independent research, DIFFICULT research of who the candidates are associated with, what are they invested in, what kinds of decisions have they made throughout their lives, even things like are their personal lives in chaos can make a difference. Come on folks, can't you see it's more important to DEEPLY research those candidates for D. A. than for that new dishwasher or refrigerator you are thinking of purchasing ? IF that new refrigerator doesn't turn out as well as you hoped, HOW WOULD IT REALLY CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND FREEDOM ? If that judge or D.A. you didn't even know you'd be voting for but just decided to use one "X" for either party and get it over with ( having done no research and having NO idea what kinds of decisions he or she made in the past) does not turn out as well as you hoped, THAT CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND FREEDOM FOREVER !
This is so on-point. I'm amazed every day at the people saying, "I voted for Biden, and I can't believe the things he's doing. It's the opposite of everything he promised. He's not moderate at all."
And I'm like, "Huh? What made you think he'd actually be moderate? Was it the CNN reporters telling you so? Or Mika & Joe in the Morning? Or did you just take the DNC's word for it?" Do some actual research YOURSELF next time!
You have good ideas, but I doubt they'll work in the real world. There is a reason that at least in the USA, it was only wealthy white landowners who had the vote, at first. To the best of my knowledge, history shows that democracy never lasts very long, especially as the franchise is extended to every yahoo and, apparently, to even include aliens in some areas now. Of course even my nostalgic vision of the early USA certainly had its faults. But one thing it didn't have was a dictatorship by the majority, a population of sheep who, let's face it, aren't very bright and lack what could be honestly called education or real-world knowledge. These are people barely competent to pick out good vegetables at the market, but less to research political candidates, even if unbiased information were available. Far from bringing the wonders of freedom to the masses, a dumbed down electorate makes it all the easier for the plutocracy, which always exists, to manipulate the sheep.
Totally agree with spending more effort on research before voting but I am not sure it is enough. DeSantis got it right now but he might be completely wrong on another occasion - he is just a human being.
Actually, what we need is to get closer to direct democracy based on full respect of unalienable human rights, so that the majority cannot vote to strip a minority from their basic rights.
Direct democracy is cumbersome - you need to research a lot to make well informed decisions but its huge advantage is that it breeds informed and free thinking citizens. It's like when small children grow up - they need to make decisions, maybe get hurt but grow up in the process. Electing a new parent every 4 years is not going to cut it.
By all appearances, DeSantis actually looked at the data and decided mitigation was pointless (and destructive). I am not convinced that Trump would ever have looked and been driven by this data. He certainly wasn't in control in 2020.
True. It's impossible of course, but from time to time I think about what a great V.P. he would be, could let him out from time to time to really take hold of an issue and he would actually take it seriously and do the job. Borders completely overrun, present V. P. and "border Czar" just doesn't have Trump's bull in a China shop demeanor, they hardly know she's there when she "visits".
Oh, we are not gloating. In 2019 Florida came within a fraction of a percent of electing a gay meth-head as Governor. Sort of the worst combinations of Pete Buttigieg and Hunter Biden, perhaps, albeit in a slightly darker model. 🙂
Yes, been here most of my life so been through some interesting politics to say the least. But.... what in the world would "gay" have to do with anything ? An addict, untreated and unrepentant, and with no history of ethical behavior and good life decisions, OF COURSE that would be very important. But "gay" ??? Would that not include both democrats and republicans and all other political affiliations ? I get your point concerning those who are controlled by addiction should not even consider running for office, but I don't see what in the world being "gay" or not gay would have to do with much of anything, or for that matter how a "darker model" (??) would either ! ? I would definitely support fully a "dark model" gay person with CHARACTER traits of honestly, morality, fidelity to the people of the USA who elected them, and fully committed to conservatism, SHRINKING federal government, and to studying ALL angles of any issue, than I would a heterosexual, "light model" drunk on the "take" for every dollar offered. Just one life long Floridian's opinion of course !
It is a VERY high bar, but could change instantly if "good" people realized they are just as capable (probably more so) as the wealthy elite (who have the "time and money" to run for office but no idea of what the real world is like) and would run for office instead of "let those rich guys do it, I have to support my family and worry if I'll loose my job for not getting a vaccination" !
Do all you can to help keep Desantis in office because the Authoritarian Left is gunning for both FL and TX to permanently turn the election tide to their favor because once they get it they know they can keep it via illegals votes
I have donated to his campaign several times now (from Washington State). I truly believe he may have been the difference in our country. He helped the other red states man up and be strong through this. He is quite a leader.
Agreed. While our governor in TX likes to stand alongside Desantis Abbot was too quick to give into lock-downs and did not back down until the state legislature started taking about taking away his emergency powers. Basically he had to be shamed into doing the right thing. That said TX needs a better stronger governor , our own Desnatis and not the Abbot we have. I don't trust Abbot to not slip back into a semi-establishment position if the opportunity were to present itself. He's not a bad governor, he's just not acted with enough authority and done what's right for Texans instead of bowing to Federal pressure. his recent support for things like building the wall that the Feds want is because he knows he risks being unseated by his own party because he waasn't Republican enough.
Not my state so should not comment... but, that's the feeling I got watching his actions and his public words. Certainly not the worst, I have both friends and family in ILLINOIS ! Many friends in Texas, and he just seems like someone who "may" not be rock solid, who might "go with the flow" ! We do have a new "homeless Czar" for our country Jeff Olivet, so maybe at least THAT problem will get solved, ya think ?
Absolutely ! Going after him with any and everything they can. Latest was big headline he's "missing in action" (NOT in his office at the capitol), turns out, he was accompanying his wife to her cancer treatments, but, the headline was all over Florida and that was the goal ! When they could not find any real dirt in the governor campaign, the headline was he bought a $100K boat and "hinted" (never said) that he still had student loans from law school to pay off. Also turned out to be untrue, had his own law practice, paid back student loans, bought his life long dream since a kid (boat) with his OWN money. What a novel thing that is ! Now that he is in politics, I don't know if he pays his bills or not.... LOL... but again, the whole idea was he looked like a winning candidate and he's lived a pretty "clean" life as far as trying to dig up some real "dirt" on his personal life, so.... his crimes became things like buying a boat with your own money YOU earned yourself ! What a dirty world politics !
It scares the stockings off of me to think we almost had Andrew Gillum as our governor. Do a web search on this illustrious person. Include the word arrest.
They are going to pull out all the stops ! Nothing motivates more than success, and the far left is "drunk" on the inroads they have been able to accomplish is traditionally more conservative states (possibly/probably due to the speed the repubs jump right in with them while pretending to be staunch defenders of liberty ! ? ) Keep you eyes on these states for attempts to radically (yet again) change the election "laws".... the ARE desperate for sure. People on both "sides" of this (hate that term, HOW can an American NOT be on he side of American liberty regardless of "party affiliation ?) are beginning to get nervous about electing an individual so obviously not mentally and physically able to lead !
Texans need to find a way to purge our blue cities of the infestation of the Authoritarian/Woke Left that have taken over. if not they will eventually get enough illegals voting to flip the state to Blue albeit an illegal flip.
Well, that was the Left's plan, but unfortunately for them, it may well absolutely backfire on them. Hispanics are naturally Conservative, and as a voting bloc, they are turning more and more red now. 50% of Hispanics voted for Glenn Youngkin in VA last November, and it sounds like the tide is even stronger in southern Texas, where they're having to deal with the fallout of Biden's open border policy.
What concerns me for Texas, as well as my state, Florida, is the influx of people fleeing from the the covid restrictions, the oppressive restrictions on liberty, the lack of any sane laws concerning incarceration of dangerous criminals, etc. ..... THEN immediately begin spreading that same failed philosophy HERE ! It's mind bending how they come to the conclusion that what they fled from, is actually what they want most ???? Explain that one please ? ?
Right, we must not gloat, we must encourage and most of all, NOT make fun of those who lived under a government burden they could not help (and probably didn't realize when they voted just how deep the corruption went in those they elected !), I think one of the major hurdles we now face is NOT making those who may have made "wrong" decisions a laughing stock, or "rubbing their faces" in something they thought at the time was the best thing to do. I see this week the "new" vaccine for babies and infants has been approved. How many parents might one day have to face what they have done to their infants ? Let's hope, although the vaccines clearly do nothing, but we can hope and pray they do no permanent harm. No gloating, all of us are capable of making the wrong decision !
I want to be kind and assume the parents vaccinating their kids are just doing what they think is best for their child, but I fear that is too generous. My own sister insisted on vaxxing her teenagers, and I feel like it was all virtue signaling. This is what is accepted as "proper behavior" by her friend group; no individual research went into it. I am hopeful that my niece & nephew will live long and healthy lives, but I'm scared...
Your suppositions are probably correct, "virtue signaling"; a fear of not being grounded in your OWN information, beliefs, or even just your choices. The fear of being ostracized by your own group. But WHO in the group sets the pattern all have to follow ? Did anyone ever wonder back in high school WHO was the brave one who wore the first _____ (fill in the blank) and set the pattern in motion that if you did not wear _____ you were "out", in today's words, "cancelled", a "nobody". What IF the "in thing" had been to NOT deprive children of seeing the faces of their teachers, friends, a parents ? What IF we had said NO WAY when requested NOT to "sing in church" ? What IF we had said to our group, wait a minute, it does NOT make sense for our weekend cycling club to WEAR MASKS while cycling, that would definitely NOT be good for our health and that's why we say we cycle ! I pray that those who chose to vax and found they were not protected, at least will not be harmed in any way. THAT would devastate the entire world's population if some terrible long term effect surfaced, like we know now about chemicals and links to M.S., Parkinson's, etc. What a terrible price that would be for innocent people who only wanted to do the "right" thing and be "patriotic" and "caring".
You have to know that the narrative will be twisted in such a way that those who took the jab will never believe that any physical damage that comes from it came from it. Every. Single. Friend. That I have tried to speak with about this gene therapy has just shut down any conversation. Blank. Not interested. They are so convinced that we are the ones in the wrong--the anti-vax conspiracy theorists. So, I'm in a sit and wait position; I'll never say I told you so, because even when they are proven wrong there will be some explanation for why they did the 'right' thing.
I also live (part time) in FL. And support DeSantis. Ask why the legislature didn’t demand early treatment…how much pension fund $ has FL invested In Blackrock/ccp?
The public pension funds ? Such as teacher's retirement, or public works employees, or do you mean all pension funds for all state employees ? My best guess would be most major pension funds both public and private would have a "substantial" amount in Blackrock. Not sure about Florida, but state pension funds of other universities I've worked at certainly do. I guess I just never checked, but "assumed" (foolish assumption) teamsters, UAW, most of that size would contain such, as well a large stake in the FANGS, major financials ? Easy to look up actually, but never did !
FL has $10 billion in pension funds with Blackrock. Blackrock favors ccp companies. Pompeo also issued warning to the states with pension funds invested in ccp corporations. As geopolitical tensions mount. this becomes a security issue. WA state has the largest amount…can’t help wonder if this now totalitarian state is being “influenced” by its pension fund masters.
Well, as we all know, any of us who "wonder" about such things, look for links and variables that could be significant, are, after all, just "CONSPIRACY NUT CASES" !
We in the free state of Florida seem (to others) be so happy, so care free, but we have a lot to worry about... what IF our governor turns out of be a Dr. Jekyll, what IF the states AG turns rouge and banishes all prisons and lets all out onto the streets, or more accurately, the beaches, what IF we start putting vote drop boxes on every street corner in the same way we USED to have "mailboxes" (anyone remember those ? you simply walked to the corner and dropped in your mail ), what IF so many people used to wearing masks everywhere, inside and out, move here and are so used to it they miss it and demand we "natives" follow their custom, what IF we have to start holding our breath through the entire church service unless we wear a mask, what IF the crazies decide you are most likely to get Covid IN the water and put razor wire up to block off our beaches, what IF..... I keep worrying about these things and ruin every day... okay, you all convinced me, I'll just quit worrying.... LOL !
It's sooooo difficult for "adult" experts in their fields to just be HONEST.. why is it so difficult to say: "Hey, it was my best decision at the time, it didn't work, time to begin again trying to solve the problem, end of story". Why ? Because it effects EGO, self-esteem, and if you are an individual who is unsure of himself or herself, who appears to be a "world renown expert or leader of a nation even", but on the "inside" actually knows they are hollow, even unsure of how they rose to their present position, an admission that may appear to the world as a misjudgment is a THREAT to the already weak "self". Where as, great leaders, trained military leaders, organization leaders, who are secure individuals, do not find "admitting" a wrong idea or decision at all, because they know it does not define them ! We have a lot of people of weak character on a very big stage !
Well, after being found in in a "suspected" drug stupor, some of the papers explained he was "inebriated" from heavy celebrating at a wedding festivity, and was in a hotel room with two other men and surrounded by what news papers said "appeared to be bags of crystal meth". Emergency medicine workers did show up and did chest compressions on one of the other men and he was taken to the hospital. The candidate later explained he had over indulged in alcohol (again, according to what was in the papers at the time) but recovered enough to be allowed to leave the hotel and go home.
Don't envy others, just work on what YOU can do to change things for you and others. Don't waste your effort on envy, do what you can to change your circumstances. Moving on to another state is only one answer, and yes, it can be a GREAT answer, but there is a lot of be said for standing on the hill you are on and DEFENDING IT for yourself and others ! Either way, many out here will support you.
Huntsville still has many masks and the Apple store had 2 guards at their door to intimidate people into masking up… Fleet feet in Madison as well… not as many masking up in Decatur and Athens… life getting back to normal… 🙏🙏🙏
There are pockets of craziness around here. Fleet Feet in Jones Valley has the same policy. The Publix in Hampton Cove has it's fair share of mask signalers, mostly 20-30 something Karen's and scared Boomers.
Who are we going to vote for governor? Memaw Ivey has to go! Our Attorney General as well! He came to speak at our citizen’s group in limestone County and he got out of there like he stole something before anyone could ask questions… 🔥💩 COWARD…
I visited Florida five times in 2021, spent in total about one month there, tried to visit different corners. There are still signs of containment. Outside of Key West, most museums still require face masks. Almost everyone was wearing a mask in a downtown Miami hotel in December 2021. In the first third of 2021 it was hard to find an unmasked face in supermarkets and other stores in Florida. It is getting better but not everywhere at the same pace.
You beat me to it. Me too. Since the outset, save for a few months of shut-downs early on, life has been relatively normal. Socially I've known several people who caught the bug at one time or another but their reported symptoms were mild. Without exception, the few deaths that were ascribed to Covid-19 were among those who had pre-existing conditions and were very aged. To my knowledge, I haven't even had a cold since early 2020 (which was almost certainly a cold, by its symptoms.) For the trumpeted end-of-the-world that the media made of this "pandemic," life was remarkably normal here. Still, I won't deny that something is increasing mortality here: our 2021 deaths were about 8% higher than 2020's, and a startling 25% jump from 2019. To the best of my knowledge, even "Blue" strongholds are suffering the same excess deaths. So apparently fanatical lock-downs, mask wearing and other petty authoritarianism didn't have much impact, eh?
Same! Huntsville, AL has been free almost the entire time. If I wasn't reading about the dystopian nightmare so many live in, I'd never know it existed. People really might want to think about moving to a place like this, Florida, or other known free places. Just because this one is ending, doesn't mean another one isn't on the docket.
Life in South Carolina USA has been 98% normal for the last 2 years. I just got off the phone with the pre-op for upcoming surgery, and was not even asked if I have taken the shot. (I was grateful for the privacy, but also ready to explain that my 46-yr-old cousin dropped dead from a heart attack the day after he was coerced into the shot by his job)
Unfortunately, here in Washington State my college colleagues are still hypnotized. One of my co-workers this morning sheepishly told me (on Zoom) that she had gone to Seattle over the weekend and wasn't very "corona-responsible". She knows that I am banned from campus this year because I'm not vaxxed and she still acted like that. I then told her that my husband and 12 year old were refused service at a Seattle restaurant last night for not having vaxx cards and that it's like the Soviet Union down there. She just changed the subject. These people have been brain-washed.
I’m in the same boat as you. My oldest friend invited me out for lunch. I said I couldn’t because I was unvaccinated. She said, “Oh.” Never suggested going somewhere else, never said anything like, “I’m sorry. This is all crazy. Let’s get together some other time.” Just, “Oh.” It kinda hurts. And honestly, it makes me angry. All these people were perfectly willing to see me before the vaccine, but now, after they’re vaccinated, I’m too dangerous to be around???
Stew - Yes!!!! My poor husband especially has lost all of his sport friends. It's so sad. No one stands up for us. I have always loved rooting for the underdog, and now it feels so weird to BE the underdog. Grrr. I want to fight for fairness for people. And honestly I don't think your friends are scared to be around you. They are scared of their friends that will be mad at them for siding with a deplorable. That means they've shown where their true loyalty lies. And, sadly, it's with group-think, not actual human friends.
Seriously, yes. I’ve been really disappointed that no one has stood up for us, including family and friends. I’ve never been anti-vaccine, I’m not into hippy dippy medicine, or anything like that. I’m not a conspiracy theorist. The only person who has really stood on my side and supported me is my boss. If not for my job, we would be out of the state. That’s honestly the only thing keeping us here.
Haha, the cold comfort is this - When they come down with covid, you’ll get to say, “Oh, I’m sooo sorry you’re sick…” And then in a serious tone of voice, “Were you wearing a mask?” And then go home and laugh.
Another Washingtonian here -- west-side of the mountains. And I can also attest that it's still terrible. The mask mandate still holds. Our underground group finally got the courage and had a march through the center of town with about 100 people last week. It was great to break the silence and get it out in the open. But to hear the responses from vocal people was terrifying. They are so terribly brainwashed it's actually frightening. I run a small retail business, and we are still forced to wear masks. It's ludicrous, and we've known it for a long time. But people still complain and boycott businesses (last year's heros; this year's zeros) if they see anyone without a mask in our store. So we're being economically punished--even more so now that people know our public stance after seeing us in the march. This is honestly the most anxious and worried I've felt since March of 2020. I know that the anger being directed at "anti-vaxxers" (a completely inaccurate description of us) is really more about people clinging to their Sacred Narrative, and not wanting to admit that they were wrong. But it's VERY isolating and worrisome. Our local leaders and state governor have given ZERO indication of lightening things up. And now they are still proceeding toward childhood vaccination as though none of the narrative collapse from around the world has even been noticed. Even one of our local "scientists" continues to lecture us about how "vaccines work" and how people who raise pertinent questions or counter-vailing data are really just "spreading disinformation" and "racist." I think I know more about covid at this point than she does, yet she rests on her credentials and devotion to the Sacred Narrative and so "everyone" listens to her and follows her lead.
Daily my wife and I consider the prospect of leaving, which would be terribly difficult. It's really just a matter of hanging on now and hoping and praying that the narrative collapses fast enough that we can emerge relatively unscathed in the end. That may or may not happen, and I'm on a 24/7 emotional roller coaster: "Yay truckers!" one minute. "Damn this stupid mask" the next. "I'm so glad my business got to stay open" one minute. "Wish I'd gotten to spend the past year on Netflix and Magic Money." God help us.
Oh, I totally understand the emotional roller coaster. I’m going through that too. The first year of covid with all its craziness was way easier than this second year post-vaccine.
We’re going through the discussion of should we stay or should we go. We’d leave in a heartbeat but for my job. I really like what I do and am relatively isolated from the covid craziness. I’m just not sure I’m going to find it as good somewhere else. My job has been a real blessing in all this.
I would have said a firm no to leaving a year ago. However, a year of being shunned by family and friends has made the thought of selling everything I own and moving to Oklahoma or something really appealing. I’m not sure we’ll do that, but I’m coming to the conclusion that at the very least, I need a new set of friends. The family isn’t interested in seeing us. I’ve decided that I’ll just wait for them to reach out. I’m done inviting. I sometimes day dream that my in-laws will call only to find we’ve moved far away and our house is empty. Then I feel bad for thinking like that. I’m choosing forgiveness. It’s a choice right now, because I certainly don’t feel it in my heart. I’m very angry.
One of the most important things a site like this one can do, is remind you you are far from alone in your indecision, the stress of loving what you do on the one hand, and a totally frustrating government on the other, being confused and blind sided by friends and family we thought loved us "warts" and all, in good times and bad. Well, millions found out, you are not alone.
Don't you think by now those people in your town (who saw you march) and now avoid your business do KNOW by now ? Then to top off the government doing the quick "circle back", the conclusions of The John Hopkins study/report today surely was the icing on top of the cake. Now the problem IMO, is your customers being reluctant to come in, knowing your instincts were correct all along and that they maybe now feel foolish. I also think many people in that position (socially, not in a business sense) just feel foolish and fear the other party might submit them to a bit of ribbing, even if not vicious, people hate even a bit of chiding at their own expense: " Hey John, what are you going to do with all those masks you and Jill bought now that you gave China an economic boost buying that gross of them... LOL... LOL....". So, they avoid those who they fear might "rib" them a little about it !
I never bought any masks. Just picked up cloth ones on the ground; took them home and laundered them. Here in Oregon there is still a mask mandate for publica places and an extremely annoying public service announcement every time I watch anything on YouTube. But people are out walking, hiking and not wearing masks, thank goodness, except for the foolish few.
Thank goodness people are at least doing some things to improve overall health. At least that's "something" ,as the saying goes, something is better than nothing. Maybe. Time is beginning to tell on the vaccines. Thinking a new, rapidly developed vaccination was a "wish" a wish we were all desperate for, and desperation usually breeds some terrible results . The vaccines have not bolstered confidence based on it's lack luster, and very short, history of effectiveness. And now, with time, the reports begin that it may have many more negative effects than intended or anticipated. Possible signs around the world that it may have made things much worse.... what can we say. The world has had to face these things since the beginning of time !
I'm Washington State too (just outside of Seattle). Most of the people I know are brainwashed too. The other day I had a conversation with a colleague who JUST had covid and is boosted, and she was saying she doesn't want to be around her unvaxxed cousin. I seriously didn't know what to say. Although, people are more relaxed about masks lately in my area (even though there is a statewide "mandate" in place). Today I ran to the store, forgot my mask, and told the clerks I was sorry for forgetting it. They just said, "No worries at all." I think there are a lot of people who are tired of living this way. Thankfully, my closest friends and family members are all level-headed and not under mass psychosis; I'm pretty sure I would lose my mind if that weren't the case!
Haha, yes. People are brainwashed. My friend who has an auto-immune disease was lamenting that people with her disease aren’t producing antibodies in response to the vaccines. Then, not 15 seconds later, she’s talking about getting a fourth shot. And I’m like, what?! Why would you get a fourth shot that doesn’t even work?!!!! I didn’t say that, I just sort of stood there and stared and realized that maybe some people are never going to recover from covid.
Exactly. My Seattle friend posts pictures of herself outdoors in Ballard wearing a special double mask. WTF! And I think she even wears it when cycling.
I'm getting a kick out of shutting everyone down that tells me to "stay safe" by saying to them, "How come you didn't give crap about my safety 3 years ago?"
But they don't really mean "stay safe" as in "Be personally responsible and be aware of dangers that could pose a real risk to you." They mean "Be obedient and mind your betters who know what is the best means of keeping you safe."
I travel between Silicon Valley and Sacramento suburbs - both in Northern California (150 miles apart). 2 different worlds. SV is fully masked, roads empty, vaccination booths (no appointment or paperwork needed) everywhere. Every message from the rulers is followed. 150 miles away all good - not many people pay any attention, maybe 10% masked in stores, nobody outdoors, life is (almost) normal with the exception of schools. Still child muzzling and quarantines and all the rest of the abuse there, since is the state-run schools
Seems to be very similar throughout the CA central valley. Still plenty of masking, maybe moreso than Sacramento, but very few mask Nazis. Mostly it's ignorance among people in lower socioeconomic groups, a trusting of public messaging and a simple desire to avoid getting sick. They don't seem to care if others are masked or not. Coastal CA is a far different story. It has a high population of left-wing (collectivist) elites, who seem to be the most ideologically deranged and intent on agressive enforcement. Also very little Vaccine mandates or requirements to show proof of vaccination in the central valley, unless required for employment. Kids still masking, which is a state requirement.
I don't believe for one minute that they give one s&>t about anyone outside of their immediate family, if that. They are terrified for themselves only and/or it's all about control.
it may be control for many and especially politicians and officials,, and I am sure lots of psychology students will make their PhD on it, but for the folks I know it's a sheer terror about dying, for them.and their relatives and friends. psyops work. as I said, painful to watch and I don't know how to help.
I do feel for those groups with limited formal education and very low paying jobs. You are so right, just hard working people doing the best they can and trusting "their government, the government they see as "above them" in education and income, to make the best decisions for everyone. They just want to NOT get sick; they get NO SICK leave or sick pay at their jobs !
Everything I've heard is that LA and the Bay Area are corona crazyland central, and everywhere else in the state is much more sane. (Maybe not entirely sane, but better.) Unfortunately, corona crazyland central sets the rules for the rest of the state.
I live in the Bay Area and am a frequent attendee at live music. Most of the venues I've been to in recent weeks have not enforced the mask mandates. At a very crowded show in a 1400 capacity room this past Saturday night I'd estimate no more than 5-10% were masked.
Meanwhile the city passed an ordinance requiring that events of more than 5000 require a booster for admission, effective today. I have a feeling that a whole lot of fans of the San Francisco Warriors -- who have come roaring back this year after a couple bad seasons -- are not compliant. Some much smaller venues have gone aboard, and I wonder how their decision will affect attendance.
New Orleans, LA - mask requirement for indoor activities, vaccine mandate for indoor dining, sports events, etc; I am unvaxxed bc of Med reasons, but I have acquired immunity; I haven’t had Omicron although a large number of friends and family who are triply vaxxed have been sick - just mild though. I have some very supportive, understanding friends and family, but some of my “ former” friends believe I shouldn’t associate with them at group events and if I do, I should wear a mask. Also my doctor retired, and when I tried to sign on with another, I was asked if I was vaccinated and when I told them I wasn’t, I was informed the doctor wasn’t taking on unvaxxed patients. No questions as to why I wasn’t vaxxed. Kind of scary that a doctor can reject u on that basis because I am of age that I need a doctor - at the minimum- to prescribe a few prescriptions. I was also turned away from my long time bridge club ( not only to play) but to vote on new board members - I was told unvaxxed can’t vote. Crazy times.
Your story should ENRAGE every American, and, I know it is true. People being denied medical care for not being vaccinated. Don't remember that EVER happening with polio vaccine, small pox vaccination, measles shot, etc. etc. You were always asked for your record, but people were NOT denied medical care. To say I will NOT renew your needed Rx for something like asthma, or diabetes, and many other conditions is, essentially, a willing campaign to reduce the population.... how horrifying, we've lost our moral compass for SURE !
I don't think I am wrong in stating this refusal would have been unthinkable just three years ago. I don't recall reading that doctors were refusing to treat people with elevated glucose if they were still eating processed carbs. Or denying BP meds to patients who didn't quit stressful jobs. What about those who have not had a tetanus booster in the last 10 years? I'll refrain from mentioning the well known health hazards of certain activities by certain groups. That would be discrimination if treatment was denied. But not vaccinated against Corona. It's the pig trough for you!
It is so absurd it's really hard to believe. Deny medical help for lung cancer because you smoke/smoked ? This is so absurd it's difficult to express, I agree.
Wait, what? Containment? Oh, nevermind. I live in Florida. Sorry, can't help!
so envious.
Sorry I shouldn't gloat. We got insanely lucky with DeSantis, who won by a slim margin. But it is a bizarre feeling being here, where everything is like 2019.
you should gloat. it is a privilege that accrues to people who have political leaders who are not totally crazy. it's a high bar right now.
Like trump, Desantis is popular because (in a more refined way than Trump did) he call's BS when he see's it. He's more accessible to the avg typical Floridian because he doesn't act like your establishment Governor would. Trump was too bull-ish where as Desanstis has IMO found the right balance. No matter what he does the left and all its allies (ie media, Big tech, Fortune500 ) are going to attack him but its harder when he's not being as on the cheek as Trump was.
I know. Trump is so unrefined. I wish Trump would be more like Jesus and drive the Democrats out of Congress with a hand-braided bullwhip.
Trumps problem was he was too brash to avoid it being used against him but not brash enough to deal with those trying to undermine him. He let too many bad actors guide him like his on son-in-law. Damn shame too. Trump turned the tide in the US and set back the Authoritarians plans by more than a few years but he could have done so much more had he been wiling to question those close to him instead of assuming they had only the best intentions.
Yes. It's been my experience they all change, become corrupted even with the highest of intentions. Have not seen that in DeSantis .... yet. Thinking perhaps it's his small town up bringing ? Or, his military training in leadership, but no, maybe not, I see too many of our highest ranking officers just sticking their fingers in their ears like little children refusing to LISTEN when parents say "bed time", etc. We STILL have not forgotten Viet Nam, will it be the same with Afghanistan ? Is it possible this whole experience will do one thing: Wake citizens to the fact they MUST take the time to research EVERY individual they intend to vote for, independent research, DIFFICULT research of who the candidates are associated with, what are they invested in, what kinds of decisions have they made throughout their lives, even things like are their personal lives in chaos can make a difference. Come on folks, can't you see it's more important to DEEPLY research those candidates for D. A. than for that new dishwasher or refrigerator you are thinking of purchasing ? IF that new refrigerator doesn't turn out as well as you hoped, HOW WOULD IT REALLY CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND FREEDOM ? If that judge or D.A. you didn't even know you'd be voting for but just decided to use one "X" for either party and get it over with ( having done no research and having NO idea what kinds of decisions he or she made in the past) does not turn out as well as you hoped, THAT CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND FREEDOM FOREVER !
This is so on-point. I'm amazed every day at the people saying, "I voted for Biden, and I can't believe the things he's doing. It's the opposite of everything he promised. He's not moderate at all."
And I'm like, "Huh? What made you think he'd actually be moderate? Was it the CNN reporters telling you so? Or Mika & Joe in the Morning? Or did you just take the DNC's word for it?" Do some actual research YOURSELF next time!
You have good ideas, but I doubt they'll work in the real world. There is a reason that at least in the USA, it was only wealthy white landowners who had the vote, at first. To the best of my knowledge, history shows that democracy never lasts very long, especially as the franchise is extended to every yahoo and, apparently, to even include aliens in some areas now. Of course even my nostalgic vision of the early USA certainly had its faults. But one thing it didn't have was a dictatorship by the majority, a population of sheep who, let's face it, aren't very bright and lack what could be honestly called education or real-world knowledge. These are people barely competent to pick out good vegetables at the market, but less to research political candidates, even if unbiased information were available. Far from bringing the wonders of freedom to the masses, a dumbed down electorate makes it all the easier for the plutocracy, which always exists, to manipulate the sheep.
We all have it too good. Too much to lose. We’ll all have to make a choice to stand up or fold up.
Totally agree with spending more effort on research before voting but I am not sure it is enough. DeSantis got it right now but he might be completely wrong on another occasion - he is just a human being.
Actually, what we need is to get closer to direct democracy based on full respect of unalienable human rights, so that the majority cannot vote to strip a minority from their basic rights.
Direct democracy is cumbersome - you need to research a lot to make well informed decisions but its huge advantage is that it breeds informed and free thinking citizens. It's like when small children grow up - they need to make decisions, maybe get hurt but grow up in the process. Electing a new parent every 4 years is not going to cut it.
By all appearances, DeSantis actually looked at the data and decided mitigation was pointless (and destructive). I am not convinced that Trump would ever have looked and been driven by this data. He certainly wasn't in control in 2020.
Yup--Trump cannot be allowed anywhere near the 2024 election. He's not savvy enough to swim with these kind of killers. Desantis 2024.
True. It's impossible of course, but from time to time I think about what a great V.P. he would be, could let him out from time to time to really take hold of an issue and he would actually take it seriously and do the job. Borders completely overrun, present V. P. and "border Czar" just doesn't have Trump's bull in a China shop demeanor, they hardly know she's there when she "visits".
Which kind of rabid Zionist do you really need? Tough call.
Oh, we are not gloating. In 2019 Florida came within a fraction of a percent of electing a gay meth-head as Governor. Sort of the worst combinations of Pete Buttigieg and Hunter Biden, perhaps, albeit in a slightly darker model. 🙂
Yes, been here most of my life so been through some interesting politics to say the least. But.... what in the world would "gay" have to do with anything ? An addict, untreated and unrepentant, and with no history of ethical behavior and good life decisions, OF COURSE that would be very important. But "gay" ??? Would that not include both democrats and republicans and all other political affiliations ? I get your point concerning those who are controlled by addiction should not even consider running for office, but I don't see what in the world being "gay" or not gay would have to do with much of anything, or for that matter how a "darker model" (??) would either ! ? I would definitely support fully a "dark model" gay person with CHARACTER traits of honestly, morality, fidelity to the people of the USA who elected them, and fully committed to conservatism, SHRINKING federal government, and to studying ALL angles of any issue, than I would a heterosexual, "light model" drunk on the "take" for every dollar offered. Just one life long Floridian's opinion of course !
It is a VERY high bar, but could change instantly if "good" people realized they are just as capable (probably more so) as the wealthy elite (who have the "time and money" to run for office but no idea of what the real world is like) and would run for office instead of "let those rich guys do it, I have to support my family and worry if I'll loose my job for not getting a vaccination" !
Do all you can to help keep Desantis in office because the Authoritarian Left is gunning for both FL and TX to permanently turn the election tide to their favor because once they get it they know they can keep it via illegals votes
I have donated to his campaign several times now (from Washington State). I truly believe he may have been the difference in our country. He helped the other red states man up and be strong through this. He is quite a leader.
Agreed. While our governor in TX likes to stand alongside Desantis Abbot was too quick to give into lock-downs and did not back down until the state legislature started taking about taking away his emergency powers. Basically he had to be shamed into doing the right thing. That said TX needs a better stronger governor , our own Desnatis and not the Abbot we have. I don't trust Abbot to not slip back into a semi-establishment position if the opportunity were to present itself. He's not a bad governor, he's just not acted with enough authority and done what's right for Texans instead of bowing to Federal pressure. his recent support for things like building the wall that the Feds want is because he knows he risks being unseated by his own party because he waasn't Republican enough.
Allen Wedt gets the nod !
Not my state so should not comment... but, that's the feeling I got watching his actions and his public words. Certainly not the worst, I have both friends and family in ILLINOIS ! Many friends in Texas, and he just seems like someone who "may" not be rock solid, who might "go with the flow" ! We do have a new "homeless Czar" for our country Jeff Olivet, so maybe at least THAT problem will get solved, ya think ?
I agree too. I'm in Michigan and also have donated a couple times to his campaign. DeSantis 2024!
Wow, I had no idea ! I guess those in Michigan know what it is like when we're not very careful about who we put in charge of our LIVES !
Absolutely ! Going after him with any and everything they can. Latest was big headline he's "missing in action" (NOT in his office at the capitol), turns out, he was accompanying his wife to her cancer treatments, but, the headline was all over Florida and that was the goal ! When they could not find any real dirt in the governor campaign, the headline was he bought a $100K boat and "hinted" (never said) that he still had student loans from law school to pay off. Also turned out to be untrue, had his own law practice, paid back student loans, bought his life long dream since a kid (boat) with his OWN money. What a novel thing that is ! Now that he is in politics, I don't know if he pays his bills or not.... LOL... but again, the whole idea was he looked like a winning candidate and he's lived a pretty "clean" life as far as trying to dig up some real "dirt" on his personal life, so.... his crimes became things like buying a boat with your own money YOU earned yourself ! What a dirty world politics !
It scares the stockings off of me to think we almost had Andrew Gillum as our governor. Do a web search on this illustrious person. Include the word arrest.
I think a LOT of people in MANY states know who Andrew Gillum is... but, maybe not !
They are going to pull out all the stops ! Nothing motivates more than success, and the far left is "drunk" on the inroads they have been able to accomplish is traditionally more conservative states (possibly/probably due to the speed the repubs jump right in with them while pretending to be staunch defenders of liberty ! ? ) Keep you eyes on these states for attempts to radically (yet again) change the election "laws".... the ARE desperate for sure. People on both "sides" of this (hate that term, HOW can an American NOT be on he side of American liberty regardless of "party affiliation ?) are beginning to get nervous about electing an individual so obviously not mentally and physically able to lead !
Texans need to find a way to purge our blue cities of the infestation of the Authoritarian/Woke Left that have taken over. if not they will eventually get enough illegals voting to flip the state to Blue albeit an illegal flip.
Well, that was the Left's plan, but unfortunately for them, it may well absolutely backfire on them. Hispanics are naturally Conservative, and as a voting bloc, they are turning more and more red now. 50% of Hispanics voted for Glenn Youngkin in VA last November, and it sounds like the tide is even stronger in southern Texas, where they're having to deal with the fallout of Biden's open border policy.
What concerns me for Texas, as well as my state, Florida, is the influx of people fleeing from the the covid restrictions, the oppressive restrictions on liberty, the lack of any sane laws concerning incarceration of dangerous criminals, etc. ..... THEN immediately begin spreading that same failed philosophy HERE ! It's mind bending how they come to the conclusion that what they fled from, is actually what they want most ???? Explain that one please ? ?
EXPALIN? Its the same way they can maintain simultaneously multiple conflicting ideas; years of mental gymnastics practice.
Right, we must not gloat, we must encourage and most of all, NOT make fun of those who lived under a government burden they could not help (and probably didn't realize when they voted just how deep the corruption went in those they elected !), I think one of the major hurdles we now face is NOT making those who may have made "wrong" decisions a laughing stock, or "rubbing their faces" in something they thought at the time was the best thing to do. I see this week the "new" vaccine for babies and infants has been approved. How many parents might one day have to face what they have done to their infants ? Let's hope, although the vaccines clearly do nothing, but we can hope and pray they do no permanent harm. No gloating, all of us are capable of making the wrong decision !
I want to be kind and assume the parents vaccinating their kids are just doing what they think is best for their child, but I fear that is too generous. My own sister insisted on vaxxing her teenagers, and I feel like it was all virtue signaling. This is what is accepted as "proper behavior" by her friend group; no individual research went into it. I am hopeful that my niece & nephew will live long and healthy lives, but I'm scared...
Your suppositions are probably correct, "virtue signaling"; a fear of not being grounded in your OWN information, beliefs, or even just your choices. The fear of being ostracized by your own group. But WHO in the group sets the pattern all have to follow ? Did anyone ever wonder back in high school WHO was the brave one who wore the first _____ (fill in the blank) and set the pattern in motion that if you did not wear _____ you were "out", in today's words, "cancelled", a "nobody". What IF the "in thing" had been to NOT deprive children of seeing the faces of their teachers, friends, a parents ? What IF we had said NO WAY when requested NOT to "sing in church" ? What IF we had said to our group, wait a minute, it does NOT make sense for our weekend cycling club to WEAR MASKS while cycling, that would definitely NOT be good for our health and that's why we say we cycle ! I pray that those who chose to vax and found they were not protected, at least will not be harmed in any way. THAT would devastate the entire world's population if some terrible long term effect surfaced, like we know now about chemicals and links to M.S., Parkinson's, etc. What a terrible price that would be for innocent people who only wanted to do the "right" thing and be "patriotic" and "caring".
You have to know that the narrative will be twisted in such a way that those who took the jab will never believe that any physical damage that comes from it came from it. Every. Single. Friend. That I have tried to speak with about this gene therapy has just shut down any conversation. Blank. Not interested. They are so convinced that we are the ones in the wrong--the anti-vax conspiracy theorists. So, I'm in a sit and wait position; I'll never say I told you so, because even when they are proven wrong there will be some explanation for why they did the 'right' thing.
I also live (part time) in FL. And support DeSantis. Ask why the legislature didn’t demand early treatment…how much pension fund $ has FL invested In Blackrock/ccp?
The public pension funds ? Such as teacher's retirement, or public works employees, or do you mean all pension funds for all state employees ? My best guess would be most major pension funds both public and private would have a "substantial" amount in Blackrock. Not sure about Florida, but state pension funds of other universities I've worked at certainly do. I guess I just never checked, but "assumed" (foolish assumption) teamsters, UAW, most of that size would contain such, as well a large stake in the FANGS, major financials ? Easy to look up actually, but never did !
FL has $10 billion in pension funds with Blackrock. Blackrock favors ccp companies. Pompeo also issued warning to the states with pension funds invested in ccp corporations. As geopolitical tensions mount. this becomes a security issue. WA state has the largest amount…can’t help wonder if this now totalitarian state is being “influenced” by its pension fund masters.
Well, as we all know, any of us who "wonder" about such things, look for links and variables that could be significant, are, after all, just "CONSPIRACY NUT CASES" !
The way Newsom, Hochul, and Biden try to thwart FL- misreporting stats, taking away mAb treatment, you know they're just threatened by the success
We in the free state of Florida seem (to others) be so happy, so care free, but we have a lot to worry about... what IF our governor turns out of be a Dr. Jekyll, what IF the states AG turns rouge and banishes all prisons and lets all out onto the streets, or more accurately, the beaches, what IF we start putting vote drop boxes on every street corner in the same way we USED to have "mailboxes" (anyone remember those ? you simply walked to the corner and dropped in your mail ), what IF so many people used to wearing masks everywhere, inside and out, move here and are so used to it they miss it and demand we "natives" follow their custom, what IF we have to start holding our breath through the entire church service unless we wear a mask, what IF the crazies decide you are most likely to get Covid IN the water and put razor wire up to block off our beaches, what IF..... I keep worrying about these things and ruin every day... okay, you all convinced me, I'll just quit worrying.... LOL !
It's sooooo difficult for "adult" experts in their fields to just be HONEST.. why is it so difficult to say: "Hey, it was my best decision at the time, it didn't work, time to begin again trying to solve the problem, end of story". Why ? Because it effects EGO, self-esteem, and if you are an individual who is unsure of himself or herself, who appears to be a "world renown expert or leader of a nation even", but on the "inside" actually knows they are hollow, even unsure of how they rose to their present position, an admission that may appear to the world as a misjudgment is a THREAT to the already weak "self". Where as, great leaders, trained military leaders, organization leaders, who are secure individuals, do not find "admitting" a wrong idea or decision at all, because they know it does not define them ! We have a lot of people of weak character on a very big stage !
I’m often shudder to think what the past two years in Florida would have been if Gillum had won.
I'm in Miami and I think about that all of the time. Gillum would have been a nightmare. What a difference a few thousand votes makes!
Next time the Dems will remember getting names of gravestones does take a bit of planning ahead.
Well, after being found in in a "suspected" drug stupor, some of the papers explained he was "inebriated" from heavy celebrating at a wedding festivity, and was in a hotel room with two other men and surrounded by what news papers said "appeared to be bags of crystal meth". Emergency medicine workers did show up and did chest compressions on one of the other men and he was taken to the hospital. The candidate later explained he had over indulged in alcohol (again, according to what was in the papers at the time) but recovered enough to be allowed to leave the hotel and go home.
Good for you! My husband and I are trying to relocate to your beautiful state as soon as we find a job.
haha it was almost gillum.
Seriously doubt it, looking back. How many thousands of votes did the Dem party fake up for that one?
I am hoping the margins are less tight going forward due to voter-roll clean up and bird-dogging the election results to orevent counting shenanigans!
Don't envy others, just work on what YOU can do to change things for you and others. Don't waste your effort on envy, do what you can to change your circumstances. Moving on to another state is only one answer, and yes, it can be a GREAT answer, but there is a lot of be said for standing on the hill you are on and DEFENDING IT for yourself and others ! Either way, many out here will support you.
You beat almost everyone else to this (I mean both being in FL and replying here :-)) . Congrats !
It's not much different in upstate South Carolina. You see a few wearing masks (even in cars alone) but for the most part, life is completely normal.
Cannot comment on middle of state (Columbia) or Charleston but suspect that Myrtle Beach is also back to normal.
I live in Alabama, mostly the same story.
Huntsville still has many masks and the Apple store had 2 guards at their door to intimidate people into masking up… Fleet feet in Madison as well… not as many masking up in Decatur and Athens… life getting back to normal… 🙏🙏🙏
There are pockets of craziness around here. Fleet Feet in Jones Valley has the same policy. The Publix in Hampton Cove has it's fair share of mask signalers, mostly 20-30 something Karen's and scared Boomers.
It is so hard to see some people acting like we have Ebola after us… 🤦🏽♀️
I hate to see children masked… I heard that Huntsville city schools still have their kids masked… is this true?
Yes it's true.
I haven't seen it much in Huntsville at all. We must go to different places!
Who are we going to vote for governor? Memaw Ivey has to go! Our Attorney General as well! He came to speak at our citizen’s group in limestone County and he got out of there like he stole something before anyone could ask questions… 🔥💩 COWARD…
Florida might very well be the “freest” place on the planet right now. Long live Ron DeSantis!
Even if we had been through containment we sure can't be of any help now. We are too busy dodging frozen Iguanas. The struggle is real.
I visited Florida five times in 2021, spent in total about one month there, tried to visit different corners. There are still signs of containment. Outside of Key West, most museums still require face masks. Almost everyone was wearing a mask in a downtown Miami hotel in December 2021. In the first third of 2021 it was hard to find an unmasked face in supermarkets and other stores in Florida. It is getting better but not everywhere at the same pace.
You beat me to it. Me too. Since the outset, save for a few months of shut-downs early on, life has been relatively normal. Socially I've known several people who caught the bug at one time or another but their reported symptoms were mild. Without exception, the few deaths that were ascribed to Covid-19 were among those who had pre-existing conditions and were very aged. To my knowledge, I haven't even had a cold since early 2020 (which was almost certainly a cold, by its symptoms.) For the trumpeted end-of-the-world that the media made of this "pandemic," life was remarkably normal here. Still, I won't deny that something is increasing mortality here: our 2021 deaths were about 8% higher than 2020's, and a startling 25% jump from 2019. To the best of my knowledge, even "Blue" strongholds are suffering the same excess deaths. So apparently fanatical lock-downs, mask wearing and other petty authoritarianism didn't have much impact, eh?
Same! Huntsville, AL has been free almost the entire time. If I wasn't reading about the dystopian nightmare so many live in, I'd never know it existed. People really might want to think about moving to a place like this, Florida, or other known free places. Just because this one is ending, doesn't mean another one isn't on the docket.
I live in The Rocket City myself.
I wish!
Life in South Carolina USA has been 98% normal for the last 2 years. I just got off the phone with the pre-op for upcoming surgery, and was not even asked if I have taken the shot. (I was grateful for the privacy, but also ready to explain that my 46-yr-old cousin dropped dead from a heart attack the day after he was coerced into the shot by his job)
So sorry 😣😣
Unfortunately, here in Washington State my college colleagues are still hypnotized. One of my co-workers this morning sheepishly told me (on Zoom) that she had gone to Seattle over the weekend and wasn't very "corona-responsible". She knows that I am banned from campus this year because I'm not vaxxed and she still acted like that. I then told her that my husband and 12 year old were refused service at a Seattle restaurant last night for not having vaxx cards and that it's like the Soviet Union down there. She just changed the subject. These people have been brain-washed.
I’m in the same boat as you. My oldest friend invited me out for lunch. I said I couldn’t because I was unvaccinated. She said, “Oh.” Never suggested going somewhere else, never said anything like, “I’m sorry. This is all crazy. Let’s get together some other time.” Just, “Oh.” It kinda hurts. And honestly, it makes me angry. All these people were perfectly willing to see me before the vaccine, but now, after they’re vaccinated, I’m too dangerous to be around???
Stew - Yes!!!! My poor husband especially has lost all of his sport friends. It's so sad. No one stands up for us. I have always loved rooting for the underdog, and now it feels so weird to BE the underdog. Grrr. I want to fight for fairness for people. And honestly I don't think your friends are scared to be around you. They are scared of their friends that will be mad at them for siding with a deplorable. That means they've shown where their true loyalty lies. And, sadly, it's with group-think, not actual human friends.
Seriously, yes. I’ve been really disappointed that no one has stood up for us, including family and friends. I’ve never been anti-vaccine, I’m not into hippy dippy medicine, or anything like that. I’m not a conspiracy theorist. The only person who has really stood on my side and supported me is my boss. If not for my job, we would be out of the state. That’s honestly the only thing keeping us here.
Haha, the cold comfort is this - When they come down with covid, you’ll get to say, “Oh, I’m sooo sorry you’re sick…” And then in a serious tone of voice, “Were you wearing a mask?” And then go home and laugh.
I actually refuse to acknowledge their cold. Just like they refused to acknowledge me as a leper. No sympathy for them. Whether feigned or not.
Lol, I’m having fun mask shaming them.
Another Washingtonian here -- west-side of the mountains. And I can also attest that it's still terrible. The mask mandate still holds. Our underground group finally got the courage and had a march through the center of town with about 100 people last week. It was great to break the silence and get it out in the open. But to hear the responses from vocal people was terrifying. They are so terribly brainwashed it's actually frightening. I run a small retail business, and we are still forced to wear masks. It's ludicrous, and we've known it for a long time. But people still complain and boycott businesses (last year's heros; this year's zeros) if they see anyone without a mask in our store. So we're being economically punished--even more so now that people know our public stance after seeing us in the march. This is honestly the most anxious and worried I've felt since March of 2020. I know that the anger being directed at "anti-vaxxers" (a completely inaccurate description of us) is really more about people clinging to their Sacred Narrative, and not wanting to admit that they were wrong. But it's VERY isolating and worrisome. Our local leaders and state governor have given ZERO indication of lightening things up. And now they are still proceeding toward childhood vaccination as though none of the narrative collapse from around the world has even been noticed. Even one of our local "scientists" continues to lecture us about how "vaccines work" and how people who raise pertinent questions or counter-vailing data are really just "spreading disinformation" and "racist." I think I know more about covid at this point than she does, yet she rests on her credentials and devotion to the Sacred Narrative and so "everyone" listens to her and follows her lead.
Daily my wife and I consider the prospect of leaving, which would be terribly difficult. It's really just a matter of hanging on now and hoping and praying that the narrative collapses fast enough that we can emerge relatively unscathed in the end. That may or may not happen, and I'm on a 24/7 emotional roller coaster: "Yay truckers!" one minute. "Damn this stupid mask" the next. "I'm so glad my business got to stay open" one minute. "Wish I'd gotten to spend the past year on Netflix and Magic Money." God help us.
Oh, I totally understand the emotional roller coaster. I’m going through that too. The first year of covid with all its craziness was way easier than this second year post-vaccine.
We’re going through the discussion of should we stay or should we go. We’d leave in a heartbeat but for my job. I really like what I do and am relatively isolated from the covid craziness. I’m just not sure I’m going to find it as good somewhere else. My job has been a real blessing in all this.
I would have said a firm no to leaving a year ago. However, a year of being shunned by family and friends has made the thought of selling everything I own and moving to Oklahoma or something really appealing. I’m not sure we’ll do that, but I’m coming to the conclusion that at the very least, I need a new set of friends. The family isn’t interested in seeing us. I’ve decided that I’ll just wait for them to reach out. I’m done inviting. I sometimes day dream that my in-laws will call only to find we’ve moved far away and our house is empty. Then I feel bad for thinking like that. I’m choosing forgiveness. It’s a choice right now, because I certainly don’t feel it in my heart. I’m very angry.
One of the most important things a site like this one can do, is remind you you are far from alone in your indecision, the stress of loving what you do on the one hand, and a totally frustrating government on the other, being confused and blind sided by friends and family we thought loved us "warts" and all, in good times and bad. Well, millions found out, you are not alone.
Hi from Germany, another stronghold of the crazy brainwashed people. We will probably be the last in Europe to relax the measures.
Keep marching. Keep showing your face. It's important to show those suffering from mass formation psychosis that not everyone agrees with them.
We go every Monday evening. The numbers of people who join us keep growing, slowly and steadily.
Don't you think by now those people in your town (who saw you march) and now avoid your business do KNOW by now ? Then to top off the government doing the quick "circle back", the conclusions of The John Hopkins study/report today surely was the icing on top of the cake. Now the problem IMO, is your customers being reluctant to come in, knowing your instincts were correct all along and that they maybe now feel foolish. I also think many people in that position (socially, not in a business sense) just feel foolish and fear the other party might submit them to a bit of ribbing, even if not vicious, people hate even a bit of chiding at their own expense: " Hey John, what are you going to do with all those masks you and Jill bought now that you gave China an economic boost buying that gross of them... LOL... LOL....". So, they avoid those who they fear might "rib" them a little about it !
I never bought any masks. Just picked up cloth ones on the ground; took them home and laundered them. Here in Oregon there is still a mask mandate for publica places and an extremely annoying public service announcement every time I watch anything on YouTube. But people are out walking, hiking and not wearing masks, thank goodness, except for the foolish few.
Thank goodness people are at least doing some things to improve overall health. At least that's "something" ,as the saying goes, something is better than nothing. Maybe. Time is beginning to tell on the vaccines. Thinking a new, rapidly developed vaccination was a "wish" a wish we were all desperate for, and desperation usually breeds some terrible results . The vaccines have not bolstered confidence based on it's lack luster, and very short, history of effectiveness. And now, with time, the reports begin that it may have many more negative effects than intended or anticipated. Possible signs around the world that it may have made things much worse.... what can we say. The world has had to face these things since the beginning of time !
Agreed, I've seen no progress at all here in WA state.
Neither have I, still have to wear a mask everywhere I go.
I'm Washington State too (just outside of Seattle). Most of the people I know are brainwashed too. The other day I had a conversation with a colleague who JUST had covid and is boosted, and she was saying she doesn't want to be around her unvaxxed cousin. I seriously didn't know what to say. Although, people are more relaxed about masks lately in my area (even though there is a statewide "mandate" in place). Today I ran to the store, forgot my mask, and told the clerks I was sorry for forgetting it. They just said, "No worries at all." I think there are a lot of people who are tired of living this way. Thankfully, my closest friends and family members are all level-headed and not under mass psychosis; I'm pretty sure I would lose my mind if that weren't the case!
Haha, yes. People are brainwashed. My friend who has an auto-immune disease was lamenting that people with her disease aren’t producing antibodies in response to the vaccines. Then, not 15 seconds later, she’s talking about getting a fourth shot. And I’m like, what?! Why would you get a fourth shot that doesn’t even work?!!!! I didn’t say that, I just sort of stood there and stared and realized that maybe some people are never going to recover from covid.
Wow, it's truly hard to believe. Pharma has an outstanding marketing program going.
Exactly. My Seattle friend posts pictures of herself outdoors in Ballard wearing a special double mask. WTF! And I think she even wears it when cycling.
I'm getting a kick out of shutting everyone down that tells me to "stay safe" by saying to them, "How come you didn't give crap about my safety 3 years ago?"
And I am soooo darn sick of the word ‘safe’.
Virtue signaling; that's all it is Cathleen.
I know. That’s one of the main reasons I hate it. ‘Stay Safe’ is even worse than ‘Have a nice day’. My (so-called) safety is MY responsibility.
But they don't really mean "stay safe" as in "Be personally responsible and be aware of dangers that could pose a real risk to you." They mean "Be obedient and mind your betters who know what is the best means of keeping you safe."
Me too! I want to scream when I hear or see "stay safe"
The cult of safety must die. Safety delenda est. It is the enemy of freedom.
And correct them. It’s not safety, it’s health. Idiots!
I just hit them back with a "Thanks, Stay Free"
oooooh! I love this!!!!
I travel between Silicon Valley and Sacramento suburbs - both in Northern California (150 miles apart). 2 different worlds. SV is fully masked, roads empty, vaccination booths (no appointment or paperwork needed) everywhere. Every message from the rulers is followed. 150 miles away all good - not many people pay any attention, maybe 10% masked in stores, nobody outdoors, life is (almost) normal with the exception of schools. Still child muzzling and quarantines and all the rest of the abuse there, since is the state-run schools
Seems to be very similar throughout the CA central valley. Still plenty of masking, maybe moreso than Sacramento, but very few mask Nazis. Mostly it's ignorance among people in lower socioeconomic groups, a trusting of public messaging and a simple desire to avoid getting sick. They don't seem to care if others are masked or not. Coastal CA is a far different story. It has a high population of left-wing (collectivist) elites, who seem to be the most ideologically deranged and intent on agressive enforcement. Also very little Vaccine mandates or requirements to show proof of vaccination in the central valley, unless required for employment. Kids still masking, which is a state requirement.
I know a few aggressive maskers and they are in REAL fear and anxiety over their lives and lives of others. It's painful to watch
I don't believe for one minute that they give one s&>t about anyone outside of their immediate family, if that. They are terrified for themselves only and/or it's all about control.
it may be control for many and especially politicians and officials,, and I am sure lots of psychology students will make their PhD on it, but for the folks I know it's a sheer terror about dying, for them.and their relatives and friends. psyops work. as I said, painful to watch and I don't know how to help.
I do feel for those groups with limited formal education and very low paying jobs. You are so right, just hard working people doing the best they can and trusting "their government, the government they see as "above them" in education and income, to make the best decisions for everyone. They just want to NOT get sick; they get NO SICK leave or sick pay at their jobs !
Everything I've heard is that LA and the Bay Area are corona crazyland central, and everywhere else in the state is much more sane. (Maybe not entirely sane, but better.) Unfortunately, corona crazyland central sets the rules for the rest of the state.
I live in the Bay Area and am a frequent attendee at live music. Most of the venues I've been to in recent weeks have not enforced the mask mandates. At a very crowded show in a 1400 capacity room this past Saturday night I'd estimate no more than 5-10% were masked.
Meanwhile the city passed an ordinance requiring that events of more than 5000 require a booster for admission, effective today. I have a feeling that a whole lot of fans of the San Francisco Warriors -- who have come roaring back this year after a couple bad seasons -- are not compliant. Some much smaller venues have gone aboard, and I wonder how their decision will affect attendance.
New Orleans, LA - mask requirement for indoor activities, vaccine mandate for indoor dining, sports events, etc; I am unvaxxed bc of Med reasons, but I have acquired immunity; I haven’t had Omicron although a large number of friends and family who are triply vaxxed have been sick - just mild though. I have some very supportive, understanding friends and family, but some of my “ former” friends believe I shouldn’t associate with them at group events and if I do, I should wear a mask. Also my doctor retired, and when I tried to sign on with another, I was asked if I was vaccinated and when I told them I wasn’t, I was informed the doctor wasn’t taking on unvaxxed patients. No questions as to why I wasn’t vaxxed. Kind of scary that a doctor can reject u on that basis because I am of age that I need a doctor - at the minimum- to prescribe a few prescriptions. I was also turned away from my long time bridge club ( not only to play) but to vote on new board members - I was told unvaxxed can’t vote. Crazy times.
Your story should ENRAGE every American, and, I know it is true. People being denied medical care for not being vaccinated. Don't remember that EVER happening with polio vaccine, small pox vaccination, measles shot, etc. etc. You were always asked for your record, but people were NOT denied medical care. To say I will NOT renew your needed Rx for something like asthma, or diabetes, and many other conditions is, essentially, a willing campaign to reduce the population.... how horrifying, we've lost our moral compass for SURE !
I don't think I am wrong in stating this refusal would have been unthinkable just three years ago. I don't recall reading that doctors were refusing to treat people with elevated glucose if they were still eating processed carbs. Or denying BP meds to patients who didn't quit stressful jobs. What about those who have not had a tetanus booster in the last 10 years? I'll refrain from mentioning the well known health hazards of certain activities by certain groups. That would be discrimination if treatment was denied. But not vaccinated against Corona. It's the pig trough for you!
It is so absurd it's really hard to believe. Deny medical help for lung cancer because you smoke/smoked ? This is so absurd it's difficult to express, I agree.