apologies for continued spotty posting, I’m still travelling and have serious internet connectivity issues. uploading the images to this was enormously frustrating. things get (mostly) back to normal for me tomorrow.

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would love to have a beer with you!!! such an amazing SS. Yes the hospitals are not full with respiratory illnesses they're filled with all sorts or weird and wonderful autoimmune illnesses and strange cancers. yes there is a pandemic now but it's a pandemic of the suddenly.

PS. I can attest to German Internet being third world. I have 2 sim cards in my phone so I can switch between networks if i accidentally walk behind a tree.

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Technically that would not be Internet, but cell service, right?

Count yourself lucky – where I live there is no cell service.

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Perhaps you're lucky to live in an area where there is no cell service. Technology is convenient, for sure, but it can be nice to be away from all the BS.

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4 and 5 G so yes internet on phone. Once they turned off the 3G here the reception had gone to shit

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No worries!

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Totally cool. No worries at all.

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You’re a freaking legend! 🙏🏻

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Have a good trip home (or wherever you're going)!

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The German press is about to have a much larger story in frozen Germans.

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Wouldn’t be the first time Germany decided to fuck around with Russia and freeze by the thousands for the trouble….

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When was the first time?

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Riaan, you’re being trolled. This individual knows exactly what you were alluding too all along. Don’t fall for it. And even if this individual is as clueless as they claim, it is as you rightly say, their own responsibility to be curious and investigate a “truth.” The whole, ‘pass me a citation’ thing when one speaks of general knowledge is how some, bizarrely, attempt to claim intellectual superiority over the individual that can’t rapidly produce a citation. As if asking for a citation is a signal that they have done research, or are very discriminating in what sources they trust to believe outright.

I generally believe that no source should be trusted outright, but I also don’t hide behind someone’s inability to do my research for me as a sign of intellect.

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After someone has been well indoctrinated by many years of television programming, it is easy to understand that they are easy to trigger with keywords and have vast experience with fomenting an entire scenario from a few of them.

It is a fool's game to assume that someone whose last television was stolen in 1987 would be as susceptible to keywords as someone who owns and watches a smartphone and a flat panel television more hours than they sleep.

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I've never seen ad hominem used as a defence against an accusation of its use, before.

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You probably don't get out much.

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You have been out of your mind for a very long time, so you'd understand.

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Frozen Germans in Stalingrad happened before global warming .

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That is made easier by global warming being a myth created by scientists whose paychecks depend on them not understanding the importance of the truth.

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” Upton Sinclair

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What about Stalingrad?

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are you able to type that into a search engine?

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What does my ability to do so have to do with someone else's failure to prove a specious premise?

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1812, 1914, 1941. At least in 1812the Germans hadnt started it, they were just made to go along.

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During the second world war

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Is that as specific as you can be?

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How lazy can you be? Ever heard of Google? Try the battle of Stalingrad.

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It is apathy, not laziness.

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Are you obtuse?

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It started off good, with its comment about freezing Germans. But then it went quickly downhill. Ignore it… Let it die a quick death, like a freezing German.

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Are you acute?

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How is it worse than being acute?

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Before you where born .

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I'd have to see a birth certificate to believe you weren't the output of Bokanovsky's Process.

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I'm so sorry Vonu , I don't know what you are saying ,because my I.Q. is only around O.

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It is impossible for a human being to survive with an IQ of a carrot, frequently noted at 60.

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Worry about frozen Germans is not an issue, most of the Germans bought a stove by now and have 8 hundred million left over masks to burn for heat .The fun part will start finding a solution about all that smoke .Most buildings don't have chimney ,so there will be stove pipes out the windows throughout the cities .It will remind us of Stalin Grad .

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This was an issue with the old wood gasification engines. Germans were running generators converted to run off wood gas, but lacked proper ventilation. Lots of carbon monoxide poisonings. Ended up making wood gas generators become obsolete…well one of the reasons.

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Wood gas engines where used in Germany at the end of the war and shortly after .They where called HOLZ VERGASER on trucks and in the trunk of cars . I know all about it because as a kid I rode in the back of a truck that had a wood gaser .

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Google "Rocket Mass Heater" and "Rocket Stove". Near complete and clean combustion of nearly anything combustible.

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So no need to go to hell anymore ,all we have to do is go to Google .

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Thermal depolymerization of used and unused masks and other PPE and Covid bric-a-brac will make some good synthetic oil as well.

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Yesterday I had an appointment with a bone specialist in a hospital and came out of there depressed ,mad and mentally damaged . I was only in for about 2 hours ,because of a broken shoulder bone .The masking in there is not only keeping evil spirits away but any one with a bit of sanity left over, from almost three years of insanity .Hospitals are about the worst place one can enter ,besides prisons .I believe if I would go there with anything flu I would not come out alive . My brother did go in there with what he thought was a flu and was dead after 6 days of treatment with remdesivir .ventilators and heavy sedation .I did not know that he went there because we live 800 km.apart and no one told me what went on there ,only after his death when it was too late .I would have done every thing to keep him out of that killing place .I would never go there with any thing flu or cold ,one gets taken prisoner sedated and killed for a large pay off to the hospital .

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Stalingrad happened in Germany?

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No the old Stalingrad happened in Stalingrad ,but the new Stalingrad will soon happen in Germany . After that the whole world may be Stalingrad .

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If that is considered a likelihood, it would be wise to invest in Stalin statue futures.

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Which, like the hospital "crisis", is a largely self-inflicted one as well.

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You mean hospitals similar to Auschwitz ?

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How ironic, the press is also a flat circle. We call that an “asshole”.

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Not entirely flat....lol...Media is a Brown Hole, Whale eye, balloon knot....

Similar to a Black Hole, but density effect is not as strong, but will pull you in if you don't have a stopper....like common sense

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Definition of insanity on an infinite loop.

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Actually, it's very clever.

Think about it this way: the C0VID scam makes money for the MSM's benefactors, Big Pharma. Big Pharma then transfers that money to the MSM.

The people in the hospitals continue to be "heroes," and have enough time to make Tik Tok dance videos. Lots of people die for various reasons because they're not getting treated; many of those are elderly, so they're on the government payroll. If they die, it's a bonus for the government.

The government also gets to play (pardon the expression) Hitler by controlling every single thing that people do; what they put into their bodies, when they leave their house, who works, who does not work and so on. They have completely control, and they like that.

So really, it's quite clever. Bring in tyranny under the guise of safety. A stab in the back while in the embrace of a warm hug.

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“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies.… To be ‘cured’ against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

—C.S. Lewis

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A million likes.

C.S. Lewis. Brilliant.

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I agree with his sentiment up to the point of addicts living under a tarp and defecating on the street. Welcome to Portland.

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Point taken, but don’t you think Portland’s policies are the very definition of “a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims” and thus are responsible for producing the very results you are describing?

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Indeed, it's a truly bizarre and Orwellian mix of tyranny on the one hand, and crippling by enabling and infantilizing on the other.

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Or Seattle or San Fransicko or any other city that drank the exact same koolaid.

They claim to be following the Portuguese model or Dutch model, but neither of those two countries do anything quite like that.

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It's called government love . My brother experienced that love ,when he went to the hospital ,thinking he had a flu .He was dead after 6 days in there ,next day he was cremated . Every hospital is a little Auschwitz .

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Money shuffle from your gov taxes to private entities.

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If a policy fails, double down. That seems to be a governmental truism everywhere these days.

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Politicians and other government officials obviously don't read enough Douglas Adams.

“A learning experience is one of those things that says, 'You know that thing you just did? Don't do that.'”

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Overwhelmed hospitals? This is exciting news! Looks like my prayers for more dancing nurse Tik videos to watch during the coming cold winter nights has come true.

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🕺 💃 🕺 💃

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They have to dance to keep warm.

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How do you say Groundhog Day in German?

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Could it be Ground Schwein day ?

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Grundschwein Tag?

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„Murmeltiertag“ 😉

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A groundhog is a Murmeltier (pretty sure).

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In America Ground hogs are called Govers ,but mostly in the west .The politicians have a similar name ,THE GOOVERS .

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Und täglich grüsst das Murmeltier.

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I believe Groundhog Day originated in Germany before it came to PA.

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"Germany has descended into some kind of purgatorial alternate reality, where it’s always March 2020"

What do you suppose will be the narrative if Germany runs out of natural gas this winter and people start dying from exposure to the cold?

Covid is the gift that keeps on giving.

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When people start dying from exposure, well, they simply won't report it.

And we all know, if the MSM didn't report it, it didn't happen.

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If they report it, they'll blame it on Covid.

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Or climate change

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Pleas don't blame anything on Covid . My dogs name is Covid and he does not bite .

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After you died from exposure you can't report it anymore . You must make your report before you die .

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I can tell you what the narrative will be: we ran out of natural gas because THE UNDISCIPLINED people (most likely right-wing, climate-change-denying, transphobic unvaccinated white people) did not show enough solidarity and therefore did not save energy, and this is why we are in this dismal situation.

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Ugh you may be right. On behalf of the US, I apologize to all Germans for our export of the woke mind virus.

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Oh, don't worry. Germans were already imbeciles before, it started in 68' basically.

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No worries, it's certainly not your fault. 😉

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Yep the absurdity factor keeps going up. Let the witch trials (burnings) begin.

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Dear Lisa ,sadly so far it's us getting burned .The evil doers are amusing them self about our mis fortune .

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Apologies my ambiguity, yes unvx are the witches to be burned.

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Hello Lisa ,I'm unmasked and unvaxed and very dry inside ,because I did not drink any Schnaps lately . My wife is hiding the bottle again . So I,m very dry and perfect material for burning .

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Oct 15, 2022
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"The Hunger Games" may have a rather prophetic title...

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I believe the Germans use a lot of energy brewing bier . Much could be saved if they grow wine instead .

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Where does wine grow?

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Wine does not grow

.Wine comes from grapes that grow on a bush in a vineyard .

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I've never seen a grape grow on a bush. They grow on vines. Berries can be used to make wine and they grow on bushes.

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I'm sorry I got bushes and vines mixed up .I was never much of a bush man ,so please forgive me .Next time lets talk about Moose hunting, .Do Moose live in bushes?

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In the wineyard.

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Alongside the grapes used to make it?

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Uh, something like that ... (c'mon, work with me ... )

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Oct 15, 2022
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Oh yes, those evil radicals who shun the washcloth and insist on ...showering! For shame!

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Oct 15, 2022Edited
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Oh no! Climate catastrophe could surely have been averted if she hadn't been allowed to follow her unnatural passions! ;-)

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For Germany global warming arrived just in time .

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World governments not COVID are the terror ists

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I don't know what level in Dante's Purgatory we are in exactly- but there appears to be a new one. It's hospitals and "health officials" restricting basic hospital functions while collecting huge government bail outs. These restrictions limit necessary operations, treatment and screening that saves lives, permanently limiting lifespans. I had a really nasty cancer in May of this year, and getting into the hospital for my operation with a specialist was one of the most challenging parts of the story. It's hard to describe the absolute disconnect of your fight between life and death and the absolute disregard for life and death that you see up close in the hospital. I don't think my "reality" will ever be the same again.

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I'm sorry for your situation BUT you'd be better off staying away from "hospitals" completely. Who have they ever cured? They make you sicker and you suffer to a higher degree going through their bullshit.

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It’s literally just an exercise in maximizing profit. They used to at least be motivated to extend lifespan because it equaled so many more drugs, diagnostics, and procedures -- but now they have figured out how to cash in more via dead patients.

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