Fantastic summary - subscribed to your feed via RSS on Feedly!

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Jul 23, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Getting interested in treating it at onset would be nice. A year and a half later with nothing recommended is just another epic failure. Good for Pfizer though.

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Am I missing something? Doesn't the work of FLCCC and www.c19early.com count as "treating it at the onset"? (And yes of course if a viable approved alternative existed EUA would fall away; but i don't even want to go there)

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"Doesn't the work of FLCCC and www.c19early.com count as "treating it at the onset"?"

If I do manage to come down with Covid, I have a feeling I'll have a fight on my hands getting my doctor to implement one of those treatments.

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You might think so but...

Yes, you're missing something. You talk like the unvaccinated. Do not be deceived. The village elders say those people are possessed by evil spirits and we must not speak of them! They spread death. Trust in the good and the holy vaccine, the giver of life.

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The single best thing I've ever read on Corona. Thanks eugyppius for the lucidity.

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Jul 23, 2021Liked by eugyppius

It's worth noting that all the alternatives to the gene mods that would otherwise be available in the US and West, such as the conjugate virus vaccine Soberana 02 from Cuba, the deactivated virus vaccines SinoPharm and Covaxin are all in regulatory limbo in the USG's sphere of influence. The last of the three is especially noteworthy, as it is being produced by an allied country (India's Bharat Pharma) and has a US based producer waiting to get an EUA. Now, these vaccines will only have extremely limited utility as the "variants" are simply endemic common colds. I agree with your analysis and await further long form writing, Eug.

- Some guy.

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Great post eugyppius

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Jul 23, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Incredible- thank you!! I'd be interested in your take on VAERS reporting, side effect profile, and the specifics of the risk calculus one should take when considering whether or not to take a vaccine.

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I learned a lot by looking up things written here that I didn’t know. Everyone whining about sources should do that, too.

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I know quite a few people who have gotten Corona and were back to health in a week...much like the flu. I am a 70 year old male who will not get the vaccine. I am in good health, get lots of sun and take immune-boosting vitamins (D3, Zinc w/Quercetin, C, Tumeric). Just as liberal progressives say abortion is a decision a woman has the right to make over her own body...I say the same for my body regarding any vaccine. I remember seeing a sign that said "Quarantine is when you restrict the movement of sick people. Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people." I'd rather die a free man than have this government tell me I can't leave the house or that I must wear a mask at all times!

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if you have an argument, make one. otherwise get out.

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You should have totally kept Linda around! We missed 2 years of hilarity.

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Aug 14, 2021Liked by eugyppius

There is still the much ignored mystery of why there is such disparity of number of coronovirus deaths in different locations. Japan has only 12 deaths/100,000 notwithstanding its dense population, high proportion of elderly and relatively late and little lockdown. Compare this with USA and Europe at over 200 deaths/100,000. What is the reason that Japanese immune systems are more resistant?

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Aug 14, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I've seen a lot of discussion that it's higher existing immunity to corona viruses due to more exposure in Asia. The alleged bats came from that region, so perhaps people are exposed to a lot more of these corona viruses and the immunity is "cross reactive".

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it's some kind of reigonal phenomenon for sure: throughout east/southeast Asia and Oceania, mortality is about an order of magnitude lower. exposure to similar, prior coronaviruses is one possibility.

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Have a look at the late Spring 2020 case numbers from California versus New York. At that time CA with 40 million people had about 1/10 the death count of NY's 20 million. This changed later, but early explanations for that big disparity had to do with frequent and massive Chinese trans-Pacific visiting/migration in CA, bringing low-grade Coronas for a long while leading up to the Big Bang.

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New York in spring 2020, is accused of sending Covid patients from care facility to hospital and back again thus super-spreading the virus. Overall, New York has had 324 deaths/100,000 population and California has had 195. The Far East is in an entirely different league. I find Japan particularly interesting because its population is so dense and so old. They are doing something that is protecting them.

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Yes. On this exact Far East topic, I have posted a sad chart that is perhaps worth reviewing. I will not link it here because I don't want to cross-promote in a comment thread, but I cannot show the image in comments. Suffice to say that healthy questions about what these vaccines really do to populations need to be asked.

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Jul 27, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Brilliant and exhaustively informative. Poses many questions about how politicians all over the World have reacted very slowly ,at best ,and too often uneffectedly. Would be interesting to hear your view about Big Pharma's role in all of the above.

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Jul 25, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Well done, thank you for this level-headed information <3

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Well written. Im guessing it was difficult to keep the rage from the various issues (masks on children during sports, vaxing the healthy and strong, vax production for profit etc) fron leeching into the essay.

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Jul 23, 2021Liked by eugyppius

What do you think about the Sinovac deactivated virus vaccine? Would you consider it less or more dangerous than the two types of vaccine that you mentioned? Its use is widespread in the 3rd world, far more than than the mRNA vaccines.

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Pretty sure it’s less dangerous (as SageAlfields also affirms). It also seems pretty clear it’s substantially less effective than the mrna/virus vectors we have in the West. it is probably a preview of what Novavax will be like when that’s approved.

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On what basis are you claiming they are less effective? Are you referring to Relative Risk Reduction or Absolute Risk Reduction. I am not much interested in a vaccine that takes my risk of developing one symptom from about 0.8% to about 0.04%

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Jul 23, 2021Liked by eugyppius

As someone in the field, it is far less dangerous but also has the same limited utility. All the vaccines and "vaccines" at best provide 3-4 months of temporary immunity. Our bodies simply don't consider colds to be dangerous enough to potentiate long term immune responses against.

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Jul 24, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Frankly I'm not interested in "effectiveness", as I'm against these covid shots for all the reasons indicated in this piece, and also on principle: no injections should ever be coerced or mandated. I will refuse these shots as long as possible (along with my immediate family). However, due to my line of work, I may at some point be required to take a shot for travel. At that point, I would consider opting for the injection that is LEAST risky. I've been taking precautions as I normally do otherwise: eating well, taking vitamin D/Zinc, etc., exercising when I can. Haven't had any serious infection for some time.

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Dr. McCullough has good things to say about Novavax

You can read more at MeaninginHistory.blogspot.com and elsewhere


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Vaccine passport fans need to consider how exactly that's supposed to go if:

1. COVID-19 will never go away no matter what we do.

2. Vaccine effectiveness wears off after a few months and may be both shorter-lasting and inferior to natural immunity.

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Second point is entirely correct, first point is incorrect on a single, major point: except for the initial lab released strain, "COVID" is just endemic coronaviruses, also known as common colds. They're just being given fancy scary "variant titles" to keep the op going.

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"fancy scary variant titles"....how scientific of you.

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Isn't it interesting that if a country were going to target their enemy with a created virus as a weapon of war, population specific action would be the goal. i.e to Kill Americans, not Chinese. And this virus does seem to uniquely have some of this. And how, something like a "test-ban treaty" in the nuclear case, a ban of gain of function research, is completely banned from discussion. Or is it a recognition this future of repeat engineered pandemics is coming and we can't stop it? With immediate forced experimental vaccines on everyone being required at any time?

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I think the Corona hysteria has been intentionally blown completely out of proportion because the lock-downs allow for global economic adjustments that could not have been pulled off otherwise. The ruling class wants the little people less mobile in all ways, economically, physically, intellectually, and spiritually. The fake plague has allowed all these areas of freedom to be curtailed, most likely permanently.

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It would be great to include another version of this with citations for the "uninitiated". Much as I agree with most/all of this, I shared this with a few individuals that have been following the dominant narratives from the onset and they simply waved it away because they don't "have time to read something from an anonymous source who doesn’t cite anything". I offered to share the citations I've curated for this content, but of course having it all already included would help get this out there to a wider audience.

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The thing about sources, is they increase the work of writing perhaps tenfold, and they don't convince anybody who is an adherent of official propaganda. For every true well-sourced thing you say, they will be able to cite 25 propagandised nonsense sources that deboonk it and claim the opposite. Then you get locked into pointless arguments about why this or that paper is wrong and you can't talk about the things that matter or provide a coherent vision of what is happening.

On my twitter account I have discussed almost all of these points over the past eight or nine months with abundant sources. Others have also discussed and argued many of these ideas against considerable resistance for a long time. This essay has now been read by thousands of people (including people who disagree with me), and everything in it is defensible.

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Jul 26, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Indeed - all sound points.

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I just stumbled upon you, and your point on sources is why I have never been able to make the next step to publish on substack. The sourcing. It's an endless cycle sifting through countless counterfeits. As I read this fantastic piece, I read what I have wanted to say the last 18 months - yet I have been paralyzed by the desire to cite, defend those citations, dive into the counter citations, meta study the set of those citations, repeat.... and it you are right. It doesn't matter.

Reading this, I came across only 4, maybe 5 arguments that I would need to validate - the rest I already have citations in a spreadsheet independently collected just to satisfy my curiosity as this has played out.

Well written, look forward to catching up on future articles, take my money.

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