Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023Pinned

Per my previous comment, I compiled a list of recommendations for each country (cross posted to previous topic too).

Most countries are now only recommending for > 65, working in healthcare, or have specific comorbidities.  

The US, Canada are outliers recommending for 6 months+, Austria is lowest age recommending in the EU (12+), then Portugal at 50+. New Zeland at 30+

The rest (Israel, South Korea, Germany, Norway, UK, Spain, Australia, etc) recommending 65+, occasionally 60+

Whether they recommend 1 month old or 90 years old, doesn't seem to matter. 3rd booster in the EU appears to have been largely ignored - only 2.1% of the population got it (only 4.2% above aged 80). That was a steep decline from 2nd booster at only 17.7%. [1]

Put together what I could find withs sources here - several countries still can't find recommendations (notably Italy, Japan, Czechia, Finland). If anyone finds data on missing countries or an error let me know.


EDIT - Found Finland per Dr. Paul Offit post today:



[1] https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/sites/default/files/documents/COVID-19-vaccination-strategies-march-2023.pdf

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thanks, this is very helpful. I didn't realise Austria was recommending to such young age groups. looking at their website now, I see that they "recommend" the current jabs to 12 and up, but "especially recommend" them to 60 and up.

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At this point feels like Catholic Church recommending against Birth Control. We just smile and nod.

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Apt comparison: the authority is gone, the institution remains

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023

give them time...the pope might do that to save the climate ha ha ha

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terrible and cruel.

Of course they do not want to be connected to any younger kiddos developing horrific life long immunity problems or death!!

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

"... 3rd booster in the EU appears to have been largely ignored - only 2.1% of the population got it (only 4.2% above aged 80). That was a steep decline from 2nd booster at only 17.7%. [1]".

Put those stats alongside the recent UK stat showing 90% of those dying in hospital of covid are triple jabbed.

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Exactly! If they weren’t literal Nazis and just took the 5th boost like Pfizer told them they wouldn’t be dead!

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It’s five in Australia

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I’ve had it with all this bullshit. Especially with the healthcare worker crap (my daughter is an RN at a hospital; I’m sick of her being harassed). No one on earth should get this toxic juice.

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Fortunately here in the United States our public health services are “brought to you by Pfizer”.

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Small correction: the rec in France is 65+ (plus a couple other "at-risk" categories), not 65-79.

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Many Japanese soldiers remained at their posts in jungles and caves for years after the emperor surrendered. Covidians will continue their charade for the rest of their sad lives.

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This has not played out. The mistake Team Reality makes in these situations is failing to put the dagger in the hearts of the deceivers. Allowing them to rise from the undead and wreak their misery and pain unto the world. They rest. Lurk in the shadows. Opportunistic demons waiting for the next moment of weakness, another virus or fearful event, ready to spring into action asserting their dominion over us. This must not be allowed to happen again. The lines crossed too grievous to allow them to slink away out of their complete repudiation, tarred and feathered, their sheer and utter defeat. Leaving only the isolated soldiers in remote jungles, unable to war against us.

And the way forward to do that is to reassert the rights that international human rights courts have declared about free faces:

It is a Human Right to look someone in the face in public without a facial covering!! Facial coverings BANNED for security and communication. To live together. Even as recently as 2019, just months before masks were mandated they were banned, laws upheld under international appeals!

Wearing masks in public is a violation of our human rights! They are divisive. Rights that must be reasserted. With rock-solid safeguards so they can never be ignored again. The fact that these rulings were ignored doesn't make their findings any less true. Short memories, fear and symbolic virtue signaling don't make these findings of facts go away.

You remember them as 'burqa bans.' But they applied to ALL facial coverings, specifically including masks for the reasons given:

France's burqa ban upheld by human rights court

The UK Guardian, July 1, 2014


(or behind paywall https://archive.fo/WinLY )


"Judges at the European court of human rights (ECHR) have upheld France's burqa ban, accepting Paris's argument that it encouraged citizens to "live together".

The law, introduced in 2010, makes it illegal for anyone to cover their face in a public place...the law was not aimed at the burqa or veil but any covering of the face in a public place...

...The European judges decided...that the preservation of a certain idea of "living together" was the "legitimate aim" of the French authorities.

Aside from questions of security and equality, she added: "It's about social communication, the right to interact with someone by looking them in the face and about not disappearing under a piece of clothing."

The French and Belgian laws were aimed at "helping everyone to integrate", Niedlispacher added."


Burqa bans, headscarves and veils: a timeline of legislation in the west

UK Guardian, May 31, 2018



Netherlands: Burqa Ban Enters into Force

Library of Congress, August 27, 2019


"On August 1, 2019, the “Act Partially Prohibiting Face-Covering Clothing,” entered into force in the Netherlands. The Act prohibits the wearing of clothing that completely or partially conceals the face in spaces where people are expected to communicate with each other. Thus, face-covering clothing is banned on public transportation and in educational, governmental, and nursing care institutions, but is still allowed in such public spaces as on train platforms. The ban applies to burqas, niqabs, full-face helmets, balaclavas, and masks, but not to headscarves."

Masks were banned because psychological science said they evoked mass fear. Largely because masks trigger the amygdala 'fight, flight or freeze' response, the same as seeing a snake! There's a reason that plane hijackers and bank robbers were the only ones wearing masks pre-2020 and it wasn't just to conceal their identity!:

Of snakes and faces: An evolutionary perspective on the psychology of fear

Scandanavian Journal of Psychology, November 19, 2009


I believe reminding readers of this history and science can help move the needle beyond the arguments about our medical science vs. their medical science. Masks are and always have been behavioral science-based "fear amplification" NPI devices to scare us apart. That contradict findings of international courts that we have the human right to see free faces! Overridden because health officials decided we suffered - suffered! - from "optimism bias" when it came to the risk that CV posed to us so we *needed* fear:

What Is Optimism Bias, And How Is It Affecting Our Response To The Pandemic?

Wisconsin Public Radio, January 6, 2021


And to cure us of our optimism we suffered from they prescribed "fear amplification" as our Rx. This is The Science (TM) of masking. Hiding in plain sight in the ambiguity of the word "science." Nobody has bothered asking the health officials claiming masking is "the best science" exactly what *type* of science they are referring to. Natural, Medical? Or Social, Behavioral?

The type of science behind masking must be put on trial, in courts of law and public opinion. And only public hearings will do this. We must agitate for this truth to come out. Behind the lies of pseudosciences are the armies of tyrants planning their next assault. On our minds and bodies. Put their science of mind-farkery on trial. Masks. Jabs. Climate. Gender. Carbon. Food. Population. All of it. Based in the same science of illusion, deceit and coercion Behavioural Sciences. This, here, now, is the moment to once and for all vanquish them for good! You know the "you will own nothing and be happy eating bugs" applies the same "science" to achieve their goals:


Here. Now. It stops here, now, with the public hearing on pseudosciences that relitigating the bans on facial coverings will expose.

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Perhaps there will be a few scapegoats but I’m not hopeful that anyone else will be held to account. We will be quickly distracted when the next new crisis comes along.

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Which would be the point of having such a hearing on the type of science. It's the science of mind-farkery. The science of new crisis distractions. It's how a society gets immunized to its effects. It is the proper guerrilla attack on their most vulnerable (and powerful) weapon. It is Toto pulling the curtain back exposing the pathetic weak, old miserable Wizard who's power of illusion evaporates the moment he is revealed to Oz. It is the heart we must place a stake into.

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Yes, of course. Sorry, but I’m not hopeful. The leviathan is just too powerful and I believe that a critical mass of the population is susceptible to it’s manipulation.

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That is the power of illusion. The more people who believe in its power the more powerful it becomes. We give over our own power to them when we believe they are all-powerful. The energies in the universe, the collective mind reverberates with our thoughts, manifesting our hopes or manifesting our fears. A constant struggle. The Leviathan has the power it has because we believe it does. When we make it irrelevant by ignoring its assertion of power we weaken it until it is no more.

But we fear. We fear losing our material world, the status and comforts we enjoy for daring to ignore their illegitimate illusory power. When we walk with truth, when we walk with God, we know they cannot harm us. Should we suffer their torment, imprisonment, starvation, death, we will be welcomed by God into his eternal Kingdom. And serve as martyrs to the cause of freedom, truth and liberty, as God intends for his greatest creation. Inspiring others to join us, for the act of defiance.

They cannot win. As long as we do not give them our power. But we must use our time on this earth to expose them, their lies, and expose those we love and care about to truth, and God's eternal love. Connection with his loving grace more important than our materialism and mortality. Starting with dispelling notions of doubt and powerlessness. We must be God's servants sharing truth. It's our sacred obligation as awakened beings who God gave the clarity and discernment to hear his truth above the lies of deceitful fallen men..

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Superbly stated👍

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Thanks so much for this comment. G

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Let us encourage them by all the means at our disposal to keep their injections up-to-date..

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My sentiments, exactly.

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Cause if they don't it means war.

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They'll be too sick to put up much of a fight.. And if you so much as cough on them, they'll keel over.. 🤔

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I meant that if they don't kill enough one way, they will go for it another. I don't think they have a choice but to go for NWO all the way.

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I had recommended this as an anodyne.. but then I actually started to read it.. we are, quite clearly.. F***ed. Totally, absolutely, utterly..Up shit creek, without a paddle.💩💣🕳


Christ's sakes, there's got to be SOMETHING we can do -- as individuals -- because "we" is just so much flim-flam.. 🤔🙄 and most of humanity seems to be indelibly entranced and stupid.

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People are not stupid as a whole, but they are always one step behind, and thats a bad place to be in a Reset. For me, the way is to own the Reset.

I leave for my off the grid orchard in Tanzania next week. We live on a hill with other ex-pats out in the hinterlands. I studied enough of the previous resets to realize they takeover the cities first, and we can survive out there for many decades as it's a nothing place next to the Maasai tribes.

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Sorry but we are already at WAR for a longtime, silent yes, but more deadlier then the previous ones.

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You didn't follow my obtuse reference. I meant, if people don't line up for the juice they will foster another war. But yes, of course, both sides want to kill us too.

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No worries human friend :)

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You are correct my friend. 💯

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Fabulous. So true. Thanks for giving me a big laugh first thing in the morning.

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Really on-the-mark comment. Great analogy. You're right.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I am obese, have mild COPD, 63 years old, smoked for >40 years, drink too much, have a terrible diet, don't exercise enough, UNVACCINATED and should be dead by all accounts based on this covid hysteria but I am alive and well and may or may not have had a bout with covid. I am from one of the coldest locations on the planet, but live in the tropics the past 20 or so years and cannot remember the last time I had the flu, never had a flu shot in my entire life and i ain;t never getting one and definately no mRNA wuhan flu bug juice poison injections either. I read and laugh at Harold Ford jr, a democratic moron bragging about getting his 8th covid shot soon and has had covid infection only 3 times. WTF is wrong with peope??

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

you will be like that meme, where one woman watches while the other keeps getting more shots and says, you will be dead by Christmas. Than the one has Christmas hat on and the other is no longer there.... stay away from doctors and hospitals and you will be fine Snowblind! These people have forgotten how to live !

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Avoid the TV and internet too and be like the Amish who have the lowest covid fatality rate despite unvaxxed and when asked why they are not dying from covid they replied "we don't have TV".

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haven't had TV in 15 years. what I saw at friend's houses convinced me it is a useless aparatus. But I do have this computer.... LOL

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If you live in the tropics you have a lot of sun, thus Vitamin D. A high Vitamin D level corresponds with a low incidence of Covid.

Smoking - nicotine - also corresponded with a lower incidence of Covid.

It is speculated that smoking and nicotine reduce the amount of the ACE2 receptors which are used by CoV19 to enter cells.

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I think you and many of us with comorbidities actually see things clearer. Because we see things in the context of what they are.

I am an amputee, have had Covid twice (never tested though) and I would take Covid any day of the week over diabetic cellulitis.

We also are well versed in Chronic conditions and their origins both in terms of how long we had them, and the slow drip of their emergence. I sometimes joke I have "Long Diabetes."

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Chris Christie survived covid.

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Did not know this about HFJr. He's actually one of the better Democrats, but my goodness, how many is enough for him? I have heard people say, though, they will "gladly line up" for the next iteration of the Covid juice. Just crazy.

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The hysteria is over, indeed, and this is why I can't bring myself to get overly excited about the noises being made about masking and such by the Canadian government or the CDC. They aren't going to get buy-in and they know it.

Of course, they won't admit they were wrong, either. Nor will they admit the damage that has been caused. That story is very much not over, and will be playing out in the background for many years to come.

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Some Canadians need to take the MILLIONS of shots ordered back in '21 for 22, 23 and into 24. A lot of the miracle juice is going to have to be disposed of. I can't imagine they can just dump it in a hole. It is crazy toxic after all!

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"Can't imagine they can just dump it in a hole."? 🤪🤣🤪🤣🤪🤣 Bets? They've been dumping toxic waste (ie, fluoride) in the water supply for decades now to fight tooth decay, maybe that's what they'll do with the suddenly surplus "vaccines".

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Hear hear! Even the most obedient of sheep that I know are saying “no, I think I’m done”.

I’m not getting too excited about Gollum Tam requesting we mask up (I know why IT masks up!)…fuck these trolls

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Woe the doctors and nurses, they are REQUIRED to take the shots. Dr. Makis has an excellent substack following the Canadian doctor carnage

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They will reflect on it like a high school football player remembers that time they almost won the state championship. Glory days. With that on their minds, they will get assistant coach jobs and wait for the old man to retire...THEN they will finally change things for the better.

Over, not by a long shot, brother.

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Not so much "in the background" Mr. Carter.. For example Betsy Eads, MD on Greg Hunter's "USA Watch Dog" spoke recently of two billion dead or injured from these injections (https://usawatchdog.com/cv19-vaxed-are-sick-superspreaders-dr-betsy-eads/); nor is she singular with these estimates. ("5 reasons to believe the global population is already one billion people less than it was in January 2020" - https://www.theburningplatform.com/2023/04/30/5-reasons-to-believe-the-global-population-is-already-one-billion-people-less-than-it-was-in-january-2020/)

Surely to God, as the bodies begin to pile up like cordwood, the bluest of Blue-Pilled Pinheads will wake up, and understand what has happened, what kind of abominable, Satanic fraud has been foisted on them...

And then they'll look for the monsters who did this to them. 🤔💣

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I'm extremely skeptical of the claim that a billion people have been killed by the shots. I haven't seen anything like 1 in 8 of the people I personally know dying over the last two years.

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A reasonable better estimate seems to be around 17 million dead worldwide over the whole stabbing campaign.... so far anyway.

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Don’t forget the anticipated deaths from the shot take 2-5 years to occur, but ALL the test animals died. Three more years for this to play out. We are just getting started. Most discussions keep on studiously ignoring this, and as such only amount to frivolous “whistling past the graveyard.” Taking these shots was a completely ridiculous proposition from the very beginning for anyone old enough to know what the word “poison” means.

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“5 reasons to believe ...” cites the situation in the 3rd world and mentions sloppy record-keeping. Some time ago Dr. Brian Hodgkinson cited 20 million dead worldwide (https://vigilantfox.substack.com/p/20-million-dead-from-the-jab-22-billion). Ed Dowd spoke of a 40% increase in all-cause mortality in America in the group aged 18-64 (https://rumble.com/v1znzrq-40-increase-in-excess-mortality-senator-johnsons-covid-19-vaccine-roundtabl.html); Steve Kirsch spoke of a “sigma-12" variation (https://kirschsubstack.com/p/unprecedented-deaths-in-indiana-for) which is utterly unheard of; a statistical impossibility. More recently “Epoch Times” in the UK released an article “Apocalyptic Catastrophe Awaits... ” (https://expose-news.com/2023/09/17/leaked-pfizer-data-death-rates-solidify-deagels-2025-prediction/) citing Deagle.com’s improbable prediction of massive population decline from a few years ago. Thus at this point, it’s anybody’s guess.

I myself am aware of no deaths, have seen little untoward — yet. OTOH my friend Alan’s partner Thomas died in Spring 2022 of massive liver failure.. Summer of 2021 they were coming to visit me in British Columbia from Toronto when Thomas suddenly developed cirrhosis of the liver, out of the blue... Alan wouldn’t tell me if Thomas had taken The Lethal Injection, but there was a travel ban in Canada at the time, they couldn’t have travelled without it.. So attributing Thomas’ death to The Lethal Injection is a safe bet.

I've noticed chilling personality changes in at least three people who have taken the injection. My step-daughter now has eczema so severe she can’t shower, or use her hands without gloves, it’s even on her eyelids, and she can’t work; a friend of mine has been diagnosed two years after Lethal Injection with myocarditis. A co-worker has had three stents put in his heart, is on blood thinners following diagnosis of a 70% blockage in his aorta. Another co-worker this summer found his wife unresponsive on the floor with a nosebleed; severe stroke apparently (never heard before of strokes causing nosebleeds 🤔) ... People are telling me stories of friends or relatives who suddenly dropped dead... And all this anecdotal stuff seems to be accelerating...

You can make of all this, whatever you like. We’ll have to await developments, but the damage has already been done. For example “COVID-19 Tracker Canada” (https://covid19tracker.ca/provincevac.html?p=BC) reports an uptake of The Lethal Injection in British Columbia of 98.659%. OTOH “How Bad is My Batch” (https://www.howbad.info/) reports such a variability in “vaccine” batches it’s impossible to predict what the eventual results will be.


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If you are aware of a death that's personal, and i am not either, how many of them are there? They must have batches. I live in NoVA, have friends in medical in the know, and there's nothing about vaccine injuries in the wider community either! Of course they happen, but how much of this is a psyop?

otoh, my brother lives in Fairbanks and counts 70 dead in his associations from the juice.

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Where's "NoVA"? I have an individual I correspond with who lives in Manitoba https://northerntruthseekersblog.wordpress.com/ who is commenting on a decline in the people on the street where he lives, of a wierd smell emenating from The Lethally Injected, a mixture of rotting flesh and ammonia -- which would be pretty hard to miss!.. Been keeping my nose out for it, noticed nothing.. nor have I noticed a decline in people on the street, here in Victoria BC.. OTOH I've been deliberately living like a hermit since 2021 to avoid a confrontation with any of the morons.. no desire for assault charges.. 🙄

Of course there's stories of variations in the batches, the Red States getting the worst of it, and if British Columbia were a state in the Union it would be Navy Blue... my stepsons have experienced nothing untoward, stepson David and wife Darya have a 1-year-old daughter, they both took The Lethal Injection and everyone seems okay -- so far...

All anecdotal, statistics very hard to come by; Canada stopped publishing any by Summer of 2022, guess it was starting to get a little incriminating.. 🤔 But despite all that's happened to me, exclusion, loss of friends, social isolation, persecution, job loss? I regret not taking The Lethal Injection... Not at all..

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NoVA is northern virginia, along the potomac, and where most federal government families live. I am in the same boat as you. A family member contacted me a few days ago, after about 45 min she said, "well we stopped caring about covid two years ago."

I think the operation is moving on from covid. They will give it a shot at mass population control, but once they see its a failure they will bring on the next act.

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Some will, many won't. The sweet, sweet flowing waters of Denial.

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I guess, we'll find out. If you're so inclined, have a look at these videos released by Br. Alexis Bugnolo in June and November 2021 respectively:

💣"A Stark Warning for Politicians, Journalists and Doctors" - https://www.bitchute.com/video/ieDAFLLvXhbw/

💣 "We are at the Great Separation" - https://www.bitchute.com/video/2Udu97lMClL4/

But I suppose, especially considering the ugliness and monumental stupidity I've experienced in the last 3+ years, you're very likely right... 🙄😥

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I have to wonder how the exit ramp looks for the entire medical profession, 99% of whom were unthinkingly, or job preservingly, on board with the whole thing.

I just cannot trust people taken in by something so transparent any more. I work in a parallel field, I teach doctors how to understand clinical studies (rather used to, as that work has dried up in the last year or two as i tend to answer questions honestly).

I also have a chronic health condition and could do with just doing some labs and talking over progres(sion) thereof with a specialist, but I just don't want to talk to anyone who was any part of this. How can I trust their opinion or advice on anything else?

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I too have a chronic health condition, and my years of experience with that are what made me believe that modern medicine is wonderful if you have a broken arm, but if you have a chronic disease*, best to avoid them completely.

* This probably doesn't apply to *every* chronic disease. I was lucky (!) enough to acquire a very rare orphan disease, so my experience made me extra cynical.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I work in pharma. Unfortunately the money is in the amelioration of chronic conditions rather than cure of either chronic or acute conditions. This rather nudges investment and development. The worst end of conspiracy theory on this is wrong but there is a tendency to reduce thresholds and overtreat, which seems itself to often promote progression. A good pharmaceutical example is type 2 diabetes, which we now believe to be completely reversible by diet in early stage, and which has been subject traditionally to tinkering with carbohydrate type rather than massive reduction in intake thereof, and early drug treatment in pursuit of completely normal blood sugar levels rather than merely nonpathological levels, and ultimately moving patients on to insulin, which due to thankfully obsolete patent rules in the US was a huge and manipulable money spinner.

Now US rules have changed expect to see diabetes guidelines step back from the brink they are currently on.

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023

Well, you're right there in my wheelhouse of science-nerd focus, with your comments about diabetes and diet.

The American Diabetes Association has been tiptoeing back and actually admits now that diet can actually have some effect. But most Americans are conditioned to expect a pill, not something that takes a little effort on their part. And don't even get me started on the group that updates the official dietary guidelines every five years.

I was reading an article in a pharma trade journal once, and a pharma executive actually commented that they could cure MS, but would lose a valuable income stream thereby.

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Links to carbohydrate types, please?

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

There is an issue here between the (almost) total deficiency in insulin in type 1, and residual, even reversible, pancreatic function in type 2.

As an insulin dependent type 1 diabetic, it is an exceptionally bad idea to try a low carbohydrate diet.

In the early stages of type 2, you can control and possibly reverse the disease with massive, ketogenic reduction of carbohydrate intake. This is gaining increasing, long overdue, mainstream acceptance.

The mechanisms and consequences are different but clinicians have long considered "diabetes" without its underlying cause.

This is not medical advice, consult with your physician, etc etc.

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Can I join this chat here to say that my youngest has seizures (focal type) and they are being greatly helped by a keto diet. It is intense and I am cooking up a storm, but after one of my kids turned out to be celiac and now we do keto, I went into the deepest rabbit holes and now everyone leans keto and has no gluten. It has been amazing. But true keto, like 20g or less of carb a day is not for the faint hearted.

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He's telling you that the type is irrelevant. For too long we have been lied to about "whole grains" etc. ALL carbs should be avoided if you have type 2 diabetes

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Just wondering. And I don't mean indigestible sorts like the oligosaccharides in beans, or inulin. I'd rather not rely on gluconeogenesis. (Making glucose from proteins.)

Listening To A Real Rancher: 85 Year Old Rancher Maggie White Has Not Eaten Carbs in 65 Years: She Explains The Realities Of Life On A Multi-Generational Ranch In Canada, Among Indigenous Tribes


Maggie White, a lifelong carnivore, (65 years) is 85, and looks 45.

Rancher and Carnivore for 65+ Years! (You Will Not Believe Her Age!) 1:39:24


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I've heard that gluconeogenesis mainly starts from glycerol, not amino acids. The glycerol comes from stored fat (triglycerides). I'm not an expert. I think I got that from a YouTube channel called Pottenger's Human. He seems to know what he is talking about.

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Gluconeogenesis, as you probably know, is an evolutionarily adaptation so that even in the absence of exogenous carbs, the body can make the small amount of glucose that it needs. If not enough exogenous protein is available, the body will catabolize muscle and other protein sources. So, given enough dietary protein, I'm curious about your objection to "relying on gluconeogenesis".

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How can you talk about type-2 Diabetes and not talk about the exercise/insulin/blood-sugar relationship? Because though you’re trying to help, is it possible Pharma has convinced even you that it’s about food+drug inputs only, or even mostly?

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I'm not trying to write a comprehensive review of methods of controlling type 2 diabetes, but give you an example of how the hand that feeds me has attempted to monopolise its care at the expense of the other issues you quite correctly mention

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I was astonished to discover that a "chronic condition " applied also to longstanding but not-at-all serious illnesses...

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what did the exit ramp look like for the doctors prescribing insane dosages of aspirin for "spanish flu"?

was there ever a proper backlash?

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I was at my community pool yesterday where I heard all the older people “over 65”... say NO WAY they are getting anymore shots. No idea if any of their political ideas .. just ALL agreed no shots 😀

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Scientists are easier to buy than politicians. Anyone who thought there was even a tiny chance version 3.0 of the stroke-poke wouldn't be approved is fundamentally lost, and will have to learn the heart attack way not to trust the mega-corporations that own and control the FDA, CDC, NIH, Congress, Senate & White House, plus the European, African, Asian, South American, & Australian regulators.

Let's turn on the COVID juice and see which hearts shake loose.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Only a fool would take this shot

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

If I didn't know any better I'd think these people still owned black and white TV's.

Breaking up is hard to do....

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I am trying to understand why it seems that Germany (and the UK) are more reticent to promote more COVID jabs this time around? The US strategy seems the same - the lone authoritative detractor being Dr Ladapo in Florida. What has changed in Europe that hasn’t changed in the US?

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My best explanation, is that the extremism you see in US and Canada reflects in some way the politicisation of the public health institutions, which have abandoned their population-wide mandate and now seek to maintain credibility primarily with the Faucian faction. In much of Europe, where a more 'consensus'-style politics operates (for better or worse) the split has not been as severe, and the regulators still have some hope of maintaining a broader credibility, which has been an incentive to moderate their advice.

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Smith-Mundt Modernization Act 2012, combined with Moderna’s relationship/contracts with the NIAID and NIH, unique to the USA, may explain some of the difference too.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I think it's probably political. The politicians see which way the popular wind is blowing. Here in the US, at least the part of it I can observe directly, Covidianism is still rampant.

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Those in power in the US at the moment are Covidians. They will never admit to being mistaken. But it’s feeling more and more to me like the ruling class is whistling past the graveyard. Others believe the insiders are in a bubble and they don’t understand that they have been discredited. It’s most likely that inertia favors continuity and the bureaucracy is largely on auto pilot. And even if what they’re advocating is harmful there’s no accountability. So it goes on...

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Good question 🙋🏼‍♀️ ⁉️😳what is the answer ⁉️😬

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The word "authoritative" is laughable now. Says who? The WHO? While the US strategy might appear to be the same..I think we are seeing more pushback all around. I certainly have fear that the restrictions will return, and I can see there is a certain element of those who would welcome the salad days of mask mandates.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

“ We also don’t want to vaccinate anyone who might feel pressured to get the jab.”

There are no words.

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that interview is really an under-appreciated gem.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

How did the pharma companies manage to find exactly the right hysterical people in exactly the right place to get them to waste so much taxpayer money on this crap?

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Pharma companies did nothing.

Hysterical people in the right positions are always available to be used by whoever pays enough.

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AND they are not hysterical about the jabs, only about the amount of money

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Yes, of course.

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They researched and targeted the population for years, that’s how

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Yeah, they have a mania for manipulation and control. That's all they think about, and they are very good at it. They have made a science out of it.

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023

It is becoming crystal clear that future historians will look at 21st century humans' craving for vaccination against everything that moves under the Sun with the same consideration we deserve the Pharaohs commanding the Nile to provide for a good harvest season, and many other superstitious beliefs from the past.

And we will get our revenge when historians from their own future will have much amusement out of their stupid and unfounded beliefs.

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It is one of the undying fallacies of history, I believe, to assume people who went before us were less intelligent and less capable. Our age is simultaneously hubristic about how advanced we are, and painfully and obviously stupid much of the time.

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Exactly my point. Thanks.

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And we rail against African Witch Doctors.

A question, is it them or Bigpharma practisingVoodoo medicine....

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That's for each one of us to decide.

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they might have been less superstitious than most people now, at least the Nile did provide fertility - there are documentaries online where farmers complain about the dams, that stop the flow of slib

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You are right. Egyptians did not obey the First Law of History: When you remove a tyrant, make sure you don't get a worse one.

Now that I think about it, it looks like everywhere, every time, we disobey this Law.

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it may be that, when they are elected, they don't seem as bad. But once they sit on the throne, they all become bad. Of course, in Egypt many were father-son etc. There seem to have been very few good rulers in history. I can think of a couple - was it Xerxes who set the Jews free to return to their homeland? And Maria-Theresia from Austria... that is about it!

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

‘He turned 60 in February, so technically he counts as old and vulnerable enough’

Whaddaya mean, vulnerable? Look at the photo! He's the picture of health!

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I usually try to avoid ad hominem comments, but he sure looks like a wet noodle.

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I think it's very important that all of our leaders and opinion-makers increasingly look deathly ill, bizarre, or like they just stepped out of a coffin.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

As perfect examples of what their own policies have done to them. Which we will not allow to be done to us.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I think it's a process similar to natural selection. In the case of public health, the people who are actually healthy look around at what their colleagues are promoting and quit in disgust. That leaves only the weak and sickly to carry on the important work.

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just reading a book of Canadian former doc Guylaine Lanctot, she gave up her licence in disgust and also seems to have given up her citizenship. I am not sure what nationality she is, there must be problems for travelling !

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This is what my friend and I keep discussing - we implore those people putting the warning labels on pizza boxes to first remove the pizza before eating it- please people, take the warnings off, we need those folks eating the boxes to come back again. So our society as a whole can improve :)

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

like how a lot of psychologists are batsh*t crazy themselves

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Yes. I’ve worked with quite a few, and nearly all of them are on psyche meds.

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there are quite a few like that already. the american congress looks almost like an elderly home, an asylum, plus a psychiatrical ward, some beling in all 3

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023

There aren't many professions that you can continue in while being a doddering incompetent. Congress is exceptionally lucrative in that regard.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

So far, we are winning in that front.

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I would have thought the 90-lb weakling from the back-of-the-comic-book Charles Atlas ads would have been older than 60 by now, but there’s no doubt that he’s that guy.

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All comments addressing the photo are entitled to an immediate like.

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Well, that's a different approach to "informed consent"?! "Go with your gut!" Hmmm.... OK, my gut says "absof*ck!#glutely not"! Thanks!

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If I understand this article correctly, we Americans are way ahead of Germany on the clot shots. My mother (who at 90 is admittedly in the vulnerable category) has had six shots, and is eager to get the soon-to-be-available seventh. She expects to be taking the shots every six months for the rest of her life. She, like Lauterbach, denounces the exorbitant profits of Big Pharma, but still trusts them entirely. This also seems to be the Bernie Sanders stance: Big Pharma is great except that they charge too much money for their great products.

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Yes! This is one of the cognitive dissonances that I just can't understand. "They do good work, but their business model is unethical."

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