Jun 28, 2023·edited Jun 28, 2023Author

Every time I publish a post like this, a lot of very hostile people swarm the comments to tell me that virus aren't real and so forth. In an experiment to see whether this can be mitigated, I'll be restricting comments to subscribers for a few hours. This is not the New Way of Things, just an experiment. I'll see how it works and proceed accordingly.

If you want to yell at me and tell me what a disingenuous person I am, please consider waiting a little bit and reading what I've written, or signing up for a trial subscription.

EDIT: Comments now open to all.

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Jun 28, 2023·edited Jun 28, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I'm open to considering alternative theories, but sometimes I do wonder if the no-viruses camp is part of a strategy to discredit ALL opposition to lockdowns, enforced masking, and mandatory injections.

Last year or maybe the year before, our family gathered for Easter dinner. At one point -- as it was bound to -- the conversation turned to the controversy over the Covid shots. The discussion began rationally, but then somebody pointed to the nutcase at a state legislative hearing who was trying to show that the shots contain enough metal to make a magnet stick to you. I remember the video showing her repeatedly putting the magnet on her chest and falling to the floor.

The reaction around the dinner table was: "HARDY HAR-HAR!! This is the sort of thing that vaccine opponents believe, how can you take them seriously?"

And that was the end of that discussion.

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Beyond the magnet nonsense, graphene and 5G were similar psyops aggressively pushed into conversations critical of covid shots during 2021. Designed to discredit legitimate criticism of covid shots, while at the same time discrediting safety concerns about 5G.

There should be debates over Koch's postulates and Terrain Theory. But aggressively declaring it's all fake comes across like a government contractor doing his job.

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Yes, I had a similar experience talking about COVID/vaccination with my family. The first time we discussed my non-vacvinated stance I gave a short, cogent (I think) explanation for my position- proven low infection fatality rates for healthy, young people, and the unknowns around vaccine efficacy, side effects, and mass vaccination outcomes driving my wait-and-see attitude. After hearing that, the immediate response was "So you believe that a secret cabal is using the vaccine to try and depopulate the world?" They didn't seem to process my (rational?) reasoning and went straight to trying to put me in their "crazy conspiracy person" box. I've struggled to understand their inability to hear thoughtful, fact based arguments. Was it their fear and need to reject any point of contrasting theirs? Or conditioning by the MSN and powers-that-be that questioning the vaccination 'science' was crazy and antisocial? The creation of binary, only black or white, belief systems was one of the most shocking revelations of this pandemic for me (and it continues with discussions over the Ukraine war, upcoming US presidential candidates etc.). How can so many not see that most issues are complex, grey as opposed to black and white, and require thoughtful, ongoing discussion across the spectrum of ideas, possibilities, and beliefs? Our inability to talk will he our downfall.

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Kiwi when asked why I wouldn’t get vaxxed I always replied with no long term data. I also made a point of saying how I wouldn’t be expected to a flu jab after I’d had flu, if they pursued why I should take it.

I have however been called an antivaxxer and covid denier for insisting it should have been an open choice without mandates or passport rubbish forced upon the public.

There’s a great deal of denial by many that they’ve been scammed into doing something they know should never of happened. Some take the shame of believing we were granny killers and turn it on it’s head and attack us.

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@Kara- the hydrochloric acid in your stomach would burn off any addititves before they could reach your body. It's why certain things can't be ingested.

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I would suggest they simply don't have the capacity to argue your points, and simply exit for something they think they can

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I wish I could frame this and hang it in everyone’s wall

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Reflecting how desperately we need the debate on terrain theory, if you search it on google the top result is now "germ theory denialism"

Duckduckgo is not much better. They put a more legitimate first result, but added a new box to the right also on "germ theory denialism"

The Science is beyond parody. Anytime they get hysterical like this, it's a sure sign the topic needs more research.

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DDG is based entirely on the Bing API. Try https://search.brave.com/search?q=terrain+theory&source=desktop -- obligatory wikipedia summary aside, we give more diverse results (I'm CEO and co-founder of Brave).

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Brendan, thank you for the great work that you and your team do. 👍 👍

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Yep. One guy working 9-5 could control thousands of social media bot accounts. Not even a problem.

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Or get a guy like Stew Peters to push it to his audience. Stew gathered a decent sized following by covering covid truths but then mixed in some of the wackiest theories. Never go full Stew.

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Do you suggest to stay half-Stewed?

I wonder if his crazy audience is larger OR by throwing crazy material he gains more additional (crazy) audience than loses normal one? 🤔

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By magnet nonsense are you referring to this type of thing?

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not accessible

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They don't trust declare it's fake aggressively they analyze the science and come to the proper conclusion.

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The viruses-aren't-real crowd are in an entirely different category than the nutcase here though. Viruses are invisible and the chain of evidence establishing their existence is complex. The skepticism is entirely the fault of garbage education.

Consider freshman chemistry: absent the epistemology it's just 100% voodoo. This way of presenting things just doesn't cut it anymore.

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No the chain of evidence is non-existent and or wrong.

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Is that why chemistry class for me was so hard? I was stuck wondering at “everything is mostly empty space” and “everything is made out of the same stuff” and they just wanted you to calculate moles. Lol

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Yes, I had someone ask me if I believed the earth is flat too.

I figure there are always wacky conspiracy theories spread intentionally to discredit the reasonable theories that contradict the official narrative. On 9/11, it was holographic planes and space lasers, to discredit anyone who questioned any part of the official story. On the pandemic, it was "the virus doesn't exist" and magnetic nano-whatevers in the shots. There's always something.

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How does the authorized narrative become the authorized narrative? My answer: When all the powerful institutions in the world belong to the same "club."

What would Mr. Spock say about our New Normal world? The writer’s tool of “logic” has led me to some very disturbing conclusions.


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Jun 29, 2023·edited Jun 29, 2023

The earth IS flat...and stationary.

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And what did happen on 9/11 and what did happen during the so-called pandemic I'm all ears

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Yeah, I think it’s some sort of psyop to make the whole argument look foolish, whatever it is. Like if you’re wondering about the ubiquitous effects of wifi on your body you must be a flat earther.

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I believe that much of the vaccine discourse is being used to discredit and obscure the larger debate about the complete failure of public health authorities during Covid. It is a lot easier for public health to argue about vaccine numbers than the broader implications of an entire strategy that has resulted in elevated access deaths and societal disruptions. Vaccines have become a distraction.

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Jun 30, 2023·edited Jun 30, 2023

Spot on.

Some of those on our side have developed a monomania about vaccine harms and treat the depopulation/genocide theories as gospel. It's served to undermine the larger conversation about containment as a viral strategy, the role of public health, and the social contract in general.

I despair sometimes. I belong to a campaign group here in the UK that has lobbied against lockdowns, but also against vax mandates and vax passes. Basically we want to restore the democratic process, including open debate on every area of health policy. Well, recently most of our opposition is coming not from covidians but from plandemicists. We have been called shills, told that we play into the establishment narrative, smeared as weak, and accused of being avoidant of the "real issues"...

How convenient this is for those who want to keep the public health machinery going! Instead of a united front we are a fragmented bunch and the loudest voices are often the most deranged.

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We have to go back to HIV, which doesn't exist. This was admitted privately by George W Bush in 2000 by President Thabo Mbeki of South Africa and demonstrated in a 300-page monograph by the Perth Group published in 2017 based on their 1993 paper. That paper had begun to have traction in the 90's and then in 1996 at the Brazilian alternative AIDS conference we suddenly have on the scene Stefan Lanka (who I think is a spook) who presents the Australian work - but then extends it to say "well no viruses exist" - which is not what the Perth Group ever said (they deconstructed HIV by comparing its non-isolation to the real isolation of the Rous Sarcoma Virus). Then when Covid hit, we suddenly ended up with this Kaufman/Cowan stuff that hooked up with Lanka and it was initially amplified on YouTube. What really happened is you get these controlled oppo folks substituting for real scientists. In 2004, there was a Canadian virologist Frank Plummer who said SARS had not been isolated and proven to cause SARS - he died right before "covid." Its a pied piper strategy: "this virus doesn't exist because no viruses exist" - which cause people to sound a bit kooky. But 'covid' doesn't exist. Period. It's just a reclassification of nonspecific respiratory symptoms which might be caused by other viruses such as influenza or the 100+ cold viruses in circulation at any point. There was no excess mortality in 2020 and the best work on this is by Denis Rancourt - so no "pandemic." But viral diseases do exist - and I think the Monkeypox thing was a bit of a snub to "team no virus."

But backing up Sars-cov-2 is very sophisticated deception that would have been worked out by intelligence agencies years in advance in order to trick and pray upon the psychology of professionals. SARS/2003 was just like WTC/93 - it set up the idea as predictive programming. Also, PCR testing was plan B. Plan A was to set up Theranos to do "black box" testing. We see something very similar with HIV: the "isolation" deception was worked out by Don Francis and Max Essex in the late 70's and then Gallo/Montagnier put their name on it with a "gallo stole montagnier's virus" psyop to reinforce the lie there was a virus when all there was was a test.

NOW: it is possible that SARS-cov-2 exists in the sense that once they published a sequence labs all across the globe started making molecular clones of it and putting it into cell culture, and maybe some of those particles got out. HIV works the same way: they have a culture model, but they never took it from an AIDS patient.

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Jun 30, 2023·edited Jun 30, 2023

I'm a big fan of Denis Rancourt's work but feel it's a misrepresentation to keep referencing it as proof that SARS-CoV-2 doesn't exist. What Rancourt is saying is that the stats don't support the narrative of a virus spreading which was highly dangerous and capable of causing excess deaths.

The virus could well be there, it's just that without the iatrogenic measures adopted across many jurisdictions we wouldn't have had excess deaths.

To me it was evident that a slightly-unusual-but-not-out-of-normal-range cold/flu was spreading prior to March 2020. But I am sceptical that anyone was truly vulnerable to it that wouldn't also be vulnerable to other viral pathogens or pneumonia (as Rancourt points out, most covid-attributed deaths were driven by untreated bacterial pneumonia, whether solely or as a co-factor).

So I do think we agree that it is unclear that a pathogen is out there causing acute respiratory distress independently of any other factors. The virulence of SARS-CoV-2 was not beyond H1N1, that's for sure. Countless psyops have been employed to create the narrative of a deadly pandemic where there was none. But this doesn't lead me to conclude that there is no virus, or no distinct illness that we could call "covid".

Your point about the clones is interesting. What is clear enough is that there came a point where tests were non-specific, as were many of the symptom pools. However, we then had omicron, which brought distinct and repeated waves of sickness (although no instances of respiratory failure). What's your theory here? Was it another cloned sequence or was it spread by vaccine shedding or what?

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Please provide the evidence that viral diseases exist meaning that viruses exist and they cause disease. You realize they existence of something somewhere does not mean that it is causative right I'm sure you do

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The no virus camp is not a strategy it is a conclusion after examining the science. So you either have not investigated it or do not understand it one or the other

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So where's the proof that an alternative explanation is more valid?

There's a lot of "viruses don't exist", which proves nothing, and you can't prove that something /doesn't/ exist, you can only ever prove that something does.

Where's the tangible testable proof for a better explanation?

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Sickness is cleansing. Not caused by microorgs. There's many angles to show the proof of that and there's many ways to test it.. you can investigate it if you like. You can start by reading some natural hygiene texts including Herbert Shelton or other sources online about natural hygiene

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I get really tired of those viruses-don't-exist comments. I usually just skip over them.

No doubt there are people who are tired of my typical comments also :)

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i am not tired of your comments. the problem the virus-deniers, is they don’t have any specific observations or contributions. afaict they just spend hours every day making drive-by comments on hundreds of blogs.

when i finally had enough and started banning the worst offenders, some guy got super mad and started a whole substack to denounce anti-free speech virus psyop promoting eugyppius lol.

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Maybe have an open thread with virus deniers? Make your case why they are wrong, let the comments ensue. I'd love digging through their claims in the comment section.

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A Midwestern Doctor wrote a whole post devoted to this. https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/thoughts-on-the-existence-of-viruses

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Just go to Drsambailey there's many videos that explain it very clearly

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> afaict they just spend hours every day making drive-by comments on hundreds of blogs.

Welcome to the era of cheap AI.

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They have very specific comments observations it's just that you may not be interested in them because you reject that out of hand

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by eugyppius

So, is the takeaway basically that we should have protected ourselves from Covid by letting people mingle and get the flu instead, but we basically ended up doing the opposite by suppressing the flu through behaviors that meant we all got Covid, instead? And that's why we saw the drop in flu infections? Because everyone got Covid instead and that "protected" us from the flu?

Weird, but it does make some kind of sense...

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plenty of evidence is available for transmission and infection by viruses. just because every individual person doesn't present you with this evidence, doesn't mean it's not there. I've had long experience with the viruses-don't-real bitchute club. as soon as you're presented with evidence, you just express scepticism, seek to disqualify it in shallow ways, and refuse to address anything otherwise.

you've now made multiple comments across this thread making the same inane point, so that's a week ban.

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>plenty of evidence is available for transmission and infection by viruses.

what I've seen before that you have put out there is not valid evidence because 1. you need to show an experiment to prove it . You cannot just claim that X is correlated with y therefore X causes y.

2. If there other reasons to explain what you call evidence then your evidence does not carry the weight that you think it does.

> just because every individual person doesn't present you with this evidence

At this point anybody who is claiming to have evidence of transmission should have a text or a file already there set up and they should not have to do any work should just be able to show a link or a study or whatever. And it should be open for debate.

>seek to disqualify it in shallow ways,

It's not disqualified in shallow ways that's just your categorization of it ..a rather insulting one.

>and refuse to address anything otherwise. you've now made multiple comments across this thread making the same inane point, so that's a week ban.

So making multiple comments is subject to banning ?making what you claim is an inane comment is subject to banning? I am countering what people are saying by making short statements giving them a pointer where they can do their own research. When people ask for more I give them a link there's nothing inane about it except for your insulting comments about it. it does not mean that I should be banned. Many people have "liked" my comments. Why don't you ban them too? by banning me you're denying conversation that can be helpful to all ..you're restricting it to what you believe ..that's not a conversation that's one-sided censorship. Are you not against the censorship that occurred during covid.?. there's no difference between what you're doing and what they did.

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I don't want to get banned and I NOT a virus denier but I thought this was interesting


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That kind of talk is not allowed here

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I'm sorry, but are you fucking retarded? How did you even manage to type this in without dying of hypoxia by not continuously thinking to yourself "breathe in, breathe out. breathe in, breathe out."?

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What happened? You have nothing? Just bluster?

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What I have is more important things to do than suffer fools. Go bother someone else.

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You have nothing. Rofl.

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Saying sorry and then also saying what follows that is truly hilarious thank you for that.

Maybe you should be more specific.. I will assume until Shown otherwise that neither you nor anybody else can scientifically prove transmission .

.believe me they have tried many times. And failed

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Hang in there! 👍🏼

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Might explain why I had great difficulty even "liking" this post.

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Thank you. I am glad for someone who curated their page.

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"In an experiment to see whether this can be mitigated, I'll be restricting comments to subscribers for a few hours. This is not the New Way of Things, just an experiment. I'll see how it works and proceed accordingly."

The Covid era has made me militantly anti-censorship. While I agree that those posts are tiresome, one can just skip over them, at the cost of time, especially yours, which is valuable. Your experiment might be a worthwhile compromise; I have to admit I'm of two minds about it. Elsewhere you said "the problem the virus-deniers, is they don’t have any specific observations or contributions. afaict they just spend hours every day making drive-by comments on hundreds of blogs." Your delaying tactic would make things more pleasant for your regular readers, which, selfishly, I appreciate.

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Proper debate moderation cannot be compared with censorship.

People arguing in bad faith and derailing the discussion for everyone else don't have some sort of inherent entitlement to be heard.

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I agree. The crux lies in the word "proper", which can mean different things to different people. Witness the recent articles about high school debates over at The Free Press.

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As an American, UK Column News is a true gem! I don't of anyone on my turf, as a whole organization, which is doing tremendously great work in exposing the massive levels of corruption in the world. I watched the video with Dr. Wolf yesterday and for myself it simply confirmed the majority of my own suspicions going back several years now or the beginning of the "pandemic". I truly appreciate the vastly critical work you folks are doing. It is God's work, make no mistake!

Thanks so much for tremendous and brave work you men/women are doing and I know will continue doing.

May the Lord God Almighty bless all of you and your families.

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OK, so, forgive me if I'm not getting something on this, but... could we look at influenza rates in Sweden as a sort of "control" for this thesis? Since they didn't do the lockdown boogie, it seems like they should have had higher rates of influenza and lower rates of Covid, right?

Or have I missed something? (I'm interesting in this stuff, but I'm a computer jock, not a bio guy. :D )

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I hear you. I suffer the same fate.

Are you aware that the number of sequenced samples positive for SARS-CoV-2 is the same between the USA and Australia for 2020?

I just realized that. And once again I have to reevaluate everything I thought I knew.

EDIT: Write me(at)pervaers.com if you want data.

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Because "Mass vaccination initiatives" are for a very different reason: graphene nodes in EVERY arm in EVERYbody:

It was always about instilling, inhaling and injecting people with this nano poison:



US firm combines nanotechnology, blockchain for COVID-19 immunity passports

April 15, 2020

by Ledger Insights

U.S.-based quantum dot producer Quantum Materials Corp (QMC) announced its blockchain-based QDX HealthID for transparency in disease testing and immunization for infectious diseases. The goal is to ensure the authenticity of health data and support individuals to re-join the workforce quickly.

Quantum dots are nanoparticles made up of semiconductor materials that emit different colors when illuminated by light. This color depends on their size and the way they were manufactured. QMC has developed a track and trace solution using quantum dots and blockchain to verify the origin of products and counterfeiting.

The authentication solution is combined with QDX HealthID for monitoring and tracking the outbreaks of diseases, such as the COVID-19. The solution authenticates individuals being tested, the persons administering the test, and the test kits.

In simpler terms, QDX HealthID ensures that testing data is secure and not tampered with. Currently, health reports and medical certificates are being issued on paper, which makes them easy to forge.

“Not only does this service facilitate improved health outcomes for patients, but it also underpins back-to-work certifications, sometimes referred to as immunization passports,” said Stephen B. Squires, President & CEO of QMC.

With the health data backed by blockchain, governments and health agencies can formulate new plans and safety measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 and other diseases.


Nano: Tiny, Yet So Powerful

Nano (NANO) formerly known as RaiBlockd is a decentralized and open-source cryptocurrency based on the direct acyclic graph (DAG) architecture. Using a block-lattice data structure, it operates without third parties.


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Jun 28, 2023·edited Jun 28, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Your analysis makes perfect scientific sense, but I know from sad personal experience that some (maybe many) physically healthy elderly folks in U.S. care homes were dispatched to hospitals after a cough or 99-degree fever, where they were isolated from their families and were -- intentionally or not -- starved and dehydrated to death, sometimes under restraints.

Other elderly I knew were ventilated to death; one physician acquaintance was strapped to a bed after testing positive, was denied visits from his wife, his pleas for ivermectin were ignored by his medical colleagues (because he was a selfish un-vaxxer), he was put on a vent and left in a room for 10 days before he finally died.

Call it iatrogenic death or call it murder, I personally believe a majority of U.S. elderly deaths (and maybe a majority of ALL U.S. deaths) occurred under similar circumstances.

My belief is that doctors and nurses were systematically terrorized by government lies, and rather than risk their own deaths, they chose to ignore science and facts and to let other people die. 💔

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i don’t mean to suggest at all that viral interference is the only mechanism. it’s been multiple years of horrendous elder abuse.

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Really sad stories. Back in March of 2020 I think I had COVID (which I thought was just weird asthma) and I was very worried that I would end up in hospital and basically murdered if I tested positive.

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same, except in Feb. Glad I didn't go near them.

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No worries; you had to go to a hospital and lie about recently visiting China, or at least Chinese people, to even get a PCR (however many cycles they used then) test. Same here. Frightening asthma; the bronchial spasms could have choked me to death.

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As I read only articles saying how people die in hospitals or on ventilators I concluded that I must avoid hospital by any means. I told my wife never call the ambulance because there was not a single article about how a covid infected person miserably died at home. If it would have happened it would have been everywhere in the propaganda.

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the 3 people I know who died from covid were in hospital for something else. I suspect 2 deaths to be from the jabs, one very old man and one at 74 with stroke. I know a few who were very sick, one hospitalized, several had to miss work, and I know lots who declared it a mild flu. And I know even more who never had it. I did not have it either.

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Yes! Dying from Covid vs with Covid! Incentivizing monetarily to use the Remdesivir death protocol to jack-up the death numbers, probably falsifying the data all the way around. Certainly, a large number of flu deaths were labeled as Covid deaths. I’m leaning toward the “conspiracy theorists” being correct all along.

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Yes. This was their last chance

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Jun 28, 2023·edited Jun 28, 2023

Agreed. And for those who escaped THAT horrendous fate, the jabs took over.

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Understanding this requires 3rd order thinking in a world of 1st order thinkers.

So they employ 3rd world witchcraft to satiate the 1st world need to feel safe from verwy, verwy scarwy viruses.

What's ironic is 3rd world countries could not care less about practicing this voodoo.

They're worried about where their next meal comes from as the first world plays a Fairytale in Futility.

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Funny though, 3rd world countries have access to cheap Ivermectin.

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Ryan I think you hit the nail there. People in rich countries have way too much time to think (and worry). If you need to find a way to your next meal, there is no time for nonsense. And the governments of these countries don't seem to worry as much either. And certainly don't interfere as much as our crazy daisies!

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Need is the mother of invention, as we say here.

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Yup. You hit the nail on head too Ingrid!

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Ryan, you are being too generous. They are not even 1st order thinkers, rather non-thinkers, just believers.

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Very good point. Thank you for the keen observation.

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Really, really, really enjoyed reading this. Such an excellent explanation. I appreciate so much that you take the time to make complex issues understandable for the non-scientifically-minded.

And you know, it's a funny thing. An inadvertent species of really-not-a-good-idea lockdown sort of animal has been the vanishing of multi-generational housing arrangements in the prosperous West. Them drippy-nosed toddlers are good for everyone to have around, stimulating immunity to every nasty bug a little kid can attract. The segregation of ages is so bad for everyone in so many ways.

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We are all too "clean" I believe.

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There was an extremely interesting study done some years ago amongst a population genetically identical but living in two different environments--between Finns in Finland and Finns in East Karelia who were under Soviet rule after WWII.

The Finns of Finland had much better sanitation infrastructure but suffered from higher rates of auto-immune diseases. Vice versa for the Karelians.

Now, generally speaking, it's a good idea to reduce transmission of many nasty bugs, especially parasites. But then there's the research saying some parasitic infestation may be good for the immune system.

Me, I'd rather not have tapeworms etc. etc. I do have a couple of auto-immune conditions which are mostly well-managed with lots of Vitamin C and good strong cups of tea. There's just never a perfect solution to the problems of life on earth.

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What were these Finns' vaccination rates and sorts?

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by eugyppius

According to Dr John Campbell (and England death statistics) there is currently a deficit, as it were, of death by respiratory causes, while, otherwise excess deaths are still occurring (and especially in some categories such as cardiovascular causes). This rather backs up the "only a small proportion are susceptible to respiratory disease at any time argument" (and we know who those are, by and large, the very elderly, frail and already unwell) and suggests that that is the evidence that the "pandemic" has harvested those people (and thus shows what we would usually expect after a pandemic - a period of 'lower than normal deahts') while the 'other' excess deaths are evidently from other causes.

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the other deaths (esp cardiac) from the Jabs?

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Quite possibly, although lockdown stress and isolation may also have contributed. It's been shown before that mass societal disruption leads to increased deaths especially CV deaths after a surprisingly short interval (classic example is collapse of the Communist block in late 80s, early 90s - huge spikes in CV deaths in former USSR and Baltic states)

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Very good point. I see that--lockdowns were particularly bad for seniors and kids and people in dangerous relationships.

I guess it doesn't take long either, from what you write.

From personal experience, healthy oldsters are having a very high rate of jab-related deaths.

Isolation clearly caused one suicide close to me but that was because she was alone due to her husband dying from the clot shot.

Of course, that is from personal experience but the people who died "suddenly" were all healthy over 60s, one of whom had just had a sold out concert a few days before.

I'm just so frustrated.

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Thank you for taking me by the hand and leading me through a fascinating explanation of such a complicated situation.

I find myself educated once again. You changed my mind and my opinion.

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Jun 28, 2023·edited Jun 28, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Thanks for this magisterial survey and explanatory paradigm about how lockdowns, hygiene theater, and other suppression of run-of-the-mill viruses paradoxically exacerbated CV which comparatively "faces fewer adaptive immune constraints". You very reasonably posit that the standard SIR model greatly overestimates the Susceptible percentage; let me add that it likely also underestimates Recovered numbers of previously asymptomatic Infected, generating inflated Infection Fatality Rate.

Well said that given lower susceptible, "we wasted much effort locking down and vaccinating people who were invulnerable to infection in any case. This was entirely useless if not actively harmful, because Covid vaccination, it turns out, does not necessarily take you out of the susceptible column. On the contrary, it has bizarre and unexpected effects on virus susceptibility, often increasing it both in the near- and longer-term. ... The problem isn’t that lockdowns do nothing. It’s that they’re just effective enough to be dangerous [by favoring new pathogens over] endemic viruses that have been around forever ... boxed in by adaptive immunity."

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Not long ago, I would have thought it unlikely that the consensus of a specialized medical/scientific community was wrong, and some anonymous internet poster was right.

Now, it seems perfectly normal.

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Ignaz Semmelweis was called all sorts of vile things in his day, yethe was right and The Science of the time was wrong.

Or as 'my' professor in theories of science said to us poor students:

"Science is not a matter of consensus"

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Fascinating and useful post.

More ammunition against lockdowns is always welcome.

Sorry if i missed it in my read through, but i didn't see what you suggest we do about things like flu vaccination campaigns. How does getting infected differ from getting vaccinated in a viral interference model?

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well, experience with the Covid vaccines suggests that they have very non-obvious and often deleterious effects on susceptibility. flu vaccines I think are just ineffective in general and don't seem to do very much at all, but when they roll out the superadvanced mRNA flu jabs I guess that may well change.

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by eugyppius

If viral interference proves an effective way to prevent novel pathogens, why not periodically use weakened live virus vaccines to keep interference forces strong?

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Flu vaccines have also been observed to create negative effectiveness and Hoskins Effects. That's partly why people know this is possible, in fact.

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I believe the mRNA jabs are already dead. Covid vaccinated subjects (victims?) do not want to concede it, but they won't take another one either.

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"More ammunition against lockdowns is always welcome."

Hell yes!

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The Vaccines

Dissolve Cells.

The Vaccinated

Are Dissolving.


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You are truly frightening. The truth hurts. I keep wondering, "Why, O Lord, did you save us (husband and me) from this toxin?" Yet I know (from previous painful experience) the answer: because He has work for us to do.

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What's really infuriating is the fact that these ideas were not unknown to the medical community long before Covid-19 appeared, but almost all of them decided to look the other way and go along with lockdown and vax campaigns nonetheless.

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That was interesting! So, by isolating people and making them mask up and sanitise when they went out, it caused all the old, normal viruses to be knocked out. Meaning covid had no competition. That makes sense. Bit like in iRobot where the old robots get knocked out by the new improved robots!

Basically, everything the authorities made people do simply made it all worse and, if they had done nothing, nothing much would have happened. World run by idiots.

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Jun 28, 2023·edited Jun 28, 2023Liked by eugyppius

>Basically, everything the authorities made people do simply made it all worse and, if they had done nothing, nothing much would have happened.

Yep. You don't have to be very smart to do better than these hypersocial conscientious morons. You don't even need to have a background in biology.

To do better than them, you would just have to ask yourself the question they never seem to have bothered asking: There are 8 billion of us, we've lived around these SARS viruses for generations, humans have constantly gotten exposed to and infected by them. So why has that never triggered a global pandemic?

But it seems nobody ever bothered asking that. Instead they began screwing everything up with reckless new experiments, thereby creating the pandemic they sought to prevent.

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{ You don't have to be very smart to do better than these hypersocial conscientious morons. You don't even need to have a background in biology. }

I had a slightly different path to the same result: "Having lived through any number of previously-hyped we're-all-gonna-die fear-pron campaigns (Ebola, Mad Cow, Swine Flu, you name it), what makes us think that *this time* the fear-mongers are actually onto something?"

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So very interesting. When my children (born '78-'87) were quite young, someone was always sick at Christmas--we came to call it "The Christmas Sick". In several years we placed a roll-away bed in the living room, so that sick child could be near the Christmas tree, and participate in Christmas morning present opening. In all my years since I had never heard of this pattern in other families.

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As a follow-up, I have repeatedly (facetiously for those who don't understand irony), for the last 2.5 years, claimed that in 2020, influenza went to Virus Obedience School, where it learned to take a back seat to other, more deserving, viruses.

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Good one!

"There's a new Sheriff in town".

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It was always Thanksgiving for our family. Some horrible bug was passed around at Thanksgiving dinner by someone who showed up sniffling and coughing and claiming it was allergies. Different "allergic" people every year, same story!

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I was that kid most of my growing up, although occasionally my brother would substitute for me. It wasn't an issue in early adulthood, but did return later. Then stopped in my 40s. Other than that I have never been sick for anything. But every Christmas I would get a humdinger cold and be ill for 3 weeks or so. My mom was a nurse and just did the minimal OTC stuff. Didn't like it, but never worried. Never got tested for Covid, never used hand sanitizer, never isolated, ignored masks, and ...yes... got within 2 to 3 feet of people all the time. I hope to never see a doctor ever. And at 65 I am hoping to meet that expectation until I see the undertaker - they're busy so I haven't made an appointment yet.

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Seeing your Substack title, I went to look. Post 2/5/23--my own life is evidence of it. In the past, I have looked back and realized, "Oh, that was the hand of God!". Now I look at every weird thing which happens to me, and wonder, "Lord, is this thy will?" (in addition to asking every day that I may have wisdom to discern it, and strength/courage to do it).

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Our 3rd child (born '65) was The Christmas Sick kid who barely had the energy or desire to open his presents.

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Good God, this is so good. If only our “”experts”” would read this but hey ho. The Dutch Health Advisory Board just advised the government to start a new vaccination campaign this autumn, I am afraid it will never stop.

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That seems to be the idea

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What seems most clear is that we are in general far too confident in our ability to understand what's going on in any biological system.

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My sub stack is also beset by virus deniers. I just ignore them because what else can I do?

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And those ideas seem to be somewhat _contagious_, eh?

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As far as I can tell, it is always the same people

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