Government ultimately wants you controlled or dead.

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The Green Hornet said "Government ultimately wants you controlled or dead."

From the government point of view, those are the only two safe options. In principle, dead is safer than controlled, but in practice, very large numbers of dead might overwhelm government public hygiene capabilities, thereby greatly increasing the dangers.

The optimal strategy, for government, is therefore a controlled majority and a small dead minority. So you'll probably be fine.

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"in fact everything coming out of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security – gives me the creeps" Wow, you stole my words. It's really the Center for Health Insecurity. I think of Schnier in “Ansichten eines Clowns”. Health (with a big H) has taken the place of the Catholic Church.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by eugyppius

My questions are: How bad could a small pox release be in a Western country with high hygienic standards? From what you´ve written, as I understand it, transmission would stop pretty quickly. Also, what´s with the high lethality? Is it really that bad or are the stats misleading because of underreporting or inadequate medical support for the infected, e.g. because an outbreak was in a poor Third World country?

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yeah, the 30% fatality assumptions seem to be mostly from third-world outbreaks, but in those cases it's not always clear all the infections are identified either. 20% died in Yugoslavia, other sources list fatality rate as low as 10%. Also evidence that a substantial number of infections begin in upper respiratory tract, where intriguingly they almost never cause serious disease. I've not been able to find what kind of immunity these brief infections confer, but if they do reduce susceptibility the fatality would be still lower.

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That’s a great question. I was also wondering if there are basic supplements to help limit lethality. For instance, higher dosages of vitamin A reduce measles mortality by 87%. I’m wondering if this might apply similarly here too. Mind you, the government will always opt for the vaccine versus the easy solution.

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Ah, didn't Jenner discover immunity through Cowpox over 200 hundred years ago? We can just name Cowpox "Smallpox B" and state that exposure to Smallpox B confers a very high degree of immunity to Smallpox A. All these vaccines seem to be Big Pharma reinventing the wheel.

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

But that, I guess, is what they are trying to do- have us forget our past discoveries, even the most basic ones. Look at them now turn on antibiotics- it’s very scary. And the youth don’t read books, if it is difficult to find online, it doesn’t exist...

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When the internet became widespread 30 years ago, I thought that a golden age of enlightenment might follow. Being able to quickly access the libraries of the world, research journals, unlimited news, online tools and education, would democratize knowledge. Thirty years later, the internet turns out to give us 99.9% worthless crap. I have since learned that asymmetrical access to valuable information is the current key to power. To keep us under their control, they must keep us ignorant.

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My library is ever expanding, with practical books on how to, medical encyclopedias and even plants and herbs. I’m kind of envious of Eugyppius’ library which is probably based more on history and philosophical musings, but I don’t have the time or luxury for those readings, unfortunately, but that is why I so enjoy coming here to read his columns and the comments.

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Yes, there are definitely worthwhile publications on the internet, but you need to search hard to find them. Kind of like putting in the effort to hoof it to the library and search the book stacks in the old days. Someday real libraries will be cherished again.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Seems to me it was 15-20 years ago that there was a bunch of whining that Big Tech bazillionaires were stingy and did not become philanthropists like Rockefeller and Carnegie, etc. And few people realized the deviousness of the Rockefeller Foundation et al.

So Bill Gates was goaded into becoming a philanthropist.

The lesson: Be careful what you wish for.

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Yes, Bill’s “philanthropy” invested $50 million in Moderna, which profited him $500 million. The lord loves a cheerful giver; if I got a 10:1 return on my donations, I’d be cheerful, too!

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Excellent research and commentary as usual. In the early 1980's as a USAF physician at Military Airlift Command headquarters, I and other doctors had to dissuade command from instituting mandatory Anthrax vaccinations to the troops. We did note that at most, command might wish to ensure that every active duty troop have smallpox vaccination given the known Russian stockpiles and accident.

You may wish to consider another type of biowarfare that might be underway. See https://nicholasbednarski.substack.com/p/the-old-china-trade-returns.

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Well we got Anthrax vaccine later anyway.

That’s DOD protecting their people, not a sinister plan.

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See? See?!?!?!?! The sky falls and then you get Dark Winter!

We need a global catch-the-chicken-and-fry-it event.

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Thanks for sharing. I have seen this report before. It is an enlightening exercise in learning how much our government cares for us. This is linked in my mind with the tabletop exercise of the World Economic Forum of October 2019 and they give us plenty to think about as we once again turn toward a Dark Winter. I hope everyone continues to wake up to the malice of our governments and the organizations they link to such as the WEF.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I thought the next tabletop exercise to come true was supposed to be Cyber Polygon.

Regarding the inaccuracies of Dark Winter and smallpox.... perhaps the way to look at it is to view this one at least as a scripted drama that is "loosely based" on truth. As in "smallpox doesn't behave that way, but what if it did." Aka... fictionalized.

If you really want to go down the paranoid rabbit hole, perhaps it's based on a weaponized version of smallpox that doesn't act quite like organic smallpox. IDK.

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The scenario authors appear to assume it's just ordinary variola. Of course, if there are modified weaponised strains, that would be highly secret and we'd never read about it in these public documents.

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Oh, I don't doubt that it was written up like a normal strain of smallpox.

That being said, they might have an "understanding" when they go into these games. Or they're just not as smart as they think they are in terms of transmission. IDK.

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In a Templeton foundation lecture, Jordan Peterson, making a point about civilization having gone batshit insane, referenced Russians trying to cross ebola and smallpox. It was just supplementary reading in a cognitive science of religion course, so I can't find a link, and there's no knowing if that was actually true or some sort of disinfo contributing to the very motivations you are describing.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Exactly. They didn't plan for lockdowns. but they planned for the pandemic. The fact that they went overboard beyond their wildest dreams absolutely fits with your general thesis about bureaucracy being some sort of cross between a rabbit hole, a quagmire and a circus that forces everyone else to pretend they're serious or else. Lockdowns were stupidity, hubris and inertia, not evil, because no malevolent schemer could've predicted such levels of his own stupidity. But you might as well treat them as if they were evil, because what's the difference?

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“bureaucracy being some sort of cross between a rabbit hole, a quagmire and a circus that forces everyone else to pretend they're serious or else.”

That's a line worth saving.

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Maybe lockdown is not written in the exercise precisely but they talk about many limitations which effectively would cause a lockdown. If everything is closed and you are not allowed to travel is basically a lockdown... Also quakcination is the main solution as usual.

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you're not wrong!

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Are there still no treatments for smallpox? No understanding of who is susceptible and why? I’m wondering if the obsession with vaccines has been at expense of understanding disease and health and treatments?

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because there has been no smallpox since the 1970s, there’s no opportunity to develop treatments, but I also think you’re right that the focus on vaccines as a solution removes pressure from other paths.

interestingly, the orthopox viruses all seem to provide cross-immunity against each other, which is where the smallpox vaccine comes from in the first place - vaccinia or cowpox being simply a zoonotic orthopox virus that also confers immunity against smallpox. i would guess monkeypox also provides some measure of immunity against smallpox.

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Imagine if a plague of smallpox comes and the only survivors are the bumsex enthusiasts

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Thanks James, I wanted to say it but I was too shy...

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Read “Turtles All The Way Down.” I’m a retired pharmacist with extensive training and experience, but I learned a lot!

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Acute flaccid paralysis is alive and well in populations w/o access to clean water. There are a handful of enteroviruses that cause AFP, polio being just one. Chlorination in public pools, instituted in the US by 1960-61, is the main reason for AFP decreasing.

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Update (last 2 months) from one of Bluest of Blue cities in North America:

1) 50ish female across the street has "heart incident" getting in her car.... cardiologist says jab damage and sends her on her way.

2) elderly mother told absolutely no more jabs by her multi-jabbed "doctor".

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by eugyppius

All your castle are belong to Eugyppius! 🤣

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by eugyppius

“Self-promotional”…. Funny how that pops up so frequently in human affairs

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Eugyppius and Unglossed are my two favorite places to visit for straight forward analysis of conspiracy fact or fiction. First I get mad then annoyed.. are they PR team members? Complete projection leads me to the stages of grief for accelerated physical death by globalist hit squads and viruses. We have a choice. Of course they are gasligting us by using the terms Dark Winter and Lockstep because we overreact, jump to erroneous conclusions and self destruct when we should be organizing meetings, creating local value and resiliency and forming land trusts and protective associations beyond identity politics. Hybrid warfare is an efficiency matter in the end stage of energy, debt and complexity.

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I think of Unglossed as the gadfly of the Covid skeptic world, or maybe a devil's advocate. Anyway, I think it serves a valuable purpose to keep us honest.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by eugyppius

You forgot the part where Nicolas Cage infiltrates and defeats a transnational terror group holed up on Alcatraz island.

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Oh cmon that was better written, acted and directed!

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It's a good thing we pay you otherwise I can't imagine you'd wade through this shite otherwise.

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