In the end, neither double masks nor double boosters could save him: NIAID director and unflushable turd Anthony Fauci, who in 2021 declared that “When people are vaccinated, they can feel safe that they are not going to get infected,” has tested positive for Corona. Like all the other celebrities to catch SARS-2, he is reported to be suffering “mild symptoms,” and he’s on Paxlovid.
While Fauci has (alas) not been in contact with Joe Biden, he did meet as recently as Tuesday with the AIDS Clinical Trials Group, so there’s some chance that America’s foremost Corona astrologer got a little bit of superspreading in before his hourly antigen test came up positive. The announcement came just in advance of his scheduled appearance before a Senate health committee, where he was expected to report on the State of the Pandemic. Many conspiracy theories are possible here, but I doubt this august incarnation of The Science would deliberately avoid any publicity opportunity whatsoever. On the other hand, we’re probably justified in wondering whether we’d ever have heard about his infection in the absence of such a high-profile cancellation.
The New York Times intones in conclusion:
While much of the nation appears to be trying to move on, the coronavirus remains a pervasive threat. According to a New York Times database, more than 100,000 new cases are still being identified each day in the United States — a figure that has stayed roughly flat during June. Many experts believe the number is an undercount because so many people are taking at-home tests whose results are not recorded with public health authorities.
It goes without saying that nobody—not even the professional hypochondriacs at America’s newspaper of record—expects Fauci to come to any harm from this “pervasive threat.”
UPDATE: I promise you, Anthony Fauci really is vaccinated. He’s a corrupt and dishonest medical bureaucrat, but for the full comedic effect, you have to understand that he actually believes the greater part of his bullshit. Socially and professionally, he’s at Ground Zero of vaccine mania. You have to imagine that he submits hourly anal swabs to his assistant for lateral flow testing, enforces strict social distancing among the fish in his Koi Pond, makes his cats wear masks, and is on at least vaccine dose 5.
Remarkable how on the one hand, covidians can observe they they're all getting COVID despite being "protected"; on the other, how they can all admit that it's basically a cold; and yet, they can continue insisting that masks, vaxx mandates, etc., remain in place. It's like their brains are composed of a set of hermetically sealed chambers incapable of passing information between them.
please please please please let him get the Paxlovid rebound!