Remarkable how on the one hand, covidians can observe they they're all getting COVID despite being "protected"; on the other, how they can all admit that it's basically a cold; and yet, they can continue insisting that masks, vaxx mandates, etc., remain in place. It's like their brains are composed of a set of hermetically sealed chambers incapable of passing information between them.

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They know EXACTLY what they are doing. Confusing the hell out of the masses. When confused, easier to persuade and manipulate.

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I've wondered this as well, not just about the covidians but political messaging in general. They must have instant AB testing for every piece of information they disseminate. They must have divisions of advisors and lawyers reviewing every word. I now believe it is as simple as a leader like Fauci has only a shiny bubble of an echo chamber around him. I doubt he "does his own research", I bet everything he reads is curated, every phone call set up for specific reasons. All of which reinforce the narrative he has developed.

So I can easily see that the message they are sending is "wow, even though we're the smartest and most ethical doctors and scientists in history this virus turned out to be much more evil and pervasive than we thought. So yes, you are all likely to get it. But, look at this 80 year old man, who in theory is at the highest risk. Because of the miracles of quadruple vaccines and double masks it is little more than a common cold. So do what we say and you'll be as safe as Fauci"

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Scott Atlas confirmed in his book that “the Covid Task Force” ignored all real time data points in all areas. They ignored the economic catastrophe of lockdown, closed schools, protection of the most vulnerable, and the futility of a failed therapeutic that they branded a vaccine.

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I wish it was simple incompetence

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I wish the Scott Atlas book was a surprise--instead it was a confirmation of exactly what I suspected was going on. My pet theory of life is that people are conditioned by the work they do in their early, formative adult years, and any learning, personal growth, or wisdom is based on that. (Auto-pilot is how they cruise through the rest of their years.)

What the Atlas book revealed was that Fauci, Redfield, and Brix all "cut their teeth" in the early days of HIV/AIDS, and therefore their reaction to SARS-2, was merely a round 2 application of round 1: everyone is (equally) at-risk, testing, testing, and more testing, track and trace, and spend billions to try to develop a Silver Bullet "vaccine."

And of course, the results are the same--disastrous. All are not equally at-risk, testing results not in infections, but useless "cases" (but turns up numbers to juice the panic porn), track and trace for a contagious respiratory virus is futile, and billions spent on a vaccine without years of safety and efficacy validation, and side-effects determination is criminal.

And here we are, with many (too many) committed to mitigation and mandates that don't work, can't work, but give the frisson of power and excitement to impose on others, like a good Zampolit.

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But they were wrong about HIV/AIDS. How could they not have seen that?

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Maybe someone should ask them. Perhaps someone could remind them. None so blind as those who will not see...

Govt bureaucrats survive on a seniority system, not on merit performance.

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They recently did a chapter-by-chapter book club on Scott's "A Plague Upon Our House: My Fight at the Trump White House to Stop COVID from Destroying America" on the Steve Deace Show. The hosts' heads almost exploded. I was tempted to read the book, but after hearing their reactions each week, I decided I couldn't handle it.

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Totally get that. I had to read it in small bites. Basically it confirmed everything that I believed was happening not just w/Fauci and all but also Pence the Mensch.

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Between Atlas and Kennedy books which have resulted in a big nothing by the public, it's clear that only those curious and capable know how badly we have been treated. We can only wish for the scenario of https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/pfossible-pfizer-pfutures-and-the plays out.

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Pence completely undermined Trump.

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"But, look at this 80 year old man, who in theory is at the highest risk. Because of the miracles of quadruple vaccines and double masks it is little more than a common cold. So do what we say and you'll be as safe as Fauci"


True, but Chris Christie survived covid, without a vax.

This Chris Christie: https://imgur.com/a/9MENt4Q

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Yeah but Christie got monoclonal antibodies.

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I agree. It’s so blatant. It’d be laughable, if it wasn’t so evil and pathetic.

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deletedJun 16, 2022·edited Jun 16, 2022
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Well, yeah, I can easily see that as well. I guess why A/B test when you know you're right. Everyone you know says so, must be true

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This is it, in a nutshell. Most concise and apt description I've read.

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Question your assumption that 'true covidians' actually have functioning brains.

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You forgot the covidian refrain, "thank goodness I got the vaccine or I would've been much sicker."

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Or less dead.

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To be fair, the counterfactual pinhole that connects these two chambers is their talismanic faith that the vaccines are the sine qua non that converted an otherwise lethal disease into a harmless cold.

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I agree with you except for the universal platitude that "It would've been worse!"

My book group is currently exchanging emails about who's currently got Covid, under the subject line of "Rejoice in your vaccines, friends!" Yes, really.

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deletedJun 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius
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Ugly women love not having to wear makeup. Lazy workers love working from home.

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deletedJun 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius
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The hall patrol and safety patrol crossing guard kids were the future nazis. If you defied them, they would shout; "I'll Report You!" And they certainly did.

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Many of these horrible people have built their entire identity around COVID hysteria over the past two years and they just can't let the pity party to end, especially so relatively abruptly. They thought they'd get to be the next eternally spoiled and coddled token minority of society ("immunocompromised"), given a permanent social pass to bully and slavedrive the normals around them. It's all been taken away and no one cares anymore. If. They. Just. Put. Mask. Mandates. Back. they'd be back in business.

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Once the mask mandates lifted here life went back to normal completely. It took a few weeks for people to emerge from the psychosis and ditch them but now 99% of people don't wear them. It is interesting to observe the masktard in the wild now though. They ALWAYS look like they're miserable as hell and they wish they could make you miserable too.

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I am jealous that people seem to have more sense where you are. The tyrants in Puerto Rico partially removed mask mandates a couple of months ago. (They are still required in transportation, pharmacies, hospitals.) In stores, 95% or so of the shoppers are masked. Yesterday, I was the only person in a market with no mask. It is so depressing to see people be so stupid.

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Wow, where are you? I am in the “don’t tell me what to do” Southeast, and lots of people are still masked, driving alone in their cars!

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Here in Mexico City, not only are the mask mandates alive and well, but something like 80% of people are wearing them in the friggin' street! And there's no anti-mask movement here to speak of. This is just something people do here and it looks like it'll never end. That despite infections being at levels seen in the early days of the pandemic, e.g., April 2020.

It's friggin ridiculous!

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please please please please let him get the Paxlovid rebound!

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Ask and thee shall receive! https://twitter.com/rileyraygriffin/status/1541902615101018114

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laughing my ass off right this minute. I'm going to make a whole post about this.

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If you need to laugh even harder read this: https://www.yahoo.com/news/got-covid-again-im-staying-130024963.html

TL;DR: "Waaaahh people are breaking rules and it's not fair! Also why didn't Paxlovid work for me?"

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

And long Covid. Surely he’s unstable enough to get that.

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Long covid is a scam to get disability.

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Really? Good luck with that claim.

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Please Faussi stay away from Monkies ,we don't want to see you in diapers .

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deletedJun 16, 2022·edited Jun 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius
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Nope. The guy looks like he's in his mid-forties. He's either drinking vampire blood or he's made a pact with Satan. Maybe both.

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Adrenochrome works wonders

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deletedJun 16, 2022·edited Jun 16, 2022
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yes Fauxxi looks sooo young maybe he is a woman ??

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Antonia Fauxci.

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and a big random handful of Pfizer's list of 1200+ recognized side effects (said list includes "unexpected" mortality.)

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Careful what you wish for. He deserves a 'Nuremburg' trial with appropriate result - not to be made a martyr.

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Crazy thought... I was thinking maybe he would "die" -- and his followers would certainly consider him a martyr! -- but he will actually be alive and live the rest of his life on a tropical island somewhere and get out of being charged with anything! Maybe he'll be with that Epstein guy!

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Well me think ,Gates had a divorce so Fauxxi may move in with Gates ,he has 200 bedrooms

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Yes, that thought had also crossed my mind. I guess we would have a better idea if his wife disappeared from public life too about the same time. Then again, if it's Epstein's Island perhaps she will be left to hang with the rest of them.

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Better to hope he recovers... so he can get sick again and again and again...

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From your fingers to God's eyes!

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

You all are missing the real gem in the piece: "NIAID director and unflushable turd Anthony Fauci".

The boost my immune system just got from laughing out loud is surely enough to protect me from COVID for another season at least

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Yes , I think that is a genius descriprion

“ an Unflushable turd 💩 “

and let us count how many others are deserving of this praise !

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“ NIAID director and unflushable turd Anthony Fauci”… this is now my FAVORITE! Can you imagine if at his next public speaking gig, his introduction bio included that phrase?!!🤣

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Oh man, I'm laughing so hard I can't breathe.... Wait a minute: "can't breathe"? Omigod, I must have Covid!!

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"Unflushable turd" truly captures the essence of Fauci.

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Yes, he's a real "floater".

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🤣🤣🤣🤣and mic drop!

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

The NYT continues to show the way into a new dark age. “Pervasive threat”? We’re supposed to be afraid of getting the equivalent of a cold now?

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And yet we are not supposed to be concerned about or question any of the really serious illnesses triggered by the vaccine.

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Anyone else notice the chem trails over the UK. East Devon, full of them. Geo engineering.climate change due to man manipulation? Why is no one talking about this? What are all these planes expelling into the air? The trails last for hours. Military planes? Very sunny morning til the chem trails today. How will lack of sunshine affect crops? Chemicals being expelled? If so which ones.

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Chem trails in Nv everyday

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I really don't understand the chemtrail theories... Not that I doubt the evil we're up against, the chemtrail thing has never made any sense to me. Seems like it's likely cointelpro, like the 5G screaming in the beginning of the covid lie.

Fwiw, the skies in NE USA have looked just like they have for 50 years... Same goes for most Western states I frequent, often the bluest clear skies you can imagine. Yes, sometimes there are contrails, sometimes there are not...

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They have been spraying the US for years. In Cali central valley, I saw them in mid 2012 and on till I left in 2016.

Its much less in Oklahoma.

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Check this out. It’s about Australia but relevant: https://worldtruth.tv/australia-to-forcibly-vaccinate-citizens-via-chemtrails/

You may also want to check out the documentary called Frankenskies: https://youtu.be/zQcNRqzNANo

There’s also another one called The Dimming (also on YouTube) but I haven’t watched it yet: https://youtu.be/rf78rEAJvhY

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I sadly expect this NYT message to turn on its head come Fall. I really do think they are going to throw everything and the kitchen sink into disrupting the elections. There will be a new renewed push with the pandemic, it will require emergency powers, mail-in ballots, masks and fear porn abound. I don't know how well it will work in some areas, but I remain convinced they are going to at least try it. After the damaging data from Pfizer and their flawed studies began to pour out, we immediately wen from one crisis to another, war with Ukraine, now there's an economic recession, etc....

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Yep. They're already talking about a new wave in the fall......but they don't mention seasonality in the spring!

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The federal female health Kommissar Tam in Canada is talking about a flood of biblical proportions not of water but of yrusses ,starting in September .

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I smell a rat. Something's not right here. Fauci worked to invent COVID as we know it, weaponize it, and then took the lead on covering up how dangerous the vaccines are. He can’t have actually rolled up his sleeve for the vaccine--right? Plus: why disclose this, and why now? I'll wait and see how this is used in the future, thanks very much.

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Jun 16, 2022·edited Jun 16, 2022Author

i cover this in the piece: NIAID announced the result because he was scheduled to appear before the Senate. and it’s a huge misunderstanding to think he’s not vaxxed. bureaucrats like Fauci love the vaccines, they are the core demographic.

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NIH researcher - who subsequently quit because of refusal to sign non-disclosure agreement for Covid - said that Fauci told he and fellow researchers that he was not going to get vaccinated because he was too important to get sick. Fauci walked into their research lab in spring 2021 to tell the researchers to get their friends and family vaccinated but told them not to get vaccinated. When asked why they should encourage their friends and family to take a vaccine that the researchers should not take Fauci got belligerent about it. Said that actually they were expendable. When asked if Fauci was vaccinated he said, “I don’t want to get sick. I am too important to risk vaccination.”. Never once questioned this story as it fits with Fauci’s narcissistic personna. I’ve know brilliant narcissists that can speak and behave like blithering idiots as their narcissism makes them absolutely bereft of metacognition. No way Fauci is vaccinated.

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I hear you, but if he knows what's in it, I would think he'd get a placebo shot just for show. I also have a very hard time believing he got the real juice once never mind four times.

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Doubt very seriously he is vaxxed…also doubt he has Covid. Just a game to seem like “one of us.”

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I predict they are prepping us for a pandemic repeat in the Fall.

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the vandals in the WH are desperate for a new manufactured crisis- it will either be pandemic or race- they are like rats cornered- will do absolutely anything.

The differences between 2 years ago and now is a lot more peoples' eyes

are open to these crises being politically manufactured...

As DJT says " We'll see what happens"

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I agree. They will come up with a "new" vax that The Science will say is absolutely necessary as the first one(s), regrettably, wasn't sufficiently protective. Why else would they be making it known when famous people contract it (e.g., the Queen of England, Bill Gates, etc.)?

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Hundreds of billions of old shots are sitting in warehouses ,that still need to go into someones arm .

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I don't think it will work again, at least not to the same intensity. Sure, I still see idiots walking around in 35°C of heat with their black face masks on, but even the sheep have had it.

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I thought some more: how about a false flag crisis involving the energy grid? Jobama comes out and says Putin destroyed the east cost power grid when it was really a false flag done by Jobama, something like that. Right up their alley...

We are certainly at the beginning of a (created) food and energy shortage- they'll use it for their great reset means, no doubt.

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If not a viral pandemic, it will be chaos of another kind, I suspect...

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That's already a done deal , The sickness minister in Canada said so .

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It might be more a case of, you lie enough you start believing the lie (that the vaccines do any good).

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Never has anything done soooo much good for the venom brewers .

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Obviously they need to put him on Remdesivir and a ventilator immediately.

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The common cold, now described as a "pervasive threat". We have utterly lost our minds.

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Not “we” — THEY.

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Since I see a lot of my fellow commentors getting conspiratorial, here's a more grounded thing to ponder:

I wonder if this is actually Fauci's FIRST covid infection, or simply the first one he/ they couldn't hide?

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this is the real question, strongly suspect it’s the latter.

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Fauci publicly getting covid before now would have been like the NY Post catching Jesus in bed with a transvestite hooker at a Buddhist convention.

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DAMN IT an abortion convention would have been so much better why didn't I say abortion convention

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yahaha. yep.

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There are people who tell me they've never had covid (bless their vaccines and masking) even though they get tested. I find it highly unlikely that people have not had it yet in the two+ years it has been in the public eye.

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I am convinced 30% to 50% of the people are immune to covid due to cross-immunity. Otherwise the numbers do not check out.

Some of that people, if tested, might test positive, because they have covid in their bodies, but they do not develop symptoms. That in the old world used to mean that you were not sick. In the new world, it is a "case".

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Before it became heresy to speculate about alternative theories of covid, wasn't there a theory that much of Asia was already immune in this manner because of regional SARS patterns? Something like your 30-50% figure was trotted out, as memory serves.

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Yes, that was my initial hint. Also the numbers on the Diamond Princess outbreak seemed to confirm that hypothesis.

After two and a half years, numbers do not make much sense if we don't consider a high immune fraction. How the successive waves are so fast, starting and waning in two or three months? I do not see it possible unless the susceptible population is much lower than 100%.

Another (anecdotal) evidence is that I know many people, including myself, that seem to be unable to catch the damn virus.

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Jun 17, 2022·edited Jun 17, 2022

The successive waves are fast and frequent because we have completely fucked with the virus' natural trajectory. And these new variants (omicron and its sub-lineages) seem not to be impacted by cross-immunity as well as being more transmissible.

Prior to omicron, it felt like there was a threshold of infection with each wave of maybe 20% of the population at most, and waves were really spaced out. Many outbreaks were self-limiting, which indicated that perhaps many people never carried enough viral load to be infectious. (Hell, in March 2020 I lived with someone who had covid, yet I didn't get infected. I know various others who experienced the same.)

With omicron, infections really did explode. It feels like at least 50% of the population in many European countries have had it, if not more. Here in the UK we had a massive omicron peak in January and again in March.

What is troubling me is that my partner and I are currently reinfected six months after we had omicron (which was our first time having covid). How can an initial omicron infection not protect against subvariants? We are both unvaxxed, fit and healthy. We got this infection after my boosted dad came to stay with us (he fell ill 2 days into his stay, we fell ill 2 days later).

It's alarming that mutations now seem to happen very quickly. Covid is continually circulating at a baseline that we never saw in the pre-vaccine period and which is out of season to boot (it's nearly summer here in the UK!). It's all very strange.

For the record, symptoms were mild both times but, curiously, have been more unpleasant the second time around for both me and my partner. In January, I had a runny nose and body aches for 3 days and my partner had a runny nose for 1 day. This time we both had congestion, sore throat, muscle weakness and fatigue, and I'm currently experiencing a headache accompanied by a bit of nausea...

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Jun 16, 2022·edited Jun 16, 2022

Same. My entire family including my wife got covid but I didn't. I mean you can't get more exposed to it than kissing your covid infected wife and nothing. Not everyone was sick at the same time either so it lasted for more than a week.

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Big Trucker you would get the yruss for sure if I kissed you

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Well Manuel you have to try a little harder .

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Believe me, I am trying as hard as I can. The only thing I am still hesitant to try is to inoculate myself with the miracle mRNA things. I have heard they work beautifully to ensure infection, but I just don't feel like doing it.

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From July 2020:


In a study by Grifoni et al.1, reactivity was detected in 50% of donor blood samples obtained in the USA between 2015 and 2018, before SARS-CoV-2 appeared in the human population. T cell reactivity was highest against proteins other than the coronavirus spike protein, but T cell reactivity was also detected against spike. The SARS-CoV-2 T cell reactivity was mostly associated with CD4+ T cells, with a smaller contribution by CD8+ T cells1. Similarly, in a study of blood donors in the Netherlands, Weiskopf et al.2 detected CD4+ T cell reactivity against SARS-CoV-2 spike peptides in 1 of 10 unexposed subjects and against SARS-CoV-2 non-spike peptides in 2 of 10 unexposed subjects. CD8+ T cell reactivity was observed in 1 of 10 unexposed donors. In a third study, from Germany, Braun et al.3 reported positive T cell responses against spike peptides in 34% of SARS-CoV-2 seronegative healthy donors. Finally, a study of individuals in Singapore, by Le Bert et al.4, reported T cell responses to nucleocapsid protein nsp7 or nsp13 in 50% of subjects with no history of SARS, COVID-19, or contact with patients with SARS or COVID-19. A study by Meckiff using samples from the UK also detected reactivity in unexposed subjects5. Taken together, five studies report evidence of pre-existing T cells that recognize SARS-CoV-2 in a significant fraction of people from diverse geographical locations.

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Jun 16, 2022·edited Jun 16, 2022

Yes, that is another piece of information I have also considered in the past.

In addition, when I read these papers, I was very curious why didn't we do that kind of tests. For example, companies could have used them to know which of their employees had no risk from covid. That would have been very useful information and it is yet another proof that the whole treatment of covid has not been informed by science.

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In the 1940s, we would have used empty hotels and dorms to infect low-risk volunteers who want to 'get on' with their lives. We would have jump-started herd immunity and gotten INVALUABLE information about the percentage of people who were already immune.

Instead we........did what we did.

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In 2019 we would have send our children to summer camps, to ensure that all of them, as well as the monitors, became infected (and thus immune). That is how you cope with a respiratory virus. That's how my mother ensured that my siblings and me caught all the infectious diseases that its best to catch when you are young.

Sometimes progress looks very backwards.

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I have never had a positive test. Have had what may have been it, maybe....I don't wear masks and have not been vaxed. Oh, wait....I live in florida....we are the capital of "you can piss on my leg, but don't tell me its raining" governing. YEAH!

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Our governor is catching hell from the "health experts" and media because of his refusal to get vaccine dosages for children under 5 from the Federal government. Health care facilities, pharmacies, and physicians can order them directly on their own. His decision is the right one and shows he understands that children are at extremely low risk of contacting COVID.

But this as angered the Covidians who are quick to point out cases (which may not equal new illnesses) are on the rise. But all along DeSantis pointed out the virus was seasonal. It is also very probably we are looking at high comorbidities in new cases as well as a greater percentage already being vaxxed and boosted.

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To be fair, I was basically licking doorknobs to try and get covid and it took me until this past March to get a lame 3/10 case off my husband.

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Maybe our cynicism protects us.

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After being under attack by the YRUSS for over 2 years it feels good to have some fun with words .

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I don't think it is that contagious, but certainly over two or three cold seasons almost everyone has gotten it? I think the tests just don't work well or some people's bodies hide it better.

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Same here! I was anxious to actually help with herd immunity, so I was trying to get the virus as quick as possible. It took me 18 months and an infected vaxxed person to finally do it.

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Guttermouth, Shock! I always assumed you were a bloke. But you have a husband? So maybe you are - and maybe you aren't... But liking your stuff whatever.

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I am a lady. You obviously don't read my stack. :)

It doesn't matter especially to enjoying my content, though.

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Well, brass is known to be anti-microbial, so perhaps it has some effect on viruses too?

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I know unvax, vaccinated and boosted that have not caught it yet. They aren’t running out to concerts but also not staying at home.

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If you somehow missed getting the virus ,get vaxxed ,then you can join the club

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I have not had Covid and never vax. I was fooled enough to get IVM and all the other protocol however. The only folks getting sick now are vaxxed.

There Is NO asymptomatic spread either folks.

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I don't see how Mr. T (guess what the T stands for, lol) escaped it before.

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I wouldn't want to be the guy falling asleep on Fauci's pillow tonight... (or any night).

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Faussi does not sleep on a pillow ,he sleeps on Bill Gates shoulder .

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Are you sure it's not in a coffin? The blood sucking undead monster!!!

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Joke of the day. SARS COV2 has finally met its maker.

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"I'm grateful to have been vaccinated and boosted our my symptoms would have been worse"

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I think I can beat Anthony F’s situation. A friend and her husband were in the Novovax study. Took two injections. Could not obtain a covid pass to travel as Novovax was not approved yet in the Uk, so…….their super smart gp told them it was absolutely safe (without an ounce of safety data) to switch brands and to take one of the other EUA covid experimental biologicals. She then took two more injections. Two weeks ago she took a booster for a total 5 unsafe and ineffective injections. Two days after her booster (shot #5) she tested positive for covid😂😂😂😂. Sorry, but you cannot make this stuff up.

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literally sitting here with my scotch laughing my ass off. what a farce.

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The only difference between you and me, Eugyppius, right now is I can't have a scotch yet since it's only one o'clock in the afternoon! Looking forward to one this evening lol.

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Single Malt I hope.

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And I bet that even then, the penny won't drop. "Wow, this Covid wasn't so bad after all thanks to my 5 jabs!" Imagine if the same people got 5 polio jabs and still got polio. Insane.

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Trudeau and Faucstus both and at around the same time? That is not a coincidence.

Trudeau - supposed to meet a Parliamentary committee inquring into his State of Emergency declaration.

Faucstus - avoiding Rand Paul maybe?

There are no coincidences.

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I was talking yesterday to someone who came very close to being a COVID death statistic. He got an infection in the sack around his heart and then he got pneumonia and finally it fogged up his brain. Two or three months in, and he's still on the mend. He mentioned Fauci and I made a joke about how he got it by taking his mask off one too many times for an interview. Then I felt bad because this person had had such a hard time and came close to not beating COVID. I apologized and he laughed and said, "Don't. I was thinking the same thing."

Like anything COVID can be bad if it hits someone just the right (or wrong) way, but for most people it is little more than a cold and for our "betters" it is a control mechanism. And even some of those who have suffered badly from it recognize that.

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

One of the world's great epithets ... Anthony Fauci, the "unflushable turd"

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

seriously???? That is total BS. Only gullible people can believe that garbage. That is a distraction from the last criminal action against children. Let's all hope that these criminals perish sooner rather the later.

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i love you guys but many of you have an approach to the news that is too clever by half. i promise you, fauci really is infected.

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

How does he know? Rapid test? PCR? It's such a farce. I think they're trying to show (again) that the vaxx will keep you out of the hospital.

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antigen test. the guy must be swabbing himself at least once a day.

i think we might not have heard about it, except he had to cancel his senate appearance.

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Isn't the accuracy of these tests highly suspicious, to out it mildly?

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There was an African President (soon after murdered, as a bunch of them were who did not want to agree to the vax agenda) who had PCR tests carried out on a goat, an orange and some other ludicrous item, a papaya I think, and the tests came out positive. It’s well known the PCR test is easy to manipulate to get a lot of false positives and, thus, promote a pandemic.

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well, he should take a few doses of remdesivir. What is he waiting for?

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If you are so wired in, maybe you can confirm that he ever took the jabs in the first place, and that those jabs really were the "vaccine" and not some saline solution? While you are at it, can you confirm Fauci is treating himself with Ivermectin and/or HCQ?

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look, our governments have gone crazy for two years and some level of mistrust is totally justified, but a key thing to understand about what is happening is that there is near-total buy-in to this whole farce from the medical bureaucrats especially.

this is also a social phenomenon: everyone in Fauci’s neighbourhood is quadruble vaxxed. these people are putting masks on their dogs and sealing their kids in HEPA-filter clean rooms in the basement. they’re nuts.

fauci might’ve vaxxed himself six times for all we know. he might’ve also taken an informally developed virus protein vaccine in the earliest days, as we know some scientists also did. he’s vaccinated though, i promise.

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Yes. He is vaccinated for sure. They really, really, bought this shit.

Actually, this is what makes them so dangerous. They really believed that the vaccines were the miracle that would eradicate covid once and for all.

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See--this is why I like you so much (though you never did answer me about them frogs). You've kept your head screwed on right from the start.

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Spot on. We need a bit more Occam's Razor and bit less conspiracy theory. These people bought their own propaganda.

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Okay after reading the many comments I can see the virus is still on the loose ,not safe to come out yet from my underground hiding place yet .

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E, I'd feel so much better about everything if I knew you were right about them believing in the vaccine. But I was suspicious of this whole thing ever since the early 2020 cruise ship, and I'm not brilliant and not dumb. Literally every step they've taken since then has been transparently false with an egregious lie chaser; they had to have known the actual facts in order to craft the right lies, and ban who off which site while hiding the 99.98 survival rate and when to begin suppressing the VAERS, all done to keep the vaccine mandates alive, so I wish you were right about it being sheer incompetence but there's just too much subterfuge. Santa's not real and even total f'ing idiots catch on.

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It would appear that young adults under 30 are extremely susceptible to the damage the jab can do: the result possibly of naive physiology and immature immune systems, that are also probably not as robust as those in older generations (myself included) who were allowed to play in the dirt. Fauci, alas, is like a waking robot.

I cannot help but think he deserves a hit.

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Yep. And now they want to jab kids. These people are maniacs.

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Yes. There will be a continuing stream of “unexplained” child deaths and life changing injuries, followed by propaganda and gaslighting where they’ll have us believe it’s not uncommon for children to suffer strokes and heart attacks. In twenty years’ time doctors will be “unable to explain” the epidemic of sterility.

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"Unflushable turd" is the single greatest description I've ever heard to describe Fauci. Kudos, sir!

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