As an example of the increasing disappointment in the far left/Progressive/liberal (whatever you call it in your country; I'm in the US) trend of recent years, yesterday I was visiting with a friend who's been staunchly progressive/Democratic Party. She teaches at a prestigious prominent university. Without prompting, she confided to me how disappointed she is in Kamala Harris, especially the lack of substantive content offered by the campaign so far. Also, she knew someone who worked in the West wing of the White House, and a year ago my friend asked what they thought of Biden's mental capacity—getting no answer. But recently that person, who no longer works for the government, apologized for avoiding the question and said they had all been required to sign NDAs about it.
Never mind some of the woke horror stories she told me about her academic job these days.
It is not moral bankruptcy to want your kids not to be homeless or hungry. I've said before that if people who view themselves as conservative resisters of progressive nonsense/evil would contribute to legal defense funds and emergency stipend funds so people need not destroy the lives of those they love in the service of conscience, we might get somewhere.
Do we live in circumstances where we are asked to sacrifice honor and truthfulness for housing and food for our children? I think not. People choose to live above their 'means' because the culture of debt is acceptable and prestige and shiny objects are idols of this culture. The link of debt to slavery has been severed and the choice to stay in that system, while difficult, is possible. I speak from direct experience after walking away from being directed to lie (to future investors) to keep my career.
I chose freedom, and after the initial sting and some hefty modifications to my 'lifestyle', I now have both peace and joy. I don't judge because I understand how terribly difficult it is and it takes a while to taste the sweetness of the freedom.
I said I don't judge because I understand the difficulty. Not only does one lose a 'lifestyle' but one loses friends because they don't 'understand'....I count all of this 'loss' as a 'gain'. I derive my peace and freedom from Matthew 16:26.
PS I'm not going to have a pissing contest in the comment section of an excellent content writer with an internet stranger over who has the most difficult circumstances or why it can't be done. Life's storms are difficult and we each have had (and will have) our share of tragedy, loss, discomfort and pain. You are not alone.
I dont want to shit on anyone's motives or deny that people have urgent existential needs, but I don't think it's quite accurate to say that professionals that work in the WH or in the MSM or academia etc face this binary choice bw obedience and penury.
I know a few MSM people and some well-known profs and they have not become Party loyalists out of some desperate need but bc of status, career, and the lifestyle/social strata they aspire to—they are all almost uniformly graduates of good colleges, from good homes and neighborhoods, and if they chose to not rent out their souls to the Party, they would certainly land on their feet elsewhere, not be living in boxes.
I don't want to quite call them Good Germans, but the American liberal class has absolutely abdicated their role as defenders of civil liberties etc, have renounced all higher principles besides making sure their Party wins the next election, have chosen to appease every illiberal mob as long as they get to keep their careers, and this has been enormously socially destructive and shouldn't be waved away or excused bc we all need to eat.
Wokery: one student didn't turn in any of the work required for a course. My friend told the student they'd be getting an Incomplete grade as a result. The student complained to authorities, claiming they had been traumatized by such outrageous treatment. The teacher was called on the carpet for this infraction.
As a recreational break on a holiday, a film was shown, a classic "bad movie" horror/thriller from the 50s. Many students complained about the pointy bras that were the style then. More trauma? Maybe it was sexism or misogyny. Oh, they also complained that the female lead was treated misogynistically, which, by the way, is the basis of the plot.
There was more, but this is all I can share. My friend told me that the school authorities are terrified of the students. Who can think this is anything but a sad state of affairs?
They are letting the inmates run the asylum. The administrators are WEAK. I blasted my alma mater for being so left weak and setting up young women for future failure for turning them into placard waving weaklings. I now appear to be getting a lot less fundraising from them lol.
They are weak because they are slaves to prestige and money. Young women are literally being dumbed down (see Kamala) so men can dominate them. They watch the intrusion into sports (see Olympic boxing) and want to create a special category for mentally deranged men. It's the same old story. Women stay silent to be 'nice' and 'go along'. Women like Tulsi are ostracized if they demonstrate any capacity to reason and expose the truth. What an upside world!
This 100% echoes what I’ve heard from a friend who is a professor at a US university. In one class, students who have anxiety about public speaking are excused from that part of the assignment even when it’s a critical component of the grade and learning experience. How will these young people survive in the real world?
Separately, in a debate class instructed by the professor, students brainstormed and voted on a topic to debate. The class voted to debate whether trans athletes should compete in women’s sports. A student was upset, wrote a scathing screed of an email to the professor (tone completely unhinged and disrespectful), and the professor had to attend an arbitration session and was reprimanded. The administration always sides with the students. Now the professor knows better than to allow open debate in their class.
It is easier to cope with if you think of higher education as merely corporate, with the students as customers, who, as they say in America, are always right. The DEI practices and programs betray the students. A black medical student at UCLA got bent in this fashion, outraged, when she was asked by an examiner to name a major artery of the body. They get status and attention and "visibility" for incidents of oppression, also, so some call it "the oppression Olympics". They have no interiority and no psychological boundaries and status is conferred via victimization cred. I keep thinking we need Montessori 2.0. She took abandoned kids in Italy, street kids and criminals, and educated them, which everyone scoffed at at the time for it being an impossibility. Now they use her methods with dementia patients, when they are not murdering them with boosters and ventilators.
What the micromanagers (tyrants) of the leaders of the Democratic Party in the US is doing to Kamala by forcing her to stay quiet and not speak about her 'ideas' (which don't exist) IS sexism and misogyny. I wonder if these traumatized children see this?
We'll see. Martin Armstrong believes the election will end in SCOTUS, and I agree that neither side will agree. His model predicted this would be the last US election, which is a good possibility. We are as split as we were before the Civil War. There is a good bet that the US splits into three pieces. Rome fell in seven years. So we see it can happen very fast. The other reason for immigration that the left and the deep state are pushing us is because they will be promised citizenship for military service. These are not Mexicans; those coming over are from all over, and they will have no issues killing Americans. It's going to get very ugly.
I agree it’ll be ugly. I admire Armstrong and think his model is useful however as he admits, his model doesn’t tell you what will happen. I think of it like the uncertainty principle: if you know when you don’t know what and if you know what you don’t know when. The Armstrong model is more about the when and less about the what. There are a myriad of ways for this to play out, some worse and some better.
If that's the deep state's plan, then it hasn't been well thought out. The "migrants" are not exactly the cream of the crop. About 1/3 of the American population are too intellectually challenged to be of use to the military. I would with no hesitation estimate that a MUCH greater percentage of the military age males crossing illegally are fall into that category. Add to that the language barrier, and they're not getting very many decent soldiers out of the deal. The best soldiers, those who form the core of the current military have traditionally been white, working-class males. Those guys are not going to be fighting for the deep state.
Given that AFD will only have a plurality of it wins, is there any chance they’ll be able to do anything? Or will it just be what always happens when a Right party wins and everyone else gangs up against them to prevent any change? Could this shake up that coalition?
If they get 1/3 of the seats in Thüringen, they'll be able to force the other parties to make concessions to them, as they'll be able to do things like block crucial judicial appointments otherwise.
Is their leadership strong enough to resist the inevitable combination of bribes and threats with which they’ll be faced, secretly?
I’m not being unnecessarily pessimistic but I’ve learned enough in recent years not to underestimate our globalist adversaries.
They’ve been maintaining control for a very long time. I’m sure to them everything appears to happen at slow speed, giving them plenty of time to intercept and redirect any opposition.
That is power, but only of a negative sort; to block the Blob from reaching fresh heights of insanity by implementing new projects. But given where we are starting from, will, for example, blocking new judicial appointments do anything except slow down what I hope is still the mainly impartial administration of justice? All the machinery of State not requiring replacement, but already appointed by the Blob, will carry on as before, except that it will now defiantly call itself "The Resistance".
It’s kind of disappointing that Afd isn’t polling higher. What is it going to take for people to open their eyes and realize they’re being ruled over by idiots - sigh. Well, I guess as E laid out in an earlier post, the blob has so many redundancies and the propaganda is so pervasive, the fog of war obscures much, apparently.
lots of people are idiots themselves (I was one until some years ago) and vote for idiots. Only when you finally realize what is going on you can either vote for people you think are not idiots, or not vote at all because they all are. This time I am going to pass, unless I know for sure I can write someone in. Of course, being someone without any publicity, he won't even make it to 1 per 1000 I am afraid.
Because Boomers are blocking it, that's why. Last time I checked, AFD had 40%~ votes in the 18yrs and below voting block but since Boomers form a majority for anything above, they need to get in their urns or coffins respectively before anything changes here on a substantial level.
I just checked on the substack app on my iPhone. It will let you delete a comment but not edit. Go figure.
I'm a Boomer dinosaur, and prefer to do stuff on the computer anyway.
My biggest gripe about substack comments is that there's no search function. The only way I've found is to expand all the comments (some comment sections are too long for this) and then use the browser's page search function.
The BSW and AfD agree on some policies that are in direct opposition to the present ruling coalition. Ending the war in Ukraine, for example. While BSW leader Sahra Wagenknecht has made clear her opposition to a governing coalition with the AfD, she does agree to vote with the AfD in cases where their interests align. There is a segment of the German population that embraces the left no matter how disastrous their policies are for the people. What Wagenknecht has done is to lead that segment away from the globalist polices of the SPD and Greens that are destroying Germany.
In the U.S. there are people on the right and the left who are fed up with the oligarchs who always run everything no matter which side wins the election. It is the oligarchs who benefit from the left and right being at each other's throats all of time. While the oligarch's rule continues unabated. If the polarized factions could figure this out, we might actually make some progress in tearing down the uniparty that has corrupted the political classes on both sides and finally do something about the sword of damocles national debt that hangs over our heads. We could also end the endless wars and take care of our own problems at home.
The main difference between politics in the U.S. and Germany is that in the U.S. the opposing forces are consolidated into two parties, whereas in Germany (and much of Europe) the factions are more distributed across multiple parties.
Until the people of the U.S. and Europe recognize that they are all being played by the oligarchs, no matter which party is in power, the political stalemate that we live under will continue until it collapses economically. Not unlike the French revolution in 1789. One of the few times in history that the oligarchs got their comeuppance for their wretched excesses.
The French Revolution is no model for anything good. Lots of innocent people went to their deaths in that orgy of blood. Lots of the nobility supported the revolt until it got out of hand. Marie Antoinette was no oligarch, nor was a the odd peasant who didn’t like what was going on and got his head sliced off for the trouble of saying so.
Agree entirely. Violence is never a solution and only makes a bigger mess of things. But throughout history our elites have shown that they can never restrain themselves from an orgy of excesses. As power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Our $35 trillion debt is just as mad as the most insane monarchs of the past. Once it blows, a lot of innocent people will be destroyed. But the privileged class can always be expected to take everything too far.
Regardless of the electoral machinery which differs not just from country to country but als, within Germany, from Land to Land, one thing has become clear ever since the UK Brexit Referendum: no matter what the electorate, i.e. The People, the sovereign wants and votes for: the establishment will always describe it a 'populist-driven aberration' while doing their utmost to thwart the expressed will of the voters.
I also wonder what Ms Wagenknecht hopes to achieve for all 'her' voters when she so categorically rejects coalitions because of her ideology. But let's wait and see: the sniff of power does change ideological mind quite nicely ...
They call us right wing, xenophobes, racists etc. for having the audacity to say we have a right to protect our culture from hordes of Illegal Aliens that don't share our cultural values, don't buy into the "Green Agenda," don't want our farms to be stolen by the state. We aren't "right wing," we are Anti-Globalists and our numbers grow by the day . . . on both sides of the pond.
Kamala Harris and the Globalist Democrat Machine
An Existential Threat to our Inalienable Rights and National Sovereignty
I don’t pretend to understand the intricacies or the idiosyncrasies of the German parliamentary system. Your writing does, though, give me some useful insight into what’s going on in one of my ancestral homelands.
I do think it is interesting that the AFD appears to be the strongest in the former East Germany, where the folks have the best understanding of what it’s like to live under autocratic socialist rule. They are, therefore, better positioned to detect the leftward, anti-democratic (dare I say “woke”) drift of the national government.
[My most direct ancestral connection with the Germany is the Hesse-Kassel area, specifically the village of Eschwege.]
As an example of the increasing disappointment in the far left/Progressive/liberal (whatever you call it in your country; I'm in the US) trend of recent years, yesterday I was visiting with a friend who's been staunchly progressive/Democratic Party. She teaches at a prestigious prominent university. Without prompting, she confided to me how disappointed she is in Kamala Harris, especially the lack of substantive content offered by the campaign so far. Also, she knew someone who worked in the West wing of the White House, and a year ago my friend asked what they thought of Biden's mental capacity—getting no answer. But recently that person, who no longer works for the government, apologized for avoiding the question and said they had all been required to sign NDAs about it.
Never mind some of the woke horror stories she told me about her academic job these days.
If people were not held hostage by mortgages and the need to put groceries on the table more of them would say these things out loud.
Exactly. I told my friend she could be a really high-profile protest resignation. But, you know, mortgages and stuff.
It is not moral bankruptcy to want your kids not to be homeless or hungry. I've said before that if people who view themselves as conservative resisters of progressive nonsense/evil would contribute to legal defense funds and emergency stipend funds so people need not destroy the lives of those they love in the service of conscience, we might get somewhere.
Do we live in circumstances where we are asked to sacrifice honor and truthfulness for housing and food for our children? I think not. People choose to live above their 'means' because the culture of debt is acceptable and prestige and shiny objects are idols of this culture. The link of debt to slavery has been severed and the choice to stay in that system, while difficult, is possible. I speak from direct experience after walking away from being directed to lie (to future investors) to keep my career.
I chose freedom, and after the initial sting and some hefty modifications to my 'lifestyle', I now have both peace and joy. I don't judge because I understand how terribly difficult it is and it takes a while to taste the sweetness of the freedom.
You got young dependent kids? You got an elderly parent with dementia who needs decent care?
I said I don't judge because I understand the difficulty. Not only does one lose a 'lifestyle' but one loses friends because they don't 'understand'....I count all of this 'loss' as a 'gain'. I derive my peace and freedom from Matthew 16:26.
PS I'm not going to have a pissing contest in the comment section of an excellent content writer with an internet stranger over who has the most difficult circumstances or why it can't be done. Life's storms are difficult and we each have had (and will have) our share of tragedy, loss, discomfort and pain. You are not alone.
I dont want to shit on anyone's motives or deny that people have urgent existential needs, but I don't think it's quite accurate to say that professionals that work in the WH or in the MSM or academia etc face this binary choice bw obedience and penury.
I know a few MSM people and some well-known profs and they have not become Party loyalists out of some desperate need but bc of status, career, and the lifestyle/social strata they aspire to—they are all almost uniformly graduates of good colleges, from good homes and neighborhoods, and if they chose to not rent out their souls to the Party, they would certainly land on their feet elsewhere, not be living in boxes.
I don't want to quite call them Good Germans, but the American liberal class has absolutely abdicated their role as defenders of civil liberties etc, have renounced all higher principles besides making sure their Party wins the next election, have chosen to appease every illiberal mob as long as they get to keep their careers, and this has been enormously socially destructive and shouldn't be waved away or excused bc we all need to eat.
And then there’s “conservative resisters” who see no problem sending their children to public school.
Some people don't have any options for that.
And they give Trump shit for NDAs. The projections from the far left now really are evil; it is demonic evil.
It would be helpful to have an anonymised copy of the NDA put on this site.
Please also share with us tge stories about wokery in her academic job.
Maybe somebody somewhere will leak that NDA.
Wokery: one student didn't turn in any of the work required for a course. My friend told the student they'd be getting an Incomplete grade as a result. The student complained to authorities, claiming they had been traumatized by such outrageous treatment. The teacher was called on the carpet for this infraction.
As a recreational break on a holiday, a film was shown, a classic "bad movie" horror/thriller from the 50s. Many students complained about the pointy bras that were the style then. More trauma? Maybe it was sexism or misogyny. Oh, they also complained that the female lead was treated misogynistically, which, by the way, is the basis of the plot.
There was more, but this is all I can share. My friend told me that the school authorities are terrified of the students. Who can think this is anything but a sad state of affairs?
They are letting the inmates run the asylum. The administrators are WEAK. I blasted my alma mater for being so left weak and setting up young women for future failure for turning them into placard waving weaklings. I now appear to be getting a lot less fundraising from them lol.
They are weak because they are slaves to prestige and money. Young women are literally being dumbed down (see Kamala) so men can dominate them. They watch the intrusion into sports (see Olympic boxing) and want to create a special category for mentally deranged men. It's the same old story. Women stay silent to be 'nice' and 'go along'. Women like Tulsi are ostracized if they demonstrate any capacity to reason and expose the truth. What an upside world!
This 100% echoes what I’ve heard from a friend who is a professor at a US university. In one class, students who have anxiety about public speaking are excused from that part of the assignment even when it’s a critical component of the grade and learning experience. How will these young people survive in the real world?
Separately, in a debate class instructed by the professor, students brainstormed and voted on a topic to debate. The class voted to debate whether trans athletes should compete in women’s sports. A student was upset, wrote a scathing screed of an email to the professor (tone completely unhinged and disrespectful), and the professor had to attend an arbitration session and was reprimanded. The administration always sides with the students. Now the professor knows better than to allow open debate in their class.
It is easier to cope with if you think of higher education as merely corporate, with the students as customers, who, as they say in America, are always right. The DEI practices and programs betray the students. A black medical student at UCLA got bent in this fashion, outraged, when she was asked by an examiner to name a major artery of the body. They get status and attention and "visibility" for incidents of oppression, also, so some call it "the oppression Olympics". They have no interiority and no psychological boundaries and status is conferred via victimization cred. I keep thinking we need Montessori 2.0. She took abandoned kids in Italy, street kids and criminals, and educated them, which everyone scoffed at at the time for it being an impossibility. Now they use her methods with dementia patients, when they are not murdering them with boosters and ventilators.
What the micromanagers (tyrants) of the leaders of the Democratic Party in the US is doing to Kamala by forcing her to stay quiet and not speak about her 'ideas' (which don't exist) IS sexism and misogyny. I wonder if these traumatized children see this?
Kamala might be happy to comply, given, as you indicate, she has no ideas.
Late empire insanity
Can a congressional committee make them produce a copy of the NDA? Is the NDA even legal in this case?
Now that we know it exists, it should be available through a FOIA request.
60-plus percent of the world is having national elections this year. If you wonder why all the noises come from current politicians, it's called fear.
Kommie-bla is ready to go with 10,000,000 illegals that are registered to vote in November. The US no longer exists--after her definite victory.
We'll see. Martin Armstrong believes the election will end in SCOTUS, and I agree that neither side will agree. His model predicted this would be the last US election, which is a good possibility. We are as split as we were before the Civil War. There is a good bet that the US splits into three pieces. Rome fell in seven years. So we see it can happen very fast. The other reason for immigration that the left and the deep state are pushing us is because they will be promised citizenship for military service. These are not Mexicans; those coming over are from all over, and they will have no issues killing Americans. It's going to get very ugly.
I agree it’ll be ugly. I admire Armstrong and think his model is useful however as he admits, his model doesn’t tell you what will happen. I think of it like the uncertainty principle: if you know when you don’t know what and if you know what you don’t know when. The Armstrong model is more about the when and less about the what. There are a myriad of ways for this to play out, some worse and some better.
If that's the deep state's plan, then it hasn't been well thought out. The "migrants" are not exactly the cream of the crop. About 1/3 of the American population are too intellectually challenged to be of use to the military. I would with no hesitation estimate that a MUCH greater percentage of the military age males crossing illegally are fall into that category. Add to that the language barrier, and they're not getting very many decent soldiers out of the deal. The best soldiers, those who form the core of the current military have traditionally been white, working-class males. Those guys are not going to be fighting for the deep state.
Are German elections legit? Asking because we know that US and French elections definitely are not...
Not in Berlin, but otherwise ok.
Given that AFD will only have a plurality of it wins, is there any chance they’ll be able to do anything? Or will it just be what always happens when a Right party wins and everyone else gangs up against them to prevent any change? Could this shake up that coalition?
If they get 1/3 of the seats in Thüringen, they'll be able to force the other parties to make concessions to them, as they'll be able to do things like block crucial judicial appointments otherwise.
So, just out of curiosity (from a dumb American), what percentage of your "parliament" needs to be attained in order to pass legislation?
that is a hopeful thought
Is their leadership strong enough to resist the inevitable combination of bribes and threats with which they’ll be faced, secretly?
I’m not being unnecessarily pessimistic but I’ve learned enough in recent years not to underestimate our globalist adversaries.
They’ve been maintaining control for a very long time. I’m sure to them everything appears to happen at slow speed, giving them plenty of time to intercept and redirect any opposition.
Things stay the same until they don’t. In 1785 did anyone expect the French monarch and his queen killed?
That is power, but only of a negative sort; to block the Blob from reaching fresh heights of insanity by implementing new projects. But given where we are starting from, will, for example, blocking new judicial appointments do anything except slow down what I hope is still the mainly impartial administration of justice? All the machinery of State not requiring replacement, but already appointed by the Blob, will carry on as before, except that it will now defiantly call itself "The Resistance".
One must always start somewhere
Just curious, what proportion of the vote did the Greens previously hold prior to this election?
It’s kind of disappointing that Afd isn’t polling higher. What is it going to take for people to open their eyes and realize they’re being ruled over by idiots - sigh. Well, I guess as E laid out in an earlier post, the blob has so many redundancies and the propaganda is so pervasive, the fog of war obscures much, apparently.
Or maybe it's like the 2016 US election, where all the polls showed Hillary winning. I don't believe polls anymore as a result.
We'll see in a few minutes…
lots of people are idiots themselves (I was one until some years ago) and vote for idiots. Only when you finally realize what is going on you can either vote for people you think are not idiots, or not vote at all because they all are. This time I am going to pass, unless I know for sure I can write someone in. Of course, being someone without any publicity, he won't even make it to 1 per 1000 I am afraid.
Being a fellow former idiot, I know how you feel.
I am voting for Trump bc I hate democrats.
Lolol. Couldn't have said it better myself
Because Boomers are blocking it, that's why. Last time I checked, AFD had 40%~ votes in the 18yrs and below voting block but since Boomers form a majority for anything above, they need to get in their urns or coffins respectively before anything changes here on a substantial level.
Like many other things, progress advances one funeral at a time.
in Thuringia*
Substack is such garbage, on what platform can't you edit your own posts for Christ's sake
Check the three dots at the bottom right of your post - click them, that'll get you to 'edit' ...
Get rid of app. Uninstall it and then just use the desktop (web) version.
You can edit there without/before someone liking or replying to your comment.
You can edit after someone likes or replies. I do it all the time to fix typos and stuff (on a computer, not a phone).
I can edit mine. Maybe it depends on what device you're using. I've noticed it's harder to do on a phone.
Strange. Doesn't work on my phone. I'll have to check on PC then.
Still quite silly to not include that on the mobile app.
I just checked on the substack app on my iPhone. It will let you delete a comment but not edit. Go figure.
I'm a Boomer dinosaur, and prefer to do stuff on the computer anyway.
My biggest gripe about substack comments is that there's no search function. The only way I've found is to expand all the comments (some comment sections are too long for this) and then use the browser's page search function.
Use the light bars to trace a thread
Read my comments above. Thats the only "fix"..
Hate the app.
It doesn't matter if you use cell as long as you uninstall and delete the app.
The app is garbage.
This will hopefully be a landslide for AFD. Born in saxony, grown up in thuringia, i know my fellow people gonna vote properly!
🤞🙏 for the AFD today.
Gooooo AfD!!!!!
The BSW and AfD agree on some policies that are in direct opposition to the present ruling coalition. Ending the war in Ukraine, for example. While BSW leader Sahra Wagenknecht has made clear her opposition to a governing coalition with the AfD, she does agree to vote with the AfD in cases where their interests align. There is a segment of the German population that embraces the left no matter how disastrous their policies are for the people. What Wagenknecht has done is to lead that segment away from the globalist polices of the SPD and Greens that are destroying Germany.
In the U.S. there are people on the right and the left who are fed up with the oligarchs who always run everything no matter which side wins the election. It is the oligarchs who benefit from the left and right being at each other's throats all of time. While the oligarch's rule continues unabated. If the polarized factions could figure this out, we might actually make some progress in tearing down the uniparty that has corrupted the political classes on both sides and finally do something about the sword of damocles national debt that hangs over our heads. We could also end the endless wars and take care of our own problems at home.
The main difference between politics in the U.S. and Germany is that in the U.S. the opposing forces are consolidated into two parties, whereas in Germany (and much of Europe) the factions are more distributed across multiple parties.
Until the people of the U.S. and Europe recognize that they are all being played by the oligarchs, no matter which party is in power, the political stalemate that we live under will continue until it collapses economically. Not unlike the French revolution in 1789. One of the few times in history that the oligarchs got their comeuppance for their wretched excesses.
The French Revolution is no model for anything good. Lots of innocent people went to their deaths in that orgy of blood. Lots of the nobility supported the revolt until it got out of hand. Marie Antoinette was no oligarch, nor was a the odd peasant who didn’t like what was going on and got his head sliced off for the trouble of saying so.
Agree entirely. Violence is never a solution and only makes a bigger mess of things. But throughout history our elites have shown that they can never restrain themselves from an orgy of excesses. As power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Our $35 trillion debt is just as mad as the most insane monarchs of the past. Once it blows, a lot of innocent people will be destroyed. But the privileged class can always be expected to take everything too far.
Regardless of the electoral machinery which differs not just from country to country but als, within Germany, from Land to Land, one thing has become clear ever since the UK Brexit Referendum: no matter what the electorate, i.e. The People, the sovereign wants and votes for: the establishment will always describe it a 'populist-driven aberration' while doing their utmost to thwart the expressed will of the voters.
I also wonder what Ms Wagenknecht hopes to achieve for all 'her' voters when she so categorically rejects coalitions because of her ideology. But let's wait and see: the sniff of power does change ideological mind quite nicely ...
They call us right wing, xenophobes, racists etc. for having the audacity to say we have a right to protect our culture from hordes of Illegal Aliens that don't share our cultural values, don't buy into the "Green Agenda," don't want our farms to be stolen by the state. We aren't "right wing," we are Anti-Globalists and our numbers grow by the day . . . on both sides of the pond.
Kamala Harris and the Globalist Democrat Machine
An Existential Threat to our Inalienable Rights and National Sovereignty
That fear you had a little while ago that the Plague Chronicle was gonna run out of material...
Sleep well! Plenty of renewals in the forecast!
How many ballots still remaining to count? Is it just me or does there also seem to be a DELAY in the ballot counting?
I’m hearing positive stuff from ARD, can’t wait for your update!
Here to support Tino Chrupalla. Revenge for Tino!
I don’t pretend to understand the intricacies or the idiosyncrasies of the German parliamentary system. Your writing does, though, give me some useful insight into what’s going on in one of my ancestral homelands.
I do think it is interesting that the AFD appears to be the strongest in the former East Germany, where the folks have the best understanding of what it’s like to live under autocratic socialist rule. They are, therefore, better positioned to detect the leftward, anti-democratic (dare I say “woke”) drift of the national government.
[My most direct ancestral connection with the Germany is the Hesse-Kassel area, specifically the village of Eschwege.]