Oct 31, 2022Liked by eugyppius

My favorite quote: "It is just hard to put into words how infuriating it is, to read this breezy triviliasation of the absolute hell we’ve been through, penned by some comfortable and clueless Ivy League mommyconomist who is ready to mouth support for basically any pandemic policy that doesn’t directly affect her or her family and then plead that the horrible behaviour and policies supported by her entire social milieu are just down to ignorance about the virus. We knew everything we needed to know about SARS-2 already in February 2020. The pandemicists and their supporters crossed many bright red lines in their eradicationist zeal and ruined untold millions of lives. That doesn’t all just go away now."

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I know that says 'mommyconomist", but every time I read it I hear "mommycommunist".

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That works too lol.

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..as you should

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That one is Jacinda Arden

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Is there a difference? They're both systems of political economy run by inept fools.

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"Political economy" is a fancy word for 'graft'.

Real economy is uncoerced voluntary transactions, made with individual subjective preferences.

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Same! That's what I read at first! :)

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Me too!

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Which clearly justifies the preceding sentence: “ she can take her proposal for pandemic amnesty and shove it all the way up her ass.” which for some reason made me lol, probably because I’m equally irked by their desire to wash away their willful complicity in the disaster

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Me too. Just quoted it as I forwarded this email to my sister who forced her young adult kids to get the shot to stay living in their house, and also required guests to her daughter’s wedding this past April to be vaxxed or have a negative test.

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Reminds me of my brother. In June of 2021 he went to a dinner party attended by 22 people. You had to be vaxxed to go. PLUS....they did little quickie rapid tests before going into the place where the dinner was to be held. All tested negative. A few days after the dinner, 20 of the 22 had come down with the flu called covid. Ho hum.

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I am sure I will go to hell for this but I find these stories so amusing. And they are everywhere. We had a large group of anesthesia folks from our hospital go to a vaxxed only wedding in April ‘21 and I believe 9 out of 11 all came back with Covid. And yet. We were only in the beginning of being told that the vaxxes were effective - despite a thousand stories just like this, the safe and effective lies rolled in for months and months.

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Yet I'm willing to bet they all claimed the symptoms were much milder because they had been vaxed. I still regularly hear these claims

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My parents live in my house. In April 2021 they'd already been vaccinated. My husband and I were still on the fence about it. Well, the week we became eligible to take the vaccine (mid April) we came down with covid. My parents also got covid. It was then that my fence sitting ended and I decided against getting the shot. Glad I did.

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Highest exposure danger in 2021 was hospital employees assuming they were invincible and spotless after having the vax. Sad for all the patients they infected who entered with negative tests. Plus lots of rolling vacation time as the staff continued to infect one another in batches at the coffee table.

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Surely, the 'safe and effective' lies are still common currency with the authorities and the MSM? In the UK, student nurses are still being mandated to have the clot-shots, despite other carers not being so mandated any longer. There's simply no sense or reasoning behind most official pronouncements.

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You mean... the vaccinated ARE the 'superspreaders'?! ☺

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This happened at my "sister's" wedding in June or July. She required that everyone in attendance show proof of vaccination. Everyone in attendance came down with Covaids. We no longer speak.

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I’m sorry to hear that you no longer speak. I hope you find resolution. It is ultimately worth remembering that she is likely just an impressionable pawn influenced by the propagandists and these are the ones we should be gunning for.

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Nope. They are adults and citizens of a free republic. They had free will. When history came calling they panicked and discarded the principles upon which western democracies were founded. Without repentance, they can’t be trusted. We appealed to their reason by showing them data and counter arguments, we appealed to their humanity over how their fellow man was being gagged and discriminated against. But since neither of those tactics worked, we are left with naming and shaming them with the hopes of smacking some sense into them so they won’t act this way the next time.

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I appreciate your sentiment, but how can one really speak with people who've shown their true colours like this? One can be polite, and even, on occasion, decent? But have a real relationship? Nah.

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My own mother made me sit on the front lawn to talk to her and do a test before going over to fix something for her. She’s an old lady so fine, but these mommycommunists get zero leeway for being pushers of propaganda, social distancing zealots and nimby compliantists

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In our family I was the outcast as I didn't have the vaccine. I had a couple of my adult children on the phone pleading with me to have it and I didn't. The vaccines are elephants in the room now but we still speak. I recently had Covid (as proved by a positive LfT required for a hospital appointment) for the first time and the family interest was lukewarm. I was OK - not a pleasant experience but hopefully done and dusted. I think I had it anyway in 2020, I just never tested. I also think they know I was right but don't want to admit it.

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Spartacus, what did sister Mommy Dearest think? And a wedding definitely NOT worth attending

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We’re not speaking so I don’t know. But I did not attend the “show me your papers” wedding nor send a gift.

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Good for you altho sad for you too. I think most of us are willing to cut loose most of the true believers but it is sad that it ever came to this. The shock of being treated like that by people we loved & liked….

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Spartacus you are a life safer by not going, because if you went there they would all be dead now from the yruss , so far they are only brain dead .

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Spartacus, meet Wolly. Wolly, meet Spartacus. We have some siblings up-for-grabs. Maybe you can send each other gifts this upcoming holiday.

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Mommyconomist - perfect.

Bonus fun: how to spot a narcissist in 1 sentence: "~~My family took an enormous number of hikes. We all wore cloth masks that I had made myself.~~"

Because Narcissists like Emily all namedrop ~hiking~ these days, the newest better-than-thou trend, with nature and real nature people suffering the clutter.

No forgiveness for murderers. No assuaging before election days, timed only because the Truth is impossible to ignore.

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And getting her young child to exhort "social distancing" to innocent people just walking by. Can you imagine what that kid heard in her household?

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Her kid sounds like a little asshole, too.

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Nah, leave the kid alone. It's the parents' fault.

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

I think the point is that parents like her turn their children into "little assholes" 🤔 I've seen these parents and their kids are usually little assholes.

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Definitely. My thought was that the poor kid had heard a ton of fearful chatter from his/her parents.

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Also, parents of that socioeconomic class like to explain everything to their little ones. So, they probably sat him down and explained how Very Important it was for him to stay away from other kids. Let's hope the poor kiddo isn't too damaged by what he was put through...

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The boy was four years old.

Perhaps he will become a good man someday, despite the handicap of having a "parenting guru" for a mother.

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😆 lol

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Wonder if her kid was vaxxed, and therefore likely suffered heart damage...I hope not..

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Hiking outside with masks on...the height of stupidity...and she's a "professor"..

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The establishment academics are the absolute worst of the lot. Worried, nervous, shrill, little souls moaning about various fashionable ideologies in between sips of their soy chai lattes. They are a blight upon society.

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They had all the answers to everything until the moment they really believed that the angel of death was just outside their door.

And then they showed us all what little they're made of.

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Little mincey fa##ot balls?

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Over educated useless people. They couldn't change their own vehicle's oil with a roadmap.

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At least seventy years of "education" have produced these human jobbies. Mass entertainment or "culture" hasn't helped.

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Some masked nutcase nearly dove into the canal to get away from my breaths on a hiking trail. I guffawed loudly spewing more breath at her.

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But she made them herself! Out of cloth!

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Organic cotton cloth sustainably grown and woven by the women of oppressed Kurdish tribes of Turkey and Iraq using a grant from UNESCO cultural heritage project. You can feel good knowing you are empowering these women while preserving labor intensive primitive means of production at a very low wage.

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Giving new meaning to the term, "touching cloth"...

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

Hey, she’s credentialed.

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I seem to remember forming the opinion that some of my professors might have been distinguished in their own subjects, but unlikely to be a source of good advice on almost anything else.

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As I commented on another stack that is hosting this story, I would go hiking with my curmudgeonly 74 year old hiking partner and every time we met masked people, epecially the crazy ones who would go off trail and turn their backs to anyone passing them, he would yell stuff like,"OMG! We're ALL GOING TO DIE!". I was sort of mortified at the time, but I think it's really funny now. I hope Emily met her curmudgeon somewheres in the woods and had to explain that to her 4 year old.

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I would have loved to go hiking with your 74 year old partner and been in on that. In my neighborhood , parents warned their 4 years olds to hold their breath and give me wide berth given that I refused to wear a mask.

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Sounds like me and your hiking partner are two peas in a pod! I embarrassed my husband on a few occasions, though he really thought it was funny.

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Yeah, many of the best hiking and camping spots became overrun during lockdowns.

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Oh, yeah, Munising Michigan and the trails along Lake Superior where so overrun that they have had to spend a lot of money repairing. Also, the tourism overwhelmed the otherwise quiet gem of a town that some new businesses opened...and then had to close this summer. Of course, only the wealthy and upper middle class were able to "up and go hiking for days."

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In nz you needed a vax pass to stay at most camping places and all tramping huts!

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Because you'd elected an even bigger horse's ass than the one we had in the UK (but at least we got rid of ours and replaced him with another globalist shill).

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The situation with domestic U.S. "academia" and professors' eagerly proffered Insight -- invariably sucking up to Washington -- is decadent and disgusting and in need of fiscal collapse/"renewal," because it can't reform itself. Not easy to find tenured faculty below the cable-TV/Youtube-influencer tier who don't function as gigolos for the federal Dept. of Education. Scholarship is out, justicey public-servant preaching is in

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Mommyconomist lollll and I’m a mom

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What floored me is that, after checking Canadian Covid pro-containment Twitter, I learned that Emily Oster is a horrible villain in their canon for not supporting school closures stringently enough and that they also found this article incredibly insulting for having the temerity to suggest that they might have done anything that other people would need to forgive them for. The replies to this tweet give a sense of it https://twitter.com/gregggonsalves/status/1587203327976144896

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The pro-containment Twitter “canon” 🤣🤣

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I agree. Either they act oblivious because they were hunkered down and hiding for so long. Or the covid shots have pickled their brains or both!

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Her proposal is fatuous. Forgiveness at this point is begging for endless repeats of the last three years.

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I'm all for forgiveness. I believe there's value in that and it is the legitimate Christian thing to do. What she's asking for isn't forgiveness, but she's asking for no negative consequences for her actions and those that pushed this idiocy. She wants her and her ilk to be trusted despite the fact that they've been consistently wrong. She wants to live as if she never made a mistake. That's just not possible and they made it that way by continuing the farce past the "two weeks to flatten the curve." I forgive them for what they did because I know it's what I need to do and I will move on from this idiocy, but they'll never receive even a presumption of trust again. There is no charity left for liars and fools that refuse to repent.

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You are obviously a better person than I am. No way can I or will I, forgive and / or forget the discrimination and victimisation of the unjabbed. The unjabbed who said ‘no’ to corrupt governments and corrupt health services who pushed the jabs and took away freedoms. Never!

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This is a point I also feel is important - what she (and others saying the same thing) is asking for is NOT forgiveness; she's asking for a 'pass'. it's the opposite of asking for forgiveness.

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I read the piece. There was no actual apology.

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ah, fair enough - I did not actually read it. There you go then. thanks for clarifying.

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Unfortunately I suspect what she's actually saying is that all the good people should now forgive everyone who wouldn't do what they were told.

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Well said Chris

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Agree. Well said.

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Thanks, Ryan. She's so typically Lockdown Left. In a weird way, I'm almost grateful that she's exemplary of that evil tendency. I needn't take any of them seriously again. They make a reflexive ad hominem dismissal into a reasonable thing to do.

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What Prof Oster wants are no repercussions for her ilk--no loss of stature, reputation, or position in the cultural hierarchy for those who rained the mandates, proscriptions, and "the jab or your job" impositions on the public. They trashed their integrity on the backs of those who lost jobs, businesses, and livelihoods due to their hysteria and panic--and now want to go forward ("never mind") as if the past three years were a nightmare dream from which we've awoken.

Yeah, not happening.

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when these quadruple-vaxxed nazi scumbags are lined up outside hospital emergency departments, about to choke to death on their own puke, I plan on going there in person to mock them, and remind them that they entirely the authors of their own misfortune.

I think the operative expression is "hoist by their own petard".

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If you put all the guilty parties in jail there will be (almost) no doctors left to care for you when you have an emergency, or need an operation, or even need a refill of your prescription. I called for an amnesty a couple of moths ago, but not exactly the kind that the Atlantic article calls for:


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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 2, 2022

frankly, even in an emergency, i wouldn't want a doctor who resented me for not being vaccinated and was just saving my life because he was legally forced to do it.

the Spoleto Arts Festival in Charleston, SC where i worked brilliantly since 1980, dismissed me without a word because i wouldn't take the shot, forgetting that all my great contributions spanning 40 years happened because i'm a rebel and an independent thinker.

they banned ticket sales to all but double vaxxed, boosted, masked and photo IDed people. remember that requiring a photo ID for a presidential election will get you branded a racist but apparently it's ok to make that demand of a concert goer.

so what happens when you're an arts festival who's goal is to sell tickets to fill the seats in your theaters and you reject all by the most terrified, obedient, compliant minority?

you say the arts are for everyone and you are heavy into DEI but all the black people who didn't get vaccinated because they remember Tuskegee and eugenics can't even consider going?

what happens? you don't sell that many tickets.

the governor of the State signs a bill making medical discrimination illegal and the Festival resentfully has to open up ticket sales to everyone, even those filthy reprehensible unvaccinated types.

then what happens to ticket sales? nothing! nada! you mortally offended people and you're doing the right thing now only because you were forced to. so you're not forgiven and no one buys tickets. AND the smug superior terrified types who bought tickets secure in the knowledge that they wouldn't have to be near any of those terrible unvaccinated people, now feel betrayed by your change of policy and they want refunds!

do you really want to attend a concert sponsored by an organization that didn't want to let you in but is only doing it to avoid legal problems. NO!

so if you could chose between a doctor who was honorable and one who judged you as morally inferior and did his job begrudgingly, who would you chose?

perhaps with less pharmaceutical interference and less GOF viruses, we'll be less sick and need fewer doctors. i say keep the ones who do the job out of real commitment (give Dr McCollough his license back!) and ditch the ones who just follow orders.

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I used to frequent my city's symphony. They're still requiring masks. I can't bring myself to go. Not sure I'll ever attend them again as they smugly instituted a vaccine passport system early on.

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yup, that's right and let them know why.

my BF's young assistant jumped over old people to be first in line at 26 to get the vaccine. he's pestered my BF continually, out of respect because he wanted him to be able to come back to work. if anyone's a believer, it's this guy.

but here's broadway not requiring masks of the audience but still of the employees. now he says "they're just doing this to control us."

eventually things get so bad that even the blind can see

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Yeah. I withdrew from a college program I had just enrolled in due to the vaccine passport being required. I told them honestly that I wouldn't support an organization that requires the vaccine to enroll, especially when the program was ENTIRELY ONLINE. I stopped attending symphonies, quit my gym membership and stopped patronizing some businesses. I've gone back to a few after they dropped it.

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Nov 2, 2022·edited Nov 2, 2022

ugh, incredible! they were doing it, not because it made sense but because they had probably taken $$$ from the government in exchange for recruitment.

i seriously hope college enrollment drops to numbers that are calamitous for their bottom line. the education is for shit anyway. maybe they'll have to cut a few diversity deans and victim classes.

i've sworn off businesses that enforced mandates for life. there were restaurants in NYC who banded together and sued the insane governor. they said "hey, our job is to welcome people in and feed them, not to act as the vaccine police."

but all those businesses who gleefully enforced mandates, as if they had been just waiting for a chance to be the boss of you, screw them.

we regularly house some out of town musicians for the local symphony but we weren't allowed to attend if we didn't have a negative test. vaccinated people had no such requirement. the only concert we attended, i walked right in and no one ever even asked to see my test. i could have been typhoid mary, just sitting next to unsuspecting people and infecting them and no one would have known!

our musicians, a young couple originally from moscow, both have medical exemptions and we love them but when they aren't in the concert, the orchestra manager wants to send over someone else to use the room.

i've said NO. i don't support the symphony and i'm not doing this for the symphony. i'm doing this for these two unvaccinated people who you discriminated against like you discriminated against us. like we were good enough to provide a room but not good enough to attend without first proving that we were "clean." so i'll always house these two but no one else. the last thing i need in my house is some triple masked person drowning in hand sanitizer who's had covid 6 times, thank god she had those 7 vaccines or it would have been worse. sure, you were just doing your job, but that's the excuse of every foot soldier on the road to tyranny.

so now the musicians contact me directly when they need to stay. they have their own key anyway. they've become our family.

but the symphony- screw them. i can listen to a record without anyone checking my papers.

i hope you got your money back!

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"remember that requiring a photo ID for a presidential election will get you branded a racist but apparently it's ok to make that demand of a concert goer."

That is a spectacularly apposite observation... 'Double standards' have gone logarithmic nowadays.

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my BF always says "if you're going to have standards, you may as well have two."

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I'm so sorry you lost your beloved job...thank you for your poignant reminder of their SMUG & CONDESCENDING attitudes. Bless you and I hope you found peace doing something better!

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

you have no idea! when i first came here, i didn't realize how the town and the event would become pivotal in my life. i opened a costume shop in NYC so i'd be free to do this festival every year. i saved money and bought houses down here- when houses were cheap. everything i've done since has been a result of taking that 6 week job in 1980.

as the supervisor, i worked with costume designers and musical artists from around the world which made me better at my job in NY. i met my life partner here. i always assumed i would eventually move here and keep doing the festival once i no longer worked in NY.

i might work literally around the clock for weeks under tremendous stress, but the day the Festival opened and i got to stand in the back of the Dock St Theater to see my favorite chamber musicians do their thing, my soul was restored.

it wasn't a job. it was a calling.

now i wonder why i'm here at all. i live in a big house that we are constantly trying to finish but i don't know if my neighbors would turn me in if they knew i wasn't vaccinated. my BF had to give up his job in NY- he was commuting every other week. we were suddenly without purpose and without community- his theater mates in NY and my Festival friends here in Charleston. my beloved assistant of 30 years showed up one day unannounced to drop off my personal effects from my desk and said "well, you made your choice and the Festival respected your choice and moved on. there was no discrimination." beloved no longer.

not a single person on the large production crew called me to say.... i don't know- something, anything. a cellist, who was shocked to learn that i was no longer with the Festival- something no one could ever imagine happening if it didn't involve death- came over to see me and brought greetings from the other chamber musicians. but since none of them know that i wasn't there because i'm not vaccinated, how sincere were their sentiments? if they knew, would they treat me like my former assistant did?

but how do you mend a broken heart? for me, it's real estate and i'm always on the lookout. i didn't buy a new hat, get a hair cut or drown my sorrows in a pint of rocky road. we cashed in our retirement money and bought a 19 acre farm- fuck it, an 1842 plantation, in beautiful condition totally furnished.

our friend and partner lives there with his family and runs the BnB end of it. so far, people seem to love staying there even though the property once- gasp!- had slaves.

there's a pool, a hot tub, a pond, 5 cottages with long term tenants or BnB guests, a massive barn, an event tent, a 4 car stone garage, a tool shop, a brick potting shed, chicken coops, raised beds and fruit trees. the massive main house has 8 bedrooms each with their own bath. we got a fully restored 1906 steinway concert grand, the art on the walls, enough dishes for a banquet, 2 golf carts and a tractor.

our partner is getting beehives and cows so far. it's our own little refuge, a community to make up for the one we lost.

thank you so much for your kind words.

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There is no doubt you were handed a ration of shit on a cracker. I am very glad you have found your refuge and healing.

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Doctors are not the guilty parties. They are just normies who believed in the shots and took them themselves, and now they are dying because of their blind faith. The perps who committed the crime are higher up the pyramid than the front line staff.

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

i wouldn't be so quick to let doctors off the hook. sure they're indoctrinated by their training and just doing their job but so said every foot soldier of tyranny who swung from the hangman's noose at Nuremberg.

it amazes me that if a bakery doesn't want to make a wedding cake for a gay couple, they get slammed and canceled but if your pediatrician tosses you out because you, as a concerned parent, have a few questions about the bloated childhood vaccine schedule, that's ok.

with their advanced education, maybe they shouldn't have fallen back so much on the blind faith thing.

what about those doctors who refused to do transplants? refused to try ivermectin even though their patients were dying anyway? pushed people in gas chambers (sorry, different time)?

yes, there are masterminds higher up, but everyone of those plodding, uncurious, unquestioning, dogmatic, holier than thou doctors is just as guilty

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Can't say I agree. If we can't expect physicians to be reasonably intelligent, what's the point of them?

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You're correct. This shit show must never happen again.

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022Liked by eugyppius

i agree there should be a general covid related amnesty.

all those that have been treated like criminals and tortured for not following the orders of the covidian mob, should get one " get out of jail card " for whatever crime they commit towards their torturers.

torch the premises of the company that fired you and made you loose your home? use the get out of jail card.

shoot the doctor that refused to perform life saving surgery on your child because you weren' t vaccinated? use the get out of jail card.

the card should have a lifelong validity.

let them be afraid for the rest of their lives....

don' t get mad, get even....

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Torch Broadway. Every stinking Broadway show demanded vax passes. The producers still require performers to be vaxxed. Demolish the Broadway theatres and salt the earth beneath. So did Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center. If you can't torch them, arrest their officers and directors and put them on trial for crimes agains humanity.

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leave the buildings. they are blameless and much of that architecture can never be duplicated. but as someone who worked for 30 years on broadway as a costumer, i say yes, dump the people in charge. don't forget the Met Opera, the Holocaust Museum in DC. any orchestra. the Spoleto Arts Festival where i worked since 1980.

it's astonishing to me that the Arts went along without a whimper, sometimes even going above and beyond.

the Met demanded boosters before NYC did. the Spoleto Festival in the free state of SC instituted draconian (and illegal) mandates for employment and audience members that had nothing to do with the State's policy. i say illegal because they allowed no accommodation for medical or religious exemptions. when Gov McMaster signed a bill making it illegal to discriminate on the basis of vaccine status, they had to reverse course.

i suspect all these institutions took federal money. i know that every Broadway producer was given $10 million to tide them over and i bet that money came with some strings attached.

but it was stunning to watch. my BF, a respected and revered grand old man of broadway stagehands, had to retire. i was booted out of the Spoleto Festival after 40 years as the costume supervisor. my beloved assistant of 30 years said to me "well, you made your choice and the festival respected your choice and moved on. there was no discrimination."

i don't know, what do you call it when vast swaths of the population are not considered fit for employment, regardless of their skills, or suitable to sit in the audience?

didn't anyone ever read what happened to the Arts under Stalin or Chairman Mao? obviously no one learns from history.

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I'm very, very sorry for what you went through. What was done to you was criminal.

I'll admit, maybe torching the Broadway buildings is going a teensy bit too far. But as you describe so well, most members of the "arts community" instantly turned into the most aggressive, vicious, despicable totalitarian butt-wipes possible. They love drama, so they exploited this drama fully and turned themselves into the new Red Guards. And they haven't actually changed their attitude, they've just soft-pedaled the tactics and rhetoric temporarily.

I'm sure you and your BF also belong to the theatrical labor unions, which not only refused to protect their members from vaccine discrimination, they perpetrated more!

The Covid campaign is an ongoing crime against humanity, and nearly everyone in any position of authority in the arts has been an active criminal accomplice. It is essential that they be brought to justice.

The arts can no longer bring value to humanity when they reduce themselves to being mouthpieces for the global predator class. They've become another phony commercial for government authority and corporate greed.

Before covid, I was a frequent attendee of the performing arts, but I can no longer bring myself to buy a product from an industry with such a malignant, inhuman worldview.

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The 'arts' folk seem to have been among the most-readily indoctrinated (and the most vicious) of the covidian cultists.

Regressive progressives?

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Definitely. They're the quickest to adopt totalitarian tactics and rhetoric.

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I'm very sorry. Thank you , though, for your integrity.

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"what do you call it when vast swaths of the population are not considered fit for employment, regardless of their skills, or suitable to sit in the audience?"

I'd call it Mass Psychosis.

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i was thinking "discrimination" but "mass psychosis" works

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jan van ruth ,What crime are you talking about? defending yourself against torture is not a crime it's your right and killing the torturer is self defense also a right . Many comments here make it seem the plague they put us through is in the past .No it is not ,it is in progress and worse is yet to come .

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

You are absolutely correct: the "worst is yet to come". The cancers and autoimmune diseases are only getting started, and the "vaccine"-produced viral spikes are insidiously assembling amyloid proteins in the blood into those multi-foot-long fibrous white clot-things that embalmers are pulling out of the blocked blood vessels of the vaxxed. Unless people realize what has been done to them with the bioweapon shots and proactively take regular doses of Ivermectin (or something) to neutralize the spikes as they are manufactured, the damage will continue to build up until something kills them: blood clot, cancer, heart failure, stroke, infection, organ failure, etc.

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i see your point...

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I like your idea. They would have done (and did to the best of their ability) the same to us.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Yeah, well, I'll consider forgiveness when they admit that what they did to CHILDREN was wrong!

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What they did to all of us! 🔥 and what they’re continuing to do pushing these shots from Hell!

The vaccine injured need to be treated! What about all the people that were disabled and died because of the vaccines!? The miscarriages! The infertility! The CANCERS! Strokes! Heart attacks! Heart damage in the young people! The list just goes on and on and on…

When are they going to start bringing awareness to all of these injuries and deaths and disabilities??!

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Agree. Just the scale of it alone.

Even if only 5% of what we think is true, it still is the biggest CRIME in history.

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It is a true medical nightmare… Our schools right now are covered over with flu and RSV… My husband is an elementary teacher. When they did their running in the gym the other day, about 1/3 of the kids were gasping for breath and coughing spasmodically. One little girl even was clutching her chest and complaining of heart pain…

Number one… My husband has been a elementary teacher for 25 years and this has NEVER happened. There are always one or two in every room that have asthma and such, but this scared him! 😱😱😱

Number two… There has never been this kind of sickness, flu, RSV… This early in the school year. usually all of this starts happening in January…

Number three… When is it normal for children to clutch their chest with heart pain? Another child was taken to the ER from school in an ambulance last week… No information was given out… this also has never happened in the last 25 years of his teaching.

Many of the teachers he works with are Vaxxed… Many are complaining of all kinds of ailments now, including a young teacher who is pregnant and now is being treated for heart problems. I hope she is able to carry the baby to term… 🙏🏽😢

I have never seen so many cancers on our church prayer list before… 🙏🏽😢


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My daughter's kindergarten teaching team.. one dead out of the blue, the other on permanent leave with heart problems. One of her friend's baby brother in the hospital with RSV. So far not a ton of sickness in her class that I've noticed. We unjabbed have been pretty healthy so far, just some sniffles.

My biggest problem with amnesty is they will turn around and blame covid for the incoming wave of every possible ailment and wave of death. We cannot allow them to just play as if science that worked wasn't there the whole time, and still not acknowledge it.

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

don't be silly. little children have ALWAYS dropped dead from heart attacks and strokes. happens all the time. you just never noticed before. maybe you were in a coma or something.

and we know what causes it- climate change, gardening, video games, not getting enough sleep, getting too much sleep, being excited that you got your degree, singing, acting. running, walking, playing- you know, the usual dangerous stuff that people shouldn't do if they want to stay alive

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Darn… Everything I do can cause a heart attack or a stroke! ☠️☠️☠️🤨🙄

I hate what our media and such have done to people. Watching people with masks on alone in their car makes me feel so sad. Don’t they realize…😑😩👎🏼😡🙏🏽

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Hi ,I'm 86 and my wife always tells me ,don't act like a kid ,but I like it .

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Being an adult is very overrated… 😁😁😁

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All of it God Bless.

Sorry for my vulgarity, but it's been a real STINKFIST to human beings.

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What percentage of his elementary students do you guess are jabbed? In the U.S. one study says 32% of 5-12. That would be a third of the class.

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The average in the US may be 32%, but there are places where it wouldn't even be 1% and others where it would be over 80%. That's the danger of averages.

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I wish I knew… according to our stats here in Alabama, our county is about 40% fully vaxxed (I wonder how many boosters is this now? 🤷🏽‍♀️). Anyway, my hubby said he has seen several children complaining of sore arms and feeling lousy from the killshot. I really wish we could get our hands on this information. As well as follow the health of these shot-up children in the future. Heart problems? Asthma? Autoimmune diseases?

I wish we had this information for the childhood vax schedule as well. Antivaxxed children and vaxxed kids and their health issues as time goes on.

BTW, I just bought the book, “Turtles All the Way Down.” It was recommended by Steve Kirsch about the childhood vaccine schedule. I want the time to delve into all of the information in this book. Personally I know 3 vaccine injured children… (injured from the normal vax schedule, not the Covid vax)…

Gee… it sure seems like these drug companies really don’t care about our health and well being… Go figure 🤦🏽‍♀️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥



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40%, that's great, say compared to my county: 70%.

I just happened upon a tweet yesterday of a woman in her 50s who had just realized that the her infant who had died from SIDS likely died from vaccinations. She said she remembered saying, "he was just at the doctors' last week", and was also saying, "I poisoned him." It was so sad.

It could have been me.

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It's not uniform. Around here in blue state hell it's probably at least 60%

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The unborn baby of that vaxxed teacher is already vaxxed ,because the vaxx from the mother is in the baby's blood already .

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They will never, ever admit to just how wrong they were (and are).

‘Maybe we made some mistakes, but we just didn’t know’ is going to be the justification/excuse made by everyone involved...... and there will be many more calls for this type of amnesty.

‘They’ don’t really, honestly believe that they did anything wrong.

They couldn’t have, because they are the good people.

Just ask them.....

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Yeah, and how is all the reform and restoration at the CDC going?

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oh they knew. and happily, they all left videos and internet posts to prove their denials false.

i still want to hear what rachel madcow has to say about her "the virus STOPS with every vaccinated person" video.

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Just put a sign on your door ,yruss must wear mask ,before entry and no biting allowed .

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The torture operators excuse them self now by saying ,sorry I did not know that my torture hurts .It is the same if a storm trooper says ,sorry I did not know it hurts when I shot my victim in the back of the neck .

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I have a deep rage burning, but I am honestly more appalled by the vast depth of ignorance displayed by most of humanity, including many of my friends and acquaintances. They really CAN'T read a graph or parse English properly. I had to bite my tongue many times, else: "How f-ing stupid are you? Didn't you look at the cruise line stats? Have you never questioned why there is no cure for common respiratory viruses? Where are the 'plague' corpses? Shake your head for g-d's sake!!". I have concluded that most of humanity has the intelligence of a poorly trained monkey, good enough to get along, not actually a thinking being.

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Look no further than PLEXIGLASS!

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Agree Mark.

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It seems you have a hard time believing ,that what we know is 100 % correct .Add to that ,that much of what we know is only a fraction of the mega crime ,than you come close .If you want to make a test and find out how eugenics works ,go to a hospital if you have a flu ,you most likely will join my brother in a grave .

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Dude, I think you think I'm naive. I didn't come in with the last rain.

I'm 51. Talk to me like an adult or don't. It's up to you!

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Oh you are already 51 ? ,but you still have a runny nose my friend and may be wet behind the ears ,please clean it or you wont make it to 86 ,that's where I 'm .

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you're a toddler looking for someone to listen to your babble.

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I don’t think this is over until the health authorities stop pushing a vaccine on young people that they know has more risks than benefits AND start seriously looking at and acknowledging vaccine injuries. In Denmark no one under age 50 is even permitted to take the boosters.

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

Never. They are never going to bring awareness to any of that. I mean, maybe 50 years from now different people will start writing books and making documentaries. But the general media? As little as possible, ever.

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They are NOT!

It's up to US.

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I agree, they have a LOOOOONG way to go even to understand what they did. And I'm not forgiving them anytime soon.

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Here in the US they are tripling down on vaxxines for kids. I agree with you Ryan. Not in a forgiving mood Ms. Oster.

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Ms. Oster is a weasel with poison fangs .

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And forked tongue.

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No forgiveness without full justice. Mass murderers don't just get a pass for saying sorry, no matter how sincere.

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So Ryan it was only wrong what they did to kids and all the rest they did was good and right ?.For starters they are still doing it and then some ,like making shots a condition to go to school .Just recently they murdered my brother in a hospital ,when he went in there with a flu and they are still doing it now .World wide they must have killed millions and the killing is only getting started .Read also what honest prominent Dr.'s say what will happen to the 5.7 billion in the next few years because of the venom shots .Do you want me to tell you more about the W.E.F .future that is in progress as I write .No Sir the future will be worse than the present .

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That's not what he's saying. What he's saying is that as bad as what was done to adults, it's far, far worse that the same things were done to children. Of all the people in our society, children are the most vulnerable and the most in need of protection: that children were sacrificed en masse on the altar of greed and vanity is appalling indeed.

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Yes. Children are our future, and they are highly dependent on their adults. Grown-ups at least have some ability to fight back.

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Thank you

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You have any forgiveness to spare? I'm all out. :)

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

Lol. I've tried too.

Eugyppius made a comment yesterday about evil.

It was really well said.

I agree with him and that's why I'm going to have a hard time little authoritarian.

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What they did to every one of us

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totally agree

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I’ll never be the same, I don’t think any of us will.

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I will consider forgiveness when they build a time machine, go into the past, and un-jab all the children.

Murderers. Child abusing, genocidal, murderers. No, I do NOT forgive them.

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Emily Osters whole shtick is normies who like to pretend they are data driven free thinkers.

You know the imbeciles who have the Facebook frame that proclaim they have a healthy distrust of authority AND they got irreversible injected with a liability-free pharmaceutical product because the .gov and tiktokers told them to? They’re her wheelhouse. Her book Expecting Better is freakonomics for normie pregnant women. Drink caffeine! Eat sushi! But don’t have a home birth!

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Hilarious. She's the "live love laugh" of economists. She's the "pumpkin spice" of economists.

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TexBat and Karen B: thank you both :) Hilariously apt.

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I'd let her go with a fine, a career change, and a permanent Hall of Shame entry attached to her name.

Some of her colleagues, tho'? Serious jail time at least. And the further up the shadow org charts, the more severe.

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fully agree; there is proportional guilt, there should be proportional penalty

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I wonder if the mRNA injection pushing machine will forgive those of us who told them to take their poisons and go to hell?

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No, and I paid a high price in my family for not getting the jab. Also paid a very high price for my blue state's lockdowns...lost sight in one eye, because the surgery center "got Covid" and closed for over a week. So,"Professor" - take your attitude and shove it. It's what liberals always do - after they get away with it (always), "time to move on." The most dangerous people are stupid smart people - stay within your little class and your little subject and leave everyone else alone.

Too many people died because your side lied. Too many left with horrific and lifelong side effects.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Also the Atlantic: "There Is No Middle Ground on Reparations"


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I actually thought of the reparations issue as I was reading Oster's Atlantic piece. Think about how absurd it is that you would penalize people who had nothing to do with slavery; but you would let off the hook people directly responsible for loss of civil rights when it comes to Covid. And yes, it absolutely would happen again if that there is "amnesty."

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

fun fact, the vast majority of the descendants of slave owners alive today are blacks

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It hasn't even ended, never mind "again". However, I'm in 🇨🇦... your experience may differ...

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Excellent point.

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Uhhh, it's "Ibram X. Kendi" writing, what did you expect?

(I always experience a bizarre mixture of amusement and revulsion when someone of African ancestry Sticks It To The Man™ by adopting a name from the language of the greatest oppressors of sub-Saharan Africans ever.)

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Yep. Wanna embrace the people who sold you into slavery and still keep slaves, well, I guess thats your perogative.

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He's a complete moron! That's all!

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maybe he has Black Hebrew Israelite sympathies too.

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Hat tip to Brendon Marotta at Hegemon Media:


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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Great rant! Right up their with your outrage over public health officials kid-gloving monkeypox.

In a just world, those who lost their livelihoods would sit in judgment of those who cheered the efforts to deny them employment and medical treatment.

Forgiveness can be granted, but punishment for these human rights violations must be meted out.

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Thank you for writing this and saving me time today.

People like myself battled Emily Oster on Twitter from the get-go. She was, indeed, comfortable and clueless.

What she and other pandemicists are missing is that they must

1. Confess to what they did, specifically and without excuse-making;

2. Acknowledge it was wrong, misguided, and hurt people;

3. Apologize;

4. Humbly ask for forgiveness;

5. (However possible), make restitution, and

6. Be forgiven.

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2a. Also acknowledge that the correct information WAS available from the start but was wrongly labelled misinformation and then censored. I don’t want all these apologisers saying they just didn’t know any better. Or worse, that no one knew any better. Because a bloody lot of us did and I’m not an “expert”.

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In this order, and no skipping steps.

Restitution, in particular, may not come cheap.

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You're absolutely right. You must have confession before you have absolution.

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Not *quite* perfect... where do the gallows fit in to that sequence?

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You might appreciate this, as it relates exactly to this situation of "forgiveness":


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I have strained relations with my son, my ex-wife and some other family because I got red-pilled early. Was called out on a company zoom call, then "let go" 2 months later. My wife and friends asked me to go to counseling but that dude was so left wing blue pill that he wouldn't read any articles I was reading, and asked repeatedly why I believed them instead of helping me. F many of these people.

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Similar story here. We got through it, but these lies hurt a lot of my relationships. There need to be consequences.

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Until the last couple of weeks my position was: I will forgive anyone for any insult occurring over the past 2.5 years, as long as they appear sincere and use appropriate language (e.g. "Sorry for being such a fucking asshole"). But now that I see all these motherfuckers walking back their previous positions, some denying they held them, some accusing "others," some finally asking "why," I realize they've destroyed yet another important part of being human, namely forgiveness. They've debased the concept and are now using it as a weapon against honesty itself.

They "didn't know better" and were "frightened," so much that they could trivialize and marginalize anyone who asked questions. They re-invented the terms "misinformation" and "disinformation," they disinvited me because of my vaccination status, they called world-renown doctors and scientists quacks, they forced 100s of 1000s of people out of their jobs, and now these same pathetic pieces of shit are asking me to understand that they were scared and ignorant little cunts, that the devil made them do it.

So until the perpetrators, enablers, and cheerleaders are all arrested, tried, and punished appropriately for killing millions and destroying the world, I have two words for them, rhyming with "duck stew."


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Unfortunately they will convince a lot of people that they meant no harm. Like all abusive people they put on the "humanity" mask when it suits them. They ask our forgiveness but they will keep digging up 15 year old posts by then-14-year-olds to destroy lives and careers. On one hand they plead humanity but on the other they preach hatred and division.

Don't believe them and don't cede a millimeter when talking to them. Nobody was more afraid than I was in March, 2020. They don't deserve forgiveness because they give none whatsoever. They don't deserve our understanding because they allowed their brains to be captured, and in 95% of cases their motivation was either Trump hatred or being part of the in-crowd.

They are not good people and no amount of sanctimonious blame shifting will change that.

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This asshat Brad Hazzard, Minister for Health of New South Wales, blaming the modellers.

"I was told by our modellers that I would be presiding over 25,000 deaths in NSW that year." There were only 57 deaths that year.



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"I was told there would be no math"


"We didn't know... we were just doing what we were told"

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Can there be actual justice if the perpetrators fail to acknowledge their own agency?

I'm hearing a lot of blame shifting, hand wringing, and narcissistic obfuscation. But not much actual contrition and ownership of one's own responsibility and/or fault.

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Never forget, never forgive. The destruction of people's lives worldwide was totally preventable. We knew then and know it even more today.

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Emily was clueless before the deep-state operation, clueless during it and will remain clueless until the moment her entire existence is called into question when billions demand justice for the endless lies, injures & deaths she helped cause. The brain-dead narcissism of the current generations is a spectacle to behold. 10,000 Emilys are not worth the myocarditis injury of one college age student in this nation.

Perhaps, at that final moment when she looks into a mirror and understands she is no better than any common genocidal sociopath, the reality of the scale of the crimes she has helped commit will dawn on her. Of course, I am sure there were many Nazis out there who were convinced their consciences were clean to their dying days. After all, they were just useful idiots following orders.

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I'm not holding my breath for that day to come! People like Emily are people like Emily because they have neither the courage nor the humility to honestly confront any fears of their own meagre competence that escape the safety blanket of their overweening pride and cultural programming.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by eugyppius


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Forgive "each other?" She means forgive her. I don't require anyone's forgiveness because I never kept families apart. I never destroyed anyone's business, education, supply chain, religious service, or mental health. I never called for anyone's deplatformimg, internment, or forced vaccination. Go away and leave me alone like you should have done from the start.

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Trials first, forgiveness second. These crimes against humanity must have consequences!

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trials first, hangings second, forgiveness third!

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Let God sort these people out, it's our job to get them to Him.

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forgiveness is predicated on contrition

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

Forgiveness follows repentance. I don't hear her saying how sorry she is.

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Easy to see why kids are dumbed down so badly according to late articles - with people like Ms Oster around it is bound to get much worse.

No forgiveness is exactly right until the perpetrators are safely locked up or better still maybe triple shot of their own vaccine instead of them skipping out.

Can’t even think of. Civil word for her.

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