This is what they get for tilting at windmills.

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Wind mill building is the profession of the present .Every student must know how to build a wind mill and run it . There are solar panels on most roofs, now wind mills on every roof in Germany will make Germany very electrified . Power from solar panels drive the wind mills ,when the wind is not blowing . Clearing the snow from solar panels will keep every one warm ,if not than global warming will do the trick .

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Windmills I could live with. Bio-granola I could lean to like. But Birkenstocks is were I definitely draw the line!

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I got my first pair of Birks when I was 60. Once broken in, their actually very comfortable. 😬

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Just imagine a typical short notice evacuation of Florida where most vehicles are EVs. The carnage would begin days before the hurricane reaches the beach.

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I live in a region of California that was burned by the last three major fires.

The evacuation orders came after the power had been shut off for several days.

California governor Gavin Newsom and his committee of unelected bureaucrats are entirely unconcerned about the number of California citizens (and illegal immigrants, by the way) that they will be murdering with their ban on liquid-fueled vehicles.

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By then the depopulation agenda will be in full swing so there won’t be that many people left ... and of course you won’t be authorized to leave your sector anyway.

👺The globalists probably already thought through this diabolical scenario with EVs & hurricane evacuation. They love to use (SAI + HAARP technology) weather weaponization to ‘assist’ with their depopulation / eugenics agenda.

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💡 That's why they don't have any plans to build out/upgrade the electric grid!

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Well for sure they don't intend for everyone to be able to own their own vehicle, ev or not.

I call them "piss pods", the 'self' driving EVs that you'll have to share with others, which is why they will always smell faintly of piss...

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See City of Oxford (UK) "15 minute city" announced this week and enter that variable into.the equation. I cook with propane, I heat with oil and firewood, I travel with gasoline.

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I'm in a small North Georgia, USA town. I use electric for cooling in summer, propane and wood for heat in winter, propane for cooking and diesel and gasoline for farm equipmment and cars. My worry is that our bureaucrats will create scarcity either by regulations or taxes.

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We know the problems. Our systems are corrupted. It is time to organize and fix them.

Decentralize everything. Demand transparency. Weaponize the tyranny of the masses back onto the people corrupting our systems and end the Global Agenda.

Also understand systems better and how important they are. If you tell us the kind of systems that govern over you, we can accurately predict your quality of life.

Embrace decentralized and transparent systems.

Fear centralized ones.

Know the difference:


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And then after the storm blows through, return to find your EV self-incinerated because salt water reacted with the powering device. It happened a lot around Fort Meyers.

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are most vehicles in Fla EVs?

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No, just imagine if they were. What would happen?!

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that would be a disaster. Anywhere in the world now, I am certain once they rid the planet of evil gas cars, you will just have to take the bus

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I’m sure they’d prefer is we crawled…on our hands and knees

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The UN Urban Agenda Habitat III makes it quite clear. You will take public transport, bicycle or walk. The established and recurrently stated goal is to erase private vehicle ownership. The wider catch-on to this fact is (like the climate change Trojan horse or the current COVID murderous pantomime) true to form, lamentably slow.

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Public transit will be by horse . With many more people now ,transit horses will be in the millions in California alone .All greenery will be turned to horse shit .The elite will love it that way ,they wallow in horse shit all their life .Shoveling snow will be replaced with shoveling horse shit .

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Regressives would immerse us all in the problems of the late 19th Century. Horse shit was considered a major insurmountable problem in the cities.

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Back to horses!

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;-) Four hoof prints and a thundering emitter of CO2. No cows, or horses envisaged by the Davos Cult. Heavens, people might start eating them instead of bugs.

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If they really want to drastically reduce car ownership, why don't they stop car financing business? Without car finance, most people won't be able to afford one anyway. 😀

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no more car financing ,it will be bike financing from now on . I even financed the play bike of my son .

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Talk about efficiency; economic and national security suicide in one fell swoop!

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amphibian cars?

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Father in law had one 55 years ago, called the Amphicar

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I just saw one a couple of weeks ago in a film from the Memoryseekers, about villages and towns in the UK. It was a relic from around WW2

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Heard at husband's 55th high school reunion in Oct. stories of his use of this car--girls going for a ride were "terrified" as car slid into water. Bit of a babe magnet. I think I saw it in use once as I only came "on the scene" in 1971.

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Amphicar would be pretty popular in California right now!

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Probably, California has among the most EV's and they're about 5% of total vehicles. And yes, when they had power grid problems the gov asked people not to charge.

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no surprise there.

I wonder who it the 2nd most...

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When I see an electric car here in Florida, I try to run it off the road. Preferably into a canal where it will catch fire and burn endlessly.

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Rosemarry ,most vehicles in Florida are W.M. vehicles .With all the storms in Florida W .M. vehicles make sense . In case you wonder what a W.M. vehicle is it's a WIND MILL family car .

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😂😂😂😂😂 for the whole family

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If there was a evacuation order for Florida ,highway crashes would be in the millions ,because every one is moving to Florida .

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My daughter lives in Naples Florida. EV’s aren’t the issue with evacuation because once the power is out, the gas stations don’t work either. So, no matter what your driving, your screwed if you don’t get out very early. Granted, you could probably drive farther in a ICE vehicle.

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It becomes a more complex issue yet, Ralph, when we factor in the electricity storage issue. Here in California, one strategy that is gaining attention is to use vehicle batteries for night-time reserve capacity. Considering the demand for storage and limited supplies of materials with which to create it, a version of synchronous inverter makes sense in that context.

When we consider evacuation scenarios, distance-to-safety matters, as you so astutely point out. Advance warning also plays a part. Storm and flood usually have a longer lead time than fire.

Once away from immediate risk of death, there is the mobility and dispersion issue to deal with. A liquid fuel filling station can power its own reserve generator, with which to energize pumps. Stranded liquid fuel vehicles can be refueled quickly and easily where they stalled when their onboard fuel supply has been depleted.

During a recent fire, a quarter of a million people here were ordered to evacuate in one county, and quite suddenly. It was managed rather well, all things considered. The details of both evacuation and return, were interesting and informative. Under an EV and public transportation scenario, the picture changes, and not in a way that improves outcomes.

To be clear, I am very much in support of electric vehicles and alternative energy, and have been for nearly fifty years. What I do not support are the sort of public/private partnerships that are currently being imposed in an effort to force universal adoption of technologies. The combination of economic hardships and deceptive messaging are manipulations that increase misery and suffering, turning deadly during times of greatest risk to life.

There's a place for all of the available technologies, and they are best deployed according to the particular circumstances of their intended use. The top-down, authoritarian, one-size-fits-all approach is a slow-motion disaster unfolding before our eyes.

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Boy, I’m glad I piped up because you’ve given me many things to think about I haven’t contemplated! I agree wholeheartedly that the way western governments are trying to shove EVs down everyone’s throats is a bad idea, particularly when the public/private partnerships are used the way they are being used. Again, appreciate the feedback and informative reply.

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Jan 16, 2023·edited Jan 16, 2023

I'm glad that it gave you food for thought, Ralph.

I remember seeing my first solar-powered car, back in 1993. I was surprised and delighted. A local EV dealer purchased a brand-new 1992 Ford Escort station wagon from the Ford dealership, and had them remove the gasoline engine. The vehicle was transported to the EV facility, where they bolted an electric motor to the transmission, filled the back with ordinary deep-cycle batteries and covered the roof with solar panels. They then drove the resulting solar-powered car back to the Ford dealership for a mutually-rewarding photo op.

it was, as we used to say, simply too cool. I looked forward to the day when I could have such a car.

Now..... here's the thing; that car would have been impractical for my daily commute because of range and recharge times. That was then, because I lived a ways out of town. Today, however, I live close-in and that solar car would be, as my parents were occasionally wont to say, the bee's knees.

Back in '79, I lived in a windy, rural area of the northern California coast. Back then, there were quite a few people living "off-grid" up there, and their electricity requirements were really quite modest. A local fellow designed a small wind generator, The "Dragonfly." Here's the URL: https://dragonflywindgenerator.blogspot.com/.

Bill no longer produces them for sale, but my point is that I watched one of these perform flawlessly during a howling winter storm with wind gusts of up to 70 MPH. There were a number of them deployed around the coast back then, and the unique self-feathering mechanism protects the generator from being damaged by over-rev.

Exciting times and interesting, effective solutions, Ralph. If the local zoning ordinances allowed, I'd have a Dragonfly spinning above my current home.

I think that the main thing about all of this controversy is to avoid allowing the perfect to become an enemy of the good, and try to prevent unscrupulous opportunists, both political and economic, from obtaining regulatory capture that distorts the market in their favor.

it's axiomatic that what we incentivize, we get more of, and there are times and places where removal of incentives is just as meaningful and helpful as imposing them.

I'm a bit of a cheerleader for wind and solar (not necessarily confined to silicon-wafer photovoltaic solar,) and things like low-speed lanes can greatly extend the practicality and utility of lightweight EV solutions. Bringing up Ford, again, they had a sub-45 MPH urban EV in real-world testing during the 90's. It was called the "Think" series, and they were fun to drive and very handy in urban and suburban short-trip usage. Ford also deployed an electric Ranger mini-truck that had a small, hardcore base of enthusiasts. The Ranger achieved 55 MPH freeway speeds and had a range of about a hundred miles between charges.

My point about the above, is that they did not have the high-tech complexity, nor did they require rare-earth minerals in quantity. Lead-acid batteries are safer and more easily recyclable than the Lithium-combination batteries being deployed today.

It's not either-or, it's "what's necessary for the situation." The top-down approach requires people to fit into the authoritarian imposition. The "upward" approach fits the technology to the individual person.

We seem to have two poles, these days, one individualist and one collectivist. leadership is trying to force us all into a purely collectivist paradigm, using misinformation and market distortions to do so.

I'm reminded, once again, of the EV early adopters who sneered at others because there were no gasoline taxes to pay and electricity was cheap. Well, that was fine for then, because there were few of them and their usage of the roadways didn't present an excessive dilution of the tax basis for roadway upkeep.

When we review what legislators are proposing as substitutes for gasoline taxes, we begin to see what, to ordinary, compassionate citizens, seem to be unintended consequences regarding those of modest means and their utility bills or personal autonomy. I am beginning to doubt that those consequences are unintentional, a lifetime of observation convincing me that it's more a matter of the wealthy and powerful not caring about individual rights and welfare. such caring is unnecessary, as long as they are not allowed to impose coercion.

Meanwhile, we have the drumbeat of media and government-induced fear, a campaign of terror that is causing a great deal of harm, in and of itself.

Here's rooting for ordinary, practical common sense to eventually win hearts and minds, and allow us each to find our best way forward. The individual and the collective need can be balanced and sustainable, provided we can keep the verifiable facts from being obscured by shrill calumny and disingenuous propaganda.

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Ralph did you not hear about the newest vehicles ,called W.M. vehicles .They always work ,because Florida has stormy weather .In case you wonder what a W.M. vehicle is ,it is a wind mill family car .

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Prepare for the deluge of vacuous op-Ed’s extolling the virtues of having less.

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Has started here already. There's a Green journalist named Ulrike Herrmann who tells us all we need to go back to the level of wealth in "1978" (why 1978? Nobody knows!). Everybody would still be "wealthy", but, er, government would have to allocate food, flats, gas, whatever. But we'd all be very happy nonetheless, because, you know, the government rationing stuff has worked perfectly again and again and again.

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Herrmann is just intolerable

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She is clearly deeply undemocratic in her ideas. The fact that she actually get invited in the ÖRR to speak her mind (without being swatted down by her intervieiwer) is very worrying.

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Simplifying lifestyles is a fine idea; getting the government involved is most definitely NOT.

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USDA offers us opportunity to "register" our private home vegetable gardens and will give us a large sign to advertise the fact. Cui bono? [aside: Friends, lately, many are jumping on Cicero's pithy phrase. The word is "cui", not "qui". Pronunciation nearly identical but first means "for whom", second means "who" and makes absolutely no sense here. Just saying, as a Latin teacher.

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I've heard that in Canada registration will be mandatory. Just a rumor at the moment but...

Why would you want a sign to advertise your home garden?

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So your veggies and chickens get forcibly sprayed or vaccinated? It's my best guess. A Canadian woman told me that she can't raise bees without a permit. I suggested using an old log in a tree, instead of frame hives.

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Rationing means only one thing, human induced shortages. Rationing produces despair and impedes the human spirit and productivity. Why bother to work hard, or even work at all?? I have met people who grew up in E Germany who spoke about waiting in lines for a "chance" to buy bananas. Growing up in 1970's and 1980's US, I never gave not being able to buy a banana a thought. Or my former colleague (15-20 year ago) who spoke about why accountants hadn't used computers in stead of paper as much in Africa like in the US because the power supply was not reliably available on demand. A significant issue in the first world today that will rear its head as this insanity progresses, is that relatively few have done without the items they need and many do not have to forgo the things they want. These man made energy crises will sow the seeds of discontent.

I'm not sure people in the US are ready for periods of time without power or heat or air conditioning, regardless of what they believe about human impacts on the climate. The elites appear to be priming the pump for this, but they can't control behavior when large scale erosion in the nation's infrastructure causes long term power outages, water shortages, sewage treatment plant shutdowns.

Will the surveillance state and the electronic banking system remain "UP" while children and old people freeze in the winter? You cannot have a surveillance state without either significant electricity or an army of men. Will the sewage treatment plants continue to operate? You need power to run all these modern systems to keep modern life humming.

The folks who create "green" policies haven't a clue as to the complexity and intricacy of contemporary systems. They know they want power and the wield influence via grifting. Give a favor to a solar panel company so one can buy a new summer home. Give a favor to a pharma company to make a fortune in the stock market. Maybe get invited to hob knob with influential people. It would seems that the populous/electorate at large are just bothersome cogs to be used to further the grift.

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Think about getting composting toilet while you can. We have already moved on to saving urine and appling to garden. [See Rich Earth Institute in Vermont for webinar] Not much computation needed to determine urine quantity needed to supply N; and P K S come along as well.

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I don't have a garden to fertilize ,so I send all my bowl movements to the W.H.O. for tasting and testing in case there is a new virus in it .

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Oh jeez!

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Porge the W.H.O. needs tons of samples ,so why don't you help them out just like I do .

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I just remembered an old story that my dad used to tell about a woman picking lettuce. She had to go pee-pee but couldn't remember what lettuce got sprinkled so she picked and told herself 'not this one, not that one...'. Soon, all the lettuce was picked.

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I saw an old farmer who created his own composting outhouse that was off a hallway in his home. He used tons of wood chips, keeping the whole thing smell-free. It was quite interesting, but I haven't tried to recreate it.

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In this video, the man built a similar outhouse:


I've found videos of composting toilets that use sphagnum moss to make it smell free.

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Thanks, will definitely look into both suggestions.

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Rather, go back to wealth of 1971 just before Nixon took us off the stability of gold.

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that is such a disgusting statement by Herrmann Wow

Galling completely maddening

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Our guns, rights and freedoms and prosperity will be gone...if we allow it.

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I remember when government connections got people the best flats and food in a number of countries.

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I came from one of those countries. None of the flats were so great and the best food was in rural farming communities that the gov couldn't control, at least not back then. There's a reason that Gordon Ramsay traveled the world and went to rural farming communities.

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It would be cool to hear your stories about growing up there.

Indeed, I saw some of these "best flats" in Russia and a few other places. Quite unfortunate. I remember a delicious pork fat and farm bread sandwich in a rural corner of Russia, made for me by a sturdy, elderly woman whose farm I visited.

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Rural life was great for kids and even young adults. I was only 4 when we came to Canada but visited many times. In rural areas, subsistence farming was the norm. This was made much easier because many, many people regularly went abroad to work and sent money home returning eventually. Before the war, Yugoslavia was a communist country but not behind the iron curtain. After WWII, they maintained closed borders for somewhere around 25 years but eventually opened up the borders so people could go to places like Germany to earn hard currency; at least at the time it was hard currency! The country eventually went bankrupt with huge inflation which is pretty much what lead to war. It's always about $$$.

If you were on the wrong side of politics, life was tough especially for the urbanites, even if it was only your ancestors that were on the wrong side. The surveillance state wasn't big yet.

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Encapsulated by the pithy phrase “you will own nothing & be happy”

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Or driving less. You choose?

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

the green energy cult (it is a death cult based on terrible lies) will likely result in the deaths of billions of people around the globe as energy becomes less and less available and more expensive. This is an intentional depopulation schema.

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Members of that religion get really mad when you point out that it's a religion.

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...and covid vxx. different facets of the same agenda.

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Yep. Both are part of the control crisis (not covid or climate).

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Well, if they didn't kill you with the covid death shot, there is always the lack of energy that will finish you off.

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I would not be surprised if Pfizer rolls out a vaccine against climate change ,that we are forced to have injected . They never say what kind of climate they want to change the climate to ,that would be just right for the elite . Would 0 decrees all year be just right for them for the whole planet ?

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Don't think it will end in the death of billions, but it's absolutely a cult.

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Q: why not? the covid express train to death has proven a jolly good time for the anointed government WEF leaders of the globe to watch unfold in front of their eyes. They were infiltrated into their positions of power no less than what Adam Weishaupt did prior to the French Revolution. Jesus said "Satan comes to steal, kill, destroy." we are witnessing it live.

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Covid containment measures were said to cause the deaths of hundreds of millions due to supply chain issues. Billions isn't that far off.

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The authorities are saying that they'll control the climate by controlling you. But they can't control the climate, they'll only control you. Because that's their actual goal.

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Carbon is what makes the Greenies green .Without carbon the greenie will be naked .

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Good thing you have your Alpine redoubt. I want Germany to suffer from its hubris as a cautionary tale for the rest of us, but I hope you will be able to avoid it personally.

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well, I want them to suffer too. it's the only way to end the insane tyranny of the greens. I'll be OK.

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Count me in.

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deletedJan 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius
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deletedJan 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius
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You can edit your original Post, Just click on the three little dots to do so....

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

First post, want to see if it works...

I live in the "near north", in Ontario, Canada.

We are deluged with "Carbon fears", while all of it is utter BS.

Conservation is important, no need for Carbon Taxes, as I'm fairly certain that this taxation ends up in "general revenues", to be handed back to some special interest group with the latest "new thing".

I could go on, but I have to shovel some snow, not due to climate change...

It is January after all, up here we call it winter...

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your first post has come through loud and clear! thanks so much for commenting.

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Southern Ontario here: there's a video clip of Senator Elizabeth Marshall questioning a recent (I think bill C32) omnibus budget where Chrystia Freeland wants to invest $2 Billion dollars into a company that doesn't exist! Freeland replies with a typical word salad and having to DO SOMETHING about climate change.

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Whenever I see the Freeland woman ,I'm reminded of a shrew .

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You're too kind. More like Not See.

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Vanda, thank you!

Do you have a link to Ms. Marshall 's clip?

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The slim blond woman with dark framed glasses is Elizabeth Marshall. I had to search just a little.

Just listen to Freelands reply, if you can stomach it.

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And we all KNOW when they have to “regulate” who gets to have power & who doesn’t, the rich neighborhoods & elite will not be going without power ever, it will be the poor neighborhoods that end up having “blackouts” more & more frequently as they continue to push EV’s.

Our current power grid cannot handle the strain if 20% of Americans get EV’s!

Also the companies are hiding the facts about how expensive it is to replace the battery in EV’s or that child slave labor is used in other countries to mine what they need for the batteries for EV’s.

Funny how the Left care about children of color when it serves their narrative but not at all when it doesn’t fit the false narrative their trying to push?

EV’s are not good for anybody or anything except to make it harder for us to travel very far from home without stopping to charge overnight every night.

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Why, suprisingly, there are commentators in the German media saying there should be a CO2 budget per person, and if you go over it, you'd have to pay for the surplus. Guess who has money to go over the limit?

Oh my.

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If you travel and stay in a hotel over night ,who will let you charge the car over night ? There are no plug ins outside the building anyway .So better bring a long ,long cord to run it from your room down the stairs and out to your car 10 floors down .When travelling in a E.V. car always bring a gas motor along for charging .

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Heavvens...I can't with this stupidity any longer, I JUST. CAN'T.

I have been telling Mr. Quakeress, proud owner of an EV, for f*g MONTHS that focus on renewables and focus on EVs does not work. For MONTHS. And now, low and behold, politicians also arrive at this not-so-brilliant-but-rather-logical conclusion. I just can't.

Funnily enough, in my community (chock-full with Green voters) lots and lots of charging stations went up - and guess what, some of them have been closed down "temporarily" in the last couple of weeks. Either the things are low-quality and go bust at the drop of a hat, or the commune are trying to lower electricity use through charging EVs.

Have some of you in Bavaria made the same observation, that charging stations in your area have been closed down (here, they've been covered and signs have been put up).

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And are your EV neighbors now cadging rides from gas owners? Hope you charge a pretty penny if so. Here's your line: "You are just helping me to save up for my own EV"

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I have no idea, nobody's asked me for a ride yet and the tesla whose owner lives somewhere in our street seems to get around fine (and obviously they don't have a private wallbox).

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When travelling in Bavaria always park your E.V. next to a wind mill ,for charging . There are more wind mills now than charging stations . I don't live in Bavaria ,so I ask would it make sense to ride a horse there if I come and visit as a tourist ? In the Philippines I rode a water buffalo to my nipa hut as a tourist .

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.... and here in the US, the push is on for all of us to transition to electric cooking stoves.. If you use a gas stove, you may 1) cause your kids to get asthma, 2) contribute to climate change, 3) contribute to illness in poor people.

Sigh, here we go again... fear tactics and pulling at your conscience. I'm curious to see if people will fall for these illogical reasons.

Why the push for all of us to use electricity all of a sudden? We have enough problems with the grid as it is! Who are the people making these bizarre edicts .with equally bizarre "logic"?

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Just remember: gas stoves are bad because they can’t be turned off remotely.

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Correct. Great point.

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Absolutely correct. I just read in off-guardian that this is only an excuse to push people into getting indoor air cleaners aka monitoring devices. Gas stoves won't be banned, the air cleaners will be proposed as a good solution to the problem. Cui bono, that's for sure.

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Ugh. They are determined to introduce control into every single aspect of our lives by hook & crook

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The U.S. turned off millions of gas stoves in Europe by exploding the gas pipes from Russia .

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Spot on!

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GDOC, the question is how does the average man stop this? this a moving freight train of epic proportions. all of the academic institutions and many corporations have bought into these gargantuan lies.

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Rope, lamppost

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this is what derailed the Luddite movement in Great Britain in the turning of the first industrial revolution.

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The feds need the states to enforce their edicts. Just refuse to comply.

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deletedJan 14, 2023·edited Jan 14, 2023
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GDOC, i found this interesting. In my email program, when you said "The Universities can be defunded," My email program received "The Universities can be defined," What is going on?

Again I believe the average person will just go along to get along. Maybe the small % will refuse to participate and refuse to enable the steam roller to continue. Prayer. Dietrich Bonhoeffer the famous German theologian in Nazi germany comes to mind ("throwing the wrench into the wheel")--he specifically meant the church in resistance to the Nazi's.

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I sadly believe that the church (at least the Roman Catholic church leadership) is not on our side.

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all this started during the progressive era where utopia was sought after by western governments seeking to develope this expert unelected technical class to solve everything. All cultural evils will be solved by the mind of man. But all of this without God and his law at the center. this is why eugenics moved into high gear during and right after the progressive era (early 1900s)

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these policies would be deemed by those with common sense as insanity. This is caused by giving in to atmosphere that is stoked by nonstop fear of overpopulation, fear of climate change and life-giving carbon. It is a cult

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The elite is not our only problem .All the maskers belong in the enemy camp .When I see a masker I feel like punching them in the snout .

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I bet those kids have asthma from vax damage. Any data given on how many of them came from electric vs gas stoves homes? What about electric stove plus gas fireplace?

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Pretty sure no stove causes asthma. The childhood vax schedule surely does

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Vaxxing and masking children is a brutal activity . I still see 2 year olds fully masked and most likely vaxxed beside adults walking .


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Curious about (because this has been a bee in my bonnet for ~ 50 years)--how many of those masked toddlers are daycare denizens? Id est, their parents are not in reality the "primary care-givers". I would enjoy seeing data on this.

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I just want to scream “child abuser” @ those types!

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Have wondered for many years whether popularity of wall to wall carpet (with associated chemical constituents in carpet and padding) might be involved. My home: bare wood floors with rugs of wool or cotton. All my children knew.

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Grace, I think there are a LOT of libtards who love & swear by the superiority of cooking w/ gas & that will be a stove...er bridge too far, even for them.

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Commercial kitchens cook with gas.

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Jan 14, 2023·edited Jan 14, 2023

Cooking with gas is totally inferior to cooking with an induction electrical stove. Induction is much faster and powerful than gas and it can be ragulated just as quickly and precisely.

I switched from gas to induction and I will never go Back...

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It won't heat my home. My gas stove does.

Not giving up my cast iron either.

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Clear to see that you have no intention of either canning or brewing. Your cooktop cannot handle weight, as Pam.of RoseRedHomestead found out in her own kitchen. I cook on a gas Aga.

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I brew a lot of beer myself, but I use a dedicated brewing machine for that. The brewing machine could also be used for canning, I assume. Love my Speidel Brewmaster, it is the perfect brewing device.

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I would have to buy all new induction friendly cookware. Not doing that.

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I have 2 master cook friends (1 is a chef) & gas is completely it for them. I enjoy cooking & am pretty good at it but I’m fine w/ an electric stove/oven, an air fryer & a crock pot! I’m a pleb, I know 😅

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We have an induction and gas hob and use both. Wherever possible we have a fuel alternative, so gas and wood for heating; petrol for generator, a diesel car and an EV. Also we never bought into the smart meter scam so they will find it harder to limit our usage.

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China is laughing its little socks off at how its 'green crap' subversion is going in the west, they probably never thought we'd be so stupid to fall for it quite so extensively.

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agreed. China is long-term strategic in everything they do. Their military has war-gamed these strategies out. along with the covid vaxx. they intend to come out on top and to dominate and subjugate all the nations. They are likely the head of the green dragon.

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You overestimate them. They are strategic, no doubt, but they are also corrupt and as a result not so successful in carrying out even relatively short-term plans. No, I think the West is doing this to itself.

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China has been at for several thousand years perfecting the art of war. Corruption goes hand in hand with absolute power. I would remind you that they have the distinction of having intentionally murdered + 75 million citizens through the ideology of communism.

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Absolute nonsense, there are countless massive examples of how they get things done. Here's a small and amusing example: https://youtu.be/4-XDxCb92X4

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Yes they get things done by authoritarian fiat and the monies that America and western nations have paid them for being the worlds producers without any kind of environmental restraints. you are clearly not reading your history about the gulags, imprisonments and murders during the Chinese Revolution. Suggest start with the Black book of communism in Russia and work your way east.

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It must be like watching your big rivals shooting their own kneecaps off. Baffling, but somehow satisfying.

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All the poor dead birds under the windmill farms. When spring arrives and the bugs take over, people poison themselves with pesticide and never understand what happened.

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For me it would be very disturbing living next to wind mills .They destroy the landscape even when they don't spin .When they spin it makes my head spin to .

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Sounds like what Gavin Newsom is trying to set up with his industry buddies in California, too.

The game seems to be: instead of taking responsibility for an energy crisis and creating measures to actually deal with the real situation, just move on and force the entire citizenry to engage in unnecessary wasteful consumption to buy millions of new (largely plastic, usually made by big polluters) devices and when they see through the greenwashing, complain, protest, and threaten to elect someone else, call them "populists".

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A global Enron? Californians paid enormously higher energy bills because the state leaders shut down their own power grid. Grift and graft are the low criminal fruits of their work. But at a darker end, its far leftist Cloward-Piven at work to collapse the system towards global chaos and them bring in global tyranny.

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"The Ukraine war is a catastrophe" - none the less, Blackrock is already in negotiations to buy up shit in Ukraine, make plans for rebuilding

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Still looking for any sign of that legendary German engineering, meticulous planning, and realpolitik in any of what's happening. Have they all lost their marbles?

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There's nary an engineer in sight in the German government. The economic minister is a writer of children's book and has been a politician all his life. Most of them have been full-time politicians all their lives.

The engineers are trying to keep their plants and production facilities alive in spite of stupid political agendas and orders they get. In the big companies, they are spending a LOT of time trying to deal with the fallout of German policies - trying to get some emergency plans in case of blackouts up and running, dealiing with disrupted supply chains, insane energy prices and so on. These people are exhausted by now.

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Insanity. The Schwabbists are going to destroy everything.

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Most Germans lost their mind together with the war .They are more docile now than lap dogs .

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That was an intended, I believe.

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For the sake of civilization, climate lunatics and Zelensky-Azov fans should be relentlessly encouraged to get their boosters.

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