Jul 1, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I was so excited to see them embracing the evidence....and then...”three doses plus three infections.” The willful blindness is excruciatingly painful to behold, and the magical thinking that persists beyond logic, reason, or evidence puts my six year old daughters belief in the tooth fairy into perspective.

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Jul 1, 2022Liked by eugyppius

“The data show us that infection and vaccination together protect significantly better against the transmission of the virus than vaccination or infection alone.”

So DUMB ... where is the data that shows how NO VACCINATION compares?

And how do you know what the data would be IF there was NO VACCINES at all?

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Jul 1, 2022Liked by eugyppius

BILD back better....

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Jul 1, 2022Liked by eugyppius

“The ideal immunisation is that you have a complete vaccination—with three doses—and with this basis of immunity you’re then infected for the first time and also second and third time with the real virus,” The crazy part is that people will lap the BS up rather than notice the the unvaccinated populations do better. What a crazy world.

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And then, in addition to exponential jabs, one should do a Fauci and take a course of Paxlovid: masks as a 'protective' 'effective' backup.

Of course allowing for rebound, one could then ride on the booster+Paxlovid merry-go-round indefinitely, or at least until one's immune system finally gave up the fight.

“What is the cost of lies? It is not that we’ll mistake them for the truth. The real danger is that if we hear enough lies, then we no longer recognize the truth at all.”

Hannah Arendt

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Jul 1, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Congrats on your national stature!

It continues to amaze me how the astrologers as you call them - and they really are - face absolutely no consequence for what is becoming more and more ridiculous pronouncements.

From your post yesterday, I assume germans are compliant to a T with the public transport mask mandate, despite being stuffed like sardines

What a world

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Jul 1, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Keep noticing that they frame the event as Vaxx vs whatever. Honest reportage would mention the prophylactic benefits of Vit D, ivermectin, exercise, not cowering inside, etc.

I don't read German, so could miss some of the nuance in the report, but use an estimate of 85% reduced mortality with proper early treatment, and don't fall for the Vaxx propaganda.

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For what other disease do experts prescribe inoculation and infection? And not just once, but three times? I suppose three is a magic number…

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The iron curtain of Mass formation psychosis is falling! Remember to save a brick. It'll be a collectors item someday.

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These days I often find it difficult to recognise true satire given the Clown World which we now inhabit.

I sincerely hope the authors intended it as such but it would be good to know how many of their readers/followers appreciate the irony as opposed to those who don't.

I know nothing of Der Bild's readership/target audience, but in the Uk we have/had a satirical magazine "Private Eye" - which I used to enjoy until about two years ago when it became apparent that, through their ridiculous "M.D. a Doctor writes", that they had sadly swallowed the whole narrative to the extent that they ridicule those who dare question them - a sort of reverse satire satire!

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Was nicht passt wird passend gemacht (What doesn't fit, will be made to fit)

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Umm - the vaccination vs vaccination and infection based immunity is a bit misleading. The comparison should be vaccinated vs non vaccinated - as the vaccine causes saracov2 to be produced within the body leading to self destruction / cytokine storm / loss of cd8 cells and spongiform inflammation across organs. A casual infection confers natural immunity.

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Wow. The knots they tie themselves into rather than admit the simplest, clearest explanation: the east is far less vaccinated than the west.

"No no no it's because vaccines work so well that you also need to get infected three times and then stand on one leg while touching your nose as is custom in former DDR."

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They really must ruin everything - nothing is sacred. Not even Charité, where my sister, panicked and distraught, was treated with the utmost respect and compassion after an unfortunate incident while visiting me during my stay in Berlin. No: that foul dog Drosten must of course emanate from there. The knowledge of his obscene role in all this is unspeakably galling, and I’m not even of nor in the country he betrayed.

Not even Berlin itself can be spared, that city at once so sumptuous and so full despair, where I wandered bruised and defeated through the Tiergarten listening to the Petersen Quartett’s recordings of the late Beethoven quartets after being ignored for weeks by a would-be teacher. Having resigned myself to flying home after three more empty weeks, all around me the city insisted unrelentingly upon beauty, through its verdant, gritty austerity.

Everything about this era is so bitter, but this might just be the most acrid dose of all.

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Inch by inch, step by bloody step, we will fight this to the finish and finally bring the majority along! We fight for those who died needlessly and who were terrified into the jab!

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Well, there's that insane logic to it that until you stop injecting - the injections haven't failed.

Sometimes, not admitting defeat is a good thing, such as when dealing with trauma or depression or so. Sometimes it's just a Titanic of sunk cost lunacy.

Main reason, psychologically speaking, is probably wanting reality to conform to faith so hard you break your mind: it simply must work if you just do it hard enough. You can see it everywhere, and I'd argue the impulse to become that way increases as the direct cost and consequences to oneself decreases.

Just look at the 'Energie-elände'. Germany is not the right place to depend on solar, hydro and wind alone. Coal is dirtier than anything else, plus it's good to keep it in reserve in the ground. Leaves oil, gas and nuclear of which nuclear is the best option: teutonic lands being tectonically safe, modern reactors too being safe, and waste materials can also be handled safely.

But no. The dogma must be proven true, else all actions taken to prove dogma true has been for nought and in vain, so we must keep doing it more and more and more.

Eventually, that leads all nations to become the Soviet Union in the year 1980: too far gone and past the point of no return (and no returns, not even diminishing ones).

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