I have started a new company, it’s the Center For Countering the Center for Countering Digital Hate.

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Yeah, a shadowy NGO promoting coordinated anti-speech campaigns that almost all MSM outlets participate in on the same day while being cheered on by the US administration. Clearly nothing fascistic going on here!

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Does Hunter have a new job? Looks like.

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Ha, does Hunter's brain work enough to do this?

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He has a brain full of mush as this point, BUT...the scam artist part of his brain was spared.

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That organization is a dark joke. An obvious tool. it's job is to create narratives that link the word "hate" with the word "anti-vaxxer" and demands for bodily autonomy as a form of terrorism a la Peter Hotez. That's it. The whole point of the exercise. At who's behest and on who's dime? No idea.

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The same usual suspects that fund entities like Stonewall, BLM, Amnesty International, etc. It might go through shells, but it is all Gates, Soros, Koch, Pritzker, et al. The same ones deforming our society for the last two decades. Obviously our masters want us at each other's throats for insisting on reality rather than the 'metaverse'. They're doing a bang up job too, because very many see the toes, tail or trunk of the elephant, but very few can back up enough to see the whole damn thing.

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THIS. Spot on. #transcult #peaktrans #itsafetish #thisneverhappens


womenarehuman d0t c0m

4w d0t pub

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You're obviously someone I likely know from the shit going on the last 6 years or so. I've been trying to warn them the same tricks are being played. Good to see you here!

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Totally agree. That nonsense makes a little more sense in 2022 than it did in 2019.

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I made a comment on that article that I expect won’t be well-received, so I’ll repeat it here:

An excellent article. Indulge me as I reminisce my youth in and around a very vibrant gay community way back in the late 1970s and 1980s. The gay community (which was the label back then for *both* homosexual men and women) was becoming politically powerful, mainly due to the horror of the AIDS epidemic. First they demanded “tolerance”, which most straights were down with - it wasn’t long before tolerance and acceptance became more the norm than the exception. However, tolerance wasn’t enough. Communities which had long felt marginalized wanted more than tolerance. They wanted celebration. A straight who merely tolerated must now cheer and support and embrace. And all organizations which were viewed as straight were suddenly ripe for colonization. Resistance was lambasted as “homophobia” and in many cases, brought to court and prosecuted. Many such colonized organizations were transformed into nonexistence - destroyed. Soon, even bringing up and questioning the wisdom of this process was dangerous to the person who wanted to discuss the elephant in the room. This was all seen as “progress”.

Now that you’ve read this little history, re-read the article and try to spot the irony.

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Thanks for those.

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No problem. Also check out

savewomenssports d0t com


kpssinfo d0t org.

Thank you.

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While that is an important topic, I'm not sure what you are getting at by posting it here. Did you post it here by mistake? Or are you saying that Bill Gates, George Soros, et al have a similar desire to destroy themselves (and the rest of us) and be reborn as something else that excites them?

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Bill Gates and friends are delusional. I would not trust them to sit in a bathtub unattended.

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LOL neither would I.

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Many powerful men (for example, James "Jennifer" Pritzger) are closet autogynephiles and pedocriminals. George Soros donates millions if not billions of dollars to misogynist "trans rights" orgs. It's all part of the same agenda.


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Oh, I see what you mean. Yes, I think these perversions are all connected and often come along with narcissism and desire for power over others.

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But to what end? From where I sit half the world is intent on self-destruction. Gates, Soros etc are busy deconstructing western democracies, but they'll be the first victims. (Not least because they're busy destroying their own markets). Are they so psychologically damaged they seek to destroy themselves and everyone else with them?

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I think they are. I think it's a spiritual issue -- a destructive force that attracts people by promising them power and freedom, even as it creates a frenzy that destroys those things. The lure of being in charge and "liberating the world" is very strong for these people, who then become caught up in this frenzy. It's the same kind of frenzy that causes people to beat other people to death. They don't INTEND to when they start, but they find themselves intoxicated with power that makes them feel immortal, and grows as they destroy more. "MacBeth" (currently in theaters) is a brilliant examination of this idea. The more people he kills, the more people he has to kill, until he hates everyone and everything but keeps right on killing because he believes he is entitled to power over everyone.

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That's brilliant. Makes me think of the slogan of the fascists in the Spanish Civil War--"Long live Death. Death to Intelligence" or the Iraqis and Iranians, one of them drinking the others' blood in war. Like a chimp frenzy. I am convinced this has to be fought while positioned in spirituality, like the devotional religious groups who fought the nazis. (Not, of course, like the Catholic church, which created ratlines for nazis to escape prosecution) I can't find that music though. At least not yet.

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Drives their child obsessions as well in my view.

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Gates, Soros, Fauci and everyone else who's names we know are visible, and therefore disposable. They are people who are granted these positions in exchange for playing a role. If things go awry, these people pay the price while the real culprits cut their losses.

The real culprits are people whose names we don't know, or we do know, but the media makes sure to ridicule us if we mention them. They're richer than the richest people in Forbes. They make sure their wealth goes unanalyzed and unmentioned. They control the supply of money for the entire world.

These people know things about the world that we don't know. They plan not just 5, but 50-100 years in advance. They started teaching things in schools 50 years ago that they need people to take for granted today. Many of those things are at best tangential to truth. Others are directly opposite.

The real reason for what they are trying to pull off today, is something we may discover if we defeat them. Otherwise, this will just become a series of unfortunate events that befell humanity for no obvious reason at all.

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In their timing all that shit happens AFTER they die. Our job, as I see it, is to move that day of reckoning up a bit.

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Laying out shrouds seems a rather useful occupation to me.

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I was thinking more along the lines of the head honcho, Lucifer.

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Everybody has a boss....and the likes of Gates, have chosen theirs.

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Maybe Berenson should do an investigation of CCDH funding...

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Apparently they are funded by "the Oak Foundation," a rather shadowy far left group that focuses mostly on "climate justice." In other words, neomarxist corporatists: https://capitalresearch.org/article/the-lefts-green-giant-part-1/

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Climate justice? What the hell is that?

They think you can just take any word, attach "justice," and it somehow means something?

I want some ice cream! Looks like I need to focus on dessert justice.

We should start using that all the time.

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It is supposed to mean generational justice. But basically it comes down to me justice. As in I want everything, you die.

Having had a bit to do with climate warriors my view is that most of them couldn't give a fuck for environmental concerns. Say the wrong pronoun though and they'll come down on you like a ton of pricks.

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Most “environmentalism” is just religion. Michael Crichton nails it in this speech:


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It works because stupid people take the terms literally, which is why Leftists mangle language as a core competency.

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Stands to reason. Switzerland is home to plenty of wonderful folks - •World Health Organization

•World Trade Organization

•Bank For International Settlements

•World Economic Forum

Plus more

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Yes please. We need top journalistic investigative skills on this one.

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I'm trying to figure out how to make a living from it. I've been doing it for free for too long and need to look after me and mine a little better.

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You don’t suppose the CIA is behind this do you?

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Eek, help, I'm being online harmed

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I think the CIA is just a lapdog to these creeps, I mean, look at their cool new recruitment campaigns.

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Tried to like your comment. Wouldn't let me. LIKE

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Only the CIA? lol.

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That was probably also at least part of the point of Antifa. Who wants to call themselves Anti Fascist and then be associated with them. The thinking was probably that it would help the fascists to not be called fascists.

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Yep, anything that counters the COVID or trans cult narrative is "hate". That is how they silence the truth tellers.

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It started out with shit like “chauvinist”, and then rolled forward into “hate,” “*-phobic”, “rayciss”, “misogyniss” (yes, I am misspelling these on purpose), and has now tumbled all the way down to “traitor”. We’ve finally reached a term to which that the death penalty can be applied - which was the whole point.

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Soros seems to have his grimy hands in and on almost everything these days.

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Hotez is a scary dude. I think that little fat fuck would pull levers on gas chambers if someone offered him a job.

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I just started The Center for Countering the Center For Countering the Center for Countering Digital Hate

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How about a Center for Countering? Just countering in general. It could be like a free speech movement or something.

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Unfortunately for you, I just started The Center for Digitally Hating the Center for Countering the Center For Countering the Center for Countering Digital Hate.

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You've made me lose "count."

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Do you have a Gofu**me?

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I hate this.

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Or you could just call it "The Truth"... same thing and easier to say. I will sign up when you put out the invite.

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I've seen a lot of important, useful words get ground to dust over the last several decades (racism, sexism, xenophobia, etc.) But "hate" seems to be the worst casualty. Once "hatred" becomes unmoored from meaning, literally any human atrocity, of any scale, is on the table.

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This is truly dangerous. Words, not just as such, but their popular meanings, the emotional value they hold, have been captured, usurped and turned into weapons that invert or distort those meanings - without most people even realising.

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This inability to grasp the dangers of language demolition is, I believe, the greatest threat to human existence we have ever faced. Greater than industrialized war machines, nuclear weapons, or any breed of plague.

Words have always been weaponized to some degree or other (even Aristotle expounded on this in his "Rhetoric"). But to strip away or even invert the meanings of simple, mutually understood terms and concepts invites catastrophes beyond imagination, because we won't even be able to remotely describe what is happening, let alone to plan a remedy.

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That's part and parcel of postmodernism -- nominalism PLUS. Things mean what you want them to mean, and the way you can tell who is the most "authentic" is that they FEEL most strongly. Outrage and ecstacy are REAL, biology and logic are not.

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Maybe it just comes down to a dopamine rush.

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I think this is somewhat true, though I also think you are putting the cart before the horse. Or, to put it another way, perhaps the arrow of causality is pointing the wrong direction.

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Exactly. The very name The Center for Countering Digital Hate is an inversion - what they really mean is Truth. The outcome of which is people subconsciously associating truth with hate.

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The Ministry of Truth in 1984 has a purpose that is the inverse of its nominal one too, and that's about what all of this is. The only difference is that the Ministry of Truth was an arm of the government/ruling party, while the modern Ministry of Truth in America is private companies acting as an arm of the government/ruling party (aka fascism).

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While companies may be based in the US their reach (and their subsidiaries) are global. 'America' has become a strategic term, a brand in the battlefield.

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Animal Farm.

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I've learned that all of these leftist organizations are always the opposite of their name. Same with their proposed/passed laws too.

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They're relentless fans of Orwellian projection.

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If the Left accuses you of something, it’s something they’re already doing. This is a maxim that is never violated.

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Sad thing is, Republican pols are too cowed & corrupt to take the offensive & say what it is.

E.g. "Racist". D is the racist racefluffer party. Force us into skin color boxes & discriminate on that basis. Defecate daily on ML King's dream of a colorblind society. R is the party that freed the slaves, integrated the military, ended Jim Crow & "separate but equal". Dems fought the Civil Rights Acts. Yet Rs refuse to take the offensive & say Dems are racists.

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We have elected sociopaths and cowards. Giving sociopaths and cowards power over themselves is a mistake that societies seem to repeat no matter how many skulls litter the ground and cities are left in rubble.

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Yep. Like we're programmed.

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Sorry, but as Chairbeing of the Center For Countering Rose Loomis, I've already begun circulating a petition to freeze all your bank accounts and burn your house down to promote tolerance.

I wish it hadn't come to this.

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LOL. Burning things down is absolutely part of tolerance these days!

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Reminds me of the Vietnam canard, "Sometimes you have to burn the vil to save it." It's really for your own good, you know!

Also the big brother/schoolyard bully routine: Pin you, grab your wrist, force you to hit yourself, and say "[smack] Stop hitting yourself... [smack]...Stop hitting yourself..."

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The Center for Countering Digital Hate is a hate group. It should counter itself. Typical Orwellian projection.

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I imagine the Center for Countering Digital Hate spends most of it's time investigating its own members.

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Yup. Like SPLC... IT’S the hate group

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Excellent! 👍

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if you could write like that joke, I'd sign up for your substack (not kidding). More seriously, unpacking the sources of funding of these NGOs, would be a valuable undertaking. If it's the state , or Gates esque, I'd wanna know who's leading the charge.

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My Substack isn’t so funny but maybe I should change it up a little. I have an idea for that. My old Facebook account was hilarious and full of the skewering of congress critters etc. Too bad it got Zucked.

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I'm going to start up the Countering the Center for Countering Digital Hate Center for Countering the Digital Hate Center Center and I'm gonna come for you, Rose.

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I'll contribute.

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Eugyppius - we are all leaving Substack if they start censoring writers here. Nearly all of us migrated over from the Little Bird when it got too evil. And migrate away from Substack we will if they do this.

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Well said. The day Substack messes with E is the day I close my subscription and shut off Substack forever.

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Maybe we will all end up writing PO Box letters again pen pal style. Surely they can't open up every envelope (second thoughts maybe they might) (the covid vaccinators come to mind just pay someone £13.10 an hour in London and they think they have won the lottery!

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Just wait until we have to pass xerox samizdat and bootleg cassette tapes. Then we know we'll have arrived.

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I remember when we did that over here. Private broadcasting was prohibited, and punishable by several years in prison and confiscation of your property including your house and land. When some people started to buy satellite dishes in the eighties, the socialist party wanted to criminalise private ownership:

"Motverka i god tid kommersiella utländska tv-satelliters möjligheter att invadera och infektera vår mentala miljö."

"To as early as possible counter commercial foreign tv-satellites' opportunities to invade and infect our mental environment."

Thankfully, this was stopped. However, the same party is in power today, and they have given Facebook and Google virtually free electricity and other prerogatives in exchange for the party appointing their factcheckers for Sweden.

And our current prime minister and the leader of the opposition are both WEF alumni. What a coinky-dink.

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Just about the same here. Simon Bridges is always on the cusp of being leader of the National Party (and in fact was for a while). Was WEF branded year before Jacinda of the Labour Party.

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And we to complain about North Korea and the CCP! What on earth happened???

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People like Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern, Dan Andrews (and a few more) happened.

If there were any people who I would hope to see SARS-CoV-2 do its work on, these are prime candidates.

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I would encourage everyone who is worried about Substack 'caving' to back up their writing materials on Odysee.com.

Odysee is better known as a video-hosting site, but the underlying technology can handle sharing any file, not just video. The Odysee platform issues text & image based updates (see: https://odysee.com/@Odysee:8/2022priorities:b).

The best thing about it is that it's peer-to-peer and anyone can host a copy of the file and seed it (like a torrent). For text articles, anyone with a PC will be able to share arbitrarily large numbers of articles.

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Absolutely agree.

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The elite are getting scared. Too many of us not taking their narrative seriously. If what they say is true, we should all be dead by now.

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I’ve been saying that for two years, If this thing was so horrible as to necessitate draconian measures we wouldn’t have the luxury of pushing back against the draconian measures. So we have already proved them wrong without a shadow of a doubt.

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Good point if this thing was EBOLA! Now, that would be different!

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Here is the thing, now the masses know of their shenadigans, they know they could do anything, so waking up the masses is important to stop the front line from backing them but stopping them non violently. No revolution or anything. Let us all research like we have done so since 2020 and let us discover the difference between religion verses a personal relationship with God and his plan of salvation for mankind before his imminent rapture arrives soon. Let us all not worry no more and because it is in his will he will take worry away from us and give us the mind of Christ, Amen.

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Nope---Ebola's death rate is ONLY 50%---so that means half of us would still be here.

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Gee, don't give them (or Bill Gates) any ideas!

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Gates just recently talked about a new virus much more deadly coming down the road. So you know he's already brewing that one. They need it to complete their NWO reset.

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No, it wouldn't.

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So you think Ebola will kill everyone? Really?

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No, I think the seriousness of a disease does not more or less justify the stripping of fundamental human rights from healthy people guilty of no crime under the law. Whether it's coof or ebola or The Black Death.

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Trial run.

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They are not scared, they are irritated that we are alive because they really believe we are sponging off them, the fact is, they stole the earth from their brothers and then become self imposed proprietors and bribed all and sundry to amass greater wealth. Worry not, God feeds the sparrow and clothes the lillies of the field. You will not have to pay for a gaff to live in for in my father's house are many mansions and he has prepared a place for us, so if so be it water, basic food and shelter with agape love from the brethren you will all be fine.

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Yes...brain dead like the elite have been for decades.

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Congratulations! You've made it. When the greatest purveyors on misinformation in human history gripe about 'misinformation' we know they're getting desperate. Turns out they over estimated the marketplace for lies and propaganda and underestimated the market for unbiased objective truth. This is all their own doing.

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They are truly getting desperate... A complete collapse of the narrative might be closer than we think.

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Yeah, why are they bothering now?

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There's no such thing as unbiased objective truth but I'll take simply questioning the narrative

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My cardiologist disagrees.

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Yeah sure, I guess I meant in the social sciences

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Stay strong, E! You may also get some extra subscribers, now that the Guardian has decided to advertise you for free. Assuming anyone still reads the Guardian...

I also suspect that Substack will hold firm. After all, much of its business model relies on revenue that goes to high-quality content producers who've been shut out of the legacy media. If Substack chickens out, writers will go elsewhere, and their readers will follow. After all, I'm not reading Substack because it's Substack (this time last year, I didn't even know the thing existed). I'm reading it because it happens to host people whom I want to read. If that changes, then bye-bye Substack.

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That's what I was thinking when reading the article. I'm sure Eugyppius has gained several new subscribers. Well done! Keep writing your awesome content. We're here for you!

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The very same for me!

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