yep, yep and yep ..thanks eugyppius

I'll just add a little note I created last week, the backs-in beautifully with yours

Covid: A Broadway Global Production, brought to you by your friendly pals at Big Pharma

Question .. you know, just putting it out there .. asking for a friend type stuff

.. but is it possible that big pharma already had bioengineered all of the critical elements of SARS-COV-2, by the end of 2018 .. and that knowing all about the moving parts to SARS-COV-2, the big pharma company Moderna was able to begin working on an mRNA vaccine in early 2019 .. and later in partnership with the US NIH and the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, was able to file a patent for their mRNA vaccine (widely used now) as early as November 2019 .. one whole month before the Covid Pandemic outbreak was announced?

.. well, here's the red pill

all of the above can be neatly seen in the trail of patent applications filed by the various biotech and partnering US government actors involved .. Moderna, the US NIH et al .. which patent filings not only show that every aspect of SARS-COV-2 had been bioengineered by the end of 2018 .. but that Moderna had actually started work on their mRNA vaccine at the start of 2019, despite knowing they needed to licence essential elements of the technology to complete their aims .. well Dr Fauci et al made sure those IP licences were made available to Moderna, who filed it's joint patent for their mRNA vaccine in November 2019, a whole month before the outbreak was announced

.. that patent is shared with the US NIH and the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill by the way ..

.. a further benefit from tracking the patent filings is you get to see which US government agencies and private foundations funded the underlying research into those patents .. and I'll let you guess which names show up

(hint: several US government agencies, and several foundations connected directly to a guy named .. aww what's his name again? .. that's right .. Bill)

all of the above has been fully documented to a very high legal standard (evidence-wise), by Dr David Martin .. look for the document titled:

The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier

but this link should do:


.. it's a large document to be sure, so an easier entree is to watch Dr Martin speak to the document, when being interviewed by US/German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, seen here:


(look Reiner up .. he's gold plate legit)

.. and note that Dr Martin with his lega teaml have had at least one private audience with a US Supreme Court justice, and several other similar meetings with Federal Court justices .. where each of their Honours agreed verbally that Dr Martin has gathered evidential dynamite, but none are willing to allow Martin to run with it presently in an open hearing .. why? .. because big business this time has for now, really put the fix in at all levels

.. James Bond villains ain't got nothing on big pharma and those with vested interests

oh .. I forgot to include

it wasn't just the WEF getting everyone rehearsed with 'Event 201'

(google can't stop you knowing about that little premeditated charade)

no, also go look at the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, and particularly their 2019 Annual Report:


.. who are the GPMB?

why they are a joint arm of the World Health Organisation (WHO? .. yes, the WHO) and the World Bank .. I repeat .. the World Bank

and back in 2019 who was sitting on the board of GPMB?

but who else but our old pals Dr Fauci and the physician and friend of Bill Gates, Dr Chris Elias

the culmination of the push-to-rehearsal by the WEF and GPMB actually saw a cast of global actors rehearse their pandemic rolls, where many cast members were seconded bureaucrats from many affiliated government nations about the globe

.. and guess what .. you can still watch them all play acting, and essentially getting ready for the Broadway release of SARS-COV-2 here:


.. you just can't make this stuff up

.. oh, I'm sorry .. the WEF, GPMB, BMGF, and the big pharma purses who funded the rehearsals could .. and did

Good luck to us all.

Julian Gillespie

LLB, BJuris

retired barrister


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To what end? What goal have they all conspired for? What I struggle with is understanding how they got every lower level actor to go along with this. Mass psychosis doesn't cover it all. Sure, many people can be blinded by fear, incentivized to skew data, accept kickbacks to maintain political power, sell lies to increase ratings, etc., but the overwhelming majority of these actors? Healthcare workers blinded, hospitals and state and local governments skew data to gain federal reimbursements, politicians and union leaders accept campaign contributions and get drunk off power, the media ignores and suppresses the truth and go along with the narrative from the top without question, social media 'voluntarily' censors "misinformation"... Is it a sufficient explanation to say that social media companies go along with whatever the politicians say because they want to avoid increased government regulation? Sufficient that the politicians go along just for campaign contributions and a boost to their stock portfolio from insider trading? Sufficient that hospital administrators skew the data to report as many cases and deaths as possible in order to receive state and federal monies during a time when many elective procedures are canceled due to local restrictions? Sufficient that healthcare workers are simply overworked, fatigued and desperate for an end to the sick and dying, so they will broadly take a novel technology vaccine and willingly inject it into themselves and their patients without asking questions, and are somehow blind to the harm being caused by the jabs? That is The Matrix effect for me. These are actors in a play and it makes zero sense to those of us who have been red pilled.

What is in it for Bill Gates and similar elites? They have billions and huge influence over government and media. Is it ego?

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I agree with the question you pose which is how there are so many who play along with this awful charade. One example was a doc in rural Alberta treating 3 severely ill covid patients who were almost certain to die with the verbotten medication Ivemectin and then getting kicked out of the hospital and being investigated for saving the lives of 3 people. It's just baffling that people go to such extremes to prevent early treatment. Why? Same for Australia which has banned IVM for all, but parasitic treatment. Is it about forcing the vaccines on the populace to get us to vax passports or something else? For myself, I recovered from covid last Fall and was for a long time going nuts as to why natural immunity was demonized and not "good enough" for tptb. In light of the above, it seems to be more sinister that they refuse to recognize NI as being superior given Fauci's BS comments on CNN or the latest Veritas video of Pfizer employees agreeing that NI is better. Or all the studies from Cleveland Clinic to Israel showing that NI is significantly better a long lasting.

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It's easy to manipulate people on complex issues. Competence in evaluating complex topics has been bred out of several generations of victims of the failed education system. This leaves emotions as the only basis for decisions. Fear and greed are particularly easy to manipulate. Few of those making policy or talking about policy have even the slightest understanding of the fundamental science. Ask any of the people shrieking about "follow the science" to explain the science that should be followed.

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Brilliant, succinct deduction. Your education system did not fail you!

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I was attempting (lying to myself) to think better of humanity, but it is more likely that you are correct. Idiots just bumbling along, doing whatever seems advantageous to them at the moment, with no care as to what is actually happening.

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Recently, I discovered the incentive structure for banning and slandering Ivermectin- Pfizer has been developing an anti-viral drug that is all but rebranded Ivermectin, changed just enough to be patent-able. But, yes- how do you get the government of a nation to deny their citizens a treatment option that has worked successfully in other nations (India, Mexico, etc.)?

The natural immunity knocks have to be to ensure that even those who have had covid get the jab. Why? It isn't about the health of the people.

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This was referenced by Dr. Malone yesterday:

Long article by MD in CA, bu full of citations as well as quotes like this:

"However, lying was required, and the payoff came on Wednesday, June 9, 2021, when Merck got a fat reward. They announced the US government had agreed to pay $1.2 billion for 1.7 million doses of their new antiviral, Molnupiravir, BEFORE clinical testing showed either effectiveness or safety. Our hard-earned tax dollars were irresponsibly handed over to Merck by an agency charged with a fiduciary duty to protect our health."


"While Ivermectin's safety data with over 40 years of treatment in over 3.7 billion doses is truly robust, Molnupiravir's safety numbers are barely rudimentary. In short, Molnupiravir's safety data is concerning because of its lack.

Of more concern is a recent study showing the alarming potential of Molnupiravir’s metabolite, NHC, to induce mutations. In a peer-reviewed study published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, the author writes, “The mutagenic effect of NHC has been shown in animal cell cultures, raising concerns on the potential risk of molnupiravir-induced tumorigenesis and the emergence of detrimental mutations in sperm precursor cell generation and embryo development.”


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Again, pushing drugs that risk mutation (just like the jabs). How can this be anything but an attempt to kill more people and continue the chaos? I know that sounds crazy, but I cannot find another explanation.

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I think some of the elites are looking for total world domination. And immortality.

As to your other questions (about more normal people), I'd add that it is uncomfortable to be asked to go along with something you don't trust or believe in. That means you have to either stand up against it (and face terrible censorship, job loss, other ugly life-upending consequences), or live in perpetual discomfort. Hence, I think many choose to stop looking, and let the questions slide to the bottom of their consciousness. Then, all they have to do is read CNN everyday to encourage them that they are believing the right narrative and that they are on the right side of history.

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"To what end?" is a great question.

If you look at Musk - who's decidedly against regulatory capture - he wants to leave his mark. He's doing it the nerd-engineer way.

But Gates, is a psychopathic brilliant biz man. He wants control, in a manner that he sees in his hubris, is correct.

But IMO, the majority are willingly trading the notion of freedom for the notion of safety, and willing to lap up what the corp media feeds them.

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money .. lots of it .. and with the added deaths and severe ongoing ailments produced by these mRNA shots, not only control from an increasingly debilitated cohort .. but the ongoing pharma sales of all their many other drugs 'required' to treat the many ailments now arising ..

.. as for the cash .. just for 2021 alone, big pharma is expected to make an additional 100 billion from the vaxes .. and then there are the annual booster shots sales from their captured audience .. Bill and a lot of his mates own big slices of pharma .. and every additional billion in their back pockets is the only game in town .. if you want to be one of the small few who control the destinies of men .. and they very much like being in that position .. 'a life fulfilled' they would say

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Someone named Omar Jordan has compiled some interesting information on Dr. David Martin


Miles Mathis has suggested people like Dr. Martin (Doc Martin?), Reiner Fuellmich, and Robert Kennedy Jr. are, like some of the 9/11 groups, created to slow-walk and divert the legal response. It has to be admitted that all three characters leave you with an unsatisfied, limited hangout feeling.


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David Martin had that Google link taken down.

Here's another version


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For completeness, let's imagine how this could work in the “fuck-up” model rather than the “biowarfare” model.

The incompetence on display, and the hurried nature of it, seems very compatible with Sars-2 being an accidental lab leak that the Chinese government picked up on early and didn't know how to respond to. Gao is sent to liaise discreetly with Gates, who agrees to change Event 201 to a coronavirus session to see if they can brainstorm ideas to help the Chinese. Gao can't interject much for fear of biasing the responses of the gathered delegates. Unfortunately, the session has been structured as an excuse for a business networking session (corporate and diversity attendees) rather than as a real biohazard wargame. The event is therefore of little use in providing input to them on what to do. Gao returns to China where, due to the innate paranoid secrecy of totalitarian oligarchies stifling decisive transparent action, the medical situation is allowed to degenerate further.

At this point more malign actors, in the Chinese hierarchy and elsewhere, start to muscle their way in to decision-making around Sars-2, in order to promote their own agendas. Chinese military intelligence sources decide that, since their virus has accidentally been released anyway, they may as well put their biowarfare plans into action. The obviously fake videos of Chinese dropping dead of Covid in the streets of Wuhan are circulated to spread panic in the West. China leans hard on the WHO, which relies on Chinese money, to push the Chinese agenda points.

Meanwhile in the West, Gates has a head start, having been warned of the imminent virus by Gao, and decides that if it can't be stopped, he and those affiliated with him can use it to promote his u-/dys-topian agenda of absolute technocratic control. Power players in the Deep State, having a strong incentive to implement technocratic control—with themselves as the technocrats—jump on board, and leverage their corrupt networks in other key Western states to bring other countries into line with the “new normal” of locked-down police states. Only a few minor states, most famously Sweden, are independent enough to ignore the pressure.

Big Pharma was given some warning, but was stymied by their general incompetence and by the biological impossibility of creating a good coronavirus vaccine. The mRNA pseudo-vaccine is able to be delayed just long enough to prevent it from helping Trump win re-election over the wishes of the Deep State, but is anyway ineffective, perhaps even counter-productive. The vaccine was supposed to work, so that the important business of making money could be resumed, but vaccine mandates and passes are implemented anyway because the technocrats want control even more than they want money.

You see that all of this did not require the virus to have originally been released as a bioweapon, only for its release to have been exploited by cynical opportunists.

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yes, something along these lines is what seems most probable, and doesn't require us to posit too many creepy accidents/coincidences.

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Opportunity and money. From there they made a few tweaks and put forth a narrative that most would buy. It worked.

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One interesting observation from Karl Denninger is that when comparing the titers of post vaccinated with those who have antibodies from virus recovery you see that the titers of post vaxers are significantly higher than post virus with natural immunity. What KD also postulated that since the vax titers are so high and diminish so quickly compared with the recovered who have a much lower starting point and much slower diminish rate is that the vax makers knew that the spike only antibodies vanish quickly and deliberately dosed high enough to ensure the vaccines lasted at least 6 months. What was also mentioned is that there was no B-cell recall for lasting immunity, hence the need for a 6 month booster.

The data he cites shows the vax titers almost 10x that of NI titers, but the vax titers decay at 40%/month which comports with the study out of Japan showing vax antibodies being undetectable after 6 months.

Did Big pharma do this on purpose? Would be quite fraudulent if true.

KD's post - https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=243442

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Oct 5, 2021Liked by eugyppius

“I do not see coincidence, I see providence. I see purpose. I believe it our fate to be here. It is our destiny. I believe this night holds for each and every one of us, the very meaning of our lives.” -Morpheus, the Matrix Reloaded

But remember in the movie, Neo comments on how he doesn’t know what to do. He visits the oracle many times seeking counsel.

This it seems, is where we are at in the timeline of things. Many of us here know, in our guts, we have been duped our entire lives. Perhaps we have had moments of clarity when we felt we could literally touch the veil before our eyes, only to be sucked back into the dopamine vortex of sugar and TV. Our pod.

Now as we search for others we more than likely encounter both figurative and literal agents. Where do we go from here when there seems to be No Shelter?

In the absolutely fitting words of Rage Against the Machine, “the frontline is everywhere.”

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Microbesrus, agree entirely. Clear coordinated purpose, planning, execution, daring, inhuman audacity to create the New World Order... See my just posted comment.

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Good question. We are searching for same answers in the belly of the beast, California.


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was listening to Walter Kirn talking recently, said that when he was writing a Time article, magically Newsweek would come out with a similar feature story ... like it was coordinated. It's not difficult to imagine how that'd work. A little coercion, a little useful idiocy, a little more than willing help, a tease of access.


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Eugyppius, Thank you for bringing this to light. I have explored and written somewhat extensively about the inter-relatedness of these 'simulations', and their connection to other aspects of the Globalist Agenda.

It was clear as early as February of 2020 that there was a prescripted game plan underlying the 'Staged Fear-Mongering' which immediately gripped all assessments of this situation. Having been aware of Event 201 before the revelation of 'people dying in the streets and welded in their appartments in Wuhan, China' it seemed immediately clear that the recent rhetoric of Klaus and The World Economic Forum, the Progressive Left's proffering of the unthinkable Green New Deal, The Deep State & Subservient Media's mad-dog narrative campaign to bring down the sitting US president, the Machinations of The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the unleashing of Anarchist Rioting (praised by Media as "mostly peaceful protests") were all Medusa Headed aspects of the same malignancy. This cancerous infection of our Civilization had been biding its time, plotting in the weeds, awaiting (or perhaps creating) the perfect storm, a constellation of horrific staged events, to perform a PsyOps Blitzkrieg assault on an unsuspecting humanity.

We, the people of this planet, find ourselves now backed into a corner. We have begun unraveling the sheer scope, complicity, and audacity of the rehearsed and carefully coordinated campaign of crisis upon crisis. The staged Fear Mongering, the Big Tech/Social Media driving reinforcement of this narrative, the Worldwide Political Leadership's transparently willingness (Trudeau, Jancinda Arden, Merkel, Macron, Johnson, etc) to sell the deception. All backed by Think Tanks and entities like the Gates Foundation footing the bill and profiting from the coercion. One has only to look at the sheer obscene wealth accumulated by the New Robber Barons of Tech & Medicine, the Driving of enhanced media ratings, the destruction of the independent Middle Class, and the intentional obliteration of small business, the closure of Churches (while Abortion Clinics & Liquor Stores remained open) that has occurred since the onset of this PLANDEMIC!! Lockdowns, mask mandates, the utter "Will Breaking" intentionality of unlawful edicts... all meant to bring the people to their knees, to break them psychologically, and pave the way to an obedient New Serfdom. "YOU WILL OWN NOTHING, AND YOU WILL BE HAPPY!!

Now we are left entangled within this maniacal imperative commanding every soul on the planet to "receive the Eucharistic Holy Host" of these mRNA Experimental Biological Agents. We have left the pretense of coincidence far behind in the rearview mirror of this careening, out-of-control vehicle which was once the Flower of Western Enlightenment Civilization.

That it all should end so easily, "not with a Bang, but with a whimper," saddens me beyond mere words. It would seem we are left with MacBeth's introspective soliloquy"

And all our yesterdays have lighted fools

The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!

Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,

That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,

And then is heard no more. It is a tale

Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,

Signifying nothing.

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"Deep fake" technologies abound, not just in the emerging prevalence of manipulated photos and videos, but of our reality itself. Movies are being made without actors, and many choose to live in those constructed "virtual" realities. It's the modern narcotic, changing perceptions electronically instead of chemically. It's a natural extension to construct alternate realities in our environment outside the theaters and goggles. Whenever we find ourselves being manipulated, it's useful to determine who is doing the manipulating, and why. We will reveal it, eventually. Possibly with bangs, but certainly with lots of whimpering from those who lose the comfort of their preferred reality.

The solution is better training in how to enjoy natural realities. The failed education system has been in the forefront of false perceptions. Save the schools to save civilization.

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It's funny that, after all this global preparation for the next pandemic, as soon as it actually came every country in the world bar one threw out those carefully laid plans and instituted extreme policies never before considered. Almost every single 'expert' changed his mind before there was time to compile sufficient evidence to justify the switch. So what was all that earlier planning for?

I was just reading the CDC's 2018 guide to community mitigation of a serious influenza pandemic like the Spanish Flu. It calls for school closures of no more than 12 weeks, and that only for the worst-case scenario of a million-plus deaths. Nothing about travel bans, lockdowns, mask. Just limiting big events and some social distancing on public transport.

There's a lot in common between the Covid response and the Kabul withdrawal. I wonder if they tabletop gamed that one too, then just did whatever when the time came.

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"If you are satisfied with that, you’re an idiot" is going on my tombstone.

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What disturbs me the most is the real possibility that Event 201 was purposefully scheduled just before, made to look disorganized and lamely publicized in a way that would discredit the conspiracy theorists later on. Too silly and hokey to be credible evidence of premeditation and easy to brush off as mere coincidence. 'They' (the powers that be, global elite, etc.- whomever they are) put Event 201 out into the open, as a smoke screen. So, what is beyond the smoke? The virus created the demand for the vaccine. Why utilize a new vaccine technology and push every tactic- fear, bribes, even force- to administer it to as many people as possible in the western nations? Why push something so hard that does not keep people from getting infected or transmitting the virus? Why censor those who ask questions? The only explanation is something sinister.

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You should contact Martin Armstrong (blog: https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/blog/). His AI program, Socrates, is well known in financial circles. It foresees events from a perspective of international flow of money. He has said more than once that the WEF members, who include all the luminaries of the European Union, as early as August 2019 began moving millions in investments out of their existing places and into safe havens.

And Martin Armstrong should see your work on Event 201 (which he has mentioned freqwuently in his blog.)

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Oct 5, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Excellent piece, Eutyppius. I'm no idiot.

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No. I have been blessed with fantastic commenters.

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Oct 5, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I was wondering today on the S protein ( vaccine) ability to act as a prion disease and cause neurodegeneration and ultimately change cognition. I am not so interested in long covid possibilities but by lost ability to critically access and evaluate information-frequently seen now with well educated “extreme vaccination gang”. Can you look at that if you haven’t already …posting one of the papers I have seen


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Yes, I've seen this and a few other similar papers. I confess to being fairly sceptical. SARS-2 spike is clearly enhanced over SARS, but it's not a magical protein, and these are mostly just theoretical possibilities that these guys have modelled.

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Oct 5, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Brilliant even if that weird coincidence has been brought to the world attention before…comes hand in hand with Defuse shambles of Danzack EcoHealth

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Oct 5, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Only puny secrets need protection. Big discoveries are protected by public incredulity. = Marshall McLuhan

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Oct 5, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Thank you for article!

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There has to have been 'walking to the bathroom/lunch' convos between some of the attendees. They're all not idjits ... someone had to be talking ... and since then, have been back in touch "remember when we were at the bar at the Pierre ..." ... you *know* the IC has the contacts, minimally the meta data for who talked with who (they have a nexus for slurping up info as there was minimally that CN dude there).

Maybe there's a Taibbi who's willing to obtain an attendees list, get interviews on background. You KNOW those convos happened there, and likely continued in the months that followed.

As I type, I realize this is Alex Jones type talk ... and yet save Sandy Hook, he's been prescient ...

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Thank you for bringing this "Matrix glitch" to light for those of us that are doing our best to find out real news these days. The scary tightening of the noose has begun to have me wondering for how much longer any kind of truth will make it through the censors. At this point, my main news sources are a few trusted people on Twitter: Robert Malone, Ivor Cummins, Vinay Prasad (for his intellectual honesty on masks, at least. But I think he'll come late to the vax skeptical party), and ethical skeptic (for awhile there I thought he'd been murdered.....) And now I have some substacks I follow: you, Alex Berenson, Vinay Prasad, and El Gato.

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Pardon me while I whine.

I would have hoped to have seen at least a list of the Players and their backgrounds

Avril Haines, NSA, CIA

somebody in medical equipment

somebody in banking

somebody from the CDC

somebody in marketing, etc.

and it would at least have been nice to examine the Event 201 discussion of the plan to fight "misinformation" about vaccines

At least you looked at Event 201 a little.

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