Sep 15, 2022·edited Sep 15, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Oh this is a fun post!

Covid (AKA the bad cold) was in New England by at least November 2019. I know a elder care worker who had it and had to go to the Hospital with breathing issues in that Month. They also reported more deaths at the elder care facility they work that Month than in March 2020. My sons school had half the kids out in January 2020 sick with it and I caught it in February of that month. I've talked tons of people and they also had it early on.

They took the 2019/20 seasonal flu and rebranded it Covid on March 2020. .

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One follow up comment to my post above. The funniest/saddest thing for me was waiting for the 'Real' killer flu to hit our region in March and then waking up on April 1st and realizing that

1 - I already had it and it was a bad cold (my cough lasted for 4 weeks and I had it worse than many others)

2 - Our Government hates us and is more than happy to run psyops on it's constituents. Especially the more liberal local Governments.

3 - The end goal was to coerce us into taking experimental shots. The poop eating grin on ole Billy Gates face told me all I needed to know. Sadly I tried to explain this to all my loved ones and not one believed me. Oh well.

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I wish I could give you 1,000 thumbs up! You've proved that telepathy is possible between anonymous individuals miles apart without any brain implants!!!

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OMG. same way I feel. I was going to state it a little differently, but your posting is spot on. Lol.

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I can vouch for your comment. Our neighbor across the street returned from Maskachusetts in October 2019 to regal us with tales of the sickness she had suffered with for over a month before returning back to Florida. She had had all the classic signs of what I now know was actually Covid.

A few days later my wife, and then I came down with the bad cold from hell. After a few weeks, we were both back to normal. When I saw my PC doctor in late December Covid was starting to hit the media. I told him about my badass cold in late October and that I thought it might have been the new "plague". He said it probably wasn't. Fast forward one year, he admitted I was right about having had Covid, advised me not to get the vax because I more than likely had natural immunity at that point. What a gem this guy is. He actually reads articles on Substack.(thanks to me)

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Same here, wife got the "flu" Nov 2019, I came down with Delta Dec 2021. She never got sick from me and neither of us vaxxed. And she works in a hospital.

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Sep 15, 2022·edited Sep 15, 2022

Your doctor is badass! How did you find him?

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Hummm, what general part of Florida do you live in ? Sure no PC's in our region of central FL who would read, or even admit, anything close to that, and that's not based on one or two physicians. Been on a three year search of someone even basically competent, able to discuss issues intelligently, and knows anything beyond writing multiple Rx for everything. It's frightening how little they seem to know about some of the most basic material covered in my first year, NON medical, university education, and a couple actually seemed angry, resentful, that I asked some slightly more technical questions concerning some issues and tests.

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Keep looking, they ARE out there and well worth the effort once you find one! Best of luck! 🙏🏻♥️

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Where is your doctor? Sounds like he’s got his head on his shoulders correctly… I wish we had a list of red pilled doctors in every state and country… my family is from North Alabama… If any doctor is affiliated with Huntsville Hospital, you might as well hang it up… 💩💩💩 The Huntsville Hospital system has a monopoly. I was also told that doctors will lose their jobs if they prescribe early treatments like Ivermectin…

Job before lives… 😡

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Lucky you, finding a doctor like that 🙌🏼🙏🏻

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Doctors in the areas around Leavenworth, Kansas, were finding a severe pneumonia starting in late summer 2019 with hypoxic symptoms that left patients with lasting airway damage. It was common enough that they had the incubation time determined. Leavenworth is remarkable for being home to many branches of various defense and alphabet agencies. Despite being tucked in the center of the continent, Leavenworth was also the hotspot for highest prevalence of Delta when that version first reached the US.

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I clearly remember Corporal Klinger (M*A*S*H) talking about Leavenworth often. Apparently there is some sort of military prison there (from the dialog).

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Yes, the USDB is in Leavenworth as well as a civilian prison.

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Remember when vaping was causing all the headlines for “lung damage”? That was November 2019. Seems a little bit too convenient now.


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Yep. That was one of those news stories that just felt fishy to a lot of people.

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Wasn’t it Ft Reilly where the Spanish Flu originated?

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You can be the source if you'd like to collect data and publish it. These doctors aren't focused on publishing.

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I need to see where the publication was. Even news articles suffice.

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It's talking with people directly.

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Incubation period is?

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Sep 15, 2022·edited Sep 15, 2022

If I had a nickel for every anecdote of "I had the *worst* cold in Nov 2019! But I never got covid these past two years. Funny huh?"

...well, I'd have enough nickels to buy Germany a nice new nuclear plant.

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I recall that around Feb-Mar 2020, it seemed that anyone I knew who had school-aged children remarked that their kids had had a ‘weird flu’ and missed school during Nov/Dec 2019 and Jan 2020. Covid19 was just appearing in the news, but the fearmongering hadn’t ramped up yet, so they said something like, ‘well, my kids have already had it then’. It’s like these memories have been erased, or something.

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Here's a nickel, you earned it...

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Nuclear plant for Germany is a bad idea ,they would shut it down before it could open . I have a much better plan to warm up Germany .,If we send a Christmas parcel filled with firewood to the freezing quarantiners it will warm up the Sauerkraut for the Fest

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if things keep developing in germany as they are doing now, the best gift would be lots and lots of b 17's dropping lots and lots of bombs.

the fascists have taken hold of government and are driving the country into the abbiss.

remember: hitler came to power in the situation where germany had hit rock bottom.

and the germans have not changed a bit since 45...

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Sep 18, 2022·edited Sep 18, 2022

Then, nationalist. Now, anti-nationalist (and actively masochistic), as per imposed doctrine.

One can scarcely imagine a greater or more fateful change.

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That would work equally well for Washington D.C. while being far more cost effective.

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022

I'm reminded of a re-used aphorism: "Build a man a fire, and he's warm for a night. Set a man on fire, and he's warm the rest of his life."

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Fire is a poor replacement for fish.

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It would need to be a Christmas freighter filled with firewood.

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They could use one of those handy gadgets right about now!

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I got a bad cold in November/December 2019. No doubt it was convid. It was in circulation in October 2019 in Canada. Many people point to a Canadian military group that competed in a joint military group exercise in China in October 2019....

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Same for me, same time frame, cough/congestion that lasted way longer than normal. Interesting about the CDN military…I live right by a military base. 🤔

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Please see my comment about the summer "Pneumonia" outbreak near the Ft. Detrick biolabs.

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Um, no. Covid is neither a rhinovirus (though zinc and vitamin C are very helpful) nor an influenza (as Symmetrel doing nothing for it shows). It's a coronavirus (as electron micrographs, RNA sequencing, my bronchial spasms, and those CT scans manifested). Far too much misinformation already abounds; don't add to it!

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Sorry but I don't buy it. They've never even proved that what went around is actually a 'coronavirus'. The vaccines are based on some bogus Chinese samples as are the phoney PCR tests.

Sorry...but naming this thing 'coronavirus' is just part of the scam.

If the nonsense tests and bogus DNA samples from China are discounted then we can only go by symptoms and those are quite simply this: a bad cold for most and worse for those with pre-existing conditions or the elderly....just like a flu season.

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Now you're redefining "coronavirus". Screw it!

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'Screw it!'?

Welll since we reached that level of discourse I invite you to do the following:

- Research how the yearly 'flu' vaccine is formulated

- Read the entireity of the JFK Jr Fauci book.

- Research and understand how the current Rockefeller-ian Pharmaceutical system came into being

- Finally dare question the entire field of virology (put on your tinfoil hat for that one!)

Have a pleasant day.

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Why should I? Perhaps I should just adopt your definitional rewrites. I already know how worthless flu shots are, so why should I undergo your extensive reading assignments? You won't even consult a biomedical dictionary!

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He’s wrong about coronavirus being influenza, but I highly recommend The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK Jr.

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I think you misunderstood. I didn't say it was the flu. My point is - we never tested for coronavirus until late 2019 so HOW would any doctor even know if it was not the flu before that? I've never been tested for flu. ie. I could've had corona, seen my doctor, been told I had the flu and gone home to recover. With no one every any wiser.

Prior to late 2019 and testing (which is still largely inaccurate) it's possible corona had been around for a long long time and doctors just "assumed" it was flu when someone got sick.

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Sep 16, 2022·edited Sep 16, 2022

You didn't; darth_schwab did. It's been around since at least 1931; in North Dakota chicks, anyhow, and since 1965 in boys in Surrey, England. I can't say for bats in Laos and China. Other than research laboratory tests and the limited exception of serotesting (antibodies, only valid over a rather narrow time range and only after the fact), no real tests existed until the antigen test came out.

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Ah ok. Sorry, some of these threads despite (or because of) the lines get hard to follow on who is responding to whom. My only complaint about substack.

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Check your email. It tells to whom the reply was made. Wish the Substack site did also.

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I've often said exactly that. What if it's always been here and everyone was just labeled with the flu? I'm almost 60 and I've never had a flu test in my life but I've had it many times.

I do beg to differ on one thing - for many people the original outbreak was definitely far, far worse than a cold; though I still think Dr. Fraudi's treatment protocol killed more than the actual Covid did.

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I was sick as a dog in late January of 2020. Thought it was pneumonia. Instead of going to the hospital I went snowboarding. Also my brother (61) died suddenly in December of 2019. An autopsy revealed an enlarged heart. He wasn't the healthiest guy, but I do wonder if he caught the coof and it pushed him over the edge.

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Sorry about your brother. Gato's July 8, 2022 post showed a significant spike in heart problems in the western US in December 2019 (third graph). Seems to me like more evidence that SARS2 rounded the globe before the panic.


Providence hospital data


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You may be on to something there.

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Yeah, I flew into (and back from Seattle Intl) in January 2020 and I got whatever *lots* of other people apparently had. I later read that the supposed first case in the USA was tracked to Seattle Intl as well. But that always struck me as unbelievable because, being just a mild cold/flu, I'd assumed other people had it and didn't report it to anyone. I sure didn't "report" my case to anybody outside of telling work that I'll be "home sick" for a few days.

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I’m loving this thread. One of my sons got crazy sick (and he never gets sick) in early November 2019 - exactly covid-like. When I finally took him to a doctor, the doctor scratched his head and said, and I’m not kidding, “you know, we’re seeing a bunch of people with this interesting grouping of symptoms. Just keep an eye on him and let me know if he develops bronchitis.”

Enter covid and we adamantly do not test for anything, so I have no idea if he had antibodies early or no. But I’m pretty sure he already had it before it was a thing.

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It was in WA state earlier. October. A friend of mine got it.

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We had it too in Dec 2019/Jan 2020--my then-95 yr. old dad was hospitalized (survived) and my kids and I got it. I remember searching long and hard in June 2020 to see where the earliest cases had been isolated, knowing we'd all had it but the CDC, Johns Hopkins etc. saying "not possible." I remember the exact words in the NYT: Your chances of having covid in CA prior to late February 2020 are "slim to none." Obviously not true, and shortly thereafter, donated blood in CA from at least Nov. 2019 showed covid.

But then CA didn;t really get any real cases until Summer 2020. Weird.

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“everybody knows that more chronological clarity would do anything but support the case for natural origins”

Nor would it support the claim that lockdowns were necessary or lifesaving

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Case for vaccines mandates would also crumble.

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I've suspected for a long time that the fight over wet market vs Wuhan biolab is one of those contrived debates intended to remove attention from the real place of origin. My money is on Fort Detrick, the main US biowarfare laboratory. Supposedly coronavirus research there goes back some time.

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Most probably virus was released by multiple parties. China took the blame in the theatre.

I just can't get over the baric, hotez, zhengli and daszak 'triangle'

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I and a friend with whom I share a house got bad colds in late October 2019. We live in the Silver Spring suburb of D.C., less than a mile from the Daniel Inouye Building of the Forest Glen Annex of Fort Detrick (to be distinguished from Fort Detrick itself, which is in Frederick MD). The Daniel Inouye Building houses the headquarters of two military medical organizations, Army and Navy, which, among other things, supervise the USA funded biolabs in Ukraine and other countries.

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A link would be great thank you!

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Yes indeed. You will find outbreaks of "SARS-COV-2" going back to antiquity. That is because it is influenza. The home tests cross react with flu virus. It's right on the CDC website. Plus flu disappeared for two years! Are you kidding me?

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I also couldn't understand the 'disappearing flu'. Someone on another comments section explained that viruses compete for our receptors and that the Sars-Cov2 virus out competed other viruses. That sound plausible to me but I'm not a virologist and I'm also still suspicious.

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after spring 2020 everyone was tested with PCR, that had 90% false positives,,and then most providers did not follow up with a rapid flu test, which has been around forever and is very accurate

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PCR was done wrong. They didn't run blanks alongside, nor report at how many doubling cycles the "test" turned positive. Shoulda used a coin toss or a magic 8-ball instead.

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Kary Mullis said his test should never be used for diagnostic purposes; research and forensics only....

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I know. I was suggesting how it could be improved to be at least somewhat informative. Practice during Covid-19 was intended to mislead and deceive.

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The disappearing flu narrative shows that our understanding of viruses is wrong and/or testing was false. I have never seen a reasonable explanation of the reduced flu cases that doesn’t cause the entire Covid narrative to fall apart. That is why nobody talks about it accept fools that say something about how the lack of flu proves that lockdowns and masking work.

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Then why doesn't Symmetrel work, but zinc and vitamin C do?

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A thousand "likes" for you Sir.

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Sep 15, 2022·edited Sep 15, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Why were Fauci & co seemingly caught off guard (judging by their emails at the beginning of the official pandemic timeline) after covid was out and about all over the world for months already? What made it get suddenly out of control in Wuhan in 2020 after months of "stealth spread", at least enough that China was forced to confess something was going on, & which precipitated Fauci & Co realizing that their GoF projects had gone sideways?

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there were about a half dozen earlier lab leaks of weaker strains, going back years. Original SARS and MERS almost assuredly lab leaks too. There was a young woman who worked in WIV that is theorized to be patient zero, as her presence is now scrubbed from the lab site, though they keep bios up for years, even after people move on to other jobs.

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Do you have the dates or any details of these leaks that went back years ? Were there any names or sources of the "leaks" given ? Or, can you post on here where we can read more about that. Google searches have turned up nothing of the sort (of course !), but don't know what else to try !

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"Do you have the dates or any details of these leaks that went back years ?"

One of my favorite trackers of lab leaks in decades past was Sunshine Project.. Here's an investigation of a lab leak of bird flu 2007.

The Sunshine Project

Biosafety Bites #21 (v.2)

Updated (26 January 2007)

Originally published on 11 January 2007, Biosafety Bites #21 describes an incident involving a genetically engineered cross of H5N1 ("bird flu") and H3N2 influenza that occurred in a BSL-3 lab at the University of Texas at Austin (UT) on 12 April 2006. It is based upon UT records, specifically, UT's incident report of 13 April 2006, biosafety committee minutes, e-mails, and letters acquired under the Texas Public Information Act.

After publication of Biosafety Bites #21, UT was contacted by several journalists. UT provided information to the journalists that contradicts what is stated in UT's records. UT's contradictions prompted further uncertainty about the facts of the incident and how UT managed it.


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There were a couple of dudes who used to motorcycle in China. They married Chinese women and lived there a long time. They had a you tube where all of this was diacussed in early 2020. I don't remember their names, but with that info and Duk Duck Go or better yet Brave, you might be able to find their broadcasts. Their stuff was alo linked to extensively on places like Zero Hedge. They were onto this March 2020. It pains me to see mainstream sources pretend to discover this for the first time.

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Try Presearch a billion times better than Brave or DDG who stink w results too.


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Yeah their videos about China are fascinating. Laowhy 86 and Winston. They moved to California, I think just before the lockdowns.

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Sep 16, 2022·edited Sep 16, 2022

I'd suggest Kiwi Farms too, but last I heard they were under attack by gender fanatics.

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Google, really? that's where you looked? and you then apparently threw up your hands, knowing you would find nothing, and expect me to hand feed it to you. If you are on substack, you must have an inkling about how many scientists publish here, as the public outlets like google are not too friendly. Start with those, and read every article and author they link to. Like I have done for more than 2000 hours the last 2 1/2 years.

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Try DuckDuckGo

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Yes, that is the one fact that is not, at least superficially, congruent with the early existence of Covid. I think though that it is reasonably simply explained in one of a couple of ways. Perhaps Fauci was unaware of the existence of the virus being out and about in '19 in the first place; perhaps he did know but was not counting on it surfacing in Wuhan, something which would unfortunately shine the light on his GOF experiments there. No doubt there are other scenarios as well.

But at this point the evidence is pretty compelling that Covid was circulating much earlier than the official narrative allows for.

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It's too coincidental that Wuhan is both a focal center where the GOF research was being conducted *and* is the place where covid first gets noticed.

It's also too coincidental that Wuhan is the place where covid first gets noticed despite covid having already been on the loose over a decent chunk of the globe for months by that time as well.

Meaning, it is reasonable if either Wuhan has outbreak immediately following lab leak/release& is therefore where covid gets noticed first *or* if covid first goes nuclear well after the leak event in Wuhan but does so somewhere else.

I don't think that it's simply a function of time whereby release + "X" amount of time for virus to exponentially scale up in population means that wherever covid got released would also be the first place to show covid going nuclear with for instance a 6 month delay - lots of other factors affect the epidemiology. At minimum, there should have been multiple roughly synchronous hotspots around the world where covid would have appeared to "spring up" organically without any [seemingly] clear chronological hierarchy with Wuhan the lone occupant atop the pyramid / source for everywhere else.

It feels like there is a fundamental part of the story that we're still missing.

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Ron Unz over at unz.com consistently has believed the virus was a deliberate rogue bio-warfare attack by US actors against China. I think his argument is fairly weak, but he lays it out in verbose detail. Among my criticisms of his theory is that he relies on press reports of secret intelligence memos and apparently doesn't allow they could be disinformation. Of course, I'm the first to admit that most of my information sources could suffer the same burden of proof.

In my opinion, deliberate release theories, especially ones like Unz's that posit multiple separate attacks against different targets (he also thinks Iran was targeted) may complicate the explanation unnecessarily, violating the idea of Occam's Razor. If it could be shown with strong evidence that different strains of SARS-CoV-2 appeared in several places around the world, as some have claimed, it might lend support to the bio-warfare conjecture, or maybe it's explained by the virus having in circulation earlier than thought.

Most of us, so far, have not spoken much about the "hype" aspect of the pandemic. The whole world suddenly "knew" there was a new virus that was soon christened a pandemic, in early 2020. How much of this is explained by organic news, and how much by deliberate propaganda efforts of the Deep State? It's clear from the outset that powerful people (and groups) were already in place to exert power and to make loads of money off the pandemic. Fanning the flames of panic only strengthened their hand.

I mention the hype -- crowd psychology aspect for a very important reason: If the virus had in fact been in circulation for months, absent the public announcement, it would not have been treated as anything much different from a flu outbreak.

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I guess I just keep repeating the same thought, but WHY is no one at all interested in just ASKING Fauci if he knew, suspected but did not know, or if he just didn't have a clue. One of the primary people who might have the answers is just completely ignored, while he just continues to bask in his stardom. ? ? No curiosity left in the world of medicine, science, politics, etc. .... unbelievable ! And here they have one of THE highest profile experts in gain of function research and virology right in front of them ! ?

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I’ve never once seen him subjected to anything remotely resembling a ‘real’ interview. A blatant symptom that the Corporate Media has been corrupted to the core.

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Douglas Reed's book has some info on how and when the media got monopolized and by whom.

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When you have corrupt spineless politicians and lapdog media who does the asking? In fact many FOIA requests have been filed to pry loose the email chains for the evil little elf.. many people are interested but obstructions & censorship make it seem as if nobody cares when the fact of propaganda efforts tell us it's a big story to many.



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YES .... EXACTLY WHY were Fauci & Co. as you commented, "caught off guard" ? WERE they actually caught off guard ? Where is Fauci now, according to him he's just moving to the next (exciting, profitable ?) step in his career ! Does our government have no questions for him at all ? Does NEITHER political party in congress have ANY questions at all ? How can that be when the masses have SO MANY QUESTIONS ?

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This all would make Gates' September 2019 pre-IPO investment in Pfizer's mRNA vaccine partner BioNTech of $55 million (with pledge up to $100 million), less prescience than foreknowledge. https://investors.biontech.de/news-releases/news-release-details/biontech-announces-new-collaboration-develop-hiv-and/

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Sigmoid curves are like that- slow buildup of cases throughout 2019, then you hit the steep slope in early 2020 in various places at the same time, or within weeks of each other.

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No, this virus spreads too fast for that and it was already all over Lombardy and other places. You'd need to divert into animal reservoirs to delay the "exponential takeoff" until March 2020. But what has a logistic curve that matches the reported cases and deaths then? PCR test rollout and reporting.

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That is a pertinent question. As I understand how a virus spreads, even a highly contagious one and especially one that is relatively harmless for most, will spread for a long time before it becomes noticed by health authorities. Conjecture: the virus had in fact been circulating for weeks or perhaps even months. Let's assume it first appeared in Wuhan. It's a city of 12 million people. It had to achieve some critical mass before the authorities noticed it and (again, my opinion) at which point they panicked. It was known/suspected that it had come from one of the local labs (there's more than one). At this point, damage control, spin and cover-up began. Some of the best evidence supporting this suspicion is the weird Chinese behavior in Dec. 2019 and Jan. 2020. In 2021 we learnt from the FIOA Fauci emails that on or around Feb. 1, 2020, things were very odd indeed at NIH. Fauci appears to have orchestrated a disinformation campaign asserting the virus must have had a natural origin.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by eugyppius

My last comments on this.

In the Summer of 2019 a mysterious 'vaping' disease was hitting the young. Symptomatically it was identical to CV19.

The Japanese winter flu in early 2019 was one of the more deadly flu seasons there on record.


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there’s going to be a big post on the EVALI stuff at some point after I finish the book reviews. very interesting episode

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The FDA has samples from EVALI patients. Would be very easy to test those.

Also easy to test the samples from the nursing home outbreaks in Virginia

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I made this point elsewhere in this thread. The vaping “lung disease” headlines peaked in November 2019. What a coincidence…

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by eugyppius

One of the most basic tenets of outbreak investigations is to determine the source. We have failed to do this for SARS2 for personal (Fauci et al NIH funded GOF researchers) and political protection reasons. For those who use the “ we must prevent the next pandemic” mantra knowing where this one came from is fundamental and yet the protection they propose offering is only more regulatory over reach not investigation of the source.

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Answer: There are powerful interests that want "nobody to care..."

Thomas Pynchon in his 1973 novel "Gravity's Rainbow" makes a metaphoric analysis of how Nazi WWII fascist totalitarianism was directly transferred, by means of the V-2 Rocket, from Germany to the US. This in not just Werner Von Braun and rocketry, but the broader scientific apparatus as a 'State supporting, narrative reinforcing Weltanschauung.

Pynchon's umbrella statement is that:

"Paranoia is the dawning awareness that EVERYTHING is connected to EVERYTHING ELSE.'

This faux pandemic is an outgrowth of American funded research. Whether intentional release or accidental is simply a barometer of the daring & boldness of the Puppet Masters pulling the strings.

Tony Fauci & Francis Collins are totems of the NIH & CDC. These, in turn, are captured extensions of the powerful interests of the Pharma Industry. The Democrat Party, and almost as likely the Republican Party are certainly captured by Pharma Money. The 'Deep State' in the form of FBI, DOJ, NSA & Homeland Security are simply the enforcement arms.

Ultimately, the Corporatist Coalition of the Bought props itself up by way of its 'Think Tank'... The WEF to validate their ubiquitous will to wealth & power. These Corporate Oligarchs indulge the Environmental Movement as Useful Idiots & Stooges to corrupt institutions and deflect public attention away from the utter re-ordering of social and financial hierarchies.

In the end, it is an empty shell game, a ruse to enforce compliance and subjugation.


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Thanks for the synopsis of Gravity's Rainbow. I managed to read it 50 years ago, but only by dint of being snowed in in the mountains, spending four days in a sleeping bag in a small tent with nothing else to do. I have absolutely no memory of the book.

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I’ve added it to my reading list.

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I'll be interested to see what you think of it. In those days I had never not finished a book; had I not been snowed in, I would not have finished this one.

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Great parallel with Thomas Pynchon- he is a very interesting guy and I wish someone would interview him about the covid "conspiracies" and links to US bioweaponry- that would be a hoot!

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Ethical Skeptic pointed this out too. Omicron was much older than delta. My daughter was very sick fall of 2019. There are a lot of ccp at her school in Boston.

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One of the more tantalizing conspiracy theories is that Omicron was a deliberately engineered variant, milder than previous variants and intended to confer immunity. A "vaccine" if you will (I think even Bill Gates so called it.). TL;DR: Omicron has too many mutations to be explicable by chance. Here's a link:


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My son got it for sure at UC Davis in CA in November 2019. For a month or two a crazy number of students on that campus were sick, and doctors at the student health clinic said things like "something weird is going around and we don't know what it is." UC Davis always looks like it has more CCP students than Americans. Seriously.

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Sep 15, 2022·edited Sep 15, 2022

Interesting! I am in Houston and had a wicked illness for about a week in the first week of December '19 (well before Covid's official arrival). Pretty high fever (got up to 102 I think at one point); wicked cough which lasted for four days or so; some sniffles. I tested negative for both strep and flu, so that was confusing at the time. A simple cold would not have carried that kind of fever, IMHO.

At the time I was a member of a Lifetime gym in my area with heavy Chinese membership; I even remembered that some of the Chinese members seemed to be quite sick at the time, to the point where I was a little irked that we were sharing the same locker room together. So when Covid hit in the spring I put two and two together and decided to get an antibody test. Surprisingly, it came back negative.

Still trying to figure that out. To the best of my knowledge, over the course of the Covid 'pandemic' I have yet to catch the illness (all tests have been negative when I have suspected exposure). Antibodies or good luck?

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Yeah, daughter tested negative on antibody. This was long after obviously. I was begging her to get the anti-body test because I knew what was coming.

The Red Cross stopped testing for anti-bodies because people were lining up just for that test.

Also, they didn't want people verifying that their vaccine didn't work, or that the first one was good enough.

As you know, antibodies wane. So we asked for a t-cell reactivity test. The Drs in New York refused to give her an Rx. Anyone that thinks this is just incompetence is kidding themselves.

Anyway, she NOT allowed to get a t-cell reactivity test. Unstated was that they didn't want people to know they already had it. I understand that the t-cell reactivity on German blood supply showed 19% had seen it already prior to 2020.

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Sep 15, 2022·edited Sep 15, 2022

There are a lot of private labs now where you can go get a test, I believe without a doctor's order. I've been planning to do that. It costs $ of course...

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Being sick is the new normal since about 2020 .It seems I'm the only one not sick ,there must be something wrong with me ,so I will go to the next testing station to test if something is wrong with my mind .

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I am guessing you are not vaxxed. I am not and it does seem like those that are, are often under the weather.

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I'm just curious to see if the T-cells or nucleocapsid antibodies tests will indicate I've had Covid or not. I haven't gotten sick yet, despite not trying not to.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Great article as always!

Do you mind me asking what do you mean by "perhaps because everybody knows that more chronological clarity would do anything but support the case for natural origins."?

A date of Oct 19 is still coherent with the lab leak scenario.

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intensive efforts to test archival samples across the globe for the presence of SARS-2 would provide a lot of evidence about where the earliest infections emerged and how they spread. there might be secrets lurking under the surface here.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Thank you for your response. I agree that the lack of effort in this direction is very telling. Either nobody is paying attention, or there is deliberate obfuscation (or a bit of both).

To be continued in the next episodes of the saga!

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Below the sign 'Arbeit macht frei ' is a new sign 'vaccines make you healthy '' .

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Impfen macht gesund.

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Nein impfen macht Geld

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Such an effort is de-incentivized from the start, at least in the U.S., because the earlier it was circulating here with little impact on all-cause mortality beyond a bad flu, the more apparent it becomes that the mass-casualty event of spring 2020 was not due to the natural course of the virus—but largely to human interventions.

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Ron Unz has long contended that it was a Fort Detrick release as part of the military games held in Wuhan, but the evidence points to an even earlier existence since the games were only a bit before the official origin date (circa Oct '19, IIRC). Although he may be a bit off in the particulars, he may be in roughly the right line of country in his assumption of a Western country origin. The more conspiratorial among us, for example, might posit multi location releases from our friends in DARPA. Of course, not me!

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It would probably point to just an earlier than advertised leak from a Chinese lab. But there is also that one lab in North Carolina where they test bats too, right?...

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To me, the cleavage sites were all the evidence of synthetic design anyone should need.

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No doubt and that the sequence for such is patented!

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I agree. I read a long article about this early in 2020, and I've always remembered the article discussing how there were structural aspects that simply would not/could not happen in nature. I've been unable to locate the article again, but it was quite interesting.

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This Substack has at least a few articles arguing synthetic origin:


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Yes and DRASTIC was all over that right away- I still can't believe they even tried to pretend it wasn't from a lab afterwards- it's a complete joke.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by eugyppius

You say "lab leak" as if it was an accident.

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i think leaks can be intentional or accidental.

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Agreed. It remains to be see what category CV19 is in.

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Agreed, but why not even earlier? When I was first learning of the pandemic, early 2020, I assumed a patient zero date even later, in November. I based that on a report that the first identified victim was on Dec. 1, 2019. With time, however, I realized that a virus starts off very slowly, even a contagious virus in a huge city, can "lurk" for many weeks, perhaps a few months, before it's likely to be noticed. As far as I can guess, moving back the date of first infection even by several weeks doesn't change the analysis much. Perhaps I'm missing something? The virus was first identified and noticed -- officially at least -- in Wuhan in Dec.2019, but it could have been running around for months earlier, could it not?

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But how can people contend that the virus is both highly contagious and more deadly than flu, yet took until March 2020 lockdowns in the U.S. to show up in the ACM data? That doesn't work

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Exactly. Are we to believe that the first identified case was patient zero?

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Sep 15, 2022·edited Sep 15, 2022

I was ill with a something by Oct-2019, lost 10% body wt., felt like a combination of whooping cough and mononucleosis (I have helped others through both of those diseases in the past). Took me 3 months to get the weight back to 95%, but at least I have remained well since. I refused the jabs. I was around someone who works with people who are Chinese, (an acupuncture school here in Oregon) and they were also quite sick, but I was helping them move from one house to another and there was no way to postpone it. Now, I am so glad I got sick before the hubris and lies that followed. Saved my life, likely, to not get jabbed, as I am low weight and have PEG and Formaldehyde allergy already.

**For medicine, I drank only Burdock root tea, a pint a day for 2+ months. Inulin and Quercitin make Burdock a perfect remedy for the blood issues and the wasting issues associated with this illness.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by eugyppius

‘Since skin rashes are a well-documented Corona symptom...’ This is News to me and I have been following the Corona Tale since early on, so if it is well documented, the documents must have been kept secret.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by eugyppius

There is a published journal article, "Morbilliform Rashes in a Patient with COVID-19 Infection: A Case Report" available at the NIH National Library of Medicine website. The doi: https://doi.org/10.31729%2Fjnma.5128

In summary the authors reported 20.4% of COVID-19 patients developed skin manifestations. The most common skin lesion was morbilliform maculopapular rashes, present in 36.1% of patients. They describe a patient of COVID-19 infection with generalized morbilliform rashes who subsequently developed the cytokine-storm syndrome.

Perhaps the reason a rash is not mentioned is that a good portion of people with a positive test or some mild respiratory or flu like symptoms don't have a clinically significant disease, which is typical for most diseases. I think the polio virus was asymptomatic in more than 90% of those infected.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Great info, especially regarding polio. Thanks.

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As a result of your comment, I just had a lengthy exchange with my sister. Our 75-year-old stepmother got the initial shots, got Covid, got the booster, and then had a mysterious rash a month or two later that the doctors could not explain but described as "Morbilliform". She has never before in her life had any skin issues, not even mosquito bites or freckles. Given that it's looking like more shots = more sickness, I'm wondering if she was having a second Covid infection with that being the only symptom.

This thread sheds a little light on things. Thank you!

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This is heavy on molecular info, but here's a list of publications looking at Covid skin conditions and showing the connection with common lab tools:


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Thank you. Not information widely disseminated.

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My neighbour had covid early in 2020 and her only symptom was some kind of rash around 1 eye. In the early days, she was of course not tested. However, she received 2 shots and had the same reaction to the shots.

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Shingles? Cases of shingles have increased following the (so-called) vaccines, but that is due to weakened (by the mRNA) immune system, not the virus.

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Her reaction was always around the same eye. I've never heard of shingles around the eye and her first instance of a problem was not able to be diagnosed.

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One of the main locations of a Shingles outbreak is near the eye. My wife had it (way before COVID happened) there and had to get steroids to treat the rash near her eye to prevent cornea damage.

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Thanks, appreciate the info.

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I find it amusing that so many of us can blithely say we know for sure we had Covid on such and such a date, when there weren't even tests available. And especially this case: I'm sorry, but a rash around one's eye is NOT a typical Covid-19 symptom, the above messages notwithstanding.

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Sep 15, 2022·edited Sep 15, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Eugyppius, do these commenters actually read your work? Where is this stuff coming from? People denying that Coronaviruses exist. Commenter SaHiB fighting the good fight by trying to inject some reason in the threads, but waging an uphill battle.

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I can't quite understand the posters who assert there are no such things as a virus. They persist in notions that one has never been isolated nor imaged which is nonsense. I can't understand why they hold such a belief, but oh well.

Similar to those who dismiss the PCR test as not capable of detecting the virus. They confound that excessive cycle counts always find something, but if the detection cycle count is less than 20 or so, the detection is quite valid and that sample can be cultured to find active virus. Get a higher sample count and it's more likely to find ineffective viral segments which can't be cultured - won't replicate in media.

A little science can be dangerous for some.

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Because most people are not smart. Even the people we agree and who agree with us.

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Fun fact: in February 2020, I had a strange bout of "grippaler Infekt", different from what I usually get. I was super tired and my throat and head hurt badly. It FELT totally different and I remember wondering what was going on at the time.

I know another woman whose whole family came down with a similarly strange kind of "grippaler Infekt" in February 2020.

Since we now know that the virus was spreading in Italy and France months before we had our first "Webasto" case in Bavaria/Germany, I think I had COVID in February 2020. Alas, alas, we will never know.

Incidentally, I was listening in to a fun conversation among my colleagues today:

"How often have you had covid?"

"Well, twice, and then I got it a week after my booster shot."

"Really, that's funny, I also got Covid a week after my booster shot."

"When was that?"

"In March."

(third colleague piping up)

"Oh wow, looks like I'm overdue for another bout of Covid - I had my booster shot in November and haven't had covid since."

It was really remarkable, obviously these people expected to get covid multiple times in spite of being triple jabbed...and not a critical word of the jabs. I can only hope they're wondering about the whole issue quietly, not wanting to look like a pesky "Querdenker" to their colleagues. Or the brainwashing may have worked perfectly in their case.

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This also is consistent with anecdotal evidence from the Pacific Northwest USA. Doctors in Seattle, Washington, which has significant travel connections with Asia, and Portland, Oregon, which has significant travel connections with Seattle, reported in September/October 2019 that it was looking like another bad flu season.

Which happens to confirm my bias that if we'd never heard of SARS-2, we never would have noticed it and would have marked up 2019/2020 as a routine bad flu season like 2018/2019 (when we in the USA built field hospitals for overflowing hospitals that we actually used, unlike the field hospitals we built for COVID that we did not use).

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daughter and SIL went to Powell's books in Portland very early Jan 2020, and spent the last 2 weeks of Jan 20 with "the worst URI of their lives". Lots of Chinese tourists were at Powell's and at the restaurant they ate at that evening.

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And to answer your question, why does nobody care?

How would you like to tell everyone that you destroyed the economy and have shot people full of poison over something that we had been living with for months? What would that say about our medical system that people only started dying of it when the medical system started "treating" them for it?

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"Hey! Let's all freeze and starve to death to show Putin we mean business!" obviously works on the majority of people, so any such fears from the guilty parties re: Covid/vaccines are probably overblown.

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Rikard -

Have you ever thought that covid and Ukraine are just fancy finance vehicles for transferring wealth?

You might toss that around.

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