Excess mortality in 2021 seems pretty definitely connected to the science-juice to me. That leaves us with the question though: How the hell do we have worse excess mortality so far in 2022 than during the previous two years according to Euromomo?

I think in 2022 we're now dealing with the evolutionary ramifications of the mass vaccination program: Constant reinfections throughout the population and massive unprecedented waves of infection, even in the middle of summer, are starting to cause strokes, heart failure and other issues. Very worrisome.

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I also think it’s related to the booster. Risk of injury goes up with each successive shot. Look at all the Canadian doctors - some as young as in their 20s - died recently after their 4th shot.

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Everyone I know who has vaxxed, outside of two people, will continue to get the jabs as long as their doctors tell them. In fact, my sister in laws husband is vaxx injured and she is still planning to get the next booster if her doctor tells her to do so.

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Preface this with i live in Canada

I have three auto-immune diseases.

Crohns was the primary (diagnosed at 10)

Psoriatic arthritis & Psoriasis (age 22)

Uveitis (age 31)

Was on one biologic. I run 30 miles a week & work FT as lawyer in finance.

When I was due to get my 2nd shot my docs coordinated a response should my immune system go into overdrive. They all knew what was going on.

24 hours after 2nd shot my immune system went crazy and the pre-planned response was executed.

I start with 60 mg of prednisone - 14 day taper. Then 15 mgs methotrexate every second day x 2 weeks - 4 week taper. Two injectable biologics, one every 2nd week x 3 months. I don't drink & this regime caused 6 months of extreme stress to my liver. But nothing further. No permanent damage to eyes, joints, skin or gut.

My main auto-immune Doc, who holds a couple of prestige academic positions, told me in person -"NO more mRNA "vaccines". He can't say that to 99% of his patients or out-loud, because he will lose his license. Such is the state of medicine.

After all that crap, I have had Covid (omicron) 2x and it was a 2 day cold.

After 22 years of criminally incompetent Blob & the last 3 years of Covid velvet totalitarianism, only sub 90 IQ's still defer to the "authorities".

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I suspect you are the exception, rather than the rule in terms of preparing for immune system damage. I would also be concerned about what the spike proteins are doing to your body, if they are still there. They may not be. I don't know.

I'm glad that you and your doctors have taken all of this into consideration.

That being said, I don't think it's sub 90 IQs that only defer to the authorities. I think people have literally been brainwashed, and have been paralyzed by the fear of death from C0VID.

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It isn't only sub 90 IQ's. That comment was intended as sarcastic humor.

Love & hate are NOT the largest motivators of human behavior, fear is.

We all wanted to believe that post WW2 humans were smarter and morally superior to previous generations. The last 3 years have demonstrated we may be dumber and more immoral than previous generations.

The Covid Doom Porn propaganda machine created a state of perpetual fear and anxiety that broke many peoples brains.

My first Doctor told me at 10: "You will know more about your disease and body than any doctor. You are in charge". I was uniquely empowered & i was a weird, precious child. My relationship with healthcare professionals has always been collaborative, not deferential.

There is no way to determine if i still have latent spike proteins. However, i am still on 2 biologic drugs and my immune system is constantly surveilled.

My experience cannot be generalized to the population.

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don't talk about my boomer parents that way

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022

The boomers are the cockroaches of humanity. As the most deeply selfish generation, they managed to stay alive and on message, until the jabs.

They existed to F**k things up for everybody else and enjoy the spoils of their ill-gotten gains. In some era's a sub 90 IQ was advantageous. We need the boomers to remind us not to fight with each other, but to find 3rd world countries to pillage.

Now these stupid jabs are going to limit the time boomers have to impart their wisdom. Our punishment for extinguishing the boomers before their expiry date, is being left with a world of mentally unstable, puritanical, authoritarians.

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I sure hope you were saying that tongue in cheek.

"the cockroaches of humanity".

I'll have to respectfully disagree with that label. If you look at history, there are plenty of previous generations and CULTURES who did their bit at their time in history to "F*ck things up for everybody else". Every generation has their positives and negatives. Your description may ring true for some who want to wallow in self-inflicted guilt, but not everyone in that generation is deserving of such scorn and judgement. I'd like to know how GenX/Millenials will live with the consequences of the demise of coping with reality, independent thinking and courteous, intelligent discourse - all demolished by the penchant for hiding behind little screens and social media. What about the solutions for all the very real necessities that come with technology and "green" solutions today that those generations are convinced will save the planet - rare earth minerals, hey, where will all that lithium come for electric car batteries -and where the heck will they dispose said batteries, blades from the plethora of wind farms dotting our rural lands, etc., etc. Blaming the preceding generation presents no intelligent solutions. I'd really like to see people focus on positives that we all bring to society - it's the only way we'll come together and fight this crap we're all dealing with now.

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As a boomer, I find your characterization of us highly ... accurate.

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The damage to liver or vacuolation was known before the Pfizer gene therapy injection was rolled out. Methotrexate is often problematic for the liver, so I’m surprised your doctors prescribed that. Hope your liver is recovering. All the best.

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Think Jim Jones.

They can't stop from harming themselves once they are immersed in the rituals.

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It's anecdotal but, most people in my family are unvaxxed, and we've all had the Delta variant. Then Omicron came and the media was like "it's just a cold". However during summer, every single one of my work colleagues got it (sadly all vaxxed), and for most of them it was a really heavy case. Some even got it a second time! No one from my family who had Delta had any issue since. My work colleagues were even talking about how it was "my time for a second infection". Somehow, I don't think so.

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So it's not the jab bio-weapon that is killing it's the Chinese virus bio-weapon? Embrace the power of 'and'!

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022

This looks to be the case in Germany, but I do believe elsewhere it is much more multi-factorial and the effects of lockdowns/restrictions are big contributors to excess mortality.

This is particularly the case in societies with high wealth inequality and poor health across large segments of the population, and where restrictions were quite harsh (and thus had long-lasting repercussions) or else were sustained for prolonged periods. This holds true for the U.S. and UK and explains their poor performance relative to their neighbours.

Canadian researcher Denis Rancourt has analysed U.S. all-cause mortality in particular and has found that while the vaccination campaigns do correlate with some deaths, the large spikes appear to be due to economic shutdowns and NPIs.

Here in the UK, it's clear that vaccines are just one part of the story. We have one of the most dire under-resourced care system in Western Europe, which adopted some of the most extreme covid protocols. We also have a very high share of working-age adults with diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease. Our health system suffered some of the most stringent restrictions the past 2+ years, with primary care barely functioning and a huge number of procedures deemed "non-essential". While the injections have pushed some people over the edge, it looks like lockdowns and restrictions are the main culprits.

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The UK's 'poor performance' was likely (at least in part) due to the classification on the death cert of death as 'covid' had the deceased sneezed or coughed within the 48 hours preceding demise. It's also my understanding that putting 'covid' on death certs in the USA meant that the hospital would receive extra funding.

All of which governmental meddling made things look worse than they were, but had the desired effect of keeping most of the population in a state of terror about the possibility of catching what for most of them would have been an inconvenient 'bad cold'.

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I mean poor performance in terms of excess mortality, not covid-classified deaths (although of course there is considerable overlap).

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Which is why it is interesting to have the stats on what happened in other countries = i don't know if they shut down their health services to everything other than covid but from what i hear, that was not the case. So if they are also suffering excess mortality, it may not be only due to all the people who didn't show up and get diagnosed during lockdown in the UK. And it is a very convenient reason for excess mortality in the UK, methinks.

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Sep 3, 2022·edited Sep 3, 2022

Excess mortality is worse in the UK than many other places and has been since 2020.

Canada had no excess deaths in 2020 for example and neither did Germany. That's why it's clearer that in these countries, the injections have been the biggest aberration and contributing factor. In the UK the picture is more complex because our excess deaths began in March 2020.

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Don’t think it is viral reinfection, although there may be some if that. More likely longer term health impacts from both lockdowns and the experimental C19 drugs. See my separate post for more.

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"How the hell do we have worse excess mortality so far in 2022 than during the previous two years according to Euromomo?"

Boosters? The more shots the worse it gets for your immune system. Next thing that comes around gets you if your immune hasn't rebounded by then. Just my SWAG.

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Yes long term ramifications including cancers and amyloidosis as well. Those fibrin masses take time to build up.

I wonder how long it will be before we take these adverse effects seriously? We don’t even know how long the spike is produced post vax, or if their immunosuppressive effect is reversible. It’s pathetic that we are this long into the program, and don’t have basic answers about the distribution and pharmacokinetics of these gene therapy products.

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"It’s pathetic that we are this long into the program, and don’t have basic answers ..."

Iss it pathetic, or is it 'by design'?

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deletedAug 27, 2022Liked by eugyppius
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I chewed on this for a while. Why would stress increase in April 2021? You could make an argument that when the government turned up the rhetoric later it caused societal anxiety but the vaccine rollout should be a reduction in stress. Especially over early days 2020. I don’t think stress has any part of the data here. Since it should be largely constant over both years if not a downward slope.

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Don't forget how many got killed by Remdesivir and the ventilators .My brother went to the hospital because of a flu and 8 day's later he was dead .We lived 800 km .apart and no one told me that my brother went to the hospital because of a flu. If I would have known I would have done every thing to get him out of there or warn him to stay away from that killing place .Non of the people next to him there have any idea what goes on in hospitals .By going there he committed suicide and the ones working there murdert him .

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Aug 28, 2022·edited Aug 28, 2022

Joe S. 85, I am so sorry with what you now have to accept and live with; so many suffering in a similar manner in my country, USA. But we must remember the terrible burden people were under. In my two block area I lost two friends/neighbors. One had a painful bladder infection, the other infection connected with a dental procedure. Both struggled with the decision to go to the hospital or not. Both had to deal with split opinions with spouses and family members, and both made their own decision in the end. Both died in the hospital in 7-10 days. In both cases the death certificates stated "Covid", a common practice since this brings in significant monetary support to the hospital. We can only hope lessons were learned through all these needless deaths; right now, it's not looking as if ANY lessons were learned or ANY protocols will be changed. Sadly, our nation is hurting for essential workers like teachers, police, nurses, emergency medical technicians, soldiers, sailors, pilots and marines, but demands for multiple vaccination continues, and resignations continue to increase. Will we one day look back, write about, what we have done to ourselves and our economies, in nearly every country in the world, what we have done to the human race ? Will we ever have the humility to accept and regret what we have done ?

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Not every one can be blamed for the terror ,still ongoing .I did fight against the terror from day one. So at 86 I was in and out of court for almost a year .As a result my health I had before is gone and I expect to die any day now .

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I realize it is "easy" for someone else to say, but you must somehow do what you need to regain your physical and mental health. Don't know what country you live in, but in the USA the country's leaders are in their 80's and planning to continue in national and world leadership. Our Dr. Fauci is stepping down from leadership of the "pandemic", but has been on a media blitz to let people know he is only leaving his 400K position to open the next chapter in his career.

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Agree Lorn. I would expect a large climb after the lockdowns, spring/summer 2020, and again another climb in fall 2021.

Rationale: there was stress when the reality of the lockdowns started putting real pressure on people's lives and livelihoods, and there was stress again when the mandates started putting real pressure on people's jobs (livelihoods).

I would not expect regaining freedom and livelihood to be a driver of stress, as suggested by another commenter.

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The mass deaths haven't even started.

Pulmonary hypertension is about to skyrocket.

They'll be dropping like flies soon, or like soccer players.

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Anyone can look back at any time period and find compelling "reasons for stress". Retrospective explanations involving something as fungible as stress are no better than those of astrology.

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Societal tensions were much worse in rhe 60s. I suspect you weren't around. And in the 70s bombings in the US were so frequent they didn't make beyond local news. And city crime was way worse. So no.

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Aug 28, 2022·edited Aug 28, 2022

Speaking only for myself, I certainly experienced more stress in the past 2.5 years than at any time in my life, education through doctoral studies, and marriage, raising teenagers, nothing has come close to the level of stress of this "pandemic"... nothing previously experienced has ever caused such "tension" with friends and family, such stress in my professional life, such loss of long standing friends over differences in vaccination effectiveness versus long term dangers, and the belief by some friends, relatives, and co-workers that unvaccinated individuals were causing the entire pandemic.

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I totally get that stress drove an increase death throughout the entire pandemic and is still ongoing. I don’t buy that it has any explanatory power here.

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Stress? What stress?

Sure, there were some issues regarding people who were forced to be vaxxed, but from what I saw, most people in the US were working at home (many still do) and those that were not were living large off of their pandemic unemployment benefits with the occasional government stimulus. And don't forget... free rent.

So really, free rent plus free money... how much stress does that create for most people in the US?

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100% we agree here! I think it could be making COVID appear more dangerous. Stress is a huge factor. Just not one I see elevating in April 2021 and still maintaining that apparent change.

But for sure drugs, suicide, alcohol, stress leading to heart disease, over eating and diabetes, etc... happened and is happening. Just that very measurable change can’t be stress induced.

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Enough about the stress, the shot is toxic in so many ways. Just accept it. I don't like when the people that took it talk circles around it cause their brain cannot admit they made a mistake by taking it.

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What percentage of excess deaths do you reckon is due to “stress”, as opposed to a physiological reaction to the jabs?

Btw, excess deaths aren’t actual based on a ‘model’ per se: it is usually based on the mean death rats tabulated over the previous five years. That is empirical data, not a model.

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Why would there be stress? They should be calmed because the injections are safe and effective therefore they would believe they are protected from the plague.

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Do I detect a tad of cynicism there ? I live in a state where we did escape being actually locked into our homes, and where (after a couple tension filled weeks where our leadership contemplated CLOSING our beaches and nature areas (trails, springs for snorkeling, kayaking, etc. but fortunately clear heads prevailed, and state medical people decided the best path would be to encourage fresh air, exercise, and discourage large indoor and outdoor close contact events. College spring break activities were a worry to some in south Florida, but, in the end, seems not to have had an impact... perhaps because even the close contact beach activities were outdoors of course.... dissipation and diluting of the virus perhaps, thereby reducing the threat ? At any rate, those on here who experienced actually being physically locked into their homes and apartments, do not seem to have fared any better over all ?

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Its a bioweapon. You think hiding in your condo will help?

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do you belive in the holocaust?

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I'm afraid i don't have the numbers at hand but suicides increased by double-digit percentages, after lockdowns, before vaccines.

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Aug 28, 2022·edited Aug 28, 2022

Not in North America.

Suicides went down. in 2020 and 2021.

What went up, by an alarming magnitude, were overdose deaths and "deaths of despair". Depending on Country, State /Province & City, 95%-100% of these deaths are NOT counted as suicides

Self reporting of suicide ideation went up, especially in adolescents and young adults.

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interesting. all tre data is poisoned but... still interesitng

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I agree your point in excess mortality. The models were used to “prove” the efficacy of the vax and policy and are pure garbage. However the calculations of the denominator are an issue so not not exactly empirical data either. See my separate post for more detail if interested

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I respectfully disagree. Why didn’t we see a drastic increase in stress deaths due to lockdowns pre the mass inoculation campaign?

Perform autopsies on all anomalous, unexpected deaths; look for Spike in organs. Look for evidence of death due to known vax adverse reactions.

Look at how many young, healthy people are dying of heart inflammation and blood disorders!

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@ Jon:

I certainly don’t know the exact number. But judging from the daily reports of young athletes collapsing and even dying over the past year, I’d say that it’s in the thousands (Europe & N. America).

Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that it’s “only” in the hundreds (short-term adverse reaction, resulting in death, within two weeks from a jab (#1, 2, 3 or 4). Wouldn’t (shouldn’t) that be more than enough to justify a moratorium on vaxxing / boostering?

If not, where would you put the threshold?

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I'd suggest you look at Mark Crispin Miller's stack - News from Underground, he's doing a good job of collecting stories from around the world.

There is no question about it. Ed Dowd is tracking from insurance actuary perspective.

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Then why is it in countries with low vaxx rates, we're not seeing the sharp increases in deaths?

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As I noted, Ed Dowd has drilled down on the timing for young healthy people holding down good jobs - so while drugs/suicide/other factors are in play, they are always in play, and the jump happened post mandates. He explains it better than I can, he's been on Steve Bannon's war room a good bit if you want to search for that.

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Curious that this stress of which you speak of as though it is a literal wartime scenario coincides so nicely with the experimental mRNA injections.

Maybe by stress you mean the COVID "vaccines" as they surely stress the human body quite significantly.

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Some stress deaths, ok. But stress deaths in young people? That seems like it shouldn't be too elevated. Plus, my understanding is that stress has to be chronic and sustained, mainly for years, before the deaths creep up. This is obviously not true for sudden trauma (like broken heart syndrome). The lockdowns and now the phony green energy debacle will only further increase stress (high prices of food, electricity, gas, businesses going under, people getting fired)- so the government would be responsible for those deaths also.

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Antibiotic prescriptions fell 50% in the USA on the fatuous grounds that “you don’t treat respiratory viral infections with antibiotics”.

Massive pulse of deaths from bacterial pneumonia, especially in middle aged poor people.

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Actually, there has bee a huge push in the UK, Europe and the US to reduce antibiotics leading to huge increases in preventable deaths from simple things like pneumonia, bacterial meningitis and sepsis. They keep droning on about antibiotic resistance- which is not emanating from these countries- it comes from countries where you can buy it over the counter who then travel to the other countries. Abysmal politicking with stupid people in charge once again.

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deletedAug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022
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I agree with you Jon there are all sorts of confounded here. However, where the issue lies is that government health authorities don’t seem to be in any rush to do a deep dive into the data to extrapolate what is going on with excess deaths. This study conducted by a psychologist.....case in point. The people that should be all over this are actively avoiding the question. Seriously worrisome and damning. Whatever way you slice it, the methods we used to combat this pandemic have made everything worse by orders of magnitude. The architects of the response are jumping ship, doing 180’s on their narrative, or gaslighting us all into insanity. They fucked up royally. Was it simply incompetence or is it malfeasance? I just don’t know where I stand on this. But we need brave scientists to stop hiding and come out of their self-censoring protectionism to ask the right bluddy questions and get to the bottom. It’s the only moral thing to do at this point.

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I guess the unvaccinated must be a really mellow group. Talk about a confounder.

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"New Study Shows An Alarming Link Between Being A Conspiracy Theorist And Not Having Myocarditis"

/babylon bee

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Wouldn’t say that exactly, but I get your drift. Mostly the unvaccinated are outraged on behalf of their friends and family, who wouldn’t listen but trusted the bureaucratic liars/incompetents. We also fear what make happen next because the village idiots in charge seem hell bent on doubling down rather than waking up.

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It wouldn't settle anything. Confounding effects are huge.

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So how WOULD you determine it, or would you rather just muddy the waters forever eh, comrade?

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For me, the last words were the original randomized vaccine trials. They already showed upside down harm/benefit ratios. What more needs to be said than more "severe" outcomes in the vaccine than the placebo group?

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In my estimation, the probability is near zero for public health bodies to release data showing that they killed many thousands.

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The US had an immediate mortality jump by +40% or so for 25-44 year-olds starting in Spring, 2020 that lasted until the end of 2021. On top of that there was a huge peak in the 2nd half of 2021. It's hard to say if the vaccine did anything, but the lion's share of death seems to be due to the "new normal". https://norstadt.substack.com/p/excess-us-deaths-for-25-to-44-year

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I think that is likely true to some extent, certainly the lockdowns are having a knock on effect in multiple ways but the emerging evidence seems pretty clear that the experimental C19 drugs cause permanent damage and the vax produced spike protein lasts longer, far longer, than advertised and than is the case with a natural infection. Add to that immune system compromise due to the vax and a proportion of people still getting boosters and you must consider a fair proportion of current excess mortality is directly related to lockdowns and another directly related to the vax. This alone is sufficient to warrant and immediate suspension of the vax programme pending urgent detailed investigation by truly independent sources and a cessation to health care funds being spent on vaccination (other than core childhood proven vaccination) with a shift un emphasis to treating these policy driven health care emergencies. (Ie stop bleating about Monkeypox, Tomato flu and Covid and deal with the tsunami in front of you!)

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This is the part where midwits chime in with "correlation does not equal causation!"

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it is also of course totally coincidental that there is a large DROP in infant mortality in 2020 shown there.

BTW the infants were missing/had delayed early childhood vaccinations during 2020 lockdowns. Just saying. It is all totally coincidental of course that missed childhood vaccinations coincided with a massive fall in mortality during that time. Totally not saying that these are linked.

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We all know that all good people give their children the seventy seven childhood vaccinations that are recommended (or required, in the US).

Only snaggletoothed wall-eyed Trump disciples believe that doctors and drug companies have anything but our best interests uppermost in their minds and so deny their children the benefits bestowed by these miraculous products.

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I would say the upper middle class is even more guilty of this mindset, at least here in the US. The UMC (here I am thinking of people in the top 90 to 97 percent of the wealth distribution) is generally comprised of bright rule followers who have risen to their current station by efficiently doing what they are told by the folks at the top.

In their defense, they are mostly not psychopaths which puts them at a disadvantage in trying to decipher the way power really works.

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Not psychopaths; just don't care?

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Kids 0-14 also spent a lot less time being driven to places and playing sports and such because of the inane lockdowns.

To test your "non" hypothesis and mine, we could compare trends within the different causes of childhood deaths: did disease deaths drop? Trauma deaths drop? Both? Neither?

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I believe the majority of the drop is linked to fewer SIDS during lockdowns (cot deaths). At least that was what the 2020 US data was showing. I didn't save the link but it was shared widely sometime last year.

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Paging Brandy Vaughn.... Brandy Vaughn please pick up the red courtesy phone...

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The same low IQ idiots who learned and constantly regurgitated their new term "Asymptomatic Spread" in 2020. They're like little children who learn a new word.

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the word may be new but that does not make it wrong...

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the enemy is quite easily recognised: he does wear a mask....

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I'd have thought that, masked or not, he's insisting that, since he's vaxxed, that means you should be, too.

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And I suspect that many are victims of the fear campaign, afraid to remove them for reasons that even they don't exactly understand. Where I live it is disturbingly common to see masked children with their unmasked parents. Also, most of the masked people in my area are apolitical types, totally unconnected with the culture wars, largely religious and 1st or 2nd gen immigrants. Good people. who I enjoy living among. Definitely not my enemies. My enemies or mainly those who spent the last couple years telling us all to wear masks while not wearing them themselves unless it was a photo-op.

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you mean the "wir haben es nicht gewusst" crowd?

to me, that didn't work then, nor does it now.

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The NPC answers are wonderful. I was out at a Dad's event last for school and said to a couple of friends, OK remember this phrase "at least it prevents death". So through out the evening I asked when people were planning on getting their boosters and how often. Most said no which I said so how do we fight forcing our kids from being injected with a vaccine we all know does not work. Boom NPC answers "at least it prevents death" which I get to automatically response with "says the people that told you it stops transmission?" We all know Omicron is less lethal...

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Also, it certainly does not prevent death. So they're just straight up wrong about that. That horse has long left the barn.

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It also murders entire demographics of younger healthy people who were never, ever, at risk.

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It also rapes and pillages women and causes cancer.

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"Midwits". Now I am like a child who learned a new term. This word is perfect for that group of people, who just happen to be so prevalent out there in the wild - always eager to point out truly stupid people who can make them feel smart, despite being mere midwits. Thanks for that!

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And with this current mass formation hypnosis it certainly wasn't just a high IQ or lengthy education that protected anyone. Through my own journey in the post-coof wasteland I met more than a few low-IQ folks who still weren't buying any of the bullshit. They just somehow knew through intuition which can't really be measured. We are truly a diverse bunch.

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Exactly. Kudos to the unwashed hordes who were able to maintain their common sense despite the full-frontal barrage from the super-expert genius class of shitbags.

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If only more people thought independently, everyone would think like us!

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Counter to that one: smoking is not dangerous unless you can exactly correlate exactly what damage each and every inhalation have caused.

If you can't, all you have is correlation, yes?

This usually pisses off the ones abusing the "correlation does not equal causation!" truism.

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Smoking has compounds we know to be mutagenic by causal effects. We also know too much damage to DNA causes cancers. The epidemiological data correlating ~10x increased lung cancer risk with 20+ years smoking is the confirmation of the causality.

It's looking like administration of gene-jabs is correlating with far greater than 10x mortality risk for a number of diseases. The causal chain is still being worked-out, under heavy suppression fire.

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I know, Ben, I know - I'm not arguing that smoking isn't a health hazard: the point wasn't whether smoking is dangerous or not but to put forth a way to put the "correlation does not equal casuation"-abusers on the spot.

Longer tangent:

These people have in general zero actual background regading theories in science and of science, all they have are post-it note level of knowledge of anything. Maks for good soundbites and quips but contains zero essence.

Which is why putting them on the spot in public works so well. A person with real knowledge, even layman's level, would have no trouble using reason to put forth an argument as to why and how (or not) A's correlation with B may imply causation - these people can't do that, since they are dogmatists.

Swedish example: for 25 years, several professors and researchers in the field of economy and foreign aid have pointed out that Sweden's spending of a hundred to hundreds of billions of crowns each year on mass-migration (make that tens of billions of dollars/euros) is unsound: if the goal is helping people fleeing wars, persecution, natural disasters and so on, the rational way to go about it using the same amount of money is to establish help locally, as close to their home areas as possible as the money would enable three to four magnitudes more to receive aid.

But the pro-rapeugees people are deaf to that - because the point isn't helping people in need, the point is mass migration in itself, no matter any raional consequences or costs.

Therefore, any argument that, as mentioned, puts people like that on the spot of having to argue their reason helps show others that all these technically human beings are, are shells full of echoes of what their masters' have proclaimed via their virtuous media.

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Aug 28, 2022·edited Aug 28, 2022

I remember seeing the study. I acknowledge all that you wrote. The economics institute IWF estimated the median social cost incurred for each migrant waved-in to be 1 million euro. Another study they commissioned came to a higher number.

One of the pernicious effects of lies spread by mass-propaganda is that the infected end-up shutting down their own capacity for rational thought. I'll stop here.

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The "smart" injection enthusiasts dont understand the Bradford Hill criteria. When Bradford Hill is brought up, the response is just a straight denial that any of the factors (temporal, e.g.) signal causation.

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I've never met a Cop that believed in coincidence.

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022

Well, it doesn't. But it should point the way toward fruitful avenues for further investigation. And sometimes the correlations are so overwhelming that they do constitute valuable data.

Just because an association is correlative is not usually grounds for either proof or dismissal.

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Precisely. Midwits use the phrase as though it means they've disproven any causative relationship. To the contrary, noting a correlation is step one to identifying such relationships.

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In fact, it's the *primary* basis for the theory of human caused climate change, which is all the rage these days.

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The cause is the political, Malthusian (and Morgenthau) agenda. It has no scientific basis.

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There is a scientific case for it, whether you wish to acknowledge it or not makes no difference.

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What is 'it'.

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No, No, No, get it str8 not midwits, but dungwits.

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This kind of analysis attributing death directly to the vaccine is being independently replicated all over the world. Meanwhile, vaccine mandates continue at country borders, in public service jobs, and at great universities. My own child (unvaccinated) is at risk of choosing the jab just to receive a prestigious scholarship in the scientific field he loves. It is a monstrous evasion of the scientific facts. I believe this madness will end at some point, but then, who will pay?

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I loathe that your child is facing this choice. It’s abhorrent. Vaccinating young, healthy children and adults at this stage is a special kind of evil.

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My son was facing the same thing at Berkeley. They were telling him if he did not get the boosters he could not enroll in classes this fall. He took J&J but then they were not doing booster and of course the CDC said. Just mix and match. It’s fine even though no studies were done and the university backed that up! Anyways long story short. My son has been able to avoid it. Soooo. I’d like to explain how but I don’t want to have someone see it and then inform the college so for now I’ll keep our secret to ourselves. He is not boostered and is enrolled and taking classes and he also works at the lab there. Maybe the universities won’t push it but they will try to scare kids into getting boosted in order to continue their education. How sick is it that universities and schools would be behind forcing these poison shots into young adults. I sent so many letters to Berkeley about this!! If anything happens to my son from the forced J&J he had to take and forced annual flu shots. I told them. I’m coming for you!!!

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I also sent emails with links to studies outlining the dangers of the vaccine to our son's college so that if we and others needed to sue that they could not deny having foreknowledge of the dangers.

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Yep. I sent every bit of info that came out!

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Your last sentence is the key. At a certain point you have to ... do something.

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Berkeley is super toxic anyway; why even enroll there, if your son is not a gay, black lesbian?

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My suggestion is to ask your son to employ his scientific mind to the data and deploy critical thinking to the problem. The lay out the possible scenarios and attach a probability of veracity to each one and then decide whether he should take up the position or delay. What’s a year or two next to potential long term health impacts, shortened life span or even death? If he is any good at science and maths he will see that.

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I so hope you are wrong.

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Aug 27, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I believe governments know the truth about the jabs and that's why they are slowly backing away from the vaccines -- but the harm has been done, so they are in no rush really to "save lives" but are more concerned with preserving their credibility (and looking for a fall guy.)

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They’ve already found their fall guy and are blaming the bad orange man. I saw that coming when Birx and Fraudci started backpedaling.

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Somehow Trump wasn’t smart enough to see it. Duped by Fraudci.

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I'm not sure governments care one way or the other about truth. All they seem to care about is public perception, and if it goes strongly enough against them they backtrack, albeit very slowly, while lubricating their progress with sacrificial scapegoats.

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Quite possibly, although generally organisations work is a fashion that almost defies logic. crowd theory comes into play in terms of mass psychology, the book the madness of crowds is a good insight. In the end people in organisations either seek to do the right thing or the right thing for themselves, which generally translates to whatever their bosses want. They must resign if they want to do the right thing in this case but they still need to feed their families. Not easy. Doctors have their oath and ought to resign but we heal that many are “afraid to speak out”. Thought for them but they took an oath... so it is quite likely that they know deep in their hearts that a terrible mistake has been made (or something else but insufficient data yet to decide that one). However some people (the Fauci types) will be spouting arse covering mal-information that will give decisions makers false hope and the drowning person will grab anything to survive, even if it kills others...

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Obviously you have yet to see this: https://rumble.com/v1hcznd-tucker-carlson-blame-trump.html

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Ah! I hadn’t seen that yet. Tucker is great.

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We of the proletariat have no power to control the oligarchs who run Western society. All we can do is to do our best to protect ourselves and our families. For my part, I am investing in publicly traded companies that provide caskets, burial, and cremation services.

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The idea that we don't have power is silly. We do have power. There is power in numbers and power in principle. The question is, do we have the stomach for it? I don't know if we do. I so want to push through this, move back to something pre-9/11 as our society. I'd love us to question a lot of policies and institutions out of existence. Government is like a cancerous tumor that has metastasized throughout our country and the world.

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We have no power, because they control the money that we use. See the Canadian truckers. But we can opt-out of their system with bitcoin.

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If money were power, then would it not follow that the money that government utlizes would be effective in what it is used for? And yet look at how effective government is in doing things. Our educational system is in shambles in spite of all the money poured into it. The same could be said for a lot of our social programs. Even our military appears to be breaking down, not because of spending, but rather due to ideology held by a few people.

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Aug 28, 2022·edited Aug 28, 2022

The occupational enemy regime is good at four things: plundering, misleading, destroying and killing.

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deletedAug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022
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Power "derived from us"? More like "extracted out of us".

Study power, how it works, then read some banned history and see who really holds it.

Time to repent and pray for deliverance.

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Great idea!

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It is becoming clearly obvious to me that no politician took the “real” jab. I say we line the politicians up worldwide and have them all catch up on two doses plus two boosters all one one day. It would make for great TV over the next two months.

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In fact, in Austria a lot of politicians did not get the jab but paid a dude at the vaccination center 500 euros for getting their stamp. The dude was prosecuted but somehow it took the investigators too long and all charges had to be dropped because of a technicality. We all know why the investigators did not finish in time - would have been a PR debacle if the names of the politicians came out. https://www.heute.at/s/fuer-politiker-gefaelscht-wiener-impfbetrueger-ist-frei-100221830

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We just have to stop believing they think or act FOR US.

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Not really, quite dystopian actually...

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You can tell which politicians took the real jab by which ones get the "rebound" cases from Paxlovid. The Bidens and Fauci are some of the dumb ones.

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Unless they lied about being "infected" in the first and or the second etc. time.

After all, they've got some Paxlovid to sell.

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yeah but why would they have lied about "rebound" when it is so threatening to their narrative?

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Out of habit.

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Yep. Politicians are employees. Nothing more.

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100% with you on this.

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022Liked by eugyppius

What stops them from claiming that these are covid long term adverse events?

To clarify, I 1000% know/believe that these are lead by vaccination programs. But what is the counterargument to demolish the source/1+1/fact check mob?

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two things: 1) the tight chronological association with death spikes and vaccination; and 2) the fact the excess deaths *aren’t* happening in the 80+ group, which is most vulnerable to the virus.

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It is likely that the death spikes are not occurring as obviously in the 80+ age range because so many died previously that would normally have died today. This is why data has to be age stratified, which it is here so 👍. So it doesn’t mean they would not have been impacted by the vax or lockdowns had they survived long enough. Also the vax Ishtar have impacted their immune systems more severely and quickly thus rendering them vulnerable to the virus. The vast majority of deaths from C19 in the UK since June 2021 (circa 70%) were in the 75+ age group, the current weekly rate is 77.4%.

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2) Can one claim that the same reason that's keeping vaxx deaths low (immune system overreaction - but a declining immune system can't overreact) is also keepin covid deaths low?

Especially with current strains that are just mild and upper respiratory?

Devil's advocate.

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No. Old people are especially vulnerable to diseases. There are some viruses that hit young people harder, exactly because of an immune overreaction. COVID is not one of them. It kills you by overwhelming your immune system.

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You just contradicted yourself. Immune overreaction = overwhelming immune system. No?

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deletedAug 27, 2022Liked by eugyppius
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but they have to die sometime right? one of the more interesting lower-key findings of this piece is that there’s not much excess death in the 80+ crowd at all.

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deletedAug 27, 2022Liked by eugyppius
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covid kills nobody, old or young

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I gotta say that intubation and remdesivir absolutely skewed the crap out of those numbers. So it is a lot less deadly than we thought.

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The MSM narrative, now being spread, the excessive death is the cause of lockdowns. They just can't accept that the jabs are the issue.

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Well, when you consider that all "MSM" is just a marketing arm of Big Harma and whatever regime is in place...... MSM is not the the business of acceptance or seeking truth but rather the opposite.

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And so the sheep will continue to graze.

But, there are encouraging signs of a Great Awakening - the take up figures for 2nd, 3rd, and booster jabs or whatever are "distressingly low" - and by now no refusenik is ever going to convert.

I think a significant number of people now know, first or second hand of premature deaths and significant health problems befalling the jabbed and some are beginning to ask questions (albeit a little late).

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@ Random:

Compare all-cause mortality (and excess mortality) between all age cohorts, separating ‘n’ times jabbed with nil times jabbed.

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Do we even have stats about the vaccination status of those dieing in excess?

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Several countries and provinces were posting such data online, quite openly. Come 2022 the practice ceased, rather suddenly. Seems the great unwashed were using the data to spread “misinformation” (i.e., attempting to calculate vax efficacy {in preventing hospitalization and death} in real-time), which of course contracted the narrative.

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Exactly the case. When the data gets 'inconvenient', it gets disappeared.


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Here is Canada we are deaf, blind, and brain washed.

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Sad but so true..my whole family of origin bought the false narrative....I may be the only one, and my two kids, who will still be living in a few years! I'm in Switzerland, and could not believe what was happening in my home country. Why were they so easily fooled? My brother and his wife are both medically trained....confused does not start to cover my feelings!

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Yes, I hear you, I studied psychology in the first two years at Uni, and boy did we cover everything I really needed to know...I know it helped me with this scam. But it is strange that only one person out of a family of eight could see things so differently...it still boggles my mind. I think my brother may be using his bright mind once again though, but to admit he was so wrong is going to be very hard....I see this happening with so many now. And what will happen to those who cannot handle the truth? Especially the ones who jabbed their kids! Tragic beyond words. I must admit I was always labeled the black sheep of the family..I guess it turned out to be a good thing after all.

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Me too! The black sheep. Only one in all my siblings and even my own family who is still unjabbed. It was so easy for me to see this was all wrong and I begged and pleaded with everyone.

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I did the same, but it caused a wedge, not an awakening.

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For me it caused a wedge also. My kids still don’t respect me. Think I’m a kook. Maybe one day when all the truth comes out they will see me differently.

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So true...I was telling this to my two adult children this week...we have had things far too good...I also had this conversation with one of my ESL students as well. We are about the same age, but he still took the shots. and even a booster but he says no more......he did it mostly out of convenience...they like how easy and comfortable their lives are, and have been, and they are also so resistant to change....I think what you're alluding to has a lot to do with self worth..and family dynamics. There are not too many authentic humans these days; everyone is trying so hard to be someone they're not. My father probably saved my life and my sanity, even though he did not mean to...I battled him all my life, and he showed me that even family can hurt you, so why not others that do not even know you? That was a hard lesson to learn, but a good one. I survived that, and I will survive this. Most of my siblings shoved the family dysfunction under the carpet, and they're doing the same now. Like I said, tragic.

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Is it from covid or Trudeauvid?

Same problem here in the US. Totally brainwashed citizens.

Yesterday in Target, I saw many masked humans, some had triple masks

I just look away

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I see a lot of younger adults masked. Probably the least vulnerable next to children. Unless, of course, they’re multi jabbed.

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I agree

There are not too many middle aged peeps with masks, unless they are henpecked guys, or paranoid women

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I whistle loudly, to provoke.... when I see masked people indoors..I love it!

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Oh, I know, but I have gotten so good at whistling...you see, I never wore a mask...ever! So practice makes perfect, and I love to show them how happy I am! :-)

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022

Sometimes I daydream about all of us commenters meeting up somewhere nice, and enjoying each others' company..for real.

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Triple masks? F*ck me, and I thought regular maskers were dumb.

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I have to admit, I was surprised, thought my eyes were deceiving me but nope,

One person had on one of those light blue masks (you know the ones all over parking lots, parks, garages, malls, etc) and she had two, some sort of cloths secured underneath? tissues? papertowels? I do not know, I did not stare. I do not enjoy staring at stupid people

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Aug 27, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Germany used primarily Pfizer? I'm just wondering if we could pinpoint which Very Safe Shot was the worst....

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early on, a lot of astrazeneca, as scarce pfizer was reserved for the olds at first. most second doses and all third doses will be pfizer.

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as will be fifth, sixth, seventh etc..

with the compliments of klabauterbach and the rest of the neo fascist german politicians

im besten Deutschland je.

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Genau! Er ist im Moment der gemeinste Mensch in Deutschland! Puke.

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I got Moderna for all three. No obvious harm done....

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My daughter got Moderna for all 3. And had covid twice now. She has had a cough for like 6 weeks. Doctors tell her it’s just allergies. She had a blood clot in the large vein of her leg which dissolved on its own but now she has backflow of blood in leg. Pain and swelling. She is 27. I’m betting she will be required to take a 4th shot in fall. She is in CA. 😢

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Unless she has a gun to her head, she needs to avoid that shot.

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I agree but she will do what she is told. They trained her well in college. I have no power over her decisions at all

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@ Deb Hawthorne:

Please implore your daughter to pass on her 4th jab. Her personal health is too important! She isn’t statistically threatened with severe illness or death from becoming infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, whatever variant.

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Believe I’ve tried for the last year to keep her away from shot 3. Recently she informed me I am not to talk to her anymore about covid or shots!’ Period. It’s off limits. 😢😢😢😢 I fear I will lose her in the near future. My heart can’t take it and as I write this I’m crying.

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I am so sorry to read this. I simply cannot understand what it will take for these people to wake up...my mother has already had four shots, ( crazy Canada) and I implored her not to take another....she promised she wouldn't, but I feel she will do whatever she wants. It's out of our hands....why would she have to take a fourth shot anyway? I know CA has lost the plot long ago, similar to Canada, but does she work in the healthcare field? ..it's pure insanity!! My daughter is 24, and I feel your pain.. not sure how I would handle this.

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The overwhelming majority of individuals receding the experimental inoculations did reasonably well, but some unlucky individuals became very ill and even died. The distribution of adverse effects is not random, it varied greatly over time, by batch. Perhaps there was a contamination / vax compromise problem. The question is whether the contaminated/compromised batches killed people or saved them.

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should be “receiving”, not receding.

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Lucky you, have you had an MRI done to check for heart scaring, blood clots etc. Have you checked to see if spike protein is still present in your organs? Complacency is a killer...

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Of course not. I don't even have a doctor as I am never sick. Obviously, I won't get an MRI in the absence of any symptoms. Why would I care about residual spike protein?

Many antivaxxers are just as crazy as the Covidians. You will be badly disappointed when the vast majority of vaxxed folks are still around and healthy in a few years.

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Actually I’ll be very pleased indeed, especially for my sisters and their kids. My point was to suggest you refrain from suggesting the experimental drug regimen is anything other than toxic when you have no evidence to support the intimation other than tour fervent desire for that to be so, which is understandable

Also while we are discussing the matter, and to avoid getting shouty, it would be wise to not refer to those of us who didn’t take the experimental chemical concoction as antivaxers, which is both derogatory and inaccurate and most of us are not anti vaccines, just against mass indiscriminate administration of a drug that has not been sufficiently tested, based on flawed and fraudulent trials.

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Well, you started our little argument with the rather crazy suggestion to get an MRI for blood clots that apparently and thankfully don't cause any symptoms. Which would be as nuts as getting a fourth shot of this junk...you need to stay away from doctors and diagnostics as much as possible.

p.s.: I only got the third Shot because my employer blackmailed me. Evil Bastards.

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You are lucky, my 42 year old neighbor got myocarditis from a Moderna booster.

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Not yet..just wait.

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I doubt that there are hidden Long Term effects.

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I happen to vehemently disagree with you. From what is happening now, and from what has been predicted in the months and years to come, I happen to think you are mistaken. In any event, if I knew any one who took this poison into their body, willingly or not, I would be pleading with them to follow some protocols to help mitigate the damage. There may be some hope for those who act now. Less for those who do not. In any case, you participated in an experiment with no known outcomes. You can't hide, or distort that simple truth. Check out Dr. Mercola..he has written about actions to take. So have many other doctors and scientists. If I were you, I wouldn't wait to see what happens, and hope for the best. That would be foolish. I am sorry I don't have nicer things to say. You were lied to; another simple truth. Check out what Dr. Stephanie Seneff has to say as well. I happen to think she is brilliant. ..she has simply an astonishing brain and is overflowing with integrity. Eileen

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Your comment is full of opinion and devoid of facts. Detox from vaccine damage?

I am totally fine and so are almost all vaccinated around me.

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Aug 27, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Does this mean the end of boosters, etc.? The more seasons of jabbing, the more obvious this relationship will become.

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deletedAug 27, 2022Liked by eugyppius
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the summer rise in deaths among youngs is a pretty robust effect, it also comes through in the more simplistic euromomo models and it would also presumably appear in official excess death numbers, if these were broken down finely enough by age bracket.

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Agree, the age stratification is the key otherwise it is relatively easy to confound the trends. In the final analysis there is already more than sufficient vaccines harm on this one experimental non vaccines to warrant immediate cessation and investigation, given the virus is now being declared far less virulent the why would they not stop immediately and investigate? The WHO director general unilaterally declares a global health emergency for Monkeypox as a result of a tiny number of cases for a virus that is very contained. Countries like the UK want to Polio vax the entire population of London based on a shit test (literally! I should have written a test of shit);with no actual cases of polio. These unelected bureaucrats do not have public health in mind, that is abundantly clear. Let’s see if the WHO Fuhrer declared that one a global emergency too... They cannot be trusted. The system is corrupted by greed and ideology and power-mongery. We need people to wake up to this urgently and demand their governments and bureaucracy be overhauled immediate with the right people in charge. Question is how. But let’s start with stand up to protect freedom first and risk a bit of security to do it otherwise one day we will wake up in an Orwellian or Huxleyan future.

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this is astonishing.

My father lives in an expensive private retirement community. fancy apartments, 5+ restaurants within, everything you could possibly desire. I would imagine 80% are vaxxed.

The age range at As hby Po nds is about 70 to 100. Yes there are a few 100 year oldsters

My dad is 98. Every one has had 4 jabs, 80% if not more.

The younger set, 70+ I have seen strokes, sudden cancers (brain and lung) in those that never had it before. These people are ones that regularly visit medical docs, have blood work history from before covid. I have seen many many in the 80's range with sudden flare at I think an unusual rate, of auto immune diseases, such as diabetes!!, MS, Immune-mediated myositis, and several others.

It appears that my daddy is doing okay. His blood work is fine. He has not had covid, and his personal hygiene is "just okay/average"

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Aug 27, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Happy to see you covering this story.

For those that have not seen it, this video is great and hopefully a sign that the MSM embargo on vaccine injury reporting is breaking down: https://rumble.com/v1hcznd-tucker-carlson-blame-trump.html .

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Still posting relevant articles on Covid although I have cut back after over two and a half years. This will be one that I will still link tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

Great job, sir!!!!

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This may be one of the scariest tables I've ever seen.

Thank you for highlighting this, Eugyppius.

I wonder what the peer-review will look like.

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Depends upon who’s paying.

After 41 years of training & practise in research, I no longer automatically trust peer reviewed journal articles.

I’ll never again be confident in the literature. The more highly ranked it’s index is, the more I’ll DIStrust it.

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Aug 27, 2022Liked by eugyppius

One issue I can spot with this paper is that the deaths are linked to dose 1 and dose 3. We have seen evidence that adverse events are dose dependent. There are also studies that show myocarditis occurs at a much higher rate after dose 2 than dose 1. Also recent evidence suggests that the death rate is something akin to 1 in 5000 doses. From personal experience, there also seems to be a greater reaction after the second dose though this is anecdotal I just don't see the rest of the evidence out there supporting the idea that dose 1 is more deadly than dose 2.

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most of these excess are not going to be myocarditis deaths. that’s one cause we’ve identified, but it can’t be the whole phenomenon.

a few thoughts on what’s going on:

1) excess mortality is noisy, perhaps we’re missing the signal

2) a subset of people who react badly to dose 1 never get dose 2, so the dose 2 crowd is pre-selected for being vaccine safe.

3) “but then why wouldn’t dose 3 look even safer?” maybe what’s killing people with dose 3 is different from what’s killing them after dose 1, and is more about the vaccine-induced infections that follow the first and third doses.

that’s just speculation, but we should expect the phenomenon to be complex.

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One of the most prevalent pathologies is thromboembolic.

Blood clots and bleeding.

I suspect that TE underlies many deaths shortly after injection.

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Yes, I believe TE killed my otherwise healthy Aunt.

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I mentioned myo as an example but we definitely see a dose-dependent response in general as I have seen enough analyses on this issue. I just don't buy this 2nd dose is not causing as strong a signal or even strong than the first as it flies in the face of all other evidence.

Most people who took the first vaccine took the second. In fact, the bigger drop off was between dose 2 to dose 3 which supports the argument that the second dose had more adverse events than the first which is why some took the second but not the third.

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A key insight recently is the assumption that each vial of a given “vaccine” is the same is simply not true here.

Manufacturing has been appalling. Everyone involved knows this.

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Interesting. Do you have a link to an article which exposes this?

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Obviously there are no peer reviewed journal articles.

You cannot get much that’s critical of the vaccines published.

Six huge media conglomerates control essentially everything you’ll ever see or read unless you step away from what they control.

Try articles on Substack by Sasha Latypova & others Hedley Rees.

The first is a super smart serial entrepreneur who’s run manufacturing in medical devices.

The latter has 30+ years in manufacturing process R&D and regulatory compliance.

I’m a mere 30+ years former Research exec & former biotech CEO.

What do we know, eh?

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Thanks for the tip. I subscribe to Hedley Rees but had not heard of Sasha Latypova.

I've watched many of your interviews so I am familiar with at least some of your views. I found you on Twitter back in summer 2020. I went on Twitter due to the NoMoreLockdown hashtag and then found Alex Berenson, el malo gato, fatemperor and others, including you.

I expected something was amiss from the start partly because even in the spring of 2020 every article would have words to the effect that we don't know if there will be natural immunity or if so how long it would last but often the same article would mention a hoped-for vaccine which appeared contradictory. Also from the very start the solution proffered was a vaccine yet no one could know if a vaccine could be made (none existed for any coronavirus to date or HIV) or that the virus would last long enough for this hoped for vaccine (SARS-1, MERS and Zika disappeared too quickly for any vaccine) or that a treatment wouldn't usurp vaccine efforts.

The peer-review system, especially with regard to the medical field, seems hopelessly corrupted which is why I requested a link to an article as I don't imagine any paper that goes against the "vaccines are safe and effective" narrative would be published.

I am very interested in your recent change of view regarding respiratory viruses. Can you point to any resources which helped inform your view?

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A serious error I’ve made & many make is this: we assume what’s in the vials is what they’ve told us is in the vials.

I now know this is definitely INcorrect.

None of the manufacturers had control of drug substance or drug product at EUA.

Speaking with specialists in the field of complex biological product manufacturing, they knew this was completely impossible. It was a deceit.

So we don’t know what they were injected with.

See numerous articles by Sasha Latypova & by Hedley Rees.

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Aug 28, 2022·edited Aug 28, 2022

I wonder a bit about a few issues in the paper:

1. The methodology used to calculate the excess deaths. It refers to the standard approach recommended by the German stats. office, but ... it would be good to compare the results with 2 or 3 other models, to make sure that the excess deaths calculated by this method is not wildly different than others, and if so, figure out why. The risk of not doing this is to be accused of cherry picking the model... EVEN IF this is the recommended model for Germany.

2. This methodology should be applied to a reasonable #years before 2020 (say, from 1960 or so), to show the difference between expected and observed over-mortality over a long time frame. This difference serie should be analyzed carefully.

3. There is a calculation of the SD, which is good, but alternatives to calculating the SD, notably using point 2. above would make the findings stronger. Other measures of dispersion, such as inter quartiles, would also make the findings stronger if they are confirmed.

4. If the finding is confirmed, it should be valid for other countries, unless something specific to Germany occurred. This would need to be discussed.

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The problem doesn't seem to be the data or the modeling, but the conclusion. The data showing correlation between deaths and vax might be solid, but still irrelevant. We need to follow up the correlated evidence, however derived, and determine what the biological connection is. If the vax actually causes premature death and sickness, there must be a measurable mechanism. Chasing statistics to prove events is always fruitless and often misleading. It's unfortunate that we're prohibited from investigating vax evidence. But the truth will eventually be found. It always is.

Its fundamental wisdom that correlation is not causation. A web site spuriouscorrelations.com has a lot of data showing close correlations of clearly independent events, such as per capita consumption of margarine correlating very precisely with the divorce rate in Maine. It's unlikely that either causes the other. It caused Mark Twain to observe that figures lie and liars figure.

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Allow me to somewhat disagree.

I believe that first and foremost, one need to show beyond reasonable doubt that there is excess mortality. This is easier said than done, hence my humble suggestions.

Once this is done, the link vaccination-excess deaths appears to be clear, owing to several factors: timing, age sensitivity and cross-country phenomenon being 3 of them.

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How much beyond reasonable doubt is the question. In the law, reasonable doubt is used in courts, but before that, police used probable cause to investigate. Truth is never absolute, never obvious. It must be built from assembled evidence. We have probable cause. More probable cause won't remove doubts. Only the biology will prove this crime.

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It seems to be dose dependent -- more doses, more risk. Different people have different capabilities to remove the pathogen, before significant damage. Weaker people, more risk. It's important to maintain good health. Many who appear healthy or think they're healthy, aren't.

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Aug 28, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Such data and analyses never provide complete, conclusive answers, but this seems extremely compelling.

What could explain the abrupt transition (seen in Table 5 above) from severely excessive mortality in late 2021, to somewhat favorable (i.e., negative) excess mortality observed in the first six months of 2022?

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the Fall 2021 mortality is some complex mixture of Delta + vaccine. People are getting boosted in October/November. when Omicron arrives in January, virus mortality basically vanishes and vaccinations are finally at a low rate too.

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Aug 28, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Thank you. Yes, no doubt there are a number of such complications. Also, the study authors note that the 2021-2022 monthly deaths are still preliminary numbers and are expected to change. Still, I'm surprised to see such a significant trend stop/reverse so suddenly.

I see the study is written in English. I'll have to spend some more time with it, but at first glance the methods look reasonable.

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