Apr 4, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Today it was reported in coffee and covid Jeff Childers, Elon Musk has just bought 9.2% stake in twitter. I (and many others probably) sent Elon a tweet to buy twitter and guess what? He did. He is against censorship. One baby step at a time? πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ’‰

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by eugyppius

2021: Write your senator.

2022: Forget your senator. Write Elon Musk.

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I was Elon Musk I wouldn't even want to be the president.

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Apr 4, 2022Β·edited Apr 4, 2022

Dont trust the rich and powerful. Musk, Gates, Zuckerberg: they may be at odds with each other on certain topics, but in the big picture their interests are much more in alignement than in contradiction.

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Musk supports Musk not us.

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He is a globalist… 😑

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I agree. Musk supports Nazis in Ukraine

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Musk is a transhumanist. I’m wary of his true intentions.

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Good point. We are scheduled to work for the fascists and the money we receive can only be spent on renting the spaces we will be forced to live in plus fees to enter the metaverse.

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I wish I could meet in person some of the like minded people who comment here .In towns and cities places should be established where one can meet and get together for discussions ,as I consider most of the people posting here as friends .

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I live in Munich. Anybody likeminded?

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And you don't think that would be deemed "dangerous", exactly like the "loose and dangerous" talk prohibited on Twitter, FB, all of them ? Do you think the "place" could be secret enough to escape surveillance cameras and listening devices ? Do you remember what happened to people who affiliated with groups considered "conservative" here in the USA ? Lois Lerner, of the FBI, found them out, many just simple, middle class "housewives", "soccer moms", and others, and brought down the full weight of the IRS, FBI, etc. on them . There was a time in the world, when Christians had to meet secretly in caves, caverns, and catacombs. They made the simple sign, icon, of a fish made with one stroke.... as a symbol to each other of a meeting.... just saying...

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I don't trust Musk.

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I distrust him less than the rest of the tech oligarchs.

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He is better at lying.

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He does not quite own it at 9,7% stake

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Murdoch owns News Limited on not much more.

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Drosten's lockdown preaching along with the other astrologers caused irreparable damage to children. It was inexcusable for a virus that barely affected them.

They may be disappearing but they need to be held to account.


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I agree that letting the Drostens and Faucis quietly slip away is unacceptable. They need to some how be held to account. I am not optimistic that it will happen, but in my dream world they would be stripped of their funding, credentials and be treated as social pariahs. I dream that Fauci becomes an expression of derision - " they are going to Fauci this crisis".

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They belong behind bars. Murder in the 1st Degree is a capital crime last time I checked!

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Speedy trial and then the firing squad.

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Noose… rope is cheap… πŸ”₯

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And reusable.

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Guillotine would be most appropriate.

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Yes that will work for some let's mix it up.

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There is a small chance that in the US the Republicans will take control of congress next year and set up β€œhearings” or some type of investigation as a form of political payback. I am sure it would do nothing to get the legacy media to turn on these people, but it might be enough to drive them from power in the US.

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The last time I can remember Congressional investigations doing more than white wash was 1976Church/Pike Committees. The revelations about CIA infiltration of media was effectively neutered by CIA's own Bob Woodward Watergate bombshell. It launched the myth of adversarial media and offered Nixon as a pound of flesh to an irate public and lives on in our propaganda soaked culture. In the rare cases Congress finds anything of substance like Senate Torture Report it's classified to be released with the speed of Warren Commission findings for JFK assassination.

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Then Frank Church died!

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No question DC has its share of suspicious deaths but not a factor here. Frank Church held his Senate seat until 1981 and died in 1984.. Otis Pike lived til 2014..

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Apr 8, 2022Β·edited Apr 8, 2022

He, Fauci, seems to now be (somewhat) quietly rolling out yet another tour. Like an aging rock star, he KNOWS he's lost stellar stardom, but he also knows he has a legion of loyal followers who will follow him to their death if necessary. He also realized it is going to take every once of effort he may have left ("left", LOL !) to fight what has to have him worried about the mid-term elections. So he's packing up the old van, getting out ALL the old tunes; little cotton masks, the "distance" decals for all buildings and businesses (the PERFECT distance remember, 6', NOT 5 1/2", NOT 10", SIX FOOT... the virus is picky and the virus KNOWS), dusting off the "laws" that you can only leave your house for NEEDED medicine and food, and ONLY during certain hours, packing up the old tour bus, hitting all the networks that will accept him, and playing all the old tunes for the fully devoted groupies, the "ONE LAST TOUR TOUR"... that always brings them by the hundreds of thousands doesn't it, the Stones, the Eagles, Billy Joel, Tina Turner, Cher and....... TONY FAUCI... which hot ticket would YOU buy ?

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Lock em all up and maybe the cell door will hit them all in the keister…..and don’t forget to throw away the key. They have caused irreparable harm.

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Absolutely. My biggest fear is that upon relief of the terror we have been held under people will β€œforgive and forget”. This can NEVER, EVER HAPPEN. We must hold every single one of these bastards to account!

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The real problem is that even the highest court (Bundesverfassungsgericht) goes to bed with these criminals

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The number of parallels to Fauci really are stunning, including taking whatever position the government needs an "expert" to take at that moment; the exaggeration of a mediocre career to gain a bogus imprimatur of authority; and being put out to pasture when no longer politically convenient for the elite class. I guess if we didn't have Fauci on this side of the ocean, Nature would have had to invent him.

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it's really interesting how every country basically has the same carbon-copy Corona astrologers who do all the same crazy stuff

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It's almost like they receive the same instructions from the same source.

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There are no coincidences. THEY DO! It's called the WEF.

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Trudeau literally held up a copy of the WEF blue book on camera while campaigning for re-election in the middle of the pandemic. Why some people discount the role of the WEF is mystifying.

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they do and instructor is Fauci/Collins

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hummmm, now let's see what source that would be.... hummmm, oh that's right, we KNOW the answer

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Almost as if WEF had global leaders operating in lockstep, eh?

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D'ya thunk???

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Maybe it's a strawman operation.

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What's even more strange is how some of same backstories are repeated.

Drosten has a PhD at question. Supposedly the copy of the thesis went missing from his University (or wasn't awarded). In 2002/3.

And here in NZ we have the same with Siouxsie Wiles. I had to file a FOI to Edinburgh Napier and then supposedly the thesis was finally deposited at the Uni library. No copy available in digital form though. Her thesis was also 'awarded' in 2002/03


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Eugyppius has memorable terms: 'Corona Astrologists', 'granted an artificial renown'.

Interesting Rich about the magical theses purportedly from 2002/03.

Cultists only rise if the Cult has dirt on them, so dirt can be arranged, this useful thesis dirt does double duty 'granting an artificial renown'.

Must be dirt on Cindy as she started out with an 'artificial renown'.

We in Ardern Archipelago had that "Act like you have covid', proclamation, from on high here for maybe two years before anyone was even sick. Now many are getting a 'flu/cold the farce is up.

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Drosten's story is probably just as unimpressive as Siouxsie's. In the end they're being used and maybe it's time that they saw that there's no gain in that one.

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Exactly. In Canada we have Teresa Tam aka The Grim Reaper.

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Ah, Rocketship "I Am Literally A Chinese Spy" Tam.

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Yes, like my favourite Swineflu-/Corona commissioner for Belgium Dr. Marc van Ranst, who got the honor to mislead his people TWICE into a fake pandemic

His lecture at the 2019 Chatham House event is a now Corona Classic:


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which in my view is evidence enough that this was a plandemic from the start, planned in Davos.

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Indeed, in the country I live we have a bunch of them...One of the most ''notorious'' casually received a recognition from Nature journal in the first months of the crisis...

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e.g. Andrew Hill

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As I commented above, "our" Fauci would be more than able to clone himself... populate the entire world, he would, I am sure, consider that his eternal gift to mankind.

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Drosten was number 2 on the list of Faucis urgent call for a zoom call discussing Wuhan revelations

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Oh but Fauci has (had) Rockefeller, Gates Sr, Soros et al as buddies, and has been very effective at doing evil shit on different scales for decades.

Drosten seems more like Sideshow Mel in comparison.

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Yes and why is that exactly? I wish someone would explain. Since when has group think been helpful to anyone?

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It's not a question of group think!. These people know exactly that they walk on corpses. Follow the money...Without Fauci/Collins there is no way you could publish any paper

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Even in Germany? Don't they have their own health ministers? And why would they want to "walk on corpses"? What motivates that? It's a very dark thought that they would kill people for money.

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Especially in Germany. Germany's miniter of health, Lauterbach, has a long history of corruption and is totally beholden to big pharma. Withholding medication which would be highly effective in preventing hospitalisation like ivermectin or monoclonal AB is akin to mass murder. Malone and Mccullough esimate taht at least 80% of all covid death could have beeb prevented through early treatment. And vaccines led to between 30 and 60% increase in all cause mortalities, which adds another couple of millions of deaths.

Its not my dark thoughts that leads me to say that they are walking on corpses. It is a fact. And greed is the driving energy.

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With his "stellar" track record of unparalleled "scientific" expertise (we are talking beyond Pasteur, Alexander Flemming, Robert Koch's work on bacteria in Germany), he can probably clone himself and send you a copy ! !

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You sure nailed that one !

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I don't know how the hell these people get degrees, let alone become the tip of the propaganda spear. Maybe because they are quite dull ? Dietary changes will literally change your entire microbiome, therefore they will modulate your digestion, how much neurotransmitters you produce and specially, metabolism and immune response.

Tyranny of midwits.

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All graduates needed to obtain degrees is to agree to cultural Marxism (useful idiots for the fascists).

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Great wordage, Rick

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Thank you.

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Yep. I commented on this above. A meat- heavy diet creates a microbiome focused on breaking animal proteins.

Years ago when I was vegetarian for several years, it took weeks before red meat didn't give me terrible stomach cramps and GI distress.

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Diet changes should always be made gradually. Gut bacteria are primary agents in digestion, both for properly processing the throughput and for extracting the nutrients. Cramps and distress are uncomfortable, but also means you're not getting the nutrients you need. Bacteria need a comfortable home too, and as you add new foods, the bacteria that like them will naturally proliferate. Keeping variety in our diet is important.

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I've been much healthier since those days.

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As John Paul said you are what you eat. But I don't think that you can say that one is better than the other, myself. Just different.

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I think different people need different diets, too, and that genetics plays a strong role. I have never felt my best unless my diet has included at least SOME animal protein.

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I am shamefully late to the whole "gut biome" discussion. I have a lot of reading to do!

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Just wait until you plunge into the virome to really blow your mind.... And then the virome of the biome... crazy stuff.

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Tyranny of morons… πŸ™„πŸ”₯😑

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I am an optimist and rather than believing that the Covid pandemic has softened the public up for future authoritarian responses to "crises", I think the opposite is true. People (like me) went along with masking and vaccine regimens because of the unknowns and the purported dangers. Next time, I beleive there will be an immediate and vigorous pushback. People are not going to believe the experts and conservative politicians will respond accordingly and create a more robust counterweight to the lefty establishment. Personally, I will never, ever wear a mask for any reason (other than in my woodworking shop). I will never take a pharmaceutical that is on an emergency use waiver. I know a lot of people who feel the same way, some of them are very politically liberal. It is starting to sink in broadly that the last two years was a horrible mistake that can't ever be repeated.

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It has also destroyed confidence in the medical industry. It certainly ly has for me, to my great benefit. Just before the pandemic panic I had already become suspicious of standard medicine and had begun learning about my conditions on my own instead of blindly following doctors orders for increasing meds and procedures. Since then I've become medication free, my blood tests and diagnostics have improved a lot, and my doctors are diplomatically mystified. Their training is to impose medical standards, not optimal health. Until that changes, everyone needs to become much more participants in their health.

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True. It applies to nearly all medical conditions. Read up on the prostata scum, cholesterin hoax, knea operations .... without doctors we would live just as long and life expectancy has equally increased in countries, where health services are non existant, so to speak

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Apr 8, 2022Β·edited Apr 9, 2022

Just look at how the terror, death, fear of 9-11, set up those of us in the U.S.A. to HAPPILY give up sacred rights hundreds of thousands have died for since 1776, when Covid mysteriously hit (just like 9-11), we were more than ready to comply with most anything, even down to agreeing to deprive our newborns and young toddlers of FULL oxygen ! That we were "groomed" for this is a vast understatement.

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Wishful thinking. Just look at the mass hysteria seen after being brainwashed on daily basis as regards Ukraine. Even on their uniforms it is written "death to the jews, death to Russians. Selinsky and his party were celebrating in parliament the death by burning of 40 Russian speaking Odessians

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Perhaps I would be an optimist too, if I lived where you lived.

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by eugyppius

"... the same system of social, cultural and intellectual strangulation, from which we have now been released."

Though perhaps only temporarily.

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alas, yes.

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Enjoy this brief moment of freedom. The next "crisis" is just around the corner.

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Take away Perhaps

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It is with mixed feelings that I greet news of this kind. Obviously, yes, I am glad that the world is wending its way back to sanity regarding public health. However, the much larger part of me wants revenge and retribution. That the bad guys simply get to exit stage left is intolerable, but I fear that is what is going to happen.

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I have the same feelings… these devils need to be PUNISHED for every death/disability and for all of the suffering that they have caused! Where there is NO consequences, there is NO law. Also, without stiff penalties, what prevents them from doing it again?!

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Apr 4, 2022Β·edited Apr 4, 2022

To quote the songwriter James: We're getting away with it all messed up

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Fantastic background on Drosten. Thank you for that!

Oh, and we're not "released" from bondage yet. Not until these bastards hang from trees and lamp posts will this ever be over.

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by eugyppius

We have only been released temporarily. Unless these people are held to account, they will be back. It is in their nature and, besides, it's not like they met any opposition.

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Totally agree. This is a hiatus.

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Apr 4, 2022Β·edited Apr 4, 2022Liked by eugyppius

This gave me flashbacks to Cuomo's daily tv breifings in 2020. I watched one and the lies and narcissism were more than I could take. He won an emmy for them. Our society is truly f'ed.

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Do you know about Christian Drosten’s ties to Suzanne Klatten and the Quandt family? She apparently has subsidized him and now the descendant of N-zis is pushing for digital passports from her company Entrust. See Amazing Polly research.


Oh wait! Are N-zis good guys now? 😩

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Germany's Fauci.

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Clearly, if Drosten were born a member of the Sioux tribe in the late nineteenth century his name would have been "man-whose-nose-is-brown."

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Is Braunenase a German word? Or shall we just make one up: Drostenase?

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>>More recently, he revealed a biazaree lack of metaphorical aptitude, claiming that anyone who believes he can train his immune system with infection, must necessarily also believe that he can train his digestive tract by eating steak.

In addition to being lame, it's also wrong. You CAN train your digestive tract by eating steak- the digestive microbiome of meat- eating humans is completely different than a vegan. Within tolerances, our digestive system- like our immune system- IS adaptive to our lifestyle. We just can't learn to digest cellulose.

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Apr 4, 2022Β·edited Apr 4, 2022

...or a diet consisting solely of Big Macs. Known to cause a mercilessly slow, painful death.

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No they don't. I've eaten many of them and I'm fine. Conventional medical dogma says red meat causes cancer, and fat causes heart disease. Both are wrong, resulting from misinterpretation of flawed studies, and a medical industry more interested in pharma kickbacks than your health.

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I believe I said a diet solely composed of Big Macs. Eating many of them doesn't qualify.

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With the right microbes, you can.

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Explain? This would seem to defy what I understand of human biology.

We can't support Fibrobacter succinogenes in our GI system.

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It has nutrients bound together with beta acetyl links humans don't produce enzymes to break them. It's a question of producing the enzymes with genetic mods or cultivating microbes that produce them for us. Fortunately we do okay without them. If we run out of cheeseburgers maybe we'll explore it.

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There you go again! I was just assimilating lipid nanoparticles and you had to hit me with Fibrobacter succinogenes???

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I was fascinated by the appendix as a kid (why do we have something useless in our body?), and now that I've got ruminants, the biology lesson continues. :)

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In my biology class, it was called a "vestigial organ." I had since read that it performs some minor digestive function, if memory serves me...perhaps that digestion of cellulose?

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It performed this role in early hominids (it has been on our evolutionary branch a LOONG time and has gone in and out of fashion like bell bottoms). While it functions as a secondary repository of gut flora in homo sapiens, it does not create enzymes or host bacteria capable of metabolizing dietary fiber.

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Eloquent and scathing, this is a beautiful way to begin the takedown of the bureaucrats that fueled so much misery.

Thank you!

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by eugyppius

We’re not out of the woods. I saw a recent article in a large metropolitan daily newspaper refer to a legislator in his title as a β€œCovid survivor.” If that’s true, please begin referring to me as a two-time Covid survivor (test confirmed with mild cold-like symptoms each time). But I’m also an eight-time influenza survivor, a three-time food-poisoning survivor and a 40+-time common cold survivor. Oh, and I’m unvaxxed to all that stuff.

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If I had to choose between getting Covid again or food poisoning again, hands down Covid wins.

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If I had to choose between covid and three month long whooping cough I had, I choose covid.

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