The same people that are gonna come out today and say that we need to turn down the volume on the rhetoric are going to try to put Trump in prison in a couple weeks. I don't think there's a political solution to the issue of the left in the west
Biden's J6 unduly prosecutions of old ladies standing on the Capital steps while letting real criminals out of prison is an effort to try to get MAGAs to attack. It's pure baiting.
I think you are right. And when this happens they will say, see, they are violent and dangerous. So the thing to do is wait and keep calm no matter how hard it is.
I sure hope not. Nonetheless: ammo, water and MREs. If it goes down, be prepared to defend your family. If the Gates of Hell open up, the police will NOT be coming.
Good question Cathleen. That’s what I asked my hubby while he was packing the bag. His response “to the mountains/forest… anywhere the enemy isn’t”. He’s made a plan. Not sure what would constitute an emergency that would force us to grab the bag and go. I pray it never happens - I’m not the “camping outside/survival type girl”. LOL
The bear will take only so much poking before it shows it's teeth. When those fearsome fangs and flesh ripping claws finally come out, the communists behind these "fundamental changes" will sneak back under the rocks to hibernate until a better opportunity arises for their evil.
It seems increasingly doubtful, indeed. First they rig the game, then, when it becomes apparent that they are losing control of the narrative, they become violent. First in rhetoric, then in deed. I fear worse is still to come.
Such calls can come from "our side", too. This morning I saw a "both sides must tone down the rhetoric" article on a conservative opinion site. I don't think the times call for such RINO-like sentiments. We need Pattons, not Gomer Pyles.
Gotta love the false equivalence between playground insults like "sleepy Joe" or "crooked Hilary" and calling someone a clear and present danger to the American republic
The peanut butter keeps hitting the fan. Eventually we need to clean the peanut butter up. It’s not gonna clean itself. It’s simply a matter of how much peanut butter we tolerate and how we clean it up. Personally I’m not much for drowning in peanut butter.
I can’t help wondering if yesterday’s assassination attempt is the first act in a play, where the next act will involve a Trump supporter successfully assassinating Biden, having been serenely plotted by strategists like those in this Network scene:
1) They get rid of Biden without the political cost of losing face.
2) Biden becomes a martyr who can no longer be criticized and can be used to serve the greater cause.
3) The DNC can replace him with their preferred puppet.
4) They can still rig the election without it looking suspicious.
5) The Trump supporter (and by association, Trump) are vilified as far-right–wing fascist extremists, justifying a ramp-up in the War on Domestic Terrorism.
6) The media make out like bandits on the entertainment value of the unfolding play.
Perhaps we can foil the plot if so many people see this prediction, they know they won’t be able to get away with it.
The only problem with your theory is that Trump was only narrowly not killed. You wouldn't try to pull off an almost assassination that close just to try to get someone else to pull off a successful one. Also, if Trump had been killed, steps 2 through 6 in your scenario would not be necessary. I am on the fence about whether this was a plot or just a twisted loner. But it does seem like an awful lot of planning for a single twisted loner.
Without a VP pick, if Trump dies who would replace him? Little Marco? Tim Scott? Most likely it would be Nuke'm Nikki, stooge of the MIC. With Trump gone, the RNC would be in even greater disarray than the DNC.
It isn’t necessary to go through all the trouble of firing actual bullets at Trump when stage blood can do the trick. Trump doesn’t even have to be in on it as the secret service could have applied it when they pulled him down.
Your intuition about the single twisted loner is spot on as history reveals that has rarely if ever been the case in spectacles like this.
Sorry to disagree with you Margaret, but there is the problem of one corpse and two critically injured people. This was no fake. Further, you don't have to try to kill Trump in order to stage an assassination attempt on Biden. You've been screaming for two years that Trump's followers are deranged. Why not just use the dodgy conviction in NY as the motivating rationale for killing Biden?
Not a problem at all. As Ingrid said, real bullets can be used for the irrelevant plebes.
The dodgy conviction is already old news and has been upstaged by Biden's debate faceplant. The Democrats are in full-on panic mode and need a Hollywood-style spectacle to divert the public's attention and steer us toward their desired outcomes.
Not necessarily given the superficiality of the injury, and then there’s always the possibility Trump was in on it if Donald Jeffries’s Trumpenstein hypothesis is true:
I do not understand how this attempted assassination (really SS holds him down behind podium to apply fake means you feel Trump was involved, even if not with forehand knowledge, but after the fact.
My eyes do not deceive me, this was a true murder attempt. Regardless, how does the far left (all dems these days) benefit from this. Donald becomes even more of a folk hero now, not less.
Even as a distractive event I cannot see how it benefits the left. Help me get there- seriously. Unless their ultimate goal is to quietly figure out how to have Joe lose to get rid of him deceptively and “quietly” while misdirectly handwringing chagrin over his lost 2 nd term. As much as they revile Mr Trump maybe they are so afraid of Pres Biden they are willing to forsake 4 years to plan for the next legacy dem.
Regarding the SS holding him down, one of them could have applied the blood in the scramble without him realizing exactly what was occurring due to the chaos.
You are absolutely right about the far left not benefiting from this particular act as it makes Trump even more of a folk hero than he already was. When my mom texted me this news yesterday, my first assumption was that this was a deep-state assassination attempt, and I said, “Don’t they realize that’s going to make him even *more* popular?! His handlers aren’t going to be happy he failed.”
On later reflection, I realized of course they understand the Streisand effect, so they would know this would trigger even more support for Trump (whether as a martyr or attempted target), Trump’s record-breaking fundraising success after his “felony convictions” being proof of that.
That’s when the hypothesis I shared here popped into my head. I shared it not because I’m certain it’s true but because if it is, we may be able to stop it by articulating it in advance.
And yes, the long game is exactly right—that’s why I described this as Act One, which is an apparent win for Trump and his supporters but could be used to set the scene for a “deranged far-right–wing extremist Trump supporter” assassinating Biden, thus checking off every item on the cruelites’ wishlist in regards to the November election. They insert the globalist puppet of their choosing, rig the election as planned, and people won’t question the results with the same incredulity they would if it were Biden.
You may be interested in Donald Jeffries’s take since he has decades of expertise in assassinations, false flags, and legitimate conspiracies:
There is a high speed photo showing the bullet in the air by trumps head and the blood on Trump before he went down. Conspiracy theorists need to spend time asking the right questions - not trying to erase actual events that the media itself tried to downplay until they were confirmed.
The FBI says that’s what it was, so I’m sure it’s true :-) And I know they would never-ever use Photoshop or collude with “New York Times” journalists on the fabrication of evidence.
As William Blum wrote:
“No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine.”
Except, you neglect the critical fact that your favored sources of collusion despise Trump and would never cover for him, regardless of payoff. Remember the last 1st Amendment SC decision. The govt/media complex is vehemently against anything that would make Pres Trump a victim, which he clearly was here.
Pray tell, how did JFK and MLK pull off their stunts.? I know what you will state, but, proof?
“An unwitting Goldstein, Trump played right into BigPharma’s strategy to discredit hydroxychloroquine by praising it—giving Trump Derangement Syndrome (a psychological disorder manufactured by and spread to tremendous monetary benefit and turnkey mass control by the media) sufferers the best and only reason they needed to dismiss it. They have been trained to plug their ears, cover their eyes, scream at the top of their lungs, and stamp their feet the instant any one of the Deplorables opens his mouth. One of the most effective instruments in the plutocracy’s toolkit, TDS has been brandished to misdirect the public for years, and it continues to work its magic despite Trump’s declining relevance, the embers of which the media will continue to fan as long as it pays dividends—just as Goldstein’s detested image is deployed in culturally unifying activities such as Two Minutes Hate.” (
And yes, I know the part about his declining relevance is no longer valid, but it was worth pointing out in 2021 because TDS sufferers were still tantrum-throwing over Trump, even though he was no longer in office and had not yet declared his candidacy.
You’re making a false equivalency, William :-) That’s the sort of logical fallacy I expect propagandists to deploy when they’re trying to get the public to dismiss a legitimate question by associating it with a ridiculous claim.
Sounds like you are using same tactic you claim of others. It is your massive conspiracy theory, not mine! Please don’t attempt to deflect. Remember, I respond to your thoughts, I did not create them. So, deflection aside (and fancy dictionary words).
Seems to me, you know the only “legitimate” question is yours and those in your fan club.
Anything else, in your erudite opinion is nonsense and propaganda.
Just maybe Trump turned against the deep state this time so they decided to take him out with an amateur to distract from the recent Biden debacle. If the amateur missed then they have deniability but the SS did not do the job properly so right there is the weak link.
The first scenario aside, the next few predictions are frighteningly plausible. Conveniently rigging Biden's exit and pinning it on maga "extremists" is a win-win indeed. They would then attempt to ride the wave all the way through to alleged victory. In fact, it wouldn't matter if it was a hit or a miss on Trump's life - or even if it was carried out by by a plant or a nutjob. It opens the door for "retaliatory" action, and thus the next scenes would unfold.
ah yes, the single twisted loner, hmmm, a bit like LHO, no? As Eugy says, and I agree, this incident will incite many, many, 'conspiracy theories' and distract everyone!
You think a 20-year-old misanthropic "William Tell" was hired to nearly miss Trump and then offer himself as a sacrificial lamb to the deep state as part of some elaborately orchestrated election scheme? Thanks, we'll be in touch.
400 feet isn't a crazy shot for someone who shoots regularly, especially if the shooter has a decent optical sight (I don't know if Mr. Crooks' rifle had any optics on it, or if Mr. Crooks was an experienced shooter - the fact he was wearing the t-shirt of a gun-focused youtube channel suggests he was a gun enthusiast, but that doesn't prove anything). Trump got *very* lucky, and whoever was responsible for not putting a LEO on that roof in advance deserves to find a new line of work.
The head of the SS (an unfortunate acronym, I suggest) is a woman called Cheatle. She just recently said they didn't because it was too steep! I kid you not. Have you seen the pictures of both the shooter's vantage point and that of the snipers who shot him immediately after he fired? Which would you say was the steeper?
Her name seems to be another example of the phenomenon of convergence between name and nature. Anyway she's undoubtedly for the chop come a Trump Presidency, DEI or not.
He didn't miss 'by a lot'; the Gateway Pundit has a graphic of a computer generated trajectory line showing Trump was a few scant millimetres from a fatal headshot. His last millisecond head tilt (at the screen to his right) saved his life.
That boy was another triumph for mainstreaming which ensures that unhappy lonely boys grow up to be entirely utterly isolated because they have no peer group friends and normal life is inexplicable to them.
I agree but that wasn't my point. An absurd idea was raised that the shooter was hired to drliberatly miss Trump as Act I of some three act "election play."
That is how I read it as well. Too much of a James Bond scenario for me to swallow. I will say however, that hitting a moving target at 150 yards from a prone position on a roof is not as easy as some people seem to think it is. Either this kid practiced an awful lot, or he had training.
I have a rifle like this. This is NOT a hard shot, if the rifle had a scope on it. And I am not the best of marksmen, either, but I can reliably put bullets in a paper target at 200 yards within a six inch circle.
From the prone position, most people with minimal training in marksmanship could do the same.
But the idea that someone had the skill to clip an ear on someone moving their head in an unpredictable motion at 148 yards with a light breeze defies logic.
How long have you been shooting and how many rounds do you put through your rifle every week? What position do you shoot from? Are you balanced on a slippery rooftop? Is there something alive at the other end of the range when you're shooting? Is it moving? How do you feel about putting holes in a paper target versus flesh and blood? All of those things matter.
Correct. Back in the day, (1990s) in Amish country, I was a basketball coach in a middle school. On the first Friday of hunting season, 8th graders would put their rifles in their lockers in the mornings to leave early in the afternoon.
If he was a regular at the range, there will be a record of his sessions, and of his purchases. Every gun safety class I have taken is easy public record--if Feds want it.
The same people that are gonna come out today and say that we need to turn down the volume on the rhetoric are going to try to put Trump in prison in a couple weeks. I don't think there's a political solution to the issue of the left in the west
We are getting much closer to open war with these people...
Biden's J6 unduly prosecutions of old ladies standing on the Capital steps while letting real criminals out of prison is an effort to try to get MAGAs to attack. It's pure baiting.
I think you are right. And when this happens they will say, see, they are violent and dangerous. So the thing to do is wait and keep calm no matter how hard it is.
To a point, I agree.
Conflict doesn't need to be violent, which I don't advocate because it's dumb and unnecessary...It can simply be Irish style non-cooperation...
I think what will happen is an acceleration of interest in secession and such things...getting away from DC and using State power....
lol, squish..
Standard Operating Procedure of the Communist Ideology
Yes, we should be mostly peaceful.
My question is how did the boy get up on that roof?
I’ve seen pics of the back of building (allegedly). The loading dock has a storage cabinet staged on it. I’m old and I could make that climb.
There's a picture circulating on X with a ladder propped up against the building.
I saw that also.
I suppose the killer could've hauled a ladder on top of his car, but it would be rather conspicuous and suspicious unless he did it days earlier.
I sure hope not. Nonetheless: ammo, water and MREs. If it goes down, be prepared to defend your family. If the Gates of Hell open up, the police will NOT be coming.
Jefferson, I agree!!! We have guns, ammo, water and a “ToGoBag”. I can count on no one but myself.
Where will you ‘go’?
Good question Cathleen. That’s what I asked my hubby while he was packing the bag. His response “to the mountains/forest… anywhere the enemy isn’t”. He’s made a plan. Not sure what would constitute an emergency that would force us to grab the bag and go. I pray it never happens - I’m not the “camping outside/survival type girl”. LOL
They'll be coming. It just won't be to save you.
The bear will take only so much poking before it shows it's teeth. When those fearsome fangs and flesh ripping claws finally come out, the communists behind these "fundamental changes" will sneak back under the rocks to hibernate until a better opportunity arises for their evil.
And they want us to be the ones to start it.
It seems increasingly doubtful, indeed. First they rig the game, then, when it becomes apparent that they are losing control of the narrative, they become violent. First in rhetoric, then in deed. I fear worse is still to come.
Such calls can come from "our side", too. This morning I saw a "both sides must tone down the rhetoric" article on a conservative opinion site. I don't think the times call for such RINO-like sentiments. We need Pattons, not Gomer Pyles.
Gotta love the false equivalence between playground insults like "sleepy Joe" or "crooked Hilary" and calling someone a clear and present danger to the American republic
The peanut butter keeps hitting the fan. Eventually we need to clean the peanut butter up. It’s not gonna clean itself. It’s simply a matter of how much peanut butter we tolerate and how we clean it up. Personally I’m not much for drowning in peanut butter.
Right on
On this we disagree...
This is what they are praying justify the real clampdown
Agree here.
No. We actually agree. Read some of my comments on gato's stack
Ryan Which Gato post? If today I am not a sub
The same people saying today that we need to "tone down the rhetoric" would all be gleefully celebrating Trump's death had the attempt succeeded.
YM, your statement is not true. I am not a trump fan and I am very glad he was not killed. We do need to act decently to one another.
Ya'll are being played by cnnbbc... hahahaha
Videos - Reagan Shooting vs Trump Shooting
Notice the difference...
This reinforces my assertion
The solution starts with getting government expunged from all education.
This is the prediction I made:
I can’t help wondering if yesterday’s assassination attempt is the first act in a play, where the next act will involve a Trump supporter successfully assassinating Biden, having been serenely plotted by strategists like those in this Network scene:
It’s a win-win-win for the cruelites:
1) They get rid of Biden without the political cost of losing face.
2) Biden becomes a martyr who can no longer be criticized and can be used to serve the greater cause.
3) The DNC can replace him with their preferred puppet.
4) They can still rig the election without it looking suspicious.
5) The Trump supporter (and by association, Trump) are vilified as far-right–wing fascist extremists, justifying a ramp-up in the War on Domestic Terrorism.
6) The media make out like bandits on the entertainment value of the unfolding play.
Perhaps we can foil the plot if so many people see this prediction, they know they won’t be able to get away with it.
The only problem with your theory is that Trump was only narrowly not killed. You wouldn't try to pull off an almost assassination that close just to try to get someone else to pull off a successful one. Also, if Trump had been killed, steps 2 through 6 in your scenario would not be necessary. I am on the fence about whether this was a plot or just a twisted loner. But it does seem like an awful lot of planning for a single twisted loner.
Yes. This particular loner seems to have been well-connected. I work in rock concerts that have security that is more on the job
agree, pathetic security detail. I thought Trump had kept his own personal detail but found out he dropped them in 2018.
He needs to get his private security back. He can't trust any government agent.
Without a VP pick, if Trump dies who would replace him? Little Marco? Tim Scott? Most likely it would be Nuke'm Nikki, stooge of the MIC. With Trump gone, the RNC would be in even greater disarray than the DNC.
My guess is that one would be selected at the convention.
Of course, but who? There is clear no runner up except for Nikki Haley.
Nikki Haley is on the wrong side.
That's where my mind goes, as well. DeSantis, maybe, but he's a sitting governor.
Donald Trump Jr. See my comments on this further down in this thread.
It isn’t necessary to go through all the trouble of firing actual bullets at Trump when stage blood can do the trick. Trump doesn’t even have to be in on it as the secret service could have applied it when they pulled him down.
Your intuition about the single twisted loner is spot on as history reveals that has rarely if ever been the case in spectacles like this.
And the dead spectators? You really think Trump used a fake bullet hole in his ear?
you know govt and pseudo-govt consider killed bystander collateral damage. We don't count
What Ingrid said.
We are nothing to them.
Sorry to disagree with you Margaret, but there is the problem of one corpse and two critically injured people. This was no fake. Further, you don't have to try to kill Trump in order to stage an assassination attempt on Biden. You've been screaming for two years that Trump's followers are deranged. Why not just use the dodgy conviction in NY as the motivating rationale for killing Biden?
Not a problem at all. As Ingrid said, real bullets can be used for the irrelevant plebes.
The dodgy conviction is already old news and has been upstaged by Biden's debate faceplant. The Democrats are in full-on panic mode and need a Hollywood-style spectacle to divert the public's attention and steer us toward their desired outcomes.
I'm pretty sure Trump would notice whether he had actually been injured or not, though. We're way off the Occam's Razor path here.
Not necessarily given the superficiality of the injury, and then there’s always the possibility Trump was in on it if Donald Jeffries’s Trumpenstein hypothesis is true:
As Frank Zappa famously said, “Politics is the entertainment division of the military industrial complex.”
I do not understand how this attempted assassination (really SS holds him down behind podium to apply fake means you feel Trump was involved, even if not with forehand knowledge, but after the fact.
My eyes do not deceive me, this was a true murder attempt. Regardless, how does the far left (all dems these days) benefit from this. Donald becomes even more of a folk hero now, not less.
Even as a distractive event I cannot see how it benefits the left. Help me get there- seriously. Unless their ultimate goal is to quietly figure out how to have Joe lose to get rid of him deceptively and “quietly” while misdirectly handwringing chagrin over his lost 2 nd term. As much as they revile Mr Trump maybe they are so afraid of Pres Biden they are willing to forsake 4 years to plan for the next legacy dem.
Long game…..?
You ask valid questions and raise good points.
Regarding the SS holding him down, one of them could have applied the blood in the scramble without him realizing exactly what was occurring due to the chaos.
You are absolutely right about the far left not benefiting from this particular act as it makes Trump even more of a folk hero than he already was. When my mom texted me this news yesterday, my first assumption was that this was a deep-state assassination attempt, and I said, “Don’t they realize that’s going to make him even *more* popular?! His handlers aren’t going to be happy he failed.”
On later reflection, I realized of course they understand the Streisand effect, so they would know this would trigger even more support for Trump (whether as a martyr or attempted target), Trump’s record-breaking fundraising success after his “felony convictions” being proof of that.
That’s when the hypothesis I shared here popped into my head. I shared it not because I’m certain it’s true but because if it is, we may be able to stop it by articulating it in advance.
And yes, the long game is exactly right—that’s why I described this as Act One, which is an apparent win for Trump and his supporters but could be used to set the scene for a “deranged far-right–wing extremist Trump supporter” assassinating Biden, thus checking off every item on the cruelites’ wishlist in regards to the November election. They insert the globalist puppet of their choosing, rig the election as planned, and people won’t question the results with the same incredulity they would if it were Biden.
You may be interested in Donald Jeffries’s take since he has decades of expertise in assassinations, false flags, and legitimate conspiracies:
Now I really do need to get to work ;-)
There is a high speed photo showing the bullet in the air by trumps head and the blood on Trump before he went down. Conspiracy theorists need to spend time asking the right questions - not trying to erase actual events that the media itself tried to downplay until they were confirmed.
The FBI says that’s what it was, so I’m sure it’s true :-) And I know they would never-ever use Photoshop or collude with “New York Times” journalists on the fabrication of evidence.
As William Blum wrote:
“No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine.”
sorry u seem demented, no offense
No offense taken 😆 I know I must be onto something when the name-calling and smear-slinging start ;-)
“You start collecting libels like Purple Hearts. The more scars you can count, the more evidence of your efficacy, your threat to the hegemony.” (
Except, you neglect the critical fact that your favored sources of collusion despise Trump and would never cover for him, regardless of payoff. Remember the last 1st Amendment SC decision. The govt/media complex is vehemently against anything that would make Pres Trump a victim, which he clearly was here.
Pray tell, how did JFK and MLK pull off their stunts.? I know what you will state, but, proof?
You’re right in that the government/media complex is vehemently against Trump, and yet the media profits lucratively off of him ( and the government/deep state/globalists have used Trump Derangement Syndrome to manipulate the public for years, so why would they kill the golden goose?
As I wrote in October 2021:
“An unwitting Goldstein, Trump played right into BigPharma’s strategy to discredit hydroxychloroquine by praising it—giving Trump Derangement Syndrome (a psychological disorder manufactured by and spread to tremendous monetary benefit and turnkey mass control by the media) sufferers the best and only reason they needed to dismiss it. They have been trained to plug their ears, cover their eyes, scream at the top of their lungs, and stamp their feet the instant any one of the Deplorables opens his mouth. One of the most effective instruments in the plutocracy’s toolkit, TDS has been brandished to misdirect the public for years, and it continues to work its magic despite Trump’s declining relevance, the embers of which the media will continue to fan as long as it pays dividends—just as Goldstein’s detested image is deployed in culturally unifying activities such as Two Minutes Hate.” (
And yes, I know the part about his declining relevance is no longer valid, but it was worth pointing out in 2021 because TDS sufferers were still tantrum-throwing over Trump, even though he was no longer in office and had not yet declared his candidacy.
Quite so.
Are you sniffing paint too? So sad. You embarrass yourself so bad that it embarrasses me also, in sympathy!
Wow!!! Everyone knows JFK and MLK Jr used stage tricks to fake assassination.
Maybe they are the real puppeteers. Sheesh.
Although your last paragraph is most always true,
You’re making a false equivalency, William :-) That’s the sort of logical fallacy I expect propagandists to deploy when they’re trying to get the public to dismiss a legitimate question by associating it with a ridiculous claim.
Sounds like you are using same tactic you claim of others. It is your massive conspiracy theory, not mine! Please don’t attempt to deflect. Remember, I respond to your thoughts, I did not create them. So, deflection aside (and fancy dictionary words).
Seems to me, you know the only “legitimate” question is yours and those in your fan club.
Anything else, in your erudite opinion is nonsense and propaganda.
Perfectly Pepe le Jean Pierre of you.
Trump also blew up WTC Building Seven!
He's also secretly Bigfoot. That's why he lost his shoes.
Are you suggesting Russiagate?
Just maybe Trump turned against the deep state this time so they decided to take him out with an amateur to distract from the recent Biden debacle. If the amateur missed then they have deniability but the SS did not do the job properly so right there is the weak link.
The first scenario aside, the next few predictions are frighteningly plausible. Conveniently rigging Biden's exit and pinning it on maga "extremists" is a win-win indeed. They would then attempt to ride the wave all the way through to alleged victory. In fact, it wouldn't matter if it was a hit or a miss on Trump's life - or even if it was carried out by by a plant or a nutjob. It opens the door for "retaliatory" action, and thus the next scenes would unfold.
It’s staged, like most everything nowadays. Part of the Op
it does seem like an awful lot of planning for a single twisted loner.
Democrats never let a crisis go to waste. I feel the above scenario is very plausible.
ah yes, the single twisted loner, hmmm, a bit like LHO, no? As Eugy says, and I agree, this incident will incite many, many, 'conspiracy theories' and distract everyone!
You think a 20-year-old misanthropic "William Tell" was hired to nearly miss Trump and then offer himself as a sacrificial lamb to the deep state as part of some elaborately orchestrated election scheme? Thanks, we'll be in touch.
Except that Trump would have died if he hadn’t turned his head. A surprisingly good shot for a kid on a roof 🤔
400 feet isn't a crazy shot for someone who shoots regularly, especially if the shooter has a decent optical sight (I don't know if Mr. Crooks' rifle had any optics on it, or if Mr. Crooks was an experienced shooter - the fact he was wearing the t-shirt of a gun-focused youtube channel suggests he was a gun enthusiast, but that doesn't prove anything). Trump got *very* lucky, and whoever was responsible for not putting a LEO on that roof in advance deserves to find a new line of work.
The head of the SS (an unfortunate acronym, I suggest) is a woman called Cheatle. She just recently said they didn't because it was too steep! I kid you not. Have you seen the pictures of both the shooter's vantage point and that of the snipers who shot him immediately after he fired? Which would you say was the steeper?
Her name seems to be another example of the phenomenon of convergence between name and nature. Anyway she's undoubtedly for the chop come a Trump Presidency, DEI or not.
An easy shot for a casual shooter. Fortunately, he missed by a lot, unless he used a poor Chinese knock-off.
He didn't miss 'by a lot'; the Gateway Pundit has a graphic of a computer generated trajectory line showing Trump was a few scant millimetres from a fatal headshot. His last millisecond head tilt (at the screen to his right) saved his life.
That boy was another triumph for mainstreaming which ensures that unhappy lonely boys grow up to be entirely utterly isolated because they have no peer group friends and normal life is inexplicable to them.
I agree but that wasn't my point. An absurd idea was raised that the shooter was hired to drliberatly miss Trump as Act I of some three act "election play."
No one is that good a shot. A centimeter closer and he'd be as dead as JFK.
That is how I read it as well. Too much of a James Bond scenario for me to swallow. I will say however, that hitting a moving target at 150 yards from a prone position on a roof is not as easy as some people seem to think it is. Either this kid practiced an awful lot, or he had training.
I have a rifle like this. This is NOT a hard shot, if the rifle had a scope on it. And I am not the best of marksmen, either, but I can reliably put bullets in a paper target at 200 yards within a six inch circle.
From the prone position, most people with minimal training in marksmanship could do the same.
But the idea that someone had the skill to clip an ear on someone moving their head in an unpredictable motion at 148 yards with a light breeze defies logic.
That is correct. He was thankfully a poor shot.
How long have you been shooting and how many rounds do you put through your rifle every week? What position do you shoot from? Are you balanced on a slippery rooftop? Is there something alive at the other end of the range when you're shooting? Is it moving? How do you feel about putting holes in a paper target versus flesh and blood? All of those things matter.
Agree I'm a little above average shot and there's no doubt I could've hit a target that big from a football field away...especially with 8 rounds
"Either this kid practiced an awful lot, or he had training."
Or he simply lived in Pennsylvania.
Correct. Back in the day, (1990s) in Amish country, I was a basketball coach in a middle school. On the first Friday of hunting season, 8th graders would put their rifles in their lockers in the mornings to leave early in the afternoon.
Training-lots of it. MK Ultra anybody?
Americans love a great James Bond film. Just sayin'.
If he was a regular at the range, there will be a record of his sessions, and of his purchases. Every gun safety class I have taken is easy public record--if Feds want it.