Apr 30, 2022Liked by eugyppius

At least with religion the priests admit that the truth is ultimately unknowable and that you have to rely on faith. I actually prefer that.

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But remember Fauci isn't a priest, he has told us he IS science, he is the Science God himself.

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Apr 30, 2022·edited Apr 30, 2022

I like to call him Dr. Truth Science. 😳

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How about we call Fauci “Dr. Unsafe and Ineffective Science”?

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Really? I and millions of others call him Dr. Mengele Fauci.

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Mengele would probably blush, after finding out what this evil little man did to millions. Fauci will be an infamous name in the future. We will see the long term effects soon I suspect. Time will tell, but it’s not looking good at this point.

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I renamed him "Fausti" and Ferguson in the UK "Ferguswrong". Still working on a new name for Drosten in Germany. Any help is appreciated LOL

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Maybe “Dresden Drosten” for burning down the country of Germany with all the “health safety protocols”, “lock downs” and mandatory “Clot shots”? I’m assuming he was the Fauci for Germany. I get lost in all the names. It might be “culturally insensitive” to publish such a name, but it has been 77 years since the war ended. Well, I guess Joke em if they can’t take a f+=&. I’m sure worse is floating around just about everywhere.

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That's why he is hiding now

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... and I call him "Dr. Mengele Jr."...

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Why is the title DR. still used when revering to fauzi ? Criminals don't deserve titles like that . It should be reserved for honest real doctors .Fauzi deserves the title fraudster in chief .

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The word "doctor" is derived from the Latin verb “docere,” meaning to teach, or a scholar. I believe the relatively recent (but not contemporary) use of the word derives from the medieval apprenticeship system, where the highest level of accomplishment, knowledge, and achievement was titled "doctor." (If anyone here has more accurate knowledge about this, please correct me.)

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The contraction 'Dr' might stand for 'Doctorer'. One definition of the word 'doctor' as a verb is 'Change the content or appearance of (a document or picture) in order to deceive; falsify.'

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True. I think that's a fairly recent use of the word. Still, I doubt that if someone meant it in that way that they'd abbreviate it as Dr.

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Proper, honest scientists are the first to admit that they don't, and can't, know what the truth is. Big difference between that and THE SCIENCE!tists.

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The Oracle of Delphi pronounced Socrates the wisest of Greeks: ‘One thing only I know’, Socrates said, ‘and that is that I know nothing.' Instead of such modesty today, all we get is hubris.

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I forgot the scientsist of 19th century but he published 3 Volumes on elephants and called it "An introduction to the elephant". Times have changed where papers are first published in the MSP

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We would do well to recognize that there is an element of faith in the scientific process.

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Likewise, we do well to remember the placebo effect in individuals. This alone is is powerful enough to cure. Friends and family who are jabbed sometimes ask why I’m not. I refrain from sharing the side effect profile, or poor effect profile because of this. (Although I did plead with my husband to not get any more boosters. He didn’t want to know the details. He just agreed.)

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I can recommend the work of Irving Kirsch on the placebo effect.

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Thanks, I found him. I wrote a paper in High School, Sophomore year about psychosomatic illness. Research at that time (50 years ago) was fascinating and convincing, including some reference to the placebo effect. It was a logical corollary: if A, then B.

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Science and knowledge can never be final

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Arguably 33% of people have absolute FAITH in the party, it’s organs, and it’s leadership.

Leftists (post-capitalist, post-modern) types don’t believe in after-life heaven, rather they believe in after-reset still-living utopia.

They believe so because they ignore the Marxist great resets of the past (Stalin/Lenin/Mao/PolPot...). The outcome will be the fall of the west, and the rise of the east.

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And this is why I’m so glad I’m getting old. Too old to do much about it, too old for the draft and too old to care much. I do care about the young, it scares me to see what’s being done to them. We have groomers vs educators and children entertainment pushing a destructive, self harming ideology/belief system, when we need thinkers more than ever. If we could just get the young a basic education without the indoctrination, we might have a better chance of avoiding societal collapse. “Leave the kids alone”.

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I am working on creating https://dailyprogress.org as a EDU alternative; it will be complete end of May, just a “rough draft / work in progress” at present. Check it out and give me your thoughts. My focus this month is https://nosearch.org

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Just took a quick glance. Very cool! Can’t wait to dive in.

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Few people know this, but PolPot was a Us puppet.

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If you want to relieve our ignorance, what about some argument and evidence?

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The truth of *anything* is ultimately unknowable. Ever since Godel we've understood that no non-trivial rational system can prove its own axioms. Science is based on unprovable axioms (e.g., that we inhabit a consistently comprehensible cosmos). Religion does not generally deal with the *empirical*, which separates it from science.

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Religious knowledge is dogmatic and beyond improvement. Scientific knowledge is the opposite. If it were not, better knowledge AKA progress would be impossible.

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"...the priests admit that the truth is ultimately unknowable..."

You've never debated religion with a moslem, have you?

Think Westboro Baptist Church turned up to 11, that's your average moslem.

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If you’ve ever debated politics with a radical leftist, then you will know what it’s like to debate religious fanatics. Impossible and risky.

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Yes, I find the whole Catholic idea of 'mysteries' very reassuring.

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When's Drosten's trial? or does making catastrophic mistakes in public health mean one isn't subjected to the same scrutiny the rest of us are?

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Great question. We should ask the financial wizards responsible for the 2008 housing meltdown, or perhaps the generals who oversaw the pullout from Afghanistan.

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It's all the same WEF/Davos group trying to destroy Western Democracies in order for them to take full control. They must be totally eradicated.

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"It may be vastly worse than that. "

Yep, I would say 500%.

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Apr 30, 2022·edited Apr 30, 2022

As I have said any number of times before, there is no mystery as to why the drastic social control measures were implemented during covid. They had long been planned. The governmental response to pandemics was regularly war gamed (on essentially an annual basis) since the early 2000’s. These social measures were an integral part of the war games.

This is all laid out in the last chapter of RFK’s “The Real Anthony Fauci”. One of these days you should do yourself the favor of reading it.

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mass closures and lockdowns were never part of those war-games.

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From page 797:

"Instead, the simulations war gamed how to use police powers to detain and quarantine citizens, how to impose martial law, how to control messaging by deploying propaganda, how to employ censorship to silence dissent, and how to mandate masks, lockdowns, and coercive vaccinations among potentially reluctant populations."

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Apr 30, 2022·edited Apr 30, 2022Author

you need to actually look at the war games and what was planned. region- or nationwide closures were never envisioned before 2020. "lockdowns" were for specific confined neighbourhoods / small regional outbreaks.

there is a crucial distinction in pandemic planning between containment (lockdowns etc for small regions / few infections) and mitigation (what you do when the virus gets out of a small, confined, lockdowned region like a Hong Kong neighbourhood). what happened in 2020 was that mass lockdowns were attempted and mitigationist planning going back decades was binned, on the strength of Hubei data and WHO endorsement.

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Apr 30, 2022·edited Apr 30, 2022Author

Event 201 is just the latest in a long line of these planning events (this one more a media stunt) with very typical pre-2020 recommendations. There, they even refuse to stop travel /close borders, merely issuing "advisories," and they're constantly worried on the economic problems any interventions will inflict, esp. on 3rd world.

WHO officials commenting on China lockdown in late Jan/early Feb 2020 even called the Chinese lockdown a novelty in public health and refrained from endorsing (that changed first in late Feb.)

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Apr 30, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Exactly. Containment is known to work but once containment has failed, other measures are needed. The world never tried containment on the scale that was attempted for this pandemic. Upon any analysis it has to fail because is can't really be done at scale. Society can't stop.

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Thanks for the reply. Obviously I am not an expert and Kennedy is the author of the book.

But even conceding that mass lockdowns may not have been part of the war games, if the balance of the quote above is correct it seems that the great majority of the coordinated social response (masks, censorship, coercive vaccinations, etc.) all demonstrate a central plan.

By the way, if you have links to any of that war game documentation that would be helpful. Thanks again.

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start with the four from the Johns Hopkins Centre for Health Security, a key think tank that received defence dept funding and is staffed with some of the key American planners:

Dark Winter:


Atlantic Storm:


Clade X:


Event 201:


Unlike some of the other planning events, centre for health security puts huge amounts of documentation online, including event scripts and videos. Going through this stuff is very instructive as to the nature of planning and what actually envisioned. Lockdowns / testing / tracing were all considered impossible in widespread outbreaks, and the wargames tend to proceed without much expectation that specific policies (beyond treatments or vaccination) can stop the spread of the disease.

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Apr 30, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Very nice of you to provide this. Thanks.

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So did their planning change because massive lockdowns were needed to conceal economic collapse, and that only became apparent in the midst of that collapse?

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So this needs to be confirmed by going to the war game documentation.

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Really? I thought they were.

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no, and it's very hard to get this point across, but it's very important. trying to do contact tracing, testing and closures on a mass scale is impossible and was never envisioned before China tried it in Hubei.

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Test and Trace was always an idea SO STUPID that only government would do it.

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Apr 30, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Yep and why? Because government KNEW it wouldn't have to foot the bill. The taxpayers would. And they knew that any insane costs could be "inflationed off". Anybody in their right mind who would have to pay for test and trace schemes themselves would just back off very, very quickly.

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Not to mention, there were probably some family members or friends raking in those dollars.......

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Yes, it takes a special kind of mathematical ignorance to consider even for a second that ‘contact tracing’ would ever work except in some extremely constrained cases, e.g like an isolated outbreak, small number of cases, remote location, and even then only if you are able to trace and contain everyone within at most one or two days after they got infected (so not even after the infection became symptomatic, but after the actual transfer of virus particles, which is usually days before symptoms).

I could come up with 100s of reasons why contact tracing at scale is a completely retarded idea, but instead I’ll just say this: try plotting n^x for any n and x larger than one, and see what happens… Here n = number of known index cases at t = 0, and x = average number of of new contacts per person per day…

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It should be compulsory reading in schools especially - and, without a mask.

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I fear that this is true.

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Apr 30, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Interesting---I believe that in the EU university education is a function of the state? And in the USA there is a very strong tradition of independent, private colleges (EU "uni"). For us, public universities only got going after the civil war, to promote the science of agriculture. However, it is clear to me that our once 'private' institutions have become de facto arms of the state--my own alma mater, Mount Holyoke College, as I look back through the subject lines of its e-mails to me, shows its "beholden-ness" to the government. My 50th Reunion comes in just 3 weeks; I have decided that I cannot bear to go to that place and those people once the source of such happiness and pride.

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It is true that the United States as a slightly peculiar system, but even the big private American universities enjoy massive government grant funding, special legal privileges, and other things, that make them quasi-state entities. And as you say, they're also very well culturally/socially integrated with the regime.

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Apr 30, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I think the United States has only twelve universities that refuse to accept any money from the federal government. One of the finest, Hillsdale College, was established in 1844 and has always been on the forefront of true human rights. It doesn’t accept any aid from any level of government. Not surprisingly, they have been a clear voice of freedom among American Universities during the current assault on the individual, God, and the family.

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And don't I read Imprimis every issue! Also in its favor, Hillsdale has had a strong Classics program- and V. Davis Hanson!--says this Latin teacher.

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deletedApr 30, 2022Liked by eugyppius
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I was at Edinburgh for a while. I did admire that, for all their posturing and nonsense, they was still a mission there to some degree to, you know, educate and benefit Scotland. US universities feel no such compunctions they are out to champion their brand like any commodity.

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Yes--sent two daughters to St. Andrews--one for a year, the other for four (that one later to Glasgow, then Royal Holloway). The first (after Mount Holyoke) later to Oxford--so we parents had some vicarious experience of UK university education.

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State education = social engineering.

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Indeed--I am a strong supporter of home schooling and actually did it for the 8th grade year of youngest. I want to be the social engineer for my own children! Of course it's too late for me to practice this, but in the past 20 years, teaching in public schools, I have seen ever-increasing reason for home-schooling--and suggested it to one or two of my bright students.

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“Follow the Science” = “Follow the Money”

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Apr 30, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Most Science now just serves to justify whatever the currently fashionable beliefs among our society's professional managerial class happen to be. This is an outgrowth of the increasingly severe competition that exists for funding.

This is why, rather than following whatever the latest Science says, I generally try to stick to simple heuristics, like the precautionary principle. For health this means I look at what people with a long life expectancy have eaten for generations. I don't know for example if aspartame is safe for you, to think we can determine this based on "science" seems naive.

Genuinely competent scientists tend to be the ones most keenly aware of its limitations (see: Ioannidis).

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John Ioannidis needs to be exalted as one of the first honest men with balls to come forward and call bullshit on this catastrophe. He's been eclipsed by Malone and Mccullough but should be always remembered and honored for his early attempted interventions of this madness.

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Yes re: Ioannidis. He and several other "honest men with balls" were interviewed, quite early in the so-called pandemic, in the "Perspectives on the Pandemic" series (on youtube; some of the interviews have been censored or made difficult to find). Scott Atlas was another in that series, speaking specifically about the dreadful effects of lockdowns. Freddie Sayers of UnHerd's "Lockdown TV" (also on youtube) did some excellent interviews of truth-tellers early on. Dolores Cahill and Sunetra Gupta were the first honest women I saw come forward. And Igor Cummins was great with his analysis using graphs of government statistics ("hidden" by youtube but can still be found if you know titles to search for).

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There is really only one thing that will save us from the Pharma-medical Leviathan: thoughtful discourse and exchange of ideas in the public square, and a willingness to counter all the paid-off shouting down from the midwit/dimwit class who purport to rule us.

It's not a good or efficient solution.

One additional thing: the sudden rise to prominence of mid level bureaucrats to positions of "czar" may be accidental / incidental / coincidental, but the RFK Jr. book lays out very clearly the pattern of public health organs to colloquy and sympose and white paper exact scripts for how to bamboozle and then lock down society.

While the rest of us were busy WTFing about Mad Sheep Neil Ferguson's model and projections, they were already 2 steps ahead in the script, ready with players (like Drosten etc) in place to act as universal "thought leaders" toward bad results.

The result is a catastrophe which will reverberate well into the 2030s.

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I recommend another book as well: Duesberg’s “Inventing the AIDS Virus”. It will come as a huge shock to most people that most (all ?) vaccines that hit the market from, say, the seventies on are based on very dubious foundations.

One comes away from reading the Kennedy and Duesberg books with the conviction that a very large part of western health care is one large grift.

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I recommend reading "Dissolving Illusions" by Suzanne Humphries. It goes back to smallpox in the mid 1800's and what has happened since then is eye opening and extremely relevant to what we see going on today.

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The dimwits are actually ruled, too. They prefer it. Failure of the education system.

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Apr 30, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Please continue to include photographs. So nice to see parts of Germany.

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Ja es ist shade dass ich Deutschland nicht mehr besuchen kann .

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So sorry. You must miss Germany very much.

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Thank you for the response .Two reasons I 'm not able to visit again .The Covid insanity and my age . In Canada one can't get on a plane without the venom shots ,even with shots travel would be very unpleasant ,from what I read .At age 86 i'm not fit enough to travel that far anyway .I live in Vancouver Canada since 1957 and was back in Germany many times . Now I only have the memory .

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I understand, since I'm im that age catagory. You come from a beautiful country. My family also came from Germany, but many years ago. Thanks for your remarks.

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Agree. And I love that adorable goat.

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The level of incompetency exhibited across the globe in all of this has been astounding. Drosten may be one of the worse I've seen. All Covid decisions fall on party lines. So much for "Science" being our guidepost. I was always taught to challenge every assumption and cross check then peer review for a very broad consensus. No politics. Those days are over. The "Big Lie" method has taken over public health. Looking forward to the torches and pitchforks. Until then, pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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The worst part is that the new DGB chick is simply the 'disinformation' version of Tony Fauci: Somebody who will say exactly what the admin wants them to say, and who the admin will point to as 'proof' of what they say.

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Bad as Fauci is, the DGB creep is a bit too much. Can't stand even looking at her face. Tik Tok is where she belongs.

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Thousands of private organizations, especially Universities have booster mandates for everyone. Based upon nonsense from the CDC. I have a pitchfork in my shed with a little rust on it.

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Rust with a little fresh manure is more effective.

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A giant was killed by a little boy with a slingshot .

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It's the result of the failed education system. Save the schools to save your society.

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Very fortunate that due to our "system relevant" status here in DE we could choose to continue to send our kids to school almost the entire time. I'm not happy about the pathological testing/masking regime they have endured (and they know it) but others have really missed out on classroom life and teacher/peer contact. I continue to see ripple effects 2 years on in those students who had to stay at home "learning" online.

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Absolutely, I am a teacher and it's more than clear that many students haven't been able to "catch up". When you ask them to discuss their "online schooling" experience, almost everybody will admit they hated it and didn't profit from it at all. Many will say it had a negative impact on their mental health.

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Science, in its purest form, is inquiry, not dogma. Unfortunately scientists have to make a living, too. Even the best and brightest can become so invested in their own theories that they are hostile to anything which contradicts them. Those with the fewest scruples prostrate themselves before institutions and donors. We've seen the latter at work by our rulers' invocation of "follow the science" every time they are called to account for their blunders. It's interesting that both Drosten and Fauci at first said sensible things (Fauci initially opposed universal mask wearing) before being pressured (or seduced by power) to support the senseless and destructive policies we witnessed for the past two years.

Certainly the best cure for such blind obedience to politically appointed "wizards" is the widespread education of the public in matters of science. In my own case, a couple of excellent public school teachers were able to spark my curiosity in the sciences, which kept me active in following publications in journals and the media regarding various advances, and helped my understanding of the world around me. This essentially 'inoculated' me against believing the so-called "experts" during the pandemic without doing my own research. As a result, I am vaccine free and can measure the total time I spent masked during the last two years in minutes. Unfortunately, it also led to alienation from friends, relatives, and colleagues. Those people are conformists who became convinced that I was part of a lunatic fringe of conspiracy theorists.

But, like many of your readers, I refused to give up the pursuit of truth for social acceptance. In fact, I'm taking a measure mischievous satisfaction in hearing their reaction to the unwinding COVID narratives.

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And here's another thing. If "the science" or "the scientists" ever stopped serving the agenda of the political establishment, it/they would be thrown under the bus so fast it'd make our collective heads spin.

If the last two years haven't taught us anything else, it's that the establishment is vicious and will "eat" everyone/everything that stands in their way. No amount of credentials, propriety, knowledge, experience or success can prevent it.

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Apr 30, 2022Liked by eugyppius

It gives new meaning to the term 'political science.'

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Apr 30, 2022·edited Apr 30, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Following "the Science" is 180° from what our policies have actually been.

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all you have to do is find someone claiming to "follow the science" and you can be totally sure that whatever they're doing is absolutely irrational and ridiculous and its justifications bereft of all reason and evidence.

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Apr 30, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I think in a couple of years covid madness might be studied as an example of the "perfect storm" - a bureauracy eager to micromanage all aspects of life

- overwhelmed politicians who do not want to be criticized by the media

- media that thrive on sensationalism

- social media plantforms where much weight and reach is given to emotional and dramatic responses, no matter what the subject is

In my view, it is the media that drove politics, but I do not know enough about the informal networks between politicians and journalists. The do exist, but that would mean that either the more fearful politicians were more successful in convincing their allies in the media to push the "panic narrative", or that the less fearful politicians just had less clout with the most important journalists. Both options are rather uncomfortable to consider.

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